Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, October 14, 2018

The dimensions we live in, a dimensional guide

This came from the article called Dimensional physics at

 The thought I see are allot of dimensions in theory, those that I describe were described by the superstring theory [] because of each force. This is a corresponding thought in idea, this is a defended action that may allow us to understand the dimensions better some day in mathematical form. I just used the theory in a magical way to observe or interact with them. This is the breakdown of them as I understand it. Just by naming the dimension, you can get there if so do you feel up to a challenge. Also if you need to be there. If you aren't wanting to be there then you aren't there.

    A dimension is a planar existence. That dimension is set to a certain wavelength or frequency. One can match that frequency and percieve the dimension. Otherwise, they don't see it. Attunation allows the perception of dimension. Whereas as you consider what you were, these dimensions are actually living states that people can live in and these states are best described as area of vibrational harmony. Each higher dimension has a higher vibration of life. Call this the harmonies of life. Dimensions 1 through 11 have significance, and add new senses as they increase in number. Dimensions 12 and up seem as of yet to simply be new places. Therefore, 12 and up are potentially dangerous and deadly with a potentially adroit subject to change.

  The dimensions are what is following instruction by the feel, that are interest by the feel is intuitive as life is what is exact. See the point is most things are use created otherwise creating what you think that is possible. There are ennumerable ways to create, so this is what creates the dimensions we see or think is there. The way that is there by the feel you see by now. So the dimensions can be various with frequency attenuations. The idea that is there is what is there by the feel we have. So you see the number we think is the frequency variation that we can see is with the place you think is there. I think so I believe the area you think is by the creator that has no name except that you think has a name. This means that there is what exists. So what other universe worlds with no interaction or dimensional worlds interact to the point you think. So each dimension has representation to the underworld or the place with things that are there that has gone to the toilet. The point I make is this is a dimension of life or living things nothing more.

  I think this is measuring by consciousness or the area as were just observers that work with what is there, this is what uses are made usually by available particles that make up space known. Just as the other side with reality is measured by atomic reality. The dimension of earth is where many are called different from the dimension of earth. The area is use by something you think to work with or not be there for. This allows the 1st dimension to by area use to be hell. The 2nd dimension is the underworld shadow plane or used more commonly by the underworld name. Jesus was just a person that wanted to live then left alone. The jesus madness is based off his son Aheim or christ that means madness and not really necessary to be away from the dimension of earth to be born again on another planet. I think this means we can get reborn off the planet as though above the stratosphere of the planet.

  The use or uses are the points of light to indicate the way to places of stars or the crab nebula as the 3rd dimension can represent the view. I think a god or gods exist by the feel. If you believe something to be a god then eventually it is a god by feel. Theres lots of protected and dhampiracal or otherwise ruled subdimensions like the gateway dimension between the 3rd and 4th which is guarded by grim reapers, taking you to a sub dimension below the 3rd, commonly known as hell if you try to get to the 4th dimension because of unjust purposes, given by Caz. describes hell accurately.

  The nevernever in mind and nevermind in dimension actually exists between the 3rd and 2nd dimension, its a place that uses the whole new set of dark rules. If you do things the underworld is viewable that has live things that use men to live out their fantasy, your spirit acts as a physical body and your soul is the spirit. This means its physical but memory and spiritual and the spirit is like a physical being where the object is of your spirit that you buy or own. Powering you, you might found it incredible as the soul acts in the place of the spirit. This is when you go, that is as you were or might stem to seem as if you were not always insane. The ruus are as rules that follow along a natural path.

  When you go you sorta join with a body there that is idea like you and you get free things as a puchase is the want of it and desire the owning. There is where you can create as a burgher or 'owner is the des'carte'. The subconcious is the actual vehicle of which runs it. Its as if a kitsunic possession. When you leave the kitsunic possesion of what you did and anything you did is gone and they are left with what they were forced to do. When there, your physical body becomes the movement for the other body. Its as if effect and if you do and it goes then you do.

  But in a pattern of effect or activity, to negate something, say something positive or to disrupt something act positive. It goes on as if its like that as a basis. But you see as you see and different from there. Where as there you see as if blankness or in vision. A good intention is desire as desire is sometimes dark and you spread disturbance as a hobby, sorta as if the never never land of Peter Pan. That is of what you want to spread the dark idea of things. To fight they just wait as they know there is a different body that accounts for some of their actions. So they let him/her/it suffer and not themselves. To od is to be of so just be aware and so on. What formed the nevernever? the peter pan movie and so much belief in it. It formed as of the way past and its if you handle it now.

  Its meant for exiled types or similar. So as its so dark, those evil types that exists of us are the versions of us there. They live there, as if it was of land that they formed somehow by mental thought. Some helped form the nevernever land, then left to be good again. Its a sorta land where evil is good and good is evil. Memory thrives on the idea and people live as they are or want. Where a deed is a due or concept. A concept by mind in body.

  So do think your there and your not, as you tend to reject something, that can be to get a good effect and good is negated along with the person. Did you know their tv is a interactive one, as life put on a tv set yet psychically you can get anything through it or anything as is else where invasion is a form of media, idea or perception. Invasive maneuvers are evasive manuevers here. From what you hear of it it sounds somewhat different. While in it its normal as if what you expect to see.

