Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 here are some philosophies from discord

Deistic moments of deism

  Deism; There is a higher being that exists in his or her own universe, that created all things here with help of others. Whatever you think he or she will give, sometimes by the request, he or she will give time to you with what you want as you think its's with a need. The creator created us with the help of all things and other beings. He or she made us as a living memory. The point is a concept and what you think or feel he or she will do is what occurs by feel. 

  What you think and feel he or she feels as the point is thought necessary or this is otherwise felt knowable by empathy. Think and feel the point to work with the idea. So this means what is where the deist is using a point of reference. See that is creating feeling by the subconscious mind or empathy. That allows the creator to make what you need, this is where that point you need is desired and the subconscious uses as a concept.

[7:44 PM]

So basically, there is no jesus and there is no christ unless they are memories as well. The other beings can act as other deities here and there really as a point no god unless you want to call the creator God, the beings exist as we think about them in some manner as a god or divine form. Meaning me, you and others such as spirits are divine beings and whomever is with extra energy is godlike. 

There is only the creator and divine that exist things, I think the god is divine so that can be whomever he or she is at the moment you think to speak. So you speak to the creator by feel. In Deim, this is with a point and an ideal expression, that is a point you think of as a need and this is intent to do what you wanted.

This is where the spirit that exists sometimes with things and this spirit goes through everything, that being is the planet consciousness and can also be a thing. This is what will create what is needed using the subconscious to make a manifest, That is done of the point you desire by feel with the creator. This is where the spirit is creating what the subconscious mind needs consciously or unconsciously. 

That is where you direct the subconscious by expression, this is done by what you think is important. Then the creator can create what is necessary using your need as a basis. So think of the moment and you can create what you think as a need or a feeling is done. That's if there is a point to do, this is if you don't feel or really there is no point. 

So then you can create by statement, that is a point only by what the subconscious makes into influence and this is created into existence by using the influence of the creator. That's the creator to a deist, so think what you want as a need and you could get what the desire is though use or idea that is deism by feel.

That came from

Spelly — 03/30/2019 5:54 PM

middle earth; The middle earth is a sacred area for beings, that like to think they live in harmony. See there is a map of the middle realm. This is the inner earth area. Some think its quite interesting, where some thinks its hogwash. So Lord of the rings might be literally middle Earth. Except for this, only now there are alien ships that fly there. So things are different from what is reported in games there. If you think of things sometimes the idea is formed, even from thin air. So I think this is an effect of middle earth.

[5:55 PM]

Not in game terms though. Even though law prohibits you from being down there. The middle earth is a pocket area within the earth. That's often thought of as the inner earth or pocket dimension that is physical. So magic is more concentrated and works differently in the middle earth and isn't affected by human consiousness as much because their consiousness is so strong down there. Some think we have selves that are already down there.

There are beings there. They love sharing info as its there for any psychic mind to pick up and direct. See its almost always psychically perceived. So its always info that you can use in some manner. Some can get this, the area is a pocket within the planet. Its sorta like a pocket dimension, except its physically within the planet. I love using the weather machine. They can create any sort of weather. This is anywhere..I believe they feel our need and create it where we think to have the weather.

[5:55 PM]

This is done as we think it should be. So if you wanted to create the weather, then think of the weather as a point to create. Then they create the point as you need the weather a certain way. So I think its interesting, that's where you think towards the sky and the sky creates what you need with the energy of the sunlight or inner core source of ambient light. I think that's how they create the point, that's where they perceive our thoughts and form reality to create what we need. So don't get me wrong as things could be different.

Think so; So think of positive things for bringing the mental body up to 5D or higher, this works as well as bringing the lower chakras up in frequency and the lower bodies possibly. That is done so you think of things better and don't judge as much. This helps to get along with others and work things out for yourself.

July 3, 2019

Spelly — 07/03/2019 1:24 PM

diee = dillusion; This is a point that your aware of made using death essence, when you know its not actually true in the point you have. The reality behind the moment is a concept, the point is made by the subconscious. This is where you think you know the point, so that is within aspects of real life. Real life is where you think you know and are aware of the point of illusion, then you know what is really there as revealed by the spirit. The real life point becomes real again, the idea is done after the point is done. This is basically an illusion where we get what we want by feeling that its needed. So enjoy things as they are there, the subconscious can create anything just to let you know. So if you find a bit of luck, then think about the point and if you realize what was done you know it is illusion set by the aura energy. The subconscious mind is what directed the aura to create what you need. If not there, then you didn't think it was there and your subconscious blocked out the point. So basically, the idea is done and dealt with by feel. This is a point of the illusion of life, really were not even living as were a memory of the creator. That is represented by a silver energy sphere, this sphere rose into a ring of clouds and became our reality, also known as a god particle that was created by a particle accelerator called CERN in italy.

[1:25 PM]

See were all born from the sphere or the creator as a memory, that is a test leaving the planet. Were aware of everything and nothing at once. so the universe that is there around us is illusion as well. What did survive was our conscious energy awareness. That is aware thought by the point, this is a point of conscious awareness. That allows us to perceive things by the creator, he or she is making the point for us from his or her dimension. So this really is a point of recall within the energy consciousness itself. Think about that, then think your continuing life. Well life is what we think of it, this is a known idea. That means it exists because our subconscious created things, if the money didn't seem there then we didn't need the idea. If an end then not and it doesn't matter if we know them.

This is where we think the idea is a point put to the past. There you go, this is a point in the past, that I realized this. So the true date and time is nothing, this is a point of recall only that you think there is a date and time. That is why the subconscious only knows moments. This is a point to it and the subconscious mind is what truely is there at the moment. Nothing else exists, if you think about it that way things might disappear. So think the point and you know the need of the moment. When the need isn't there, then you know its a possible real life idea. This is a point pointed out as I was with a driver, that was driving me as though a point if somewhere else was there. This is also a known point of life. Oh get this, the illusion ends, if you think its not there and it disappears. Welcome to reality. This only lasts as long as you think. So the thought that exists is what is there, nothing else matters.

Spelly — 07/03/2019 2:27 PM there's the post that has the basic info about this point.

