Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, November 27, 2015

additions or subtractions

The life of an incan child:

Thinking made; I think to make, by creating a point to create by feel or focus then the pen is the last thing to happen, as thought writing it to form the ideal as a make then sometimes destroying the piece of paper that it was written on after storing what you made.

This is the way of life: think to create as you go or thinking is made, fed, sometimes fattened on maiz for sacrifice or non fattened as non fatted, seen or other things are working with others, pain or thinking, aware of the telling point, if death then fix by spirit or if alive then fix by activity. that is from a sacrificed spirit that shows with the body that was found recently, seen more than 500 years later or less.

Et ek etsy; Think to create as you are aware to work, see or think to not eat if you don't want to gain weight.

en etsy; this is a drug of pure pain that feels like ecstacy sometimes.

te new; pain or thinking as you think to work or create as you are aware to be awake.

te no; your aware that is the telling point your working by a spell that works with you.

pua e ele; this is thought so you fix things by feel. otherwise think a different thing to show a different color with your aura coloration, sometimes to show a different thought so you are not easily read by thinking the person is reading by you. this seems how you feel differently or no longer get read by feel as suppressed. this indicates what you think or have thought to use. whatever don't become meaner and meaner as though I wasn't a rat. I think this is good enough though so next item that up for bids makes sense.

pua e elle; great ideal to use but not to do if no reason or not as earthen style is focus. think as your awake. use by feel then is thought to create something. a psychonaut can do this with the inner world to explore the inner worlds that exist what you think. if one could coexist with the world one can explore strange new or old dimensions, so I am not so sure what to think.

stamina 2; think stamina to work as you wish then you aren't tired. otherwise think an attribute you can have then you end up with it.

thinking; thenking or think then activity to work is this as a point or reproach so then is enough to kill the pain so I go on to live. this leads to acceptance as your useful, I think then I am use to the area so I am accepted sometimes.

system; user fields or what you think is there is what your able to use or sleep as you are tired otherwise meditate the tiredness to act as sleep. if understanding is a statement I do know about it otherwise not as I think about it an its invirtual. you don't have to act it out. at least the core reactors that are keeping me here, keeping me from moving to another place or with schitzophrenia is blown.

my schitzophrenia clause is blown so I will not continue acting the schitzophrenia anymore so I will let it rest. gonna think to create something here so you know what is what. think what you like as things work out. then the ideal is sound so enjoy life.

this was written by caz, ben, libby, consort for interesting thought an a rao atharvo to blow generators for you so things go dark. i wouldn't continue with this. so I will end this here or work for by now peace to bear life. all I can do is bear life in an ideal point so I think I didn't know you so ciou for tomorrow.

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