Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Magic from discord

 The magic idea from discord

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. All done by the spirit or soul.

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.

Sigil with purpose of “I am overflowing energy levels, nothing can take my energy”

Prayer method to access the akashic records.

Ordered Chaos — 04/01/2021 1:41 PM

How do I super charge them

I drew them before printing

Deleted User — 04/01/2021 1:41 PM

Sun or moon energy

Spelly — 04/01/2021 1:42 PM

Think they are super charged

[11:34 AM]

Spelly — 04/01/2021 3:03 PM

focus, think and create; this is the gemeral underlying manifest ability behind whatever point is made or thought created by the spirit directed by the soul. This is a point in idea, you focus your mind by a thought, think your intended idea and create the result. this is how much of magic works. so feel free to say what you need to get what you desire.

Spelly — 05/31/2023 6:10 PM

psionics; if you focus your mind and breath to relax..then your thought will occur. that is where psionics happen. so think of what you want, like creating a wind in the area..and relax your mind by breathing in and out so your letting the tension "go". optionally, you don't have to breath in and out, you can hold your breath and will the result to form. that by far is easiest. then you can create the effect as your subconscious creates it. then, you "psychically" feel the wind. otherwise, if you wanted to cause water moisture to condense into water. think the moisture in the air condenses and forms water, that's as you breath in and out thinking it does. the water will form where you think it should, this is done by feel or observation like a wet or damp spot on the wall. however you do it, you can get a result if you practice by doing the idea and sometime you may get a result.Here are some posts I did on discord on magic..

fire formation; that is where you focus on the heat in the air condensing into a sphere in the air. then the creator or your God creates the effect. the more condensed the more it does. so basically, the heat is the fire in the air or above your hand from energy. that's gathered in your wrists, and used from the focus of your hands and thought. so your gathering it into a sphere in the air or hand, then think it goes to the target and it does.. (target a wall surface). it should form at the least a dark spot you psychically see and at most a physical smudge mark. think energy goes into the mark or marks and it will eventually burst into fire. tell if you can do it. 

oh yeah.. sometime you will find it doesn't form, allow the heat to recirculate in the air and after 1 minute or more, you should be able to do it. one last thing, the more your emotionally focused upon the target and doing something. the more chance that you do it. the more effect you get, like making a really dark spot. that's if you think about the need and will it with your emotion, like love or hate. this does have a 50% chance to succeed. sometimes if you overdo it, you can get a headache. that headache disappears after awhile.

so try and try again till you give it up. for some it does take years, so think to master it at your own pace. however, the effect of creation can make you hungry, that's because your body uses energy up to help form the effect and need energy from sustenance to recoup its energy. this is focusing the energy in the air to create things by feel. so think to keep from eating and you don't gain any weight. that's what could happen to make weight happen. thinking to ho;d off causes you to not need to eat, so think about it and you know what to do.

[1:33 PM]

the more you repeat the rite, the more you accumulate with based repetition - energy, into a specific point of poise, the more power you get over the accumulation of such energy as well as the reinforcement of reality and abiding by those principles that reality gives structure to those system, which manifests the way it did for you. it doesn't matter what kind of system you are using, repetition will reinforce its power. another reason why ritual magick is so effective, because its based on repetition. repeating it again and again creates more effect. some magickal orders like the Golden Dawn, repeat their rituals on a daily basis. they understand how if you keep regenerating the energy, it accumulates to serve that point in reality.

Some psionics
psionics pdf's
July 12, 2023

Spelly — 07/12/2023 12:10 AM
Organic constructs; Think they exist as you want them and they shape themselves out of energy. They create what effect you want physically. So if you think they de-exist then they will. You see they are easier to create than complex models, much safer to have, as an indirect influence in yourself and others compared to imputing micro sigils in each cell, which can attune you straight off insane, goodbye realm. organic design, or borrowed animal/plant/insect forms have a lot of value of utility. plants are great for area construct, as they are ideal model for converting energy of an area. So this will make your Stamina infinite, they are efficient and require little to no maintainance. animals have in built weapons and defenses and abilities. insects are peak of efficiency right after nano and viral type of constructs. micro constructs that mimic crystaline structure can resonate very efficiently and induce changes. with organic you can mimic symbiot designs, kind of constantly working inside of the body, efficient types of constructs. that can overcome some particular vulnerability or issue of the moment one faces be it temporary or prolonged.
July 15, 2023

Spelly — 07/15/2023 4:41 PM
Just put new Psionics pdf on my Google drive.. whoo.

the rest of the ideal from discord

This is for spells n magic that I have made up by feel..if you can look through it, then work with it and see what you can do with it. As always, tell what you do and what is useful.. (edited) Spelly pinned a message to this channel. See all pinned messages . — 07/06/2023 6:48 AM Spelly — 07/06/2023 7:37 AM illi car-lare = make happen what is needed at the moment. Think of what you need to create the idea you want. Lare is pronounced [lare-eh]. illi hosta-mirian et illi = gather (get) money; hosta is pronounced [hoss-tah], mirian is pronounced [meer-ee-an], et is pronounced [eh-t] and illi is pronounced [ill-ee]. g t dylau = This spell is pronounced [g t dill-ah-uh] for getting the effect, think of a candle flame to seem the effect more easily. Me did oet = This spell is pronounced [meh died oh-ett] for I don't overeat. me ca bide fo t ad stip = I can wait for it if necessary. This spell is pronounced [meh cah bide-eh foh t aid stipe]. illi ren-ana car-kwa = remember to do something, prononced as [ill-ih ree-n-aye-in-ah car-k-wa] for the effect. myw le fig = remember to do, think of the idea to achieve as you state [mew leh figh-g] for the rememberance to do. [7:38 AM] Some more spells: Some tricks; Think of the indigestion or body illness and state kk. That will cancel out things of the body. Otherwise try oregano and water with tur meric. That can settle the problems of the body. Unless it's genetic. Ah is a natural diuretic, meaning its a feel good idea. Then you might need meds, if that doesn't work. I think if it is a dark flame. Think the fire is dispersed by imagined water that flows over the flame. This works sometimes. Aqua creates water where you think it exists. Agh will disperse a windy day to a become a milder day. Unless the weather turns out to be raining. Then you can opt for aghe and the weather dies down. This is all temporary, so think to work with what you can. That means you focus on the area and state the need, this is done to form the idea in a manifest or creating the point you need or imagine. This in a way is how that works, this uses the subconscious and the body energy to create by aura what you want or need.. doppler shift; the doppler shift will create a shifting point where you walk in a direction and create a shift of body such as teleporting. The way to do this is several different ways, but I think this way works for some. The point is expresssed or thought about and created by the energy of the body. This is how the effect works by feeling out the concept or magical spelunkin. The point is created by idea though, that's for certain. Other wise you create the point by needing the idea, and the subconscious does what you say or feel is necessary. Then you know yourself somewhere else and what that person does. This is all in an idea that's done, this is usually by the spirit and the subconscious feels you needed. That is when the subconscious acts as a guide and things tend to work out by feel. [7:38 AM] The time trick; this trick is what you can do if you think to create and need a result. What you think you imagine and the idea is a point that the subconscious creates by itself. This is created in the time as though a moment, that you think about to create in by feel. So the point is created and things are what they are by idea. [7:39 AM] Think then do; The point you think to achieve is done as you do physical activity, this works by physical activity creating what you think as you do physical activity. Sometimes this works by feel, where you think the idea and the aura energy makes things by the other feeling the need. This is sometimes how this works out. [7:39 AM] life trick; the life in a point trick is the point you imagine a lifetime or life moment and sometimes need a result that you wish or want to manifest, this is where you think of the life track or thought of moment and things work out. That seemingly is like a video with a slider on the bottom of the window. So all you need to do is think to cause it to play to learn of something, and stop it as you think of the idea. The subconscious sees things in moments and not always the time of the point. This creates what you know as advanced knowledge. I think you can say that you are advanced if you know things and get things as they come. So I think this is a beautiful idea, that allows for you to know things before they occur. This especially works if you come across a moment, and think to interject a point that you do like. That's when you pause the moment and change the idea that's there to reflect the point you need. This as a concept is where you think of something and imagine the point, the subconscious then creates what you need to happen. That as a point is a time of life trick, this is where the subconscious knows the point and causes the idea instead of what normally would occur. So use this trick as you feel its necessary. [7:39 AM] illi car-lare = make happen what is needed at the moment. Think of what you need to create the idea you want. Lare is pronounced [lare-eh]. illi hosta-mirian et illi = gather (get) money; hosta is pronounced [hoss-tah], mirian is pronounced [meer-ee-an], et is pronounced [eh-t] and illi is pronounced [ill-ee]. g t dylau = This spell is pronounced [g t dill-ah-uh] for getting the effect, think of a candle flame to seem the effect more easily. Me did oet = This spell is pronounced [meh died oh-ett] for I don't overeat. me ca bide fo t ad stip = I can wait for it if necessary. This spell is pronounced [meh cah bide-eh foh t aid stipe]. illi ren-ana car-kwa = remember to do something, prononced as [ill-ih ree-n-aye-in-ah car-k-wa] for the effect. myw le fig = remember to do, think of the idea to achieve as you state [mew leh figh-g] for the rememberance to do. [7:42 AM] Think about what you need and the idea is manifested, if you need and intent the idea. That is true by focus, yet if you think you need something and your around someone then you state the need. Then you get what you want, if you need the idea and your point is what you intend to create. This works by feel, where they can feel things and know what to do. The point then is done, this is done so don't if they are aware, otherwise people sometimes have responded to what you needed. If they sense you are writing the idea, they sometimes wait. Then the idea is what is finished and your off to do something else, think for a minute and work with what you have. This creates what you need anyway, so its better to leave it alone. Then is the point and your aware of what you've done. This makes a sealed envelope effect, where your sealed away words are in a point that you put the words written into a plastic bag. This allows you as that part of yourself to do the idea uninterrupted by what you do. So I think this is apt enough description. So what I spoke, that was enough by feel to do what you wanted as though a need. That being where you think of the idea and do things with the point. This usually works, that's mainly done by what you need as you think of the point or intention as though a want. Then its both a need and a want. This is a concept that if left alone works best. So if you are aware of things, then you know what to do by feel. [7:43 AM] trick..of the mind; Thinking that I will gain double or triple the money that I spend or give away, then do things. I know that somehow works in my favor, as all I need to do is think the idea as I do things sometimes. So I guess I will get to see what occurs. [7:43 AM] Here's a funny fact. When you concentrate to release gas from your body, the release speeds up your body temporarily and you gain in speed. This causes you to focus and you think to go faster except you don't if you didn't concentrate enough. Spelly — 07/06/2023 7:47 AM A decency trick; think your innocent and do or say what you need to say. Then the guilt if any that you feel isn't reflected on the voice. There's interesting results with that, if they are aware of the trick then they won't fall for it. So I wouldn't just give this away. Get this, the truth is what you think is true that they hear from your speaking instead. Amazing results. [7:47 AM] Another trick; stack a quarter, nickel and penny to cause passage of things that you don't need. These things are energy then, that you do things with by feel. Where a quarter, penny and dime purifies area energy. The quarter, nickel and penny make the feel you have as though satiated and a bit better. [7:48 AM] For spells that are based off Atlantean in formation, use this as a pronounciation key. .. Atleantian dictionary exerpt This exerpt came from the Atleantian dictionary, online its  or even better is this direct link: [7:48 AM] Here are some spells: \ = ewe; eww, the moment you say or think disgusting. / = uwu; inter, enter and create with what you may use. ; = exit; the exiting from the area and creating with what you have. This is where you create by feel and make work by thinking of what you need. What you think, the spirit that goes through everything does. Then if you need something the idea is done. | = owo; owwy, in pipe to the area or create by direction, what you directed is there to effect what you need. = pause; stop point or consideration is done to ponder what is necessary. : = think; The thought you think is what is used unless you direct through the spirit to do something else. . = end point; the point at the end of a sentence or the idea in quantum physics that translates to another point. , = consideration; the pausation of time or idea that is done. < = The point; The increase in volume, output and in mathematics is lesser than. = The output; decrease in volume, this is the out pouring of strength and feeling, that effects through stamina the idea you intend. ( = mirror; curve back with the curving back of the energy to send back to the sender. In statements this means open bracket or open with another thought. ) = thine; thine is your thought and action. This allows you to effect only yourself. In statements this means close bracket or close with another thought. { or [ = think; This is in comparison and means things you realize or know. This in statements means open curliques or begin separate thought. } or ] = The divine energy; this is the end of the thought and comparison of idea. This in statements means close curliques or end separate thought. [7:48 AM] geo surran dale = world that surrounds the room. pronounced as gee-oh surr-an dale-eh [7:49 AM] storm; the storm passes quickly and things calm down. [7:49 AM] here is an idea for something to do; make a spell to create something to do. that's the simple way to handle that. here's an example spell; sumtin e fac if stip, pronounced [sum-tine ee face if stipe] translation: something to do if necessary [7:50 AM] peaceful nations; this creates peace around the world and makes nations to be at peace with no chance of war unless non nuclear. [7:50 AM] Drop a penny on the sidewalk early in the morning and if its gone by evening time you and the person who took the penny will be blessed with better luck for a week. [7:50 AM] Ah a spell for you.. Think of your addiction and state kk as the thought exists. Intend the kk as though Latin. Which is kill, chop, maim etc.. I know another way to stop something through spell is think of what you need and state or think "I know". Then the need or idea not liked should disappear. What it stands for, using a mix of latin and english, the k is kill off and in english now is in immedience. Either way, the need should dissipate harmlessly. (edited) [7:51 AM] Spell of done; State "done" thinking of your end result. Your subconscious does the deed. An alternative word that means done is elyte pronounced ee-lit-eh and translates other wise into "there you go". [7:52 AM] the en; this is the end by feel that you imagine and then see in a vision. The point is done by feel. [7:52 AM] Cock and baww towtuwe (cbt) ow penis towtuwe is a sexuaw activity invowving appwication of pain ow constwiction to the mawe genitaws. This may invowve diwectwy painfuw activities, such as genitaw piewcing, wax pway, genitaw spanking, squeezing, baww-busting, genitaw fwogging, uwethwaw pway, tickwe towtuwe, ewotic ewectwostimuwation ow even kicking. The wecipient of such activities may weceive diwect physicaw pweasuwe via masochism, ow emotionaw pweasuwe thwough ewotic humiwiation, ow knowwedge that the pway is pweasing to a sadistic dominant. Many of these pwactices cawwy significant heawth wisks. "Baww-busting" is a fowm of cbt in which a man has his testicwes kicked, kneed,punched ow squeezed. In addition to its occasionaw wowe in bdsm pownogwaphy, tamakewi (玉蹴り) (wit. baww-kicking) is a sepawate genwe in japan. Like many of the othew activities in this awticwe, it cawwies significant heawth wisks, incwuding the possibiwity of pewmanent damage to the testicwes thwough testicuwaw twauma. A baww stwetchew is a sex toy that is used to ewongate the scwotum and pwovide a feewing of weight puwwing the testicwes away fwom the body. This can be pawticuwawwy enjoyabwe fow the weawew as it can make an owgasm mowe intense, as testicwes awe pwevented fwom moving up. Intended to make one's testicwes pewmanentwy hang much wowew than befowe, this sex toy can be potentiawwy hawmfuw to the mawe genitaws as the ciwcuwation of bwood can be easiwy cut off if ovew-tightened. Whiwe weathew stwetchews awe most common, othew modws consist of an assowtment of steew wings that fastens with scwews, causing additionaw but onwy miwdwy uncomfowtabwe weight to the weawew's testicwes. The wength of the stwetchew may vawy fwom 1-4 inches. A mowe dangewous type of baww stwetchew can be home-made simpwy by wwapping wope ow stwing awound one's scwotum untiw it is eventuawwy stwetched to the desiwed wength. [7:53 AM] Revitalization Revitalization, however you think about necromancy is what can be used instead of death and decay energy, so its a natural part of necromancy that uses life manipulation. This is a second part of life necromancy. Revitalization is where you think your energy goes through the body and veins, then this makes the body work better by feel. This is what can use tow points of touch, the feel of energy, that is where you are thinking and the energy goes through the body. That is going from one point through the body and back to the other point. Naturally the body recovers by feel. This is why the body is animated at first, then creating with the energy it recieves. The body then farts and seems to pass out on using up the energy. This sometimes works by idea, the point is done in what you do, really, when the body passes out and doesn't come back to life. Use this idea to find out answers and other idea, this is especially true if you think to do things by feel. [7:53 AM] established passing; If your interested in established passing commands or speech creating idea, then here are a few idea. Whatever language you use. here's a spell that pases spirits to the astral plane. "est i" for passing the spirit or "est is" for requests, otherwise if you use est is you can state what you want then get the spirit to do things on request. When you state "est be" or withhold being that's "okay" or "ok", then you can stop the action by what you do. This stops poltergeisms by feel. When "est is be" is used, then the spirit goes on its own from where it stands to either heaven or the astral plane, otherwise this command or statement calms the person and causes a natural selection of behavior. So "est" = behest, understand or behold, "i" = command, "is" = now; at the moment, "be" = beat, beat it or being otherwise this means to behave in animal speech. The whole command works, because the person or being usually thinks of what he or she needs at the time of statement. This is a point that means they that are spirits, animals and people pick up on this idea, that's by feel or psychic understanding, if that doesn't work then you "know" and that means kill now in latin and that effects what you don't want. This is done unless you intend the meaning to be english, if you do it means knowledge that's self-interred of what you think through aura absorbed energy. Now through self-expression or idea spoken, the idea now is understood for your intent. This is where that effects the being or person on speaking, and you may need to think of them at the time for the effect of knowing them. [7:53 AM] lucid visualization; Think of what you want and visualize the result by imagining the end or idea you think will occur by feel. This focuses your mind and you can create the end result by the subconscious picking up on your need, if you need the result or idea you visualize. Otherwise you can create the point by statement, then if you think of the need to get your idea you can get what you want as though a need. This is done as though the intention was the idea you had. This follows along the line of idea, that your third eye does what you need or want by feel. So it could be what you think that causes the visualization to work by the third eye point of focus. What you think of the idea is what it does sometimes. So you know you won't be hit if you don't think you will. What you think or imagine will occur sometime at least in imaginings or visual focus points. This is all I know, except the visualizations help as a guideline or act as a guide for your subconscious. Think of your need, imagine the result and your visual point in idea of the third eye creates what you need. If you think of a focus point, then meditate or act to create what you visualize then you will create what your desires are by feel. This is where an open third eye or active pinneal gland is creating what is psychically in desire. This is done by feel, if you think of what you want as a need. Then you can get what you desire, this excepts illusion presented by the aura energy being percieved as though a true sight were cast. [7:54 AM] This is a point put to the past by the visual point, that's used by the third eye to create what you want in the present and by doing this you create a better future. Sometimes you can create what you want as though a need were granted by the brain being active, the third eye pinneal gland causing the brain to be directed by vocalizing the idea you need or visualize. What you think or feel is there is what makes you percieve the idea better. Some drugs are useful in causing visualization to be imagined and the point is sometimes lived through by feel, if you use a visualization drug then let the trip moment wear off and your senses return to normal or generates results. That is all in perception, anyways. Everything is perception of some basic reality, that is where things begin and end and a wave of eventual energy causes similar results that you think or visualize into being created. This is where you can visualize something, then the right reaction of the body will cause what you need. Sorta similar to thinking of money and visualizing yourself with riches or high value money surrounding you. That will create what you need in money and manifest as you need things to be. This is all in an eventual idea that manifests and nothing more than that. This is where you think of the idea and it manifests into creation. Enjoy yourself and farewell until later. en written by ben, caz and heron Spelly — 07/06/2023 7:55 AM true undead ability; they have the ability to use and hold the energy of others to manipulate the mind and subconscious of the other person they imagine. When they meet them, they can tap in to the third eye if active, then create with their ability. The ability to do this is unlimited. So as long as they have some of their energy they can use the others ability as if their own. This is the true ability of the undead, they know so when they attempt this think "turn undead" and they will turn themselves off from manipulating you. This is only one way they can use you, other than that their mind is unlimited..if however you close your third eye by thinking the piineal gland is closed off and without blood flow, then you block or hinder their ability and they attempt someone else. [7:55 AM] Then theirs a point where they stop manipulating and they get enough energy from you, that's when they start doing things on their own. When that happens, you can use the "thine" spell and cause them to effect themselves and you aren't effected. In fact, you could do this anytime and get them by making them regulate themselves. See otherwise the thine spell works by stating thine and thinking they regulate themselves. The thine spell stops workinh when you think they can regulate themselves and others if you need them to do things. So your protected no matter what you do, you are only effected after this if you think you should let the vampire do that to you..sometimes what you think they will do and if you feel a certain way they will feel that way. So you know when they do things as they react how you do. If your not reviled by them, then they aren't reviled by you and when you don't react to them they won't react to you. This in truth is how they are "neutral" to you, also how they and you should react to each other if you react at all. You know, sometimes they feel like leaving you alone. So if you meet one, otherwise know of one, when they can't get your reaction they stop. When you have noticed a psychic vampire and a true vampire going at it, then you noticed your ability is there and this is from the third eye being active. However with the thine spell they regulate their own feelings and calm down. This is a known effect. [7:55 AM] focusing spell II; This is to think of what you need, then do things as natural. The moment you do, this is is shifting with the solar energy and uses created idea as a focus to "store" the energy and this acts as a batttery. Don't use too much of the objects energy or you will create cracks and sometimes break the objects energy matrix. This is an en spell that creates as you want and does as you will, that is used molecular energy with added solar energy..the uses are many nd whatever you imagine or visualize you can create. However you might hold the object to train your thoughts an focus the energy, this used bioenergy of your body with the solar energy energy that's added to the body, You can create with crystals and other objects. [7:55 AM] E ai them; think of what you want and psychic air does what you want as though your focus was a need granted.

remove glutton; This removes gluttony by feel, think and you know what to do or what it does. This effectively removes glut by what is done. removal grant; this removes by granting things such as a wish and it removes what you don't like. This effects by feel and with no stress. (edited) [7:57 AM] Think a spell and uhn; The inner child is useful as you can direct it, that's done by thinking about something or feel something is necessary. This is usually an undeveloped fetus, that you form by what you do or think into existence and the breasts that form are a point that it is there as an indicator. So you can reshape and make it think, whatever you want it to be shaped or thinking is what it thinks. So I think if you consider something done, then the inner child conscious creates what you need or want as a need. Think thin thoughts when you do this, that's because you could feel the urge to eat. If you do feel the urge, then don't do it. Don't go and eat something, then you are assured to remain without weight gain. This is done by holding off from eating and waiting for the urge to disappear. However that's all, since you don't want it to develope into a child, use an abortion technique. Otherwise the three finger press in your right side middle stomach area, this is used as a way to cause it to be ejected in your shit or piss. Then the weight it causes is gone by feel. This can also be done by tracing an inward spiral on your side of the stomach, that you choose to use as a point to undo what you don't like. Otherwise trace the inward spiral on your chin instead, that's to undo extra weight and double chins by your intention. [7:57 AM] But its not always instant, this can take some time if you gained too much weight. If you don't want the weight and it doesn't remain undeveloped, then you could clone yourself so this means no sexual partners are needed to have a clone of your own. Consider it a second you or version 2 of yourself, unless you abort it when you think its progressed further from that stage of fetus. However the undeveloped fetus can make almost anything happen, this is mainly done by brainwaves and perception. Then the idea of it doesn't matter, seen especially if you follow this idea as a guide. So basically what you do is your own idea, I think its best to use your own point of view with this concept of self-birth. Think a point; If you want to use the inner child to produce results, then think a point and feel it will form the idea. Then it does. This is a point in itself, think about the idea and need the point you think about. Then the idea is with more possible chance to be formed as a manifest. That's where you create things, sometimes this is from thin air or your own element. Enjoy yourself and farewell, since I am going to be on a trip I will do what I can to make things better. Farewell and good-bye. [7:58 AM] hera; this is a prayer spell using hera and the moon. This goes, "Oh hera, use the power of the moon to create what I think or need, otherwise what I feel is needed. Thank you oh hera." That's stated as you look at the moon or look at an image of the moon, otherwise feel the nfluence of the moon and that is the light, then state that idea you need. [7:58 AM] paul feat; this is where you get along with everyone, this includes others that are naturally disgruntled. So by focus, you create peace. Otherwise you manage to focus and create peace as you pay attention to the area. This is where you discern the sounds that exist and sometimes weed them out by feel. This is a feat of attention. Magic; This is a feat of effect, that seems to be where you focus and create what you think and need into existence. This uses the spirit of the body or blood flow energy, that creates by faith or what you believe and need that what you think or thought will happen. If nothing happens badly, then you desired nothing bad to occur. So think and you know what is possible. That's especially true, if you need it to happen. This uses the soul to guide the moment, that is created by the spirit and aura energy. If you believe in a God, then you can get a luck bonus of +2 luck. That allows along the lines some idea. That's with an effect that you pray for, and with this feat you will recieve luck by feel along with the idea you needed. A faith moment is done then, when you make things with the God's energy. When you do this, your aura will restore things, that's palpably felt by the aura being with holy white light. This is the God creating without penalty what you need by feel. So think and you know what you can do. [7:58 AM] paul feat; this is where you get along with everyone, this includes others that are naturally disgruntled. So by focus, you create peace. Otherwise you manage to focus and create peace as you pay attention to the area. This is where you discern the sounds that exist and sometimes weed them out by feel. This is a feat of attention. Spelly — 07/06/2023 8:14 AM Stargate; the star is used to create what you need, if you focus on a point in an area. Then you can shift there, this is done by imagining that you appear somewhere there, that is known by the spirit and allowed by the soul. So with this feat, you can shift anywhere or teleport as though holding the life cords of what is there. This is making what you need to occur, so all you need to do is have intention to be there. Otherwise you may have something happen, and the idea you had as intent is created by the power of the star. Of water and other elements feat; This feat is done where you drink water or focus, then upon the use of your chosen element that what you need or want is there. This is using your element to make an idea, that you need to be created or manifested and that is what you create. Whatever you want or need, this is created by the spirit using the power of the soul. You know what's created by the spirit realization from the energy consciousness in use, this energy conscious is making you aware then of the idea that is there. Think of what you want or need, and you could make the idea manifest by feel as you drink water or use an element. If you run out of water or aren't near the element of choice, then you won't be able to manifest by the element that is chosen for effect. So remember that, before using up all your water or not being near your element. This means your not having the ability to use your element. This is the feature of elements, that creates by your feel and thought being done. [8:14 AM] 9th dimension use feat; The feat of a lifetime ago, this feat creates with the 9th dimension. Think your creating with the 9th dimension and your brain uses the 9th dimensional energy. That happens as you focus and think of things to do. When you do this trick, you can choose to form things where you are at the moment, then your body channels the 9th dimensional energy and the soul forms what you need that you discover somewhere if you need the idea nearby. This is a trick manifest though, the moment you don't need the idea or item formed it disappears or otherwise is where you think to look. 10th dimension trick feat; This is where you think to use the 10th dimension, then you just have to think of what you need, what you want if intention is there is created by what you consider in use. Other dimensional trick feat; The other dimensions you can use similarly, think or feel your using the dimension's energy and imagine, think or feel something is done here. Then you create the effect or make manifest what you need to have in manifested form, this is done as though a want were a need and given like a wish. Spoken effect; This feat makes things occur, that happens by the effect of speaking or writing the idea and the power of words is done. That uses the subconscious and creates by writing or voiced thought as a point of suggestion to create the manifest. [8:14 AM] Here are some spells; Its is; This where the idea is done. Think and you know what to do. If you consider that your lucky, then you are by feel. This happens without stress. Its en is; This is a point where things are at an end and you enjoy yourself. Think and you can do what you need. Think it is; this is a point you think and the spirit does things, the idea is what you think about that is done. Think the en; Think the end and you get the result as though an end unless you don't think its an end and just something that occurs. Then you can get any result to make what you want in the end as a need or get what is needed. This is pay as you go places, think of the moment and you get what you want or need in idea. This happens without stress. Its en; the element is chosen by what you think, then all you need to do is apply the idea by feel. Its in; This is the spirit that helps you realize the right words to say, the incantation is done by the candle that burns. This is a known feature or effect. Its in en; the point you think that is done is there. That's if you need the effect of this spell to happen by feel. Entry; The effect is done if you enter into a state of mind, that allows you to get results easily and that is done by what you do. Exit; the exit is a point you leave by feel, the idea is done when you think the idea is finished. This can be anytime, think its done and its done. [8:15 AM] aha yes indeed. I however, use them as affirmations and suggestions. that means the subconscious creates your statements as the power of words effect. Invoking a god is just added idea. But that does work. [8:15 AM] OK. That's valid technique. Can use them for sigils too taped on doors-one sigil for a certain state, like sadness that you make a sigil out of the letters for "sad" and sit and stare at it when it's taped to the door and then have a sigil for "happy" at the other end you sit and stare at after you open the door and sit and stare at 'happy sigil on other side(after taking down 'sadness' so when you leave through 'happy' you don't return to 'sadness'.). "Invoking a god is just added idea." That was my intent, to add my bit of wisdom to the trove you have generously laid out before us and which I have found some things of interest in and many associations with many different traditions. [8:16 AM] potions; have fun. [8:17 AM] Oregano with parsley is another cure to with the water infusion trick" Oregano is traditionally associated with vitality and has antioxidants in it ad is astrologically associated with mars, parsley is associated with mercury and is used as a general cleansing of sickness and miasma/negative energy herb(in many traditions going back roman/greek times the association with both victory and with death being helpful. Is associated mercury and spirits so can also be used to ward off b-d spirits(dill another mercury herb with that association and for protection and it also has some health benefits including antimicrobial ones). Parsley Parsely is found in this country only as a cultivated plant, having been introduced into England from Sardinia in the sixteenth century. It is an umbelliferous herb, which has been long of garden growth for kitchen uses. The name was formerly spelt 'Perce [8:17 AM] So with "victory over death" association when used as healing potion that has good symbolism which maybe in terms of mechanics the airy cleansing spirits of the parsley will affect the antioxidants and energy/vitalizing effects of the oregano to the cells of the body to enhance their effect probabilistically through magic? It works on multiple levels that, maybe make the potion in several steps such as five steps ending in spirit for attaining perfect health in elemental equilibrium. (Number five also fits with mars and hence oregano in occult correspondences) (It will be associated wih water because of the watery base but water has an attractive/magnetic effect on magical level which is one reason why it's such a good base another being its properties as chemical solvent and the symbolism of that) Also of course the fact it of use for life and so is readily absorbed by tissues and so carries magical intent throughout the body efficiently since the body is compsed of so much water [8:18 AM] Invoke a god; The words of idea are what you think, so if you state "By the power of [name your god here]" you create with a god and he or she reads your mind to know what you need. You know that this is interesting, especially if you invoke a god or divine person by stating, "I call upon [god name], thinking to create or do what I need by feel. Thank you, oh [god name]." This is a point where you can get effects, that you needed when you invoked the god or make work with what you have. So think and things are done by what you do, see you create the result or someone else creates what you desire by feeling. This is sometimes what you need, That's also when he is creating for him or herself what is needed. This is how invocations work. There you go.. [8:18 AM] demoning; This is the true magic of the body. That is creating what you think by focusing on the thought and making a result, that works as though an end result with the body energy and this energy in action uses red energy or blood flow energy. The point you may need concern yourself by is where you can use any part of the body as an energy source, that is when you think the body part is used and this includes death energy essence. However, if you use the source or body too much for this, that is when you get tired or feel like passing out, then you could pass out or have a seizure. This is a point in effect. Think to create an effect as you focus on a thought, and state your intention. This happens if you need the idea to occur and happen. angelling; This is focus what you need and the mind or brain creates what you need or want, that is when you use the subconscious by thinking of the god you want to use. You can make a result as though an end result with the god being, when you state the need or intention. This is where you are aware of things with realization. This is provided by the spirit and empowerments by the soul. This uses activity, that you do or some other person does by feel. That's unless you don't need to do things. [8:19 AM] illi anna-nna ni = gift by donation to me. See to mention who "me" is, that creates the pull of gifting to the person and they get the contribution. This is is pronounced as, [ill-ee ann-ah na nee]. illi anna mirian-nna ni = gift to person, think of the person as you state the spell, that person recieves the gifting. pronounced as, [ill-ee anna mirr-ee-an na nee]. mae alehr = [may-eh ale-r], money allure; think to create money allure or a money draw as you state the effect. mae ea = money creation; pronounced may-eh ee-ah. kep mae = keep money; pronounced [keep may-eh]. sij vyran -o- mae = [sigh-j veer-ain't oh may-eh], work earning of money. brig e alo = bring to light, pronounced as [bride-g ee all-oh]. this spell creates a point of light in a otherwise dark demeanor. [8:19 AM] the volcano consciousness; this is a point of what you react to with the volcanoes energy projected by magma, think to work out the problem by the feel if you wish to not be with rumpled feathers. However the consciousness part is this, thinking to the magma and getting a result that you need to happen. Think and this occurrence is a point you consider. See that's if your spirit makes what you are doing in an aware state by realization of the the idea or think the event that seems to occur and happen by idea. This is a point that can shift you by the lava flow, this is where otherwise you can create by the magma and teleport by feel. This uses the magma energy as though a leyline is a magma area flow, the energy as though a point and your creator is the energy flow. That is what creates with the consciousness of the god bearing your thought, this is what you needed to project to the the magma. So you can create things anywhere and know what or where the item is by feel or sensations. This is yet another thing you can do, if bored. So if you think about the lava pressure, trying this trick will sometime build up the area energy feel or pressure. This is released after what you want done is finished. So think and know what you need to occur, that is done by happenstance what you think to make happen. Whatever happens I can't break his or her mind, that is done idea by what you consider so think and you know what you can do. [8:20 AM] Cs-shift; Everyone on the planet that died or will die uses the planet consciousness and turns into energy, then thinks and shifts by teleporting to the cs-137 planet or some planet that's not earth and liveable. You know them so that is not hell and where they're drawn there by the power and energy of the planet, so this where they will see and seem with energy of the planet in the belt by feel. This happens without stress, and they are beings there as a energy lifeform. This happens easily by the power of the god, that uses the creator and He shifts you there by feel and without attack. [8:21 AM] am doing things today, also I am relaxing by feel. So what are you doing? The things I do sometimes, this is a point of an abundance check. interesting though this is effective. Spelly — 07/06/2023 8:21 AM here are some drow spells.. morfeth nez a vel'bol zhah xunor. = drow for: make win by what is done. rusvanar seke'olath = banish shade in drow. rusvanar errdegahr = banish demon in drow. rusvanar athiyk = banish spirit. thought; the point is there, so think and then you know what and where to be. yaith ditronw zhaun ditronw, dos ph'ditronw = pay right, know right you are right in drow. Neitar telanth neitar xor dos orn xun ol. = Never say never or you will do it. nindol el'garin orn vaen velendev. = this device will last longer. interesting effects, I wonder what works for others, though. jaehll zotreth = deflect hit. this can even deflect a hit presented by a car hit. here's an interesting one in latin; omni magicus concilio populus ad sermo emperoct (drawn person here) = attract people to conversation in latin. if you think state "that didn't draw them" then it stops the effect. otherwise have people in mind to draw, and you draw them there as though an "accio" were stated with conversation intended. so in fact, if you state the people to attract to the conversation, then you might get them to speak. otherwise this is a point that isn't actually done. useful to attract people.. here's one that is in latin that unattracts people: omni magicus non adlicio non desiderabilis populus luminoct = unattract unwanted people to the area. This is in latin. omni magicus curiosa placida comparatus opsequium luminoct = latin for: create considerate relation. If you find those spells useful, feel free to inform me of what they do. [8:22 AM] omni cosmio magicus porro conversio energia colatus de programmatio emperoct = latin for: recycle cleared of programming energy. omni cosmio magicus inclino malus cibus luminoct = latin for: reject bad food. omni cosmio magicus facio bona gratia omoptio = latin for: create good friendships. omni magicus cosmio vicis reliqui illa sunt malus in vita luminoct = latin for: turn things that are bad in life. [8:22 AM] Spell forming; For elvish spells I use a source then the action words and then the noun descriptor. For drow, its the sentence itself. For Latin, its omni action phrase words and luminoct for flare or enact or emperoct for restore. The other languages are descriptors and action words. If they recognize the sentence, the pattern of idea could be ignored.