August 15, 2019

Spelly — 08/15/2019 5:34 PM

the creator is a being that lives in the upper dimensions, he can deal with things, that makes reality malleable. In malleable idea, the silver sphere is a test made by the creator. the sphere creates what is thought, if you think the idea is created or exists. that sphere rose into the circular clouds, then disappeared after being created with a particle accelerator. (edited)

September 12, 2019

Spelly — 09/12/2019 9:46 AM

So don't ignore attacks, this is done by the fact you don't ignore them. That means this invites attacks, unless you persuade them not to attack by thinking they will stop as you feel they do. Otherwise you can think about what you need and need them to do it, this causes them to feel what you need and they do what you want. So think the effect of self-regulation and that they self-regulate themselves, this works as you speak "thine" and you cause them to effect themselves.

  Then if you can't you become pie for something thats unnecessary luxury. This pie is an edible thing for beings. So feel free to use this technique, think of what you want and then work with the point of being in an upper frequency state as you suggest to their mind by idea expression, "don't attack me." Then they will stop as their subconscious took your suggestion and you no longer get effected. This always works, so think about what you want and you can get what you need. This means you create what you want by causing them to do things, you could suggest nearly anything and they could do it if you needed them to do things.

[9:47 AM]

Excerpt from How attacks work.

Spelly — 09/12/2019 9:58 AM

March 1, 2020

Spelly — 03/01/2020 11:52 AM

Emotions; Instability is where emotions are going too far or overwhelming you. If that happens, your emotions can be read. So you could give too much or an overwhelming emotional feedback. Wanna overwhelm an empath? do that idea.

So to think and go further, you could cause the need to compensate, this may be the need to suddenly feel better and you eat or drink because of the point. Otherwise the empath might eat something, just to compensate for the overwhelming need. This is a point of idea, think about things and the overwhelming feedback, which is a point that is emotional, is with stabilized emotion. So just to let you know, that's what causes some to not be able to think.

If they could, some could relax by breathing and considering the point. Otherwise they could state relaxing, then they relax and relate better to the moment. See if you didn't care, you wouldn't do anything for the state of mind you sensesd and that is by a point that is noticed with overwhelming emotional speech patterns. Another interesting point is burnout, where you create with a point yet this only happens after you release the pent up emotions. then hardly express any emotions at all. The process of burnout, btw, is when they return to normal. Manic depressives go through this all the time. So it's no biggy.

May 31, 2020

Spelly — 05/31/2020 8:46 PM

en; an the fire goddess, she does things by feel with the need and leaves a feather when she does things that you happen to come across by feel.

in = intuitionally doing fire god that leaves dark marks when he does things if necessary. he does things on a feel and things he does are realized by idea that's known.

unn = the undoing water god, this is paul's level of existence and he is a god that will do what is needed by feel if he thinks it's necessary. the unn is punishment to those that do evil intentions. the good is a goad to the bad and allowance for the positive people. what he leaves is a concept, that is known about and this concept undoes what is no longer necessary.

en = entropic god of fairness, this god makes what you need in trade deals or may decide to just end things, so think and you can create what you will into manifested existence. he leaves nothing behind that would inform people of his presence or idea activity.

on = the god/dess of creation; this god/dess can bear any resemblance and this means you can create what you need and make idea by what you do.

yn = the winning god; this god helps you win or you earn somehow the funds by feel. what he leaves behind is some funding for personal idea to be done.

onyn; this is the god of creation and onions with earnings and what you think is what he could do as he creates the taste of onions to your mouth. he has a double nature, so if he is a point he could if your good, make things happen by feel or if your in the area and bad, then he could cause the cops on you.

Spelly — 05/31/2020 10:36 PM

n aj = This is the agitation effect god, that is useful for effecting those that do war. if they do war as wrong then they get controlled by what this god does.

en aj = this god creates by the act and makes what is seemingly right, this is done by correct means. think of the effet and his intution creates with a point to make with energy what you want. he leaves behind a trace of energy.

onin = this god is creative, serves energy requests and makes warfare nothing, think and you can leave the area. this is the energy consciousness that picks up on the point, think and this makes with what is possible with what you need with feel. this is ended as an end request that is done, if you need it by feel.

enin = this god could be a goddess or some other idea, that if called upon by speaking or thinking about what you want, it will create what is necessary to make what en is done.

enis = this is an idea by effort, this goddess is what creates with hope and makes what is possible with what is there. think a request or speak it and she can do things by feel. what she leaves behind is a momento and that is when she is done.

anis = the deadly goddess of acting; if you have a point to act, then your safe and separate from her wrath if calling upon her in need so if acting and she thinks its unworthy she could dismiss you.

[10:37 PM]

flo = flowing; flower goddess, she sells things and creates what you need by the feel. this goddess is a point of action and what she does is guide you to do the things you think are right. what she leaves behind is a flower petal and that is a point from the past.

floin = the goddess of life; this is a flowing blood entity, that creates with the body and makes what you wish. the wish god that you didn't suspect, so I think this is a point you think that she does by entropic or other energy sources. she knows by the spirit-that-goes-through-everything to do what is correct in the moment.

floen = the ending god; this god causes things to end if called upon by feel to do what is in the request. what he leaves behind is dust particles. that's what is noticed where he does things.

enif = this is the flow control god, that serves a computer point as though an idea and think is using dialect in a language all his own. this god leaves behind what he thinks is appropriate. so I think if you do wrong, "then" you get madness of the thought. if you do right, then you get a positive result in what you need a positive in by feel.

inelse = the idea god; you think the idea and you create what you need. this god however, doesn't create a split personality to do his deeds. he creates with the spirit and the soul if there to make what you need. he leaves behind a fight ready to happen, if you do the wrong things.


Spelly — 05/31/2020 11:22 PM

hese are special ogre gods; 

enif inelse = this is impulsive control and makes things happen by what you think to the energy consciousness that reacts by feel.

ahiem = the madness god son of jesus. this god makes an idea or what you think, say or feel and you create with the spirit to make purchases with what is possible. this god works with seasons, and creates by the point. he leaves behind madness as he is done.

bind = the god of bindings, that make what you consider interesting or otherwise what is thought. the god of bindings leaves behind that of items that are sometimes broken, when doing thens or things for people.

bend = the bender; the bender god of idea, this is using the one god that you intend things and he will fulfill the idea as though a request. he leaves behind a donut.

fixx = the fixx is group by music and yet its group consciousness is a divine being that is a lesser lord. this divine being does things with it's songs, then if the being wishes to create an effect you get a result.