  It couldn't be real or so it seems because, the area you are in at the time is the memory of the person who just died or of you as you died at the entering of it. Not a real place, just the idea memory of the real place as it was a hundred years or more ago and while things like that do happen it amazing to see. And as if so were it's more often in the astral when they follow a creature literally into its lair. Faerie are there, etc as they gain a Godlike power in ability. So, it is like a darker astral.

  Thats one of the idea that is true, when you cross over to nevernever then your in the memory of what was there as if on an in the past. When the last person died or as if you died when you left. The memory follows what you or it thought of it, the area. Anything, even faeries could be there. Any rule you state is of a statement, As any rule is of a statement. I used to call nevernever a place worse than hell, but I know better.

  The power thing applies as it just made it sound like it. Because you are as a human in the nevernever and may have power similar to a ghost on the physical. Power applies to make your will known and cause events, all it takes is a little of it yet a very powerful man or lady can cause his or her rule to effect more than once. As you could make a shield that, in the human realm, could stop bullets but then something of less strength than a bullet hit it and the shield exploded and did nothing but stop the one that hit him but send you flying back. When normally you'd have stopped it and would still be standing upright with the shield still intact.

  Consider the shield a will of ruling, its saying "I will not physically be harmed". Then in the nevernever it will stop one or two things. You might not already like the nevernever. As a will only effects what it was intending to where its rules are too different from what your sometimes used to. So you have to make the rule by your will again of shielding. Remember if uncontested your forever contested in another realm but not touched in the nevernever as your contested. Sometimes a will is effective for many things, So if you wanna be untouched, just make a rule that says I will not be bothered and avoid battle.

  So if you act on anything to imitate in nevernever, then you can shift to the others mind or other place as the mind is the place. If you imagine as you act that to go through a door in your mind then you may shift easier. But feeling that you shift is the key to it. Oh, by demonic in the nevernever, its a red haze or real live event that spreads evil even when good and you could be taken over if they the demon gets told what you write or are going to say. So I would be quiet there if a demonic red haze is near.

  Hell is simpler, as with hell, it's all in-your-face hack-and-slash, flames, lava, zombies...only complication is the heat, and the infinite amount of voices in the back of your mind trying to tell you what to do. The nevernever is weird in comparison. I know someone who spent about four centuries in hell...I think he'd rather not go to the nevernever at all. Some ghosts prfer it to greater or lesser effect as they have the power impius as of a magius. Than an their emotion on makes them so strong as it is focused as they are harmless spirits. But a dark mood can rule them as the the rest of the place.

  The tdaaell is the deeper hell. It a sub-dimension of the 3rd dimension as the hell of existence that traps you into not moving much and being victimized or beaten while doing an idea, sometimes spiritually. These idea are presented as if a dream and given by visions. They are virulous and have a dark side to them as though evil in nature but sound good as though too good to be true. This is where you try to break free from this hell and to do things. Try to not agree with what pleases you and answer yet you do things as you in want or need in thought. Then you shift in and away from in the way in the action via deeper hell as you walk through an open door.

  These visions are different from what normal visions are like. Where normal visions seem to give you what you want and sometimes seem too good to be true. But they tend to feel good to the self, as though they are apart of you. The virulent visions keep coming back and are separate from you. Yet they are very likely a suggestion. As the vision can go on and you can attempt them but you get tortured in your mind by a force. So to deny the idea by a 'not necessary' or 'no' is to block the suggestion.

  The cretyel is planet of the apes in hell as a sub-dimension created by yourself between 3rd and 4th and starts with a creative fit that makes a creative hell, and word that to do something wrong and then you create your hell to teach yourself a careful lesson. Your subconscious or consciousness mind usually doesn't tell you its a hell as it 'forgets' about it and this in an open minded nature. So your stuck in it till you realize it and your punishment is over. Sometimes you have to want to be free of it by actions before the punishment becomes a non punishment. No contact can mentally die off deprevation by mental mind an hate concept and abort bad dream your free. And a good example of this is gambling hell, where you act to be the assistant to your own means of wealth. Only in some unlucky moment to lose it all and a try try again. Except for addiction, it will not only be like your own hell and you could stop and no more. This is spacic rush where, to go to get over any hit in real thought restoring spirit motion by spirit bade intelligent action in any now problem.

  The 'witches way' subdimension, is a planar existence between the 3rd and 4th, where everything goes your way. This existence is accorded the 'golden land' that desire, then you are there or not desiring your not ruled by witches and uses life energy to fuel its existence and the things in it. The ego can create there very easily. There, you are either a witch or warlock and only those who can use magic can get there. There is natural understanding of magic and natural ritual occurs. This is the ritual of power itself that is what occurs by intent and spoken idea. There is no limits to magic as magic is unlimited.

