Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, July 25, 2015

gate uses

es ga en;prison gate: Seeing the gate you imagine you are aware your options are narrow, you can create what you think or work with the ideal so i think your creation is able mindedness. Seeing this is to create what you wish so when you do you inter meaning to relate then if you violate or create to procreate you are in jail by violation that leads you to jail. The sentence ends by a . or a period you think to create with or work that is illegal trade otherwise then you are aware.

Seeing how in some are thinking this, I think to not gain mass then you won't as you think eat less to gain or lose weight. to cancel is en es ga or entry is achieved now. think something else or not bother. If you don't bother others then you are non effected or attracted to no longer need to goto shift or shaft to jail. If you think to continue this your point ceases. So if you think to read something then the subconscious allows you to read or fills in by a blank dark screen with words.

sex gate; tThe area is okay by feel if you allow for the other, if the other is willing where your thinking to have sex with them or sex, live trade The sex is the key to somewhere else that you get or create as you wish Think your there then the sexual lust builds as your ability is there to attract. Think to shift then your somewhere as a natural or not there as a point or no use is no longer there As long as you are with sexual feel. the items or other ideal if you can't have children where no sex no lust think to create otherwise. Think so you are aware then the horror ends by now being thought.

this where you say you are is what you think creates items not objects that are roaches. so whatever you want, somewhere you are while visually or graphically aware seeing the point you think your aware by feel or active with area concept. The sex is optional. you could always use a trade gate. this is sex that builds up desire that creates as you consider or need is okay.

dream gate; the dream gate is where you think then suggest as you trick your mind to get somewhere else as you think to be somewhere. this is what you think to consider or not use to create with no lust. dream warrior or other symbols similar are thinking your assured by area feel. this uses sleeping or dreams that you exist with whatever form or shape you wish., Things that happens are sometimes related as a dream or dream vision that cis possible to live or die in yet you never die. Think you woke up to avoid the trouble that could occur by feel.

The process you think you go through to dream gate away is likely to leave you paralyzed so think your back if you don't think, thank to create what you want or work to get. beware the dream images you see as live action as that is a symbol of some area ongoing with dream. don't do this is trying to suppress yourself by no longer allowed activity or all this is is some area by feel Any ideal point is translatable the dream translatable time is easily translatable as ideal time you spend with some hobby.

so this is thinking what you want that isn't what you can get. Any act of suppression is shown with need that seems to be there then goes away as though you wake up or a dream that fades away. The dream is often a way to represent a way to cope. thus a dream within a dream you wake up then wake up again then your awake the dream gate fades away. the rules you make are what you think so your rules are what you consider.

You don't have to follow them. So if need is to kill think to not kill them. This is what you think you sense is the meaning that you think. This transforms a person by thinking or a dream into a lie moment that you don't dream for you wake up from the ideal as the dream state is a mobile. A dream area or drea state is a point by feel to create by the area you think create what you want. So do as you want.

So you create by feel or fear no longer to work as you want. So think as you feel things so you don't have to worry or worry if not allowed is no longer needed. So this is what can leave you prone so think before trying things out. Otherwisss as you move or think you work to create or no longer be. This is what allows or controls lucid dreaming so ur not is this nothing point called limbo. Thats where you are when you dream or work.

Seen as illusion revealed you know what is there. Anything illegal is think is illegal isn't as you are just trying to ontrol yourself or not. Think or no longer allow to create by intuition. Think to work by intuition if allow is the trade word. so you know your own danger. So deny yourself or something there then your awake. So think to allow sometime as you could get too controlling then go off on someone as they are doing something nice.

So a healthy relationship denied could be danger. Otherwise method use is not actually useful.So a healthy relationship is a point represented by sexual need as you due don't think love so your not no longer where you want to be. Don't suppress to no longer do as your aware you know what is there. Don't be to seem, think time to energy user feel. Sometimes if you suppress you need to be or not no longer be desiring. That is to some people, so if you don't need things you won't need the desire. Seen as some people see sex as the object or desire.

  Proven energy is what you think the matrix is what creates. Not to be something if not wanting to get or be that is ideal to prove something. This is the time that I thought about it. This is a point I think should stop as most can do different things or ings.

Don't overdo if you think to do as if you don't need. Don't think to have sex by this to compensate or you'll ot want to stop. This is not to use the ideal of sex. This is the point I think is being. This is never with an existing point by feel. No real desire no real need this is all fake. Occurrence then is the point to desire. Thats why you do it. Think to see a point with the creator. Then as you think you are aware to what is available or a point you don't do unless necessary.

Then you do or do not do things by area indications or feel. Then if you think your free. Your free by what you think. Your not as don't is then obeyed as if a thought. Then you desire as lust dissipates away.Then I think your awake. This is by free exchanged desire or no need no use by usual feel. Don't is then as you do to work. This is then end of my dictation as you think the person or yourself to wake up.

trade gate; think the trade that is the way to shift you to see or seem to be somewhere you think to do as your mind thinks or not as you guide your mind. The trade is the appeasement so your ideal you have with a cool point or cooling off if you don't get along or get a trade..

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