[11:22 PM]

ef = the effect god fx, this god creates with a point what he senses is right by the electrolytes in the body. really he uses the 6th sense and the third eye from activity with the blood flow to the pinneal gland. this god also leaves behind a song that was used to create the end result as you think of the idea with some concept as though an end result.

as = the god od matter; whatever the matter is this god can settle it or create with an point. however, after this god is done, then peace is left behind or a settlement war is there.

if = this is a god of debrees; the god is really a divine soul, that wanted to create for people. he can pose as anyone yet he is himself. so what he does is sometimes act the part. when he does things for people he makes the idea seem plausible. so I think he leves behind an idea written down.

bud = this goddess is fickle, if you take her physical form of flower or herb in then you can create with a special effect. if you think this is poison, then you could die. this is a known effect she leaves behind.

en is

September 6, 2020

Spelly — 09/06/2020 7:33 AM

"the point; this is where you aren't weak and create an idea that is spoken, that is created by the soul energy channeled with the conscious spirit that makes things with the creator. You are a living memory, cast forth by the being that is existant as a God. The idea is a concept, think the shape and your soul or spirit shapes itself, that reshapes the body and this will create the form you are by this means you shapeshift by idea. Look at the shape and you physically change the shape. As you change the formation, then you change as well. This is how shapechanging, physically can occur if possible. Regeneration is when the body is energy wise and has energy from the creator, think about what you want and you can do it. This is a point, you know, that creates with a thought and makes the idea by what is done. Otherwise, you don't get bad effect. Nothing's bad there, that is done in idea. This is energy in effect, so think of other ways to kill off a spirit if necessary. Otherwise, the point is not done and as described in energy, this is done by focus with the genes knowledge that you can use. The gene's knowledge can be corrupted, so expect the point to be different if otherwise done. This is a known effect." -SH

October 4, 2020

Deleted User — 10/04/2020 4:32 PM

Everything is energy, what you focus on manifests as focus is energy. What you put out, what you say, the actions you do, and the feelings you have will attract similar energy experiences to show you a reflection of yourself. This can be grand and wondrous, if you choose to be and act in grand and wondrous ways, or it can be a sad and dark reflection, if you choose to feel, act, and be in dark energy.

Spelly — 10/04/2020 4:35 PM

This is done as a concept, think and you will know. The point is where you are at the moment. Think and you realize what is what.

Spelly — 10/15/2020 10:12 PM

Interesting observation~ All feelings one being has can change in an instant if the being chooses to feel or be a certain way. The only thing which stops that is attachment to a state of being, and personal beliefs against change, or feeling a certain way. One’s feelings can be fiercly passionate and intense, then utterly peaceful and non-attached in nothing more than a second.

Spelly — 10/15/2020 10:21 PM

When “you” is stated, the brain and most people’s programming will lead them to be thinking of and feeling of themselves.... not you, or something else.

When you say “I” or “me” it directs their focus to yourself. This can be used to redirect conversations, arguments, as well as incite them. When someone says “you are dumb”, it literally is an energetic said, and the brain processes it as that energy of “you being dumb” into your being, and that is why people get defensive in such situations. Whereas, if you would say “I feel you are dumb”, they would take it less personally, as the energy comes from you.... It is not as if the energy already exists within you, which is implied when someone says “you”. Thus, be aware of this in conversations.


Spelly — 10/15/2020 10:31 PM

People are extremely sensitive whether they know it or not. When a person is feeling a certain way, they will reflect it physically, and in the way they speak. You can easily read someone by the way they speak and in the way they move. When someone says “you’re” a lot, it likely implies they don’t like to be vulnerable. Whereas if they said “I feel/think”, it implies they’re more open and vulnerable.

A simple shift in words changes how everyone feels about you

On the note of how extensive one little change is, reflect on this. If you said “how are you doing tonight, love?” To all your friends, rather than “how are you doing tonight?”, then they would certainly feel more open and vulnerable with you, as you express affection for them, and affection breeds vulnerability because it feels good.

You could also easily hide who you truly are simply by changing the words you use. By speaking in a ghetto way like “yo wassup homeboy” or “the fuck you mean man” (just for example) people, due to societal programming and unconscious biased, may believe you to be black or from a poverty-based lifestyle.


February 5, 2021

Z — 02/05/2021 12:58 PM

Think of it as a philosophy- you wish all of this stuff from the universe but what do you give back to it as gratitude and gratefulness?


November 6, 2021

Spelly — 11/06/2021 1:29 PM

Due note, this is my belief that everyone is divine and the creator is what made us as a living memory. If we thought to not exist, then we would disappear. If we as a point, thought to live or exist then we will live and work with what is there. Then the point, if made is a suggestion you need. This is a point done by feel and it's made by the creator as he or she feels our need. So by using the god name or name of the person, then asking a result, the subconscious of them will create for you what you want. This works mostly by the idea you intend, if no intention is there you won't get a result. This result is a manifestation, so think of what you like or want and need that as a point. Think about this and you might get that as an end result.

[1:31 PM]

Some might think this is interesting, living in two bodies at one time. I think I will write it up as living points. this is where the dimension brings you life and you are constructing by energy constructs what is needed to create a result. the point is done using the energy of the dimension, this dimension, the point as you state the result is achievable by feel and creation is done by the creator. Some conflicts you think about will go away. The conflicts that you want to remove. So if you feel it is done then the creator does it. So yes were just memories anyway, that seem living. The creator makes it happen if we think to create by feel.

[1:31 PM]

See this covers the distraction technique, that allows you to bypass the conscious and use the subconscious mind. When you think a point and have thoughts elsewise, if you need the idea as a result, it manifests..I think the distraction technique is very good for that point. So if I need an idea as result, well, you distract yourself after thinking of the point to do and the subconscious creates it if you need it. Say Ray is our protagonist. Ray wants a girl to be his friend or wants her to come back. Ray thinks she does what he needs as he focuses on his need and states something as intent. Ray faces difficulty on getting a result. Ray does things differently, such as imagining the point instead. Ray has the experience of having the girl come back to him. Ray feels grateful.