  There and no eternity is that in children which we live in a plot and annoyance is the magic in thought of the trauma with thought of energy that lives heavy in and now and in soul our original mode bodies are in dimensional spirit by our bodies energy. Thus as you say an idea, release is as you will the more magic we use there so, as you are in idea the longer we live. There is no religion, written planar writing frees us and people do what they need to there. The rules are defined by what is spoken. What is spoken becomes law by the eternal magic. Anything negative goes back to the sender, any symbol drawn or imprinted by thought acts like a spell thats observable by othersight or astral sight. We think ourselves there, then we can think ourselves back or to other places we would want to visit. One thing of note, the subconscious is the true ruler. Anything done there can influence other existences.

  The 'hell dveuja prison' is a subdimension exists between the 3rd and 4th dimensions. This dimension we find ourselves by doin things against the natural rights of which we live. We tend to find what we say becomes literal and happens. We also can never die there. The world we live in becomes a hellish world in which we live. Where anything negative is deflected to yourself and nothing goes right with bad intentions. We might think life is hell, but what were given makes it seem alright. Demons rule it and the ruler is Demon put by people there as the fake emotion is what con can make fought battle suggestions that will inevitably happen. They make it the hell it is.

  Whatever we believed when entering that was bad, no desiring as is no longer believed after we leave it. When we do wrong and get negative reactions, we bring more guilt. When we deceit to not always use, so as we are sometimes we do wrong. When we get positive reactions we do right and the negative is dismissed. When we fear or create cool thought, sometimes we tend to want death. When we lose our guilt or weight loss, we leave the subdimension. Dark energies are the underlayer of this planar existence. So, anything positive and happy leads to denial. The dark energy can be used to make lies true and truth into lies. Who we despise, we swap places with. When the swap places happens, we become them and they become us. This is undone when we accept the other person as a person and without despise. Who we hate, kills us and we come back to life right after. This place dementializes anyone with magic.

  This place is very bad to be in so leave as you can, as when we leave it, we usually don't remember ourselves till after we die or we leave and things are set right. When we are dark or darker, we usually leave to hell itself or the lower astral thats meant for dark souled people. Where the dark desire ensures we never leave. The light actions with light intentions makes us lose our darkness. Thus, we can leave if we so choose.

  The A realm of power in hell that is  not always an off branch, thought to the point you think to make in some idea. This is a concept by use, as you seem to use and the thing is what you can th inkcreate by feel to make if bored. Think to calm down and created is where you think calm and this is calm. this is is energy by air that isn't there as you are what is not seeming to think, thought by instinctively react by cell energy understanding that your focus is water. As in the air as the body creates and nothing is in too large and yet knowing is psychic by what you feel is true result, now or later as water is energy or not seems as you have to walk as driving is where objects can seem a cool use.

  This a hell dimension as you prove anability you are able to think "hell" to arrive there at the point of power insanity, from an offshoot of this exist that is where its a very distorted dimension broken off from the astral. An if you use an effect, and you leave there on a sane note. The effect is indifference that is what makes in a difference and in difference is the thing you use to cause a different reaction by what is thought done or not. This is where things are indifferent, and work is what seems to be real an not to do is thought to use.

  As t'h isis can protect from is were altering, as you perceive or seeing you think where thought is not different or indifferent. So as if chaos gating to do things unseen. This is the area that points out things as necessary and masks yourself as you are doing activity in an idea. As this is a part you don't like, you can seem to get results or not as if you are with a point of light to do. So you are what isn't there, you can seem a stranger as if you are not there in any area. This is all, as a concept is done you are with a moment. This is a place that allows things, except for that in the view of life that is not intended as your insane and yet sane. Where you are a thought, an you can seem to not care or do and you care you are not there.

  There is no area, as if you are a place and things are in what is unless needed as this is n'eura'na. This will surprise you, as if you are working ou can do things. Thought is a point to seem energy, indifference makes energy into a power by thought in a decent hell effect and energy is as if a thought to somewhere as if a 1000 degree heat from hell or not and not much else forms the things there when it really doesn't. Things in agreement are excused, and things in feeling are much ignored unless the area your in is clean. This is where you can seem, or not seem and use is as thought to not seem there as things done are dismissed or not. As if nothing is wrong and with no thought to an idea, as if there were no problems. As you are in a concept, where you don't have to repeat everything in thought of as you aren't effected at all and things can make nor not it. As you seem to need an ability, you can use the energy from the idea as it creates the effort you do to create the effect. It is a realm reached when you become powermad, and you are allowed to leave when you reach sanity. This is where you are ending a point, and things you do revert to something.

  The quarterman dimension, nicknamed 'quarter dimension', that is any creation in imagination as the adventure dnd land of which dnd and other games are in by the moment of tv or computer game access or games that sometimes model as fish or other items. Any character can be found here even if created by summoning ritual, games or as described in books. This plane is considered as protected from intruders and visitors with others visiting here by magical workmen or time wraithes with support by local policy. Quite simply, the only way in switch is by thought and now there through any adventure game including rpg it left the deeper hell energy conscious by watch, its the beating someone in the head. The game world looks similar to location being played in object code or as now this is described and with similar physics, so treat the world like a game and your in another reality, so just mention a place in the dimension and your shifting to it. The torments vary to distinct cause and how much area force is around. So feel yourself shift while playing the game or watching, and your the character that you looked at or thought on in another place. Any problem stop, is nukewad instantly getting to the area or thinking about it.

