Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, July 5, 2009

A thing about vampires

  What more about magical type beings than the vampire.

   Vampires are an immortal human race created by Morrigan the despised who was the first and now is an archon, or vampire elder who allowed no prey to escape. They are led by their desires of blood into destructive but deadly acts. They have no conscious except for the fact of social conduct guiding them for they are born out of an act of death. This death happens like this: A young woman is killed violently and improperly buried by a priest and when the death occurs, the burial is on a full moon or moonless night. 1 full moon later, the corpse arises out of the grave in perfect condition as a vampire. This example came from the 1700's.

   Their abilities are to not be affected by sunlight so the stronger a vampire, the less effected the vampire is by the sun. A very strong vampire can look directly at the sun and the vampire will only see red haze flashes if glancing at it and the dawning of a sun can kill them. They can very easily fly because they have such direct focus of thought. Unhingable jaws are very much apart of the vampire that allows them to bite the neck and unnatural strength comes from the lifeblood of animals, humans and any other thing that has blood including rare steaks, yet blood is not the only thing they drain as food and drink is also possible for them for tiding them over. 

   They can teleport by will alone at least once a day but the stronger vampires can do it more often, because of their focus of will lending strength. They also have the ability to become very fast and approximately in a blink of an eye they can do ten to twenty things, if they focus their mind on it at once. The minds of vampires are part of a universal conscious that transcends time itself and acts like a beehive conscious that is separate and with equal wills.

   The body of a vampire can mesmerize anyone who gets near and they only have to say something and its like a magnetic force compelling people to listen. They heal extremely quickly and regenerate any lost limb. The most awe inspiring ability of the vampire is to do magic because of their focus of mind and ability with power manipulation due to immortality makes them very strong magical users that I would say at a archmages level. To get near them there is a possibility to become like them, because as you are near thier aura presence corrupts the body more to being like them. Having sex with them will speed up the process and this includes to touch them and be bitten by them. Finally, they are immune to all diseases making the vampire able to stand a raging plague untouched. That is a vampire in a nutshell to my mind.

   Their is another version to the vampires and they come from the astral plane, the dimension of dreams. They are the astral vampires and they don't need blood because they eat the energy from anything near them instead by draining it. The blood is already in their veins because it comes with the form they choose to be and they can choose any form as they are natural shapeshifters. They are eternal beings and the sun or electrical is their major energy source, and night time's magic flow is the second largest energy source for them. Energy vampires don't need to eat but their bodies can get into the habit of it, because it is also energy. 

   Demons can also be eaten by them but with care of possible mental usurping. They are neutral to each other and due to the energy intake, they have greater abilities in magic and their abilities are at magus level at most. Some even have mind abilities which they use to great effect. They tend to do less and are less active than men because all they have to do is think about something and it may occur. The thing to watch out for is their dark urges which can control them because it is a part of their basic nature. This makes it possible for them to do destructive acts instead of positive. Because they are magus level mages, they can easily undo the event.

   They can control someone with their presence instead of just mesmerizing people. Their bodies are true energy that can take any form and shiftshape easily. Because of this they can lift a hefty 8000 lbs item when trying with focus of mind and enough energy to lift that amount of weight in a weightlifter body shape or angry. They also share those abilities as with the blood vampires and their abilities extend to time control. All they have to do is touch someone and they transform a person from within, and it is undetected when it happens. The transformation is by the fact that the persons energy source is eaten from within, and they become a new person when the body dissolves leaving only the power of the soul and their memories. 

   They could elevate a blood vampire to their state of being and the only way to kill an energy vampire is to drain it of energy completely and keep it from that energy for 24 hours. The body they formed will remain alive as if a saint's body, but their will is dead if they are killed and if resurrected, they will be normal humans. The only undestructible thing about them is the body they form and they can reform the body, if it gets wounded enough and if they get defeated they come back 3 times as strong but not strong enough to lift a vehicle.

   They are bound by the the energy of a deal due to the intensity in the deal making and the sharing of wills while doing it. If they break it they will suffer unknown penalties thus they never make an oath unless they mean it. If hired, they must do the job without fail whereas they can break an oath without penalties, if it was broken by the other party in some manner including attacking them without warning. When they listen to a song their energy is tripled thus they are guided by the song but not controlled. Thus the things they think about tend to happen and they are elevated by their mood in power. 

   In anger, they can cause the sun to go red or any other event that their anger desires. In love, they can cause other matings as they do a mating. In sadness they cause sadness without trying and in hurt feelings, they can make their enemies hurt three times worse. When desirous or jealous, the mood of others surrounding tend to match. They do have a conscious because it comes from ages of living thus they will attempt to keep living instead of causing death unless disturbed where they won't fight yet allow others to take over unless they resist. The energy vampire is a walking demigod according to these facts.

   The facts don't affect the vampire like diseased people, who are different through pofyria or porphyria thats a vampire like disease giving the victim all the symptoms of a vampire. Most pofyria are not well accepted in society, and don't have the same abilities except for the strength and speed. There is no actual cure except death as they are semi-immortal but with thier death the disease is spread.