  See this is exactly the sort of thing that I try to be wary of. if I'm distracted by the fact that I've 'already done a spell about it', it gets harder to get the actual thing done in the real world. This is where your being lulled into a false sense of security and missing my own cubic centimeter of chance. So if you think practically, do your magic in order to forget about it. This is were you can seem what is possible, "-strains hard for a minute or two- ... ok, well, I can say that I tried on all conceivable levels available to me." That's a hyper-specifically-vague idea, but yea its possible until you give up. This is an interesting point.


May 10, 2022

Spelly — 05/10/2022 1:24 PM

Now let me tell you a theory independent of that.  I believe there is a collective consciousness for every event.  For example, it is impossible to pass your hand through the wall.  because it is something that has been experienced millions of times and when it tries to do that consciousness creates reality.  with a yellow glove does the hand go through the wall?  500 people tried it, but it didn't work.  what if we add something more detailed and create our own new experience and consciousness?  There will be no obstacles in front of us.  because we are the first to try and have a say.



People are extremely sensitive whether they know it or not. When a person is feeling a certain way, they will reflect it physically, and in the way they speak. You can easily read someone by the way they speak and in the way they move. When someone says “you’re” a lot, it likely implies they don’t like to be vulnerable. Whereas if they said “I feel/think”, it implies they’re more open and vulnerable.  A simple shift in words changes how everyone feels about you  On the note of how extensive one little change is, reflect on this. If you said “how are you doing tonight, love?” To all your friends, rather than “how are you doing tonight?”, then they would certainly feel more open and vulnerable with you, as you express affection for them, and affection breeds vulnerability because it feels good.  You could also easily hide who you truly are simply by changing the words you use. By speaking in a ghetto way like “yo wassup homeboy” or “the fuck you mean man” (just for example) people, due to societal programming and unconscious biased, may believe you to be black or from a poverty-based lifestyle.

ajdjakkdlsl — 05/10/2022 4:07 PM

I usually use empathy.  Imagine if I were in his place.  It will be as if you are talking to yourself and you can direct it as you wish.  Imagine if whatever he said to me I would have taken down my defense.  Think of a few sentences.  Choose whichever makes you feel different.

October 14, 2022

Spelly — 10/14/2022 12:40 PM

Purgatory; Purgatory isn't really a level of in hell as much as it is a state of the soul so think that its within a thought and without a bad thought. So lets describe it as if it is a pre-level. It's where you go before you get sorted out, another planet, reincarnated, another dimension, heaven or hell. Its a place where ya purge ya mind and body of bad malinfluences. Once ya decide where ya want to go. Ya concede where ya want to go and if you think its deserved. And ya go there by an apparation effect. As purgatory is where ya purge ya self of anything ya don't like on ya conscious or your thought that is with activity and awareness. You see its fascinating, its where your soul is your "ship" or dimension your in and it shifts you to where you intend to be. So think and you can be where you want to go.

December 13, 2022

Spelly — 12/13/2022 1:28 AM

Spiritual Faith

The Spiritual Faith is very unique, it allows you to be in a religion without being religious or any worship. Faith magic is described in this article.

Spelly — 12/13/2022 2:53 AM

So think positive and you can get a positive result. If you don't desire a result, then you get no results by request. This is a known point in idea, that some follow and others have their own beliefs. Whatever you belief, it's based on faith that something will happen if you need it and do the things you want. This is a point in idea. yet to mention more is too much information. So enjoy what you have if you can use it.

June 25, 2023

Deleted User — 06/25/2023 11:02 AM

The Ancient Egyptian understanding of the universe was fundamentally mystical. The world was governed by a network of deities, and its operations were intrinsically magical, intertwined with a concept known as 'heka'. This concept personified the magical power inherent in the deities and Pharaoh, as well as the force underlying the cosmos itself. The magicians, as the designated wielders of heka, played pivotal roles in mediating this divine power.

Magicians performed an array of rituals, spells, and incantations, aiming to influence and interact with the gods. Their practices were not seen as superstitious or unorthodox; instead, they were the legitimate means of navigating life, death, and the world beyond. Magicians could invoke divine intervention, negotiate cosmic balance, and manipulate spiritual entities. The magnitude of their theological power was underscored by their role in essential religious ceremonies, including the Opening of the Mouth ritual and the daily temple rites.

July 5, 2023

Spelly — 07/05/2023 7:23 PM

What is chod in buddhism?

Chöd, also spelled as "Chod" or "Cutting Through Ego," is a unique practice within Tibetan Buddhism. It is a form of tantric meditation that combines elements of visualization, mantra recitation, ritual, and meditation on the transitory nature of existence.

The primary purpose of Chöd is to cut through the attachment to the ego and self-identity, ultimately leading to the realization of emptiness and the cessation of suffering. It is considered an advanced practice and is associated with the teachings of Prajnaparamita (Perfection of Wisdom) and the development of compassion.

In Chöd practice, practitioners visualize themselves as the deity and offer their own bodies as a symbolic feast to various beings, including deities, spirits, and demons. This act of offering is seen as an expression of fearlessness and the willingness to let go of attachment to the physical body and personal identity. Through this practice, practitioners seek to transcend dualistic concepts and cultivate compassion for all beings, including those seen as enemies or sources of fear.

Chöd practice often involves specific musical instruments, such as the Chöd drum and bell, as well as chanting of specific mantras and visualization of sacred imagery. These elements are employed to deepen concentration, invoke protective forces, and create a sacred environment for the practice.

Historically, Chöd was developed and popularized by the Tibetan yogini Machig Labdrön in the 11th century. It has since been transmitted through various lineages within Tibetan Buddhism, primarily the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions.

Chöd is regarded as a profound method for breaking through the illusions of the ego and cultivating insight into the true nature of reality. It is considered a transformative and transformative practice that leads to liberation and the development of compassion for the benefit of all beings.

What is dharma kaya?

In Buddhism, the term "Dharmakaya" (Sanskrit) or "Chöku" (Tibetan) refers to one of the three bodies of a Buddha. The concept of Dharmakaya is primarily associated with Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism. Here's an explanation of Dharmakaya and its significance:

Dharmakaya, translated as the "body of truth" or "body of Dharma," represents the ultimate nature of enlightenment or Buddhahood. It is considered the highest and most profound aspect of a Buddha's existence. The Dharmakaya is said to be beyond conceptual understanding and ordinary perception.