  How to think things in life is quietude on thought you do is to feel the emotion, you had with an experience and then the images will be percieved after thinking "what images". Any problem can be solved in a splitsecond of thought on or talked about. So any problems got there is likely to have resolve or it will follow you home. This dimension is ruled by and manipulated by a huge brain called "it" that only lets you in and not to control the physical realities. Think of "it" and your gone to talk to "it" in a pocket plane in itself as the brain, will do as you desire including put yourself where you want. Some are called civil loonies that enter but were sane before. Think release or based on truth or die and it will happen that your gone back to the world, as only te faery mythological races can rule the physical world by what life you thin or figure out to thought focused. Things you feel you can in use by exploration to do away with things, the bonecrusher idea is this or create as you will or not and things stop to the senses or as you don't, don't think to create a use unless necessary.

  Michael landing is between the 4th and 5th dimension where everyone can go without getting into trouble and adventure as needed. The temple of winds and time holds, time wraiths and dementors are between the 4th and 5th dimensions. The dementors are a terror shield as scaring like as law abiding christian force that drain energy and time wraiths are invisible destructors that can appear anywhere or anytime to be abided by a good reason or their own mood, to guard the 5th dimension by being terror wraiths that control by terror or death and drag those whose mean intrusion to a planar prison and try to death kiss you to claim your life or instant mazing by placing yourself, in a delusional dream that doesnt seem to go away. As first, they delude you and second they trap you in your mind. Only to be released by drawing a key from yourself and using it. If a couple is the target, then its a tragedy to bring them down with jealousy strikes and family disasters. You can think wealth from the michael landing universe. Just think not to overspend.

  Del'aqayoo, del'represente, is in between the 4th and 5th as a subdimension of representation. A representation of anything of an area or a nation, by using the leylines and dragonlines. Thought leads you to represent an area of city street or by thought a congregation. with a single person, cult or one elected is were or as you would want to talk to in life. This would consist of a meta person which looks like any representative you trust. This person is a guide to with more unseen supporters underneath. But the factions and youth groups, are noticed as separate areas or planes and planets people can't look into as they want because of some privacy law, if they want it to be there. The hostiles look reversed in appearance and in idea with a slight difference from normals, as they are fuzzy and slightly not there because they arent to be certain of except for anger. The normals are as seen, and positive and very clear. With certainty of cool emotion or postive idea their is no fuzzyness and badness. But with a fuzzy nature is a anger or high emotion and uncertain behavior of wanting to hide.

  So each person has a boned up representative and seems like them in an order of appearance. as they would appear. Use of this view lets people know how a reaction or idea might happen with or without details. The details are only shown if the idea is thought upon. So, as you think it, the idea might occur before you see it done as it is, and you see the result first but the details have to be thought on with a question and as you would do second. Like "how did this happen?" and you might see yourself doing things but it could be another person. Or vice versa as the minds eye allows for it. As it is, is how seems in a view you like. State the effect of the moment or the named label of it, the effect, or the result to happen as this links to all realities, not just one by a gate. Whatever the person has against someone, is turned into a weapon of choice thats applicable to the form. Due note the idea is to cause a weapon that can be manifested at will of any polymorphic self-changing weaponry, self created weapon.The representative can live in your body as you explore elsewhere or keep you alive if your intructions were so. The dimension can release you if you say in "release" to any point of existance except for critical nexus time points.

  The movie dimension is Jean is realplay world as if you think of a scene and you replay it as a worst possible hell as a jean world in a subdimension with somewhat between 4th and 5th in between what death in demise by mention you want that represents movies motion or substance in this can be disowning by a jean pair herein by use or body motion, in action or idea of which writers with jeans in power ads as to get idea from that use the power to make the ads. Use the advertisement to escape by thinking to escape as you look at an ad. Anything in that world is a possible friend in what is possible that is an idea and can happen in here as its representation by use of physical action with symbols and intention as its separate into three parts: Here in the tri light focus, if stop focusing and make possible friends that is in any movie not as thought if there in the movie heaven or attack to some bystandards view as a movie is shown or moviegoers and dissononants by chaotic resonance(@). Because once there you learn and work by symbols.

  The live thriving ointment is a live through idea, as is a thought that generates from or what you can use and think noe use. The seen idea or parts in motion of cause interaction. Now or where; There is a point or part, if the thought is a part to seem. As you describe, the idea or ole the part is formed and delivered. Whatever you think you can play in action, you can play or not as nothing can happen as nothing exits with nothing in mind. There is nothing done if nothing is else ruled, as the invisible eye is mystic eye. As to influence what is a concept in thought, no as if you win through the battle the award fine is prestige. This is say if you want in a prestige game you win you lose some energy, and the more you can do as if in a game of life. As if to use isn't, as if use is donut eating or fatty filling.

