Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, July 13, 2009

Shield magic

  Their are many different types of shields with varying degree of success, at deflection for attacks not including physical unless its possible ae certain shield types like "void", "air barrier" or "magick" shields. that allow for different ways and approaches for activation attempts. These are to be any activation that you want to protect or hinder the attacker. If the shield drives away trouble and or somewhat deflects, inverts by minimizing or absorbs the excess damages or energy then it may work. Feel freedom to mix and match the effect through the words below yet here are some spells for the absence of the danger hat has made some shields successes as it ls.

  Magick barrier be "adigo cingulas confero aevus cingo" and as description above. A void barrier shield be the "voidus cingulas cingo" to get a full barrier effect that can mute the sun. Barrier shields, earth shield, inverted void shield and chaos are a basis of polymorphy shield by "cingulas ancile voidus inversio chao cingo". Dispersive shielding is the shield that disrupts the bad by "an ancile".

  Fireshields are the shields that return energy to the attacker by three times the effort. The basis of adverse earth, barrier, shield protection and deflection shield by "penetro cingulas chao ancile commendo defendo cingo". Defenders lightning shield, is "defendo cingulas multus cingo" said ae english. Crystal protection be to use barrier, soul shield, void shield and shielding to form "cingulas animus visus voidus cingo" and makes a untargetable except up close shield that be hard to break.

Shielding is the group effect of all the shield elements. This is all aspects of shields that can work for you. The shielding of a person will protect until overcome in some manner. 

Barrier shield is that element giving protection you from all hazards by a solid air field to protect you. An earth shield also reduces damage by a certain amount and removing the damage after. This element can be called a ward barrier It can be resolved through a shield breaker or slow infusion of energy till overwhelmed or dispersed.

Shield is the earth shield. This element protects you from all hazards or disruptions. An earth shield also reduces damage by a certain amount and removing the damage after. This element can be called a ward. Another version of this is 'an ancile' that disperses and disrupts the bad. 

Adverse Earth is the pass through element. Use of this element allows for bypassing anything with the effect of choice. Make shields that are impassable for any spell. This element is fought to made to work as adversity is used to fighting. Another name is passthrough.

Chaos is space and ether and is also Strife Earth. Chaos warps and changes anything as it is ether combined with space. So, you can use it to morph things, warp effects, or as a shield to bend attacks or spells.

ancile commendo
Shield Protection is the lava shield. This element keeps you absorbing excess damage and protects from all hazards. Lava shields also reduces damage recieve and remove damage on the body and returns the damage to the atacker. Another name is the restoration shield.

Subtractive fire is Reverse. The power of Reverse is the power to render any attack effect opposite. Thus one can also make a negative effect positive or vice versa. This will only effect what the caster desires and will make a suitable shield. Make behavior modifications by this force. This is only a force to be used.

Protection is the fire shield. This element absorbs damage and returns it in fire damage to the attacker. The fire shield will keep absorbing the damage and removes the damage on the body. Another name is damage shield. 

commendo antevertus
Protection prevention is the firewater shield. A firewater shield will ward away the damage and absorb excess energy to return it to the attacker. It can pass the damage to someone else warding away unknown possible danger. The protected of this shield is never hurt. A name for this is pass shield or intervention.

Prevention is the water shield. This shield acts by warding away the damage or danger leaving the protected unharmed. Water shields can be used to go unnoticed through areas or avert many destructive personalities. Another name is a preventative. 

anteverto defendo
Prevention deflection is the ice shield. This shield causes rearrangement of any attack to be cast on the attacker meaning the attacker attacks himself. Ice shields can also prevent attacks by warding them away. An added benefit is the energy of the attack returns useful energy to the protected. Mostly the ice shield can be used to take out attackers as they attack. Another name is the rearrangement shield. 

voidus aero
Air's negative element is space. This is the physical representation is infinite whereas air is contained. Space has vacuum which sucks a person dead as when air supports people on a planet. Compress space into energy and you get a warp field that can be turned into Void Gate that can bring you anywhere. Black lightning incinerates when it hits a victim. It always hits and it never loses energy. Any energy cast at it only strengthens it if used as a shield. Only the worker can dispel his/her shield.

Collision air is Strife Air. This will attack by many means the people around. The attacks include objects. This is the perfect shield that will kill an army and leave the wielder in peace. Collision air is called the strike air.

Deflection is the air shield. Air shields act by deflection of any element thrown at it and remove the damage if any. The air shield makes its use also to prevent projectiles from touching the protected person. Another name is the countershield. 

multus defendo
Shield lightning is energy heat and deflection air and acts as shield against electrical current and lightning effects. This lightning has a bluish purple glow. 