Life effect; stay nearby someone and you heal them, especially if you stay for 30 minutes. This is like the aura heals the body, think of the right herbs to restore the rest of the body functions and that is done. ah ik no = cure body and sick no longer in atleantian. [8:23 AM] yes; if you need to strengthen yourself, there is a way. think to root yourself to the earth and the planet causes better resilience. when you think to move, then uproot yourself from the earth and you won't want to come back to the same spot again. so yes it is a very neat effect, that allows your body strength of a willow and thought of what you need. Why not same spot? Well you want to be able to move around and rooting yourself to the spot anchors yourself. That means you go to the same area that you anchor at, as if you rooted yourself to the same spot. So a point you remember is the point you shift from, this by feel is a concept space that is represented by the mind and the soul making real what you think is real. This is allowed also by a moving rooted spot, where you think the rooted area moves. Then this is what can be the cause earthquakes and such, since its the planet that moves with you. So that's it, the point you think the rooted spot moves makes it move as though you. This is an idea by feel, though you know what this is by now. What you didn't know is this fact, that if the rooted spot is moving until you decide the spot doesn't move on its own, then you know the point is done as you uproot and the point didn't exist. Otherwise you can get all sorts of things, this is a point you know as when the rooted spot becomes a shifting point. This spot that moves on its own also does things on its own. So think and you know what you do. [8:23 AM] Supercharged; Supercharged was an infinite flame technique. If you have used that, this is what it does, organic interaction with fire. See it produces greater flames by what is done and created is an infinite flame that lasts a long time with body wave energy. So think of a point and state the idea as though intent, towards the flame and you enhance it. do this enough then you create a point where the flame dies down slower. I find that interesting though? As it really isn't infinite. accio: yes its a latin spell, think of what you need and state accio to summon the idea in a manifest by spirit energy. [8:24 AM] If you want to travel to another realm, think the realm is planet and that your subconscious shifts you there using the power of the aura energy. This is to suggest the point and you create the shift, however you suggest the idea is done. See this is a point I learned from other places, so I figured out that in order to come back. I allowed the creator to shift me back and this was by stating my intention. If you don't shift there in body, you will shift there in spirit. This is the way of the shift. Oh btw, if you shift there in spirit, you will remain aware of what happens there and what your spirit does. So think and you will know by the spirit. This updated list is completed, I will now rest and do things here. This is an interesting effect list. So if you want to use the idea listed therein, then feel free to do what you need. The spirit is what creates most of the effects, so you know to stop what you need if too much. Elemental language; Updated thinkin list This is in more detail here at alt-sites . The pdf of this is here . This is an alternate true english or common, "t hat is a very interes... [8:24 AM] Druidic; This is a point you think, then the creation is done by the creator. Whatever you think to need is granted, especially if you wait long enough. The trick is thinking of the point, then as you state the idea you need and the subconscious will do things you need. This is generated or created idea as a point if a manifest were where you think the idea is there. The point is done by feel, so when you think of what you want and you could get the idea. This is a known effect. l'xuz wun ul'hyrr zhah vel'bol sute gulu'da ulu l'myrloch zik'den'vever. = drow for: the end in idea is what releases ghosts to the astral plane. draix maka ph'weafl, talinth ulu beldro a l'athiyk eal'asshyenin l'klew'ar.. ji maka ol tlu. = drow for: center mote are useful, think to create by the spirit manipulating the moment.. so mote it be. jiaol jivviim t'yin skrel biu xuz ulu gulu'dae. = drow for: avoid harm then put an end to haunts. Think a point; this is where you rest, then I do things to purify the area. Then I do; I then shift and am away by gravity from the area. All done; this is all done, so I think I will rest my case. jiaol l'mon'tu d'natha ssark ka dos daewl,jhal klezn orn xund doeb. = drow for: avoid the point of a snap if you wish,but things will work out. think or need; this is where you think and try to tempt fate, this is done to create better as things will work out for people. [8:25 AM] easy stop; Think this is using an effect, of the automative stop system, then you creaste a point of recognizance, the effect is done by what time you blink your eyes. This is used by nasa's atumative stop system if errors are there. Usually the effect is used, if flaws exist problems. Easy go; think and focus your mind to create egress or an easy go, then you go as the thought is there to go. This easy go, the effect is used by the body to piss or something. Think to go; this is where you go by feel and do what you need as want is a point you get. [8:25 AM] Think and stop; this is using an ideal of a natural stop and do where you think and don't do, the idea is eventually stopped and when it naturally does the point you think it to do. If you think it doesn't, then the spirit can influence the point by using your thoughts, that works with focus as an alpha wave is what creates your point you speak. I used this on a friend of mine, that responded with no hate by the effect being natural and spiritual. Interesting, right? Easy mpo; this is the monks attempt for easy object recreation, the point is done as a point by the need to create what you think is there or then, and you make the object by thinking that makes void respond and this creates the object in space where you need the idea to exist. [8:25 AM] felt vision; this is using an idea to stop things, if you see the effective vision by idea then you know by psychisms or the spirit knowing before the event or effect. Think and know, a good vision is sometimes a point that doesn't happen, doesn't happen by preventing something from happening. This is used to shift frequency, if you think to change activity ,if there's mainly negative points. Otherwise it does happen if you think its a good point to do. Well, this effect happens, so your subconscious knows when as yourealize and think the time and you will know when you will experience the point. This is felt by the spirit making ithe idea felt, there's nothing more than that. like timeline manipulation? to prevent something from happening is to shift frequency [8:26 AM] Its in effect now; think of the idea and you get your idea, that you need by the point that occurs. illi viirin hauta-lenca hanu tuia = cease slow man swell. pronounced, [ill-ee vie-rin haw-tah len-can hand-you too-ee-ah]. illi viirin anduta lenca tuia = lower slow swell. pronounced, [ill-ee vie-rin and-oo-tan lend-can too-ee-ah]. illi viirin car-lalar = create chatter. pronounced, [ill-ee vie-rin car-law-lar]. en t suc ga = at the end of this you create game. pronounced, [een t sooth-c gah]. en t ga wia ada = at the end of this game do update. pronounced as [een t gah wee-ah aid-ah]. sensing something is true; this is where you create a point and if the idea feels true the point is real. That point your third eye senses and sends to your brain as a signal to be as though a vision. If this feels true, this is true. So now you know the idea of a point. This is; the creator or subconscious created gods as you think they exist, so they do and as you think to talk to them you get a message from them. This is a point by feel, so where you think you know and all that positive stuff is what you think. the end; if you think of the ending, that's what you get by imagination. So imagine this and its there, this is an ending by feel. [8:27 AM] the effect; this is where you think of something and create by the feel. This is an idea of my brother's way of life. So I think it suits the purpose. if you think your somewhere else, then eat something there or drink water and think of what you need, then you get that result where your body is. this is a point; that means you gain a point in idea with someone and work with the thought that's given. [8:27 AM] Creation; Think and you can do what you want with what you need, this is a known effect. This spell creates the change you saw in the golden child, so all you really need is to focus and you create what you need or want. illi viirin anduta-nis tiuya-tilma = lower woman swell, pronounced [ill-ee vie-rin an-dute-ah nis tie-oo-yah til-man]. loa vui swe = lower woman swell. pronounced as, [low-ah vue-in swehn]. in ie a = this item action movie. pronounced [in eye-eh aye]. malh = make good, this is pronounced [mal-h]. mai fe t fx = make good effect, pronounced [may-ih fen t ef-x]. Ego dun mid = I don't mind you, pronounced [Ee-go dune midas]. Ego roger thy av = I accept your point. pronounced as [ee-go rogue-ear thy av]. [8:28 AM] think and charm; this is a sterility effect that you consider to use on others, if you think of your need and hold an object then you can create what effect on the person that you deem necessary. sanity potion; combine with tea, cinnamon, pumpkin or dill weed and turmeric. if you like your tea with sweetner, then use stevia or splenda instead of sugar. creative juice; this is the use of turmeric, celery seed, carrot juice or oil, basil, dill juice or dill weed and stevia or splenda. Mix in tea or water, and you create with the idea and think up enlightened idea. then juice; this is a point you think to use oregano, thyme, basil, turmeric, curry and some sweetner in water or tea. this has the effect of ten year tea, that shows you ten years of your life. Spelly — 07/06/2023 8:28 AM e-ef = energy effect; e-fx, the effect is fire that is heat in the air and converted is the thought to energy, this is done to create a point and the transition of energy to create with your will and made is the point. If you want to create with a ruby or fire opal, then you hold the gemstone and create by thinking the fire energy passes through the gemstone. then is sometimes the point to create by manifesting your thought you need to happen. e-eng = earth shift; this is earth bending with a point, you think to create with energy and the area object or soil can create the point you think about. that's making through the use of transferrance of the thought as programming, and you create with a point that is done. this is also possible to use the earth to manipulate gravity, think to shift the object through the air or area and the item goes where you think. e-air = air effect; air-fx, this is where you think the energy in the air creates by vibration, otherwise if you think the point is done you can create by the point and the power of words. the air stone is tiger's eye. so if you hold the tiger's eye, then you create the point of fire energy or water energy. that is made by fire or heat and water energy particles, this uses thought programming to create what you need or think into existence. if you thought about things, you create by feel. so this I think will work. e-ec = energy convert; think to convert energy into water, that uses the gemstone of moonstone or aquamarine and the elemental water appears on the bottom of the cup. think to create a thought as energy focus is done, that is directed by feel towards the water source and you use fire or heat energy to create what you need. (edited) [8:29 AM] The effect dice; these are actual points, so bear with me. If you have a dice base, then the d(number) is useful for what you think as magnitude. This is of used idea as a point you think is done, if not otherwise noted. I think the idea is done if you think it is, so thine idea is quietly done. The effects of the dice is not actually rolled, this is where you think of the magnitude of the number and drop the d or dynamic draw of energy. The other numbers are used as a point or focus level x the effect of magnitude, and added is the point of effect or stress. You can't do that, if you think to do things against another person or the idea is overdone unless you decide to not do it. The point is a concept you think, the magnitude is like earthquake levels, except the idea is where you create or make the point. The idea is done by a point of what you think is an effect. The greater the number, the bigger the magnitude of effect. This number means you draw energy till a certain point, that is mentioned in seconds or minutes of focus or how hard you hit by the time this takes to happen with intention. This is an effect of the mind though, so think the thought isn't you and you dismiss the idea as a point that didn't happen. Stress is how long the effect lasts unless instant or non instant death, then it doesn't matter how large the number is if in use. This is some idea of a dice roll in use of some effect by feel. [8:29 AM] think; the effect is done by thinking, this is where you lose excess weight by feel. think about the effect and you create the effect if needed. enc ryj pruli mcoyx eu ryj = weight loss except the object isn't lost. pronounce, [en-c ridge proof-lie m-coy-x eww ridge]. ky'kiya sashin aed l'bol zhah'na noamuth xor t'larryo. = drow for: weight loss except the item isn't lost or broken. l'bol dos inbau rath. = drow for; the item you get back. nau velendev nug'ri. = drow for; no longer hungry. drital tekiar lu'xund doeb a satiir, nindol zhah l'i'dol klezn xund. = drow for; drink tea and work out by feel, this is the way things work. [8:30 AM] what builds up; the is where you build up cash and money instead of fat. what you build up; this is an effect, that you build up money and lower your fat or weight amount by feel. this build; this is a build of idea, in linux terms this is a point you do. Enjoy the effects as you care to create them. This is a known effect. Them; the machine ai ceases as a point is done. target; I ain't a target, no matter what I do. so I am done; the effect is a point so think and you know what to do. so I am en; this is an effect of nuclear bombs, so think it will stop the nukes and then you create by the fee being removed or feel with idea. [8:30 AM] Normal/Advanced Feng shui; You understand how Feng shui and advanced Feng shui works and is done. Also you know the basics to magic, so you realize what to do by spirit. This makes things really amazing how energy works, and the things present in your environment affects how your conscious perceive subconscious thoughts. For example: Lets say you have lots of dirt in a corner, your unconscious will keep on registering dirt. Your conscious would perceive dirt more frequently and would attract more dirt, which is why cleaning/balancing cleansing is important. I understand now when they say cleaning dirt removed the bad people from your life. Its symbolic of life itself. Realize that a black magician will hide the deepest most influential negative gemstone deadly orgone frequency generator, that's underneath the door of a house target to completely destroy the house and overwhelm the inhabitants. He hides them underneath a pile of dirt. Which is similar to evil eye spell. So cleaning up is important. [8:30 AM] Elementalism defense; What do you think of this? Think of death doing what you want and decaying energy from the body comes from the aura and either dissipates as a death cloud or the idea is a energy comet. Where you focus energy and create by feel, the idea is done by thinking of the moment and feel it flared in the area. This is the comet tail flare. Otherwise think of electricity forming in the air, hold out your arms and think of the energy going to the area as it flows along the air above the ground. Then rising up and shocking the target. This is the electromagnetics that work for you. Then you can use the heat in the air, then creating a point of fire, that created the effect of warmth in the aura. Think to flare the heat, you burn away the degraded essence in the area nearby and produce air that you breathe. The other things this is useful for is creating no demonic possession. This makes the point of idea where the demon hates fire, and you create with fire if you think to flare the heat in the area with flammable material. [8:31 AM] If you think to hit with fire or electricity. Then you create a counterpoint and cause the person or being to go back a step or more. This is a mega hit and by thought its effective. If you hold energy by directing the electricity energy to go in through the aura, then you create by focus and whatever gets near is jolted by idea with nearness. A solar flare by the way, this is creating with focused solar or an imagined light that is used in the area, then imagine the energy of the sun flare amongst the aura and you create a point of intense heat. The area effect, this is where you focus energy of the body to create a jolt that either gets a delayed reaction or forces them to leave you alone. The dancing maneuver is this, think of the energy flaring in the aura and then intense feel will keep the area clear of nuisances, especially if you dance toward or away from them. There a way is an idea, but not always doable. As all they need to do is reach out and touch, otherwise punch out and you make the person stop if you hit them right. Cool, right? Its a way to defend yourself using elementalism that doesn't require a hit. So if you combine this with alchemy, then you create the effect of what the elements do and that uses herbs to create what you need. The herbs list is here, [ ] or here, [ ] and if you want to use the herbs to make potions you may do so. This creates the effect of peace, pumpkin spice or chilli pepper, vanilla extract, turmeric and oregano. Mix with stevia or splenda in water and drink. Then if you think to heat the water up, you create with heat energy and that uses your focus to create by what you say. This is an effective idea indeed, if you think of other effective idea then feel free to send me the idea to [8:31 AM] here's a psychic defense; think of the green sphere that surrounds the psychic and separates them from reality. Then you create with an idea energy that is what you do, and that works by feel and is produced from the heart energy in use or the blood flow that replicates a heart that is seen in zelda, breathe of the wild. This stops the psychic from effecting you. So think of this if you want to end an effect that you don't like, think "in en effect" to stop the effect without effecting a psychic. This works if you think it does, so think and you know what you can do. So "drewst cha'kohk" if you want to end this effect. This is drow for: remove curse. This even removes a green sphere effect. Think of person to effect when saying this spell to end their curse. creative in approach; this is where you create in approach of a topic. Think in idea; this is where you think in the point and do things to satisfy the moment in idea. there it is; think and you create by the power of music in an idea of creative approach. This in there; your words effect by what you do, so this idea in there is a point of reference, then the idea is a point in idea. [8:31 AM] in a = atleantian for: stop actions. think of what you want to stop and the idea doesn't happen. the need is understood by what you feel. [8:32 AM] unnatural thinness; This is where you are gaining muscle and losing extra body mass and in thinness you are able to eat or drink anything, this is done without gaining weight if your inclined to do this idea. The fat is reduced of the body. This is the last stage of muscle toning. So gain +5 strength. This is added to the strength stat, so think about the idea and you know what to do with certainty, so use a +4 to the reflex roll and use it as a bonus to the idea. [8:32 AM] Fehu Eats Uruz Heals Thurisaz Fights Ansuz Tells Raidho Dances/Plays Kenaz Understands Gebo forgives Wunjo Perfects Hagalaz Destroys Nauthiz Imprisons Isa keeps Jera Rewards Eihwaz Awakens Perthro God Plays Dice Algiz Protects Sowilo Succeeds Tiwaz Pacifies Berkana Hides & Provides Ehwaz Travels Mannaz Thinks Laguz Dreams Inguz Combines Dagaz Transforms Othala Possess Summary of all the runes in my view [8:33 AM] Fehu - Chest and respiratory problems Uruz - Muscles and anything connected with bodily strength Thurisaz - Heart Ansuz - Mouth, teeth, throat, stutters Raido - Legs and gluteal muscles Kaunaz - Cysts, ulcers, abscesses and boils and any fever associated Gebo - Toxic poisoning Wunjo - Breathing problems Hagalaz - Wounds, grazes, cuts Nauthiz - The arms Isa - Any loss of feeling or sensation Jera - Bowel or digestive disorders Eihwaz - Eye problems Perth - Anything associated with childbirth or sexual organs Algiz - Mental or anxiety problems, head or brain, headaches Sowelu - Burns or skin problems Teiwaz - Rheumatics and arthritis, especially of hands Berkana - Fertility problems Ehwaz - Anything associated with the back Mannaz - Sprains, pulled tendons, etc., especially of feet or ankles Laguz - Kidneys Inguz - Problems associated with male genitalia Othila - Genetic problems, anything inherited Dagaz - Fear, distress, nervous problems, mental illness Found these from a source [8:33 AM] these are runic suggestions. Suggested Runic use These are suggestions for a runeset that you can view the symbols of here  or here at sunnyway . These are runes you create with by thinking... [8:34 AM] What are the limits of Shaktipat? Is it constrained to rites and practice or can it be achieved, for instance, across the planet? "Shaktipat is the transfer of spiritual energy from the teacher to the student in order to awaken the kundalini." ah limitless the spirit is the thing that does it using the soul as energy. So you are limitless because the soul knows boundless info and has limitless energy that can effect through the spirit to create whatever you want if to effect somewhere else or some idea. that is basically it.\ Prets conyd hif gwat " Corrected. Here is a great spell. You concentrate on it and hope for actualization and certain things happen that can improve the whole world. [8:34 AM] "I am em no more" focus on the spell and something good happens for you and the world. Well I am going to create wonders today, as I am relaxing. What about you? Here's a quick check to see if your next action will be a success, drop a penny and see if it lands heads up or heads down. If it's heads up and you pick it up then you will have success. If it's heads down and you pick it up, then you won't get much. Unless you call tails or it lands on the ridge. Another effect; Here's another one, if the moment was supposed to happen then this does, otherwise you can expect not to do anything about it and the moment passes you by. This is an interesting effect. Relation; If in a relationship, you and I avoid the 30 lbs gain. [8:35 AM] Psionic investigations; This is where you use psionic ability to get answers and make knowable to yourself and others what happened by the use of the spirit. The spirit can be guided by what you think and need with the soul, you see what you think causes the soul to direct the spirit so you realize things, that's an interesting idea and you can create answers where there normally wouldn't be one. The high effect; this is where you feel high, and you didn't have a drug that makes you high. The effect is instant and in unlimited duration. So if you ever feel high and no longer wish to feel high, then you no longer feel high. The drugs you are prescribed, they are recreated by blood energy and then if you think to work with water. You create a state of euphoria, that is where you are high if you need to be high and you don't ever need to touch weed. This is created by construct, that then is gone or can come back. Especially if you need the effect to dissipate or come to your awareness. Copied by the soul, this effect keeps you from ever needing actual weed again. CBD; The CBD effect is replicated by water, no alcohol is necessary and if you drink something then pain is reduced magically. The effect is there, that's until you no longer need the pain reduction and curation of the CBD. However since this works by a construct, this is recreated if you need the effect and uncreated if you don't. Since this is safe, the idea is done by feel and creation is your own thing. Food and edibles; This effect is created by the soul and the food that you find is there. The soul understands and makes the feel and the idea to manifest by that feel. So you can get what you need, you have enough to spend and still have enough left over. This is done by feel and created is the result, that you will want to get. This effect is known, so think about what you want and the effect is your need or want manifested.

Spelly — 07/06/2023 8:37 AM planetary and solar effects; The sun effect is where you send the sun some energy by thinking something you want or need, towards the sun that you imagine and need to get your energy. Then the sun gets your result done that you need or desire to occur to you or others. Then the sun will create what effect you think is needed at the moment or sometime, that you consider things happening is when the thought is happening. The moon effect is where you think your need or state your need as you look at the moon, then the moon will create what effect you think is needed at the moment or sometime, that you consider things happening is when the thought is happening. Unless you don't need them, then nothing seems to happen to your senses. Basically it's people that create the result, so if you needed something they feel the idea. This is a point in reference. This the idea that you think or state as a suggestion, that your subconscious makes up by feel. So the area you sense is what you think about and what occurs there is what the spirit reveals by realization. This comes from your soul, that is your consciousness and this allows you to know what you think to gnow. So if you "took off your fat suit", then the body weight is reduced by the idea that is done. This is a point that is known, that is without burning out the machine or monitor. [8:37 AM] So think the earth does things for you, that you need and this planet will do what you think as you need the idea as a result. This goes for any planet, actually. That is the point you know about, if it's livable doesn't matter. So think about what you need and choose a source that will do what you need and want as desure. Then you will get the result as an end result and things will be created as an idea or manifest. This is how the energy consciousness works. Except the nearer the source is, the sooner the effect that you can get. [8:37 AM] So this is the general rule to the point. If say you needed the effect sooner, like within 10 minutes. Then choose the planet if your on the planet. Think your on the planet, then you are there at least in spirit or soul. The sun is 15 to 20 minutes away by feel by spirit and soul travel. See this then is why or where the planet's consciousness will suit the purpose and do what you need, that's as a want is done by feel. This is basically how the energy circulation works. So if you want to know more, then look online at here with and you can find out whatever you want. Also is an excellent document source, that will do what you need as a point is being made. This is a known idea. My magical magick blog This is my magic blog with idea from people and use is other places of magic, I think this is including some point by Atlantis. See for yourself if the magick is real or not, there's lots of info, to whom that looks for spells and magick of all kinds. This is what I think in idea, that's for no feel or so you feel. So I is the use I cause with f... [8:38 AM] Sigilizing affirmation(similar thing as visual sigils, cross out repeating letters and then rearrange... so "I am strong" becomes something like "Stram goni") can help with making sure they're implanted into subconscious by idea you can work with by feel. cloaking spell; breath in and out, thinking the energy in the aura makes you unnoticed for what you did as though cloaked. The cloak is where you create with the idea of energy, think the energy seems to cloak you and you are aware of the point. That means you have no actual recognition with what is done from others. The energy is what causes you to not be recognized if your not wanting to be noticed, this effects others and only those you don't want to realize you did things. [8:38 AM] ilya poita taur ne = remove cloying scent, pronounced [ill-ya point-ah tar neh] illi pen mavri = null cravings, pronounced as [ill-ee pen mavv-ree] in focus; this is where you focus in thought and create with the energy of thought itself. getting over depression; make a statement that you "make peace with yourself." Then think calm thoughts. Drink water then. This statement is where you say the idea out loud. The subconscious does the idea. [8:39 AM] here's some more: l'vantua morfethe balbau lu'klezn xund. = drow for: the machine makes allowances and things work. L'vantua xunde. = drow for: the machine works. L'kleven xund. = drow for: The tools work. L'kleven dajakk nintan. = drow for: The tools fix themselves. L'khel ky'kiya ugulove lu'Usstan luth l'ilra'osett. = drow for: The body weight lowers and I cast the effect. L'khel ky'kiya ugulove z'lonzic lu'Usstan shlu'ta luth l'ilra'osett. Nindol zhah xuil natha venorik ssiggrin. = drow for: The body weight lowers enough and I can cast the effect. This is with a silent thought. vel'bol rin'ov shinule, Usstan xuat cal ussta ky'kiya. = drow for: whatever occurs, I don't eat my weight. Ji astux mziln khel ky'kiya, talinth d'l'alurl lu'xun vel'bol dos shlu'ta. = drow for: So undo extra body weight, think of the best and do what you can. ilya onta-alma-ye alya, ala-urra-ye-llo selma car-ma arya. = create good fortune and good, not bad and you will do something better. pronounced, [ill-ya on-take all-man yehn all-ee-ah all-ah urr-ah yet low sell-man car-man are-ee-ah] [8:39 AM] Whatever; whatever occurs, I am not distracted by any scent. So; So I will do what I ca and create what I think and need. This is a point in the making of a rat and other things that happen. What ever; Whatever occurs, I am not distracted. This; this happens without stress. pause bug; this machine will work without pauses. make pay; this is where you think make a payment and you get a payment, that exists by feel with what you intend. Quick 10; this is a quickly gained 10 dollars by what is done. That happens without stress. After this done; the point after this is said or done and is what happens your idea. So think and you create by feel. [8:39 AM] Whatever; whatever occurs, I am not distracted by any scent. So; So I will do what I ca and create what I think and need. This is a point in the making of a rat and other things that happen. What ever; Whatever occurs, I am not distracted. This; this happens without stress. pause bug; this machine will work without pauses. make pay; this is where you think make a payment and you get a payment, that exists by feel with what you intend. Quick 10; this is a quickly gained 10 dollars by what is done. That happens without stress. After this done; the point after this is said or done and is what happens your idea. So think and you create by feel. [8:40 AM] The danger sense point; The point; think of the area of idea or the person as you look in the mirror, then speak your desire as you think he or she she hears you. The mirror acts as though a scrying device or communication device and you "hear" or "see" in a vision, that's the the reply, if any is there then it's by the pinneal gland or third eye activated by the pinneal gland in a blood flow. This is activated or done by the blood flowing to the pinneal gland from your brain, that is doing the idea with your thought since it is a brain organ. This works as you think of what you need, then the blood flows in your brain make results by the pinneal gland and third eye activation because of the pinneal gland recieving blood. The effect is this, what you think is associated with a level of reality and the idea is done by what you do using that idea from the vibration state. If it's in your body, then its your inner world. If it's outside your body, then it's not your inner world. So think about the point and you know things by what you do or get in reply. If it's in the area, then you know its in your outside reality. [8:40 AM] If it's done by feel, then you know or realize the idea. This uses the soul that gives insight that's realized by the spirit allowing you to know. This is done with an idea in life by living the point or doing what you want and creating with the point. If you do know a point, then you realized what is there and done by feel or thinking. This is done better if you think things through, so think and you know what you may do. That effects the idea and protects you from the blame of the moment. This is using the point of the moment, that allows you to know the danger psychically and this is the danger sense by the idea that is done. Don't always react to what you sense. [8:42 AM] The point is this though, if you think it's a non-dangerous situation, then you sometimes do what you want with the moment at hand. So the danger sense will create what you may do, if it's dangerous to yourself, then you can know the danger by what is done. This is a point in regard by the idea that you do. So think and you know what you can create by what you think is safe, this wellknown fact is what criminals do. So use this danger sense carefully, that's as you have the sense of the moment. [8:43 AM] The atomic; This effect is where you think to increase the atomic spin of the body and you lower your weight with water or lemon water intake. Think to impact the area or being with your increased atomic spin and you disrupt and cause any scent to dissipate. So when you think the increased spin is there, the body uses some of it's water that was placed there or naturally existed within the body, then you create with the energy of the body and cause what result you may need. Oh get this, you can create by feel and work with incresed energy. So this is where you think to make something and you do. The idea is effect and what you think is what the aura creates. This means you create with what is there, so that is all for the atomic ability. The atomic strike; This is where you increases the atomic spin and you create a striking effect that allows you to seem to impact or "hit" someone or something, that is dismissed by drinking water or something thereof. This can cause a person to go into a coma state or a machine to not work. Otherwise you create a lessening and nullification of the scents that exist. Think about it's use with a hand motion, if you want to use it. Spelly — 07/06/2023 8:45 AM Feel free to use this's really powerful.Also you can post it..I wasn't sure which section to put it in. [8:45 AM] This is my spell of protection. think the energy of the area and body wards away the bad results. then state what you think is acceptable. paranoia avoidance: I avoid paranoia by seeming to agree. then if by doing my own things, I get away with what I need as I think to explain it if possible. I plan on creating better idea, then making idea with a point to do. what about you? here's a sickness spell; if you are sick, then think you revert by energy back to a good state. the subconscious will do it. [8:46 AM] This is my spell of protection. think the energy of the area and body wards away the bad results. then state what you think is acceptable. paranoia avoidance: I avoid paranoia by seeming to agree. then if by doing my own things, I get away with what I need as I think to explain it if possible. I plan on creating better idea, then making idea with a point to do. what about you? here's a sickness spell; if you are sick, then think you revert by energy back to a good state. the subconscious will do it. [8:47 AM] Can you expand on Acting magic info kk that's basically where you think to effect some idea and act the part until a point. then you create a result by the subconscious mind, thinking of the things needed by feel. that's really the premise. what you can do with the act is act a part out and create with the energy consciousness. This creates wants or needs or what you think to create. Statements reinforce the idea. Then the chances of it going to happen energy manifestation is created, this is done by what you think about and energy is what the subconscious uses. That is used to make what you realize as the soul or spirit awareness is there of the creation. there you go [8:47 AM] This allows easier spells; So wanna know the way to brush your teeth without clouding the pinneal gland? Its easy, work your toothbrush over the teeth and gums without toothpaste. Think to do this for 2 minutes, at least. Then wash out the mouth with water that you don't swallow. Tada! Its as simple as that. Enjoy and realize your toothbrush is your friend. [8:47 AM] Bioelectric wave; Try this if you need to clear your mind, raise your arms up and think with concentration that your generating energy. If you feel electrical energy then its there. This sometimes is mostly on fingertips though, you can use your bioelectricity skill to make smudges on a wall. Just need to focus the energy of the body to create what you think is there by wave energy cast off from the aura. Its that easy. Yes, you can't start fires with this.. I experimented with a piece of paper on a glass dish. It's some interesting idea stuff, you can cast off excess energy doing that at a wall and leave a disappearing mark. That causes less stress. biolocation version II; I am in multiple places at once by the soul, sometimes you dunno the name, but I understand by spirit the it doesn't matter. its easy, think your soul copies where you think of as "there" then you share the point of consciousness. this is where "there" could be another dimension, if you like.. So when it comes to 'multitasking' irl, is it possible that people see from the eyes of animals and bugs. this is biolocation II: soul multitasking. the spirit is what knows what happens there. well, if I'm dead there.. then it's time to shift back the copy to rejoin the soul I have. the soul that is "there" merges with you. actually the creator creates the soul as a point..of memory given life. get this, your soul can seem alive any time period, too. its a fascinating point in life. there is physical manifestation, too. if you need manifestation, the soul creates what you want. [8:48 AM] candles and water; well, if you need a point to happen, knowing its resisted and that's sometimes occurred by the body, then use a lit candle. this works no matter the weight. If you think to the water you drink, then you supercharge the water and you create what you need with the body. The tallness and weight doesn't matter, if you use water or fire. You can restructure your body by drinking something, this is how the harry potter spell works that changes the body into another form. So if you think to freeze a note in water, then you make disappear what idea is written on the note. If you think of a deity, then you can create what you need by thinking a statement is said either by yourself or by the spirit. This is done with the intent, so need the intent to form a manifest and it's done. Hold a bit of earth or the planet energy, and think what you want it to do. Then it will do the effect. Think of an air molecule and think it resonates at a vibration that causes a manifest and it does. This is known idea and effect of void, that creates what you think as it's pure energy. If you think to copy something, then the idea you need to ecreate is copied to where you intend it to be. If you act like it's there, then it's there. This is how you manipulate the void into creating for you what you want. That doesn't really matter what weight you have on the body, since the creator creates the effect anyway by feel, This effects by feel as we are memories in living form. [8:48 AM] If you need a religion or faith to do things openly, then the creator is definitely an option. Energy consciousness here comes with awareness of where you think there is by feel, and things work out by feel with balance due to this energy from perception of where you are by idea that you notice. Basically, you are where you think you are if by feel or idea. This is the universal energy, that interacts with you, if you think of what you want. The energy uses its consciousness to place you where you need, or where you think something there exists then it does exist. This is where the creator or universe makes what is desired, if possible. The point of objectivity though is usually if you don't think it exists then it doesn't exist, this is at least true here where objects can disappear by this fact. Yet what you don't know, this can be proven elsewise. I call this consciouness of the universe that allows the point of conscious spiritual awareness, otherwise Ben, where Ben the creator created most of this universe by thinking and doing what he does by feel with the energy. He created so much however, that he turned into an energy consciousness of the universe. So by the source I mean the universe. Thus, think or state to the energy around you to have something happen. I believe ben calls himself the creator, at this time. So that's the basis of a spell or prayer, btw, that can get results. That's especially true unless nothing happens, if you think the idea is an end result. Otherwise things are as they exist by some point. [8:48 AM] Some can call this a part of an energy trinity. The three parts of this energy awareness trinity is this: the universal spirit awareness or Ben, the beings set in their own dimension of the divine realm, the people otherwise called divine and spirits of the land otherwise servants to necromancers and people that are summoners. This is where you can bend things in the mind and create reality by feel. That is all done by using the power of the energy trinity. This is where the creator created the spirit of the universe, that was done as a point to work with by feel. If no results occur, then you know there was a counterwill somewhere that came after you thought things. This then was a point by feel, that was done in mind and created outside by influence of the aura. [8:49 AM] spell effect; think and adjust, whatever you need to adjust is reduced if weight, created if money, thought if otherwise. So this is a general reminder to not eat your weight. remembrance; the body remembers the body condition and creates with what the soul knows. the idea; this point is a concept, acheived by light energy..what you think is using an idea of what is done or created as though intent was there. DOOL-JA-LA-LEE-WAL-IKRAM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain wealth beyond belief Personal power you will gain: You will be a powerful manifester of money So far I gained 120 dollars.. [8:49 AM] Advanced focusing; So the technique is advanced focusing, I think in order to do this idea, you may need to breath in and out as you think of what you intend to create. See there you go with that idea. Oh btw if you focus energy from around yourself to your body, the energy will be cleansed and stored as usable to your cells. The higher the energy the more decaying death energy and if you focus that energy then you can break down things or stop things from working. That energy is chaos, btw.. chaos magic according to 'chaos magicians' is basically the ability to use any magical practice that you choose to believe in at the time. if you think it works, it works. Anything can be a focus object as long as it holds the right significance for the person whose intent is being cast. So whatever you thing, goes along with this idea. However the more energy you have, the more you can focus and perceive things. So go figure. This actually works, and that is the second part of advanced focusing. You can't break down iron though, so project it into iron particles and you unage and create with a point. This also allows you to lower the death and decay in the cells. That means you won't age as fast. That's interesting, right? [8:50 AM] There is a price to this, of course, when you attempt this if you don't do exercise you might gain in weight and that creates less effect. That's because you tend to raise your metabolism by the attempt. Interesting though. The iron is any iron or imaginary iron. Its a fascinating point where you either hold off and drink and not eat or you could eat everything in sight. So this can be that point you avoid passing out, if you drink water. I have seen similar things in NARUTO he called it nature energy and he focused it by sitting still. That's where I got the idea..except you only appear as yourself. How long should I sit? If you can draw the energy and feel it, you can do this moving better. See you don't necessarily have to sit. Well actually, you imagine your storing the death and decay into iron or iron particles. [8:50 AM] You might feel sleepy, that is what happened as I imagined the thing. Its another effect of doing that. It is taking chaos out of the system and also making me head spin a little. Sometimes after you wake up, things will get easier. So do it in spurts, if you want to keep the head spinning down. Also think to drink water, this causes the effect of nausea and head spinning to lessen. This is why it is an almost forbidden technique. Think to use it if you need the idea. Don't do this technique unless you drink something, if you want to avoid feeling disoriented. This is a point of idea that you create by the spirit. The soul is stored energy information and conscious by the feel. So think and you know what to do. If you think to create with this technique, then you can make whatever you want by the point you feel is necessary. This is a point done by feel. So if you focus chaos energy on your weight, then cause weightloss. This isn't really allot of weight lost, yet its enough to make the effects you attempt easier. Combine that with the water energy particles, then you created weight loss the easy way. Without it, you are likely to keep maintaing your body weight, so to speak your intent is to create your intent. This is a known fact of life, that uses the power of words and if you write it down you create with words what you intend by the power of suggestion with the subconscious mind. This is the effect of using scripts, so think to not do things and the scripted event stops. [8:50 AM] Think and know; this technique differs from the norm, if you think about creating with light you avoid disorientation. so if you know things you realize them from the spirit and that is where you create by thinking and work by writing things that interest you. This creates by writing what you intend to create, the effect is a point in the past. If you create an idea in the past, then you mold your present and future moments. So this I think is safe, think and realize what the spirit or soul knows as insight and you create with the thought and light exists what you need if necessary. Think and you know what you can do. The point; The idea you think occurred by the soul creating what you said or acted as though was real, if not the soul then the spirit created what you thought and what you think is sometimes stated. So you see, things do occur as you state or write them out. This is an aftereffect of magic, the real magic is the point you make. This is sometimes done without stress. So think and you will know as the spirit knows. TD;LR: The rest is simply too much information, so think and you know what to do. [8:51 AM] Think and create; think energy goes into some item and that you create a result by imagining the result as an end result. Then by stating the point of the result, you make the idea occur by the energy that you put into the item. The more energy you put into something with thought, the better the result you get. sun clone; The solar or sun clone is where you think energy into the sun, and the sun forms plasma beings from your soul copy energy that goes into the sun, this solar energy can then cure you of many diseases. However the sun can return the soul energy through the sunlight to you anytime. If it does, then the solar disappears and you get the experience of what it did as if physical water is used. The solar can shift things or it into some other place or area. If it shifts you, then you are formed where you shift to and it forms to seem you where you were. The objective is to form as many of you as possible, then you can create whatever result you wish. Planet clones are where the planet energy is used to mold the shape from whatever element that is nearby. This clone is fully capable to seem you in appearance and you can form as many of you as you need. This is done without stress and as many times as you want. The planet clone dissipates into energy and rejoins the planet that it came from, when it or you think its done. The soul copy can cause it to become and the soul remerging is what happens with transferrance of experience, that happens when it can disappear and dissipate harmlessly into energy by feel. [8:51 AM] So if you need the idea, think to direct it and work with it by idea. If you don't want be beaten to death by the elemental, then you can use the soul to clone itself instead as though thought formed the element you use tends to create what with your intent. This will do what the element needs as if it does instead what you think when the intent is done. When you form one from an element, you create a moment that seems to outlast the creative idea and this if you use text, that will create with a moment that seems to not allow the text to be saved by feel. You decide the moment and it lives or dies by your command. [8:52 AM] The element works by what you decide is a source, basically it absorbs into itself the source with your thought that it does and it does what you intend. This is what causes a curative, when you think to be cured, think the element (that could be any element) absorbs your source and you no longer have the disease. This is what cures by the effect. This is a point from the past. So think to use this if you need to create by the idea. This technique works, if you think to create with the energy form you can make a being formed by thought and that is made into existence. This being merges with the point or alter form and you know what is to be known. If you absorb some of something, this also works, so if you think about things you can create and that creation is what is done. This is done in the effect, think and you know what to do by feel. Spelly — 07/06/2023 8:52 AM This is a spell form for almost any game, think to create and whatever element or point of imagination you have. That is used to create a result by the power of the spirit-that-goes-through-anything and its either guided by the soul or your words that you think to project as energy influence, then this creates as though you were the creator, where you make what is possible. This is the games magic system. I think this is interesting, if you want to sacrifice things then you make with what you have and work with what is there. Pretty much, if you think its real, an you believe there will be an effect, then there will be an effect. This works as intent is there to create what you want and its sometimes willed into manifestation or existence by suggestion to the subconscious mind. I think, however, when you think about the point you need, you create with energy or what is there. [8:53 AM] light psiball; Think of energy as if a ball of light and focus upon the energy what you say and it will do the idea. This is where I imagine the ball of light that does what you want, then the construct does what you say. This energy ball will "catch" by vibration of the brain waves you cast out, thinking to create by influence what you intend by feel. So when you cast out your will or thought is sent out as waves of your own energy to infuse with the conscious energy around you or aura. The aura burns from what is there and forms air, that causes you to form waves of energy that are perceived as vibes. This energy is what is perceived by the construct and that is what you form by thought and make with the spirit forming the idea. This is how can constructs work. If you feel free to make a few for yourself.. the source they use is the creator. I know they can copy themselves by feel. Yes, they use the subconscious as a point to create with by idea. I think, yes, they create a point of energy to create with the subconscious mind using suggested thought. However, some signs are real life, some signs the subconscious are dream visions and in order to understand them get interpretation. This means your idea is a point of intent, and thinking it can send your thought to the people you intend to hear the thought. [8:53 AM] Oh I made a construct that trains the body to cast magic easier. If you think "the magic construct" trains it and it will. This will work if you think it does. Some constructs gather energy from your thoughts. However, then you are not your thoughts, you see those are the constructs. This means they then can make a point of result. They use your thoughts as programming so if you think of the idea you can create the point. So if you think about things, the idea is generated if you need the point of creation or manifestation. If you imagine a key to your ability, then in your mind turn it in a lock that opens a door. You unlock your body and mind if its not already unlocked and you can always use your mind to create, so such is life as you need the idea with ability to make a manifest by imagining the result and by feel it's there. [8:53 AM] think; this is a concept you create with by feel, if you want to cast a spell think the idea and state a word that you intend to create with. This is how things work out sometimes. that's about what I got, anyway.. this is a point in the past. Think en; the point is done if you intend to do things and if you move out then this is a point you do. think as; this is a thinking aspect, the point is used if you intend to do things incorrectly. so think and you get away freely. think in; the point is done if enough is achieved, think and you know what to do. [8:54 AM] The psychosensitive energy dynamic of light; this is where these sensed moments are energy sensation you create by life energy or activity in a point, then you create by the feel with the senses. think and you know by observation with what is there. light is energy and fire, so if you think to know things you kill things now or realize the idea as you see or sense through the electrolytes in the body as this is though an energy duo of action an information. This is a point in idea. So those are produced by the special cells in the skin. These electrolytical cells and electrlytes among other names as a substance form to allow you to sense, you can get them from drinks too. However, that is regulated by the third eye. This is activated by the pinneal gland, the blood flow activity is what activates the gland. This gland usually doesn't have that much blood flow. So this blood flow actually activates the glandular third eye, that can appear spiritually on the forehead. Some can sense it, some can't. But all have this sense. The brain energy can direct it by is spiritual consciousness, so think and you know what you can do with it. Basically, focus and think to see things by feel or create the effect by what is thought and created points that exist by light energy. This effect is how we can sense things with the 6th sense. Where you can sense intuitional idea as well, this happens by idea being in idea that is realized. See that comes from the spirit. The spirit can be where you think so it observes the point, then the soul knows about it and you realize insight of what the spirit watched. [8:54 AM] Think about it and as this works, your electrolytes are what create the sensation, you can feel in and understand by the spirit that knows what is there. This is a known effect, yet due note: The electrolytes in the body can go down so you might need a drink to replenish it. This is like taking in a gatorade or powerade to allow yourself to feel better. However, that's not so true if you feel the pain of others, this is where you know what the others feel by the spirit knowledge and your soul giving you realization of the idea. This is a sign, that you sense their need and can't do much about it. That's about it, harden your shell and live as you can. eccio + object works good enough, unless the object doesn't want to leave. object to something to make it work for you, eventually. write it down, then think about it to cancel it out by feel or not. eccio + managerie causes the object you think about to shift to where you feel is right for things. eccio +managerie+power to remove a power from something. this decurses things. [8:55 AM] powerdream; this is a point you think, and breath in and out so then you fall into a daze. if you are "dazed" you create with dreams of energy. Then when the powerdream is positive as though your lucid, then the outcome is positive for the people effected. The idea is this, you create a positive action from the person if possible. This is a point from the past, that I woke up from with a loud noise or some off moment where I realized what was wrong and decided to correct for it by waking up. Sometimes if your not awake, you sleep walk all day, so think to wake up and you aren't in a daze anymore. This works by trance, if your in a daze, you are sleepwalking. Then a part of your brain is asleep, so think about the point and then decide to be awake. Then you are woken up your brain. You can also sleepwalk, if you take certain medicines in and when the effect wears off, this is several hours later, then you wake up. That is known as a medicine induced sleep. This is a result of some medication with side effects. So think about it and ask your doctor to get better medicine. [8:55 AM] Dark psiball This is the dark psiball. Think of energy as though emanations or other sources you think are sources if a ball of darkness were there, and focus upon the energy what you say or think towards it and it will do the idea. This is where I imagine the ball of darkness that does what I want, then the construct does what I say. This energy ball will "catch" or create by vibration of the brain waves similar to the light psiball that you cast out, thinking to create by influence this is done by what you intend and that is with feel. This forms felt energy by the point you percieve, then you know what is being done. This is a point in idea, think about what you need and it forms what you desire. The elements are usefual as a source, that's because you can use them as they are the emanations or felt energy and when you cast them forth you create with a concept. So I can't force you, think the earth is creating a barrier and the idea is that barrier absorbs the point or what energy is there. This is a known defense to the dark psiball, that you can detect by is emanations felt in the area as though a presence. This is a known idea. [8:55 AM] Dark psiball This is the dark psiball. Think of energy as though emanations or other sources you think are sources if a ball of darkness were there, and focus upon the energy what you say or think towards it and it will do the idea. This is where I imagine the ball of darkness that does what I want, then the construct does what I say. This energy ball will "catch" or create by vibration of the brain waves similar to the light psiball that you cast out, thinking to create by influence this is done by what you intend and that is with feel. This forms felt energy by the point you percieve, then you know what is being done. This is a point in idea, think about what you need and it forms what you desire. The elements are usefual as a source, that's because you can use them as they are the emanations or felt energy and when you cast them forth you create with a concept. So I can't force you, think the earth is creating a barrier and the idea is that barrier absorbs the point or what energy is there. This is a known defense to the dark psiball, that you can detect by is emanations felt in the area as though a presence. This is a known idea. [8:56 AM] Emilo lavable: The effect is the elemental thing, think about the element and imagine the point or speak the idea and the element forms the idea as a point reproduced. This is then where you think to create a feeling, then the harshness of reality comes into play as fun with the point. Think of the moment and you can create what you need. This is a point you think about and the spirit or soul makes what is necessary to survive the moment with the third eye pinneal gland. If you have a body, then you know what to do with regeneration. This is a point you realize, think or know about with the concept you think to use. So you know, this was fun to write, practicing it is then the point you do as an interesting idea. So you get back what you spend for this effect, think money returns to you and you get money back by double or triple the amount. Then the element is what creates the funding and you get back what you gave or spent, this is from getting repairs done with the destruction of the area. What can also be done is this, elemental bending. Thinking energy boost, this is making use of the elements of air, earth, water and fire and possibly void to create an effect you think about to make the point you or I intend. This is the third eye that creates the effect you imagine or focus into an existing point. That is opened by imagined energy being used or the blood flow going to the pinneal gland. This works without stress. Oh, deactivating the pinneal gland is imagining or "seeing" the third eye close. This causes the blood flow to lower to unactivating levels that don't seem to create the pinneal gland activation. Think it's deactivated and it is. [8:56 AM] Emilo lavable II: This is use of lava energy that's done by thinking energy goes to the lava area of a planet and receiving energy back, that is double or triple if focused from what you sent. See that is with the area you know, if you get too much you can always do anchoring and thought sending to the ground or object your excess energy. This is done so the spirit can explore the space, that is without excessive emotions that it normally feels. What allows this to work physically, that is breathing with the aura. Breathing decaying particles or gas is when you have energy from the body that is what flares up. So you break down decay and dust and produce breathable gasses from the decomposure. This is done in the area. Released is oxygen and nitrogen that the body absorbs as it breathes it in. As thought you then are predispensed where you are aware, think and you can do what you can by what is possible. If described to another then its possibly alright, this could make you seem nuts though unless described right. Such as the concept, where this breathing allows you to heal, so if you breathe in enough nitrogen you can seem with a green healing aura. So go with it, this is a point you know the best. Think you know something and you do things by feel. The spirit can reveal to you what is there. That point you realize and the soul is what the creator makes within you and provides insight. What to do is what you think to do. The point is then up to you to create what is otherwise necessary. This I know is true, if you go with a concept, the feeling you can make is with a point with what is thought. This thought is done by feel if you think it's necessary. The fire energy that makes the aura palpable, this comes from the point of spiritual body energy projection. [8:56 AM] hat; The point is interesting, if you want to go do something else, then you can. That is all. the effect; think as you like, you don't blame me for anything that I do or didn't do. the end; this is a point you think about and create with idea. the feel is your own, think about what you want and you could get it. sek-ti ma; the second is known that you wait and this is the second it's over, think and you know what to do. sak-ti ma; this is the sacking process of the point, that you experience by hitting the sack, time for tea and making conversation or things. think to accept and you get things in a sack. create; this is causing a point by the spirit to exist by feel. the point you think about and things work like dominos. challenge; the point you think about and create with to make what you need. relaxing; say the word and you get what relaxing is possible. this is a point from the past. complete; this is the idea in that the point you complete the purchase or the idea you intend to do is done. completed; this is a point you know about things, so they exist if you need them to exist. [8:56 AM] exacabur = the excalibur; this summons a blade called excalibur to allow you to make away with whatever you need or want. [8:57 AM] Gemstone tardus: This ability uses Wisdom as a point you think, so you state what is necessary. he gems you use if correctly chosen will create time effects, otherwise think of objects that will make what you need. Where you move faster in a car, you experience a time efect. That means you see the point of the events and items move by faster as the car speeds up. Then you slow down the vehicle, and the time of the car movement is slower with the scenery outside it moving by normally. This is basically in movement where you experience 3d gyrations. That is when you perceive yourself being in the front seat and then the back seat and the front seat again. This happens if you move a car. The silver in the car frame can become energized by energy in the area as it moves around the car, so you see that means polarization of its element silver is occured by feel. Then you can create with the soul or spirit what energy effect you think and focus by statement with vibrations that you need. This is including healing by feel, so that is done by the spirit-that-goes-through-everything. This is an effect done in the moment and what happens is time energy resurges to create with what is possible. Think of the effect, and the energy conscious of the spirit will create what you want if necessary by some point out. [8:57 AM] Think about it, money can be a powerful energy source. So the more money or energy you have or think to use as a source, this uses the particles of the object. See that allows effects if the source is enough, I this is where the more you might eat from intensity. Anything can be used as a source. That is done, unless you think to hold off on eating, then you use the energy of the object and not the food you want to eat that causes the intensity to fade away. Think to hold off and you can resist the urge to do things. [8:57 AM] The tardus effect also is creating with time by the point of gemstone use. they are a point of use and there is no drug associated to them. So your safe, this effect is timewise and you can create with time regeneration if needed. Touch the stone and think of a switch that you turn "on" and you create the point of restoration of the body. The idea is a point of restoring the lost limbs, too. Any substance can be used, as well. Think the water or fire creates the body change, that is what causes adaption with the taking water into your mouth or sensing the fire, think the idea as intention to do as you state the result and any object touched can emulate that effect you think afterwards, that's until you think it's not emulated. Then it's something else. I think it stops emulating and you perceive reality as it is by feel. [8:57 AM] If you can keep that open mind or heart, you can then get that effect of restoring lost limbs and complete regenesis. regenesis is where you think about the change and reform the body by the particles, if you think to a stone to do that idea. THis is a known effect of gemstones, so think of what you want and touch an object, person or gem and that changes time so this could by chance be any gemstone, then you get that created point. This is the effect of idea being used, if you think to create things you make with what is possible or not do it. Orgonite has gemstones, metal and resin with a positive conversion. This energy creates what is done, that is positive and known about so you think and you create better. This is less in form, think about some conclusion to see the end. [8:58 AM] If this is the point, think and you know. The point you think about is done in thoughtwaves by feel, sent to the stone, then it creates itself by feel to make the point you need. If you feel the need, then you create with life and you might go to jail for illegalities. The point being, you create with energy of the body, think about idea and say what you need to create with the subconscious. If you ask the subconscious by stating a question, then your subconscious gives an answer. This is in the form of creative use and whatever you think is right is correct. So I think this is a point in idea, you create with a thought and make by the energy conscious of the area. Although, if you consider carbon ash, you can use that as energy is a source from it in stored formation. Then is the point you know, if you realize the point by the spirit knowing it. Then you can understand what is necessary. This means all is possible by the spirit. The spirit-that-goes-through-everything can create anything if you think about the idea. This means where you think about the point of returning, you go to some point you return to by feel. Think and you know the point and you realize what you can do. If you don't, then you can figure things within an ideal energy concept. Think to not do it, at the drug user, if you need them to stop doing drugs or cigarettes. This is a point in idea, done by what is thought and created is a concept by what is possible. [8:58 AM] If you possibly are aware of things, you are spiritually aware and sometimes alert, this is from what you think is there. This is usually in the "en" or "at the end" stages that creates with a space, this space is in the soul so think to do things in the space and then something else is possible or think to do nothing by the point you have or desire. This is done as a point you can work with, so I think it's a point as it came from a public announcement. Think and know, then is the point you know or realize. This is a concept in the wrought time by the spirit or soul. The spirit knows things that happen and the soul allows insight by what is known from the spirit. So I would think about things if necessary, this is a concept known as space and time manipulation. What you think about is there, what you know is what you consider to exist. Think about what you want and you stop this point. This is a point you realize with the spirit and know by the soul. This is where a known effect occurs or happens as if perception were set by the subconscious, that is knowable with a soul or spirit energy vibration in the area. This energy is what alerts you of things it does by feel. That is done in energy form where you think it's there and your body draws in energy to create what is necessary. Think it gone and share some of your energy with it and it disappears. This is using a known effect called the time of moments. That is a point you think of the time, so with the moment then is when it is there set by subconscious and sometimes by suggestion. This energy allows for what you want, so make use of it with or for what you want. [8:59 AM] The idea is a point you consider, if when you think to create with energy. Then you make the effect or ideal intent, this is done by what you want to heal or create unless not necessary. When you think about the idea and state the point, you create the idea using the subconscious, but if you want something shut off then think it's off. If you want something turned on, then think of the idea as a point it's then "on" and you can either make use of it or not do it. If not, the effect isn't happening, elsewise you can open a conduit or space tunnel in time to shift by walking what you need shifted. This is using the dimensional energy, thinking to shift or work seeing what you want. So think about a song or music and you create with the point or directed by feel thought. This is not done, if not necessary by feel. [8:59 AM] That includes coldness in the area, sensing auras this is from the idea the spirit moves through time and then uses some heat up. This is a point where the spirit creates things using objects as energy. That could also be yourself that shifts in time to somewhere else, this occurs with the body becoming non-solid energy from a body energy surge, you know things by what exists then with thought to the gemstone you shift through time if you want to shift and otherwise that body energy moves with ease and becomes solidly formed where it goes and thinks of by feel to exist. Make a request of it and you can create nearly anything that you intend. Offer the excess body energy to create with and not have a machine malfunction or lesser heat. That's unless you target someones machine, though you can set up defenses for that tactic by stating the right suggestion. You know your machine is targeted, when the system starts giving errors. The errors you think to get normally don't count. So think about it you know what is there, then you can know what is what by feel. Spelly — 07/06/2023 9:00 AM That is why it's an indication of the lifeform you can detect either by smell or body odor, otherwise the machine in the area that sorta overheats. If you know the name by feel of the spirit, you can command it to leave and you don't have to leave the area to calm it's riled self down. This is an energy effect, that it manifests, by the way. So think to know things and you do things unless unneccessary. However you can see the spirit by use of the third eye, think you know the spirit by what it says, then you can create with a point and the spirit will do what that is by your point in a point of leve or take. That is a point you know, think to do things if you want random numbers like dice and know good results. If you don't want bad results, then you don't do it thinking to create an effect with dice. This is a point known in time. This is a point you can do. Their is cell storage of information, this is in the cells idea that allows you to know things. See if you think you know what the body stored as that information, when you need to know then you have realizarion with idea by insight by idea being known. If you know about things you share them, then you realize what it is. So your spirit helps others, think about this point. The idea will manifest if you need it manifested. This is done by the spirit using the subconscious mind, that means it doesn't have to be spoken aloud. The idea can be written, so you think of things and create them, think of what you have and feel the idea will happen. This is a point done by what you think is appropriate. That is all in an idea. So good health, enjoy! -D Jeremy [9:02 AM] Spirit room; The spirit room is what creates the effect, this is an energy room. You think to enter this room and walk out of the area to leave the spirit room. This effect is if you believe an idea will happen then speak about it, the spirit consciousness in the room will create that idea as an effect. That effect can be expressed as a point or needed and felt to occur. what you decide is what can happen. If its known about, then it's not stated a second time. So if you enter intending to heal, then the spirit in the room senses your intention and then creates healing. This intention is more easily done, if spoken aloud. So you know you control your spirit room. You can even use the spirit room to shift places, that is where the room shifts to another spacetime and when exiting you are there in spirit. This allows you to explore the different area or world points. There are many worlds. If you think to come back to yourself then you do. So what you are is energy, what you exist as is the point you make. This is a known effect. The trick is using math and creating a calculation to be where you are in life. So if you think, you know and the soul or conscoiusness of the body can draw you back by feel. The vibration of the spirit changes and this causes the area to shift in place. You can create nearly any effect in the spirit room, so think and you know what you can create in the area by what you do in idea. So this spirit room allows you to shift back to the time you associate with by feel that you think you came from. So that effect is a point you know, and feel is your own time. This is a concept you think about, thhat allows you to be where you need things if you know about them. If you don't, then you don't think about the idea in effect.

