Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Homicidal maniac lifetime

This is a lifetime that I was remembering that I could turn homicidal and maniacal at any given moment. Pushed into it by others I believe nearly anything that would work for me, would do for the point to drive someone away. If he she didn't like you, then he she would appear invisible near you to get what he or she wanted. Otherwise he she uses psychic ability. This was unless he she wanted something, then he she got what was needed. How he that was a she died was when he she got distracted, spotted too late and got ran over by a speeding vehicle when crossing the road. Basically he she died from the distraction. So I think this is what he she was going through:


money: store and window shopping; money isn't the ideal to see or buy what you do. as you think before you consider or buy things. money isn't the ideal in buy, for what you do for a buy in stock or trade.

weight; I lose some weight and then gain no weight as you don't put it back, that is how things are for now. think and you will know real weight loss by feel. for food: think one less as you think to eat before you take a bite.

exercise; I am eware think to exercise if you feel the need to go out and do things. this is also a will exercise, so you don't obey the christian writings. Just imagine what the world would be like without order in your life, then think I have order and chaos diminishes so you are well behaved. That is an improvement, don't you think? I believe so I will work on it by feel.

the end.

The weight loss; the weight I end up is 176 or 177 lbs and remain at 176 or 177 or less. so thats no big surprise there. I wonder though, how will I keep it down except by diarrhea. I think this will occur by a mixture of eating better, using diarrhea self-induced by three glasses of tea. Thinking the point that I am sure is well off, I will go ahead and do this by feel. I am making sure not to indulge in things that I need not eat. That is all for this topic, as though in combination of a farming sitation except for harvesting the chickens or creating with food. Now to move on. The next topic is energy eating and causing weight loss by self-fulfilling need before the need is done. Then the idea of orgonne: the tropozoic machine code, that causes by what you think to create what is sometimes thought.

thought; think the thought to be understood and picked up on, as you think it the other person knows what you think.

social security card; I get my social security card back by use of the spirit, that goes through everything and in my wallet it is by now.

end; the end is rehearsing or goen places by feel. I don't feel like my apetites increased, no matter the point. I am just waiting on the point by the roman eruption.

the end; if by now you know what it is, think and you know what to do an if eninem.


roman eruption; The volcanic eruption will occur of erupting nature cf a eruption by rapidly building underground volcanic gases and vapors with growing pressures. This will create things by what you think, with in basic idea or points of vibration and light cast by lava. This is what has been recorded by aerial plane so this was the last of rome. I couldn't even eat a banana because of it. I am not a volcano nor do I act like one, so I think I will await the eruption or go early.

orgone thinking:

weight lost; Although this is the last tine, I made that I read this from I think its now for time I write this one. I remember writing it many times before. I think this is the eat an see idea, so where you situate yourself you feel to not have to eat, thinking as your aware of the point you know is true.

Think and feel is the cue for this diet style, as you think the point then. Seeing things you fee or feel the ideal situation. An if you are aware of things there. You create by what you feel is right, as you think to work with what is available.

How you lose weight is eating less, not more and you are able to work it off. This with tossing away extra food you don't need. I believe is the secret to the diet. So think an off you go doing things.

If you need an excuse think, as though being active and exercising is the key to start this working. What ends it is likely an opportunity to weigh and notice, "wow I lost weight."

Think what you like for what you can do, as with this point is work by or with this as a concept or ignore this point. This might take a few days, since if you starve yourself or eat too much lean meat you might not stop eating. If you find that you can't then.

So if you eat a little fat or some low calorie and non (high) fructose candy, an is the body point that is usually by body reaction where you can think to stop by need.

So you can ignore the feel if you don't need the food for an ideal situation, this is for as long as possible so you seem to hold off by remembering an use a fee or feel.

Thus if you use willpower over the body need, as you simply don't feel like eating things. You sometimes won't gain weight, if you exercise it off and this is only if you feel you over ate and overspent your budget by feel that you know is right. As I feel, so I think is the feel. That is all I know or understand of this.

some article to do:

May these teachings be of benefit!

So its proven that your voice is your subconscious control. As its a point to work things out, you know it by what is there. If you think to work out, you get indications by what the body does by suggestion. So its proven that the voice control over the subconscious is what occurs the suggestion, you can see the change in ideal body shape or use is a concept to do work by feel. This is what amazes me the most, cold or warm water is what creates some of the body changes and the rest is history. Keeping busy is what allows you to work things out better. Just remember, cold water is for lack of apetite and warm water is for breaking down oily foods, this is with a raise in metabolism and some increase in eating unless you resist the need then to do. Think and you know things. Work and feel life as a thought exists with the flow of blood. That is all I remember of that time, but I know it may have significance for you so enjoy it while it lasts.

some lost article as a scam

Cris; cries of some emotional fits

cres; I am energy aware by now.

waxgib; knowing I see the light to work with the path an is there if important.

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