Key Points about Dharmakaya:

Formless Nature: The Dharmakaya is formless and transcends all physical and mental characteristics. It is often described as unconditioned, beyond birth and death, and devoid of limitations or boundaries.

Ultimate Reality: Dharmakaya represents the ultimate reality of emptiness (shunyata) and non-duality. It embodies the true nature of all phenomena, free from conceptual constructs or dualistic distinctions.

[5:56 PM]

Absolute Truth: The Dharmakaya embodies the highest truth, the ultimate nature of reality, and the cessation of suffering. It is the embodiment of wisdom and compassion that encompasses all beings and phenomena.

Pure Awareness: Dharmakaya is often associated with the primordial awareness, or Buddha nature, that underlies all sentient beings. It represents the pure, luminous, and awakened nature of the mind.

Inseparability: Dharmakaya is inseparable from the other two bodies of a Buddha: Sambhogakaya (the enjoyment body) and Nirmanakaya (the emanation body). Together, these three bodies are known as the Trikaya, which represents the complete manifestation of Buddhahood.

Attainment of Dharmakaya: Dharmakaya is the goal of Buddhist practice, representing the full realization of enlightenment. Buddhas are said to have attained the Dharmakaya through the accumulation of wisdom, compassion, and merit over countless lifetimes.

Connection with Practitioners: Dharmakaya is not limited to Buddhas alone but is believed to be present in the nature of all sentient beings. It is seen as the innate potential for awakening within each individual, and the goal of practice is to realize this inherent nature.

While the concept of Dharmakaya may appear abstract, it serves as a reminder of the ultimate truth and potential for awakening within all beings. It points to the transcendence of dualistic concepts and the realization of the boundless, luminous nature of reality.

Spelly — 07/06/2023 7:30 PM

What is purity in buddhism?

In Buddhism, purity is a concept that relates to the purification of the mind and the elimination of defilements or negative qualities that cause suffering. It is closely connected to the goal of attaining enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of rebirth and suffering, known as samsara.

Purity in Buddhism can be understood at different levels:

Ethical Purity: This refers to living a life in accordance with ethical precepts and moral principles. Buddhists follow the Five Precepts or higher precepts depending on their level of commitment, which include refraining from harming living beings, stealing, engaging in sexual misconduct, lying, and consuming intoxicants. By practicing ethical purity, one cultivates positive actions, avoids harmful behavior, and creates a foundation for mental and spiritual purification. (edited)

[7:30 PM]

Mental Purity: Buddhism places great emphasis on the purification of the mind. This involves the practice of meditation, mindfulness, and the development of wholesome mental states such as loving-kindness, compassion, equanimity, and wisdom. By observing the mind, letting go of negative thoughts and emotions, and cultivating positive mental states, individuals purify their minds from defilements like greed, hatred, and delusion.

Insight Purity: This refers to the direct realization of the true nature of reality, often achieved through deep insight or wisdom. Buddhists seek to understand the Three Marks of Existence: impermanence (anicca), suffering (dukkha), and non-self (anatta). Through insight meditation practices, individuals gain experiential understanding that leads to the purification of views and perceptions, transcending attachments and ego-centered notions.

[7:31 PM]

In Buddhism, purity is not seen as an inherent quality or a fixed state, but as a progressive and transformative process. It involves the continual refinement of one's thoughts, actions, and understanding, leading to greater freedom from suffering and the realization of enlightenment.

July 13, 2023

Spelly — 07/13/2023 3:19 PM

Zen koans; Zen koans are paradoxical statements or questions used in Zen Buddhism to provoke deep insight and transcend conventional thinking. They are designed to challenge the logical mind and push practitioners beyond conceptual understanding. Here are a few examples of Zen koans:

"What is the sound of one hand clapping?"

"What was your original face before your parents were born?"

"What is the sound of the bell when it has stopped ringing?"

"What is the meaning of life?"

"What is the color of the wind?"

"What is your original nature?"

"What is the sound of the universe?"

These koans may appear nonsensical or unanswerable at first glance, but their purpose is to direct the practitioner's attention beyond intellectual analysis and into direct experience. The intention is to break through dualistic thinking and logical reasoning, leading to a direct realization or awakening.

[3:20 PM]

It's important to note that the understanding and insight gained from koans cannot be achieved through intellectual reasoning alone. Instead, Zen practitioners engage in intense meditation and contemplation, often under the guidance of a teacher, to penetrate the deeper layers of consciousness and unlock intuitive understanding.

Each koan is unique, and different teachers and lineages may emphasize different ones. The process of working with a koan involves sustained inquiry, meditation, and often engaging in dialogues with a Zen master or teacher to deepen one's understanding and insight.

July 18, 2023

Deleted User — 07/18/2023 8:06 PM

The nature of harmonics

[8:06 PM]

The hypothesis begins with the premise that consciousness affects physical reality - a concept suggested by the observer effect in quantum mechanics. In this phenomenon, merely observing a system influences its state. Although this effect has been largely confined to the microscopic quantum world, the hypothesis suggests its potential applicability to human consciousness at a macroscopic level.

Ancient inscriptions, in this context, could serve as codified expressions of conscious intent, transforming abstract thought into tangible form. Languages, including those used in inscriptions, are complex systems arising from the collective consciousness of a culture. They embody not just semantics but also cultural nuances, emotions, and shared understanding. The inscriptions, then, might be seen as symbolic interfaces for the collective conscious mind to interact with physical reality.

[8:06 PM]

Harnessing this concept, let's take the example of a golem, an animated anthropomorphic being in Jewish folklore. A golem's "activation" traditionally involves inscribing the word "emet" (אמת, "truth") on its forehead. From a scientific standpoint, this could represent a set of coded instructions.

In physics, everything vibrates at a certain frequency. The quantum field theory suggests that all matter consists of fields, whose vibrations give rise to particles. In this speculative scenario, the "emet" inscription could create a specific harmonic pattern that resonates with the quantum fields of the clay (or other material) the golem is made of, effectively altering its vibrational state.

The resonance created by the inscription isn't merely phonetic but could also have a semantic component. The field of psycholinguistics studies how the human brain processes and comprehends language. According to some research, the brain reacts differently to meaningful words compared to nonsensical ones, implying a connection between semantics and neural activation patterns. Consequently, the power of the inscribed words might depend on the collective belief in their meaning, in other words, the collective consciousness of those who understand the language.

