Making different reality arc tangents, with each arc tangent to be a different world in vibration or plane, with a language variation of similar languages, and this makes the language mean different things, even if sounding similar. This is done with the different thema, that means there's a different viewpoint with each viewpoint alien from the other. Each arc has a parallel universe or negative world that is opposite and goes backward, 180 negative arcs, they look like the other half of the arced lines, I know this is used to make a complete loop. So think to not complete the loop, then you break the idea point that repeats. So this is done, if you think things are repeated by your astral shell that tends to repeat things. Possible is the idea by what indicates the point and that is the possibility, this uses variations and energy vibration states to see what thought processes are there by perception.
Time amongst these worlds flow backward, and events go backward as a timeframe. As events go backward, the timeframe goes forward, in 5 minute increments. For negative arc tangents, the time advances, from the future to the past, as in a modern age, low tech world, of steel machines, not at industrial level, this for tan -180. At tan -1, its a high tech samurai, medieval world, that uses crystals and magical machines, via metallic and crystal parts. The religions, are reversed, as in entirely magic based, in the negative world root. At tan -180, its a world of unreligious nature. A psychic would percieve events from the end to the beginning, in the negative worlds. In the positive worlds, psychics would percieve events from beginning to end.
Then we get to the mirror world dimensions, or alternative inverse worlds. These are demonic, and monsterous worlds, with some humanlike worlds within. They have no world roots, but exist on there own, as demonstrated by the surrounding line. They are almost infinite in number, yet I can safely say, these worlds have separate tangents representing different powers, and exist by feeding off their negative mirror worlds, in a self-supportive loop by feedback. Same goes for the negative mirror worlds, and they start at tangent ±181 to ±360 for positive/negative.
There may be more arc tangents (tangent ±361 to ±540 and 541+), but these are safe, as the other worlds are unsuitable for carbon based life and its higher energy based. They are on the picture, like ever expanding circle layers. These worlds are the outer realms, and one can use a mirror to pass through to them.. Each arc tangent and mirror arc tangents, furthermore have alternative variations resembling each other, from alternative 0, which is the main alternative. They look like curved lines in the picture, crossing the looped lines, yet in truth, they circle around the alternative, as in a ring of highly compressed, tiny pocket worlds.
Alternative variations (var) start with letters A-Z. Then to the double letters for above letter 26, like 90Aa, in significance of 676 world alternative variations These variations are different schemas of the alternative, represented by a curved line through the alternative world sideways loop. How this relates to the superstring theory of todays time is to use the dimension model. Each layer is a container or p-brain of more than one similar highly compressed and small dimension world, with the layers as such. To get to these you resignate, to heal and vibrate at a certain length of time and at the right frequency of the world. Think of the world and feel around you for it to vibrate at the right frequency. You should see another world in an eyeblink but remain where you are. When the eyeblink world seems right then the frequency is right.
The subdimensions are the variant tangents like A-Z or Aa-Za, Like arc 65 tan 150Aa for root 65 tan 150 subdimension 27. There are a few rules that refer to defining the subdimensions.
First layer a main earth area of root worlds of arc 0 to 360.
Second layer is the small rings of alternatives going to the negative alternatives branching out sideways. (tan ±0 to a ±180)
The third layer is mirror worlds that uses self idea to seem as her or his support as the support is a thought and are considered realms.(tan ±181 to a ±360)
Fourth layer is the outer ring (tan ±361 to a ±540)
Fifth layer is a ring (tan ±541 to a ±720)
Sixth layer of dimension ring (±721 to a ±900).
Each ring tangent beyond is like a ring of saturn, beautiful as a ring of color or another dimension of ±180 is subatomic upward of the eleventh ring dimension of tan ±1800 is creature to ±1980 to create with metal. Altogether, from 360 root worlds + 360 tangent alternative worlds + 360 tangent mirror worlds + [360(676)] = 243,360 variation tangents + [360(676 alternative mirror world tangents)] = >487,800 dimensional worlds, that are possible.
