Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Dimensional coordinate descriptions and etc..

World arc degree descriptions

  Arc 0 works for creation to use for root with nothing but imagined worlds representing a circle for mind worlds or dreams. This is the void root and will do any world representation or event you think of. Each void or dream area is considered a pocket dimension, and rootless.

  Arc 1-360 works for radiation treating for various world roots from circle root. Arc 1 for least radical, and arc 360 for most crazylike or radical. They are more crazylike because of the idea, thoughts and people, these people are sometimes monsters. Whereas, the people near arc 1 are conservative. There are no wars at arc 1, at arc 100 and after the area creation were idea or there are minor wars. Arc 360 kills nearly those that draw energy or has allot of wars.

Alternative world tangent arc descriptions

  Tangent 1 for most powerful with magical science based off mental energy as its near the dark matter void, (the circle) source of 0 arc degrees. They use destruction and chaos as their purpose. The people amongst the idea of this are militamt.

  Tangent 90 for having some psi, technology and magical science base. These worlds exist off skirmishes, yet no actual wars. A medium sine wave flows here, this causes the worlds at tangent 90 to use manipulation, duplicity and innuendo rule the worlds or area. The base of these worlds are to gain what you can and passion may empower you.

  Tangent 180 for having all technology and psi ability (mental mastery) with a physical based magic (machinelike) base. This world is bent on peaceful intervention through time. The smallest energy sine wave flows here. There are no wars here, as if a fight broke out, then the assailant would be ignored till they were intolerant or if caught, reprogrammed (brainwashed).

  Tangent 181 for mirror world 1, with all of whatever the traveller or citizen desires. If so desired, there would be no conflict at all as hell grants any desire, yet sometimes a wish or will. This is the beginning of hell and all its sections. If the person thought it, there would be conflict, yet only to serve as a punishment. Consequences rule this world, and the only rules are what the person thinks or desires them to be. If previous rules exist, then they are self evident, written down or explained. These rules exist for visitors and not the owner. The supers are the only ones, not relegated to follow the rules, they make their own rules and live by them.

  Tangent 270, for mirror world 90 and achievements rule this world. Anything that is an achievement, is applied, applauded or not looked at. No credit given, except by the achiever, and there are supporters for anyone that needs or wants them. In these worlds, there is a balance maintained, by the self actions made on behalf to you or yourself. On first appearances, these worlds are exactly the same as if it never changed. Events will tell the difference, as to what you desire to happen to you or the other families near yourself. But, not the others unrelated to you.

  Tangent 360, for mirror world 180. Fate and nothingness, rules these worlds, as whatever is fate will occur, if its desired. Bigotry and disturbance are balanced, self-deprecism are balanced with enlightenment, intuition and understanding(instinctive knowledge and taught by others). Emotion is the guiding force of the two sides. Fate binds every action according to other actions, done with spiritual guidance. Bound by spiritual law whether not the person is aware of it, through a guide of many means.

  The natural form are dragons, weres of many variety and superhumans. The policy makers, rulers, punishers and counsellors, are fates in hidden forms. Muses are the historians (eternal writers and musicians). For which, they; disguise themselves, lie, steal and cheat, to get information. God is the creator under many different names and sexes. The secret police are aurors (mage cops), hidden under many guises. The police are the magistrates or civil servants, called by many names including; police, gaolers, constabulary and detectives. The fates rule the government, yet leave the government ruled as the people wish. I remember walking down the street as I looked on, I saw a muse reading poetry, so surpised I was. I wanting to see more. In the end I went slightly mad as I would irritate people by thinking of the problems.

  Tangent -360, for negative mirror world 1. These are the elemental worlds, ruled by superhumans and elementals. These natural laws guide it: Their law of energy, energy recedes into itself, or gets converted to another form, thus is not wasted. Similiar to the law of energy conservation, energy is never wasted, its converted to some other form. The law of restoration, anything of matter will have relation to other other things, that interact off each other, making a self restorative pattern. The law of compliments, anything complimentary are natural allies, any nice comments are treated well, gaining favortism.

