Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, February 10, 2012

Teleportation spell

  This is how to teleport more easily.

  Step 1. master astral projection. You can learn it here.
  Step 2. go to the place with your astral body where you wanna be.
  Step 3. instead of going back to your body when you're ready to stop, instead do whatever you can to bring your body to you. If you want to bring your body with you, then strongly imagine the total feeling of being at your target location. Focus all intent and desire and do this when you shift. When step 3 manifests, you will have achieved a successful teleportation.

  That itself involves a very good remote viewing ability.

  Once you get good at teleportation, there's also the ability to
transform whilst in the middle of teleporting. Example, you
disappear as a human, and if you come back as a wolf or other formation as with a electric point or Fey form. Sometimes this can work or something similar can appear as if a thought could exist, as though a ball of light. This can form a green candle effect, as to use the core planet energy, as good possibility thought is if a sun to generate money and create effects.

   A thing to notice, you can choose what alternate universe to travel to. Be aware, each one has different sets of laws, rules, moral values,and societies etc.. You think of the alternate universe by thinking on the properties it contains. The properties of the area you travel to become obvious and the world shifts around you. Thus, you choose the alt. universe you wanna be in by deciding to be there.

  In a blink of the eye, you can be there in a spirit form of your choice. Then, you try to at least be there spiritually. You don't shift there physically, unless you build up energy and magic is physically able to teleport you there. Also, you allow the world around you to change by bringing the energy of the alternative to here. The trick is to bring enough of the energy by spirit actions and thinking the energy to here. Then here is there and you are in an alt. world.

 So of course there are multiple realities, but you have to understand. See with the infinite amount of realities at least 10% of realities or dimensions are almost exactly the same as ours. So with slight differences that aren't extremely noticeable, and then you get those that are ultimately different. There are so many that choosing only one is almost impossible, you have to conifer where you want to be as parts of a whole or parts of pieces that yopu piece together as to make a whole.

 Those parts manifested create the "whole dimension" you are looking for with characteristic parts. So of course you will end up with unforseen circumstances, as we are unable to correctly imagine every component of that dimension. Think and just be careful of where you end up, think to be hopeful that you have enough knowledge of our current dimension to come back. So you come out as some different rules could effect or regulate different dimensions. As your aware you know by the dimension that you go, that the creator can create the rules to allow you things or idea that you want to occur.


  1. that is an advanced technique.and is it possible to travel to alternate universes? now what about teleportation using psi-ball method?

  2. Yes it is, the technique is @

  3. I don't want to a pain-in-the-butt about this,but how do you CHOOSE what alternate universe to travel to because each one has different sets of laws,rules,moral values,and societies,etc.(ex.suppose you want to travel to a universe where martial arts classes are open 24/7 or a universe where public nudity in u.s.a. is legal or a universe where dating a celebrity is a reality,or a universe where at 4:00am i can order bbq meat,etc.)these are just examples.I want to prove even for myself that there's more than just one reality.

    1. ofcourse there are multiple realities, but you have to understand , with the infinite amount of realities at least 10% of realities or dimensions are almost exactly the same as ours with slight differences that aren't extremely noticeable, and then you get those that are ultimately different, there are so many that choosing only one is almost impossible, you have to conifer where you want to be as parts of a whole , and those parts manifested create the "whole dimension" you are looking for with characteristic parts, and ofcourse you will end up with unforseen circumstances as we are unable to correctly imagine every component of that dimension ... just be careful of where you end up, and be hopeful that you have enough knowledge of our current dimension to come back

  4. You think of the alternate universe by thinking on the properties it contains. The properties of the area you travel to become obvious and the world shifts around you. Thus, you choose the alt. universe you wanna be in by deciding to be there. In a blink of the eye, you can be there. Then, you try to at least be there spiritually. You don't shift there physically, unless you build up energy and magic is physically able to teleport you there. Unless, you allow the world around you to change by bringing the energy of the alteranative to here. The trick is to bring enough of the energy by spirit actions and thinking the energy to here. Then here is there and you are in an alt. world.

  5. Then, the differences become obvious by the actions that are done.

  6. i think SERIOUSLY you need to make a document called ALTERNATE UNIVERSES:CREATION AND SELECTION,add a few techniques,brief history,etc.Because with all the drama going on in this universe,it's time to enjoy life and be free in other universes.