Most of these worlds are similar enough to not be detectable unless you observe your surroundings, and then there are the aspects. Which are peoples actions that govern the variations. Its as 360(17576) or of them in similarities of 6327360 similar things. Again, when an aspect is used, then time slows down or stops. When viewing all aspects together instead of a few its similar to an end of or for knowing madness.
The aspects is code representative by three letters in time and follow these definitions, where there are very similar positive aspects (17576) and in negative aspects its (17576) considered similarities,they follow these rules.
1. Aspects are to be near or in another very similar world that follow their own rules or place where the people are sometimes switched around yet seem the same as they are.
2. Another idea atleantian ideal is the moment that is they are very near likeness of people in idea that sometimes, are only alike by nature and position or name and body signature. Ie a black man is a white man and named similar whereas a a white man could be another white man by shape and all in thought by use with the mind.
3. Sometimes differently named and shaped their alike by attitude and only an get along with other aspects. One aspect can take over or control of another aspect very easily. Another aspect can talk over another aspect. You can get another aspect to do things that no normal person would do sometimes. Mitchell is an ordinary person, but this Bill is another, their aspect is ordinary. So they either ignore each other or they get along because their ordinary.
4. Aspects are people in of or things of the same soul. Reflect one for many.
5. A similar person or thing, They govern the different times variations, where there are 1000 of different variations theres millions of different aspects.
6. Governed by the law of aspects, each aspect is in chaotic or lawful event and in power with lots of aspectful events and its 26^3*360 or 6327360 aspects. When an aspect is used, then time slows down or stops. One aspect is equal to a univrsal episode.There are three aspects for each object or person.
Some may say its your imagination, but its not entirely true until, somebody talks to you that you didn't know before yet recognize, and appears to know you. That person could be anyone, you talked to in your dreams or other planar dimension, you will know it when you see said person. Depending what you do, the traveller might aid you or hinder you, this theory holds for any planet in the multiverse. Until that happens you might consider it a myth. But as you say, what allows for these worlds to exist is universal energy, that links the worlds together. This void source is represented by a circle, which contains nothing but mind and dreams where anything following personal rules happen.
With each break there is a pause or actual movement, as you see the area is a concept as you see. Energy passes from the void source root 0, through a root world, and through every arc tangent world after it. This energy flows as a sine wave or wormhole circular cosine dimension, that really is were in a regulated flow thats both ways as that is really a power to you yet is energy use. That you think is going from the positive worlds to the negative worlds, that or ceases with too much negative energy from the negative worlds. See and then back again to void that is dreamlimbo, that is sometimes the cycle if you can not find your way to acertained dimensions. In other words to what you can goto your in energy, so this makes transfer to other worlds possible with similar creator by its aspects. This starts what represents as stop the evil to work thought travel as you see or create, the superstring that vibrates or shifts as you want to see or in left to right as back and forth or not as you are anchored so think to see as you see. All arc degrees and arc tangents have the void circle source as arc 0. That is anything you think can go from 0 to seem, so to create them often to return 0 as dissolvation by feel. This is when you focus to see the pattern in time to skip time, as you think "skip time" unless you think to not. As you see a use or not to use you create as you think to correct life. That is to direct thought with a concept to direct by relational idea. As you relate you can create or use is that is all you can see from this.
Superstrings are easily shifting, sometimes where you are is the main support for the multiverse. That is connecting the places of existence, in the galaxy lik vibrational strings. This is somewhat true, where superstrings, are the main support for the multverse, connecting the places of existence, in the galaxy like vibrational strings. The way of superstring travel by the thought or not use a point to a waste of time, that is to get the area shift is feel the ss measurement as to see to detect it you realized by practice or math. An ss measurement, is the mA power rating. See as you are energy as thought is energy by amount per second, for the super string listed in charts. To know when your near a superstring, the energy amperage near the area, will make to wait in a line by match to the pattern with seeing the line or the ss rating and the temperature needed. Superstrings are made up of constrects or wormhole thought created area, see as this is with both positive and negative energies. Which is to say, most energies supporting the universe also support the multiverse. Thanks to Sean and Annie, for the energy of the superstring creates the vibrational energy considered vibes and harmonics, where the electrons spin in a excited moment to create the harmonic and vibration detected in the world as vibes as vibration at 1.18x10^-21 A. Which means means its hardly fely felt. The light and energy as well as gravity come from visible vibes.
