To weave is to use general energy in a pattern that effects a object, person or area after feeling the separate elements. A mystery compulsion or a weave of control is to do the personal manipulation by a felt to occur mystery, to continue them the manipulated, in an act of whatever idea. The residue effect is to allow a good feeling and pervasive understanding that will come come back if the person dismisses the idea, until the person or weaver unweaves it, the weave, by each part or element. This act of control is sometimes to think on the elements of control and add spirit into it. So the act of creation for this advanced control weave is to make you immune to the damages of those surrounding, where the victim is mesmerized with a slight glaze to the eye. And control is easy to distinguish and dismiss as if it didn't happen, the person is not immune to your effort and yet the mystery compulsion is undetected except by skilled weavers. Allowing the glazed look to not be there and them, the victims, are so for any act told them including themselves.
To weave this in theory is to think on mystery compulsion and then use the pull in of a separate element or elements, and while you pull, try to feel the separate elements or use a flower opening up in mind method and accept it, the separate elements, to try to feel the idea of music to flow through. So to see a black flower open up in your mind allows void control and to feel the emptiness inside become hardness. Then let the hardness of void and space surround the idea of yourself, this is a ultraviolet energy that is unseen except to those looking. Enough use of this is like true source to bring a good feeling that just doesn't disappear unless the hardness isn't felt. As you feel the void, feel the elements as it occurs, but please don't use this on me, the creator of this method. Also this method, is the only way to yield void and shadows without spells.
tried this... lets see it work. I already have a knack for compulsion but I need a form of control because often times an emotion behind a command or statement forces anyone in hearing vicinity to obey.