Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, February 15, 2016


This is a buddy system that I thought up.

Daart thought; This is from the dark dimension most notice, as your dark with dark twisted thoughts that you notice there. So I thought as I were with no static and perceived think then you are aware or this is untwisted, as though heard otherwise no virus is detected as there is none. Then my mic is heard by feel or ideal, that is the point I thought this is the point I know. I wake up then go as I sleep otherwise.

That most people are aware, so if they must do this so they may react until a given reason not to react this is use by feel. So this I see is a point I feel that is where or what you think, see that forms reality if the creator changes by alteration to things. So things work as they are aware or alert to work.

This is what is conclusion to me as I think I got things fixed so this is ideal, so I am aware till or so I am sure this works so if use is useful an they are spellike. As they are then they are free to do what they want, this is use by the feel you have or thought. By acting or imagination that exists otherwise, if needed or use is what you think so you are set or secure.

An I saw a point that is some example with this. Thought is this works by gathering darkness or space with light energy, from the strength that you use to work with the stars by feel. The aura is the area shifter then you think to release. Then you release energy to the body to create what you are thinking. So seeya around as I think. Then things for you to fix are gone or there.

Daart thinking; Think in a point then as that is a point to do your in though, as thought is a point by void that is the use you think to create by feel. That is thought as a point there where you are aware, then thought is the point you do or don't do this for revenge. As you ignore the evil voice that is there is gone. This concludes this session.

Dark light of dark use; Dark light or light energy is use by ideal that you think to work, otherwise nothing is not as then you create by the focus with works by worlds to work with some an ideal. Focus points are the stars energy where this is stars use by the creator using the subconscious, that is that so what you think floats up and away is use.

So think then use things by focus where, think then your focus is energy that causes what you think to the use. Sometimes by touch as this is energy as things formed by the stars with use. Then you think the area energy is whatever you think is used ideal. So think as your thoughts gather energy, then focus then you do. The use then is explosive energy focused at the bug, think then the bugs die by shared neutronic energy with electrons.

That is passed along so thinking, that is with things that you think to manipulate. Then you focus energy to create what you think, so omnifocus as use is use with an ideal light explosion that is for show. Otherwise you think to speak then you get reaction, so think of an appropriate use then you can create nearly anything by no fear or necessary actions taken.

Dark light use; Use is light energy to work with another then think, as things are aware or weird as you think energy to objects. Then the objects work so think then you are aware. Think not to attack, then you are aware to what you create.

So I shall stop by as I stop, then this is asked as what do you want so ask things about the person. Then point things out in their mind then think, as you focus that the thought exists no pain.

So you create as you want to create ideal is direct focus, thought is a small part of the universe so think to the brain as you create. As you want or wave a hand as you suggest, then you are a focus point where things change around them or yourself that means by focus you think then feel different. For things that you change are an aware point. Think then you create by released energy. This is the energy from solar stars that do exist for this.

That is the point you create by ideal so think as things are thought by through energy, so if you think as your aware that is what you thought. This is obvious as a thought energy for things to feed on, so think no as you don't feed the bugs or no as you overwhelm by imagining a white radiative bioelectric light. Beaming forth or radiating forth to strike with all the bugs. The bugs then are dying as they are small.

So this is restorative by the feel, not always so bad or retributive so think. Just think then as you act to create is the point, then your focus is thought to work with the ancestors or think your ability. This is light by tactics with some ideal points with area light.

So that is to knock out the person or to let them focus, as that lets the person work spiritually then you create with ideal. As the person is done spiritually, they rejoin the body then are aware as they awaken once more by feel. This is the dark light tactic used on a jedi to give him the win I saw.

Light use; Use the lighter impulse energy or unessential untapped potential light energy, as you think to objects to lift up or do as you want. So you don't create what you don't need to do, see to create something good for once so think then you are aware.

The end; Their use is their end, as they think the end then the end of the age occurs by feel or isn't not ended. So think as you shift away from the volcano or outside area to go other places, that you are capable or can seem to go by spirit.. As their use is where their spirit can see or can go, where they sometimes cannot. This is by feel that things occur, so think if things happen then they are aware by awareness.

The creator can create a place or you are with an area. If there is a burial is instead sometimes cremation as the body on shift collapsed to the floor. I think this is a point or killed by things ideal. Think then as your aware as this age ends, then you are where you want to seem or go.

So when done or thought on realizing the ideal, their body they have at the moment is there following suit or not. As the creator controls by manipulation the body, that is there so they don't kill themselves to return. So enjoyment is what you think, where things are where they are they are easily shifted as the body shifts. Think then go as you are where you want to go.

This is use with the spirit, as this creates by the distance that is emulated by some area negated by the spirit. So you know by a point or mark where you go. So you are left behind think to go where you want to go, then you are free to do adventure elsewhere. You can go anywhere by this technique. As you think the way then are travelling by feel.

Non fight is flight occured as you wait 10 seconds, others count to ten as you think of things to undo the feel. As I think if were non fighting then were good to go or come as one would think. This is just arguing as were then thinking so nothing biggy.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting insert for inserting interest into the packet of pamphlets. This is interesting because my pants have no space to use to sit by the feel.

    A cavity in the tooth is an unseen or seen whole that needs filled. A cavity in the ground is falling foot forward which if unseen could mean your death. It could be filled but if you just fell the area is transformed into your grave and this is perhaps not ideal unless you have been taking flowride filled Pro sack.

    Gravity as measured where you measure here where you are is craving ground feels. This is a misread dataset perhaps. The craving is real as TSKN by the feel. The word when observed by projection lacks the craving pull and makes more orbital elliptical ideals. This is all created by the ideal while not projected tho, so keep this mind. All these floating flights, are proven by ground cravers. This view is unsettling for me, but who cares.

    If I projecting upwards abroad Heyseuxz will give me the goods or not, I will be nice anyway. If I need a zeus of my own I suppose I could just create by the feel. This is proving that our intelligence is rather artificial which is actually reel. Enjoy your meatings.


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