Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, October 12, 2018

Th ink and feel

This is using your senses that you have to do what you want. Think about the point and you create the idea by generating the idea, that is done by what you do with the aura energy and focus.

Dayq = DayQuil, Daq; hell worm that has a consciousness and this is reflected in the hell world as though yourself.

This could be a death angel or thought of the antiquated worm otherwise your worm, that is representing your sea worm demise and this causes what you think. You can sense out where the normal worm is that is yours.

This works by thaumaturgy, thinking to kill something similar is what kills the idea or being that you target. This has a stressful moment before it's done, then your relaxed by feel.

So if you think to send the death energy to the worm in the sea, that is you then you kill it and feel less stress or strain by idea. This is energy for you, there by the idea that you have.

Then if you think to have reborn the worm, you can create a clone of you in the physical world.

The Satan's pet or sea worm idea is that is your sea body is killed off by feel, then you have released yourself from hell. Enjoy yourself.

Need ifo; need information, think to ask the energy and you are aware of the idea you need to know. That's what I can get from death metal. The basic idea is think, then you know about things.

This uses the subconscious mind to work with the consciousness of energy, what you realize is what you need to know.

This is done by actually being there sometime, or the subconscious forms a being that seeks out the energy. The being finds out this information.

See that is using the direction of the energy to understand what is there. This is done by use of the senses and when you sense out things psychically, you realize the idea more easily as feel.

Need mo; think and you might need more if it's a commodity. This is a point put to the idea of life energy in use.
Form an effect by the inner body creating what you need, this is done with feel from yourself to form an effect or what you think outside yourself.

This uses the basis of energy to do what you want, think of a positive idea and you get what you needed. Loosen by thought the particles of the body, then think to shift by feel with the use of the eyes. Think what you want and you may get it.

Think a point and you know things, this leaves you as though a ghost in the physical world. So think you know and your soul caused free moving spirit is what creates solidly. This forms a loose spirit bond, that is thought and physical forming if the particles are thought to be non loose. Thinking about this shows you, that your just a memory of the creator.

This means by thinking about things the creator, the one that created us all, creates the idea you think or fee l by what he or she does. This means that I am as well as you are formed, that is from a memory that lived once.
This is all that I know about him or her, see he or she doesn't have a sex but what one of the creators does have is six fingers and six toes.

This is where we the created, have thought and form. That is all for now we know the truth. This is known by thinking the point and realized is the idea. Enjoy your day.

Control; this where you focus and use your weight as though a source, then you create a response to your will by thinking of the feeling. The person you think about, that is effected is doing what you consider doing, this is having him or her do things. Break control by realizing the trick, you know what to do by fee or feel.

Prevention; Think it is a bug that's prevented, this is done as you think of the idea, then it is.

The roaches; they demise and cease to exist.

Dogs and other worded animals; they can create by either influenced events or energy focus. This energy is what reflects their thoughts.

This energy acts through the conscious focus, think of this as a point you see. Then if you allow for things, they can act through the subconscious through the consciousness of the person.

This other possible idea is through focus, they control the point by voicing their idea. Then the suggestion is from what they do. So I am well by thinking that I am. This is done by the effect of the third eye acting through the hand.

Absorption; This is energy absorption, think to use the third eye and absorb the violence or other energy from the person, then they back away and you get a calmer person.

You can use the energy to do things, this is usually as you allow the third eye to reprogram the energy as if you thought to make it a unviolent energy. Then you can shape it by the hand focus, that is used as though a point exists if a pill or energy were there.

Think to find; Even if I didn't find it, the idea is the same. That means I have a copper bracelet. So I don't mind it being lost. This is where I find it or order another one. Then that is all.

Definite idea
Crystal light; Crystal light packets can cause excessive farti g. So think about that before using too many (about 5) of them.

Eating; I won't overeat, even if it is a burger or any burger will do.
Some ability; Oh if your curious, 220 to 180 allows for light magic, 179 to 160 allows for medium magics, 159 or below allows for heavier magics. You can do psychic ability things anytime.

Oh get this, the amount of muscles that you have allows for intensity and the more you have the longer that you can do things.

Dead body; This is a risen effect. See if you notice anything off about a body then it's dead, so think its alive to send some energy along the spine and you use the spinal cord to animate the brain. Think to send energy along the skeleton, then you actually activate your red blood cells production.

The body comes alive as if it had a soul, that you think to the creator to make and you create the union of the soul. This is done by thinking the body has one. The spirit is the spirit-that-goes-through-everything and the soul uses that to create a part of it's energy.

That makes things up as the body's spirit. This is how you make a body animated. How to break the animated result is realize that it isn't alive. Then it stops living sometime.

There you go, you have a walking, talking, responsive body that is alive. Think a doubt and you effect death on the body. The idea is a noted effect.

Think and remise; this is where you go and create by idea that you do. Think and you know how to do things.
Normal activities
Donavan; he calms down and works better with others.

Tix in en; this is the end of the script. Think to enjoy the rest of the day and eat less.

The illusion; the illusion is what you think into seeming and appearing as you are at the moment. Think of a shape and you are that shape.

So that is until you decide to appear elsewise none are the wiser. The words you state instructs your soul and you can appear as you need to appear.

I think of a shape then I am. Yet if I do the physical activity, then I can make myself that way. That's the way it is. So think of how you are doing and that is how you are in idea.

This is all by the power of illusion. So if you think of yourself as though a thin person, then you are that thin, eventually.

Uu; uh huh
Fine; money exchange
Enh; enhancement, this is a fine point that doesn't need to be done.
Death note; this is in effect that I do note this, think about what you want to do, then write it down or out by whatever means you want to use.
Think about death energy being sent by the point you consider. The death energy does what you need. Then you can act as though an actual death god, this is done by the feel..
Are; the area is in use by what you think to use.
Anf; roach, cockroach, bug otherwise "or not" if infestation.
Anph; replay, well
Uu-anf; undo roach infestation. So end the infestation.
Ru; Russia, done by Russian human.
Smon; smoy, smoking, a way to undo this act is think uu-smon and need that point. This has a unanticipated smoke blowing effect with a good feel afterwards, that's sorta like love if you use the smox form of the word meaning smokes.
Annuix; annual, feminine intuition, gno female knowing from the soul.
Ennuix; men intuition, men knowing from the soul
Ze; bug energy release
Weei; I war (with you)
Weeia; weeeell, I war (by you)
Zeeio; I war with you, Street or area cleaning
Fhone; phone, or memory
Chares; peace
Zyio = food need, if Bug need; The need from a bug; the empathetic feel that you get from a bug is food or hungering. Basically you create with this need, if your around one.
Sphinx; clean or staying with others
Defined; the term defined is done by actually seeing the point and assigning a meaning to the word or phrase. This ca be psychic sighting or going out and finding what is there.
You don't have to assign what you don't feel is right.
Perk; benefit, perke or perkix (benefits), perko or perkan (benefitted), perky or perkan (benefitting)
Bad; band
Pec; peace, this is where something or someone died.  Think peace said as peace and spelled as pec.
Jit; readjustment; adjust, adjective, pec, just (I'm just I)
Q-q; this is where you think to quiet down, that is unless you think of someone's area or a person. Then they quiet down or the area goes quiet. So charms over, anything could happen. Enjoy yourselves, ciou and farewell till later.

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