Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Rocket launch

This is time for a rocket launch, think of a graceful time and you know the idea that will occur. Sometimes the idea is different from what is there. That is when this is all in the mind.

Rocketry; think of the seventh chakra gate as you create with the soul. This can appear as a rocket ride or something else you decide it should be there or here. This is a point to do and believe you did right. Thus is the point you can relax.

This; think of the moment and you set up the event by what you consider in use here by feel.

Think; the idea is known, this is true of most things so think to go as you can go.

Thought; the idea is the point you do things, think of things so you know what is done by what you do with things.

6th object trick; the sixth is there and where you can think harm to the object. Then the person that is represented by the object is sometimes hurt.

Chillaxin; this is where you chill out and are relaxing. This allows you to do what you believe should be done.

Cancelled; the point is called cancelled by eating some marshmallows or mini marshmallows.

This does; this dies off, more easily than you think to do things.

Think so; think some idea and you create some result and this is by focusing with some things you do, these idea are by the aura energy manifestation using the third eye and crown chakra. Somewhere that you think is actually active.

Think or do; think about the situation or do things with what you need or can do. This is the way of life for some, so I will make things better for them.

Think to go where you can, this place I believe my mind wandered into is confusing. So I will think to guide those that are here. This means those that are there are not in any danger.

I will change it to think or get, this is where they think and see what they need or get what they want where they can. This is a fairer rule by far.

Ifea; long knife or wife activity
7th; the idea is recently dined upon or done
6th; you won't gain weight
5th; you will work by feel
4th; the way is the lessened ego
3rd; think of things that you can do
2nd; think of things that are done
1st; the idea is your own

Thus; thought

Be; belief, believe in the result by what you think


Think; your free to go do what you want. When your free, you tend to go where you need to go to get things done. So enjoy your day.

The mind; the mind is like a tardis, think the time and place and you are aware of that place. This is where you think of the time and place, allowing your mind to wander, you can find experience by idea that is there that comes to you. The mind is a terrible thing to waste. So don't waste it on just this.

This thought; think of the moment and you are aware by the feel that you have. This I believe is how things should work. If not then leave things alone, this is true except for the bridges you may cross.

I know I'm now free, so I might as well explore as I can now well go. This will be fun. I think I am free from the place, that held me there. So I might as well go now and work with what I can.

Gnats; think of place to see as you hold your breath when going through a gnats cloud. Then your there, this done by the energy of the place transferred through the gnats.

Think and see; if you think and are calm, thinking to the aura energy to do things. Then you can go places spiritually.

Coming back is take a walk and you find your way back. The feel and color code with this, if you perceive a light green cup then it's tea or similar substance.

If you perceive brown then it's food and normal substance, if the color is light grey that you perceive it's imperceptible matter.

At first you are insubstancial in form then if you feel solid in the area, then you are likely somewhere you need to get out of like a ditch or the area is dirt and your walking around out of the dirt autonomously.

Things; Things peacefully happen around the area. So peaceful is the area that I could fall asleep.

An en of it; think of this as though you were able to do things, then the idea is set by thinking of what you want to do for a point. This is where things change in the present. This creates things by feel where peace now reigns.

Though other changes happen otherwise. This occurs as you think a change happens in the past to create a positive change today's time. This is just one thing that is occurring, so think it happened in the past and it disappears.

This is a focusing trick that I do, that uses the third eye guiding the aura by somewhere else. This is an idea that works if you think the point works.

Think lift; think a lift occurs and things are good to go.

SSI and SSDI; the evaluator for my ss is done and they get my second form in time to create a continued social security income stream. This is without breakage of the income, so think as you like until a point.

Think; this works by feel, so think of what you want, so you might get the point of idea as an end result or idea.

Think an end; this is where you think an ending by the thought point, that you realize with the stream of consciousness. If you think fascinating thoughts, then you might get fascinating responses in return.

This is all empowered by the stream of knowledge or z level conscious that the planet uses to realize things.

If you do; if you go you get free stuff and things that work with you by feel. Stuff on the table is just an example.
This is where; think of going somewhere else and you do otherwise you can think of someone else going somewhere and they do.

Think and en; think and end the point with an en, which means that point you think at the end. This point occurs as if by magic.

Get; get away
Hit; webcounter hit
En; at the end there is none
Sixth; think and your released.
Enjoying; at the end I'm in joy.
Thought; an en in hit.
Sheets; area cover
Do; shift sometimes this is using the aura energy, so this is with thinking what you need to have done.
This is with the idea or point of relaxing the mind and the thought that you want to happen, the body will respond as though rested and restored a little at a time using the aura or body energy.
In it's own time you can see assured improvement, think as you are relaxing a bit and your thoughts restore function to allow the body activity.

An alternative way is focus energy your aura has to do things you think or suggest. This always works and only after a certain amount of time, that means your aura creates what you think about the idea.
This is with feel and idea timewise, think the time to do what you want. This way you are there in the time that you want to see.

Think of this as an experiment, where the third eye is powered by the pinneal gland thought to seem active, this creates what you want otherwise through the aura energy.

Suggest to the aura of the person or yourself and you can get what you want. That is unless you don't want to do the idea. Then this won't work, mainly because the mind senses your no longer wanting the point. Then the mind does what is appropriate.

This is what expands the mind and consciousness, where you think you know what's there and you sense what is there by vision or feel.

So I think this ends the series for exploration. Space is explored after this point with idea, that you want done. So I will ciou and farewell till later, good-bye.

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