When the world detects the vibes of physical reality, the light and gravity are one form as they interact to create physical light. Light travels back in time and so its very likely to be seen before the evennt happens as the speed of light in a aired area is 9.0 x 10^8 m/s, The speed of light in a vacuum is 3.0 x 10^8. So its faster than the eye can see but not fast enough to the black hole. Where the black hole is a void type energy wave that sucks things in. Some think of vibes as a corresponding force where the natural vibe are based in quantum planck level. Where energy interchanges are to release and capture energy in capture points of collection through cause and effect, thanks to ostenix. The capture points seem like 0's and 1's in a computer operation of exitement(exist) and unexitement(nonexist) that release energy that is captured at certain points to cause an on and off state that allows Pauli repulsion, the inability of fermions (matter) to share the same space the way bosons (forces) can. I thought up of using the idea, you think of the math, thanks to Cedrodonix. So the advanced idea is to effect a reality by superstring as the superstring holds up the reality and multiverse in a matrix effect interactive in things that are self-conclusive and self-evident given force of bosonic nature from reactions and cross effects to which act as a outside influential force.
"Through the mathematics of quantum mechanics and experimental observation, it was deduced that all known particles fell into one of two classes: bosons or fermions. Bosons are particles that transmit forces. Many bosons can occupy the same state at the same time. This is not true for fermions, only one fermion can occupy a given state at a given time, and this is why fermions are the particles that make up matter. This is why solids can't pass through one another, why we can't walk through walls -- because of Pauli repulsion -- the inability of fermions (matter) to share the same space the way bosons (forces) can." Unless the waves of the matrix interfere with the fermions by thought or motion. David potterfield and Harry potter did it, to walk through walls, thanks to David copperfield, and transmute the energy from around into their bodies to phase through the wall in a phase transmutational procedure. The secret engine in this is homogenized (mixed) energy by motion. If the energy is in high enough amounts, will then change the fermion(wave) into a boson(force dot) ae a wave into a dot (point) of force and only if your filled with the substance your trying to pass through, as will it to work by touch and the idea in thought that is awareness with the consciousness can seem create. Considered a homogenizing energy with a force of your energy interacting on the object. This energy makeup or matrix, puts it in a separate hyperplane by itself with its own separate atomic spin that cause the universe to spin in the multiverse. When thought of or spoken of, and the energy is high enough, then timetravel is possible from an orbiting effect where time is motion and/or events in a recorded field of .353 mm/s, 3.53 cm/s, 35.3 dm/s and 353 m/s. As .353 mm for a point times 1 seconds is .353 mm/1 sec x 1 sec/1 sec = mm is preserved and the seconds cancel leaving 1 second not cancelled. Equals .353 mm/s; where s=sec=second and m=meter.
The question is why dark matter relates to background radiation for how is already known. So dark matter, is background radiation that works in the quantum planck level of 0's and 1's, which acts as a transducer field for the energy released has to go somewhere and the entire area can be "supported" with the energy provided by the superstring and other activity. Similiar to the brownian motion as explained by Einstein where "most small structures of atoms are moving back and forth in three dimensions." If this doesn't answer it, then you the viewer answer it. So now we have vibes(vibrations) that are of boson force that is in a matrix effort of supportive energy thats yet unseen but sometimes felt, where the matrix works in waves and the waves sometimes are seen as a visible effect of energy particles, such as light. Invisible light is in a frequency range higher and lower than we can see. Such as microwaves that cook UV ray, gravity which holds us up or down and gamma that is deadly, and X-ray that expose. Some can say the matrix wave is a timewave and that its an idea set off somewhere that causes effects with effort.