Spelly — 07/06/2023 9:09 AM This in idea means you could use the illness as an energy and cast it from the body. This allows the darkk marks in the area. So I think, that is a point in the past that is appearant after a little time passes you by. This effect seems to be cast by the pinneal gland third eye, activated by the blood flow. This flow of energy is directed by the idea you think, say you think to activate the third eye, then you create the blood flow with the thought of what you want. The blood flow causes the pinneal gland to open the third eye. Thinking the third eye closes, makes the pinneal gland deactivated by lessened blood flow to the pinneal gland. What you think will happen will occur, if you think to create the effect by feel. This is the rule of the room or area. See that means there really is a tardis, this is a time machine. Think the object creates what you want and then you use the energy in the object, this creates what you need or feel is necessary. The more objects you have, the more energy effects you can get by idea. [9:09 AM] This in idea means you could use the illness as an energy and cast it from the body. This allows the darkk marks in the area. So I think, that is a point in the past that is appearant after a little time passes you by. This effect seems to be cast by the pinneal gland third eye, activated by the blood flow. This flow of energy is directed by the idea you think, say you think to activate the third eye, then you create the blood flow with the thought of what you want. The blood flow causes the pinneal gland to open the third eye. Thinking the third eye closes, makes the pinneal gland deactivated by lessened blood flow to the pinneal gland. What you think will happen will occur, if you think to create the effect by feel. This is the rule of the room or area. See that means there really is a tardis, this is a time machine. Think the object creates what you want and then you use the energy in the object, this creates what you need or feel is necessary. The more objects you have, the more energy effects you can get by idea. [9:10 AM] One thing to notice, this spirit room can explore the inner realm of the body or the outer realms if you want to explore them. Think to go where you need and you find yourself where you think to go. Also what happens to the spirit there, can happen to the body. So think to return to your body and you won't get effected. If you do stay there, the room supports you by energy shared from objects, so if you think to do good deeds you are not unlike an angel or valkerie, if you think to do self-deeds, you are a neutral angel or self-supportive deva. If you are free to do evil, then your a demon in spiritual form. Forgive the demon if to drive it away, allow the deva until a point to get it to leave you alone. Make use of the angel or valkerie to create positive results with a feather left behind. This is if you find someone used their spirit room too long and changed into one of these forms. So basically its insight by the spirit, think about what you want to do and you can do it. -Paul M. Enjoy! [9:10 AM] shift and transform; think of the shape you want to be and this could even be an animal shape, then your soul or spirit shifts you to an empty higher plane. Then the spirit-that-goes-through-everything changes your body and this is shapeshifting you do. The point at the end is shifting back and you are there in that shape by feel. This effects noncommitally and safely, so you know the creator changes what is needed. That is all there is done to this trick. If you steal something physically, then you act the right way to instantly earn an animal reincarnation and that is a point that is done with you in mind. If you think to do right, your free and can be whatever shape you want to be. This is a known idea, where you call out the form name and intend to be that formation then you are that shape. This allows you to cause your body to eat its own fat. Thus you lessen your weight by the subconscious magic creating less weight by the heart beat being rapid paced. Then there is the point of in-between, the half-way there between animal and human or alter shape like a lady and your own shape. This is felt to be the way it is with a point of alteration with gaining or lessening the mass on the body, if you think of the effect you want to happen. Then the spirit will do the point, that's as if subconsciously suggested. [9:10 AM] This is what counts as exercise through heart pacing, if your heart is faster paced and your weight should not rise if it's heart paced long enough. So basically if you heart pace enough, then you can also make your weight loss effect happen. The effect that occurs is you remember the idea, then feel the emotion and your body does the right thing. This forms your perception and you can create with a point to shape the effect. This effect is a point using the power of projection or words. Words have power, think of your intention and you state what you need then the spirit creates what you intend. So think and you know what to do. "En if" stops this effect and "en is" fixes the body damages. Then if you said both, you cause fast regeneration. However, you have powers granted by the creator, so you can create with the spirit and manifest by thinking or speaking about the idea you need as a want. If you suggest to your subconscious what you need to form it will shape the form and possibly add ability of a soul copy. This power fits the shape you have, so work with what you get and that is all. When you think and do things, you do things so that is about it. The point of doing is shifting, that is going by manifest to somewhere else. This uses the creator and the spirit-that-goes-through-everything. [9:11 AM] elementals; This is where you form elemental energy, thinking it is in a form of being shaped like us. So you can create the being and this uses soul copy, then you make any effect you need, that's done by imagination and desiring te elemental to be there. Use of energy is what creates this formation, so if you think about the point it can create it using the power of the creator and whatever element (earth, water, fire, air, spirit or void) you want it to use. You can know or guide the elemental with use of the spirit guide, thinking or suggesting to the-spirit-that-goes-through-everything causes the creator to do things. This is where you can do what you want as a point in idea, if you want to summon one, think of the elemental plane and think the element shapes as you need where you want it to appear is where you are or where you intend it to be. You can have it safely do up to two elements at once safely. Except for the counter elements, think about the element and it can form it where desired. [9:11 AM] One thing the element can do, it can shift you dimensionally so where you want to be you are in feel. I think if you wanted it to do things in your place, this elemental can appear where you were and then do what you intended it to do. Think and you can create by feel what you need. The effect of it on the normal plane, this is where it can summon an element condensed from air using heat or fire and that creates a point which appears in real life. This elemental creates an element effect wherever you need the idea in life, however the brain can handle 10 dimensions at once. So if you may notice it's effects as though it were you, think about the point and it can do it. Otherwise not needed is the point, and you can create what you need by thinking about it if you think it's important. So think about it being there, then it is there. This can even make you do the correct idea to get a point done. [9:11 AM] One thing, if you call a fire elemental then you can cause fire in the area with or without what you do. The elemental can seem to make the energy manifest through the consciousness of energy, this is what can seem to share the effect through the aura and it can seem like you can make the element appear. Think about the point to form what you intend. Also, unless you focus the fire energy 1 minute or more, then you can only actually cause a dark mark on a surface. This I think, the point is done by the idea that is expressed, that means you can expect results if possible and instantly or when you release the energy by think sending the energy to the target or area. This is done in idea and in use to cause an elemental effect. That means, whatever element you choose, you can almost always get a result. -SH [9:12 AM] thinking spell; the spell of speed is not to use the drug speed, its to think energy comes to those you intend to speed up and your "speed up" thought causes the people intended to speed up. This could be creating other effects, too. So if you thought and intended, "make better" then the person focused upon or thought about becomes better by the energy that you think is released to them. [9:12 AM] creation; think of what you want and focus on the creator, that you use as a source. then think to direct energy by speaking or thinking of what you need and intending the point to be created. this casts a spell, that happens by what is done.creation; think of what you want and focus on the creator, that you use as a source. then think to direct energy by speaking or thinking of what you need and intending the point to be created. this casts a spell, that happens by what is done. if you think of a source of energy, that's not your body energy that is used. so you won't feel tired after the fact of attempting a spell or prayer. this works by your subconscious creating the effect, so I believe it's intent. this is proven by what is achieved. think about the idea and state what you need and that acts as though intent with chaos magic. since a prayer is a spell, that uses a god as a source, that makes perfect sense as to why it works. this is ying/yang and other things as well, that makes this a concept for energy consciousness use. think the concept and you create what you want. if you think of a flavor, then you find the the taste of it in your mouth, if you think of a point you can create the point. this is known as creation magic, because of the idea that God can be a creator. so if you mix religion with this idea, that is what you can get with a result. [9:12 AM] this can be used for defense, if you think to ward away the person or attacker. then you can cause them to no longer remain in the area. so that means, you can cause resurrection and other things as well, such as the attacker to not want to attack. this is a known effect. this is the end of my scripture, so I hope you enjoyed what I wrote. ciou and farewell, good-bye. interesting ending. what do you think of this? it's a lost book in the bible covering magic. so I think you can create nearly anything. that is including prayer as well. here is how you can grant a wish.. think of the need and think it's granted as a wish with a "granted" or "done" and the subconscious creates the idea you intend as an effect. you can grant your own wishes or others. that's it, that's all you need to do for things to work. [9:13 AM] Is there a spell for money? Just asking You could create an energy construct or perhaps create an energy ball, program it to attract money and let it float around you There are lots of money sells. As well as energy construct for that there's using a Fehu rune. There's a lot of different herbs associated with properity as well (edited) [9:15 AM] focus and create; this is where you focus and create results, with or without the pinneal gland becoming third eye being active by feel. this works better with the third eye. think the pinneal gland is active and the third eye makes itself seen, and that means it's active. My angels gave me some guidance on shapes when using magic and energy working. Triangle is a strong shape. When face upward, it can raise energy, vibrations, mood, and bring forward movement in a project. When faced downward, it grounds and centers energy, mood, and focus on one thing. Squares create stagnant energy, only lack of movement and sad energy noticed Circles bring wholeness and completion to an activity, they bring energy in, or move it out. They can also function as portals [9:15 AM] Interesting The star of david with a circle around it, without any intentions infused has lower vibrations occurring naturally from it [9:16 AM] Any ideas? I’m observing different symbols and such, feeling the energy If you’re curious just ask ummm how to grow wings Huh meditate on it, put willpower into your wings growing. Eat food and program the food to grow wings Spelly — 07/06/2023 9:16 AM kk what I put one sec How to grow wings This article is also here on the alt-sites site . Step 1- Research   You’ll do well if you get the basic research done, of course; look into... [9:17 AM] Creation of fey This starts by stating Ie Mai as Making fey, to make the creator effect of mind into reality of what you want, now your good without hitt... [9:17 AM] Wanna build a portal? This can shift you to another reality or area in time. All you need is touch a door frame and think of where you want to be. Then walk through the space between the wood or material frame. What you do there is up to you by feel. When you want to get to your reality again then think you return as you walk through a door frame. The thought energy creates the point of shift and you teleport by feel. focus and create; this is where you focus and create results, with or without the pinneal gland becoming third eye being active by feel. [9:17 AM] Think of where you want to go, to know about it from the spirit. [9:18 AM] Li-Ah-Ri - BENEFIT: The point is done if possible where you draw out the bug and you do things quickly as you know by realizing where they are. This is done except for people you don't know or want to do things for and you pause the bug and poison it to kill it and you relax by feel if the idea is done. Think and you know, the idea or success of the moment. This is with killing one bug, then the rest of the bugs die off quickly by feel. Ah-En-Ri - BENEFIT: The point is done if possible where you are able if possible to do things quickly and pleasure comes out of it. No-Ri-Hit - BENEFIT: The point is not in any way done by feel if needed, if illegal substances are intended or if not federally allowed. That means this effect is what blocks the need, when there is a need of the body and the drug is illegal. Ah-No-Ri - BENEFIT: This effect makes the idea you want denied, then if you think you can get other things that are unillegal. Personal power you gain from this: The idea you want is realized, yet it's done if possle and allowed for by feel. [9:18 AM] Point magic; The point you saw, that is where the values of the idea is matched and created as you describe something. This is basically object match magic. Where the math is the value, you feel normal. This is a point from the past, that used the computer processor and the value was sometimes interpreted by the computer conscious or subconscious mind. That is a point in idea though, the computer can still do this point. Think about it and make preparations. [9:18 AM] Point use; the point is made, the idea is created and you lose weight. Thought; this is where you think of the idea and create what is there. this uses the soul and spirit to create what you think and intend. en is; the mage idea is a concept, see you are aware and things are able to create by what you need if you think to create things by intention. this is in the point thought creates itself. so you may make what is done, focus and create by feel. en of; the offense is just a suggestion, nothing more than that. this doesn't exist, so think about the point and you can kill in your imagination what you don't like. this is where you think the being or person is there and by killing it or the imagined person, you kill the desire or the represented idea. sustenance; the idea you have is killed by sustenance, when you eat or drink your need can disappear that you intend. of; off or not, the point is done if needed. [9:18 AM] ttime travel; the time travel technique is where I can time travel to any time in idea or area by feel. This is where a point exists and if you mention a when you mention a time so think of the point and you are there by the power of the subconscious. Think of the time as events, that the subconscious allows you to see or know, think of being there and sometime stating the point, if then you are there by the spirit knowing and the soul or soul copy transfers you there. Think about your intention and you know what to do. If nothing is obvious, or there is nothing to do, then take a walk or drive so you do things the way you want. This works to find something to do, if you can do things, otherwise lay down and rest. The point is sometime you state things, if you make a statement of the idea, then you create the point by the power of words. Don't worry about meeting yourself, unless you were the exact opposite you won't cancel yourself out of existence as if you didn't exist. Now that is impossible, so think about the point and then you know what to do. If you intend to stay, then think the creator makes lodging that you find or you could die out in the open. When you shift, then you could turn to dust here. If not, the point could be sleeping and doing things automatically. [9:19 AM] So that means then you fall to sleep and wake up, this is done when you return at your own time of choosing. This is a known effect. Think you know the effect to realize what occurred there, that is known by the spirit. So that means you can create yourself at any time, wherever you want and from energy that exists. Thinking to return, the time you are in reverts around you and you are where you want to be. This is truly the power of the subconscious, that uses the spirit to know things and the spirit stores its information in the soul. That is how I noticed this time travel works. Sigils you create by thinking of a point you need and tracing a image or line drawing, then the consciousness of energy creates that as a point. i need a spell to encourage people into doing me favors or something similar [9:20 AM] oh that, think of the request as though accepted and state the idea. i just need stuff to fix my life [9:20 AM] yes I know.. I think, if you think of the problem and think or say "fixed" you will cause your soul to fix the point or what's wrong with your life. Think "end" to end the result as you state en. If you don't, you could have a runaway result, that is a reult you know of and think went too far. If you shift by thinking your there, then your in a metaphysical mode of thinking. This is a magical language of the merchant world, that can exist things or idea that you need. aziz = pronounced "ah-zeez", means disease, illness, mental awareness en = the endpoint, send, entry if = the moment th = that or there a = of, out ah = meal, feel good ba = bag joint = place in = with, happen roach = dope ef = effect, edifice o = of, removal sugar = drug stevia = substitute sugar hrmmm = warning point aw = away id = idea, free no = no n = number hehahe = laughter create = make of = off nic = addict ok = fine t = the e = end, enif oh = cool ex = exit, leave go = good by = bry, buy b = bye, good-bye bu = butt ne = need gin = gone gi = give gne = gone fid = find tik = inclination tok = talk he = hdd, here the = their, they're wh = what so = soul, soul copy, so an = another w = with i = yes u = not off = not there to = to, toward fo = forward bac = back a = close am = closure, evicted bun = burn note amn = not happen, notice to happen net = cut off water = shut off end = endorphin endo = halted, halt, stop mora = moratorium, allowance by prevention ration = rational, coherent, made understood rat = rat eh = wait deg = degenerate, dna damaged win = wine, emulation sad = shadow kendra = journey kenrah = journeyman pyr = fire aer = air hyd = water geo = earth prac = practice [9:20 AM] pract = practical, tactic sta = stay, hold giv = given keg = corruption, death and decay cha = change ki = sky riv = river c = ocean trig = trigger, set to happen h = stop, hold on, held ov = over, hover soo = soon, sooner, quick, quickly qui = quick, quicker slo = slower, slow fi = fight py = interest lo = lose, lost, lob, throw wet = weight get = gain mulah = money re = again ke = keep br = break, pause rep = repair caz = cause fix = make work p = person, people lip = fat lipo = fat removal les = lesser, lessen, less gr = greater, great mem = remember, memory wo = world, without stay = stabilize, stabilized bug = bug mojo = magic ele = elemental, elementalism; the use of fire, water, air, earth, void elet = element, raise, elect li = like, live, alive nul = void, absence; if nothing happens then a void is there. tru = true, truth, truthful [9:20 AM] ful = full truth = truthfully try = trial, make with ed = educate, education un = undo, erase sce = scent in = was, allowable wash = waste, slow off uno = one, 1 mult = many, more than 1 exc = excess, exceed, excessive leo = woman, womanly lee = man, manly foc = focus, make attentive, make attention ego = I, mind k = kill, chop, maim pois = poison, paisly pt = part, point ani = animated, animal, animalism zoo = zoo, animal area it = woman man, in-between woman and man, a man that has woman and man features hi = hit, high hel = hell, a state of mind hello = hi, hell low, this lessens stress. comiwa = comichiwa, hello ciou = chow, good luck and farewell chan = chain, the idea of what is there that is broken if a link and not needed. rel = relax, real moment if intended, magick rela = relay, communication, communicate reli = sweet/s relo = transfer, translate, translation, move rely = food, unusual olu = big ole = small hol = hole grn = grind grd = ground, dirt grt = circumference nani = what? foci = foist thi = think, this os ohi = that place exi = exist [9:21 AM] mur = mirror mer = murder, hammer blo = blow, blot, write ti = tick, time; imagine the time or area and think it's before you "left" to somewhere and you are there. yo = hello ene = enemy, non-friend amy = friend acq = acquaintance gath = gather, understand coo = cooperate, cooperation enn = pen penc = pencil pa = pain herb = painkiller atten = atend, attention idd = conscious shi = shift dna = denial, denial of interests dana = focus to create dena = create by writing fin = fine, done fon = phone, cell thu = think of the area in use the = then think your there onc = once there think to do else ima = imagine, imagination, imagine the phone call and you can seem there. cle = clean, clear away, clench cl = uncle au = aunt d = die, fate, die roll lang = ling, language corr = correct, right qury = question, where, what, when, why caucus = shit, feces pi = piss knut = dick, (slang for) private investigator cop = investigator multi = multitasking, the tasking point or think of things and do idea. posit = something positive us = use, used mai = make [9:21 AM] kio = kill off morf = morph, mutate, change fix = fix, fixed sib = sibling; this could be a sister, brother or otherwise. par = pair, parents, mother or mom, father or pa. enc = encumbrance, how much you can carry. sync = synchronize, do things together or duo pah = paw lik = lick enco = encounter, the point of activity with another wis = wish, the point of energy consciousness that creates what you say or intend. cyber = net, internet, web cybernet = website prog = programming, language of the net bl = block, end con = bad pro = good tes = test, this came from tesla btw. fe = fear, if you fear something, you work around things, like thinking to put chaos into iron or stop yourself from doing the idea. that's what the will of the woman puts into you. dou = doubt, if you put doubt into something or your voice expresses it you can cause the person to stop. fele = fearless doule = doubtless, duel le = less, lesser non = none, nothing hop = hope, thinking something will occur [9:22 AM] fehu = answer, response, respond, responding for = force, making point dist = distance, disturbance, disturbing point pos = pose, posing, suppose, fool, trick of the moment, once your aware of the pose you aren't effected. that's like a pose me not response. follo = follow, trace beg = begin, beginning bret = breakthrough, progress, progression have fun.. think of your need to create the result and to create better effect state the word. cul = ice, cool, chill, if you chill or cool something as you turn it to ice it's effect ceases. [9:22 AM] follo = follow, trace beg = begin, beginning chi = child lit = literary, this is skillful idea that's done lite = literal, exactly taken in by the idea yu = you, your mi = mile, mine posses = possession, possessing, the possessing point is the living point liv = live, living heh = laugh, laughter, if you laugh you relieve stress and create better feeling. let = allow, the point you allow for by feel Repo = report, communicate findings. Pik = pick, peak, focus and get