  This is the adverse action place like a studio in cocoon, reverse adversity and you leave as its not a matter of where the moment occurs and is recorded in segments, most actual save games are herein. Due note, the 11:11 club tend to use it for the one, or surfing the astral and to effect release of physical place tension with sheer joy. Also are memories of every single action you ever did in most lives, lived or tolerated in recorded moments as movies. View others movies as well to allow for the "free movie" watching club in video or theatre, one such is the ommunity movie theatre. The movie theatres are dangerous on this plane of existence as the most bias personality base is revealed if the person is emotional. So to soak up the memories from your soul by meditation is to make a disposition action of a helpful directive for yourself. Record your memories here though for easy rememberance. Then or when; where the plot is developed as memories seen, with one rule where truce negotiates peace and any effective self-rule works unless your shown or its shown working.

  Creative dimension is where a place is in between, as the area is between the 5th and 7t dimension. Thought be now wherever there is, as that is a clear lake of conscious and there isn't a concept feel to it. You can walk into it and walk out or drive out of the dimension to where you think. As if you are, quiet is wherever that is you are at in the moment. As this a quiet before the storm, or after the storm you don't do writing until you feel its necessary. In exquisite taste this is is formable and weightloss is possible. As a wish is a fairy gift, you can get or give as exchange is necessary and if in a fight anything agreed upon as this is hellraiser. You can see and create as faery, do or unwish as thought isn't in for what you see in life. Thought is in an idea as creative, if use is energy by energy this is an idea creative in design or water that is turned off at the fountain or sink.

  Realistic approach is interred by realist like those to prevent or allow, that is thought to interect or night life energy use and seem away. As you accept what is in use, this I think is the end of the faery script. As the fact seems what they accept and create is what or how the concept appears. Noting and nothing too large is preventing the idea that can be not easily used. Things to travel with and this if necessary, think and for yourself you get water to change with or create strength by the molecule. You can get use water and create with thought, as I as the third eye is manifest can create pay or you can as east coast and trading is not so bad in the point. Coast is clear, by what you are and seem to thinkk to create or uncreate tought as you sense by listening. Not here is a concept, thought to use is not so forseeable unless necessary as forseeable use is a possible use.

  If life is realization of what you sense, the outset moment is sensitive idea or some thought is non dump and only when necessary. As te trash is carried out you are free and yet need to know if there is deadly and as yet not as you think necessary. As the cat as nine lives, you can use those as you are what shape you are. this is is different from from the different inside dimensionally speaking by life to use. There is no other way out as called or not to work. You can think as you are thinking as energy is there for focusing and your use is activity.  What lives there is elfin or humanlike elves tat are use by potentional energy use with direct focusing use.

  If they use the "us as a point" or d'hem vorak life energy they are with or now without money. This is a possible elvin vampire tat is slightly dumb without energy or with energy they can use the fey they generate to cause or create life. Its not life as its a concept to do or not do without creative concept, as this is energy to the use and thought is energy to te use electricity is wat energy you can feel to the senses to use as thought is usable and by aura.

  This is energy such as power walking that you think to release yourself from to materialize as you were advanced thought is a theory to create with use, think to create and magic statistics is a properties on some sheet if thought. See as a sheet of paper create the third eye will create if you want. I did not have to communicate anything and thought by energy to not create as you want with or not  to revert by thought, statement or focus. See or reverse as you wish. This was the last day I used this special property sheet, so I guess I am done with this idea magic till I have a reason.

 There is nothing there if you think there isn't so its up to your imagination, as a gray area of space that is not there yet things are there if you imagine, that is a point your brain is a blank area or imagining area focus is area use. So as you imagine and your energy is what creates, seeing is creating or imagining an area platform yet that sometimes doesn't work and as your energy is a point of use. This is what activity or energy you can use to the effort, by the moment you can thing you use or not use in life. Then is the moment and now is the event you wish to will into what can exist. This is nothing more than a thought by the use of a golden fruit named knowledge fruit to use. As if you play or not with a chaos gate that you focus this is directs or not directs, does this realm as it is or not usable to you. Think as if you want and you can get a cool usa item or thought to the non idea or true point you see. As you see the point to this or created idea not work. This is what you see as work as progress is the area in truth. Your area is focus energy to create or not do much with.

  The substance subdimension between the 6th and 7th is a plane or planet of existance in drugs and cures. The body is plasticlike with enigmatic movement produced by focusing on it, the form, for what you or is casting radiation at the formation. Form any number of rugs and virus killing drugs including shamanistic medicine or herbs. A rule one drug per day, however small or large, now I have produced gold as a substance, along with other chemicals and metals. To make a concept of anything thats solid or physical is a productive material, and reproductible including flesh or bodies. You can transfer anything from the substance dimension, but it won't always be apparent.

  The Subdimensions between the 8th and 9th are for higher beings and higher energies, there are beings such as planarions, or self-sufficient self-elevated demihumans that serve a neutral selective-enlightening cause by the theory or use. Devas, or the Gods devoted demihumans serve the gods to aid themselves first and others second. Planarions and Devas see are the greatest demigods, yet not that they could exist and be seen their own will is what is vanity.

  Think with desire otherwise awe not struck is just mentally or just mentality to perceive them as flickerings at the eye corner or not at all. Some wizards perceive in them with gold skin and people, think as thought is just or thought in experience and as you fox with that world you get a fox and talk.