  The law by thought is interactive repair, anything negative or exactly opposite will attract. Set sail seen or thought not by say opposed or unapposed, causing repair by interaction. Similiar to Newtons law of Universal Gravitation: Every two objects attract each other in the universe. The law of opposition, if opposition exists, then there will be growth when separate. If forced together, will meet yet never meet, and yet will be destructive. The goals for these worlds, are to gain something, like potential.

  Tangent -270, for negative mirror world 90. Lost world, or antithesis world. For these worlds, to endorse any illegalities, will make you a legend. To endorse law, will get you hunted or killed. Use your own justice (vigilante justice), to ensure peaceful relation. Everyone in these worlds, has similar idea, and are free to express them. To cross someone gets death, as this place is ruled by gangsters and assassins. If caught plagarizing, is considered a death sentence. Magic is condered tolerable, yet if caught, overdoing it to somebody, means you crossed them. So many idea are confusing, published or otherwise. So look carefully, so you don't get burned.

  Tangent -181, for negative mirror world 180. Purgery rules the worlds, and fate is made by the person. Fakery is abundant, but the elite are hackers and warez pirates. Drug users are tolerated, but police units are frequent. The guardians protect the criminals and will kill or use those who exceed expections, as a natual force of crime. These guardians are unkillable, and tend to take the form of the person nearest the targets. Debauchery rules over the relations, wanton need rules the businesses, and if you don't serve a purpose, you could be destroyed. By your own actions or by other people who dislike you, except if you have allies to support you. People in these world, are very proactive, laid back, relaxed, and yet ready for anything. Corrupt government rules the laws and civilization. Everyone is corrupt to some point, but won't tolerate idiots.

  Tangent -180 for negative world 1, with all magical science based off mental energy, with non destructive prospects, and peaceful intent. It has a moderate psi base (telekinesis, telekinetics) along with the magical. Its goal is prevention and this world is the tip of the arc tangent.

  Tangent -90, for negative world 90, these worlds have a strong technology, magical, psi and mild spiritualistic base. This world uses anarchy, uprising and control to manipulate their world. Theres outright war, if the person or nation thinks they can get away with it. At first, it seems all calm and peaceful, but underhanded tactics are the only winning tactics. There are pirates of many sorts here, as thieves rule the world unseen through organizations. There are shamans, wizardkind, technologists and a combination of them, all seeking power in there own way.

  Tangent -1, for negative world 180, with all non-magical science and alternative idea thats based on psi, but can cause abberations. This world uses spiritual pursuits as the alternative idea focus. Shamans are the magisters and spiritual guidance for the world. This world is bent on control via any means necessary. Security is a focus for this control.

Alternative variations chart

This is an alternative variation chart with these values being proximate glances. The easy way around these worlds, is simple, think of the world properties you would like, to see in your world. Then imagine yourself stepping through a gate in your mind, as you step through a physical door. With the intent to shift to that world. As, when you go there, then things might seem different and you will notice other things that change. Other than that, with the aspects you thought of when shifting, there will be other aspects that will line up for you, and go along with the properties you want, to see. To make sure they are what they seem, as some of the listed properties most likely won't be what they are listed as, please email me at with updates.

   Due note: The shift won't happen easily, unless you really want it to occur.

  Var 0 for the root alternative, this doesnt even have to be stated.

  Var A-Z are active alternative variation worlds 1-26. Found many different is means of a single subject within them. They are primaterial plane worlds. Use the phrases to identify with.