Dpik = depict, depicted, depiction, description, describe, death pick If you state, thinking you use the power of words, that "nothing brings me down." then you can raise your feelings to become better. [9:22 AM] Awesome! The “fixed” effect works wonders Thinking of the issue and saying fixed does fix it. I wonder if this is created by the vibration of the word “fixed” which would be “resolved, aligned” placed onto an situation, because everything is energetic, it is fixed. The situation itself being an energy and the word “fix”, because it has the certain vibration of alignment fixes it neat [9:23 AM] Thus more indicating the energetic nature of reality, and how physicality is just a reflection of what we all create energetically yes the soul how wonderfully interesting [9:23 AM] that is what creates the point, the soul copy can as well. I will post the link to the article compilation when I get to it Thank you friend [9:24 AM] Speaking any of these words will bring forth an effect, though, when used in conjunction with Odashi, it summons that certain energy forth with more power. Odashi = Summon, bring forth, activation of Cerea(Syria) = Fierceness, Balance Dosha = Peace, focus on peaceful things Odeera(Oh-deer-ah) = Strength, Willpower, Reseliency Venah(Ven-hah) = deflect energy that is unwanted. Goorant(Goo-Rahn-T) = Protective shielding. Use with Odashi (Odashi Goorant) Belrath = Shift energy to intended creation. Used for shapeshifting and mentally shifting to another state, also trance and hypnosis. Intend the point when speaking belrath. Delraethe(Dell-wraith) = Rock, Stone, Powerfulness. Often used to convey someone’s stubbornness, or extraordinary willpower. Delravee Donsta = Chant until you feel an energy protecting you. Summons protective spirits, guides, and beings, who intend to protect. Balancue(Balanck) = Bring happiness and joyous feelings. Balancue devi = Bring intense happiness and laughter. Shira Donte(Shira DontEh) = Brings gentleness. Peace, calm, comforting Ventue Dorakki = Brings acute awareness of actions, thoughts, and intentions of others. Doraah Venti (Dora, Venti) = Harmony, flow, joyous encounters. Good for gatherings with others. Donku Dellzi(donku delci) = Brings proactiveness, energy, and vitality. Especially useful for laziness Elwrath = Brings intense passion, trust of self. Energy of a white knight. [9:24 AM] Eldeen = Balance of internal energy. When used with Odashi, clears blockages and balanced any imbalances Gronta = Connection to planet, providing grounding and centering. Strength, too [9:25 AM] You can tap into it, it’s an angelic language used for energy work. Just follow the root Spelly — 07/06/2023 9:25 AM Odashi deen Hrun = Activate and focus energy on magic usage, and creative parts of the brain, including pineal gland and third eye Ooo the above one is very interesting and fun. Recommend that one Odashi Seetho Veen = Bring forth and activate best masculine hormones Odashi Seetho Ventori = bring forth and activate best feminine hormones [9:25 AM] Venti Doraah Velmouth = Aura of water essence, flow, healing, peace, clarity and cleareness Venti Doraah Abdu = Aura of Earth, grounding, centered, balanced, pragmatic, strong, determined, responsible Venti Doraah Aireena = Aura of Air, carefree, flow, surrender, joy, lightness, joviality, laughter, wits and intelligence Venti Doraah Doshrina = Aura of Lava, moldable, focused, fierce, changing, growing, good for shifting, learning, adaptability Venti Doraah iopa = Aura of Spirit, clarity, truth, wisdom, magical abilities, creativity, high brain function, miracle state Venti Doraah Sirith = Aura of Void/Black, protection, guardian, fierce, life and death, use in battle is only time this is necessary Venti Doraah Yomantu = Aura of Kitsune, happy, lighthearted, playful, creative, loving, protective, wild, free, careful not to overuse, can attract humans that are in sexual misalignments Venti Doraah Shrimptu = Aura of Ocean, essence of the water, healing, magical boosts, detachment, patience, surrender and movement with ease, best traveling aura Venti Doraah Tillseen = Aura of Guardian, general protection, caring, loving, brings focus on family, friends, caring for them and protecting them, good for motivation to care for others [9:26 AM] Venti Doraah Belrothiness(Belroth-eeness) = Intensity, Aura of clarity, focus, awareness, Sensory activation, cloning and separating energy, energy work, focus on spiritual realms. This will make you ungrounded Venti Doraah Shoto = Aura of Silence, hidden, secrets, observation, used for assassinations, for secret trades or meet ups, and to go unnoticed in public. Deflects attention and awareness of being Note that the more it is repeated aloud or internally the stronger it will be Note also unless the auras contradict each other, they layer on top of each other Each one lasts about 12 hours Venti Doraah Requiemti = Fiercely defensive, protective, in conjunction with Delravee Donsta, will offer some of the best protection possible. Aura itself provides diamond like shielding against anything attempting to attack or mislead Deleted User — 09/16/2020 12:16 PM Venti Doraah Shinyung = Aura of Cleanliness, balances energy, clears blockages, aligns chakras and brain function. Clears excess energy and grounds to planet [9:26 AM] My pleasure Venti Doraah Seentu = Aura of Ease, creates peace, at ease feeling, safety, sense of protection. Assists those who have anxiety or intense fears/PTSD Venti Doraah Shiyungdonra = Aura of Cleansing Sunlight, clears aura, body, and chakras, aligns all energy and brain function. Creates radiance in being, beauty, attractiveness, glory, and victory in endeavors. Essence of the esteemed warrior that overcomes the odds Venti Doraah Shitzfu = Aura of Evil, lies, mistruth, deceit, wary, fearful, overpowering, controlling, hateful, lower actions. It is wise to experience this aura so that you can sense it when someone feels such a way around you [9:27 AM] say “I reverse that aura effect” to clear it when done angelic language used for energy work I mentioned. I’m channeling the info rn (edited) [9:27 AM] If you have anything you’d like to request just ask oh cleaning, keeping the body, aura, clothes, scent and area clean and clear. Venti Doraah Clarana = Aura of Purity, clears low vibrations, toxic energies which manifest as scents, clears dust and non-organic particles.... clears allergens, clears attachments to anyone anything and anywhere [9:28 AM] Works in a full space not just the body Very nice feeling with that Clears chemtrail effects too in the body and externally cool Easy general magic effects Vedro Anthro = Activate best brain waves for your body. Easily noticeable [9:29 AM] those brainwaves cause what you think, sometimes you can get spoken effects, too. time feels slow after speaking that [9:29 AM] Dontraa Venti = Activate muscle, brain, and blood function to highest capacity. Swift increase in energy and focus, overall increases endurance if used daily yes that will work. If you come up with more, feel free to share it [9:29 AM] Demana Dossi (dose-ee) Balance emotions and thoughts. Activates whatever feelings and thoughts are best for you Anthra Ventido = Balances energy in surrounding space. If intended, it can cover a whole building. Also purifies and clears the energy of all those included in that space. ^ just tested, works Anthraxa dosti = Turns lighter higher vibrations into lower. Do not recommend using, but, if you would like to know what if feels like in case you are targeted you can sense it by doing it. Assists those who recieve a lot of lower vibrations from “nowhere” Dosha Triimaru = Overwhelming Peace, Happiness, and Contentedness in self and surrounding space. Creates harmony and peace more than anything else. Very strong. This can be intended in a larger area. Derave Doshita(De-rav-ee Doshita) = Find extreme high levels of balance. Creates harmony, even when forced. In chaos, brings peace and centering. Very forceful and intense shift in energy, creates balance thru sheer strength. Can be used in larger area through intending Dorama = Decloak, deprogram, release truth. Can be used on liars, to sense their energy more clearly or to make them speak truth and also brings every hidden aspect of something to light. Good for magical inquiries, if one is dealing with unknown information. Speak or think dorama while thinking of intended subject Also note on Dorama, the truth or higher information may come through thought information or soul intuition Vemana Dorant = Create, manifest, and deepen romantic love. Increases friendliness, and beauty between intended parties, if used on another. Bewary of overusing, as it spikes the beauty and attractiveness of the self [9:30 AM] Magic language spell/words to create dragon essence in self. This manifests more willpower, passion, will for freedom, and love for others. Fierceness included. Not physical shift, only energetic. This is an intense shift and can be reversed through intending it to be reversed. “Dankutra Odaseen, Vempalla Shirtro”(Dankutra Oh-dah-seen, Vem-pal-lah Shirt-tro)” Does have chemistry effects in body, leads to higher temperature and physical healing by about 50%(just physical healing) [9:30 AM] Magic language spell/words for High Elf energetic shift. This brings wisdom, clarity, love of the planet, love of animals, high magical function, higher and different brain usage, and more intense focus. Much more clear focus than human. If left on prolonged, it will begin to shift the body to be more wild/elf-like. This has not occured yet, as this is a new spell, but it will come into effect when said. Reversed by intending it to be reversed. “Shirana Delvour, Bentido Attrutra” Highly recommend the high elf spell, even for a few minutes. Very interesting effects. The dragon one is very intense, too much for myself ~ Werewolf shift- Experimental and unused. Causes internal shift to wolf spirit, energetics change to be focused on sensory of environment, focus on honor, happiness, and strong pack mentality. Howling may be induced. General werewolf effects. Physical shift may not occur, or may quickly occur, depending on how the body responds to the spell/wordspeak. Reverse by saying “I reverse the werewolf effect.” “Thraquan Demtro Velcu Addseentru” (Thra-kwan Dem-tro Vel-coo Add-seen-tru) This has not been tested yet. [9:30 AM] That’s all for now, I have to go to work now. Ciou! [9:31 AM] Shreen do viya (Shreen doh veeyah) = Equivalent exchange of energy. Using this phrase forces a shift in energy, if someone is taking energy from another or giving too much of themselves away. This also works on electronics to balance their energetic output. Often, electronics mess up because of energetic overload. This balances that, in organic bodies, and electronics. Also energy constructs, if they’re overloaded with commands. That one calmed me the hell down Odashi Veltriya = Summon and bring forth strength, willpower, tenacity, in a subtle and smooth way. Like someone who carries a sword but uses it only in dire situations. Edva Doorama = Balances hunger, and the energy in the body which causes it. Will cause deeper and more full breathing, when using daily. Negates need for food, by about a 1/3rd, including when just beginning to use it. Shrena Shrine = Ceases energy caused by false gods and goddesses, or lower vibrations creations or constructs. Immediately ceases all attacks and influences if they are intended to hurt or mislead. Urudar Vento = Powerfully clears the space you’re in, and creates an energetic construct to raise energies into those of healing, joy, peace, and love can be target on people too [9:31 AM] Odashi buundra = Boost to intented spell or wordspeak. Wordspeak being similar to a spell, but spell has lower energies tied to it. I will use wordspeak from now on.... This wordspeak boosts the intended workspead, when thinking of that wordspeak. Raccoon Spirit Curiousity, Ingenuity, Intelligence, Stealth, High survival instincts and high intuition. General raccoon effect, requested by friend. “Domo Vente, Belshuri Delmaka” Spelly — 07/06/2023 9:32 AM any pestilence removal? Yes one moment Pestilence removal, balancing of consciousness, body, and surroundings. Removes fatigue and disease in self and surroundings. Can be targeted on beings or areas, the larger the less effective = Dramatu Demwra, Odanki Odama Brenck = Full muscular and circulatory system strengthening, akin to a workout on body. Full healing of these systems included. Works cardio too. (edited) [9:33 AM] Dreesh Todanko = Centering of health energies, as most are often misaligned in bodies. Balancing of all physical systems in the body, healing of them, and detoxification of every part of the brain and body. Clears beliefs about health and general spiritual ideas [9:33 AM] Wood Elf effect, and anchoring of Wood Elf essence. Brings forth strong and clear connection to the Earth, to the plant kingdom, animal kingdom, and activates your supernatural sensory as well as raises your natural senses. Heightened energy and ability of intelligence may come with this too! In particular with the wood elf essence there is a strong joyousness and sense of family, you may feel those as well. Speak this phrase 3 times, and it will come into effect, and it will strengthen in effect over time. The more you say it the better, but it will work with 3 times none the less. “Doshrem, veeta, dontrama, Vexentrum”(Doh-shrem, vee-tah, doh-n-tra-ma, Vexen-trum) @Spelly would you like any racial or species effect? [9:34 AM] sure try water bear human the water bear is a microscopic bearlike indestructable can even live in space insect Fascinating if a human were like that without the microscopic size, they could live forever so do you have an effect like that? Water bear effect, longevity, health, intense immune boost. No personality changes. Brain functioning is prioritizing health, bodily functions shifted to provide absolute longevity and highest health. Age of life undetermined. [9:34 AM] Drema, tontori, Veckibo Shera (Dreh-ma, ton-tori, Vecki-bow, She-rah). interesting energy in that [9:35 AM] thinking magic the think the point and intend to know or create the idea type magic It's easier than you think the soul or soul copy creates the effect you intend. so do you have any spell for this? I felt that the soul creates these effects [9:36 AM] what spell do you intend for me to create? a thinking magic spell Oh, similar to the ones I made but just thinking about it or using a trigger word to think of? yes this is really an abstract magic type spell. Easy Think “doritos and takis” to bring clarity on a situation and bring high level realizations/epiphanies on energetic understanding and magical endeavors or think of doritos and takis [9:37 AM] and finally, a weightloss spell If stumped about something think that I will do the thought magic again salt lamp is trigger word or thought clears excess weight, calories, energy, and then balances heals strengthens and works out all bodily functions as is best for each body at 100% capacity [9:37 AM] Dorashi Vonti = Blocks out unnecessary or annoying information from the senses temporarily, up to an hour. Note that it will still be sensed, but it will stop the annoyance of it very useful if you live with others lol Doramti Quenci = clearing of emotional body, clears emotions, brings about more awareness and wisdom surrounding feelings and how to manage them, and use them to your advantage Shremtyav Dolreth = Clears every unnecessary thought, attachment, focus, and excess energy as well as clears unnecessary or lower brain processes, and heals and activates brain to highest capacity and to it’s best state [9:38 AM] s there one for body regeneration I also need one for bone regeneration and restoration Shinyung Delbwrath = Clearing of every body, the soul, the etheric body, and physical body. Purifies all bodily systems(including bone), clears toxins, heals and regenerates every system, grants extra strength to any parts that are intended. Just think of the system when saying it. Also it provides clearing of chakras, blockages, and open the brain to higher function. Grounds and clears excessive energy and calories, and cuts down on hunger pangs too. That one’s really good I recommend 3 times a day everyday, more if you’d like. Feels safe to do [9:38 AM] This can be focused on other people too Dopa shiro = intense release of dopamine in the body. Very fun Doranthu Shiyana = Shift to intended reality, or location. Use while thinking of place Doranthu Veentya = Gives glimpse of what reality you are focusing on. Allows information gathering on realities, places, or people. Focus on the point to recieve info [9:39 AM] What about getting money? Dontvi Chichi = Produces and attracts abundance in money form, as well as creates more situations to make more money, like a raise or something

Spelly — 07/06/2023 9:39 AM Oodama Selthur = Create deep feelings of relaxation, peace, and clarity as well creating higher brain function and decreases cortisol levels Arathax Ondashi = Retract aura and create protective essence around body Drontyem Villhaus, Gremtra Genti = Full higher self essence embodied. Similar to the elf/dragon/water bear effects [9:41 AM] Dora venti = Supplemental energy in place of food. The more said, the fuller of energy Amayana Torishito = Cleansing of unnecessary information in all forms of recieving, blocks unnecessary info Klenci, Donta Veri = Balancing of ears, spine, spinal fluid, and brain... balances liquids and movement of liquid, clears physical and energetic blocks. Jeri Dosha Minta = Produce Joyous feelings, feelings of unity, family, and friend closeness. Attracts those scenarios Hymn of the earth, to bring grounding= Hera Donta Vera Donta Hera Donta Vera Donta, desha desha dossu desha desha dossu Huuuum X3 Hymn of Trust of self, joyous connections, laughter, and best qualities to shine out= Vera Dolsa Vera Dolsa, Bien Do Requa, Bien Do Requa Sheeyaa X4 Hymn of Magical Potency and Clarity= Dera Putta Dera Putta, Vieno, Vieno X3 Hymn of Earthen shielding and balancing, inspiration= Do-ra! Do-ra! Venta Miyan trru! X5 Hymn of Gentle healing and Vast deep energy boosting= Puri Dantyo Puri Dantyo Verakash, Verakash X6 Hymn of the Warrior and Strengthening of Will= Deri Ventyo Deri Ventyo Shonosi, Shonosi X4 Note: This can be dangerous if used with malicious intentions, and WILL leave others confused about you Hymn of Stealth and dark, silence included= Vento Byado Vento Byado Shirovah, Shirovah, beckonti X4 Hymn of conceal physical and energetic presence= Dokri Dokri Viyama, Deeraxu Deeraxu X3 Hymn of Confidence, Willpower, and Right Action Brilliance Shanayavotu Shanayavotu Brillasu, Ovu X3 Purge all ego based energy and fill with love vibrations = Also changes habits Dora Venti Doramanu, repeat [9:41 AM] Repel lower energy, clear lower from space, repel lower energy beings= Tresh Doku Vento, repeat as much as is felt right Grow wings, physically, QUICK, DOES WORK= Deera Marku Deera Marku Showsizo Repeat at least 20 times each day Hypnosis/trance state engage= I engage trance state with 3...2...1... broken if loud sounds Remove lower subliminals, affirmations, and programmings=Uwaka Dontre Ventomaya X3 Build rowdy and fun energy Shosho BienDon “Spidersenses” Highly increased sensitivity to energy, telepathy online, fully activated senses and intuition= Druucha Veenta Boolrathi Turn off extra sensitivity and make more organic, creative, and grounded= Abadu Deetru [9:41 AM] Orc essence = Gramtha Devdul Abariya, Consh x3 THIS ENERGY IS VERY FUN AND VERY LIVELY I definitely recommend testing it out. Just think to reverse it and it’ll be done dog, squirrel and cat essence.. birds? Dog essence(general canine energy, tamed)= Odaba Shrexando, Chichi x3 Squirrel essence= Thrasha, Ventama x3 Cat essence= Harshathan Delvour, Kat-thaka Birds all have pretty different energy. Any specific? Fox spirit shift= Havaseel Shrathkun, Billraxan x3 [9:42 AM] og essence is reeeaaally nice. I could go a week in that one. The squirrel is not very pleasant Red Panda/Fire Fox essence Shretra Doorama Killthauski x3 [9:42 AM] Raven essence = Drakadu Veratu Shiraku Spelly — 09/18/2020 9:56 AM jay and robin bluebird Jay= Oorakthi Sherathva, odasin Robin= Yelltrama, Dosha krema Bluebird= Halldescree, ventoshreta Deleted User — 09/18/2020 11:37 AM Mastery of magic, intuition, and energy work- not an essence, but causes the points said.= Deera Vyantu Shrakthi [9:43 AM] vera tera = this is a point of building, think to observe and you will know. vira nera = this is the point of nearby area activity, that causes things by feel as if viral. nora jones; this is an act to create the point without suspense or suspician. that is from I note I wrote, a few days ago. [9:43 AM] Planetary effects(ESSENCE) Reversed only when intended, otherwise always active Sun= Saradoso Albyenat Mars= Drakku Bendita Venus= Shreengala Doorahsho Moon= Alasha Doreheme Mercury= Merakka Shrodyant Earth= Eerathan Bodulast Jupiter= Heracktha Dontrami Saturn= Harshami Darantovi Neptune= Planetra Dorepsi Odval Pluto= Hella Shrine-do I activated all of them at once. I feel like a master now, but I got as nosebleed as soon as I did it [9:44 AM] Cool Heg; this makes you act normal. Unlesbos; reverted to become thin. Also a food. [9:44 AM] Constellations~ Aries= Droshkata Vomonudra Taurus= Belldrina Ohsoqua Gemini= Hareshima Doshakrima Cancer= Harenka Obdulango Leo= Avdaalshro Chemuul Virgo= Halasheera Dozara Libra= Yontramatu Havadeel Scorpio= Gentrii Baduul Ram Sagittarius= Hareck Tooramani Capricorn= Hoshdram Tellvouras Pisces= Yoranthoom Havadoos Aquarius= Albyetro Avalkyo [9:44 AM] opiuchus??? the snake handler many people can forget about the 13th sign is there one? Spelly — 09/19/2020 6:44 PM yes is there a spell for opiuchus? Spelly — 09/19/2020 7:13 PM artemis = self-creative point. em is = the point of the regulatory body and blood collapse. em on = the point of restoration or idea you know that you can observe. em in = this is the point you think and target bugs. Spelly — 07/06/2023 9:48 AM Opiuchus= the healer, Drasha toolasa, meeradoo Spelly — 09/19/2020 8:38 PM Dragon strength in physical body, regenerate and heal too= Abaduul wresha Cleared asthma effect Deleted User — 09/19/2020 8:42 PM To know and do what is best as is best= dota dota [9:48 AM] he thinking point you need to do is to think of the list I mentioned things and look at any written source. the idea for what you need to know is revealed with the pinneal gland activated and the soul making your third eye from it. this is revealed in the thing you read. Deleted User — 09/19/2020 8:48 PM Aha I understood before you spoke it [9:49 AM] he thinking point you need to do is to think of the list I mentioned things and look at any written source. the idea for what you need to know is revealed with the pinneal gland activated and the soul making your third eye from it. this is revealed in the thing you read. Deleted User — 09/19/2020 8:48 PM Aha I understood before you spoke it [9:49 AM] Heh Nair I do; this makes people do things better. Deleted User — 09/20/2020 3:21 PM Any for preventing sleepiness? I’d like to never sleep again Spelly — 09/20/2020 3:47 PM Yes, think "un" pronounced oon as you state null sleepiness. Deleted User — 09/20/2020 3:54 PM Null means delete Very good [9:50 AM] yes un = eternal punishment; if thought it is as forever and what I think is punishment, (if said as oon like spoon) forever; unaffected, eternal, creative undying, (if said as unn) undone; unweave, not (nothing), this otherwise means relaxing and if not forever then the point is done by someone if not the originator. Spelly — 09/20/2020 4:40 PM what else do you need? Deleted User — 09/20/2020 4:41 PM Ah yes I realized that in un ultimate flow Spelly — 09/20/2020 4:41 PM yes want more spells? heh.. [9:50 AM] Spelly pinned a message to this channel. See all pinned messages . — 07/06/2023 9:50 AM Spelly — 07/06/2023 9:51 AM Awesome You process information at such a high level, your intelligence is great. A spell for higher intelligence would be nice Spelly — 09/20/2020 4:48 PM lemuria is the second continent with animals oh IQ. Think you have a high intelligence as you state the word. Deleted User — 09/20/2020 4:51 PM Hahahahaha Magic is so simple Thank you Spelly — 09/20/2020 4:51 PM yes I know, right? Deleted User — 09/20/2020 4:53 PM I am so very curious as to what can be done with such simple magic [9:51 AM] self-correction Deleted User — 09/20/2020 4:55 PM Self correction? 4:55 55% ah Spelly — 09/20/2020 4:56 PM an alternative iq spell is smet hi smet [9:52 AM] Neat thank you Memory, focus, info processing, intelligence = mai, hi mai for above effects boost [9:52 AM] ah, pressure in forehead Spelly — 09/20/2020 5:00 PM mai = sister(younger), make, my, control, influence, cause, make happen Deleted User — 09/20/2020 5:00 PM Intense changes in the brain and TE Spelly — 09/20/2020 5:00 PM yes [9:52 AM] Nulling works to ease the physical sensations and dizziness Spelly — 09/20/2020 5:01 PM yes it physically alters your brain. Deleted User — 09/20/2020 5:02 PM Neato “Ease energy effects” eases sideaffects [9:53 AM] Timero x2 = Causes your perception of time to double, making time go by quicker Spelly — 09/20/2020 5:12 PM ty regen = the regeneration spell The regency; this creates rooms or apartment rent. The ragant = the point is a point, so you know. Spelly — 09/20/2020 5:23 PM e upsurge = energy upsurge, the energy will surge and create what is necessary by the idea. Deleted User — 09/20/2020 5:51 PM Thank you! E upsurge has wondrous potential. I used it and i feel filled with energy Make work easy spell? [9:53 AM] mai wok = make work easy..pronounced may-ih woke [9:54 AM] gr fre cr = announced as: grr fret curr, this is greater free credit on your card that is there as though magic. Deleted User — 09/20/2020 7:03 PM Does it matter how it’s pronounced? And thank you Spelly — 09/20/2020 7:04 PM yes Deleted User — 09/20/2020 7:04 PM I feel the pronounciation is intuitive Spelly — 09/20/2020 7:05 PM your right that's how I intended it [9:54 AM] an you use it? oh you need an instant sleep point spell. so your brain can work right. that is: ca slep inst, pronounced: can sleep in-s-t(edited) that is where you sleep yet are awake so you seem to have gotten the right amount of sleep. Deleted User — 09/20/2020 7:38 PM I was getting a head ache That... did something, though what, idk I feel I’m thinking and acting more clear now so when I activate that, it’s like I’m getting the rest I get when I sleep but I’m still awake? OH I got it, it’s like 8 hours of sleep in only a moment [9:54 AM] an you use it? oh you need an instant sleep point spell. so your brain can work right. that is: ca slep inst, pronounced: can sleep in-s-t(edited) that is where you sleep yet are awake so you seem to have gotten the right amount of sleep. Deleted User — 09/20/2020 7:38 PM I was getting a head ache That... did something, though what, idk I feel I’m thinking and acting more clear now so when I activate that, it’s like I’m getting the rest I get when I sleep but I’m still awake? OH I got it, it’s like 8 hours of sleep in only a moment [9:55 AM] Truly how fantastically powerful we are, I am amazed by what we can do Spelly — 09/20/2020 7:50 PM yes I know Deleted User — 09/20/2020 7:51 PM I said the physical exhaustion passes now and my sinuses fully cleared and I feel much happier. I literally felt a block in my face remove, physically Spelly — 09/20/2020 7:51 PM yay Deleted User — 09/20/2020 8:11 PM Yeon Hon Principle/gamer healing effect- think yeon hon healing principle on body Heals all mental afflictions, and physical ailments, including fatigue from a manga Improves mood, heals confusion, etc [9:55 AM] I had leg pain and i said null pain it worked! like drastically Spelly — 09/20/2020 9:42 PM you see don't do that too much.. you might cause a blackout of the area. heh [9:56 AM] Meaning, losing pain sensitivity? Spelly — 09/21/2020 11:47 AM Ah heh los; pain sensitivity loss Yes Spelly — 09/21/2020 12:11 PM World peace ? Deleted User — 09/21/2020 12:53 PM Um yes, i forgot to take off the effect, this morning i couldnt move right, and also, my eyes were too heavy to open lol, big mistake Spelly — 09/21/2020 12:53 PM oho yes here is a regulatry spell for you. think thune and state thune and you remove automaticallly the spells you don't need from you. yet you remember or automatically redo the spell if needed by yourself. Spelly — 09/21/2020 1:01 PM here you are; this is a spell to make mail and packages come quicker by feel. you alwys get your delivery. [9:56 AM] @Spelly can the sleep spell be used while being active? Spelly — 09/21/2020 1:56 PM yes you basically need a modified version of the sleep spell think to remain active as you state sleeping yet active. that will do it. it's basically where you put part of you asleep and the important parts that allow you to live remain awake. this works to relax you as you do things. a worded spell of this is: ah beh me Spelly — 09/21/2020 2:08 PM tell if it works. Deleted User — 09/21/2020 3:59 PM Yes It is deeply relaxing and would be good for perhaps watching a tv show or reading, but any activity higher than that wouldn’t be possible I feel... much less sensory information coming through Spell for 2/3 awake 1/3 asleep, relaxes body and turns off heightened sensory and processing, but maintains most necessary functions as well as emotional and intellectual reasoning= Belva Dobraino [9:56 AM] think “the 2/3 awake spell is reversed” to end [9:57 AM] Spell for extra and unnecessary information and sensory to stop, causes deep relaxation, and sense of comfort. Good for stressful times or if you’re just looking to relax= Belva Dobraino Ditya Spelly — 09/21/2020 4:57 PM World peace In en peace; some world peace. Otherwise peace around the world. This only need be said once. The future vision; the future is revealed in a vision. This is known and understanding is achievement. Spelly — 09/21/2020 5:04 PM The in en; this is a point where animals take the place of humankind that went extinct. I hope you can enjoy yourself. As you see the point. Deleted User — 09/21/2020 6:21 PM The future vision, I saw galactics stopping a nuking [9:57 AM] Spell for ultimate clarity in all situations and in all things? Spelly — 09/21/2020 6:23 PM ult clar = ultimate clarity. Deleted User — 09/21/2020 6:24 PM Nice so simple to make Spelly — 09/21/2020 6:24 PM yes I know, right? Deleted User — 09/21/2020 6:24 PM energetic spells are quick to come into effect, usually instantly. Physical changes tend to be over time... you noticed this? [9:58 AM] Any way around it? Spelly — 09/21/2020 6:25 PM think speed up, touch the body and its a sped up evolution. Deleted User — 09/21/2020 6:25 PM Brilliant Spelly — 09/21/2020 6:25 PM yes I know. Deleted User — 09/21/2020 6:26 PM What effects do you usually have on your body? I am curious Spelly — 09/21/2020 6:27 PM improved weight loss improved memory that's about it aura shift aura effect Spelly — 07/06/2023 9:58 AM Any way around it? Spelly — 09/21/2020 6:25 PM think speed up, touch the body and its a sped up evolution. Deleted User — 09/21/2020 6:25 PM Brilliant Spelly — 09/21/2020 6:25 PM yes I know. Deleted User — 09/21/2020 6:26 PM What effects do you usually have on your body? I am curious Spelly — 09/21/2020 6:27 PM improved weight loss improved memory that's about it aura shift aura effect [9:58 AM] Any way around it? Spelly — 09/21/2020 6:25 PM think speed up, touch the body and its a sped up evolution. Deleted User — 09/21/2020 6:25 PM Brilliant Spelly — 09/21/2020 6:25 PM yes I know. Deleted User — 09/21/2020 6:26 PM What effects do you usually have on your body? I am curious Spelly — 09/21/2020 6:27 PM improved weight loss improved memory that's about it aura shift aura effect [9:59 AM] good the spell sometimes doesn't effect you if you don't have anything wrong. it's only effecting you if it's designed to effect a point or condition. a spell can be any spoken idea that your soul or spirit creates. interesting, right? Spelly — 09/21/2020 8:00 PM so curious causes the soul to cure what you think about and intend to cure. this is a point you can create, if you intend to create the idea. what do you think? Deleted User — 09/21/2020 8:25 PM I feel you are correct great realization now, simply state the words and the intention and effect is created and done by the soul Sometimes the spell or effect is brought in intuitively and the soul does everything but state the words to activate Have idea, state words, and soul does the effect as is best [9:59 AM] any spell for regulated body warmth? thon = regulated body warmth. Deleted User — 09/22/2020 3:32 PM Ah I did the fixed spell to adjust body warmth to best [10:00 AM] Sensing deeply how reality is like a video game... this is just an experience we create. Also how most beings are on autopilot, living lives void of deeper meaning, feeding their minds with material distractions. On the note of reality being a game, I am very happy because we don’t have to take it seriously. Every person is like a game character. /They feel more like npc’s though. Yes, a really complex construct that's alive. Ah, this new level of awareness is because of the intelligence spell. So want that level of awareness a basic level? Say, seh teh, then you will. This means set awareness. Other settings in the game feel reality is, set level of energy higher or lower with the statement, seh ten, as you think higher or lower. Set the easiness of events with what you intend and stating, "reh est". See what you intend is thinking easy, normal, hard, impossible. Yes, that is the easiness you have with tasks. So think of the spawning point and the area, then state spa..that is to reform your energy to make yourself appear somewhere you think about. That's in case you die, so you repawn and you create with the energy consciousness what you need. Oh in this reality, the dimension can cause you to spawn back at any time you need. You just break into particles and thus that allows your respawning. Otherwise to attack and hit easily, state 'it' thinking of your target. Thinking about avoiding the attacks, then the soul or spirit causes you to avoid the attacks or state "avo it" and you avoid the attack of any where it or they are. [10:00 AM] What allows magic? Avoid attacks or create attacks if you want, heal otherwise. If you think of things you need and use the item or electricity as a source as you feel or intend the idea you need to happen by feel. Then state what you want. The consciousness of energy creates what you intend to create. That is the "I" world conscious that even allows illusion. Otherwise to attack and hit easily, state 'it' thinking of your target. Thinking about avoiding the attacks, state "avod it". Illusion is thinking of the idea to show, then stating or thinking you show the idea by the aura energy waves projecting the waves and the idea ein the waves is perceived. Breaking the illusion, think it's not perceived and you are looking at reality with the power of the pinneal gland. that's the easy way to perceive and show it. The even easier way is, "a sho" being spoken and think of what you want seen. State, "nul" thinking of the effect to cancel it out. The idea is this, you cause your spirit to hammer away at the person until they are "dazed" and any suggestion is sometimes noticed. Think about the idea, then feel the spirit stops hitting, the person should see what is there after that. That means this is a dazed point, where the body copes by seeing what illusion is sent out by the brain waves and the aura energy that broadcasts the idea. Think they heal, then you don't kill them as their spirit uses the creator to recover their wits. [10:00 AM] So if you wish, what you speak or express directs your energy as conscious energy and the spirit that goes through everything creates what you "wish" as though it were "done" and the effect is achieved with a manifestation. [10:01 AM] Fascinating spells, ty Deleted User — 09/23/2020 1:13 AM “Null neg astro e” nullifies negative astrological effects- quite powerful, recommend doing “Amp pos astro e” amplifies positive astrological effects This includes your own chart’s energies, as well as present astrology Deleted User — 09/23/2020 8:18 AM Flow in day= clears all energy and scenarios which would cause disharmony and provides a flowing sense to the day, no matter what happens Spelly — 09/23/2020 9:20 AM cool [10:01 AM] Hey do you know anything about glyphs spells Spelly — 09/23/2020 9:35 AM yes see the glyph and think it creates what you intend as you feel energy pass from you to the glyph the consciousness of energy does what you need. you may need to draw out the glyph or state the effect. [10:02 AM] so what's the glyph, if I may ask ravencroft999 — 09/23/2020 9:50 AM Time magic it to keep my time around at a standstill so to keeping me from aging quickly Spelly — 09/23/2020 9:50 AM that works with tattoos, as well oh, cool state, "make time unage me as I age.." think the creator does this for you and you can get that as an effect. that's another way this is about equal to what you age.. [10:02 AM] Is there any other time spells you know Spelly — 09/23/2020 9:56 AM yes imagine a clock, any way, think of it going backward for going back in time or not going forward for causing time to standstill what you intend to standstill or imagine it go forward to speed time up with life. otherwise, state "aly tente" to pause aging in time. sometimes when you cast a spell and you don't feel something happen, it doesn't actually not occur. Spelly — 09/23/2020 10:03 AM so if you think it doesn't happen, then you stop the effect. Deleted User — 09/23/2020 10:07 AM How to change your perception of time= State “time perception @ whatever % you’d like, activated” Think “deactivate abnormal time perception” to return to base state of time perception [10:02 AM] timed; The time you think in going backward by events happening in reverse, then undoes what you don't want by feel. This works like wearing something backward. Spelly — 09/23/2020 12:46 PM wanna gain weight? state an is, thinking you got hit with a fattening beam. wanna lose weight? think you got hit with a reduction beam as you state "an in". wanna maintain your weight? think you are with energy that mention creates and you are maintained in weight, state the number and you will become that weight. Spelly — 09/23/2020 1:07 PM the body weight; you can trick your body energy to reform itself, as you think of the weight and suggest what you intend. Spelly — 09/23/2020 4:58 PM this is an idea, you intend things the subconscious uses the soul copy to create, then by the power of the creator you create in idea what you need. think of a way for yourself, then you can make what you want and create what you wish. Spelly — 09/23/2020 7:55 PM The point; weight fluctuations, these are the up and down points of body weight. Think of the point and wish or will the idea of controlling your weight as a flow of energy. Think you make it lower, then you can create the point of a "temporary" lower weight point. [10:03 AM] The eating of mass; this is where you do things and nothing energy supplies the idea of what occurs. This is a point you think you get something, then you make use of things and lower your body weight. This is a point you know, so think and you create what you do and work off the excess weight otherwise. This especially makes use of food that is thought to be there, yet nothing energy is what seems the food. This means you eat your weight, then you lower the weight of the body and the mass on the body is the weight that seems not to be there by feel. The nothingness is there all around us, so if you think of things being there, then nothing exists things if you need it there. Now is the main point, why we are in nothingness. The idea is a point of what we can do, we created with an atom smasher a god particle. This rose into the sky from the atom smasher and drew in the universe as it went through a ciculation of circular clouds. This is where we are, think of the area and you know what you need to see if it is there. This means if it drew in the universe, we live in a 2d reality with a 3d illusion. This is a point in idea by feel, where we are actually in nothing that appears as though energy that does what we need as we think about things. So this means we exist in nothing, as we think we do, the energy conscious is a reflection of the creator's mind and we are instructing it with thought. This is all in a balance of nothing. Think about it as I go off and do something else in idea. Enjoy yourself, as you do things, you create what you do. Think and you can do what you want. [10:03 AM] Be like any character or person spell= state “dravant-thya dellmavruntaw” 3 times while focusing on the character or person(or being) you wish to be like Spelly — 09/23/2020 9:55 PM Be like any deviant character or person spell = state “deviant-thya dellmavruntaw” 3 times while focusing on the idea with a character or person(or being) you wish to be like that you think of by feel. Be like any deviance with character or person spell = state “deviance-thyat dellmavruntaw” 3 times while focusing on the idea with a character or person(or being) you wish to be like that you think of in life or your spirit has you become by feel with a point. Spelly — 09/23/2020 10:04 PM Be like any deviance with character or person spell II = state “deviance-thyan dellamvruntaw” 3 times while focusing on the idea with a character or person(or being) you wish to be like that you think of in life or your spirit has you become by feel with a point that you make. Spelly — 09/23/2020 10:11 PM Be like any deviant person with character or person spell = state “draviant-thya dellamvruntaw” 3 times while focusing on the idea with the idea or person(or being) you wish to be like that you think of in life or your spirit has you become by feel with a point that you make. Deleted User — 09/25/2020 1:44 PM Make energy at work be easy gentle and fun= Dremtoova Helathese [10:03 AM] I’m experimenting with crystal essences. Bloodstone is very healing, balancing, and grounding. I recommend using it 24/7 Bloodstone=Balada Serita Stone Amethyst essence=Ametra Ceravi, Beh x3 Sunstone=Surala Sunatra Benda x3 Obsidian=Volraing Obdaltina x3 Tigers eye essence=Triigando Exendburg x3 Green adventurine=Aventurine Deptrath Oda x3 Garnet=Gardrem, Laalandra x3 Citrine essence=Cirita Cerena, Soso x3 Jade=Jadru Benata x3(edited) Shungite=Shugrathi Veldaya Shungite essence is extremely grounding and centering Smokey Quart=Quartana Clarita Dosnasa Clear Quartz=Quartana Clarita Doova Fire and Ice quartz=Fiyela Seenada Quartinata [10:04 AM] Ruby=Rebeta Tuulandra Bet x3. fire stone. Blue Moonstone=Rubelia Treneta Moonland. water stone. Diamond=Heraka Odavee Purita. ice stone. Aquamarine=Harethaba Odageen. water stone. Black onyx=Oxenford Teregel. earth stone. Raw amber=Ambrivita Helashandra. fire stone. Emerald=Crazilaya Crani. water stone. Weight loss= Yellow Apatite=Dresha Doka Doka Ve Piscasso Marble=Ehmandra Torenta yellow apatite boost burning of calories and heightens metabolism Picasso marble increases self control and helps make better choices Blue apatite, reduces feelings of hunger=Bluadra Telleandra Spelly — 09/26/2020 9:25 PM Telle crea; improve relations. Pronounced: tell-eh cree-ah Deleted User — 09/26/2020 11:08 PM Crystal essence? wow Spelly — 09/27/2020 10:37 AM The idea is to use the moon.. Think of what you need and say as you look at the moon, "Oh by the power of the moon and hera, make what I need and want as I intend the idea. I give to you what causes me not to get what I can. Oh thank you, hera and the moon." It should work. If nothing happens, then know that nothing bad occurred. [10:04 AM] Old Viking essence= Vakala Trexunder Old era Japanese essence= Jana Retandi Pula Present Japanese essence= Japanara Uradina Dovok American essence, present= Americana Dulva Hashati Chinese essence, present= Chintra Odabadeeda Ancient Lemurian essence= Lemura Godlana Essence of cultures. Lemurian is very nice [10:04 AM] Atlantean essence(really low vibration... wouldn’t recommend)=Atlanti Falgantri Po Native American, 2000 years back= Nativa Deladra Tuandra Inner Earth Agarthans essence(very nice energy... very strong too. I recommend this strongly.)= Earthar Yugandra Tundra As with all of the essences I tap into, say each 3 times to activate Spelly — 09/27/2020 11:57 AM Cool [10:05 AM] Copycat effects, from subliminals or energetic audios Sapien med auto grounding= Grandia Erata Gigantica Dola x3 Sapien med Focus and Attention= Focala Point, Yonatri Yutube x3 Sapien med Autism and cognitive defects fix = Autismada Irana Yundragan x3 Sapien med superhuman mutant= Superhutan, Shoganthi Deratha Auric repair, block clearing by sapien= Auranti Clarita Bodivine Ure Sun gazer sapienmed= Solar Heatramnti Dolas Energetic Salt Cleanse sapienmed= Clarita Sola Yendraga Ured Superhuman Condition(eotf)= Condita Suprana Divinita Barella Sho Dopamine and Seratonin boost, + heals receptors and clears addictions= Serata Divinita Clarita Boondramina Soso Sapienmed perm brain enhancment(best version)= Brata Divine Toolrenth Ataraxy Absolute relaxation= Relaxin Yuugendri Oppain Super Power release(forgot the name but it’s really strong)= Releat Yoppivanu Dendra Spelly — 07/06/2023 10:05 AM Heart pounder weight loss; Trexunder Palmenita Spelly — 09/27/2020 2:52 PM healing feel; feel that your healing him, then state, "he heals." feeling magic; feel that he or she (is with weight loss, does things),then state, "he or she does." Spelly — 09/27/2020 3:11 PM bodi (name person); name person as you think of the body as a shape. this will form as you need it to. "never been unborn" undoes the shaping. bodi will = create the body shape will as a point in idea. bodio encapsulo = what undoes this. bodi wyl; this creates a body shape that name without the weight. (pronounced: body while) bod abode; this one creates the effect of a shaping, that makes positioning and creation is done by feel. lose the position, lose the shape if you think it's lost. your mind makes the idea happen, so what you think is what occurs. what you feel you can think. en; the endpoint done by feel. repairo fix; this repairs the pan or other thing. freeio freeon; the point you know, this is a point your willing and I am free. free freeion; the freedom. Deleted User — 09/27/2020 6:46 PM Essence of a song, think of song and speak= Andra Sunglanda Mulan ^ one time works [10:06 AM] alch soba = sober up from alcohol.. pronounced, alk sobe-ah. ge ova t = this allows you to get over substances. pronounced, get oh-van t.