  See or think to them or chalk is thought art to where exchange in info is somewhere on somewhat by technologies to thought or other things of interest in their sleep sometimes. Now the deva can seem by animal spirit if jealous can seem to attack or viciple, that is use to attack those you think to mention as if do what thought you die off to make by mention in as if this is an idea that your use and thought is their idea. Work by feel and you die off by what you think, this is necessary unless not intended.

  They are as they are as they if not destroyed by the monster level spirit attracted those that can seem or use as they were. They are unkillable beings that live sometimes familiar creative unseen amongst the humans as not their own natures, and demihumans, thought unless they chose to be seen is what you consider. As if some idea don't consider or do, as you think so nothing is as if some inhuman except some point that is humane.

  This is were idea that altering the body isn't done or thought, similar to fox body alteration through instant matter yet not physical as a trap or thought to create what you seem is thought. As this works or not works the energy you use or receive is a point to drop the point, you are as they see or they believe they can use the info. This is thought relating to create ability or seem to realize, see as things time or use allows this is not what is some source to seem what they seem to use or are what they will in idea.

  The area you see or create with life is what you see or create by feel or nothing can seem to be sensed. So the place was metalucid or lucid by feel with thought or use as focus, see the idea is "o" or not use the point on idea to fire hose attack by sight is movement in idea isn't done by some standard means. That is what I remember of that day I walk or sometimes see to not dreamwalk. That is use focus, gather air as a medium or fire, as energy use from some source to think is use as created focus is where some idea you use things or wake by feel. So you see the area you feel is the point of recall or the person wonders or wanders till they find themselves able to wake up. As if to wonder you see this is physical relocated dream or if you disintegrate, the dream body you disrupt by focus that destroys the mind.

  Set by thought or will they can use is the idea so, if they believe the idea is possible they use inerent energy from the creator. Think to create, your wish is what you feel is necessary. So your idea is not always their idea or not as they can seem a sex demon if necessary. The allure is their deal, seeing so their idea isn't always visible they think to the creator to create idea.

  They exist on all lower or higher perception thought or not as they do what they want. Think or use planes that are existing energy to harbor spirit of existence and feel or create with the creator so if they can they alter even demons in their course of existence from the human that are what formed then, if they so wanted as use is thought that is a source of energy. Think to seem use to create with idea.

  By thought your that "powerful" until proven not as they are demihumans or if they are believed to be able, they are with experience in the right area. The four idea return rule ise or they are called by summonings thought into viewable idea, this response is doing what the summoner asks sometimes a spell or charm can seem use.

  See or believe that your use is thought, that or energy by use for thought is if a dead area if the area is stinking to clean. Human deva are interesting as they learn by testing, the word or thought with proven examples are useful. This is a charm that is "a penny is worth 100000 dollars" as a penny is worth over 1000 dollars or 1000 pennies sometimes the exchange is thought.

 So to use them the charm is the thought to use a penny wit chaos or light focus, somehow use the penny or give it away but don't say the idea to the teller as the exchange will create luck or money by by lucking upon the moment. As you think of a criminal violent in behavior think "M" to create yourself luck. Think 3 devils to appear or disappear to call one to cancel the effect out.

  That or thought to use is cleaning before cooking that is tator, te stinking by their element that is sulfer to form fire from doesn't stem to seem to happen. For they are beautiful so they sometimes to do as they suggest or create to hide or not to assume multiple area, energy in that is energy by focus is not always what they seem to thought or essence or by thought is thought for creative use unless neede be.

Temple use is "Zigguras" use or where you are by what you don't go to do, so they seem nodding to use this as thought an alternate childs thought namis or name by "Zag" with atlantis is indicative in use. So this isn't foolproof or not use, in use that is they that are formed from use by shaping in thought.

  this is in feel is to think its idea or some sweets or thought glazed in use by the area you see except, your energy is exception if you can use the deva by energy ability to cause by thought. So suggestion to the person that is alowable by thought or an idea is possible as if their idea, that allows interesting energy increase that to use can create or thought is not to entangle. As no deva were there if an entangled web to create some idea this is a spell. Say or suggest as you think, so for an idea this is considering idea in use.

  Hide in plain area energy that can cause you to seem to change or appear different or think to them your somewhere else. As they won't attack you that feel your presence. So tey are with talent also deva where tey are creative thought with policable idea, what are otherwise something else if thought or not if not thought is hide in plain sight. So if the area energy is thought to use, then your idea is creative by a concept they can create as if their idea was your idea.

  That are interesting facts that are what seem true, except a deva can create te idea that they are immune by infant energy or bitter offspring. They are called changelings use or thought is deva are developing idea with the body. They use energy to change te aura energy to create what is called changeling creating where, normal faery have sex they can just seem near to cause a child bearing effect by the use with children or thought effect. They can change things, as they turn evil or good if felt to be that way. As description is intrigue or interesting idea, they can change what they see or feel by thought.

  This causes those they get near to be bitter, immunized or not effected by telling what you see you see or sharing energy still or if the thought "not" is this by idea just not always realized. This is thinking by feel or by thought your idea to use the aura, that or they aren't in spite think or use water focus or thought to effect. So those in effect if not thought, near are what you see or childlike by comments unless not thought to seem bad. They are always seming good, good or not they are useful as you realize what they are. Say what you want this is true, they can change or create change by molecule feel.

