Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Durning weighing less

Durning weight physics

  This is weight physics. Some may like to work things off by exercise where the correct exercise causes weighing less or lessened stomach. So if you meditate to "not to need sugar or oily fat foods from medicine use" to correct yourself, as you can think to focus a drink energy to be there. That's body weight x ten, that your basic metabolism burns off for a reason not to count calories by activity. Exercise by movement or standing, otherwise staying still is where you lose weight quicker.

  Let's just eat as though you know otherwise we didn't insist or have that much food, thinking to cause weight by theory is weight loss actually by theory this is with an instance by weight loss. Meaning eat less to work with less weight. Also what you see you don't eat like a bug for ideal. That means if you eat 1960 calories you will still naturally lose weight as you weigh 196 lbs. Otherwise that times ten is 1960 calories per hour that you can eat, this is with less exercise before you need to exercise then keep down the weight.

  When you exercise this is where your exercise causes a metabolism speed up, where every 30 minutes or less is 1960 calories that you burn. So all that matters is what a diet is with the ideal your can work or eat as you want. Per each sitting or meal such as breakfast, lunch or dinner, you can eat up to 1960 calories without exercise. After that you can exercise the weight off, that disappears fat as though the body mass goes to slender appearance.

  A diet is actually an intake of food, So diet is a good intake of food and causes weight loss, where a bad diet causes you to gain weight, and finally a balanced diet is to maintain your weight or drop it to a point. A point in this case is 50 calories. The thing to strive for is 24 to 38 points or 1200 to 1900 calories. As long as you exercise, then it shall work to lose weight. Albeit, most don't actually count calories and lose weight easier.

  So for heart pacing exercise use amount of time spent for amount of exercise x excess mass [your weight - the weighing you want such as 185], this is x .5 for the amount of time before passing out or / the weighing of gravity or 9.807 m/s^2 per second for amount of weighing less by focus before passing out. This is a time limit merely for weighing less or more by feel, if no exercise is done during the day and night you sleep.

  This is calm your mind, focus on the thought to pace race your heart. Then calm the heart down by allowing your heart to go to a normal pace. This is stillness exercise even as you move about or work out with weights. So think to lose weight that includes weight x time - seconds this I think is where the : is a dot for maximum or weight x times, steps or reps - the seconds counted as a decimal  = new weight or thought x times - seconds = greater for lesser weight gained or lost. Take the whole or less than whole amount converted to seconds by dividing by 60 the time you spent exercising. That's in the fact what you get to use.

  This is with fasting by the area use with water that you drink or no food eaten for a given length that you time. The longer that you fast the more you lose in gravity. An example is I exercised 30 minutes 23 seconds where I weigh 196.8 so 196.8 x 1 - .73 = 196.07 otherwise 196, if you drop the decimal that starts with 0 this is with a cool point by the amount of fasting. Added to this with the hours fasted is the base of the multiple. I think that you can subtract an extra 7/100 for 7 is with the .07 x 100.

  Seen otherwise depending on what you ate as a point of too much sugar, this is by percent as there is a point. The fact that you did fasting 7 times or 14 hours that 7 is the multiple of 14 times 2. This is when or where you can create what you think by exercise time. So 196.07 - .07 = 196 new weight. Otherwise there is the point system for calories you eat where your eating is 1 point per 50 calories by the points you think as 196.07 - .06 = 196.01.

  I then think that this will work if you do the exercise to counterize the sugar or avoid sugar as you can. This is an important part of weight physics. Then is the fact you live like you do so then think to work or create as you wish. I think this could work with water or energized water to improve weight loss. So I think this might work by alpha mode that you enter by sitting up or leave it by laying back, then suggest something or think to create an area or place. That exists for you that you can work with, as some vacation or otherwise wait for summer. So this is where you can measure your weight, this is usually by the scale or area focus points that you exercise for 30 minutes or the point upon end.

  I think this will work with improved water to cause special weight loss by joules per use that is done, this use of / [.5 or gravity x the excess mass with movement this is bmi use as your removing weight by movement with body weight - normal weight or weight you want to be] is for weight loss. Though a shift is use as you think to return the actual shift is by light gravity. With no rhythms you could see things then you could feel like your falling to the ground from outer space. That is to the ground then up again unless your focusing or sitting, that means some bug bit you or you think to work with drug inhibitors.

  That usually means that the drug induced state can do this allot more easily or water drinking can start it as you think fold energy, so when you are spoken of you go. Aware you rise again and lose your gravity that is your excess weight that dissipates from you as somethings drop from you there as a special concept that is done by the people you caused to be born for you. Life can seem beautiful if you notice the lights. This causes sinuses you think to flare to flare up then your normal as you manage to get up then walk around.

  This is 9.807 m/s^2 / 18 lbs = 1/2 lb per minute weighing less per activity. Used right is 30 minutes divided by 1/2 x 18 that results 3 lbs weight loss by 30 minutes exercise if you manage to exercise off the sugar or avoid sugar altogether. Earth gravity is 9.807 m/s^2, 18 lbs is body weight excess. Used with gravity is 30 minutes / 9.807 x 18 = .16 or rounded up is .2 lbs per second then possible as .2 lbs for second x 18 lbs = 2.88 lbs lost or gained, where the seconds you can carry the weight are there. This is where you are if you exercise by moving with walking or working out for at least 10 minutes or more after eating sugar or high fructose.

  This is times the excess x .16 for the final value for what you lost in the short term by exercising the weight off or weight exercising. The more minutes you spend is lesser amount you could actually seem to lose where the greater amount lost is by intense exercise that is measured with seconds. There is no real difference between the first or second totals using gravity or using 1/2. So for intense lifting or intensive exercise, where you walk faster use the .5 for the point.

  This is weight math for you as this where this is use by the exodus with just imagination, as you focus you can get the same effect as movement exercise. As this is just heart rhythm with biorhythmic blood flow that is move with body or blood flow by quickened activity. I think this explains things as to why you don't gain much weight if any with exercise. So ciou till tomorrow or ciou with tomorrow that you mind. You can't stop someone from doing things that they think are right if your against this so think about that.

 Just think to kill someone is thought thinking to remove immortality to kill the body; ankh kuho muoh muoh
whatever: she will reply or he will reply.
I think I see a ciou or precious moment so this is the end ciou.

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