Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Warrior magic

The warrior has magical power as well. It is the magic of kinetic motion. What it is be the moment of movement that is focused to create an effect. This effect is the concept of motion which is focused by the warrior's single-minded focus and intent. Imagine the effect you would want and focus it through your motion of body or motion of weapon choice. The thing is to believe that your motion will allow for the effect. There are many things you can do with this.

When traveling, you can speed things up by using your kinetic motion and imagine time speeding up as in a clock. Imagine this clock as it is in normal motion. Now speed up the hands of the clock in your mind while moving and it will speed up time for your group or yourself as it moves. Now allow the clock in your mind to slow down to normal while not moving and this will keep time stable. This method can make ideal traveling time as in minutes from hours to cross a place that would normally take hours to cross.

This method is called the human defense field. While moving in some manner, try to visualize a air field that keeps attacks from touching you. It bounces the attack because of aether and motion of body being linked by mental focus. The better that one gets at this, the less likely they will get hit even by spells themselves.

The human kinetic attack is similar but not similar. This effect goes like this: Focus the motion of the body and weapon in hand to make itself energized. Just feel you body and weapon motion being channeled into an energy effect of your choice on your weapon. Now swing your sword or whatever you do with your weapon at the target of choice.

Flight is achieved through the effect of sudden movement while you feel happy by a happy thought. Gathering your kinetic energy while feeling happy you fly in the air. The happy feeling will lift you up on kinetic motion of the sudden movement. This works most times granting worker the ability to fly at will while in effect and stops working on touch of ground. To help call this into effect say "maijio" (maid-jive-oh) for make fly while with happy thought and kinetic channel. What also helps this, is the usage of chi and han energy to be in the body. So, the body lightens up. Chi energy is summoned from the point called the hara, below the navel. Han energy is summoned from the heart area and it can cause positive strength feelings. Just focus those energies together in the body to cause a lighter feeling, of the body itself.

Kinetic manipulation: The kinetic manipulation is simple because of the fact of imagination. Imagination rules the mind and it also rules kinetic motion manipulation. Imagine the effect needed and focus your movement, into fueling that effect into happening. Allow the motion to cause the effect. This uses your gut feeling to convert it through focus, of your motion making the effect you imagined. Moving your finger in some manner will do it. Control anyone at will without their realization of it. To help call this ability into play is with a stated, "cixp" (sixp) for manipulate people and to 'release control' let go of the controlling feeling that you get or state, "nixp".

Funnel the energy of others including objects into yourself as they do an action. Do this action by imagining a hand scooping energy from the target. Fueling yourself for another action and your own kinetic energies to keep up an assault or do another spell. Drain an emotion to cause the person calmness, drain an enchantment to destroy it or sap the attackers will to stop an attack early. To help call this effect, use: "efunn" (e-fun) for energy drain, "wim" (wime) for emotion, "objii" (objie-in) for object enchantment, "wyl" (will) for will, "e" for energy, "p" for person and "hex" (heex) spell and the action words are "mai" (may-in) for make, "cix" (cixe) for control, "alt" for alter, "fruu" (frue-un) for protect and "nuk" (nuke) for destroy.

The kinetic rune is the focus on the rune using the hand or finger trace in air or on paper to cause the rune to enact temporarily with purpose by intent. Carving it into something may permanently place it into action. The worker can do any rune, hex or sigil with this, as its called in the same manner as runic magic for it uses the same runes or the created sigil, for its effects.

Kinetic antimetal ability is gained from metal focusing and ability to manipulate metals at will and other effects with it. Link to the metal itself to gain the ability, by imagining a picture of yourself and a line connected to metal. This will link you to metal as a source. Imagine the event, desire an effect or speak the desire to gain it. The worker will most often prefer a metallic focus for kinetic energy, like a metallic wand or or metal tool, as it absorbs magic to gain effects serving the warrior perfectly in its use. Long time duration turns the metal focus black. This allows for dead-zones that suck magic, or to get through any shield defense, and summon a negative effect force to defend or attack with.

Choke a person to death using metamagic to cause the throat to close up killing them. This is achieved by the holding out your hands, and imagining the throat of the victims in your hands as you close your hands on thier throat.

Elemental magic power focused by kinetics to the weapon creates a elemental effect with weapon. This effect goes like this,: focus the motion of the body and weapon in hand, to make itself energized with the element of choice by thinking on the element. There can only be one element or a combined element at a time. Feel your body and weapon motion being channeled into an elemental effect, that you thought on,to your weapon. Then use the weapon to gain the effect. Call this ability into effect using words if you want by "maileqyu" (maid-leak-hilt-uh) for weapon power attack. The worker can end it by letting the energy go through a imagined "release" and a letting go of the feeling of the effect.

The elements possible for usage are:
Wild energy,
Fire energy,
Water energy,
Air energy (wide area, lightning),
Earth energy,
Life energy (blessing and life effects) and when layed against wound as for healing,
Nether energy (instant death, void, negative, evil, poison effects),
Astral plane energy.

The combined effects are:
Fire and earth energy for a lava effect,
Fire and water energy for Greek fire with 12 seconds burn damage (and its unkillable fire),
Water and air energy for cold or ice effect,
Wild and any other energy but astral for doubling the effect,
Life and any other energy but nether for elemental healing as in laying a weapon against wound to heal with the chosen element,
Nether and all other elemental energy but life for dealing elemental effects to any creature like werewolves, dragons and vampires,
Astral and all other element's energy but wild energy for attack at any distance as if you were near the target,
Nether and life energy for pain (unconscious) thats 12 seconds or more,
Wild and astral energy for domination (control) from anywhere as if near for one strike of 12 seconds or more,
Air and nether energy for blindness of 12 seconds or more,
Air and fire energy for body nova that causes the struck victim to explode and deals major damage that's effecting all people the worker desires.

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