Deflection is the air shield. Air shields act by deflection of any element thrown at it and remove the damage if any. The air shield makes its use also to prevent projectiles from touching the protected person. Another name is the countershield. 

voidus comformo efficio
Mirroring Sharing Black Ice is the Imitation black ice. This black ice will mirror the the attacks back to the attacker. It will also make sharing of their abilities to you. It makes an excellent shield. 

voidus inversio aero
Breathable space is Void and Inverted Air. This is the space that you can breath. Travel through space in a shield made of this. In a limited air area use this element. There is a heightened sense of space. 

cingo aevus
Protection time is the time of protection and when evoked it will make the wielder
unhurtable and some actions not otherwise possible. This is an excellent time shield effect.

chao ancile commendo
Shield protection black lava is chaos and shield protection and pushes people away through deterrence while making certain the protected never gets hurt. A side note on this is that is always alone in some manner and cold. 

neuro ancile
Mental shields are the shields for the mind and will reject mental intrusion. The mental hields sare strong if one believes in the strength of survival.

animus visus
Soul shields are Aura shields that can not be broken. If the spirit is strong then one can survive anything. The Aura shield can cause regeneration. This is the strongest shield their is.

voidus ancile
Void shields are the reversed shields that are impossible to break. This is void and shield. When used the void shield make time very fast. There is unaging slowly and said practitioner seems unaging. This allows winning against anything as the spells get converted to spell energies for personal use. The Void Shield will not fade until the caster wills it. You can damage others that you can choose while you are protected. These are shields that support themselves only focus is needed.

inversio ancile
Inverted shields are Inversion and Shield. These shields make the person invisible and slow time down for the person. Making the person unseen and the shield unbreakable as the shield absorbs any energies. These are easy shields to hold with three times the power.

iniquus ancile
Adverted shields are Adversion and Shield. These are the unbreakable shields that stop time around you and allow you to go anywhere without detection. The shields of averted nature divert the eye from the caster. Aversion shields are the shields that allow you to choose the moment. These are easy shields to hold with three times the power.

maleficus ancile
Manipulation shields are the shields that allow the wielder to manipulate everything in the area. Imagine the thing to be be manipulated and think of what you what you want to be done. Feel the event if so desired.

subduco ancile
Concealed illusion shields are the shields that allow the person to be seen as something else else and almost invisible. These take only a little bit of life force to make work. If the shield almost fails embue it with more force. This is the disguise shield. 

caecus ancile
Shadow shields are the shields that cloak in shadow. The person is not seen as they are in an unpiercable shadow shield and eyes see through you. The shadows protect the shielded person by taking the extra force of attacks in to strengthen it. These shields disappate in direct sunlight.

aprecatio ancile
Sunlight shields are the shields that make a person unkillable as the force of spells sent at the shield only strengthen it. Thus the shield never fails and imparts converted energy to the caster. This shield uses the sun as its source. It can also kill with attacks of its own.

concertatio ancile
Strife shields are the shields of strife and will cause distress or death to anyone the caster chooses to target. Otherwise it absorbs the violence as its fuel. Any attack strengthens it. This shield almost always guides the caster to a critical kill.

imitatio ancile
Illusion sharing shields are the shields of Illusion that copy the abilities to you of the attacker and cloak in illusion the protected. These shields absorb the energies as the source for which allows it to work.

adigo ancile
Force shields are the shields that turn things or people away from the protected as if an invisible barrier existed. The Jedi's shield as its called. This shield will keep a person alive even afterwards.

malus ancile
Negative force shields are the shields that use negative feelings, thoughts and ideas to fuel it. It will reject any ones presence that the person does not like. It will absorb any energy that is cast at the protected. This shield will not fail.

concertatio ancile
Strife shields are the shields of strife and will cause distress or death to anyone the caster chooses to target. Otherwise it absorbs the violence as its fuel. Any attack strengthens it. This shield almost always guides the caster to a critical kill.

obliquus ancile
Time shields prevent anyone from attacking and look like a bubble. The time shield is the moment of backward space. Thus the damage passes away from the protected. Yet time moves forward. One won't age in a time shield or feel hungry.

turpificatus ancile
Corruption shields are shields of desire and mastery. These shields give whatever the attacker wants and yet never gives everything. Ending result is the victim will not be killed and thus the knowledge disappears from the attackers mind never to come back when its safe.

confero aevus
Diversive shields are the shields that divert attention away from the protected person rendering the person invisible. It has no other protection of itself but it costs very little to upkeep. Its called a cowards shield.

visio ancile
Vision shields are the shields that give people false visions to protect the protected. So, in truth the person can manipulate what the people around the protected will see endlessly.

lingua ancile
Language shielding is the shields that block out anything said person doesn't want to hear or see as a message. This shielding also allows language manipulation endlessly and effort free.

classis ancile
Hyper shields are shields that can deflect anything without having to work at keeping the shield up. It has multi variable phasing capability as it is undetectable to the senses. This has capabilities of morphing the body to survive a blow or struggle.

feritus ancile
Wild shields make it so you can use any energy and indirectly as it will aid as it needs. So this shield will do as it feels necessary being the protected's will. It won't go down till necessary. 

cingo visus
Shield sight is the vision of many type of shields in general as it allows the caster to see the shields of your enemies and other people too.

voidus cingo
Shield breaker be to break any shield energy infusion.

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