  Planarians are those that died by thought to create themselves somewhere else (plane touched or planet, travellor where plane is planet) can also be called higher planar planar humans. That are evolved by power and self-sufficient by practice or devolve to things not healthy, they see to gain their power through infusions of energy over a long time like elves. Just like humans, they sometimes do things because that are self-interest, and idealism ignoring the complaints. So they use aura energy to create, te earth energy by gravity in idea to use or focus so lets check.

  Devas are thought beings in idea energy on relizationise or with an idea also in idea energy called by highly evolved humans, considered Etei Devai that were created by feel to need with the creator once. Those are as they were as cool but I bet if bet your sure they are not, they are area aware or always what they seem to do, as they are thought to seem. As there is energy they can focus te area energy or direct by psi thought, "as if you are in judgement" that are were seeming or concept alteration is think to see to what you sense. Think to detect one by trace or they are that whom were devoted, think to develope ability by thought in their gods. Sense the god ability or god they chose or not if not skilled.

  So I empowered to them is by water focus and still are as by serving, as their right hands in thought or not. See or use in idea by face change then body change with animal spirit. They call on their gods to correct stupidity in the face or think not stupidity to fix by what isn't stupidity to do things. Call their power a reward by their Gods, thought touch can seem use to allow them to alter things or not if not intended as they are ageless. That isn't unusual to alter by or security because of the devotion, to their Gods when they were on the plane of earth as they were killed, their faith was rewarded thus they raised to the higher planar existence considered te 6 1/3rd planar earth.

  The subdimension between the 9th and 10th dimension is called dimensional space time and this is where hyperspace, can occur through an overlapping decaying dimension over another dimension. Humor him as if it is Carpathian in space and know the driver to get acceptable to agree. One day hyperspace engines will exist through natural speed of light to make instant jumps to another place and the graviton drives will exist, before that to harness the gravity energy or alongside hyperspace engines. Subspace drives, which are compressed drive space nth dimensional engines, allowing a ship to be sheathed in energy to flow much faster than the time around it, in normal space and call this effect time tunneling. This type of drive for ships are easy to make compared to the other types, in my opinion and then there is the hyper jump drive that some people, can accomplish short hops across space time through wormholes to reach destinations.

  The people of space live amongst this dimension and they are: the space crystals, of the soul people, the ghosts that happened outside of earth, an the spacial dragons, the Solars (sun people), and the spacial beings. These beings could live off of particles alone and they see in energy patterns, as normal visions, and the suns are the primary fuel for these people, and these spacial people wander thru space and void looking for interesting things, in hopes to achieve something or gaining fame. They use planets to experience things that they miss or want to gain, on often looking like Gods in the presence process looks like achievement, see to harness te soul and collect things to trade with for things of desire. or just desire.

  Then theres the boot, to be used on or with people in its own room. Subjective to whims that make some people shiver they will attempt, to be unnoticed but always manipulate behind the scenes. The roles they play during their planetary existance, will be acts they think of to achieve by and this is called the game of beings, in which a dimensional judge will oversee the activities and when judgement be needed it is done without any of the players notice as the judge writes spacial rules that effect behind the scenes. Players are the beings within the planetary game of some life that these wandering people act in.

  Ten years in thought is between te 9th and 10th is a spacer induced, thought or other idea is almost an idea world that is an incarnate world. That is based on ten men strength by incarnation of halt use, think and go that is create as you want or think as you desire. this is is henry and others by the function and brain use is math based, as if your doing a mat fall or problem that is use by effort or create by what if you want the spirit can sense. As  you can see the point, this is is what use uttered there that you can write or not write to leave as you will yourself away. As this is there or terestial use and thinking is if security the ncarnate aarp units. This is a patrol by use and thought by metntion, tougt is a mention till not no or yes and you can set yourself free by intuit use or intuitive use.

  The guardians of the 10th dimension are in between the 9th and 10th and called nonexistant beings, that live in the temple of death and destruction considered on a 2nd layer to be the demon temple. Think to exist of dark matter and live off, energy and you won't hit itself like an idea or a kitsune with magic. I think they live off the written law that is in a space station in saturn of which the land was described. They can make or they can worsen as if can't take any shape and any ability as their own or make any ability utility "iknife" or not break it . They add this to a memory drain effect if they so desire auratically. Except if its other than human unless aided with the best thing of changing events as thought on, talked on or desired. Where they will react to them, in effect or idea. They are undefeatable except to none, and yet they are temporarily convinced only to be reminded later, along with the idea that if they can catch you. their ability is to set you on another planet and leave you there unless you deserved to stay. Only otherwise do they observe and report the activities to the authorities that can detain you in any dimension you may be in. The last possibility of this is if they "I give in" warning to make despair on the person.