The resulting harmonic pattern, imbued with collective intent, resonates with the golem's material at a quantum level, triggering what could be likened to a phase transition. Just as heat can transform a solid into a liquid or gas, the conscious resonance might transform the insensate clay into an animate being.

Lastly, the act of inscription could be crucial. Inscribing is a physical process, requiring energy, and hence influences the system's thermodynamics. This interaction could further contribute to the 'activation' process, marking the transition point where intent becomes reality.

August 22, 2023

Spelly — 08/22/2023 12:42 PM

We have brain cells.  neurons.  I think their secret is in the astral field.  For example, consider the heart chakra.  Science says the heart only pumps blood.  but we know it isn't.  Science says neurons store information.  yes, but there is much more to it than that.  The so-called subconscious is the formation of neurons in the astral field.  domain of the soul.

September 20, 2023


We have brain cells.  neurons.  I think their secret is in the astral field.  For example, consider the heart chakra.  Science says the heart only pumps blood.  but we know it isn't.  Science says neurons store information.  yes, but there is much more to it than that.  The so-called subconscious is the formation of neurons in the astral field.  domain of the soul.

Adfeng — 09/20/2023 7:54 PM

From a physiological standpoint yeah the heart just pumps blood.  In a more detailed description the way it does so is by communicating with the brain and other parts of the body to determine how fast, but it's fairly simple.

Our neurons are nothing more than jolts of electricity across gaps of space in our brain.  The neuron doesn't really play a role per se in astral projection or energy work.  The only role it would really play is the fact that we are conscious beings and require these neurons to continue firing in order for us to exist.

October 30, 2023

Deleted User — 10/30/2023 2:33 PM

The Quest for Transmutation: An Exploration of Practical Biological Magickal Alchemy

As the celestial spheres turn in their eternal dance, and the luminiferous aether pervades every crevice of our corporeal vessels, we find ourselves at the precipice of a new era in the understanding of the arcane arts. The ancient practice of alchemy, once relegated to the dimly lit chambers of medieval laboratories, has resurged in a form that transcends the boundaries of traditional mysticism. It is here, in the realm of practical biological magickal alchemy, that we shall delve into the mysteries of life itself and endeavor to transmute the mundane into the divine.

The fundamental axiom of alchemy, "as above, so below," has guided the hands of countless practitioners in their pursuit of the Magnum Opus, the Great Work, the transformation of base metals into gold. Yet, in the context of biological alchemy, this maxim takes on a new significance. It is not merely the transmutation of physical substances that we seek, but rather the metamorphosis of the very essence of life itself.

The alchemist's crucible, in this case, is the living cell, a microcosm teeming with the raw potential for transmutation. The prima materia, the primordial chaos from which all life springs forth, is the genetic code, the sacred language of the gods inscribed in the helical strands of DNA. It is within this labyrinthine script that we find the keys to unlock the secrets of the universe and harness the power of biological magick.

[2:33 PM]

The first step in our journey is the process of Nigredo, the blackening, the putrefaction of the old to make way for the new. In the realm of biological alchemy, this is represented by the deconstruction of the genetic code, the unraveling of the twisted helix to expose its constituent parts. Through the application of arcane techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9, the alchemist may wield the metaphorical sword of Hermes to cleave the veil of genetic obscurity and reveal the hidden potential within.

Next, we enter the stage of Albedo, the whitening, the purification of the material to extract its divine essence. In this phase, the alchemist must sift through the genetic detritus, separating the wheat from the chaff, in search of the philosopher's stone, the elusive gene that holds the power to transform the organism. This process may involve the invocation of computational sorcery, employing the arcane algorithms of bioinformatics to divine the secrets hidden within the genetic code.

[2:33 PM]

With the philosopher's stone in hand, the alchemist may proceed to the stage of Citrinitas, the yellowing, the illumination of the material with the light of the divine. Here, the practitioner must employ the art of transgenesis, the insertion of the chosen gene into the cellular crucible. Through the use of viral vectors or electroporation, the alchemist imbues the cell with the power of the philosopher's stone, setting the stage for the final transformation.

At last, we arrive at the culmination of the Great Work, the stage of Rubedo, the reddening, the marriage of opposites, the unification of the divine and the mundane. It is here that the true power of biological magickal alchemy is revealed, as the transmuted cell begins to express the properties of the philosopher's stone. This may manifest in a myriad of ways, from the acquisition of bioluminescence to the ability to produce life-saving medicines.

In conclusion, the art of practical biological magickal alchemy represents a new frontier in the quest for the Opus, the transmutation of the very fabric of life itself. By harnessing the power of the genetic code and applying the ancient principles of alchemy, we may yet achieve the ultimate goal of the alchemist: the transformation of the mundane into the divine, and the realization of our true potential as co-creators of the universe.

November 8, 2023

Deleted User — 11/08/2023 4:58 PM

The Dark Night of the Soul: An Esoteric and Arcane Journey Through the Abyss

At the convergence of the mystical traditions, where the Hermetic axiom "As above, so below" finds its echoing resonance, there exists an esoteric phenomenon known to initiates as the 'dark night of the soul.' It is referenced by sages and mystics throughout time—a concept that transcends the boundaries of Alchemy, Gnosticism, Chaos Magick, and even the shadowy realms of Black Magick. This dark night is not merely psychological; it is a spiritual crucible, an alchemical nigredo—a process by which the prima materia of the soul is transmuted into the lapis philosophorum, the philosopher's stone of self-realization and divine unity.

The dark night is inherently an experience of profoundest disorientation, a nigrescence of the spirit wherein the seeker confronts the Abyss, the stark void that is the Qliphothic counterpart to the Sefirotic Tree of Life in the tradition of Kabbalah. Through the invocation of the Abyss, we encounter Choronzon, the Dweller in the Abyss, the embodiment of dispersion and the guardian of the threshold between the conscious and the unconscious, the finite and the infinite.