A for being a dimension noted, seen for things unusual you see what you use for things are used. They see or not so you are that seen nothing matters as you are not active to effect things unwanted by the age seeable in action. See to actively create by use with theory with use of surprise this year sight from idea free from rejection. See or not is so no this use is enactment sighted a long time ago, seen is negative you drive the negative to do area violent unless friends as you think to use or feel not violent this is the one or many that use is creative.
B is a dimension noted for being not back in the area fold i good as back, focus is creative or no bitching to see base or creative use nor no pestillence including wasps so not being forced into things as thought is boys.
C is nothing biden nothing there dimension shadowen noted for charge so you see may increment skill by water or focus each active minute, see to non buildup or see as you want thought you are you see by the sea is ash. See the cold feel the idea so you copy, centurion or thought yes is c or allowable one hundred. See "a an me" is what you see yet translates loosely to for fear nothing to seem or rio.
D is a dimension noted for fate by death, see or focus obliged moments not bound if lucky to pay). See your not condemned to pay as you see this is some use, now if nothing this sentenced moment to deduct or down water will cause five hundred pounds as necessary. Stop doing things to create by direction, so to be out of date with things would seem use or not see use for deuterium. So there is no dying until you think you want to, as you seem or use this think destroying is not unless necessary.
E is a dimension for being from areas by exceptions, out of idea or create with feel for action is cool. See to be out, outward by seeing or being things out in the open by feel or with creativity. Beware the area sun spikes are focus activity so intensified moments are possible to use or somehow overwhelm by feel. See to use this out near the sun energy or being open.
F can be a dimension for family, effect, sons, daughters, time, the idea if things are there, to fuck.
G is a dimension for great (big, grand), got things, saying gee, getting idea and things, giving, gotten, to go do idea, grand, money, good, girls.
H is a dimension for emotion, sight, hotness, heat, enrichment, hydrogen, hours, energy.
I is a dimension reknown for movement, the(that), including, eyes, one. going, walking, marching, advancing, passing, flowing, riding, sailing, iodine, the urge, interest, interacting, inspiring, to do idea, activity, self-thought, in things.
J is a dimension for just idea, moments, justifying, reason, going, marching, advancement, passing, flowing, riding, sailing, jail, jay birds.
K is a dimension for cutting, the kill, hewing, chopping, striking, smiting, murder, slaughter, killing (success, suceed), sodomizing, potassium.
L may be a dimension for last thought or action, length, hell, location, ladies, long idea or action, line, fifty.
M is a dimension for the month, metric (math, scale), mine idea, one with bad luck, my, I, myself, me, man, one thousand.
N is a dimension for denial, not, no, nah, number, country, nitrogen, and, in, to.
O is a dimension for the past, order, or idea, other things, differences of, oh!, let live, on actions.
P is a place for pre (before), nation, country, people, applied power, peas, pee, phosphorus, force.
Q is a dimension for silent idea or action, queu (event line up), silence, quiet, 5th placed things, quickness, questions, fractions.
R is the dimension for what is in movement, a move forward, lesser values, wrong, falseness, lies, red, ruddyness, removed moments, your idea, a move backward, the mirror world, and also known as the reverse world.
S is a place for immobius (immobile, stillness), many, sex, slow idea and action, sulfur, sulphur, wait, weight.
T is a dimension for vision, personal idea, he, she, it, tardyness, titus, classic, try, thing, tee (ground stake, stand), tea, there, that way, this idea, those actions, of time, ten, tough moments,
U is a dimension for you, opposition, but, uranium, understaing, bending.
V is a dimension for a view, very, five, vanadium, glue, paste things.
W is a dimension for significant action, coats, wax, protection, layering, memory.
X is an area for extra things, cutting, being extra strong; extreme idea and action, more moments, generated events, exactness, cut out things, ten, females.
Y is a being dimension for cause, after affects, wild idea or action, latching, yttrium(time element), more efficient moments, allright things, why, male force.
Z is meant as a zone area that does transfering, uses teens, known for areas, zero, the idea and action, teenagers, power (energy buildup).
  The alternative variations 27(Aa) - 767(Zz). Use the A-Z as the last letter like Aa is A[a] for more information on the possible details, and don't forget to get the amps for the world.

  Var Aa-Az are Mastery worlds 27-52, based on mastery of idea like zen or mathematics.