  The subdimension between 10th and 11th is the guardians of despar dimension, where you are to be as subjected to things that may occur or an made posssible while not moving as moving with a movie script and thining back releases you or moving with purpose shifts you somewhere on in concept thought in life. What they are subjected to can be considered in visions. It is to be as if unstoppable or in courage that the visions occur. These visions are the moment of effect to do things, by motes of energy and serve as to live off of reminders to the person of some idea of sort. To be more apt to be and do some things not possible or possible to you. You are not but alike a superhero in them. I suspect that reconditioning could occur or reprogramming if the right visions happen. As sometimes the right visions occur in line to do as the deed is told, such as pavlov's dog in effective motion. So much an more stuff is of available use there that you might be surprised to see a moment or some lost memory. You can act there to do the most probable or impossible and it would still be able to as you see if you want or thought to be seen and work.

  The subdimensions, of the 12th dimension start with 12 1/2 space, for me, is as everything is in darkness is explored by a room. I went there and ended up n outer space. And I could kinda see stars, and ... sort in life or right of way, earth but the beings that were attacking me were an like shades, only 3d. I had to fight them by feeling where they were, I couldn't actually see them. I mean, they didn't drain on touch, they were like shades. When I pulled one into the room for examination before I sent it back it was a solid black humanoid-shaped mass with a huge gaping Spawn-type mouth with no eyes.

  To set the event and live through it if it effects you no matter the event and all is well, 'I believe that you can do things by being in a room and this envisioned room has nothing in it then you can shift or do as you will. That's kinda close to what I call 'nowhere' space It exists, but. Only in your head. The nowhere-space was actually almost like it wasn't even in my head so.One thing I thought you meant about the room'

  They could just trace back to your physical body anyway, thats what I am afraid of. But they visit the room and this sounds somewhat dangerous to me. But sugeest to the room that this is th space you came from and its possible they won't find you. Because they look there and they see that the space is pariah. To be even more eventual to the moment that exists at hand because you create the moment.

  12 1/4 space is a darkship an that exsts across the planet, easily manipulated by machines or random energy generated by machine. But its random gamma, generated by thought. Some are very likey manipulated by thought. These ship computers can manipulate machines, but its unknown as to when or how..To geo or go bodly forth to be they see things in our view. Those that don't are criminal. They believe to be domineering is self capitualating. To spread doom and in a jedi like nature. Some actually see things that are by aura caused vision. Something gets close to their aura and they see an event. Now yours is self capitualating.

  Part of the 12th subdimension. or 12 1/5. Emotion can rage. but its considered the periphenal dimension. The periphenal dimension, Self periphinal is a self cure made of orange juice, lemon juice and self made effort added by aloe vera. On a side note, its also an dinension. Self-evaluate the energy adventure to see there and you could self-twist the fate worse. Bananas are their cure to epidemics caused by death, or not demise or distinct creation.

  So self effect by motion is of a self-devolved person, or as the energy is raised the body devolves, dissolves. Notice I didn't say self-devolved. Be ing demise, its to assure you of the problem. Which is gone at the moments flick. To denote and delude yourself there is to motion the clues and these clues eventualate madness, so do self clues that evaluate the fresh standing.

  The self standard, is their idea to self clue yourself by seeds of truth which point the way. In a long standing goal. we may find these clues but not act on them unless necessary. Keeping the voices at ease as some take an action. So may we bring peace upon ourselves. As I mey do, I bring peace on yourself. Now this dimension, is a real service monger as they expect service out of almost anything. You don't have to do everything I or they say. It is depictive, nothing else. A way to win, is to be resistant under erray or an array of events. To get it or them to do something act subjugated. It is interqeullified fields generated by people who are sometimes interacted with. Your freedom is in efreet. Intwisted is what they may appear to be. Self leading idea is what leads them, think to be prepared. But be prepared to face a war if your caught by deed not to be liked as a nation.

  Some self devious idea and or deeds can cause a twist to self by desire with a control,okay by turn of emotion. Most emotion is revealed in this turn to do as we do and can desire. We who are there don't seem to care but do. Most use incidence by, violence, action and incidence is self accident. Self twists are self expenditure and the power of the machine is produced by the power of the human. When human will is overcome created by a self expenditure in virtue of human truth, then there is self procedure to put forth more, a moment of human virtitude which can cause a shift in their emotion. Then drastic action can occur. So try belief, its a procursor. So its betwixt constitution.

  Human vertitude is if, in a moment, of self course of natural time moment or heuristic action. That's what you experience. Its a law to them. As identified by drastic action or drastic evasion. As in the moment of desirous acts, all moments are due in time and purpose. As I see it in purpose by motor. Its a course or crash by moment in motion. As ae is that they are invertebraes or degeneris by being half-mutants. Its the moment of a victor to the victee or of the an newly annointed. And the people their, they enter through the bathroom. Their freedom is of materials and equipment. They can insist on payments. "Eeng all that trapped under relativity and now. infeny. Who cares."

  To make a law is its followed by all who hear it. as if a mind control pill. This is what one saw 'Spaceship is what I saw. I tried phasing through a wall and ended up in space phased back through, and into another room. and why is it that they seem to like to fight. I know, we're strange to them. I didn't really get a good look at them, but the ones I did see ... well, it may jsut be my over-fueled-by-movies imagination, but I saw kind of mutants and their technology, quite possibly. degenerates, well semimutants based on their tech, anyways '

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