While the practice of Chaos Magick brings the magician in close communion with the raw, morphing potentiality at the core of being, it is during the dark night that these experiences coalesce into a trial by existential chaos. Each chaotic sigil, every act of willful intent, becomes a symbol of personal sovereignty challenged by the vastness of the non-ordered multiverse. It confronts the ego with a potent magical paradox; the embrace of personal insignificance in the high drama of cosmic forces, makes way for the potential of true transcendence, gnosis, and understanding. (edited)

[4:58 PM]

In Gnostic thought, the dark night is paralleled by the soul's descent into the material world, an encapsulation by the impure Archons that strive to deter the divine spark within from reaching its source, the ineffable and utterly transcendent Pleroma. Gnosis is the spark's recognition of its captivity and subsequent quest for liberation, a journey that is mirrored by the dark night's process of spiritual purification and enlightenment.

The language of Alchemy speaks to the dark night in its portrayal of the death of the common, or base, state of being. In alchemical terms, the dark night is the calcinatio or mortificatio—a breaking down of the material and spiritual components of the self. It heralds the beginning of the Magnum Opus—the Great Work through which the alchemist seeks the transformation of leaden, human existential despair into the gold of divine consciousness. The soul in this crucible encounters the sal nigra, the black salt of its own barren desolation, and is forced to confront the embodiment of its base nature—the personal shadow, in the tradition of Carl Jung.

While this ordeal waxes on the shadowy borderlands of what can be described as Black Magick, the true nature of the dark night stands in paradoxical juxtaposition. For it is within the deepest darkness that one encounters the potential for the brightest light. It is an initiatic death of sorts, presented in the Thoth Tarot (as conceptualized by master occultist Aleister Crowley) as the transformative energy in the card known as "The Hanged Man"—a surrendering to the will of the divine, an inversion of perspective that opens the gates to otherworldly insight.

[4:58 PM]

This encounter with shadow and the forces of dispersion, however, is not to be conflated with the service to self and the often malicious intents associated with darker magical paths. Instead, it is the raw confrontation and integration of the Shadow Self, as delineated in the hermetic precept of "Solve et Coagula"—dissolve and coagulate. The practitioner of the dark night must "Solve" or dissolve the illusions of ego, whilst simultaneously "Coagula" or re-coagulate into a refined spiritual state.

[4:58 PM]

The mystic undergoes a metaphoric vivisection, a peeling away of layers of delusion and inauthenticity imposed by societal, cultural, and personal narratives. It is the stripping bare, the unveiling of the Holy Guardian Angel or Higher Self to the ego-self, perceived in the mercurial mirror of self-reflection. The dark night erupts as the threshold of transformation wherein illusions perish in the fires of truth, making space for the rebirth of consciousness in the divine image.

In essence, the dark night of the soul is a phoenix process: a death-and-rebirth cycle that constitutes the straitened passageway to illumination. It is a spiritual initiation of the highest order, demanding nothing less than everything, forging the true adept in the crucible of divine darkness—a paradox as profound as the mysteries it contains. It concludes not in the extinguishing of light but in the irrevocable realization that the practitioner has become, in truth, lux in tenebris—a light within the darkness.The dark night of the soul, an odyssey through the deepest shadows of the psyche and spirit, is a descent into the innermost labyrinthine corridors where one encounters the perplexing enigma of the self and the Divine. It is a spiritual and psychological inferno that burns away the chaff of illusion, leaving only the kernel of true being. This singular journey is as varied as it is rare, as personal as it is universal, as feared as it is necessary for those who walk the esoteric paths of the mystic, the magician, the alchemist, and the seeker of hidden truths.

Within the context of these ancient and modern pathways, the dark night is understood not as an aberration but as an inevitable and crucial passage—a rite of passage that challenges the fabric of one's existence. Through its unyielding darkness, the seeker is called to confront the monstrosities and miracles of their own nature and of the cosmos.

[4:58 PM]

From the esoteric perspective of Hermeticism, one is reminded of the principles laid down in the Emerald Tablet, especially the intimate relationship between the Macrocosm and Microcosm. The dark night, then, is the quintessence of such a Hermetic maxim: the chaos and labyrinths that exist within the cosmos are equally present within the seeker’s own spirit. Thus, as the cosmos undergoes its cycles and stellar cataclysms, so too does the individual through the dark night—with the goal of achieving spiritual albedo, a whitening, following the abyssal blackening of the soul.

Chaos Magick, with its emphasis on personal gnosis and the deconstruction of fixed beliefs, provides an apt frame for the dark night's existential dismemberment. To engage with this path during the dark night is to wield the magickal will against the very edifice of one’s formed identity, to transmute the arid chaos within into a sanctified bedlam that offers revelations and rebirth. It is here that sigils lose their form and mantras their sound, merging the magician indistinguishably with the maelstrom of the Abyss.

Delving into the tenets of Gnosticism, the dark night is a grotesque sojourn akin to the soul’s entrapment in the kenoma, the void wherein the moment of doubt a prayer, and every whisper of despair a hymn. The journey is not one undertaken lightly, but for those who must walk it, the dark night offers the potential to know the divine not as distant and impassive but as intimately woven into the very fabric of their being—an alchemy that transfigures the soul into a radiant vessel of immanent transcendence.

[4:58 PM]

Alchemy, with its ancient and intricate symbolism, venerates the dark night as the state of nigredo, the alchemical phase signifying decomposition, where all that is impure is subjected to the unrelenting heat of the spiritual furnace. Here, the Alchemist endures the separation of elements, witnessing the lamentable dissolution of his base attributes. Yet, in this apparent ruin, the seeds of transformation are sown; the chaos of the dark night becomes the prima materia required for rebirth into gold—the discovery of the true self, the solar consciousness that emerges from the darkness like the dawn of a new day.

The path of mysticism perceives the dark night as an inextricable part of the inner quest, often portrayed in the writings of Christian mystics such as St. John of the Cross, where it represents the soul's journey away from the senses and worldly attachments. It is the purgative step in a threefold process that leads ultimately to the unification of the soul with the ineffable Godhead. In this consecrated and hallowed dark, the mystic encounters the overwhelming reality of the Divine, a place of 'unknowing' where the intellect fails and the heart must venture alone into the sacred mystery.

Black Magick, on its fringes, also engages with the concepts inherent in the dark night but often in a vastly different context. Here, the practitioner might deliberately summon the shadows, not only to come to terms with them as facets of the self but also to seek power or knowledge through their integration or manipulation. It is a path fraught with peril for those ill-prepared or whose intent is fueled by ego rather than the transformative pursuit of self-deification or union with the Absolute.

