Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, January 4, 2014

The whoer

   This is the idea, that is in use and if you use you will get an interesting result, but not all the time as you work and seem an associative assistant to do with time. As if in with time and out with idea this makes, things as if you are assisted by what is and whom you want. This to work with in time to travel, in many different ways as long as time allows in life. As if time was a kitsune, if in unseen till you need to seem there you can get a positive or gregacious magic fox with illusion by pretending or other in as if idea is there or aura energy seems to manifest by thought in a point with body energy with activity that is magical by an end as result.

  As you think in and by focus, and consider to make work you can get things to work as if in working order as non destroyed and create in focus. As you want the subconscious creates, things in this create a will to feel a need by what you think by feel as source is this if you intend to create by a thought. As this is a whole feeling and what you uncreate reverse, what you wasted and if by possibly no in dispoliage as the point can create the food dispoliage and thought is gone by thought or think not, as this is gone and it is enough to make a different direction in what you choose to create.

   No blood is no war there, as if you want to as if to think no attack will happen. As to think what you want and this will happen. As a peace is there with soothing moment, idea and things in thought are what will vanish if a point thought is not there. As long as the body isn't killed you can get good result, by thought with energy that is a success to create a success and this can act as a ward away to forbid of danger. Something in a thought, causes this state of mind that is removed if thought to work right. There were is a result of what our action is that if to work is accepted for a thought in motion, as if earned in a perception of the truth as this is an act in war by some area.

  This is of an idea that in kindness action is the rule of perception, and by gift the separate self and not there as if this is a soul that use is friendliness an idea in cost as is in lowered value in as thought is with activity in life. That can appear and in create as this watches out and fate can rule, do or no if blood or disaster is a wreck as if this is a thought is there and if the right is kind in thought you are ever aware and awake if no is in a needed concept as "omninopent" as omnipotent ability.

   Isis actions are as if not in focus in idea are a point to correct with by a mention, or so if a point and by separate self or use as a general idea, as an example is by that which can appear like anything as energy cell activity is a thought in what the other self does by example and if you are aware with thought. Seeming in a concept or idea, that is in normal and if manifest it can unmanifest in life. These are a point that is an activity, as with "termed balanced" an is a magic that creates as the idea creates itself. Tell the truth, you gain a soul and don't lie an you won't get a bad bade result in life.

  As natural knowing by natural results is in actions, that as natural results in energy matches what is there to do is to get natural results in biorhythm. That is in difference, with no loop as this is done or not, as not created is don't if you thin as by what you conclude in thought is natural in matching to consider into life and by what thinking is to do in thought or which is matching natural attribute, unless you don't want the result in this method as you think you realize what you did you can seem to know. What a thought, so to not do at the time you think is not done an differently done is done, you are what you think you are equal as equal in ability but not always in body.

  A thought is the mummy when you create and remake, in idea you do or not work with a body and as if doing right. Think as nothing actually works, as if you are a concept by action. As if an ending that is naturally done, as if natural your ability is natural instinct and any action is a thought that is done right. This an example to think about. As if you are a point, you can think right do right and know right or not, as you don't want something to happen.

  Because you think your alike, you can seem to use an attribute and create what you think by focusing on your need, and the spirit helps you by making you realize the idea to use. As you do the reactions that come naturally, by what you seem to know before the moment to what you think and feel that your body does. Think to gnow and as if your about to do, leave the area and the conflict is solved if any is there as if just do or not as nothing happens.

  Then and now if in thought and if about to seem attacked think defense and walk away, as you project the idea of a defense to the target and they might stop or do something else. Stop thinking about the idea, and you stop projecting as they don't think of what you did. There is a 5 minute or 5 second idea that they remember, what they look at unless they focus on the idea to think to know as this is a point in memory. React as if to use experience and know what you do, as you see the exact idea you know what you need to do.

  As this depends on the circumstance, you can create a point to get positive reaction and yet not do if you don't think to seem to do if the idea is unnecessary. As this is true, you can not think attack to know attack or not unless you need to as you can create what you think to create, what you get in life is what you think on and visualize and yet nothing can create what you want if used right.

  As you use the right actions, if a hit you can stop, strike or turn around and think or if nothing to do with the gift naturally. Then what you feel the right action in this is to get the right idea, thought about as reaction occurs naturally as a natural act as if en or not. Unless you think its interesting and manipulate, the scene is by thought programmed energy and that use is energy in idea.

  As you think, you feel it you know it as you can get a positive result if no hits are done. As you think to do you can walk around and do something, as what comes to mind seems there. As you think to realize the correct action, you can feel the need in the aura and project the idea to go as natural. This can manipulate the idea in the right way, as if to make a good impression is to create a good result and you are not in a fight.

  As you realize what will happen if you think to fight, to make is to create and with essence that is from the body. That is extra or not as you are a point in true life, whether befriend in life or not. As you walk away or think, and authorize as if not to be near as if to be a guide god.

The idea with the mummy

  The idea is that the mummy, was helping you and your able to live after death. This is where you can act the mummy and make, as if you are a point to live with what use you can seem to do. As the mummy can create, as if a point you sorta in gather excess from people you regenerate the energy and the recouperating is with the body as the body lives by what you think. The idea you are that is necessary, is what you will seem like as a good thing that makes things alright as if equal to the task as you gnow what to do.

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