  Var Ba-Bz are soul worlds 53-78, that arent meant for physical visitation. If you appear, then you appear in a soul form of thought projection. Your body will still be in the physical world, yet your soul will be in the spiritual. These worlds have shared universal concious.

  Var Ca-Cz are proactive worlds 79-104, consistent with health, consideration and trials.

  Var Da-Dz are daytime worlds 105-130, with no nighttime activity except for vampires and other night creatures. These creatures rule the night and the normal people rule the day, and they terroize the living. In this world, events happen fast, like in dartlike moments.

  Var Ea-Ez are selective worlds 131-156, that thrive off creations of many possible inventions.

  Var Fa-Fz are worlds 157-182, based off structure and commands. The more structure the better for them. Possible structures to know, are: military, law enforcement, gangs and groups.

  Var Ga-Gz are worlds 183-208, based off creative moments that outlast people, fame, or desires.

  Var Ha-Hz are worlds 209-234, based off thoughts and depictions, Any thought that comes to mind, may be acted upon.

  Var Ia-Iz are worlds 235-260, based on release and relief. Vacations and copouts are common here.

  Var Ja-Jz are worlds 261-286, based on negative view, music and opinions. The biased views in these worlds are ruled by negative thinkers. The listeners are the optimists in these worlds. The jaundiced views are sometimes used in music.

  Var Ka-Kz are worlds 287-312, based off human resources, energy force, life and crazy people.

  Var La-Lz are worlds 313-338, based off law, trials, punishments, civil order and giving natures. These worlds are to be avoided for any criminal inclined person. The punishment, usually is reprogramming, stasis, payment or death.

  Var Ma-Mz are worlds 339-364, based on selfishness, renewal, repairs and protection. People of mothering nature exist in these worlds. For people who hate overprotectiveness, don't come here.

  Var Na-Nz are worlds 365-390, based off appearances and reactions. Always be appearing as what you want people to see you as. For people will sometimes prejudge you. Dungeon and dragon rules work well here. For people who dislike falsity and lies. avoid these worlds.

  Var Oa-Oz are worlds 391-416, based off dangers and past actions. These worlds are for thrill seekers and death seekers. People who are sane stay away, for within 10 minutes the idea will make you think crazylike.

  Var Pa-Pz are worlds 417-442, based on patriarchy, contracts, deals, restrictions and fatherly behavior. For people who like ambition and discipline, come to these worlds. For those that are free thinkers, stay away.

  Var Qa-Qz are worlds 443-468, based off information and arguments. For people that love to learn, come to these worlds. For those who hate debate or be looking for an easy time, avoid them.

  Var Ra-Rz are worlds, based off priestly types, clergy and induced healing. These worlds are for zealots, shrinks, unstable people, priests, priestesses and religious fanatics. These worlds represent counselling and religions. If you have a provable faith, then you are a citizen. To be a zealot or religious fanatic, your a model citizen. Stay away for people that dislike religion.

  Var Sa-Sz are worlds 469-494, based off workmen, heat and workgangs. The mafia rule these worlds, with the government seconding them. If you don't want to be killed, avoid these worlds.

  Var Tu-Tz are worlds 495-520, based off tasks, jobs and give or take. If you you don't like working, avoid these worlds. Some have strict rules, against those people that don't like to work.

  Var Ua-Uz are worlds 521-546, representing ships, employment, piers and mainland. These worlds have a shipping and trade related economy. For those that love ships and trade, visit these worlds. For those that love communism, stay away.

  Var Va-Vz are worlds 547-572, based on quality and animal control. Quality assurance is a guarantee, but you get a strict punishment for bad quality. For those without good behavior, stay away as you will be.banned from places.

  Var Wa-Wz are worlds 573-598, representing conniving, brats, worryworts and dupes. If your an idealist, you will love these worlds. If you hate being tricked, don't come here.