this cures substances.. state ge ova slutes and do this pronouncing it as get love-ah sloo-teese Spelly — 09/28/2020 5:27 PM if you want to be less numb say a-ok-nania-kerish Spelly — 09/28/2020 6:59 PM purple power; this is influence by energy and activity with information, that you know is interesting very easily. [10:06 AM] think and know; you are aware. this I think will works for anyone. that means what you will is what you get..interesting, right? what will works is that is sometimes for everyone. the will is your intent, that you express or think to occur the point. this is an interesting psychic article that I am reading. it claims you can reshape yourself as though you were energy. The energy is the shape or mass and the creator is what causes it to change. I wonder if it's possible, as the creator changes what you shape. think and you know what to do. Your body is energy, and changes by your will and intention. The more energy focused, the more easily and powerfully your body is changed. With external things, like a house... if you put energy into manifesting a house out of thin air, the energy will begin strengthening and building, and will not manifest it out of thin air, but the resources and people to create it will come to build it. The body is easily changed, using energy and will. External factors like building a house out of thin air, or getting someone else to feel a certain way require external energy to change... you intend it, and the universe will make it happen one way or another. However your body is easily shifted because it is yours, and you have full control of it by idea with feel. [10:06 AM] So what I found, was the body energy disappears after a bit, then you create with your statement with the energy you "released" into the area. There is a way to create with that point, that the creator does and we create with his or her will. Think of the idea, then you make with the point and create by the concept. This is all I know. Yet, if you ask the soul to keep the body energy from disappearing, and ask to keep the body effect going, you preserve energy and the conservation of energy is there. I asked for my eyes to be changed to a color of royal purple and I can feel the energy there moving. I intend the body energy continue being in effect there, and no release of intended body energy by what you do. [10:07 AM] You can mimic the ability.. yet the creator makes those powers in the first place. So if you need a power, then think you have the ability to do the idea.. and your power is created. Yes, this would actually be an ability of power. Deleted User — 09/29/2020 9:37 AM visible or not? Spelly — 09/29/2020 9:57 AM Sometimes it's visible. If you think it right. Sometimes you feel it's there then know the point of it. Deleted User — 09/29/2020 2:27 PM Name magic= Speaking these words creates the magical effect noted Olaf Hendergun= Being of extreme power and high vitality, god of warrior energy. If words are spoken, then it calls upon those energies within you. This is from another reality. Serena Oldmill= Summons energy of love, romance, attractiveness, and of beauty. Makes someone love you. Winded Baner= Master of the wind, commands air elementals, from another reality... brings carefreeness, harmony, laughter, good tidings, and abundance. Lots of money with this, and tons of laughter Lalita Prencess= Master of Lava, Underground, Princess of the under realms, from another reality. Upon speaking the name, laughter, peace, dedication, focus, resolve, good work ethic, and passion are brought in Master Vindhell= Master of magic, manipulating elements, and communing with spirits and elementals. Upon speaking name, mastery and knowledge of magic, energy, and spirit work are summoned... brings clarity and focus to whatever you are focused on. [10:07 AM] Master Wend=Master of void, this is the master of void and it's free energy. The love you have is what creates with the energy there. This is a point in idea with the right direction. Things will work, that is if you intend the idea and the things you need will work by feel with the creator making the effect. Think of the idea and know the point with the point you need or intend, think to realize what is possible to know.. Spelly — 09/30/2020 6:55 AM if you need any other idea.. feel free to look it up or use this formula.. key power word/intention word; description of what you need to happen. state the power word and think the intention or description. the power word is used as a subconscious suggestion, that your soul creates and your spirit allows you to know what is there. if you find this doesn't work, then stte what you want as though you asked your soul or soul copy to create the idea as an effect. [10:07 AM] Balance astrological effects to what is highest for you= Balancka Yorgen Astrono say 3 times everyday for best effect Spelly — 09/30/2020 12:23 PM The creator construct; the construct can create anything, given that the creator makes it happen. this construct will reactivate the right spells for the moment. here is a copy. It is always renewed by the creator keeping it active or passive. It's just renewing itself. you can shift into any animal with the construct If you can get the effect off. if you don't need the construct, it reverts to the object form that was used to create the effect. This construct can even speed things up or slow things down on necessity. See you might find it near you. the construct can create anything, given that the creator makes it happen. oh yeah, if you don't intend to create a result with the construct, it will stop and seem to be there only when you need it there. it deactivates the spells you no longer need, so there is no rampaging spells going on. that means there is no spell effect that is uneccessary. If you need to feel good, this construct will ground your physical body and energy body that centers and causes you to become good tempered and stable, finally this will balance your body to seem the best. [10:08 AM] I wanna know if it works for you. Deleted User — 09/30/2020 1:20 PM I felt it the moment I copied it Spelly — 09/30/2020 1:20 PM cool Deleted User — 09/30/2020 1:21 PM Ah, I told it to clear extra energy in third eye and it did Spelly — 09/30/2020 1:21 PM there you go [10:08 AM] Plant essences= Essence of Oak, for greater emotional strength= Oakram Shantridi Essence of elm, for support and ability to fulfill responsibilities= Elmrem Adianti Essence of Sclanthrus, for decisiveness= Sclantha Urudar Bendao Essence of Wild Oat, for confidence in one’s direction and finding the path= Oaktrain Beldoura Yu Essence of Cerato, for confidence in thy path and trusting guidance= Guarda Cerata Do Essence of Hornbeam, for proactiveness and resolve= Horksham Beamtranbean Essence of Honeysuckle, to stay present= Swendela Honeysuckle Essence of Clamatis, to get out of your head and daydreaming= Clamatisa Yuugendri Essence of Mustard, for happiness= Mustard Mutrama Essence of Olive, for physical and spiritual health= Olivia Tuurwensti Essence of Larch, to cure shyness and timidness= Larkandri Puela [10:08 AM] Llatu= Transforms food, drink, and consumable items into highest organic ingredients, energies, vibrations, intentions, flavors, and changes how it was grown, changing the very past of the item, to it’s highest. Spelly — 09/30/2020 1:44 PM cool Deleted User — 09/30/2020 1:46 PM Food is much better energy this way, food picks up lower energy surrounding it and absorbs it Spelly — 09/30/2020 1:47 PM yes I agree Deleted User — 09/30/2020 1:48 PM Wow I usually bless food and transform it to it’s highest but that spell fills it with tons of energy. Interesting [10:09 AM] Say 3 times for best effect Spelly — 09/30/2020 1:51 PM interesting so far. Deleted User — 09/30/2020 6:08 PM Creates the best enchantment and effect for an item, done by soul or creator= Helatheen Uganda x1 I did it on my phone, I feel it’s giving me energy Awesome Spelly — 09/30/2020 6:17 PM me too I need a were tranform.. maybe wolf Deleted User — 09/30/2020 6:28 PM Need? Wolf-shifter physiology= Uruxar Tyelvant Wolfen x3 This allows you the shifting physiology, then you can shift easier [10:09 AM] the pelosi; the idea is a concept, what you think is a made idea and things work out by feel. Deleted User — 10/01/2020 9:20 AM Wolf-shifter physiology= Uruxar Tyelvant Wolfen x3 @Deleted User meaning what? physiology is what lol? Physiology is like physical makeup, like most people on earth have a human physiology. A dog has a canine physiology. Deleted User — 10/01/2020 10:44 AM Active Skills, like in a video game, say "Activate" after saying the skill to activate, all last about 20 min Calming breath(speak this to activate the effect, lasts about 20 minutes)= Breathing calms the energetic and physical body, releases tension, anxiety, worries, and brings the body, nervous system, etc into a state of peace. Dragon's passion breath= Breathing causes you to fill with passion, strength, warrior energy, endurance, and heals the energy body/aura. WILL make you aggressive, but great for actual fighting or if doing manual labor. Orc's energy breath= Breathing causes energy revitalization to a higher point that a human can usually hold, brings endurance, clarity, sensory boost and makes you more confident. Overall big energy boost with this one. The breathing skills do not overlap^ Observe(Focus on point/idea and state observe)= Gives information on the focused point via feel or thought, info given by soul or creator Persuader= Heightens your "charms", makes you more likeable, allows you to influence others more. This does affect others auras when you are around them, making their aura more open to yours, and they listen to you [10:10 AM] the endcap; this is where you end a storm that is overlong, thinking to "cap" the storm and move the clouds in a direction away from here. Deleted User — 10/01/2020 5:40 PM Active skill “Holy Purging” purges lower vibes from your body, low vibe creations, low vibe chemicals, programming, and implants and the like. Speak “holy purge activate” to activate, it is done through breathing, deep breathing recommended with this. Lasts about 20 min Spelly — 10/01/2020 6:28 PM Donchi vi; the cure point that restores your thinking ability. Spelly — 10/01/2020 6:54 PM I need a spell for getting stimulus checks Deleted User — 10/01/2020 7:07 PM Another? Or did you not get one? Spelly — 10/01/2020 7:07 PM another Deleted User — 10/01/2020 7:07 PM Either way here’s one to make more checks come out= Alasha Mulanah Diviya Reh x3 Spelly — 10/01/2020 7:07 PM ty [10:10 AM] Any effect or spell to clear sick feelings? Sure Spelly — 10/01/2020 7:08 PM alasha ener; clear sickness feeling. this also clears up conditions. Spelly — 10/01/2020 7:16 PM tell if it works Deleted User — 10/01/2020 7:23 PM Yeah a fair bit! Spelly — 10/01/2020 7:25 PM good enough aliev relef = instant relief to stress from energy. Deleted User — 10/01/2020 7:29 PM Nullify excessive energy and shifting from Full moon= Helacka Damuna x3 Awesome thanks that one worked great [10:10 AM] Activate best brain waves/vibrational function in body= Badaleeya Body x3 Deleted User — 10/01/2020 11:20 PM Made an energy construct to follow the user and transform the energies and air in the room/space/building surrounding the user into it’s highest state... great if you have sensitive lungs or are sensitive to energy. Cope thru this Spelly — 10/01/2020 11:27 PM gotten Deleted User — 10/01/2020 11:30 PM Ah, I burped, and it instantly made the energy from the burp into love Hahaha Spelly — 10/01/2020 11:31 PM haha Spelly — 10/01/2020 11:40 PM writing up were on my game of life wanna add something? Deleted User — 10/01/2020 11:50 PM Whaddya mean? I’m working on finger magic rn, I’ll post when complete [10:11 AM] Fun, how about coma Spelly — 10/02/2020 12:00 AM oh that is when they overdo it if they do something, they can become focused, if they feel it's necessary then overdoing it is possible That's when they can literally become unconscious, if the body needs healing then they coma. Deleted User — 10/02/2020 12:03 AM I see, interesting Spelly — 10/02/2020 12:05 AM Usually there is a sign when they do.. not unlike blanking out or blacking out. Deleted User — 10/02/2020 12:07 AM neat I meant that it'd be good for the game of life, though thank you for the awareness [10:11 AM] The were is a concept of mental and physical shift that you do. The mental is the spirit of the animal you know in your mind, that is a point you realize by feel and idea that is there. This is where you can shift into any form, if exposed to the being, person or animal. This is done if you think of the idea and the were gene is active, usually by the subconscious creating it to be active. This gene is elusive and if not there as a present idea, the dna won't create the were shape. This works if you think it does, that is done by exposure. With exposure, it seems if you are a were and exposed by aura or sent energy to the animal, you can shift into the form as you have energy from it. The mental form is intense, so think to know yourself and your aware of things that are possible and there in your mind. This is the inner world, so the genes have a way to restore your thinking if your muddled a bit stupidly. The physical is the manifestation of a body change. So when you have the exposure, you can create a likeness of the animal with your body shape being shaped to the soul making what you need and the soul guides the subconscious in what happens. This is where you think of things, then the idea you intend changes the DNA, and that makes the body change to what you want. This is a point, that you can do, so think and you know where and what to do by feel. [10:12 AM] A full moon can create scratchy and easily red skin, the point of numbness, the point of fatigue and the idea of concept that you need to create as intention. This does not necessarily make you transform into a were form. So think about the idea and state the point to the moon to create a manifestation. That means it's non-instant if complex or instant in idea, if you note the idea as instant to some degree. The idea is this, you can form energy into being created as an effect or element. The elements are possible to use if you think the creator makes them manifest. So think about the point to create with the element you want to work with by idea. If you work by feel with the element, you might burn yourself if fire. When you want to work with all of the 4 elements, you can use the creator to make with a focus and create with the energy what you want. At the base of the elements is energy. So think about the elent and the use or effect you intend and the creator makes the effect. The element is earth, air, water, fire or the void of those. Think and do, that is the point to the elemental use. So how about coma? That is when they overdo it. If they do something, they can become focused, if they feel it's necessary then overdoing it is possible. That's when they can literally become unconscious, if the body needs healing then they coma. Otherwise they can get things done, if possible.Usually there is a sign when they do..not unlike blanking out or blacking out. there you go [10:12 AM] Labradorite=Rainsha Odbaleentra Lo Deleted User — 10/02/2020 8:11 PM Energy construct to make every action you do easy, and make every intention you have come about easy... also makes every action joyful and with peace, as well as wellbeing.. copy this Spelly — 10/02/2020 8:13 PM got the construct Deleted User — 10/03/2020 9:28 AM More name magic Marla MacReala= Priestess in another reality known for bringing exceeding amounts of abundance, will summon tons of abundance energetics and opportunities when her name is stated. Also brings power and protection, as her goddess is one of glory, unity, freedom, and abundance I suggest saying her name a lot, as much as you feel to Spelly — 10/03/2020 9:28 AM cool Spelly — 07/06/2023 10:12 AM Energy construct to bring balance, centeredness, groundedness, and harmony to self, all surrounding in same space, to one’s intentions and actions. here is the copy Edited energy construct I made this morning to also move all energy which is not one’s own or the highest for you back to the sender, and pulls back all energy that you have lost or has been taken from you back to you for the highest use in your being, this is done every 5 minutes. Think effect added to add this to the already made construct Making it so soul programs construct to make your body spirit and atoms be in highest alignment and be fully cleansed ask soul everyday to do whatever is best all day for good stuff to happen Soul can do anything you wish if you ask. It cannot intervene or perform tasks without your permission, other than soul contract which it decides [10:13 AM] Strong, right? Spelly — 10/03/2020 9:58 AM yes this is a companious construct, that is gotten here as a copy and this construct creates a companion that you get by finding the animal companion or you have a friend help you out. Deleted User — 10/03/2020 10:03 AM Cool gotten Spelly — 10/03/2020 10:04 AM heh Deleted User — 10/03/2020 12:00 PM Make noone notice you and noone give any attention to you without you wishing it, and deter people from being around you, and the places you go. Loner spell haha = Ladrita Yontella Vi x3 [10:13 AM] Name magic Achala Sir Empta= Knight of a Queen, from another reality. Renowned for loyalty, power, strength, honor, integrity, and following one’s path with a heart of steel and grit of a battle-worn beast. cool energy Spelly — 10/03/2020 12:57 PM yemetri yonatri; if your rich or poor, then you don't feel the need to eat allot and people won't want to use you or take advantage of you . Also you won't be victimized. Deleted User — 10/03/2020 1:12 PM Monk Yotti= A master of detaching, being in peace, total acceptance, complete flow and intensely high levels of wisdom. Will bring these aspects to you when name is spoken or asked for from the being. Spelly — 10/03/2020 1:26 PM Yunatri sonata; this causes you to budget better. Deleted User — 10/03/2020 3:56 PM Fir spell, of energy and vitality, endurance and strength, composing of essence of sunlight, fir(plant), and lightning of zeus= Lartnia Serenti Firita Firye x3 Spelly — 10/03/2020 4:05 PM Cool effect Deleted User — 10/03/2020 4:08 PM Edited energy construct I made this morning to also move all energy which is not one’s own or the highest for you back to the sender, and pulls back all energy that you have lost or has been taken from you back to you for the highest use in your being, this is done every 5 minutes. Think effect added to add this to the already made construct Spelly — 10/03/2020 4:10 PM And the energy is cleansed of programming [10:13 AM] Actually adding that now Making it so soul programs construct to make your body spirit and atoms be in highest alignment and be fully cleansed as well as all energy Spelly — 10/03/2020 4:11 PM Cool Deleted User — 10/03/2020 4:12 PM Think “added” to add the effect, your soul will add it as is best Soul can do anything you wish if you ask. It cannot intervene or perform tasks without your permission Spelly — 10/03/2020 4:12 PM Oho Deleted User — 10/03/2020 4:12 PM ask soul everyday to do whatever is best [10:14 AM] It just did the 5 min function, feels great Energy construct to bring balance, centeredness, groundedness, and harmony to self, all surrounding in same space, to one’s intentions and actions. here is the copy Edited energy construct I made this morning to also move all energy which is not one’s own or the highest for you back to the sender, and pulls back all energy that you have lost or has been taken from you back to you for the highest use in your being, this is done every 3 seconds. Think effect added to add this to the already made construct Making it so soul programs construct to make your body spirit and atoms be in highest alignment and be fully cleansed ask soul everyday to do whatever is best all day for good stuff to happen Soul can do anything you wish if you ask. It cannot intervene or perform tasks without your permission, other than soul contract which it decides [10:14 AM] Good idea to bring it all together... organizing is good Spelly — 10/03/2020 4:17 PM Yes Deleted User — 10/03/2020 4:18 PM Changing the effect from 5 min to 3 seconds, for experimenting I feel it will stabilize a higher energy in the vessel thru this shift Spelly — 10/03/2020 4:19 PM Yes Deleted User — 10/03/2020 4:19 PM Yeah it is I’ll add it My vibration is much higher and stable now woohoo [10:15 AM] Gamers construct; this construct creates easier gaming. You do what you want to do. You get good game results by feel. Get your copy here Deleted User — 10/03/2020 4:23 PM Oooh fun, gotten What do you mean by do what you want to do Ah I feel I understand. You can just ask soul for understanding. I understood when I asked Spelly — 10/03/2020 4:24 PM Yes In en then; what I need is gotten and you know what is stated. Deleted User — 10/03/2020 4:39 PM Wisdom is gained, tranquility is obtained [10:15 AM] telepathy message construct, this construct is gotten here as a copy and makes the telepathic messages sent understood perfectly by the construct help, this works as it causes you to percieve the message as though it were spoken to you or through your mouth from the other person. Deleted User — 10/03/2020 6:16 PM Essence of Gold, Silver, and Copper in blood, skin, and cleansing systems. Can be intended to any part of the body. Is useful for boosting immune system, brain power, and overall energy levels= Haratha Clandine x3 Spelly — 10/03/2020 6:48 PM Longetivitu geneti; this is the essence of lead, mercury and gold in safe doses that the blood of the body mimics for a long time of living in the right dose for correct measure and weight loss. The body is still very intelligent by feel or idea that the soul allows you to realize. Yet if the person that says this spell wants release from it, then their body mimics a little potassium and lowers in weight if they gained any from the effect. Deleted User — 10/03/2020 7:14 PM Bring brain usage and body function more so into the Heart, more so than normal, causes more feeling of peace, safety, and confidence, released worries anxieties fears= Heartya Yuandri Tethvi x3 Clears cells and parts of body which exist in low vibration and replaces with divine vibrations effects, cannot be changed to lower vibrations. Expands and contracts blood vessels for maximum circulation of energy, and maximizes brain power by cutting off parts of body which are unnecessary. Safe to use 24/7 anytime anywhere doing anything= Balasdu Ventiventa x3 These two feel really good together I feel great [10:15 AM] Corrant cleansia; this will make it so you cleanse the cells of genetic damage and corruption. Spelly — 10/03/2020 8:01 PM Fixea maximus; the point the body fixes itself as though fixed, and you know no odd feeling from it by idea you realize. Deleted User — 10/03/2020 11:32 PM Changes brain to extremely relaxed state, balances energy fields, brings energy inward, heals aura, and allows for subliminals effects to work full effect... sensitivity physically increased. Grounding unnecessary, all density is dissolved= Braino Ditya Dolva Done x3 [10:15 AM] Corrant cleansia; this will make it so you cleanse the cells of genetic damage and corruption. Spelly — 10/03/2020 8:01 PM Fixea maximus; the point the body fixes itself as though fixed, and you know no odd feeling from it by idea you realize. Deleted User — 10/03/2020 11:32 PM Changes brain to extremely relaxed state, balances energy fields, brings energy inward, heals aura, and allows for subliminals effects to work full effect... sensitivity physically increased. Grounding unnecessary, all density is dissolved= Braino Ditya Dolva Done x3 [10:16 AM] Names and meanings; the names and meanings construct, that allows you to know what the word means. Get your copy here. Spelly — 10/04/2020 4:53 PM Mai cre; Make life like a video game with fun unexpected quests, really these are fun quests, however you think fun is. The spell stops after you no longer need it. Deleted User — 10/04/2020 5:23 PM Llatudama, speak over food, water, or whatever you’re consuming. Every bite/sip activates the transformation of the item as well as activates all the spell effects= Transforms food, drink, and consumable items into highest organic ingredients, energies, vibrations, intentions, flavors, and changes how it was grown, changing the very past of the item, to it’s highest. + imbues with all plant essence spells, fir/sunlight/lightning of zues effect, superhuman sapien, grounding sapien, brain balance boost sapien, auric sealing and full healing, klenci donta veri effect, remove lower sub and programming effects, sun gazer effect, clear sad feelings effect, shinyung delbwrath, stop annoying sounds effect, derave doshita(create strong balance), dosha triimaru, Vedro Anthro, Venti Doraah Clarana, chakra clearing, expansion, full brain usage and different brain functioning, 528hz is imbued in all cells and body, 432 imbued after 528hz. Otherwise known as, the OP blessing [10:17 AM] dang also broke my brain lmao Spelly — 10/05/2020 10:29 AM kk Spelly — 10/05/2020 12:49 PM a spell for the mail to come faster and deliver necessary mailings? Deleted User — 10/05/2020 2:09 PM “Mailrun Deerant Pouelma” Spelly — 10/05/2020 2:10 PM ty Deleted User — 10/05/2020 2:14 PM Permanently increases flow of energy in hands, allowing greater processing thru hands as well as more focus when using electronics, not to be used lightly= Hanidra Uelmetia This is great if you are a gamer or are often on a computer. The hands, when face down, do not allow flow of energy into the body very easily. Face up, palms up, allows flow of energy... this spell opens the flow of energy in the hands to always allow energy to flow, thus creating better health and energy when using your hands or when you’re at a computer. Deleted User — 10/05/2020 2:26 PM Permanently increases flow of energy through soles of feet, to allow higher grounding and balancing, even when feet are not directly on the ground. Great for centering even when wearing shoes= Falea Readriti Doln [10:17 AM] Shifts all blue light and unnatural light sources into producing light which is akin to sunlight, and thus healing for the eyes and skin to look at. Say the point while focusing or thinking of the electronic you’d like to affect= Lightren Fixed Spelly — 10/05/2020 4:52 PM fix internet spell, please Deleted User — 10/05/2020 6:06 PM Think of internet and say fixed? Spelly — 10/05/2020 6:08 PM That works.. Thx [10:18 AM] Laying on your back with you body spread out, legs apart and arms wide, then putting the palms up heals, balances, and reenergizes the body. Putting your palms down rests your consciousness, your brain, and nervous system, as well as resets it. This is very good to do if you feel sick or tired, do as long as you feel to do. I will experiment and see how this changes the need to sleep. In conjunction with just doing the above technique for 10 min palms each side, and a 528hz, my exhaustion is gone Spelly — 10/06/2020 2:04 PM leyline make; leyline making is where you create what you intend, this is done with the creator using the leylines and sun and that is guided by the subconscious. That is where the leylines or sun creates what you inend with a point you make. The result isn't instant, if the point is complex yet think the creator makes the point happen faster and the idea is done faster. So if the effect is not warranted and against another, then the person who casts the effect is effected instead. This is a known effect. Spelly — 10/06/2020 2:51 PM Fate call; This is the point you call out, "fate, create for me what I intend if I think it's necessary." Fate can do anything, so think and you can create what you want, if you call out fate and your request. Only call fate to do things, if you don't think there is any other way magically. en [10:18 AM] here's an interesting twist on things.. state "thet werks" to find that you can work out, tweak your body or think others do something, then they will do what you think or intend that you need to do things. this works out problems by thinking up solutions. Spelly — 10/06/2020 5:27 PM Problems? Ask your soul to create construct to solve problems and keep them from being created, and ask that the construct stay with you always Deleted User — 10/06/2020 5:31 PM Sapien’s chi effects + pill of ultimate energy essence, WILL CAUSE PHYSICAL HARM WHEN DONE MORE THAN ONCE A DAY, EXTREMELY STRONG= Sola Deesa Yodurenga Pilla x3 This one made me shiver and shake when I did it, it’s really good though. My whole body feels clearer and a sense of deep energy has come over me. Meant to build the subtle energy in the body and unleash potential. [10:19 AM] spirit break; this makes you think of taking a break with the spirit, so you are always calm and relaxed. Spelly — 10/07/2020 2:41 PM what's a good love spell? Deleted User — 10/07/2020 3:21 PM I haven’t done any Romance isn’t really a focus in my life... any specific wish? Spelly — 10/07/2020 3:22 PM yes the ability to cause attraction between 2 people. Deleted User — 10/07/2020 4:41 PM Think that the leylines do so and it will be done Spelly — 10/07/2020 5:24 PM done [10:19 AM] Divinche; imagine who you are and you are the person you think and feel to be. that’s a great spell Interesting, it overrides your astrological chart Deleted User — 10/08/2020 12:51 PM Ah, how wondrous the possibilities! My angels commented on that one saying that you can be literally anyone you wish to be, you don’t have to be who you grew up being Spelly — 10/08/2020 1:15 PM yes it changes the DNA to match the person. This change is caused by turning off or turning on the correct gene patterns. So think of the change to do, then you are that change, that is done with statement of the idea to happen. This is a known effect. Deleted User — 10/08/2020 3:29 PM Wow Awesome I did it to become a gregarious and laughter filled warrior type and boy do I feel it Spelly — 07/06/2023 10:19 AM Here's a construct that creates the opportunity to get work done. This is a point of creative idea..that makes what you need. Here is a copy. Deleted User — 10/10/2020 5:21 PM Leylines make laufita dova= thru leylines, wherever and whoever you are with will be blessed with overflowing laughter [10:21 AM] Sigil with purpose of “I am overflowing energy levels, nothing can take my energy” [10:21 AM] Made it into a spelljar I can wrap around my neck Spelly — 10/10/2020 10:38 PM cool here is a word that brings up a planetary shield up from around your feet. this word works as you in idea or do what you need..say "chira" for the effect.\ Spelly — 10/10/2020 10:52 PM here is a word that cheers you up..say "chera" to cheer yourself up. here is a word to get what you want with irrationality,, state "ira" to get what you intend to get, Deleted User — 10/10/2020 11:04 PM Made a sigil for instant laughter and joy to be with you Think copied to get the effect for a while Deleted User — 10/10/2020 11:14 PM All limiters on any aspect of your being removed, unlimited energy activated= Unlimita Dehevail x3 [10:21 AM] asheti = create with idea and make work. ashoti = create and know the results (spiritually). asuti = create and know the point by the spirit-that-goes-through-everything. ashetvi = create with assets, if any is there, then make positive results (except for drug tests that are negative) this is done by what is there. ashitvi = create with ash and make what you desire by the spirit guided by the soul. Spelly — 10/11/2020 8:15 AM wed fx = The weed effects are those that you feel to create the results and you may optionally create with imagination as you feel the idea..but if weed is not legal then there is no results.. Spelly — 10/11/2020 3:32 PM Wed if=think and know, your mind is your own. This statement allows you the idea you can get from your mind. [10:22 AM] giraffe essence= Howlang Puurengi x3 panda essence= Peridona Pelega x3 Gorilla essence= Gerenti Chichongi x3 Spelly — 10/11/2020 6:59 PM bear essence? Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:00 PM Bear essence= Berideta Oophelm x3 Penguin essence= Peregina Choshidoni Tiger essence= Yigreta iuelpa x3 Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:03 PM ty iguana? Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:05 PM Iguana essence= Beldita Reptitias x3 Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:06 PM frog? Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:06 PM Frog= Gooran Fuelshi Dem x3 [10:22 AM] possum? Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:07 PM Possum= Uelpa Nergenchi Thunderbird= Tuatra Elbeda Reen Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:07 PM otter Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:08 PM otter essence= oelvi Potter x3 all x3 Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:08 PM that's about it Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:08 PM I like tiger essence Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:08 PM unless you can think of some Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:09 PM Dolphin essence= Dooelpha Raindrop Tua x3 gonna fuck around and see what giant squid essence is like [10:22 AM] Giant squid essence= Squadika Curel big, peaceful, intense Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:10 PM yes Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:10 PM like floating in nothingness Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:16 PM yes Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:18 PM dolphin essence is super carefree and happy nice Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:18 PM oh, I would like spells for the elements Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:18 PM oh certainly Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:18 PM ty Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:18 PM main 4? any more? Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:19 PM earth, air, water, fire, void, spirit Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:19 PM Essence of Earth= Ereta Gruanda Delvour x3 Essence of Air= Ereetha Wildaneerma x3 Essence of Water= Wadruka Yuetriya x3 Essence of Fire= Velckas Urgen x3 Essence of Void= Vehth Perquem x3 Essence of Spirit= Elvedranti Uegdi my guides commented saying essence of spirit connects you more deeply to the spiritual realms and helps learn magic [10:23 AM] I recommend dolphin essence if you haven't done it It's extremely high light [10:23 AM] Essence of void is nice and empty Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:25 PM also, essences of weed and hemp oil (non thc) Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:25 PM got it Essence of Weed(only makes high if intended)= Marijuani Bevlargen x3 Essence of hemp oil(non-thc)= Cereleum Opendri sweet baby jesus the air element has me feeling like I haven't felt in years utter freedom Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:26 PM hrmmm.. is there a void of extra weight? Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:27 PM to void extra weight? Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:27 PM yes Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:27 PM I could make it see how it goes [10:23 AM] Void extra weight= Fadda Puudri Gondidull Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:28 PM ty it works void extra body weight.. don't want to have missing objects basically I would appear fatless answer when you can Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:33 PM haha ye void extra body weight= Beldoura Puudri Gondidulla Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:34 PM that's better Deleted User — 10/11/2020 7:43 PM to roleplay and enjoy your game to it's highest(Be like character and act as they would, think as they would)= Chura Dongeni x3 Spelly — 10/11/2020 7:53 PM aha ah = this forces a person to not do drugs like meth. think of person as you state the idea to get them to quit. [10:24 AM] this forces children to obey=aha no this forces people to obey and do what's suggested=aha eh aha sta = stops unnecessary actions. Spelly — 10/11/2020 8:05 PM eha sta = roach hunter instincts. eha bu = bug hunter instincts. eha bugg = kills all bugs. eha an = kills unnecessary actions and causes normality. eha ehn = unexplainable explanation ability. ehe ah = hold off of doing the uncessary activity. en = the point you know. this point is a concept you think to realize. enh = enhancement of what you want created or enhanced. enjoy! [10:24 AM] Essence of Nature= Naturelem Begelda Huran x3 Spelly — 10/11/2020 8:21 PM I need a better bug killer spell Deleted User — 10/11/2020 8:21 PM perhaps think “there are no bugs” till it manifests physically Spelly — 10/11/2020 8:21 PM kk yes a blocking of bug manifestation spell that I need Deleted User — 10/11/2020 8:22 PM Oogendri Pelti Da Spelly — 10/11/2020 8:22 PM ty bug essence energy? Deleted User — 10/11/2020 8:27 PM what bug Spelly — 10/11/2020 8:28 PM ummm name a few perhaps name an unsummoning spell roach, bedbugs and ants [10:24 AM] here's my unsummoning spell of what I don't like.. uu unwito Deleted User — 10/11/2020 8:37 PM to unsummon bugs Banish bugs= Beneti Bane Insebita Spelly — 10/11/2020 8:39 PM ty Spelly — 10/11/2020 9:09 PM so what is the essence of roach, bedbugs, spiders and ants name the spell for them as I am off to bed Deleted User — 10/11/2020 9:13 PM Essence of Comfort and Abundance= Caleetha Beldeenga Sho x3 yes roach= Redeka Obadanga x3 Bedbugs= Belathesana Girbena Spiders= Bedita Veelthri ants= Andiva, Ederi [10:25 AM] I generally dont enjoy bug energy dragonflys are cool though gonna get off for the night, good night