Such as cause and effect and happenstance caused with time waves measured by what occurs. Lets say as a hypothesis that the energy is of the moment and can be directed by thinking the whole can be accounted for by the parts and is like an experiment of the correct things to say. For the voice is vibrational and things are effected by the effort of speaking called consequences that use basis to rule the moment. There are several ways of speaking, with voice, scent, actions and reactions amongst any others. This is an attempt to explain the why for cause and effect. Some occurances are considered equivilent to a trigger that "happens" and the moment occurs. Where at least, the action just happens as unconscious thought in automotion with suggestions and talking self-suggestions, at most the person doesn't look unless they stumble upon the idea. I am trying to find out if the event occurence is the cause of our making or of a greater spiritual force. To find out for yourself, find the self-motivation to continue. So truly speak as if the parts don't make up the whole to influence the whole..yet its to influence the whole of an action with another action. Thus to say "previe maet amour" or "mies amix soenarix" allows for "apply to fix by love and emotion".
As you need, to mate idea or people to make things occur. Where your fixing a moment to occur and only for need as it occurs naturally in the world. Some can get a meaning that we are part of the universe and the superstring, so we absorb energy from where no energy isn't felt in some manner, even if absorbed by Particles in an area(Pß) times Pnt(.353 mm or .353 secs) divided by E(Energy), Pb*Pnt/E=Angstrom of absorbed % energy because the energy is absorbed and separately reactive. This might make the idea it, the energy is alive where others think it programmed or suggested to. Similiar to a computer programming of 0's and 1's with off and on. Where everything has a purpose and destiny set by what we do. Even with others objections, the case in point is to observe and to know by understood idea with a comparison. Due note, the effort of overcompensation is possible from slopsism or to overcome the moment with activity. As to understand or to attempt understanding and downscale later with compensation, lavaition (the emotional recurrence or emotion recurred events) and compassion. For more info on how time is an illusion go here [] to the Time is an illusion document.
Superstring travel is at the speed of thought, proven by the Superstring energy formula of ss. To travel with a superstring, be near it and travel by thinking at it, the supersting, the thought "bring me now (to where I want to go)", the superstring will respond if it ever does, by yanking you from where you are and placing you at the spot where you think on, So where you think on next is where you go. An alternative, think where you want to go, then feel yourself shift, allowing for resistance by use of gut instinct. To use a phone system then try to use (var)arc-tan ae 002-001-3925 for the 2nd var, arc 1, tan 3925. Another use is the time travellor shift where time and date where var is day, arc is the root in month and the tangent is year. A simpler version of it is to state in your language [time in minutes, seconds or hours]-back or forward ae "10 minutes back". For more information on superstrings, goto the Official superstring theory [] website.
This energy makeup, puts it in a separate hyperplane by itself. When thought of, and the energy high enough, then travel is possible. Superstring travel is at the speed of thought, proven by the Superstring energy formula. To travel with a superstring, be near it and travel by thinking at it, the supersting, the thought "bring me to where I want to go", the superstring will respond, by yanking you from where you are, placing you at the spot, where you think on next is where you go. An alternative, think where you want to go, then feel yourself shift allowing for resistance. To use a phone system then try to use (var)arc-tan ae 002-001-3925 for the 2nd var, arc 1, tan 3925.
To shift to a world, think of this like a ritual that is mde safe with candles, that you state the arc degree for the root world first. Then state the Tangent for the alternative, and finally state the variation for the alternative variations, unless you want the main alt. The way it would be is to state "Arc 11 Tangent 150Aa", for Root arc 11 and Tangent arc 150 with variation world Aa. For dreamworld, state "Arc 0 Tangent 00". If done right, you will feel a shift and things will gray out, you might pass out or you will blink once.