  Var Xa-Xz are worlds 599-624, based off banks, heroes, heroines and fairness. If you hate pompous asses or cannot get along with banks, don't come here. If you love adventures, these are the places.

  Var Ya-Yz are worlds 625-650, that represent agreements, knowledge, medicine and disagreements. If you have no love for doctors, don't come here. For love of learning and medicines, feel free to visit.

  Var Za-Zz are worlds 651-676, are with indication of high powered weapons, technology and philosophy. There are thought that beings are people to tell or use their philosophy, see for idea if your a willing listener or not to not conclude. To dislike philosophy, will drive you away. To love high tech and not mind philosophy, you will suit these places as we've been there.

Dimensional aspects

  There are also aspects, that we may goto. These are the dimensions, whom seem very alike, in nature, and share some effects, that make up the aspects, of the dimensional arcs and variations. There are millions, of them. And each aspect, has the difference, of the actions, that are done, albeit they may seem similar. They really aren't, if you think about it. The aspects of a shared dimension and other idea, are generated, by the activity. So, each aspect uses activity, to do things. And where they are similar is in the idea and then some actions, that are the same, in other dimensions. Where they are different is use allowed in the moments, this is made up by use of different outcomes.

  Dimensions in life

Dimensional twirl shift

  With this is the area to create a vortex that dimensionally is what chaos is from to set up or off by gate, as you do things with chaos the area wit thought as a "en" is with focus that can deteriorate as the width is adjusted. Tis to change the idea you feel to create by feel with concept to use dimensional listening posts, this is enerrgy to use as thought is energy to create by feel or concept. As you complete a dance of death as you twirl to your death by fate, with a dance to create or feel idea the vortex stops by thought. The energy is thought created death just go with chaos gating or life by wood use, that was to cause a gate as yes that turned into a chaos gate.

  This is the idea you see that is to remain in a stance or trance till done, so the area you think to seem is where the body materialized as you dance or think vortex or air energy to create idea as you focus energy to shift with life or aura energy. As you focus, consider to create what you want, that is creative use to note in the thought to sift or shift by things that is concept created by creating with a sigil or thought. That is a point by concept in idea to get or create as done is energy, as you trace a pen or thought to create.

  This "&br>" is a right of way mark as a line or area effect is completely used, done by the glyph or line drawing you consider in idea. As energy is there you can create as you think if your an anchor energy to use with guidance to the area that creates what is thought. This is energy to use, that is concept to not seem if you want to use or stay in the area. As this is an idea as were in or area in resonative responsive area, the thought is create by use or make in idea energy usage.

  As you never give on that are concept to those that are concept that you do this to you can create, interesting changes with a hope or concept thought to regarding an area you see if you can live or with an area. As there is a point between right there or here that you figure out is the best place. Tis can if you act right seem a cool party trick if you used core compression magic with it. The focus is think the energy coming in from the core to surface as invisible fire to create, what is to come by manifest of the thing you want in sight or materializing an idea. If this doesn't work or some thought doesn't complete there by incomplete idea, or there are other concepts not always nearby created as if by the creator.

Dimensional shift

  This is to use energy to create area feel that seems good but isn't, if the area changes to feel or the thought is restore that the created area is by subconsciousness. This is the creator idea intended to create or not create by a little intensity focus. That is energy use to feel creative with life or living area to repair or fix as you consider by watching or use is your own means. Think of something for fun to do or this could get boring so use is thought, focus to see or move as feel the area as your body finds the area wit product you think suits the purpose. As you clean up you can use theory to create life to see by watching, the movie or the anime that you see or feel to use gnosis with your third eye. As focus is manifest this is creative by imagined use, to create idea or don't create idea as you don't fool a thing to use were you in use by the locals. As thought is watching for fun or think not watching as you turn away to seem returned. Don't seem there to be time in an again as you turn away you don't have to as you've been there anyway. You can treat a star this way, as well to use or create by feel.

The rest of the article..

Dimensional mechanics
Summoning ritual
Spell and energy works

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