   Here you can read about species and breeds of vampires. You can find more from the info above and here @ the parasitic energy theory doc as probable abilities and here are some that I know that are possible clans with other unique abilities:

  Shape Shifter- Sasuta are a people who sees a person, thing or thinks of the idea to become it in full. It doesn't matter what shape but all that matters is if it wants or desires to become the shape as it has no true shape but a clear no substance gel form. It consumes energy to fulfill the shape from any source possible by taking the energy from whom or what it wants. It evolves a shape from pattern and it remembers all shapes its been so it can form into any shape any time. These people don't admit to being a vampiric breed and act as dopplegangers.
  Zeva is a zombie vampire or Vampire who is in undeath and hasn't made the full vampiric conversion thus has repulsive scent, almost rotted body, can't digest food without uncontrolled swell and can be mistaken for living undead as they have no soul. 
  There are daywalkers or dhampires thats stronger and far more flexible than full Vampires, being that they only walk at night. Product of a vampire father and human mother. They posses all of the traits of a vampire, but none of the weaknesses. As they grow older, they begin to wield innate ability. All must be embraced at some time in maturity, usually around, the human age of 18 or older. If a Dhampire is not embraced, he or she will slowly go insane from the blood hunger that consumes them, and die of starvation as their digestive system changes to accept only blood for nutrition. The most outstanding difference is that they can bear live children. 
  They do lust for blood, but can control it, although they grow weak and begin to lose their powers if they don't feed. Normal foods can take the place of blood for them but their bodies will be expanded by the food greatly. During the day, their fangs shrink to a hardly noticeable size and as long as they are not grinning. During the night they grow excessivly and are impossible to hide. Their eyes are red or the color of choice by magic, their skin pale, hair most oftenly black or magically chosen. If a Dhampire is slain, they can be revived as long as the head is intact. 
  As for aging goes, the appearance of a Dhampire ages to about 25 years. from then on, every 10-15 years equals one year of age in appearance for the Dhampire. They can surpass other vampires in strength, including the Elders and drinking large amounts of blood turns them more and more vampiric, drink lesser and they will stay more human. And lastly, the Dhampire's can walk in the sun tho they can only withstand it for so long. For prolonged exposure to the sun can cause a Dhampire to feel the effects and be weakened. The older the Dhampire, the more sunlight they can withstand and they can withstand a dawn without death. Dhampires are elemental masters able to manipulate any element at will and are natural shapeshifters. 
  Vampsu are Star vampires that sunlight regenerate, usually carrying a star gem of any variety. This is for their source of power and in shadows they are weaker without the gem. 
  Vampyl are Wild vampires that kill all prey on site with no moral regard. They go on hunts daily for anything living to torment first and kill later as an animal would its prey. They can seem or look absolutely human including their deaths and they can surprise their victim by coming back or "steal" another body as they are body stealers.
  Azeman are Counting obsessed, night animal shifter, day female human shifter, vampire race who can be fooled, by using scattered seed or a broom across the entry. 
Elmvap or elmvamp are Elemental vampire that feeds on elemental energy, of the type of element it represents at the time to survive and able to manipulate the represented, elemental energy at will and can turn into a elemental of represented element type, in any shape. Elmvap can also mesmerize at will some people to doing something against thier will.
  Dhiampolie are the vampires of a northern norwegian tribe in Norwegia. They are celtish in origin yet maintain the celtish religion to some degree and to become their friends, speak of the celts or the norwegians in some degree. Speaking of things they dislike and they dislike what they liked before unless its pointed out that their idea was correct, gets instant assault. Salt will block them from an area due to natural belief in magic or other ability, if in enough quantity. It seals them like any evil spirit from the area when, used in a ritual circle or spell.
  Panopolist are like humans except for they are born with fairy blood before they are taken. These vampires will monopolize or disrupt that which are very hard to understand. Any idea that are very interesting will be attached to the controlled area or region that they would want to work with. Give them an explanation or reason as in a tip to the future to drive them away or to work with them, as they will do as desired to control the insane and criminal but leave alone the humane. These people are like energy vampires in ability with probability to annoy the lawful.
  Royvap or royvamp that suit the purpose of police yet without having joined the police, but through pressure they would join up if they could. On the surface they seem always polite and humane. These vampires willingly do their job and destroy the criminal as they try to capture them. When the criminal is "stunned" by mentally seeing what the vampire thinks is wrong, they move in or force by circumstance to get them public or "ruin" their image. To evade them, think a positive and nice thought to use this as "evidence" of innocence and whenever they mentally ask you about it, lie or tell a white lie as a reason that misleads the law vampire to something else or some other area. Their tendency is to live awhile in a family environment till death by gunshot or physical wounds in the heart by something with lead in it.
  Archon or Vampire elder are vampires able to outlast the vampire, and live over 500 years. They are called on to end dispute while they observe the circumstances, and rule the clan normally. Elders are stronger than vampires but weaker than daywalkers. Yet they are more ambitious of most vampires. When hurt they leak bluish blood and they heal slower, thus the archon try to be an unknown observer, for the same reason and to state they are so old to avoid attacks. They have manipulation ability and very good psi capacity, while being strict disciplinist.

Day Walker and skyhawk

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