Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The difference between Ghosts and Soulbonds

Modified on 2/27/2010

 The difference between a ghost and a soulbond..

 Soulbonding is many things. It is a discipline. It is a hobby. It is a lifestyle, also its fronting personalities.

 It's a way to connect empathetically in means of thought, feeling, and emotion with one or more "fictional" beings through a means of building a bond of love, trust, and devotion with the being. The being can be a multiple personality, as well. You feel their feelings, hear their thoughts, and, sometimes, experience their pain, on a level that can only be described as a bond of the soul.

The way of soulbonding is amazing as you can front the soulbond by reaching out and thinking of the soulbond or personality. Think of him or her that want to front. Then allow the person to speak through you by thinking the person is. That his or her every move and speech is impulse until you decide otherwise, and some call it chanelling. If you decide otherwise, think the person isn't speaking through you. The person is not able to control you unless you allow it to happen.

 Soulbond magic is similar as to make things happen by allowing the soulbond to be doing the effect. It can use your body's bio energy to manifest nearly anything, sometimes by you telling the soulbond to do it by instructions. There have been cases where the soulbond was a demon in disguise. So be wary in doing soulbond magic.

 There are obvious limitations to this, so lets explore them as a ghost can be different from a soulbond. Most ghosts are interesting but scary to some and interesting to others without the scare. Ghosts in general can use more than most types of energy and can possibly do tk (telekinesis). Sometimes or most times they can do this by manifesting there where they are and lifting the object to throw it or just hold it.

 You would think they're same with soulbonds though. No their not as soulbonds can go where you define or think that they can go as anywhere in there own world. Ghosts can go only where there's enough energy and they don't leave an area that they haunt unless you feed them energy. Though soulbonds have a will of their own, they're similar to ghosts.

 If you think you have a ghost or soulbond, test it and the how to is ask it to go somewhere without you feeding it outside the area your in and where they haunt. If it can go then its soul bond, if not then its a ghost. Due note, if you can tell them "I banish you from the area" while believing your will is enough and powered by God then they might go outside their area using the energy of the ban to where you banned them. Both soulbonds and ghosts have their own energy but the ghosts energy only sustains them in an area and sometimes this is where there is objects that it uses to fuel them or as they do things to fuel themselves they stay in an area and haunt it as a wandering soul.

 Although the soulbond are known to raise energy of those they are near, they can raise you up in energy to cause effects if you ask them or when they feel like it. Where a ghost can possess you to give you energy. Ghost making is like calling one to hang around with you. Quidji board, is like ghost making I think.. except it calls a demon to serve you so it can exonerate itself and escape hell for a small time. Some think there are hellbound people, that live pure. But they don't wanna go hell yet so they stay on this earth.

 Some are heavenly bound as one I know calls them. He came round two of them, where one was a hellbound and the other was heavenly and could speak spanish. Anyway they are like ghosts and soulbonds but most ghosts act on spite and emotion, where the soulbond acts by feel on the thought in idea. As they are somewhat imaginary friends.

 Know that some ghosts are trapped by old bones laying about. As into an area you can feel their presence on the bones. As they use the bones as fuel for their effects. So they don't wanna go by throwing things and acting out. I find it amazing there're some ancient magicians who succeeded to stay alive in an inorganic form in this world. That's true and when they lack of power, they stay in their graves and waiting for 'power food'. Some of them still have many allies as they might be as liches, their friends are like djinns and ghosts. Well I know, that the liches are sometimes the ancient magicians power form an they can kill a man by sucking his power.

 Now for the idea that came up about this...

 Soulbounds as described above are part of 'imaginary friends' and part given reality by belief. What you believe they can do, they will do if necessary or if they can they will. Where with ghosts: there's so many variations to go on, the made-by-belief similar enough to soulbounds, the dead-person-who-lingers, and depending on how exactly you define 'ghost' theres many other types. As in the thought of good living, your life is what you consider. As you can then make anything happen.

 If you consider yourself better or decent anything else can fall under the category; demon, dragon, kitsune, phoenix, anything else astral and beyond. Though the 'night terror' people from the 12th dimension come to mind. As they are mostly ghosts tuned into 6th dimensional energy, that is there is blood energy is use that is there and surviving. By 6th dimensional energy doing terroristic acts, this shortens the life longetivity so think before you use this.

 On the ghosts made by belief similar to the soulbonds. Technically when I think about it. The two are one and the same. As long as the soulbound wasn't brought in from some other distant plane of existence/other reality. Example: a character brought from the bookworld dimension, then they're one and the same. Rather, as long as the soulbound was created rather than 100%-pre-existing. Some soulbounds are probably either already existing, or brought from some far-off corner of bookworld (mangas/etc).

 On the ghosts that are dead that linger. They... are used to sitting around... well most of the ones i've encountered just sit there. As drones. At least, the ones that are bound to an area. The run-of-the-mill 'houseghost'. They wanted something else to happen before they died; an incomplete goal, whatever. So naturally, they stay and haunt. Some ghosts have varying degrees of power, but generally haven't seen many that were that strong...then again, some deceased that linger are included in the ranks of demons and angels and some of the astral elite that some have encountered though you would never guess it at first glance.

  Yes as they are spiritual, they can turn demonic which is benevolent by the feel. But not all of them are demons. Not all of them even have the potential to become demons. As some people linger because, say, they forgot to feed their cat that day. So I practiced this ideal. Thinking to draw one I did and then died.

 I was of then the soul bond, until the creator restored me. As how animals occasionally stay, after death, to remain with their masters. People can be just as attached to pets. I think then especially ones at near-death ages would kill the body to not have it alive after. So as I think by the subconscious this is useful, sometimes the right suggestion is use.

 Where the order or chaos is thought to not have the soul bond turn on you. This is where you can think the area point then think to use the ideal. Then state or think the ideal then you create the bond, as you think to help then you are aware. If you think not to help, then your awareness of them disappears.

 This is not what causes this as it is the negative feeling, they feel as though an empath from you that turns them. So think positive then by subconscious regulation the point they work with is by your area, where as you think to use a soulbond then you know or are aware of them.

 The bond is gone, if you think to use the ideal they have. This is because they are aware of what they think where they did specific things, then they are not wanting you to go through what others did or used. That they setup by the ideal or went through.

 How you define them as a ghost what then? The word 'ghost' makes me think most often of a weak spirit which lingered after death. Or a weak spirit in general, generally location-bound. It all depends on how you define ghost though as someones ghost is possibly another ones idea of something else and vice versa. And depending on how you define ghost, there are possibly many other variety.

 This brings to mind necromancy, or the art of the dead, and that a large part of the necromancy field is an art intended to help the dead get to the 'other side'. It depends though on the necromancer, as some of them excel to make them stay here, some make loopholes in life to bring them from dead. Where some are just into concepts.. and glitches, but I don't think you can do the dangerous stuff without certain ends meeting. As they could do stuff and end up staying in concept but get different results.

Presented by Skyhawk
From Blackinferno and Libertine

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