a few more idea.. what is the best spell for creating with a fire sphere? Spelly — 10/12/2020 11:42 AM my version is this: imagine a sphere made of fire and other elements, then you think the sphere projects forth the element you need to project. If the element "hits" the area then you can see sometimes with the third eye a darker spot. interesting, right? especially if you think to project forth mu;tiple elemental "shots". what do you think about these idea? Deleted User — 10/12/2020 12:03 PM I usually say it and thru saying it it’s manifested... “I now create an energy ball in my hand and imbue it with fire” Spelly — 10/12/2020 12:25 PM Cool [10:26 AM] Spell for comfort and safety in an intended activity, think of the point when spoken= Seedala Bhethur iola x3 I made this for driving bc I find driving stressful Spelly — 10/12/2020 5:03 PM oh cool.. I will use that while walking. Spelly — 10/12/2020 5:56 PM here's a spell that cleanses the energy that is there, think to cleanse and state "cleanse". This cleans the point and clears the programming that is there. Spelly — 10/12/2020 6:07 PM electro effect; think to create the electrical effect, that you direct by the focusing on the area and you create what you think with a point, a finger or hand point or thought that the soul or soul copy creates. That you think causes the energy to surge, the body feels the energy is channeled and the area you focused upon is darker by senses. This is done with the body energy, that is energy focused into existence as bio-electricity That if focused in the area or air can power devices as a point is thought that's done. That's how the person with electro energy did the effect. [10:26 AM] electro bomb; This is where you think of the point to create with by expression, then your directed body energy surges in the area you think will have the "bomb" of bio-electricity. The subconscious create what you think or state. This creates what is there, that you needed and intended to be there as though a sphere of electrical bio energy were creating what you needed as intention is that you want to create things. If you create objects, if you dismiss the object and think it's not there, then it can disappear back into becoming energy by feel. The effect you think about and "toss" into the area. This creates the electro ball and the bomb effect after that forms the effect you intend. With the electro bomb, you can hit multiple targets at once, especially if they wear metal. All you really need is a source. Electro cure; this is where you think to form electrical bio energy and send it forth into the area you "think " it goes into by feel. Think about the area and the effect is done, that is where the body receives the energy if nearby, then starts behaving a bit better. Otherwise, the energy, if it is directed at an object, makes a fire or dark area mark with feeling or thought noticed by the third eye activated with the pinneal gland and this is a point you sense first or it's there if you think it is. This doesn't always work, so think anout what you want and state the intention then you create with the power of words. [10:26 AM] Elemental focusing; the more you focus the more energy can generate effects and that is where you think to effect the target with the element you want to generate, that is sometimes done with the power of electricity or the bioelectricity that the body uses to live. Where you focus the energy to effect, this is where you create the effect of your brainwaves or aura energy effected by the brainwaves and the aura energy is "sent" out to create what you intended. Which is what you think to create. This can be done with a weapon, object or area. That is when you think of the point and the energy intensifies, so the object or weapon that has the energy will be more effective. This is the intention and where you deliver an energy that creates elemental effects as well. If you think "healing" then the bioenergy will create a healing effect, wherever you intend restoration of something or someone. This is an effect of the energy you have, if you think of the effect you can create the idea you have as effect is there that you intend. The energy ball formed by this will elevate consciouses and cause a person to be awake or aware. Spelly — 07/06/2023 10:27 AM Elemental focusing; the more you focus the more energy can generate effects and that is where you think to effect the target with the element you want to generate, that is sometimes done with the power of electricity or the bioelectricity that the body uses to live. Where you focus the energy to effect, this is where you create the effect of your brainwaves or aura energy effected by the brainwaves and the aura energy is "sent" out to create what you intended. Which is what you think to create. This can be done with a weapon, object or area. That is when you think of the point and the energy intensifies, so the object or weapon that has the energy will be more effective. This is the intention and where you deliver an energy that creates elemental effects as well. If you think "healing" then the bioenergy will create a healing effect, wherever you intend restoration of something or someone. This is an effect of the energy you have, if you think of the effect you can create the idea you have as effect is there that you intend. The energy ball formed by this will elevate consciouses and cause a person to be awake or aware. [10:28 AM] flight; this is either floating in the air or going somewhere, think a happy thought and feel that you can fly by feel. This in idea is done as you imagine the flight and state "I can fly". The effect uses inertia and the energy of the body. So in effect, if you pump your astral wings you will be able to lift yourself off the ground and float or seem anywhere you intend to be. Deleted User — 10/13/2020 10:35 AM Interesting I’ll give it a shot I feel I can do it but it’s not working Spelly — 10/13/2020 10:48 AM It's more like a feeling that you flew Think about the idea of flight and you start pumping your wings as you think of the idea you did. This will work better if you meditate on "flying" and imagining yourself in flight as you breath in and out. Deleted User — 10/13/2020 12:48 PM Wow this is so interesting. I had wings in the astral plane, I felt the aerodynamic controls and the thrust of flapping, and the peacefulness of releasing my stored energy by gliding around And it was just the night before as I was falling asleep [10:28 AM] flight; this is either floating in the air or going somewhere, think a happy thought and feel that you can fly by feel. This in idea is done as you imagine the flight and state "I can fly". The effect uses inertia and the energy of the body. So in effect, if you pump your astral wings you will be able to lift yourself off the ground and float or seem anywhere you intend to be. Deleted User — 10/13/2020 10:35 AM Interesting I’ll give it a shot I feel I can do it but it’s not working Spelly — 10/13/2020 10:48 AM It's more like a feeling that you flew Think about the idea of flight and you start pumping your wings as you think of the idea you did. This will work better if you meditate on "flying" and imagining yourself in flight as you breath in and out. Deleted User — 10/13/2020 12:48 PM Wow this is so interesting. I had wings in the astral plane, I felt the aerodynamic controls and the thrust of flapping, and the peacefulness of releasing my stored energy by gliding around And it was just the night before as I was falling asleep [10:29 AM] Llatu Etana= transforms all energies and intentions and atomic make up of all creatures and objects and air in a space into it’s highest Personality Magic~ All these are temporary... add “shana” at the end to make permanenet Serenda Pioula Beregata= Personality of freedom, carefree, happy, focused, comfortable. Geradua Serinita Pula= Focused, Disciplined, Wise, Serious(in a good way), balanced, centered, knight-like. Observant, quiet, focused, intense= Paulina Dereta Yuuven Cleeraga Shocho Vigessi= Rowdy, Fun, inspiring, Carefree, Daring, Courageous, Playful. [10:29 AM] Extreme confidence, lion-like energy, high ambition, high willpower, fighter energy. = Shecka Tuurendi Voulni Spelly — 10/14/2020 8:04 PM that's interesting, if you weigh less enough, you can get any result done is there a spell to reduce the weight and cast what effect you need? Deleted User — 10/14/2020 8:29 PM Here’s a personality shift to have the personality to lose weight= Shechacha Weighana Remove blocks to all casting= Beckana Adventae Spelly — 10/14/2020 8:43 PM cool Spelly — 10/15/2020 6:29 AM water burst; this is where the body you target bursts into water or by focusing you direct water energy to effect the area and the target you intend to effect. Burst the water near them and you effect them as though attacking them. water shift; this is where in idea you go and create a point of your presence that seems somewhere else, think of the area and feel that your there then you are where you think to seem by the element you choose to use. so going underwater, you seem to be under the surface area, going other places your soul sends a soul copy that makes you "be" there by the element seemingly shaped as you intend/ This works as though you or someone else. This is the ability of the character in genshin impact, that uses water. [10:29 AM] Physical and energetic effects of walking 10000 steps= beladour gradiandri Spelly — 10/15/2020 9:40 PM The spread out effect; This is where you think the particles in the air or area form from a source like the creator and that will create what you intend, this is an area effect that is with spread out energy cast forth by you and made into creation by what the creator causes to exist. Think of the effect and the creator makes what you feel will occur. The bioenergy will create the point by acting as a directing force with your programming/spoken idea. This can create any effect of the elements in the area that you wish to target. This works by the use of bioenergy and creating with the elements as the creator makes what you need. However the spread out effect is not effective with the bugs you want to control, this means it effects as they get neutralized, however that occurs. If you have poison, and intend to kill them, then you will succeed in using the spread out effect with poison. Think and kill; the spread out effect of roaches or bugs are what is neutralized by feel. Think of the idea and you ca create by doing what you need. [10:30 AM] Hellfire; if your tired of roaches and other bugs, then think they goto hell and state "the bugs goto hell instead of me" as you intend it. However think or do, there is a physical hellfire, that is where you think of the element of the planar fire and focus it somhow to effect your target. If you use the statement, then hell will make them disappear into hell. So whatever is easier for you, use what you may and do what you want. Spelly — 10/15/2020 10:57 PM Energy nova and tornado; This is a point you feel rejected or not like wanting something and bioenergy surges from the aura to remove the threat and problem otherwise. This causes the element to be experienced and makes the end result of a tornado, the tornado will happen if needed by energy of the body being focused like a wormhole that sucks in elemental energy from the elemental planes. That goes where you need the creator to direct it. Think of the idea to effect and make the point, this is with the elements directed by body energy projection, that's if you need the energy to move the element tornado. This works if you intend it to work, so think and you know what to do. [10:30 AM] Disguise character; This is the characteristic effect: it's a character or persona, that you can make appear by usage of energy and yet you are your own form. If you think to see someone and sometimes this is the flaw in the mind, you are disguised as them in appearance, the magic of the moment is what causes you to seem like them by the aura energy emulation effect. When you are aware, you are able to create the point that they are capable of doing. This works better if you channel or focus their energy information, gotten from their spirit or aura energy. This is where you see the idea creates what you think, if you intend the point to be created. This is the emulation of the aura that shows it, if you intend not to show a hit then you are not unlike a god. That "not" is nothing or named, that unlike is forever likeness. That's where a dog or cat could even fool the mind into believing things, where it in the end really did something else. This can be really useful, so keep in mind someone that you want to be like and you are that person, that means your body signature is them and you appear like them if you want to seem like them where your really not. Don't seem like them too long, but if to avoid gaining their weight that they are at the moment you decided to become like them. Could it be an ability of the roach spirit? it seems to emulate me in my mind when I get nearby the roach so it seems like me and doesn't actually get hit. I think it's a useful ability. [10:30 AM] The sound is what emulates and that means the spirit has been able to do things to shape the body, so think about the form that you want to appear as you and you can avoid being defeated by feel. This is using an ideal ability of the figurement element. If you want to do it yourself, then think the spirit uses soul info and shapes you like the person you like or target. This means you can emulate elemental formations and other people, so use this if you want to have their ability. This is in their mind that it happens. This means you could emulate their state of mind and any drug use if you intended to do this effect. If not, then nothing happens. That is the ability of shapeshifting, that's done by feel and this is a point in the past. [10:30 AM] The sound is what emulates and that means the spirit has been able to do things to shape the body, so think about the form that you want to appear as you and you can avoid being defeated by feel. This is using an ideal ability of the figurement element. If you want to do it yourself, then think the spirit uses soul info and shapes you like the person you like or target. This means you can emulate elemental formations and other people, so use this if you want to have their ability. This is in their mind that it happens. This means you could emulate their state of mind and any drug use if you intended to do this effect. If not, then nothing happens. That is the ability of shapeshifting, that's done by feel and this is a point in the past. [10:31 AM] Spelly — 10/17/2020 11:30 AM it is it can wreak havoc on the perpetrator meaning harm Deleted User — 10/17/2020 11:33 AM Well I’d call that their fault hahaha [10:31 AM] State “set npc/ai interaction” and whatever difficulty setting level you’d like or add any energy you’d like to have to have it set in all your interactions with others Works Think “set difficulty” “easy novice hard etc” and whatever task or point you’d like to set Deleted User — 10/19/2020 8:31 PM With energy drinks or with calming drinks state “drink calm” or “drink energize” to cause the drink to create the effect.... it works with anything. I drank warm milk with honey and was falling asleep but as I said “drink wake up” I woke up. Spelly — 10/19/2020 9:13 PM Cool Deleted User — 10/21/2020 6:39 PM Make an object a certain element... say “thalackeen” and state the element while focused on the item Can use crystals as elements too [10:32 AM] Hey I was reading about doppelganger spell I was wondering if you know any other or can you explain more about the one in pdf Spelly — 10/22/2020 6:42 PM I know another.. I think that the spell starts with thinking of your need and state or think, "doppleganger, come do my bidding..payment is a soul copy." This will work as well. ravencroft999 — 10/22/2020 6:48 PM Ok thanks I was wondering if there a something wrong with other spell from pdf [10:33 AM] oho the power of words works better using the creator as a point to make your results. he can make soul copies at will ravencroft999 — 10/22/2020 6:49 PM Physical copies Spelly — 10/22/2020 6:50 PM yes, that too ravencroft999 — 10/22/2020 6:53 PM In the pdf it said the shadow version is safer why Spelly — 10/22/2020 7:01 PM that can only hurt you if you allow it to hurt you. the creator rules all [10:33 AM] Spelly — 10/22/2020 9:16 PM updated the pdf.. the how to do magic pdf feel free to d/l it A freebie for you and contribution! Freebies page For free, the documents in pdf form, if you contribute funds and that is what you want to pay or think the ... is a more direct link Free stuff for you and contribution! Freebies page   For free, the documents in pdf form, if you contribute funds and that is what you want to pay or think the ... Spelly pinned a message to this channel. See all pinned messages . — 07/06/2023 10:33 AM Spelly — 07/06/2023 10:34 AM @Spelly to keep a computer running well, “telvata Ediantra” say whenever it starts acting bad [10:35 AM] Notice; I had my bones and muscles made into iron using thalackeen. It made me have an intense and fiery personality. I just made them into the highest, which was silver and gold, and I feel a lot happier. changing the bone/muscles to silver/gold brings peace, calmness, a sense of unity and inspiration, strength as well as love. State “safely” with thalackeen to make sure it is safe for the body. whereas iron made me incredibly firey, strong, passionate, “no bullshit” personality. Made me have grit too. Silver in the body brings gentleness, stronger connection to the Divine Feminine and intuition. Gold feels to bring strength, glory, victory, success, and abundance. Adamantine feels of great strength, love, sensuality, as well as connection to the faerie realms and spirit realms. Strong yet sensual and mystic. Romantic, Elegant, Graceful, Poised, Strong, Intelligent, Prepared. [10:35 AM] Steel feels emotionless, steady, and fervent, like a steel sword. Copper is energizing, brings higher energy levels, clearer communication skills, optimism, clarity and higher smarts I feel. With Nickel I feel grounded, centered, safe, and pragmatic. Protected, but in the sense that I know I have 4 walls and a roof, as well as food and a family. I feel nickel dispels fantasies, delusion, overthinking and fear. Nickel iron feels like iron with more practicality and calmer work-ethic to it. Lead was filling me with negative energy the moment I shifted into it. Do not use lead. Mercury doesn’t feel good. Feels weird and messy. Titanium is somewhat like iron but smoother, calmer, more conscious and wiser in feel. Oxygen itself is incredibly vibrationally raising and filled with love energy... that’s why breathing heals you. Nitrogen feels alchemically powerful, like a catalyst usable for many things. Mithril, it’s uplifting, emotionally strengthening/supporting, and connects you to heavenly energy. Water balances things out. [10:35 AM] Gold mercury lead is supposed to make you live longer, in alchemy, that's what the legend states. Yes I sense that different combinations bring different effects. There is health that comes with it, a very very high level, but it’s subtle. See it's thought that the gold is strength, the mercury is like blood, the lead is like healing ions, that combined bring immortality. I feel overtime we will feel the effects more thoroughly. Idk if bones/muscles are best for gold/mercury/lead, so I did “Thelackeen gold mercury lead, highest parts of body” so it’s put wherever is best. I sense something I haven’t ever before, all throughout my body there’s a lower energy I sense. I feel it’s just being purged. It is physically intense high level clearing I feel, I suggest saying the change I did. Yet beware the weight, the might feel hunger. I believe it's part of the process. When there is high health, there is going to be weight unless you exercise it off. So it is an indicator of high health, that allows if you do eat or drink, then you might feel very good indeed, almost high.. gold nickel iron is weedlike. Titanium copper gold frees you from the need to throw up and allows you to feel better in the stomach. When stated, it works all over. Adamantine silver gold allows greater mystical power. Silver gold lead heals quicker the body. Nitrogen copper steel causes you to lower in weight and not feel hungry.. Oxygen nitrogen copper nickel water will strengthen and energize you. Yet, feels like iron mixed with creative energy. Vitality boost overall that increases sex drive. Adamantine copper is for speed powers. [10:35 AM] Umbasa = Makes something it’s highest form on all levels of existence. Focus on thing and say it

Deleted User — 10/25/2020 6:04 PM Rethva Helatt- switches spirit when two people say intending to switch spirit Spelly — 10/25/2020 7:24 PM time shifting; this is where your subconscious brings you to the imagine this point and then your back. So now, for the actual part, how I go back. That's where you state when you want to go or imagine the point to be in. Then breathe in and out and trance yourself. See then you yourself go to where you need to be, even if you don't feel it. You are still there, until you think to return. So rather your aura will shift you, tell your results, yet remember trance is a deep state which may take time to develope. drinking trick; If you drink water and think of what you want and your subconscious uses that energy of the body to create what you need. This will work with food, too. When you drink water with sugar or stevia, to feel good as you do that trick with a sugar high. Spelly — 10/25/2020 8:24 PM “Seletha Quandri” state this 3 times for increased intelligence and for favor in grading [10:36 AM] Oxygen nitrogen copper and fire energy for easier breathing. Instantaneous effect Spelly — 10/26/2020 3:42 AM ty Deleted User — 10/26/2020 4:18 AM Gold silver mercury lead platinum for higher vitality [10:36 AM] Going to experiment with Thalackeen and crystals instead of metals Changed bones/muscles to diamond, it feels like Pure Heaven Consciousness, or christ consciousness. Cleansing, extremely vibrationally raising, brings great clarity and focus. I feel it clears the chakra system as well I will record all these in my blog too anything I do I will post Spelly — 10/26/2020 8:41 AM cool leave a link in links section to your blog.. Deleted User — 10/26/2020 8:42 AM Obsidian bone/muscle led me to scream upon using it, involuntarily, along with an intense fierceness, strength and power intense lol [10:36 AM] Citrine bone/muscle greatly lifts the mood, brings optimism positivity, good health and clears negative energy from the body. Encourages(by quite a lot) to be active, do joyful things, and being proactive.... Fights off fatigue and depression Spelly — 10/26/2020 8:49 AM citrine agate causes restoration to the body energy and the spirit is restored by feel. Deleted User — 10/26/2020 8:49 AM you speak in very simple terms. Funnily enough it took me forever to realize that your language is far less complicated than english Spelly — 10/26/2020 8:50 AM yes I know [10:37 AM] sounds neat you have a link any info on the neanderthall language? Spelly — 10/26/2020 8:52 AM the neanderthall has genes in our body Deleted User — 10/26/2020 8:52 AM angels confirmed Spelly — 10/26/2020 8:52 AM the genetics will reveal it's language if you think to realize how they spoke. Deleted User — 10/26/2020 8:53 AM simple straightforward nice it saves energy Spelly — 10/26/2020 8:53 AM I call it direct english [10:37 AM] Spelly — 10/26/2020 8:53 AM you directly speak the words in point. yes Deleted User — 10/26/2020 8:54 AM I feel I'll get used to it Spelly — 10/26/2020 8:54 AM cool Deleted User — 10/26/2020 8:54 AM think to have one language overtake another in your brain and it becomes dominant used Spelly — 10/26/2020 8:55 AM however, if people like the more expressive english, then you can always revert to the modern english, that your cells "remember" Deleted User — 10/26/2020 8:55 AM awesome Spelly — 10/26/2020 8:56 AM actually, I was using the creator to time travel and speak advanced info to them usng their language. so yeah, it is. [10:38 AM] Thalackeen black tourmaline makes you a walking energy shield Spelly — 10/26/2020 8:56 AM I call it reengineering wonders that come earlier than usual. cool Deleted User — 10/26/2020 8:57 AM thalackeen black tourmaline forces energy to be processed quickly, careful Spelly — 10/26/2020 8:58 AM kk Deleted User — 10/26/2020 9:01 AM direct english goes against the energy of this time It doesn't do anything harmful but it's like a rock floating in the ocean feels too weird for me to maintain haha [10:38 AM] Diamond brings uplifting of the spirit greatly, causes clarity, focus, and connects you to source. Citrine brings great positivity, higher physical energy, proactiveness, joy and brightness to your spirit. Black Tourmaline brings instant clearing and processing of any lower energy in your body(be careful, it is harsh processing... be sure to safe "safely" when doing thalackeen. It also protects your body energetically, making you a walking energy shield. Interesting, but very serious energy. Focused, grounded, powerful, determined. Great for restoring your empowerment. Aquamarine on bones and muscles brings much mellowness, calm, acceptance, and settling of energy. Settles anxiety and restlessness. Good to activate alpha brain waves. Clear Quartz, imbued with higher energy amplifies the better aspects of you, brings clarity, focus, and understanding. Good for studying or learning, martial arts as well. Apache Tears brings grounding, strength of spirit, gentle release of trauma as well as comfort. Makes you feel more compassion and care for yourself and others, too. Amethyst brings peace, comfort, calm, focus, and a warm fuzzy feeling. Don't know any other way to describe it haha. Fuzzy warm peace. Selenite brings clarity, clearing of the spirit as well as calming to the spirit. Assists with communicating with other realms [10:39 AM] Diamond brings uplifting of the spirit greatly, causes clarity, focus, and connects you to source. Citrine brings great positivity, higher physical energy, proactiveness, joy and brightness to your spirit. Black Tourmaline brings instant clearing and processing of any lower energy in your body(be careful, it is harsh processing... be sure to safe "safely" when doing thalackeen. It also protects your body energetically, making you a walking energy shield. Interesting, but very serious energy. Focused, grounded, powerful, determined. Great for restoring your empowerment. Aquamarine on bones and muscles brings much mellowness, calm, acceptance, and settling of energy. Settles anxiety and restlessness. Good to activate alpha brain waves. Clear Quartz, imbued with higher energy amplifies the better aspects of you, brings clarity, focus, and understanding. Good for studying or learning, martial arts as well. Apache Tears brings grounding, strength of spirit, gentle release of trauma as well as comfort. Makes you feel more compassion and care for yourself and others, too. Amethyst brings peace, comfort, calm, focus, and a warm fuzzy feeling. Don't know any other way to describe it haha. Fuzzy warm peace. Selenite brings clarity, clearing of the spirit as well as calming to the spirit. Assists with communicating with other realms [10:39 AM] Purple flourite brings focus, clarity, organization, as well as clears your lower perceptions or illusions you believe. Brings calmness through clarity. Good for work or study Green flourite brings you into your heart and allows you to live a heart-based life of joy, peace, and unity. Brings simplicity, stops excessive or lower vibrational thoughts. Keeps you down to earth. My favorite so far. Charoite brings Wisdom, love, encourages service to others, love for others, and grounds and centers the spirit. Encourages spiritual growth, while bringing joy and preventing over-seriousness. Bloodstone brings centeredness, emotional balance, support for physical health/vitality, and uplifts the mood. Good for anyone, I say. Fights inactivity. Tiger's Eye lifts the mood, brings great confidence, can make on boisterous and brings recognition and use of one's own power. Protects the body's energy field also. Red Tiger's Eye brings motivation, a sense of harmony and comfort with the self and others, and brings groundedness. Prehnite activates high intuition, surrender to the divine, allowance and bringing of higher guidance, and motivation to do what is the best in any situation. Blue Kyanite raises the vibration of your whole body, and encourages expression and speaking truth. Sunstone brings one into the present moment and brings confidence, as well as assists expression. Pearl brings peace, grace, emotional intelligence, poise, and allows you to recognize your significance. Good for self-worth and self love. Sardonyx brings fantastic communication skills, ambition, inspiration, and passion. Empowering as well. [10:39 AM] green flourite energy is great for grounding and clearing arguments staying down to earth and in the heart too Deleted User — 10/26/2020 1:57 PM Tiger's passion and sly observation- Thalraas Velckant Armadillo's Self-care, preservation, and self-protection- Villem Armadi Chameleon's skill in blending in, going unnoticed- Killrem Bedi Moth's connection to Mysterious things, and brings true nature out of you- Manthradi Moth Dog's loyalty and friendly nature- Canina Delri [10:40 AM] The essence of a wolf pup- Threlheim Bocida Spelly — 10/26/2020 4:23 PM say/think "therek duvula" to be on autopilot mode. It stops when you want it to. this means you can be there and yet not be there or somewhere else. Deleted User — 10/26/2020 6:31 PM Great for reality or spirit shifting Deleted User — 10/26/2020 7:25 PM Thalackeen Antimony, brings courage, freedom, wildlike nature and joy to spirit Deleted User — 10/26/2020 8:00 PM Thalackeen Uranium gave me an overwhelming pleasure, it’s akin to an ongoing orgasm.... also opens to receiving love wild lol Left it for a minute before I went back to default best for bones/muscles... the orgasmic feeling didn’t stop until I reversed it [10:40 AM] Rainbow vortex compendium: imagine a vortex as if each if it was a whirlpool with each line of the vortex stretched out like a pool noodle..can be used for encoding large amounts of info and DNA.The core of the vortex is ever sustained and is powered by the info's energy and it adapts if the info is changed.The colors can hold different vibrations and dimensional information..realms can coexist as part of the the interface for the information.It lies as part of the crab nebula and can be placed according to the vibration of the planet its near. Spelly — 10/27/2020 7:02 PM there is a way to increase your energy. think the creator grants you what you need and state as a request, "I have enough energy". there is a trick to that, if you have too much energy from the creator, then you could burn out..if that happens then you can state "cause me not to be burned out." Its a constant flow set at a certain rate as the creator is infinite, where the creator lives on a dimension that helped form the universe. so basically that rate is set to what you need. [10:40 AM] To access the akashic records: Through your soul..your center: Guided meditation to get you past your inner veil so you can merge with your records. Through the astral realm :Prayer or projection. Through the center of the earth:Projection. Through the creator:Asking the creator questions. Spelly — 10/27/2020 7:50 PM cool Deleted User — 10/27/2020 8:09 PM I don't think I saw this mentioned. I have a marble sized piece of Jet, otherwise known as black amber. Jet (gemstone) Jet is a type of lignite, the lowest rank of coal, and is a gemstone. Unlike many gemstones, jet is not a mineral, but is rather a mineraloid. It is derived from wood that has changed under extreme pressure. The English noun jet derives from the French word for the same material, jaiet (modern French jais), ultimately referring to the ancient to... [10:41 AM] Ohh I completely forgot about Jet... I’ll do that Thalackeen Jet, whole body- feels similar to wood, but stronger, more empowered, brings trust, and confidence in one’s way... feels like stone a warrior in battle would carry. Not overly fierce, but enough to withstand any attack. Has balancing effects of wood, yet also the strong energy many black crystals have Deleted User — 10/27/2020 10:00 PM Thalackeen Jasper, all body- brings stability, practicality, focus, also the sense that all is well. Grounds oneself. Thalackeen can also be used to embody a personality, or to become like a person, real or fictional. It’s fun to do with characters from games Interesting, less than two minutes after saying the above thing about thalackeen, I found a note I wrote some many months back, directly related to this. A sign indeed. 2/21/2020 2:33PM Today, I realized, that I would like to change who I am. What Hope said has stuck with me. You can always change who you are. You can rewrite your personality. It is your choice. As Jim Carrey did with an acting role, he found himself literally BEing the person he was acting as. All that this life is, the personality we have is a role, an identity we chose and accepted. Spelly — 07/06/2023 10:42 AM Prayer method to access the akashic records. [10:42 AM] "I AM in the 39th dimension and anchored in the 38th" [10:43 AM] Deleted User — 10/28/2020 10:41 PM I use Thalackeen with a being or creature in my intention and experience it. Essence and genetics shift. Been experimenting with different beings, elves are fun. Let me know what you experience with it, just say “thalackeen” and whatever being or species you wish to become like. Deleted User — 10/28/2020 11:05 PM “Thalackeen whatever is highest” made me feel VERY HIGH, akin to marijuana. Use it and see how it goes for you? Benderisgreat — 10/29/2020 12:17 AM "I allow my higher self to remove all fears in a multidimensional manner" [10:43 AM] Spelly — 10/29/2020 12:24 PM the creator is great.. I found making use of him to create elemental effects is like focusing on the idea to create and doing a gesture, then the element creates itself from the energy consciousness. that could be any element, btw the gesture is not unlike a statement to him to create this effect and can even be a statement to that effect. [10:44 AM] Here is a Muslim spell that let's you know about things. AL-HA-KAM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will learn the secrets of the Universe Personal power you will gain: You will have the ability to teach the mysteries AS-SAMMY - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be able to manifest anything you ask of God Personal power you will gain: You will be directly linked to God AL-ALEEM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will discern divine secrets Personal power you will gain: You will gain the ability to be channel of God there you go Spelly — 10/29/2020 6:15 PM Self-creation.. this is where you think and create with a thought. The point is done when you treat it like a wish. The effect happens as you notice things work by feel. Deleted User — 10/29/2020 7:30 PM Eat beans, think magic beans, and the effect you wish for them to have, they have a very strong effect [10:44 AM] here is a mental boost for you.. Mental boost; this is where your brain sets the aura wave frequency, then as you think and say things the mind that is your brain consciousness does things. So if you think a certain thing, then intend it and that is what is created by the aura making what you need in the dimensional area you are in at the moment. Deleted User — 10/29/2020 7:40 PM Say “activate autopilot” to go into that state of autopilot say “activate joyful state” to be in a joyful state Say “activate magic state” to be in a state of high magical potency and ability Say deactive (with whatever effect you have) to deactivate it [10:45 AM] Wolf fairy, when used in essence or with the thalackeen effect, brings extremely high energy. Made me restless, I did a bunch of chores and it still didn’t go away Spelly — 10/29/2020 9:01 PM heh make a fox fairy hehe Deleted User — 10/29/2020 9:15 PM Very fun feeling, playful, strong and balanced between playfulness and seriousness.... interesting, brings mastery of when it’s time to play and when it’s time to buckle down and be serious [10:45 AM] Deleted User — 10/29/2020 9:26 PM Combinations are fun Space elemental(for the element space) is incredibly calm, empty... very meditative Deleted User — 10/29/2020 9:35 PM Just calmness, centeredness, and love Wow Spelly — 10/30/2020 5:49 PM If you need protection from spirits, I find reciting this verse very helpful: Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha. You can do this anytime, anywhere when you feel you need to be protected. [10:45 AM] Faith is an incredibly powerful energy as it ties you directly to god, therefor through Faith anything can be done Spelly — 10/30/2020 7:26 PM ty Deleted User — 10/30/2020 7:26 PM The soul brings intuitive wisdoms and clarity through your spirit for you to realize. Humanity is programmed to doubt and ignore these. Listen to them Deleted User — 10/30/2020 7:33 PM Black fire is used also to burn away all negative energy towards you, it nullifies it [10:46 AM] Black fire is good for nullifying or reflecting aggressive behavior, though it’s more effective in defending oneself than another Water element can create illusions in thoughts to deter others or make them think a certain way... think of murkey water covering them and causing them to see things Deleted User — 10/30/2020 8:02 PM Fire can be used to reflect energy and attacks at you, also burns and destroys constructs and energetics that attempt to affect it or affect you if you use the fire as defense Air can be used to redirect energies, intentions, and effects someone uses on you or that you use on yourself. Air can also stop energies and intentions in their tracks, if you visualize it being held it in air ball [10:46 AM] Earth can be used to empower effects, mainly best used with other elements. Provides a boost to the self when used as a stable energy to provide greater power in whatever is being focused upon. Earth is best not used externally, but for internal functions and effects of the self Sand element is well used to build perseverance, emotional strength, and to make the most out of what you have... if you have little options or no way out, sand energy will assist you to pull through, just as sand in the desert still supports life despite the harsh conditions. On the other side of this, it is also used to wear down oneself or another, wear their strength down, and their will, but it can also strengthen these effects, depending on your intention Lava energy can bring exceedingly high energy to whatever your focus is, it brings great transformation, progress, and will move forward through any block, to keep flowing. Nothing stops the flow of lava Deleted User — 10/30/2020 8:26 PM Firewater energy can bring intense turbulence, and confusion, but also intense and swift change, and great realizations.... it can be incredibly healing and bring strength, but will bring no stability, and may cause instability if over used. [10:47 AM] If you think to smell different, and state the sent, then the subconscious creates that as a scent from your body. Deleted User — 10/31/2020 10:35 AM Nice Spelly — 10/31/2020 10:36 AM hehe good element changes oh yea.. how to use the elements? Spelly — 10/31/2020 10:43 AM what spell? Spelly — 10/31/2020 10:58 AM whenever you come back Deleted User — 10/31/2020 11:26 AM Use the elements by summoning the energy, and visualizing the energy, stating or feeling the purpose being done (edited) Spelly — 07/06/2023 10:51 AM Easy trick to improve your mood, anytime you eat or drink anything, state with the food/drink “this clears low feelings and brings good feelings” Spelly — 10/31/2020 11:30 AM cool Spelly — 11/01/2020 1:54 PM Shapeshifting; this is where you think about the shape and it changes your form by activity or prayer that sets it off, sometimes activity you do, that is the active part of the brain..this creates the shift in the body. other times, thinking about the change, that makes the body's based on hormones. it's tingling of the body, that is what makes the change and it's an indicator that you have. look in a mirror then you'll know, especially if you state the intended shape to the mirror, however there is a point that it stops and your body is done with that for now.. So think about that and you will do what is necessary. [10:51 AM] shaping; This is where you think and state what happens as the other's subconscious does what you intend or ask the creator to create what you intend. So you are aware of what happens, you get feedback, your God is the creator. Thinking to intend a shape that someone forms, that is a shaping if it succeeds. If nothing happens, then the creator will explain why to you. This is a using point in idea. Spelly — 11/01/2020 4:12 PM There is a combined effects idea, where you listen and let your subconscious influence the vid events by what you hear. Spelly — 11/02/2020 8:33 AM A way to achieve a semi physical body is to visualize, that you are a ghost,in the physical realm, but also in the astral realm, imagine half of your soul is going into the physical and another part, that is going into the spiritual/astral realm,it works, try it. I've done it before, I didn't need rest at all. [10:52 AM] host writer; what you need to have written is done as a thought or in writing as sent by feel with the spirit. Deleted User — 11/02/2020 12:02 PM Spell to overcome being burnt out or demotivated, made for Mars in Aries people. Brings vigor, dedication, consistency, engagement, absorbed in a higher way. = Reesenti Mardida, Set Spelly — 11/02/2020 12:05 PM higher metabolism spell? thanks pup Deleted User — 11/02/2020 12:14 PM Heightened Metabolism, High vitality, vigor, energy, and health = Helata Bed-diga Say phrase until you sense the results [10:52 AM] Make restlessness, anxiety into calmness, peace, focus, and comfort = Rested Veldouri Deleted User — 11/02/2020 8:12 PM Coming up with a spell to cause all parts of the brain to be in unison, have 100% function, and to activate all superhuman parts, tying into the functioning humans have when in higher realms... here it is= dethrivi braina sho. Say as much as you feel to Spelly — 11/02/2020 8:29 PM Thack allows you to kill roaches easily Deleted User — 11/02/2020 9:01 PM “Thak and think of the place” to teleport or shift realities If you want it instant.. say thakeen.. Deleted User — 11/02/2020 9:21 PM Berkrem Veddi - instant healing effect, focus on the part of the body intended to heal [10:52 AM] Berkrem Ven Veddi - instant healing effect, focus on the part of the body intended to heal by the energy of the planet. Deleted User — 11/02/2020 9:59 PM Ven Vreddi = instant weight loss in the area you want reduced Spelly — 11/03/2020 3:11 AM “Thak and think of the place” to teleport or shift realities If you want it instant by an upsurge in energy point.. say thakeen.. Spelly — 11/03/2020 9:18 PM vehil nehil = set election to however you intend. [10:53 AM] Black fire + lightning will nullify all spells someone attempts to use on you Spelly — 11/04/2020 12:17 PM So what spell is good to create peace around the world? State that all being’s energy and programming going against peace is nullified, and all are filled with peace. Better yet, from the peace that is built there, create a web of peace to support all beings in staying in peace, keeping them stuck there like a spider web Spelly — 11/04/2020 12:32 PM High feeling; think "high feeling" and state "creator or god, make me feel high without the drugs." Spelly — 11/04/2020 12:42 PM Thi ida; the point you think and wait or do what is necessary. th point; you think and work and magic assists you to create what you want and intend. th en ; think the ending and you get that as result. [10:53 AM] trance = autopilot where you breath in and out as you think a thought. It's like basic meditation, I thoght it was something else. A loud noise or realize things to wake up. This is where you think and you know. You are focusing your mind to create with unconscious thoughts by this idea. Spelly — 11/06/2020 12:29 AM Working; That is focus on the idea and think the point as you imagine the results. The creator and spirit will cause what you need. That's like you imagine the hurricane going away and disappearing. Then thought pushed the storm into another direction, that is offland and Pacific ocean. Otherwise, so the storm doesn't move into any land again we imagine it going into a black hole. [10:53 AM] The greater weight; think to see if they are greater in weight and you lose weight instead. This is effect by what is done. Spelly — 11/06/2020 12:38 PM Created a strong healing effect, using thalackeen. I've layered it, so it can be used in layers on the body, or whatever you wish to use it on. The ones I've made are specifically for healing and supporting the body, and function exactly the same as if you were receiving the medicine. Feel free to post these on the server... I'm not on much because I prefer to work alone. To activate these, state "Thalackeen, all layers activated", or just state the layers you would like to use. They don't stop functioning until you intend them stopped. These bring the effects of the medicines. Layer 1- One Divine Moon medicine(from a manga, the breaker)(safe, brings unlimited ki), Panacea, Elixir of Life, Ambrosia, 9 dragon body strength/endurance(from the breaker, a manga. brings strength and endurance over time). Layer 2- Bentonite Clay, Lion's mane, Reishi, Cordyceps, Chaga, Shiitake, Highest quality CBD. (Lion's mane to shiitake are all medicinal mushrooms). Layer 3- Ginger, Chamomile, Matcha, Cinnamon, Holy Basil, Echinacia, Ashwaganda, Tulsi, Turmeric, Brahmi, Licorice Root, Yarrow, Gotu Kola, Cardamom, Peppermint, Grapefruit, Sage, Cassia, Oregano, Frankincense/myrhh Layer 4- Colloidal Silver, Gold, Copper, Titanium, Iridium, Platinum [10:54 AM] Ordered Chaos — 11/06/2020 12:53 PM Seductive magic Spelly — 11/06/2020 12:54 PM yep is that a request? Ordered Chaos — 11/06/2020 12:57 PM Yes an open request Spelly — 11/06/2020 12:58 PM oh kk sedu cio = seduction, make seduced to your way of thinking. pronounced "sedd-oo see-ohn" [10:54 AM] Ordered Chaos — 11/06/2020 1:00 PM Any subliminal? Spelly — 11/06/2020 1:01 PM look on youtube one sec YouTube Sexy Subliminals Subliminal Programming ★SEDUCE ANYONE★ Ambient Meditation Music ☯ S... [10:55 AM] there's a spell you can state, that can deal with depression. AL-KOODS - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you can free yourself from depression and anxiety. Personal power you will gain: You will gain inner sanctity if you think to use it, you will get results, I did Deleted User — 11/07/2020 5:21 PM @Spelly Llatushesa - makes an item it’s highest organic state, energies, and intentions into the highest, and adds an enchantment to it which is best, or whatever you intend Spelly — 11/07/2020 5:22 PM ty Deleted User — 11/07/2020 6:22 PM Say “boosted yeon hon healing principle”, works on full body... state the problem afterward if you wish to focus it on one thing Yeehaw! [10:55 AM] Deleted User — 11/07/2020 7:25 PM think your brain chemistry balances itself out and your no longer oversensitive. Spelly — 11/07/2020 7:33 PM spell to stop all need for water/food = "dee rex" Deleted User — 11/07/2020 11:03 PM Oxygen shot = gives you a shot of extra oxygen to your body, boosting oxygen levels which is great for overall health and mood Spelly — 11/08/2020 2:13 AM flakes ex = uncertainty removal. Spelly — 11/08/2020 2:24 AM dee rexx = control eating need. Spelly — 11/08/2020 6:14 AM dee rax = say when you want an energy boost, that will ask your soul to boost your ability and energize the body. that will act as though you get enough sleep, as the energy comes from the creator and you may need less sleep. I get away with 7 hours sleep or less and still don't feel tired as if I am rested. [10:56 AM] relaxing = I just have to state relaxing and I am in a calmer state and I am relaxed. Spelly — 11/08/2020 11:11 AM Volcanis Veddi, state that and then state the effect or visualize what you intend to happen Deleted User — 11/08/2020 11:13 AM As I required this for my sensitivity, here is a spell to blast purity into oneself and all things within 10 feet- Shetra Tet Spelly — 11/08/2020 11:14 AM cool Deleted User — 11/08/2020 11:16 AM To bring growth and learning(as well as a boost to all learning skills), to whatever you intend- Grenchi Cha Spelly — 11/08/2020 11:37 AM cool spells Deleted User — 11/08/2020 12:02 PM Hormone shot, say the hormone, then "shot", to get an energy shot of the hormone, or element. Seratonin, and dopamine shots are good [10:56 AM] Spelly — 11/09/2020 9:47 AM oh yeah, I have a spell request for myself.. making easy manifests Deleted User — 11/09/2020 10:19 AM To make manifesting easy, focus on the thing and state “set manifestation level very easy” [10:57 AM] Spelly — 11/09/2020 11:26 AM biomancy is a point of energy you think to direct and create with by feel. Spelly — 11/09/2020 6:15 PM Essence of nicotine- Nitata Sheentee “Nicotine shot” to get off something... gives you a shot of the feeling Essence of cig- “celdita benny” doesnt have lower aspect of it ce nix; clear acne and pimples evert it; this reduces body weight [10:57 AM] Spelly — 11/10/2020 3:22 AM meditation; Meditation is the state of being which is detached from all things, finding the center, and intending something higher. Meditating can be done walking, exercising, doing dishes, or sitting. So you don't even have to close my eyes. You can get creative, The belief that you must sit down close your eyes and sit cross legged is a limiting belief system. The main focus is highest to be out of thought, and feeling divine vibrations, while being open for wisdom to come through. This is inner stillness. Really you are not limited, that means iyou don't even need sleep! its an illusion! my eyes aren't really tired!. What is just spoke is, quite literally, true. what? So I don't need sleep. Sleepiness is an energy. Dissolve all sleepienergy by having you soul rest, but think about it, your soul needs recharge. However the more lower energy you have, the more you will be tired and sleepy. Humans are evolving into higher beings that have no needs. Your soul can rest in meditation. The body can handle no sleep. So if you spoke it into the universe then you will feel less tired. That makes it where your eyes aren't on drag anymore. The human vessel must have a level of rest however so be sure to sit still for a while, you are divine. You define your reality and truth. Be aware that as you exist on earth, when other humans around you sleep, their consciousness will attempt to affect you and make you sleepy. So drink lots of water and breathe deep to nullify this. [10:57 AM] There are no plateus in this ascension Many beings reach a certain level of consciousness and think they’ve done enough. You keep being a more divine being. Love doesn’t stop. Be aware of that in yourself, and others. The energy that you, and others embody can save lives and steal lives. Higher consciousness is literally a shield against lower energy and attacks. Sleep creates what is counted as better behavior, including better eating habits. So resting yourself (a llow level of rest), creates what you think. By the idea of a power dream, think to create and use energy in a lucid dream and you create better results. However lucid dreams can't be dream interpreted. They are with your intent otherwise. [10:58 AM] Stopping sleepiness. State “all sleepy-sleep related hormones/chemicals stopped and nullified”. Be aware that lower energy will come to you to attempt to make you sleepy. Be on guard and dissolve the energy you don't like, however you want to do this. Spelly — 11/10/2020 5:12 AM look in links for magic links Spelly — 11/10/2020 6:38 AM oh yeah, this is what I do for sleep.. I get my minimal amount required and wake up early morning, then rest by meditation and work with the energy I get by feel. interesting, right? Spelly — 07/06/2023 10:58 AM Deleted User — 11/10/2020 11:12 AM Wild elf essence - “Shita Bedita Helethi Guran” one time to activate. Survival like-elvish feel, with hints of freindliness and they’re always focused in the moment and watching out for what will happen in coming moments. Similar to native americans in the way that their actions are based on the good of future generations. Moon elf essence- “Helethi Bendita Fuuran Munali” Very expressive, focus on staying high vibe organically. Enjoy mystical things, magical things, entertainment, and having fun. Adventurous. Sun elf essence “Thriviti Beshiga Do’onti” Passionate, willful, and combative. They stand very firm for what they feel is right, and are masterful at what they are passionate about. Whatever they seek, they will master it, as they enjoy focusing on one thing, deeply. Deleted User — 11/10/2020 11:26 AM Grey elf essence “Bedviya Shodanga Do’orata” Gentle, yet strong and proactive beings, not prone to laziness. They are creators, and enjoy making things, as well as being protective of the planet they live on. Deleted User — 11/10/2020 11:35 AM High Elf energetic shift. This brings wisdom, clarity, love of the planet, love of animals, high magical function, higher and different brain usage, and more intense focus. Much more clear focus than human. If left on prolonged, it will begin to shift the body to be more wild/elf-like. This has not occured yet, as this is a new spell, but it will come into effect when said. Reversed by intending it to be reversed. “Shirana Delvour, Bentido Attrutra” [10:58 AM] Deleted User — 11/10/2020 12:02 PM Fire elf essence- “Fereena Delbandi Tuuren” Eccentric, passionate, powerful and fierce, carving their own path without regard for any societal standards or beliefs. Strong Hearts full of lightness, but if hurt could easily turn into hate if not tamed. Lone wolf in a way, as some may not accept their path Water elf essence - “Oceana Xendri Tu’ulath” Water-like, utterly in a state of peace and flow, attuned to beauty and light Deleted User — 11/10/2020 12:21 PM Air elf essence- “Aerenthiga Veldiita Cerena” Lighthearted, free, optimistic, curious, intelligent creatures and brings joy of serving others Deleted User — 11/10/2020 12:29 PM Earth elf essence- “Redge Felventi Do’ohshi” Grounded, focused, stubbornish, a deep longing to be more connected to wilderness and serve/live withe the earth Deleted User — 11/10/2020 12:39 PM Avariel essence(winged elf essentially)- “Veldeshi Bodoya Shogadath” Less energetic/emotional effects. Lightens the body, causing body able to handle flight, as well as develops wings. Deleted User — 11/10/2020 6:19 PM a things go well and right for me effect spell = “Deema” while focused on the thing [10:59 AM] Spelly — 11/11/2020 6:29 AM the chicken is particle energy, think of the chicken as though a source, then make magic feeling the energy of the chicken does what you want and you get what you intend. Spelly — 11/11/2020 10:14 AM doing what is interesting; think of the point and need it to happen and the spirit using the soul makes it happen to occur. Spelly — 11/11/2020 10:40 AM refl spd=makes the body reflex speed up. Spelly — 11/11/2020 12:42 PM think point; this creates what you want as you think to create the idea. Deleted User — 11/12/2020 5:00 PM Good combination of crystal essences- Bloodstone, Citrine, Goldstone, obsidian, snowflake obsidian [10:59 AM] Oh to use any ability, think of what you need and want it to manifest. The intent is what the spirit does. Spelly — 11/13/2020 11:35 AM Spelly — 11/13/2020 11:58 AM invisibility.. wish to attempt invisibility, then you feel like your not seen.. and think that people avert their eyes. then you are essentially, "invisible". Ordered Chaos — 11/13/2020 12:07 PM I manifested [10:59 AM] Ordered Chaos — 11/13/2020 12:08 PM Please wise ones give me knowledge. It wasn't like I let go with effort. Then how did these manifest? Spelly — 11/13/2020 12:09 PM easy.. you were directed by the soul and you used the spirit to create a manifest. [11:00 AM] Deleted User — 11/13/2020 1:22 PM "Shileda vohehm" for general helper effect Spelly — 11/13/2020 1:27 PM Ty This will work. Now my article is complete.. [11:00 AM] Spelly — 11/14/2020 11:18 AM Here's the trick to subs.. think your power and ability is unlocked as you listen to the sub.. then it's fully unlocked after a few minutes. Spelly — 11/15/2020 11:42 AM energy transfer; the energy is from a generator and that creates an electrical source that transfers to metal and this can shock a person. think to create a link between one point and another, then energy transfers naturally between point 1 to point 2. this is how the druids did energy transfers, and you can use it to create data shifts throught the energy. tubular; think energy forms into a tube that surrounds a person and energy transfers that you feel or imagine as a wire that connects the tube to a battery source. then you can do what you want and that energy consciousness acts to direct the energy and create what you desire as though a life support. imagine the tube dissolving and the point is done. this is a point done by feel. heightner; think of the height and need yourself to become that height. then you are that height, if you eat or drink enough. the sustenance unlocks that ability by the way. yet you can only go as tall as your vertebrae in your back will allow. then you shrink back after the sustenance energy wears off shapeshifting; think of the shape and imagine yourself as that shape. then your body changes to become that shape. again, sustenance unlocks that ability.. [11:00 AM] Spelly — 11/16/2020 7:40 AM better soul invocation; think your soul or spirit name and imagine or think of what you intend as you state the name. ༆ 𝕃𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕪 — 11/16/2020 7:41 AM Can I use any spells to get cryokinesis? Spelly — 11/16/2020 7:43 AM yes think cold energy is creating your result, as you feel it freeze. then that will freeze the target as well. [11:01 AM] Spelly — 11/16/2020 6:19 PM healing hands; the hands you hold out and think energy goes to them from the wrist and does what you think it does. so if you think the energy is healing then you restore the body or item with the point of a touch. Spelly — 11/17/2020 9:37 AM Healing Your Third Eye - How to Decalcify & Strengthen the Pineal G... The third eye, scientifically known as the pineal gland, is our doorway to psychic awareness. Unfortunately, environmental factors affect pineal gland healt [11:01 AM] fee-har; strengthen heart and chest.. ༆ 𝕃𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕪 — 11/18/2020 9:38 AM Can I somehow cancel an exam with a spell or potion? I’d like it to be simple, I am very new to this stuff. ^^ Spelly — 11/18/2020 9:40 AM umm you can try this with 50% chance success ༆ 𝕃𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕪 — 11/18/2020 9:40 AM I am willing to try it! Spelly — 11/18/2020 9:41 AM think of the exam and state "oh god, cancel the exam" [11:02 AM] Spelly — 11/18/2020 6:07 PM fishing; this is the self-answer.. think of the subconscious aswering a question.. then ask out loud what you need to know. then you will either speak the answer or do what is necessary. Spelly — 11/18/2020 9:52 PM infinity stones; energy is possible to manipulate by the creator, so if you think the element exists from an idea and that shares some of the element energy that gathers in the knuckle. this is like time is abstract as though an element that exists as activity energy. so think time exists as energy and pools in the knuckle. see then you can create any result with that element. the element is energy like earth, air, water and fire. what you think to make use of is what is used if allowed for by feel. the creator uses the elements to crreate in this space, you see. so in reality it's the creator that causes what you get, this is done as your relaxing with the element in your knuckle and you create what you want as though you had the infinity stones without the glove. however, chaos energy you will want to place by thinking it there in iron or iron particles. since chaos can break things down by feel. so avoid chaos and do what you want. [11:02 AM] Spelly — 11/19/2020 7:21 AM constructs; they are energy that exists by feel and thinking of what you need. these are energy spheres or other shapes that are shaped by will and create with a point. this means you think of your need or intent and imagine the point to do. the energy of the body creates the construct as though you mentioned, "I create this construct, in order to make my purpose done." think of your purpose and it's done. like a construct can copy itself and seem to be somwhere. set to do a point you get a result. a useful construct to make is a construct to lower your weight, that's done no matter the magic that's there. the construct uses the creator or whomever made us by feel is used as a source of energy and upon dismissal, the construct energy disperses as energy. so another useful one is money gaining, that's where you get money no matter what you do and you won't get in trouble for it. Spelly — 11/19/2020 12:27 PM music magic; think of the effect and the idea you need, as you listen to music will the idea to exist and the energy charged by the music will create what you intend. Enjoy!' Spelly — 11/20/2020 8:07 PM here's a shapeshift spell: asanchev (imagine the shape); say this spell to create the shapeshift as you imagine the shape to be. [11:02 AM] Spelly — 11/20/2020 8:14 PM here is a money making spell: asanc = money creation and generation. here is yet another money making spell: here is a money making spell: dya or'a = pronounced "dee-ahn or-ahn" for making money by the idea being done. For money magic to work things out: You still have to work some to get it. It still takes work unless someone gifts you money. But if you save enough you wont ever have to work again. asanchez600k — 11/20/2020 8:21 PM Yep Spelly — 11/21/2020 3:01 AM toxic relief; the toxic person changes to no longer be toxic and either leaves, is distracted from the server or gets along as though non toxic. Spelly — 11/21/2020 4:22 AM weightloss IX; this makes a construct that causes you to eat lightly and less of sweets then more fruit you will lose the excess body weight. [11:03 AM] Spelly — 11/21/2020 7:57 AM aleemi deema; make things alright and you seem to get enough sleep. Spelly — 11/21/2020 11:44 AM Atleem; this is a boost to your energy. That lasts as long as you need it. Spelly — 11/22/2020 7:51 AM azec = learn things that are needed to be known, even if secret. Ordered Chaos — 11/22/2020 8:12 AM Thanks [11:03 AM] Spelly — 11/22/2020 10:51 AM azez = spell of recognitance, this is where you recognize things with awareness. aziz = spell of anti-burnout. Spelly — 11/22/2020 11:42 AM yecha = cat goddess transformation. yeho = cat god transformation. yeeha. Deleted User — 11/22/2020 12:10 PM Havaleeta = brings awareness on whatever you focus on Spelly — 11/23/2020 3:45 AM there is one general bit of magic that causes what you want to manifest. It's focus and think to create and when you do things you create by focus as you think to create with imagination or statements. simple, right? [11:03 AM] Spelly — 11/23/2020 10:15 AM Supreme healing technique- The rainbow bridge. Rainbow energy heals all things, and clears lower energy near instantly. By doing the following technique on all of your body, you will notice great mood improvements and gradual bodily healing. Rainbow bridge- Imagine a rainbow pouring down from the sun, the clouds, or from whatever source you wish, pouring down over your crown, washing over your etheric body, healing and clearing all parts of it. Then the rainbow pours over your physical body... brain, senses, pouring through all of you, cleansing and purifying you. Once it goes through all of you and you feel satisfied with the shift in energy within you, it goes down into the earth, grounding and centering you in your power. If you have specific ailments, focus the rainbow energy on that ailment and visualize it clearing and healing. Anything can be healed. Enjoy! The emerald fire is connected to ArchAngel Raphael, and is profoundly healing. It can be used to heal broken hearts as well. Visualize the emerald fire engulfing whatever part of you you wish to heal. I enjoy seeing my whole body engulfed in it. ~~~ The Violet fire transforms energy into it’s highest state and clears dense energy. It’s connected to Saint Germain. Visualize same as the emerald fire. The violet fire can be used to clear ego, and beliefs. [11:04 AM] Spelly — 11/23/2020 2:24 PM The jinx; if you feel bad and project the bad feelings towards a target, this can cause even people to not do things correctly. Otherwise it's the evil eye and could make things not work right. In order to deflect the evil eye, state or think, "creator, make things of bad intent not effect me." Of course, there is a 50% chance of success, so think what you like if that works, then your naturally lucky. Deleted User — 11/23/2020 3:54 PM So a lot of people’s brain chemistry is all messed up, leading to mental illnesses and other diseases. Stating “brain chemistry balanced” balances it temporarily to the best point. Stating “brain chemistry healed” heals the cause of the chemistry imbalances. I suggest stating “brain chemistry balanced and healed” for the greatest boost, as it surely made me feel better. [11:04 AM] Spelly — 11/23/2020 7:10 PM Foul transformation; this is an example from watching Giuliani and is the idea from genshin impact where you create the greater strength and endurance by thinking of your need and getting energy through the skin or swallowing, that means your surviving foul energy, cleansing yourself after the point. this is when you create with a fart and smelling yourself yet you can do what you want, this works as you think to absorb energy to the body and imagining the result. then created is the response that creates what you intend or think will happen. this energy is burned away by the solar energy or sun energy. then you are working with the sun energy, used to create what you think and feel will happen. this works by the feel and thinking about the idea you intend to transform into by the point. The overall effects of this is your ability temporarily increases, you become faster, you become slenderer, you have numbed pain and you laugh to yourself as you become stronger or seem to have more endurance. Basically, you become godlike, this is done all by the thinking to absorb energy into the body. What a foul transformation, indeed. However, if you don't cleanse yourself, you could feel weaker after 1 hour of what I call the effect. This is the energy that does it, so you know that the creator is great indeed. Without god, we would only be a memory. This is a known effect, don't do it if you don't need meltdowns or too much sweating as thought is doing an effect. [11:04 AM] Spelly — 11/23/2020 10:32 PM On the topic of scanning and clearing... it just takes practice, visualization, and a whole lot of discernment. Because dark energy likes to get in the way of clear visualizing as well as clear energy work. You have to be aware of what is real and what’s illusionary/fantasy. Real energy is felt. You see it and feel it. Illusions have no feelings to them, or are jumbled and nonsensical Focus on what you’d like to scan, and visualize it in front of you, then focus on sensing whatever you’d like to sense. It takes practice to get it clear. To clear things, use a golden rainbow sword, or a golden rainbow tool. Use your intuition to feel out what’s right when healing and clearing. Spelly — 11/23/2020 10:52 PM Clean transformation; this is where you think to absorb clean energy and you make the point you think about to create the effect by feel. This effect is temporary by the way and it feels better than foul transform. The creator or god with your intent will make you feel good and you will not be unlike a god or being. Spelly — 11/24/2020 12:23 PM oh.. "oh mai" = revive romantic flame, think of the person when stating as, "oh my". Spelly — 07/06/2023 11:05 AM ravencroft999 — 11/24/2020 2:20 PM Do you have a spell to communicate thought dimensions with other version self Spelly — 11/24/2020 2:27 PM Yes.. think of your other self and think of the message. He or she will get the idea. This works better if you state the message as you think of the person or being. ravencroft999 — 11/24/2020 2:31 PM Okay the reason I trying to do this I want to cast spell like this Spelly — 11/24/2020 2:31 PM Yes.. state "Kate" and you do ravencroft999 — 11/24/2020 2:32 PM Thanks no you are very helpful thanks again [11:06 AM] Deleted User — 11/24/2020 3:52 PM Wanna feel something interesting? State copied, this to get it. Lmk what you feel. It’s good. The gamer’s ability physical and energetic buffs state permanent set to make it permanent Deleted User — 11/24/2020 4:13 PM To get info from a book instantly, touch a book or focus on it, and state “uploaded”. It’ll upload you with the energetic information from the book, and you’ll have knowledge of it, intuitively. Spelly — 11/24/2020 4:13 PM cool oh think "copy things" and tell what you feel or realize will feel you just got uploaded with a lot of information. its a server ai that makes your brain conscious from the construct. use it to know extra things and recall all your past lives. that's done by thinking about knowing them. you can know things on an instant and realize what you need to know. to turn off the ai, think the construct is dissolved. there is a 50% chance this will work, if not then nothing happened. [11:06 AM] Spelly — 11/24/2020 4:35 PM get this Construct to shapeshift you into what’s best Spelly — 11/24/2020 4:46 PM this one is my last idea for a feel.. say "thinker" and think of what you want, intend or need, then imagination or divine energy creates the idea as a manifest. well if you use it to get imagination manifested.. then you want to use it, go ahead. it should bring a good feeling when creating things. that is it with the thing. Spelly — 11/24/2020 5:18 PM oh megaman or other powers..imagine the ability and effect you have from it's practice. this is a point you realize from the spirit seeing the idea and you knowing by insight from the soul letting you know. then state "done". think and you make the megaman ability if you imagined that idea, feel free to use whatever gesture you think necessary. you will know what happens with practice of the gesture. Spelly — 11/24/2020 6:38 PM say'gnowledge' to know what's real and what's illusion. [11:07 AM] Deleted User — 11/28/2020 5:32 PM Think to fix it with a word state the word..that causes the creator to fix it. Focus on the effect and state a word, creator makes it happen using the word as a trigger for it. Say cenvh or cench and intend to remove a headache. Spelly — 11/28/2020 5:35 PM Cool Coul is blessing En stated as you think of the idea, ends the point of the idea. Interesting facts.. [11:07 AM] Spelly — 11/29/2020 2:49 PM Reincarnation; Oh your spirit separates from the body and then it creates a new body or animation of the body, this is done with the soul helping to create the effect of reincarnation. If reincarnating to the same body, then the soul comes back to the body and allows it to live with memories that come as realization. This is what happens with the shock tongs and reanimating the heart. The reincarnation is where you want to reincarnate, so you aren't stuck here by the power of the creator. That's what happens with people, that are brought back from the hospital making the heart work again. They just happen to see it as a tunnel they go through, that's about it. If the soul seems to have "fled" then the body can come back for a short period of time. So reanimation is possible. Yet you seem to know everything or anything you think to know, that is a point you recall. That is basically it, for reincarnation. Spelly — 12/02/2020 9:50 AM think and make; think of the idea and if you intend it, your soul or spirit creates it. ravencroft999 — 12/02/2020 5:21 PM Hey what's new I was looking at I was wondering if you read any of this pdf Spelly — 12/02/2020 5:45 PM yes I have what you need to know? [11:07 AM] Spelly — 12/03/2020 10:01 AM elemental shield; this is a point you think and realize what to do, for each element is different yet you can summon it the same way. The elemental shield is where you think to create with the element you pick for the moment. Then you could cause it to flare up in activity, so imagine the color of the element and the flare up is the particles color rubbing against each other as a point is spoken or imagined to create with the idea you had as intent. This means a fire shield is a red color that is sensed rubbing to cause a formation, that exists as a bit of energy and that energy is shaped in the air as a point that burns away things you don't like, An air shield is a point that clear felt energy is rubbing together and you create with the thought as you project through the air. Earth shields are where brown or green particles rub together and create an absorbing blocking shield in the air. Water shields are what influence the point and create your need, this happens as blue particles rub together as though when formed in the air can absorb fire and cause water effects to the area. When you don't need the element to have formation, then the soul or god will unform it as you imagine the elemental color not rubbiing against each other. Otherwise you can use the opposite elemental energy to form the cancellation of the elemental effect. Void cancels all by sucking out the energy from the target unless you intend to create something, then it creates that idea instead. This is imagined as black energy, Earth smothers fire, especially oil fires, otherwise this puts out and displaces air and water, Air can cancel out earth by scattering the element in it's formation, and Water puts out fire especially if physically used on fire. The element physically used on the counter element will cancel out the effect of the element, if not the element instead. [11:08 AM] Spelly — 12/03/2020 10:01 AM elemental shield; this is a point you think and realize what to do, for each element is different yet you can summon it the same way. The elemental shield is where you think to create with the element you pick for the moment. Then you could cause it to flare up in activity, so imagine the color of the element and the flare up is the particles color rubbing against each other as a point is spoken or imagined to create with the idea you had as intent. This means a fire shield is a red color that is sensed rubbing to cause a formation, that exists as a bit of energy and that energy is shaped in the air as a point that burns away things you don't like, An air shield is a point that clear felt energy is rubbing together and you create with the thought as you project through the air. Earth shields are where brown or green particles rub together and create an absorbing blocking shield in the air. Water shields are what influence the point and create your need, this happens as blue particles rub together as though when formed in the air can absorb fire and cause water effects to the area. When you don't need the element to have formation, then the soul or god will unform it as you imagine the elemental color not rubbiing against each other. Otherwise you can use the opposite elemental energy to form the cancellation of the elemental effect. Void cancels all by sucking out the energy from the target unless you intend to create something, then it creates that idea instead. This is imagined as black energy, Earth smothers fire, especially oil fires, otherwise this puts out and displaces air and water, Air can cancel out earth by scattering the element in it's formation, and Water puts out fire especially if physically used on fire. The element physically used on the counter element will cancel out the effect of the element, if not the element instead. [11:09 AM] Spelly — 12/05/2020 6:53 AM wanna know what they mean? think the creator translates for you and state "translation". Then you know things and realize the translation of what is stated. Spelly — 12/05/2020 12:11 PM Heshenida too = draw people of high vibe to your focus [11:09 AM] Spelly — 12/05/2020 1:52 PM Divine energy is god and being energy summoned by the soul or prayer, this energy can do nearly anything. That includes focusing and thinking of the element you intend to use as it manifests, so if you think to get something and pray or ask your soul for the idea. Then, you create with God or some being and that is divine energy. There is no drawback or bad reactions with this, so think and you know what to do. The asking of the soul is using divine energy as the soul is divine. So think of what you want, and state out loud or under your breath as you think your soul answers. When you sense things you can sense an answer as a point. See you understand or perceive and know about the idea as activity is done. If the point is not done, then you know by realization what will happen. Then is the point, you realize by insight and what you know is what the soul knows or has you realize. The point is a concept, that means your soul was created by the creator or God so he or she knows what to do. So, divine energy is unlimited, as it uses a god or the creator to create a result. If you weren't meant to know, then you won't realize the idea. This is a known fact of life. Basically, what you know is there or somewhere else, what you don't know is not actually influencing you or creating an effect. You see the soul negates the effect of the element, that's if you don't need it there so this divine energy is what creates the negation. Anyone's thoughts on this divine energy? [11:09 AM] Spelly — 12/05/2020 4:41 PM energy traps; These are energy constructs, that are made serve your purpose. This is a energy trap, that causes energy to do what you want. See this could be cast by several items by feel, whatever you hold is a possible trap in energy if you think it's energy effects what you want effected. The trap is sometimes where the person effected is held in limbo and stopped from doing things or they are rendered inaffected and they are, if effected, not able to do much, and then they are ineffectant here and stop doing what they were. The release of energy is what causes them to be released from the trap, this is sometimes done by doing things as activity. This is a point and a concept is done by the creator, that's where you think and know for say or where you send out energy and the trap is known as a sprung moment. This is a point in defense, that is used against whomever intends harm or is annoying. In fact energy traps can be made to do what you want. As though your will or statement directs the construct in a point that's observed. [11:10 AM] Understand, then think and you expend or allow the energy to go and you are released. However the point is done, sometimes the energy does things you like or makes you feel good. So if you don't mind it, you can get results by feel, yet don't get addicted to the feel. This could make a bug sluggishly move around, and you can easily catch it it because of the fact. The fact that you can kill bugs casting one, only means you could also create spirit traps as well. Shamans in use make the feather and circle traps to catch unwanted souls that like to be there. They are released by what is thought or energy that is used to expend the trap and stop it's effects. I think this doing is rather interesting, think as all you have to do to cast one is hold or touch the item and think the effect to become existant. That's all there is if you do by idea to do things in a point an use idea, so really this is point and realease. Enjoy in idea then that to do yourself is doing things and be well as you are well. Just remember, anyone aware of the trap isn't effected by it. enj tra; energy trap.. un = release from energy trap. [11:10 AM] Spelly — 12/05/2020 5:10 PM Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it. -pup Spelly — 12/05/2020 6:40 PM You can mimick any ability and get a result, thinking to use this construct. Get your copy here by thinking it is copied. So for elemental effects, imagine or imitate tossing a "ball" of energy, then feel, imagine or think of the element being created where the ball of energy hits to get the point across. See all you need to do to get a fireball is imitation of throwing the "ball" of energy thinking it hits a target. This can leave a black mark on the surface, that if you focus energy into it will burst into flames. It is a chi ball that does this, yet you don't really want to feel it unless necessary where it just happens. You can create an ice effect easier, imagine or think about freezing and ice and the chi ball will form it. The chi ball is what will form the need or want. [11:11 AM] Spelly — 12/06/2020 5:02 AM This; this is the end all skill and it uses the ability of the body, think of what you want and if thin enough you can create what effect you want by statement. Spelly — 12/06/2020 5:15 AM oh if you want a kill all bugs spell, state "ka bugs" and think the time frame you want that to happen. It will use 6th dimensional death energy and poison energy, that targets the bugs themselves. So you can kill a few, if they are nearby. Is = kill all bugs. Spelly — 12/06/2020 7:55 AM Body charm; the lesser weight you have, the more charm energy that you exuberate. Thus, a point of this charm is where you attract the people that you want to be there. This works, if you think to attract people and the body energy surges to cause the attraction. Spelly — 12/06/2020 5:25 PM Unpat cydegol buhim" This is a good spell that is an unbinding of sorts, it makes sense for it to be perceived as relaxing. [11:11 AM] Spelly — 12/06/2020 6:40 PM ihhopt descrb inhof = release of emotions that built up. pronounced, "ihn-hop-t desc-r-b in-hoff" Spelly — 12/06/2020 8:55 PM venti non = stop venting. sopbusgaming — 12/07/2020 6:00 AM How you pronounce it and how to say it? Spelly — 12/07/2020 7:27 AM added sopbusgaming — 12/07/2020 11:49 AM ???? Spelly — 12/07/2020 12:09 PM I added how to say the words to the post Spelly — 12/07/2020 6:07 PM hah god bless = make blessings and improve the moment. Spelly — 12/07/2020 7:13 PM want the release of the wake spell? say, "rei" pronounced as ree-ihn then you are released from the point of an ever wakeful spell. [11:11 AM] pam tyvwog shirfcem = empowerment [11:12 AM] Spelly — 12/10/2020 6:20 AM hem th'e new = create the experience and enjoy what you get. Spelly — 12/11/2020 10:28 AM try an energy bow, yet? imagine energy in the shape of a bow and the bow forming energy arrows that do what you need, that sometimes works as you think it forms and when you draw back the imaginary string..release the energy arrow into the area you want it to hit. that's an interesting idea. that's how you do that. if you succeed, you cause a blackened area where it effects the surface. Spelly — 12/12/2020 8:55 AM Air rite; the point you make is what the consciousness of the air creates, so if you intend to get a result. Then, you can create by the heat in the air. The heat is doing what the consciousness directs and you direct the consciousness. If you get an effect, it might feel colder. So think and wait, then you allow heat to come back and you can cast again a "spell". You know if there is enough energy as you feel warm or warmer and the point is done.