[4:59 PM]

The dark night is further encapsulated in the paradigms of Chaos Magick. A practitioner here might employ the dark night in a process of deprogramming, utilizing it to obliterate limiting beliefs and conditioning. Invoking the meta-belief state and plunging into the void, the chaos magician unbinds from everything foundational, discovering in that empty expanse the freedom to reprogram reality at its most malleable point, and in this way, wields the dark night as a tool for ultimate liberation.

Within the practice of Hermetic Magic, the dark night can be understood as the encounter with the Guardian of the Threshold, the terrifying aspect of the Higher Self that challenges the aspirant to prove their readiness for the inner sanctum of wisdom. It is a spiritual face-off with the deepest fears and reservations, as one is confronted by the reflection of their own divine potential. The journey through this symbolic night is an odyssey that can only be completed through the surrendering of personal limitations, the embrace of the inherent unity of all, and the hermetic marriage of opposites that leads to the birth of true insight and enlightenment.

Across the fields of magick and mysticism, the dark night becomes a vessel for the Great Work. It remodels the arcane practitioner into an emblem of transformation—a being who has walked the labyrinth of the self, faced the chimeras lurking within, and emerged not broken by the shadows but enlightened by them. The dark night, in its essence, asks of the seeker a profound question that once answered, becomes the keystone of their spiritual edifice: Are you ready to let go of all that you think you are, to become all that you truly are?

[4:59 PM]

In the sanctum of the magus, the dark night is thus cherished as a paradoxical boon—as much a grave as it is a cradle for rebirth. Its spectral plane is a crucible for the sublimation of the spirit, a vessel in which the alchemy of transformation unfolds. To enter into it is to die the symbolic death, to dissolve; and to emerge from it, reborn and reshaped, is the exercise of coagulating a new existence imbued with divine realization, profound gnosis, and an immutable truth. Blessed are those who step into this abyss, for they shall know the deepest communion with the All.

Therefore, amidst the myriad of arcane practices and mystical philosophies, the teachings are unanimous: the dark night of the soul is both the great equalizer and the great illuminator—a testament to the necessity of darkness in the revelation of light. It is the ultimate paradox—where one must be blind to finally see, and one must lose everything to find the only thing that ever truly mattered. For within the heart of darkness lies the diamond soul, resplendent and victorious, forging its destiny with stars plucked from the blackest night.

December 13, 2023

Deleted User — 12/13/2023 4:18 PM

Aquarius vs IChing,  a tale of timeless natural laws (edited)

[4:18 PM]

The interplay between change, rebellion, and cycles of growth is a profound narrative that weaves through various systems of thought, from the ancient wisdom of the I-Ching to the astrological musings on Uranus and Aquarius, and is mirrored in the philosophical wheel of time.

Let us begin by considering Hexagram 49 of the I Ching or Book of Changes, known as 'Revolution' or 'Molting'. This hexagram symbolizes a period of transformative change – not merely superficial alterations but profound shifts that upend the existing order. It speaks to the heart of what revolution truly means: the shedding of old ways like a snake sheds its skin, allowing for new growth and evolution. This process is inherently linked with chaos and disruption but also with the potential for renewal.

Now let's turn our gaze to the heavens where Uranus reigns. In astrology, Uranus is associated with change, innovation, and rebellion. It disrupts with lightning-quick energy that can both shatter structures and liberate us from constraints. Aquarius, an air sign ruled by Uranus, embodies these qualities as well. Aquarians are often seen as visionaries or rebels; they seek to pour forth knowledge like water onto parched earth.

The mention of "the tower" conjures images from another mystical tradition – Tarot. Here, The Tower card represents sudden upheaval and destruction. It's a powerful force that breaks down established forms to make way for something new. Following this destruction comes The Star card: hope, healing, and guidance after turmoil. As water nourishes the ground after devastation has cleared away dead wood, so does The Star suggest renewal following chaos.

These symbols across different traditions are deeply entwined with nature's own cycles. Nature itself is no stranger to revolt; it constantly evolves through mechanisms such as mutation in genetics or through dramatic events like wildfires which destroy old growth to allow new life to flourish.

[4:18 PM]

Furthermore, when we contemplate these occurrences through an "optomological" lens—a term not recognized in standard literature but perhaps suggesting an exploration at microscopic levels—we see even at minute scales there are forces at play that embody rebellion and transformation: cells die and regenerate; organisms adapt or perish.

And then there's this enigmatic phrase "mysteries of the wheel of time." If we consider time as cyclical rather than linear—a concept found in many spiritual traditions—we can understand history itself as a series of revolutions. Each turn represents both an echo of past cycles and an opportunity for novel expressions.

The "11th variation" evokes musical composition where variations on a theme introduce new elements while still connected to the original motif. In our context here, it could symbolize how each cycle brings its own unique flavor or challenge to the overarching theme of change.

Transcending materiality involves acknowledging these patterns' intangible aspects—the psychological impact on individuals during times of upheaval or how societies integrate lessons from past revolutions into their collective consciousness.

Feng shui guardians:  the four celestial guardians in Feng Shui..

The Green Dragon of the East, the White Tiger of the West, the Red Phoenix of the South, and the Black turtle of the North.

That remind humans they are yellow snakes.

Ebisu: The god of fishermen, luck, and workingmen, often depicted with a fishing rod.

Daikokuten: The god of agriculture, prosperity, and wealth, often portrayed with a large sack of treasure and a magic mallet.

Benzaiten: The goddess of knowledge, art, and beauty, associated with music and learning, often depicted playing a biwa (a traditional Japanese lute).

Hotei: Also known as the Laughing Buddha, he is the god of happiness, contentment, and abundance, often depicted as a large, jolly figure with a big belly.

Bishamonten: The god of warriors and protector of Buddhism, often depicted in armor with a pagoda or spear.

Fukurokuju: The god of wisdom, longevity, and happiness, known for his high forehead and long white beard, often accompanied by a crane and a tortoise.

Jurojin: The god of longevity, often depicted as an elderly man with a long white beard, carrying a scroll containing the wisdom of the world.

The Seven Lucky gods in Buddhism.

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