    1. Your right, I will when you least expect it.

  7. How is that new document coming along? and you should also make a document solely on gating.different methods,invitng physical beings from different time periods,alternate timelines,etc.and some moral values with them.And one for apportation.summoning objects from dream worlds,alternate timelines,from dimensional spaces,etc.into physical reality.

  8. I would like to know if you have tried teleporting from one place to another and if it actually worked?

  9. i tried the psi-ball method and it actually worked and a good teleportation tech. for beginners

  10. Umm , is all of this real like can anybody do it or do you have to have like magical powers or something ?

    1. Anyone can do it, with a connection to the subconscious.

  11. Yes its real.. your subconscious does it. If you don't have a good connection to your subconscious, then it won't happen easily.

    1. I had a fully conscious obe at age 15... teleported in front of witnesses in 2002. Want to repeat. Takes serious mental focus and strong heart intent. I caused a small earthquake when I teleported. Witness told me.

  12. Hi, thanks for sharing. Do you feel more or think more? Its rather difficult for me because my desire completely overtaken once i am in. How do you stabilize and control it? My consciousness is at my chess not on my head if start to think i loose it. Its dizzy :)

  13. wait,how can i bring my physical body with me?

    1. Hrmmm, experiment and see.

    2. Strongly imagine the total feeling of being at your target location. Focus all intent and desire.

  14. You Need To Make A Page On Alternate Universes And the Properties You Can Choose.

  15. did it work for anyone on here?

    1. How fun this is, as this makes for what you think this method can or can't work as you think to create or not for the fast effect not to be done except for things that you can get to create by the creator. Yes this works for me and a few others with energy that is thought from the core sun of the planet.

  16. The mind is a wonderful gift we have, creativity a power like no other. We have our desires, but yet, to reach true enlightenment;
    Does one really want to go to alternate universe?
    Why do you think you will be happier by going to an alternate universe?

    Stop this immaturity and selfishness, and instead of trying to run away, you make a change in this world we live in now, and make it a better place in which all the being on it could be happy and live in peace and harmony with one another.

    We don't need to run away from our problem or difficulties, then we'd classify ourselves as weak.
    Instead take a stand, fight for what is truly right, and make this earth back to how it was when it was just at the peak of completion of it's creation; Pure.

    Hope this puts a positive thought about Life in your minds. :D

    1. Change Can Only Start With Us..Until that Happens..Of course would be looking at alternate universes.

    2. What immaturity, what selfishness, we are all trying to find shelter from things that harm us, how are we to make changes to ourselves when there are other people who need the changing more than we do, there is no reason to classify yourself as weak when there is sometimes no choice but to run. peace and harmony is not going to come just like that. As long as there is racism and sexism there is no peace and harmony. And some people just may be curious to see how it works too, don't just think everyone's running away from something.

  17. does this really work ?



    hello to the every one on this forum ; am here to share my experience with dr oriomon about what he just did for me last week , for helping to reunited with my ex lover Mavis who broke up with me after 2 years of relationship because of his families did not like our relationship . but after Dr oriomon of has done his wonderful work for me i was so shock when i saw Mavis calls on phone asking me to come back to him that him is ready to stay with me and beg his families to love our relationship and he actually did so and with a support from DR ORIOMON his parents that never wanted to see both of us promise to sponsor our wedding by December as we are planing now . so with this great work done for me by DR oriomon i promise not to stop telling others about his good work in my life , so if any one also need his help here i will advice you contact him to via ( bye



  19. I want to ask if really anyone.did that.. should i keep believing or lose that. Need read answer and help

    1. Yes as you see if it worked it worked.

    2. Can u help me .. How can I contact u. Would love to see a prove .. Need it really

    3. I would really like if I can contact u .. My mind is going crazy ....

    4. Mr.spelly.. can i contact u.. need some answers

    5. I am wondering if you can understand this by unrealized result your unrealistic think to use reasonable terms to get away like that. That is your attempt was to use me as my subconscious to get away yet I se sa na to create some use by some error I saw what you created as seen the sermon idea was great but you misapplied in thought so you were with no reason to be there. So you see I suspect the idea is not unused yet nothing can shift as not reasoning is the incorrect language. So try to think to use idea from scanning the area with reasonable language, see or no going is steering away to not be there. That is what the era of passengers by use is no more. So see no more despite the use or law will get you next time. You narrowly escaped by a second glance or see time to see this, created field to your own time or space. See time to create better use misuse or use is up to you in by idea as ce no feel. See is the use your wa is your way or wave focus to create some area energy that causes.