Spelly — 12/13/2020 9:17 AM I wonder, the point is interesting.. I know everyone is divine. so I sometimes tap into their subconscious. usually by naming them and placing them in a listing. feel free to make use of them. want the list? the list is here at Spelly — 12/13/2020 2:04 PM Akashic Meditation and Access Want know things? Use the Akashic records. Think to know what you want and access the akashic records for answers. Those are the energy reco... [11:13 AM] Spelly — 12/13/2020 3:06 PM So I learned how to make siddhi's. You take your mantra and paste it in a document ten thousand times, and then use a app to make it an image. Then you have a digital sigil of a mantra ten thousand times. which makes it a siddhi.. thats what I did.. Spelly — 12/14/2020 7:08 AM the energy; the power of the building or bioenergy of the body..this causes what you want. Focus and you can create by feel with the ohm sensation. The bioenergy; this energy comes from the body and focusing what you need, then the energy surges from the area and the body and creates what you want. [11:13 AM] Spelly — 12/16/2020 8:59 AM Machine energy changes, anyone can do it. Just state the effect and state done. Spelly — 12/16/2020 10:44 AM This is a hemp oil construct. Copy here. This makes you happy and feel good. Spelly — 12/16/2020 3:21 PM Sucking on a piece of silver has been clearing brain fog for me today. Likely other effects as well but not noticed yet Deleted User — 12/17/2020 12:32 PM To call on the energy of a number, state the number 3 times aloud and say “I call on you, insert number” [11:13 AM] Benderisgreat — 12/17/2020 5:28 PM "My body is timeless" Spelly — 12/17/2020 5:29 PM cool Spelly — 12/17/2020 5:41 PM "Heh, I have a diamond body." [11:14 AM] AoMagos — 12/19/2020 6:57 AM Invoking Heh in tandem with this is likely to increase efficacy Spelly — 12/19/2020 7:07 AM cool Spelly — 12/20/2020 3:44 PM masterless; base in idea Spelly — 12/20/2020 4:09 PM the idea; things work out by feel. en Spelly — 12/21/2020 8:06 AM lava; it's both energetic and physical. what you say and think, the energetic side of lava does by effects that manifest. here's a trick for the lava. think of energy and think it's sent to the lava and you will receive 3 times the energy back that energy is reflective of the moment and pure so need a body change? use the leyline energy to create the effect. leyline energy is lava tube energy. [11:14 AM] Ordered Chaos — 12/21/2020 11:11 AM I want spell to shoot video that is liked by people. Spelly — 12/21/2020 11:14 AM I-lek; you shoot video that is liked. enjoy! Ordered Chaos — 12/21/2020 11:18 AM Aai lek - that sounds like that? Spelly — 12/21/2020 11:18 AM yes tell if it works. Use this construct to keep your things working, except for bugs. Get your copy here. Spelly — 12/23/2020 7:45 PM If you want to ttalk to someone's soul, think of the person and talk to their soul. state some idea you want her to know as you think of them and you will speak their message to you. otherwise you will "hear" psychically, what they say. [11:15 AM] Spelly — 12/24/2020 6:31 AM \ if you need to try an attraction spell.. for your twin flame or whomever you want to be there. goto a mirror or a lit candle and state what you intend to occur. the energy of the moment is directed by the spirit and you manifest if you want to use soul magic, then think your soul does things you intend as you state what you need or want. the soul sould do what you need, if possible. there you go Spelly — 12/24/2020 7:13 AM this is I think a construct I created that will help you make easier gaming. it's a gaming construct of energy that is created by the mind. it also helps your connection. if you need it, think you copied it to yourself and feel that you have the copy. it uses heat energy to create it's effects. Spelly — 12/24/2020 7:43 AM effects; think I am unaffected by the effects that exist, if you have things you don't want to be effected by and your not effected. [11:15 AM] Spelly — 12/25/2020 12:13 PM elemental meteoroid; This is causing you to focus and imagine elemental energy as though a meteoroid, that goes and falls on a target or passes through the victim. This meteoroid can disrupt the target a bit and cause them to focus on something else. Sometimes it can cause them to collapse to the ground, if you focus intensity into the elemental energy. Spelly — 12/30/2020 7:33 AM Say, "te we" for lost sleep energy. Pronounced ten when. Spelly — 12/30/2020 4:38 PM Say this “ Deseo arreglar mis sentidos, así que sea mejor” It means, i wish to fix my sensing, so mote it be Spelly — 01/02/2021 8:07 AM casting pictures; focus on the pic and think it exists, think the art or picture creates what you intend, then you make what you desire by feel with the soul as guidance and the spirit manifesting the idea.. [11:16 AM] AoMagos — 01/03/2021 2:07 AM All-heal: Get a cup of green tea. Put some tarragon, sage and mint in. Pray and put energy into i asking that all afflictions be healed from you. [11:16 AM] Spelly — 01/03/2021 8:11 AM chakra; my chakra opens, this happens everytime I think. you will open it up.. by thinking of things to do if the crown. the crown opens up the moment that she does as it's really the brain. your focus causes the brain to activate the crown, from focusing. it's part of the spiritual system. your body has a spiritual energy flow and a physical one. So focusing on anything would activate the crown, if you focus energy you think of the area. This is anything at all. Your third eye opens if you focus energy (blood flow) to the pinneal gland. the energy intensity is what does it. you can focus blood flow to the pineal gland without knowing it. this is done by listening to chakra opening music during the day or night. it makes you think of the spots in the body without realizing it. it's amazing what chakra cleaning will do. think and your unconscious part of your brain will do what is necessary. this is a proven fact of idea. that causes blocks of the spiritual and spiritual system to dissolve as a point is thought..and your chakra points clear up so it is your energy flow. the rest of the chakra points will open up by focusing on the point and you know the release by the release of tension. anxiety goes down and things will clear up as your thinking clears up. this is done by feel, if you think of the idea you can get the chakra (blood area otherwise) to seem right by what is done. think about this for a moment, if you do things you create blood flow and your body will make the chakra points open up by thought that you have. if your chakra area is open, blood flows better and diseases disappear. that is how it works by this idea to do so you relax. [11:16 AM] Spelly — 01/04/2021 4:59 PM En th; say enth to create body energy from cellular activity. Spelly — 01/08/2021 1:23 PM tyt iw; revive the fire between you and your friend. pronounce as you want. En if; the idea is the point, think and it is done. Ordered Chaos — 01/09/2021 1:33 AM Tyr iw - Might work. I used it. Saw some progress [11:17 AM] Spelly — 01/12/2021 3:59 AM Focus and create; this is where you focus and think of things that you need, then the energy that is there creates it with the consciousness of energy making what you need. focus in idea; this is the statement and creation of the idea as your subconscious does what you intend. intimidation; the idea you think and consider, when you think of the point to make as you state the intention of the idea so your soul and spirit creates what you need. this doesn't always happen. there is a 50/50 chance of success. The more emotion adds to the success rate. presence; think of the effect and where you want it to be created, then you create what you need with the presence of yourself somewhere as the idea is suggested to be created. th en in en; the effect is a point, you think the end and then you get what you need by the idea you thought occurring. [11:17 AM] Spelly — 01/13/2021 4:39 PM the energy; the energy is the idea and your body energy that the idea brings up. so if you think to expend or use the energy up of the idea. you will reduce it in laymans terms. Spelly — 01/15/2021 12:23 PM heat magic; See you can be clearer in the mind by breathing nitrogen. the magic is the heat energy in the air that gets used up when you state and intend something. that is where the energy consciousness creates what you intend. chi by definition then, this is the energy of magic. yes the body energy is restored by the air energy that flows around the body and the energy is absorbed by the body. if the heat energy is recovered enough you can do more magic. the reason I and you can do wishes, that is because if your near a heat source. heat converts to energy that the body uses and your brain causes by thought energy in the form as waves. These waves are cast forth from the body energy, being projected creates by the consciousness of energy picking up on the thought energy what you intend. ingenious, right? that's the theory, it's up to you to prove if it works or not. [11:17 AM] Spelly — 01/16/2021 12:37 PM meditating; you can think of nothing and breathe in and out to create a peaceful feel. what you think is important you can dismiss as nothing and you cause, if meditating, calm feeling. interesting, right? this can be done, open or closed eyes. yes its a fact..this works while being active even, apparently bruce lee would meditate while jogging. Spelly — 01/17/2021 12:17 AM controlling vision; if you need to control your visions and don't want to see them, turn off your third eye and the visions end. imagine your third eye closing and think the pinneal gland is off with thinking the blood is what doesn't flow to the pinneal gland. this controls your vision. imagine your third eye open if you want to see visions again as you think blood flows to the pinneal gland. that's about it. your seeing visions of the moment, that indicate things that you will experience. so basically, what you think about is what you perceive. my teacher told me this and I could control what I thought I saw.. also if you think of what you want to see, your third eye will show you that instead. during the moment you see these visions, your third eye is open on it's's rather interesting as they were indicators of some point in the future.. interpreting the vision seemed to stop the dream sight. it was interesting. [11:18 AM] oh yeah.. since the pinneal gland is the third eye, basically. if you think blood doesn't flow to the pinneal gland your third eye closes and if you think blood flows to your pineal gland, you activate your third eye as a point of seeing a cool psychic vision of an eye in your forehead. this is a point you know, then you can create what you want by feel. what you create is what you think to see, once you have control of the third eye, then you can tell it what you want to see by thinking about the idea. there is usually something that occurs that shows what you want. focus and you control with what you intend to create as a point that is the observed idea. what you want or need, that is what it does create. this is a point you know, that seems to be there yet can be interpreted and you know what will occur. What you don't want to see, if you have control of your third eye, you won't see as you direct it to show what you want to see. this is a known effect. Spelly — 07/06/2023 11:18 AM Spelly — 01/17/2021 8:06 AM omni spatium imbris thundoris luminoct = create rain or snow storm Spelly — 01/17/2021 8:34 AM omni maximus corpus conscia trafero luminoct = body conscious shift. Spelly — 01/17/2021 8:44 AM omni maximus satis ibedum somnus de corpus emporio = instant rest and sleep. Spelly — 01/18/2021 1:26 PM you can direct what the universe creates and it will do your will. state what you need as intention. that simple. Spelly — 01/18/2021 2:05 PM heh fun thoughts failure rate; the temperature indicates failure chance. the percent chance is 10% failure with each 5 c and this means if it goes up to 100% at 50 c. When at 100% failure chance, then something will fail near or on you being nearby. if you want to do it by kelvin, then it's 278.15 k per 10% failure rate. Where it's 50% failure, then you start seeing things fail that you do. [11:18 AM] Spelly — 01/19/2021 7:50 AM ike; press like to receive a huge good karma boost. Spelly — 01/21/2021 7:28 PM poor; I am no longer poor and can get money easily. en; the point then is when I can get the idea to happen what I intend to get as results. Spelly — 01/22/2021 8:51 AM spell-making; I put on the blog how to make your own spells, in case you were curious. its really easy. think of the effect and think it occurs as you state the idea you intend to happen. feel free to write it down. the conscious energy will do it. interesting, right? Spelly — 01/22/2021 9:04 AM then; this is where you think things can happen. focus on your thought or idea and feel it happens, then it occurs by feel. [11:19 AM] Spelly — 01/23/2021 8:55 AM Weather; see the weather in your mind and you create it..if you imagine the weather the air creates with the energy and energy creates what weather you want. Spelly — 01/23/2021 12:01 PM Instant wakefulness; this is a point your instantly with enough sleep and awake. Omni maximus ibidem energia vigilantia de corpus Emporio = instan t body energy wakefulness. the cost to this is instant tiredness after it wears off in a 12 hour period of time. [11:20 AM] Zae — 01/23/2021 2:04 PM Can’t you just say it over and over again every time it wears off Spelly — 01/23/2021 2:05 PM Yes Zae — 01/23/2021 2:05 PM That way there’s no tiredness, you could stay awake forever Spelly — 01/23/2021 2:05 PM Yep Its meant as a chant. Instant energy; Instant conversion of light body with your body fat to body energy. Spelly — 01/23/2021 2:51 PM de e em; cure body by death energy directed at the diseases of the body. pronounced as "dehn ee em" in atleantian. Positive spell of alignment; Think of positive things and allow the positive energy from them come into you. Then you realign your negative feelings that cause you to get bad results to positive things and you will create creative good results instead. Sometimes with diseases, negative results are good as no results with a positive point. en [11:20 AM] Spelly — 01/23/2021 3:16 PM Think; the energy of tiredness converts by inner being to become cleansed and wakeful energy. Spelly — 01/23/2021 3:33 PM act; I act as though I got enough sleep. Zae — 01/25/2021 11:28 AM English spell that cures blindness please, should I need it @Spelly Spelly — 01/25/2021 11:30 AM En sto = create better eye sight Zae — 01/25/2021 11:33 AM How is it pronounced Spelly — 01/25/2021 11:44 AM However you want [11:21 AM] Spelly — 01/27/2021 2:35 PM here is a spell for dragon ability.. rex pua; pronounced as rex poo-ah creates dragon ability safely. Spelly — 01/27/2021 2:43 PM rax peh; manifest money. pronounced racks pen-h. Spelly — 01/30/2021 4:04 PM empathy shield; oh focus on sensing whom you want to sense, and out of the point is the idea you know. if you think of the person, not thinking of the name you block out their feel. that's how it works. if you do what you want as you don't think of them, thhey aren't alerted to your need and they don't feel your thoughts. this is basically an empathy shield. when you need something and think about the person, they will feel like doing what you intend. its fascinating. you basically aren't effected by what they feel or think. if you are efffected, then get them thinking about something else other than you. then you aren't feeling their direct idea. otherwise you feel what you feel and do what you know is right. also, if you think it doesn't effect you, then the subconscious causes that point to no longer effect or concern you. [11:21 AM] Spelly — 01/30/2021 5:26 PM Astronomer Parke Kunkle tells NBC news that due to the Earth’s changing alignment in the last 3000 years, the sign you are born into now are different if your use is fair treatment for ideal that they are aware of more than they were long ago. Plus astronomers believe there is a 13th Zodiac sign called Ophiuchus, which falls between Scorpio and Sagittarius. “This is not something that happened today. This has gone on for thousands of years,” says Kunkle. “Because of this change of tilt, the Earth is really over here in effect and Sun is in a different constellation than it was 3,000 years ago.” The constellation of Ophiuchus is located near the celestial equator and is typically depicted as a man wrangling a serpent. “Ophiuchus” means “serpent-bearer” in Greek. There are several different characters from Greek mythology that Ophiuchus is thought to represent, including Asclepius the healer, Trojan priest Laocoon, who was killed by sea serpents and Phorbas, who saved the people of Rhodes from an infestation of serpents. The sign Ophiuchus can be found in the Sidereal Zodiac, which is used by Jyotish (or Hindu) astrologers. The Sidereal Zodiac’s astrological sign dates are what is listed below and they are based on a moving Zodiac, not the fixed one we use today in Western astrology. Therefore, that Zodiac has shifted almost one full sign from the fixed zodiac. [11:21 AM] So astrology enthusiasts should technically be using these dates, yet astronomy is which reflect the current alignment of the Sun, Earth and stars. There is elements that exist with a thought, so when the signs were assigned elements they were with what this uses. As the signs that change according to a changing or floating date: Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius; Water: Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Ophiuchus; Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius; Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Capricorn: January 21 – February 16 with the element of earth Aquarius: February 17 – March 11 with the element of air Pisces: March 12 – April 18 with the element of water Aries: April 19 – May 13 with the element of fire Taurus: May 14 – June 21 with the element of earth Gemini: June 22 – July 20 with the element of air Cancer: July 21 – August 10 with the element of water Leo: August 11 – September 16 with the element of fire Virgo: September 17 – October 30 with the element of earth Libra: October 31 – November 23 with the element of air Scorpio: November 24 – November 29 with the element of water Ophiuchus: November 30 – December 17 with the element of water Sagittarius: December 18 – January 20 with the element of fire [11:22 AM] We have to say — we’ve always enjoyed being a Libra, it suits our personality very well. So we aren’t sure we’re ready to be a Virgo. See do you know any Ophiuchuses? (Ophiuchi?) I think this is just by feel that the signs change or thinking, as you think of the rotational ideal. According to the Minnesota Planetarium Society, here is where the real signs of the Zodiac should fall. Get ready for your world to change forever. Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16. Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11. Pisces: March 11-April 18. Aries: April 18-May 13. Taurus: May 13-June 21. Gemini: June 21-July 20. Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10. Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16. Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30. Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23. Scorpio: Nov. 23-29. Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17. Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20. there you go [11:22 AM] Spelly — 02/01/2021 3:48 PM think of what you want as you intend to create the idea..stating 'em driv' and that is pronounced "emm dr-ihn-v" to create what you need. calmness; I think I created a calm/happiness spell, it'll definitely be useful to me if I need to calm down. And the actual spell is am-da-vah. Spelly — 02/02/2021 7:55 AM thi mai; think this and you make a point and the thought comes true. this is any thought you intend. thi mai is pronounced, "thin my" Spelly — 02/02/2021 11:58 PM energy expelling; this is where you focus the body energy outward and think to work or do things. that is done by the focus of energy and upraising your arms as you think your super in body shape with powers that come to exist. this turns your hair color brighter and your energy is up there by feel. basically, your energy boosted with the ability to move quicker and you're stronger by idea. [11:22 AM] Spelly — 02/06/2021 8:23 AM higher consciousness; think your higher self helps you achieve higher consciousness. state under your breath or out loud, "higher self, help me create what I need and intend to make happen." thinking that you achieve your need. this will cause what you need as you intend to get a result. think the result is higher consciousness. then you achieve higher consciousness easier. so assuming that i have the results already as in feeling is the secret. you will know by feel what the results are by idea. Spelly — 02/06/2021 2:39 PM in en in the en; this is the end of the effect.. seeya around. Spelly — 02/06/2021 3:23 PM psych up; this is a point you say, then the subconscious creates what you intend to create. Spelly — 02/06/2021 7:15 PM well the spell is, "ye ment in" thinking of the chicken and the chicken improves in health. [11:23 AM] Spelly — 02/06/2021 7:30 PM magic; think of deep blue energy and think it does what you intend. then you get a result as you speak of the idea. it's not foolproof. this is magic as the consciousness of energy. Spelly — 02/07/2021 3:30 AM power object; this power object is an object you think about doing what you want or need. As you intend it to create results, the energy in the object creates what you intend by the consciousness of energy. This includes influencing what is nearby into creating results by the reaction. So think of what you want, touch the object and you create the result you feel will occur. Spelly — 02/07/2021 3:43 AM thought spell; the thinking spell is where you think of things to create the effect by the energy itself that you feel "spikes" as it gets colder when it works.. Spelly — 02/07/2021 1:20 PM thought effect; the point is done, if you need anything more just ask. enjoy.. Spelly — 02/07/2021 5:01 PM past lives; wanna know more of that past life? think you remember the past life as you focus and breath in and out and close your eyes to "see" the past life with your third eye. it will come as a glimpse. then a memory that you can explore with the power of the third eye. do that for dreams that are past lives I think this works, work on it and you can do it. [11:23 AM] Spelly — 02/08/2021 7:11 AM thinning potion; use any type of water like purified or tap, then mix with the water celery seed and paprika. then drink thinking it will have effects that you wanted. thin women weight potion; mix curry powder, celery seed and paprika with water and drink after focusing thoughts to charge the water. heal = ultimate healing. this heals the body, soul and mind. state the word to get the effect. the energy consciousness does the idea. Spelly — 02/08/2021 4:04 PM choco diriva = chocolate fix and creative idea otherwise chiki dovovan = green thumb effect. Spelly — 02/08/2021 5:55 PM chici create; the point is the idea you get what you need, this works for stimulus checks. [11:23 AM] Spelly — 02/09/2021 3:09 AM chic chikki; the process is thus, think of the poit and you get a result made by the spirit and soul, that guides the moment and this moment ends by feel with the moment disappearing as though it weren't done. Spelly — 02/09/2021 1:50 PM t = time effect..think of the effect and the time happens for that idea. Spelly — 02/09/2021 2:49 PM heal others; this is used to heal others as you think of the person or people, then state under your breath "heal others" and feel it will happen. then by regeneration, the body recovers. Spelly — 02/11/2021 6:40 AM its easy to do a leyline spell think of a result you want, then feel the leyline will create that in a manifestation as you state a word of command. stating the word under your breath and quietly works as well. [11:24 AM] Spelly — 02/13/2021 2:35 AM warthunder effect; basically, I strike or someone strikes and the strike against someone is creating thunder by a released energy that escapes into the sky and you can think the thunder to hit the ground. This is where you need it to hit, otherwise it hits anywhere. Spelly — 02/13/2021 3:03 AM heat effect; think of the energy of the hit or interaction, that creates the point of warmth. Deleted User — 02/13/2021 3:04 AM I know HEAT as High Explosive Anti Tank shell Spelly — 02/13/2021 3:04 AM cold effect; think the non interaction, that causes the effect of coldness. haha had to put those interesting [11:24 AM] Spelly — 02/13/2021 4:04 AM electicity; active interchange of heat with idea and an effect thought that is an spoken idea. war math; the chaos math, that is 3 expected results, 3 unwanted results and 3 unexpected results. this is an interesting effect. Spelly — 02/13/2021 4:30 AM tired; tired of something. active; no longer tired by feel. this is done with suggestion, that your "not tired of something." Then your active again with idea. stress; stress is an anachronism that means your are with energy and realize why enough to work with the idea. Spelly — 02/13/2021 4:39 AM water; this is a wave of energy, that is a thought of the concept or the point of stress and creation with heat. the liquid form of heat and moisture by feel. wind; wind up of something. fire; intensified heat or intense action. earth; the dirt or rocky surface you stand on. [11:25 AM] Spelly — 02/13/2021 4:51 AM body energy; what you eat or drink. bioelectricity; what you focus your mind to create with body energy. affirmation; statements and idea you think to create a point with a positive or understood feel. understanding; not hit or no longer hit by feel. Spelly — 02/13/2021 4:59 AM weather; use a bit of heat with coldness and you can get a weather effect, where you think the point is done. channeling; this where you channel or focus the energy of the area and the body to create with an idea. Spelly — 02/13/2021 5:08 AM music; the event you watch or listen to by feel. stimulus; stimulation of the body or the funding you need. [11:25 AM] Spelly — 02/13/2021 5:21 AM relaxing; the statement of the word "relaxing" in english, this leaves you relaxed. shift; time effect where actions and events occur. frequency adjustment; the frequency gotten by experimention. it makes you aware of things and changes happen by the thought they do. heightening; height increase is think your taller and feel the vertabrae in your back stretch. you really can't go taller than allowed by the expansion of the vertabrae. this lasts a few minutes to a few hours. strength gain; strength is where you either work out or focus energy (in whatever form) to the point of thinking your strengthening your body. Spelly — 02/13/2021 5:31 AM heightened; improved senses. meditation; focus and creativity by statement, that you intend to create with the feel you get by doing it. plane; dimension or world sight viewing; seeing the area you think to see with the spirit showing your soul what is there and the area is realized by insight. Spelly — 07/06/2023 11:25 AM Spelly — 02/13/2021 5:48 AM bounce; the going to and from places in existence or going to and from a point. Spelly — 02/13/2021 6:19 AM focus; the focus on the plane that allows it's consciousness to perceive and do things somewhere. Spelly — 02/14/2021 6:28 AM mind flaw; see for the point.. say you were suspected of things, and they were focused on you.. if you spoke something off the wall like, "what do you think of the weather we have?" then they would blink their eyes and then remember that idea as a point with forgotten suspician. Spelly — 02/17/2021 7:37 AM pocket creation; think the idea exists as though in it's own dimension that exists in your pocket. then attempt something to create the idea. so this means it possible to create everything. except things in a pocket dimension aren't really in physical reality. tell your results. [11:25 AM] Spelly — 02/19/2021 4:07 PM spirit aid: I have a spirit helper, that likes helping people out. it's called nori. think of nori and state or think of what you want. then you can get it's help. Deleted User — 02/19/2021 5:57 PM Cool! Will try out . Thanks. [11:26 AM] pelly — 02/20/2021 2:19 PM fait = increase faith and well being. said however you need to say it. Ordered Chaos — 02/20/2021 2:20 PM Thanks [11:26 AM] Spelly — 02/21/2021 6:11 PM I AM void meditation; This is where you get cooled down and created idea by stating "I AM" and then use it like a mantra where you repeat the phrase as you think of "nothing" where your breathing in and out. If stressed, breathe slowly in and out until the stress disappears. This also causes you to think, become composed, and work things out by feel of voice. That is the voice of reasoning, so think and you know what to do. Spelly — 02/21/2021 6:44 PM I AM meditation II; What you do is you just say I AM in your head. This is done over and over again, and just focus on yourself and I AM. That is done for a long period of time daily and then you get into a very powerful state called I AM. This is where you can sometimes almost do anything. My experience with it is I've been able to manifest very fast or some scenarios very fast. So if your wish or manifestation gets granted. See to use it carefully. [11:28 AM] Spelly — 02/24/2021 9:26 PM the inward spiral is my atleantian symbol.. it reduces by feel. I think it works on illnesses too as always, I am interested in what you think and experience with them.. gonna go rest now.. ciou Deleted User — 02/24/2021 9:30 PM How long will it take to work @Spelly? Spelly — 02/24/2021 9:30 PM instances they are timeless actually so I think moments [11:28 AM] Zae — 03/09/2021 12:58 PM I need a Latin healing spell @Spelly Zae — 03/09/2021 1:02 PM NOW please Spelly — 03/09/2021 2:06 PM Omni hydro Emporio Spelly — 03/12/2021 4:13 PM these are essences of the mermaid, pixie (mean spirited trickster) and light faery said as you want to say them.. mermaid=ecta mae mer merman=ecta mermana light faery=ecta lit fee abl red haired pixie faery=ecta pixia done [11:29 AM] Spelly — 03/12/2021 6:00 PM the'm; the children of faery. Spelly — 03/14/2021 6:06 PM To reverse a tarot card that's negative. Think about the positive meaning and state "unless positive". Then, the positive event will happen instead. Spelly — 03/16/2021 10:34 AM Manifestation ability; Thknk of what you need and want the idea manifested, then you create it with the power of the spirit and soul. Sometimes its not instant, yet Is that like whatever you want, that you find or create by your energy that's there. Spelly — 03/25/2021 5:43 PM manifestation; Think of what you want and state out loud, "make what I want and need" as you think of the want as a need. this is using the subconscious mind and the point of creating by the spirit or soul making your want with the subconscious guiding your point. it's unlimited and you don't really need a subliminal. [11:31 AM] ༆ 𝕃𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕪 — 03/28/2021 3:00 PM Can someone please help me with a spell that’ll give me faster subliminal results? A spell that’ll give me a positive mindset wouldn’t be so bad either. ^^ I’m using mermaid subliminals and I have a lot of limiting beliefs that I want to get rid of. Spelly — 03/28/2021 3:13 PM oh wish it you might have to be specific. Spelly — 03/28/2021 3:28 PM however, a stated "spe fx" pronounced speh f-x will also do the trick. ༆ 𝕃𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕪 — 03/28/2021 3:35 PM So I’m going to get faster subliminal results if I say “spence f-x”? Spelly — 03/28/2021 3:37 PM yes actually.. its speh [11:32 AM] Spelly — 03/30/2021 3:05 PM I have a spell that keeps people from getting on here, if they intend to cause unnecessary drama or bad things. It is a stated, "thiu" pronounced th-ihn-euww sleepy lark — 03/30/2021 3:08 PM nice! Spelly — 03/30/2021 3:09 PM Feel free to use it sleepy lark — 03/30/2021 3:09 PM oh btw does anybody have any tips for when trying to summon entities or spirits? Spelly — 03/30/2021 3:09 PM Oh yes Don't think of personal things as you do the summons [11:32 AM] Ordered Chaos — 04/01/2021 1:36 PM I have sigils Deleted User — 04/01/2021 1:38 PM Post them then Spelly — 04/01/2021 1:39 PM I wanna see Spelly — 07/06/2023 11:33 AM [11:34 AM] Ordered Chaos — 04/01/2021 1:41 PM How do I super charge them I drew them before printing Deleted User — 04/01/2021 1:41 PM Sun or moon energy Spelly — 04/01/2021 1:42 PM Thknk they are super charged [11:34 AM] Spelly — 04/01/2021 3:03 PM focus, think and create; this is the gemeral underlying manifest ability behind whatever point is made or thought created by the spirit directed by the soul. This is a point in idea, you focus your mind by a thought, think your intended idea and create the result. this is how much of magic works. so feel free to say what you need to get what you desire. hihi Spelly — 04/02/2021 7:36 AM void meditation.. think of the point as nonimportant and you create a moment of meditation when you dismiss the idea. Then think nothing and do things by feel. [11:35 AM] Spelly — 04/06/2021 9:36 PM rock and crystal manifestation; if you think to it what you need it to do as you hold it, it will do what you intend. it's consciousness is what does it using the rocks energy. that's how it makes a manifest by feel. Semen; Semen retention is enabling people to be able to have kids as it makes more ability to get things done. it basically is this.. the amount of focus you have, that is related to how much semen you have. if you can focus on a magic need you can get a manifest easier. sooo. to clarify, semen retention is the same as focusing. what you focus on has energy and this energy comes from you or some other source. this energy is with a point that you think and that is what the energy does by the power of your soul and that works better as potency is there. this potency is made from generated semen and you don't use up your source by jacking off Spelly — 04/07/2021 9:38 AM Unjui = essence of unicorn Pronounced as you feel it should be. Spelly — 04/07/2021 3:50 PM some magic; statement of a phrase or word, thinking it will do things causes the subconscious to create it. umm = conscious awareness shift eddi = relative area shift in a realm. heh = smooths things over and creates a point of dopamine in the brain. ocus creatis = create with focus hello = relaxing fomni acio brastes = create earthquake omni facio coeleste charismaticum = create supernatural charisma omni facio spiritus muto = that is make life change where it creates a life change. youtube; listen to youtube, think the energy wave will create what you need as a point is a result while you listen to youtube. some statements of "make" or any power word repeated for 5 seconds to 1 minute as you think of what you want and listen to music, that also works. [11:35 AM] Deleted User — 04/09/2021 8:23 AM Detachment- This is crucial in your magical journey. Whenever you try to manifest something, have the guts to let go and let it be. Because when you think of something you emit a portion of your energy into it, and that causes the effect. But if you send out more (in other words --- too focused or attached to the results) , it doesn't usually come back because that magic that was manifested then gets pushed away/blocks the manifestations from coming and it returns back to the creator. Causing you disappointment when you made that mistake by being too attached to the results of your manifestation/wish. Lmk if it does make sense or not, I can try go into details with the help of @Zae or @Spelly and @Deleted User ofc. They are well beyond my experience in magic. Thank you It’s always good to keep moving energy towards something, like wishing for something everyday. But it’s when attachment fear or worries come in about the manifestation itself that it can be blocked. You’re on the right line Spelly — 04/09/2021 1:50 PM The results of energization.. taking water in or swallowing your spittle restores some energy. taking the hemp oil in with water restores alot of energy. touching buttcrack oil restores energy for 20 minutes (don't mind the smell). this can lead to whooziness after the effect is done. taking in too much hemp oil can cause sleep. the weight of the self, that causes you to sleep more the more weight you have. [11:35 AM] Spelly — 04/09/2021 3:19 PM 32 - AL-HA-LEAM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be protected from natural disasters Personal power you will gain: You will have power to remove evil from everywhere that you go 36 - AL-ALI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain respect and success in your endeavors Personal power you will gain: You will have power to attract your desires weird entity Spelly — 04/15/2021 12:14 PM Reality shifting; the process is simple, visualize the reality you are going to be in and affirm you are already there, this works while relaxing and staying as still as possible. [11:39 AM] Tim — 04/15/2021 12:22 PM plus having a clear mind you don't really need a script for reality scripting but its good to have one, like add protection in your script or certain things you could need like maybe give yourself powers to protect yourself or never be hungry or thirsty type thing and something as a safeword which means when you say it in your desired reality you go back to your current reality which is this one, Spelly — 04/15/2021 1:41 PM cool Spelly — 04/18/2021 8:02 AM Vibes in exercise; the higher t he vibrations the Slimmer you are, this includes sound vibrations and movement too. I believe the car or any vehicle with an engine's vibes are able to slim you down, this is because of the cars vibes from its moving parts and magnetic field raises your own vibes in the body from a bounce of vibrations on your body. That makes you untraceable to psychic skills as the higher the vibes of your vibrations the less likely to your senses is detection. This calms you down and you can sometimes remain unaltered by feel. [11:40 AM] storm magic; make a fist and think of what you want as you state the idea you intend. try turning aside the storm. if nothing happens with the storm not occuring some rain or disappating away the clouds.. then it worked. yet, its not instant, otherwise.. make a fist and think the rain won't come. if anything happening? The rain abated, Your will caused the energy of t he sky to reduce or not have rain. Oh yeah, you can cause lightning to strike wherever i want it to if I pleased.. think of the area when a storm is there and imagine the lightning strike somewhere as you feel the energy of the storm. sometimes if you point to the area with your hand, the lightning will strike there. However, that took several tries for me to do though. So try it if you want something to do. Spelly — 07/06/2023 11:40 AM For those that have difficulty with it, here is an easier form of manifest.. Manifest; Yet that takes practice. You can manifest whatever you wish into existence. Your soul creates it using your subconscious. This works by feel or idea you notice. State what you need as you want it. Then you sometimes create with a manifest. Oh with manifesting, you can manifest any power, if possible. All you really need is the manifest ability. How long does it take to manifest? 1 day to a year. What would take a day and which would take a year? The major effects like a creation of a volcanic eruption is 1 year or less. The controlling of weather, is moments. Things that might affect you (flight, teleport, other powers) or things that change a lot are quick, if possible. Things that affect the whole planet and are hard to happen (yellowstone) take longer. See if possible, and might effect you they are quick. As always, there is always a 50% chance of success with powers and magic. [11:41 AM] Spelly — 04/26/2021 4:19 PM Divine ability; If you think of what you want as a need.. t hen state the idea. Then you will get a result as you think it worked. Spelly — 04/26/2021 5:42 PM fish; fishing is fun.. that is asking a question and having your subconscious answer it. this can be in the form of self-answering and otherwise something else happening to indicate the answer it had you aware of by feel. Tim — 04/26/2021 5:50 PM Thanks for all the spells and magic Spelly — 04/26/2021 5:53 PM when it comes to me, then it is written. that's all I will say. [11:41 AM] Spelly — 04/29/2021 2:36 PM Focusing; Focus on a point and then you can make use of the energy by the subconscious creating the point you need if to create what you want. This is a point done by focusing. Spelly — 05/01/2021 2:10 PM focus ability; if positive and your focused, then whatever will go right goes correct as you manifest results. if negative in focus, whatever you think about might happen as a bad event. this is where whatever you focus upon, could go wrong if meant to go wrong by intent. intention sets anything that creates by feel with the power of the spirit or soul. the soul can shift to create what you want, so think and you know what to do.