To use a phone system then try to use (var)arc-tan. While you dial, feel each number punch through the viel of time using a folded piece of visualized paper, and on the press of the number see the felt paper puched through with some sort of paper puncher. Consider it a psychic phone system that can shift you to a new area on the feeling of shifting and spoken verbal, to cause yourself a position shift of your body into a air copy of carbon and oxygen and nitrogen. Your old body is dissolved and hydrogen combines to form any energy nearby into the new body, same shape. Yet you may keep this as a reminder that the body can subsist and not dissolve then your up shit creek and in your place, the exact same time could be an alter self. Thus you can say this is biolocation, two places and two exact times. Some make use of this one system by building a new system off this.
To go back to where you came from, think "Take me back to where I came." Then feel the place form around you like a tunnel people walk through on death. When in dreamworld, all you have to do is think of the action or event for it to occur, otherwise state it out loud. Need the occurence, it will happen. Due note, there are hunters that search for travellers, so lie when your asked about yourself, unless you feel its safe and not false. Ask yourself this, when you attempt to travel, "Do you feel lucky today?" If so, then go right ahead and do your travelling. If not, wait till dark, and do wait till you feel luck with a positive action or something bad might happen. Due note: everytime a shift occurs there sometimes is a timewave at some point.
These laws can be of use in the dimensional law travels you do that are sometimes accepted.
Assumed identity law is sight, think this to know the idea and act as to identify the possible idea for each area you want, use or create with an assumed identity. So you can assume a role and understand as to be there. Or create to see is feeling, you could be the person they look for to spread the work as a thrill by thanks to the source of work. Mostly by continued use of the idea. If they were having progress they change the idea as its only a name and not the base opinion, see as to the works of the effort done by it.
This is the differently named, same idea where the degression can cause going backward in the progress, until progress correction. This is in quality of the idea and base works as your going forward and using errational thought amongst other things that are erased. So there is a time for anything as its to create desire and things that are to exist by corrective measure. This is belaying crooks as they achieve or as it is, the event. These events happen as they are supposed to stop the act you dislike. As it occurs by prevention.
The Square law, To build (upward) by actions is to get returns by being openly or foolishly regarded to square things away for understanding. To which they get what they desire by a goal, reward or promise to where be they can do things and the rest be optional. To be seductive by not being selective and its allowed because you allowed them the right to use it. Be energetic and secure to be looked at for advice. To strive to be understood at the behest/behext of others. Be not regarded by possible outcome and by possible outcome use every consequence to be creative and chaotically adapt to it with calm. This is assuring anonymity.
Crazy be the stricture not realized as its favored on assumption, and yet be encouraged by every stricture. Unless its for insanity from discouragement and allowing crazyness for allowance as its to dissuade the bad act. As everything has a purpose, this can be disallowed by allowance where they might come to disrupt anything, for fear. Everyone has rights unknown sometimes called natural rights and in recognition its a blood rush with a power thrill thats allowed. The thing is, this can't be responded to by direct impulse. If suspect, think of something else or try to assume a different irrational difference. As to why, because a name can be identified in your action or by being an identity.
Now there is Pauls constant, the basis of the Pauls constant or Dimensional returns law, is a restatement to the Golden rede, which is created by Danny to 'use 1 sec applied to 2 times the return effort + 3 times the length + 4 times the effect (to others). 'To put forth effort gets results and the more effort the lesser the returns but three times the effect.' The restatement is "To put forth effort gets results and the more effort the lesser the returns". or for 1 sec applied in 27.2 best results of 1-27 sec actions at least and not all are overlooked or use because some are too good to be tried or use by fee is gone. 27 / Amt of Seconds for action results makes this work. Where a little effort gets a return of 27 or less actions. Each return can be accounted for as a whole act, as it helps build the activity and acts as a feedback. Again, more effort gets lesser returns or results by 27 / seconds in amount as 2 or more seconds. 1.43 seconds pass per each act sometimes. A lot more effort is to get almost no return effects. The law was made by Paul Moisant and modified by Chris Moisant.
The dimensional wealth effect is to apply work somewhere else in effort. Then you get that effort by amount of seconds, that is done in a money amount 4 times more than you made normally! This happens sometime over an extended period of time. The period of time it takes is 2 times the amount of seconds in minutes and hours.
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