    6. So use is the best way is to create by the though point to use the view in results. See to sense or use to create is focus words, ce as "si no mi" as you see this is a jump in longevity so if no results no prob. This is no crash no prob no trouble. You have almost kille me as I was flying with my bro jay. So lets say your luck is more than there. See as you are your a cool person to try the idea posted. See this is your use for now, focus to see correct language to ya use so you see. Being prepared you are always or not able to see the way to use sunlight. So think of the starlight thinline or think line to half the distance or seen halts the distance interpreted that walk across time is costing you so stop. The solar stars are able to form light to cause mass or matter. Think to use solar energy, that is think "bij use" to use light to walk across to dumb or deaden yourself to solar use as in is the area arranged by feel. If allowed to stay you shift or you no to sej inh seh, as if I see to set the course I realize ni what I create. That means you see or create area to use then by focus or the area is your way by focus energy as you think or you walk to go seeable oh not be there.

    7. That is the best way of broken leg travel as you shift you travel to trip to create "se nej see se" to cause miss understanding, then you find your travel halted by car to shift again to a say or other area or think of area then use "to" no dark as need or "no to neces sae" till you see or focus you are not as sa no more use unless necessary.

    8. No say is no more. This doesn't do what cancels idea our way. That is useful to plu noesi ci to shift easily. So in this isn't by as thought or indicate what you want, then say the word or focus is interest as you think interest by feel. "Noe sae more" is useful to use yet noe is say so your no more. This is the formula you can use or feel by not slow or to quicken is revert.

    9. Can you show prove and teleport to me!!!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. The best way to teleportation is by using a spirit, far easier meathod.

    1. They can take you places? Which ones?

    2. Whatever you think is safe.

    3. I mean which spirits?

    4. the spirits that won't take things from you.

  22. This takes cooperation in understanding by use feel or no more used contact till no contact or walk away or not eat as eating is better health yet water is use. The page is email or noted comments to think you know the language, so then you can get the idea by soul use or the aura in use. "No noe sae" is interesting not to disrupt you, as you got it from the teeth of a teenager life.

    1. you have to cooperate with the people of another place or time throught the spirit that is where no use or ideal is focus to work. the act alone can cause hunger or area energy surges so think to use water to create better weight, with use by drinking as you meditate to shift by teleporting you think to see or seem as you are aware. the soul use is what shifts you, if you think to shift by use with the soul. feel is important to detail what is there.

    2. some area is deadly though, so this is thinking this is the end for us so think again before coming. i know this for i am with mental illness by this or going through the area.

    3. thats what the spirits indicate.

    4. if the person's inopportune then you see something.

  23. Replies
    1. think the object goes somewhere then the object is there or gets there somehow. thats what the spirits indicate by sign to where this goes when this goes with what occurs. this doesn't always work.

  24. There is a distinct "pop" when this happens, it hurts, and can block the astral body for YEARS. I did this one time and a child (about 13 or 14), and hurt myself badly, in the spirit. Any way to ease the transition? I want to be able to do this again, but the past experience was so painful.

    1. use grape juice or oregano with celery seed to relieve the pain.

    2. otherwise then to distract yourself think your away or there, then you are by thinking your away distracting your mind from this by thinking this is the shifting by gravity or area energy thats teleporting until you think your done unless you don't want to do this then you can.

    3. Thank you for the advice, any other thoughts on overcoming the fear from the past trauma?


  25. I have never given a testimonial like this before, but for any doubters, let me tell you Dr. Todd is the REAL DEAL! His work, time and advice are invaluable. I only wish I had found him sooner in my life!! I contacted Dr. Todd regarding a lost love. I was pretty much a mess and willing to try anything to get this man back. After my initial consultation with Dr. Todd, I moved forward with the work he recommended. Even though he was very forthright by saying the chances of our reconcile were very slim, I felt I had to at least try and it was worth the cost for his services. He stayed with me every step of the way, any time I had a question or concern, he replied back to my emails usually within hours. The work we did was to heal myself and not as focused on him, which now in retrospect, is exactly what I needed. Todd's email:


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