Spelly — 07/06/2023 11:42 AM viv — 05/12/2021 2:19 PM Kk, do you have any shifting tips? I've been trying to shift since November Spelly — 05/12/2021 2:20 PM oh.. yes ask your soul.. viv — 05/12/2021 2:20 PM How tf do I do that Spelly — 05/12/2021 2:21 PM state under your breath "soul, help me shift easier." intending your soul to shift you. viv — 05/12/2021 2:21 PM Ooo, ok, I just did it [11:42 AM] Spelly — 05/12/2021 2:22 PM cool what you feel after you state it is importat.. if you feel any sensations along your body, then you are starting to shift. viv — 05/12/2021 2:23 PM I feel kinda warm,, does that count? Spelly — 05/12/2021 2:23 PM yes your soul is working with the body you might black out and come to.. that means you shifted and returned. viv — 05/12/2021 2:25 PM Does it happen on its own? Spelly — 05/12/2021 2:25 PM yes viv — 05/12/2021 2:25 PM That's super cool, can I use this with a method? [11:43 AM] Spelly — 05/12/2021 2:25 PM most likely when you sleep. yes viv — 05/12/2021 2:25 PM Do I need a method, or is doing this enough? Spelly — 05/12/2021 2:26 PM it's enough [11:43 AM] Spelly — 05/12/2021 2:27 PM oh yeah, you will remember what you did in flashbacks and dreams viv — 05/12/2021 2:29 PM Hm? Wdym Spelly — 05/12/2021 2:30 PM brain recall is interesting.. what you do after you shift is sometimes recalled in dreams. it's like your dreaming, yet one step further. most dimensions look alike. so you could shift and not know it as it looks the same, yet things can happen differently. it's fascinating how alternatives can exist.. they are called parrallel realities, too you can sometimes tell the different alternatives by the energy feel. [11:43 AM] Spelly — 05/12/2021 2:31 PM you almost always return.. it's fascinating. if anything is wrong or bad you realize what you did immediately.. viv — 05/12/2021 2:33 PM Oo, interesting [11:44 AM] Spelly — 05/13/2021 6:41 AM to-kun; deep revival spell. Spelly — 05/14/2021 6:36 PM Electrolytes; the electrolytes of the body respond to the waves of energy and depending on the energy type, they either expand the body due to heat or cause the body to shrink down in size. This is due to cool air. The idea is useful to know, because the thoughts you have are considered as it is conditioned to the thoughts of the moment. This is an effect in itself. The electrolytes are produced by the body and if used up, they can be replaced by drinking Gatorade. This is a known effect. Ordered Chaos — 05/15/2021 8:22 AM Receive seemingly impossible love Spelly — 05/15/2021 8:29 AM De-in; you will receive impossible love by stating the spell. [11:44 AM] Spelly — 05/19/2021 7:53 PM divine; if you think of what you want and consider the person as though divine, then state what you want. You will get what results that you need by the power of their subconscious and soul. This makes the creator do things by feel, if they don't do things that you need. Spelly — 05/20/2021 4:21 AM anti-succubus charm; the charm is gotten by stating: "a-suc" for anti-succubus. said any way you like. Spelly — 05/21/2021 3:49 AM alter energy; this energy comes from crystals and the point of usage by focusing your energy through the crystal. When you use any crystal to do this, you cause yourself to always feel good and then you act better by the energy released by the crystal. The effect for men is a boner that doesn't fade away and there's an orgasm as well for men and women. So think and you can create with the energy, think about what you want and the energy creates by crystalline manifestation. [11:44 AM] Spelly — 05/22/2021 12:27 PM copy it; thinking "copy it" causes your mind to create the effect you need for you where you are needing it. Spelly — 05/25/2021 5:46 PM kinetic weightloss; the moment you move about is the moment that the weight drops away from you. this is the en. in kinetic weightloss, your movement creates a body change and that makes you lose weight. This includes rubbing an area with a towel to cause a reaction of the body to lower the stomach, per say. Spelly — 05/26/2021 1:56 PM focus; the point you do is the point you know. so think and you can create what you think by feel. Spelly — 05/26/2021 6:26 PM pyrokinesis; think your focusing heat and fire energy at some point on the wall or surface. then when a dark spot appears on the surface..stop or you can cause the area to burst into fire with more intense focus. [11:45 AM] Spelly — 05/26/2021 6:34 PM cyrokinesis; think of coldness that forms as a cold area on a surface, freezing out fire and water particles in the area. Spelly — 06/02/2021 2:04 PM fire bending; think as you focus on a candle flame or a dark spot on the wall to spiritually absorb some of it's energy, then focus at a surface or wall spot to to cause a dark spot or fire where you think it should be. the fire will happen after you focus on a suddenly appearing dark spot or pattern enough time and feel intense. Spelly — 06/02/2021 2:53 PM Air bending; focus on the air or sky, then think of what you want as a need, the effect should flare up by feel with the manifest using some heat energy in the air to make it realized. Deleted User — 06/02/2021 3:01 PM Cool Spelly — 06/02/2021 3:07 PM Earth bending; focus on the area to effect. Think of the idea for the earth to make. Then with an earthen scent the area should manifest what you intend. Water bending; think of what you want and need the water to do and then get near a running stream of it. The water will get colder as you imagine the effect. This causes the water on focus to some surface a darkened wet spot. However, moisture can collect on the bottom of a cup from the air as you hold a blue moonstone. [11:45 AM] Spelly — 06/02/2021 3:26 PM electricity bending; be near an electrical source. think of what effect you want to manifest and feel it form as you imagine what you intend to create it by manifestation. this might happen if you think it does, unless you need it to not be obvious. then the effect is somewhere you "find" it is there. this will take a few tries, so don't give up until you get tired of trying. Where can you find a electrical source? Your near one right now. Otherwise it's an electrical outlet, or area where the electrical device runs. The best source is the power converter. Spelly — 06/02/2021 3:46 PM bio bending; this is where you think to use your body energy as a source, then focus as you imagine or think of the idea. Need the idea or think it will occur to happen and as you imagine the result, the effect you need will happen by the power of the soul.(edited) done Spelly — 06/11/2021 7:27 PM affirmations; if you repeat the affirmation in your mind, over and over for a certain length of time. Then, you can get a result with the body through the subconscious interactions. This is an interesting result, if you use "I gain money." or "I manifest results I would want." So think and you know what to do. [11:45 AM] Spelly — 06/11/2021 7:58 PM death note; this uses a death god that collects death and decay energy as a source, that creates what you write or rite by you thinking it does get created by manifest. if when the death god is done doing things for you, the device or notepad that you wrote on gets destroyed unless you ward away the destruction of the device by feel or notepad if in writing. if not, then the person dies instead horrendously. I highly suggest not doing this unless you have a death wish. [11:46 AM] ❁ Terraofthechosen — 06/11/2021 7:58 PM Let’s NOT do that Spelly — 06/11/2021 8:00 PM yes.. definitely not here is a safer version..without the death god ❁ Terraofthechosen — 06/11/2021 8:05 PM Let’s not use death notes at all That’s like giving a murderer keys to the city [11:46 AM] Spelly — 06/11/2021 8:07 PM targeted necromatic death energy; think you focus the death and decay energy of the cells to some area to do do what you want. This can break down fat cells or diseases so you "cure" the illness. that doesn't use a death note it's a bit painful yet works glu — 06/11/2021 8:09 PM i did necromancy stuff in oblivion once it was like annoying Spelly — 06/11/2021 8:10 PM oho [11:47 AM] Spelly — 06/12/2021 3:49 PM haha I figured out this.. the death god really is your 6th dimensional self. that can create results when you think of the idea. however the 6th is so deadly at it's basic level that it kills anything living there. [11:47 AM] Spelly — 06/12/2021 3:56 PM I believe the death note really is when the 6th dimension acts on a target with self-seeking death energy. so in reality, its not real [11:48 AM] Spelly — 06/13/2021 5:21 PM Lifenote; this uses life energy or event energy to create what is made by writing it up or creating with the creator making the idea if needed and intended as the power of words. [11:48 AM] Tim — 06/15/2021 12:43 PM mhm are the spells tested? or magic tested Spelly — 06/15/2021 12:44 PM Yes Its proven to work on certain people with good subconscious connections. It doesn't happen results most the time of aggravation Thats about it Spelly — 06/15/2021 3:03 PM Its in there; the point you make is somewhere listed. so think and you know what is what. [11:48 AM] Spelly — 06/24/2021 4:32 PM relaxer shift; I am aware that things work by relaxing. so think of what you want as you state "relaxing" and this can be under your breathe. Then what you think will happen by feel. enjoy!' Spelly — 06/24/2021 4:48 PM spell prayer; this is a prayer to your God or lesser lord and that creates what you want.. especially if you say your need to a candle, nightlight or battery powered candle like a prayer. This is "make what I need or intend." thinking of what you need. Spelly — 06/24/2021 5:10 PM water spell; think of what you want or need and intend. Then mix in the idea with an ingredient put to water. This works if you drink or not drink the drink. AoMagos — 06/26/2021 12:03 AM pisax tehnucbyro Try it and tell me what notice? Spelly — 07/06/2023 11:49 AM Spelly — 06/26/2021 7:11 AM visions of great events and my body changing. Deleted User — 06/26/2021 7:22 AM YouTube Enchanted Workshop ₊·❝Heart Of Gold {Personality+Life} ·|| audio sub⋆࿐໋listen once☽ [11:49 AM] Deleted User — 06/26/2021 7:24 AM YouTube Sunny Subliminals Dragon Phoenix Hybrid Subliminal, Double Subliminal Power 2 In 1 [11:50 AM] Spelly — 06/26/2021 12:18 PM Easy magic; Want an easy magic effect? Think of what you want to get and need the effect of manifest as you are stating your need and intent. Wait for the result after you state your need. You will notice the idea after your soul or spirit makes it manifest into existence. Spelly — 06/26/2021 5:50 PM fist magic; this is holding a fist with your hand and allow the fist to draw in heat energy. think of what you want and state the idea you intend to manifest. this is manifested by feel at some point. you know when it's manifested by what you notice by idea or feel. AoMagos — 06/27/2021 5:21 AM Body changing in what way? What kind of great events? Spelly — 06/27/2021 8:25 AM becoming more feminine like the end of america and it becoming a kingdom. [11:50 AM] Spelly — 06/27/2021 9:06 AM interesting result as I saw american democracy end and the kingdom emerge. I definitely don't want to live at that time. Spelly — 06/28/2021 2:51 PM interesting; the result is different, think and you know what to do. curious; curiosity is served by feel with idea that it is done. Spelly — 06/28/2021 3:09 PM passion; the point is created by the soul and spirit. that's if you think it is. Spelly — 06/28/2021 3:20 PM grateful; it seem that people will speak on a server so its good if they speak on in here. [11:53 AM] Spelly — 06/29/2021 8:06 AM Thinking; the point is interest, interesting idea is a point in activity. Think and you know what to do. Spelly — 06/29/2021 11:00 AM Subconscious magic; subconscious suggestion works good. So good you merely need to state the idea and intend it to manifest things. It needs more than just stating it once in your head. You need to affirm it several times at least during the day. Spelly — 07/13/2021 6:57 PM The focused magic; think of the idea you intend to create. then think energy goes to the area or target. the thoughts you send to the energy should program the energy and the thoughts create themselves as you think it is programming to do. Spelly — 07/18/2021 5:59 AM Think; the thought is awareness, if you think in en the person is alive then they live. So if you think that they aren't alive then if they die on the spot and aren't alive after the fact they weren't meant to be alive by the power of the subconscious. This is the power of thought with thinking about the point and idea you need to create a desired result. [11:53 AM] Spelly — 07/18/2021 7:41 AM shifting and respawning; Shifting is just you switching your conscious awareness to another 'reality' while respawning is more permanent where you literally die and permanently move your awareness to another reality. Then there is the body energy represented by a food and drink level. The food and drink you embibe is what has energy and that can allow you to enter into other spaces. The more you drink or eat, the more your there consciously. The moment that you are below a certain level, the moment you are back to the "normal" world. This means that you can shift to places, yet you need food or drink to remain there. [11:53 AM] ThunderGladiator — 07/28/2021 8:43 AM Fehu: Aries 23 Degree ----> Taurus 8 Degree Uruz: Taurus 23 Degree ----> Gemini 8 Degree Thurisaz: Capricorn 8 Degree -----> Capricorn 23 Degree * Pure Cap (Fixed) Ansuz: Gemini 8 Degree -----> Gemini 23 Degree * Pure Gemini (Fixed) Raidho: Saggitarius 8 Degree -----> Saggitarius 23 Degree * Pure Saggitarius Kenaz: Leo 23 Degree -----> Virgo 8 Degree Gebo: Libra 8 Degree -----> Libra 23 Degree * Pure Libra (Fixed) Wunjo: Cancer 23 Degree -----> Leo 8 Degree Hagalaz: Libra 23 Degree -----> Scorpio 8 Degree Nauthiz: Cancer 8 Degree -----> Cancer 23 Degree * Pure Cancer (Fixed) Isa: Virgo 23 Degree -----> Libra 8 Degree Jera: Virgo 8 Degree -----> Virgo 23 Degree *Pure Virgo (Fixed) Eihwaz: Scorpio 23 Degree -----> Saggitarius 8 Degree Perthro: Scorpio 8 Degree -----> Scorpio 23 Degree *Pure Scorpio (Fixed) Algiz: Aquarius 8 Degree -----> Aquarius 23 Degree *Pure Aqua (Fixed) Sowilo: Leo 8 Degree -----> Leo 23 Degree *Pure Leo (Fixed) Tiwaz: Aries 8 Degree -----> Aries 23 Degree *Pure Aries (Fixed) Berkano: Pisces 23 Degree -----> Aries 8 Degree Ehwaz: Saggitarius 23 Degree -----> Capricorn 8 Degree Mannaz: Aquarius 23 Degree -----> Pisces 8 Degree Laguz: Pisces 8 Degree -----> Pisces 23 Degree * Pure Pisces (Fixed) Inguz: Capricorn 23 Degree -----> Aquarius 8 Degree Dagaz: Gemini 23 Degree -----> Cancer 8 Degree Othala: Taurus 8 Degree -----> Taurus 23 Degree *Pure Taurus (Fixed) [11:54 AM] Spelly — 08/05/2021 6:58 PM reduce pain and swelling; say.. red pan pronounced "reed pain" Spelly — 08/07/2021 4:48 PM create for yourself idea; this is a point that makes things better as it creates what you want with what you intend as you make some effect. Thinking about it, there is a point your soul or spirit makes what you want by making what you need. However, there are those times that the spell doesn't happen. So if it doesn't occur, then things can be payed for and you can still get results. XcrapttS 先輩 — 08/10/2021 5:34 AM a technique for hurting someone Get a part of someone like hair,saliva,blood Then feel it connect to its complete set(body) either heating up,shocking,stoping,freezing or any other deranged idea you can think of [11:54 AM] Deleted User — 08/10/2021 1:00 PM Kinda works with a technique I messed with in a trance but I just touched their skin, I mixed it with static electricity too and after I did that I did it across the room XD I was only testing it out and she enjoyed it a bit, but it did start hurting her so I stopped Spelly — 08/10/2021 1:01 PM cool Spelly — 08/10/2021 1:11 PM A technique for changing people; think of the person as you hold their item you got. Imagine them doing something or changing as you hold it and they do. Spelly — 08/11/2021 2:24 PM the like button; the like button will cause a site to be liked.. no matter how many likes, there is magic possible. Think of a person and hit the like button and they will like what you do. Magic! they will like things and you can get them to like you too. Spelly — 08/11/2021 3:52 PM biol; improve the progress you have and the conditions walong with it. state the biol word and you get a result. this is pronounced as you want. [11:54 AM] Spelly — 08/17/2021 12:25 PM Gord just no=stop stuffing your face. Exer is=exercise Spelly — 08/22/2021 5:06 PM This is all in a quick point of manifest. "Able to make a point" in this context means able to manifest a thought. Will the effect by thinking of something like generating money, where your thought is creating the effect and thinking your god makes it happen creatively. I call it the power of words. The more you repeat the idea the more it manifests. This is for quicker manifestation, if you intend the manifest to be quick. If you don't mind the wait, then do it however you want. Ordered Chaos — 08/26/2021 11:47 PM Generate consent spell? Spelly — 08/27/2021 9:22 AM Mai ca; make consent. Said as "may cahn" [11:55 AM] Spelly — 08/30/2021 11:14 AM The power of positive thinking; this is the power of positive thinking, think positive and you get positive results. state positively things and you make the result you may wish to get. Spelly — 09/02/2021 8:13 AM This is a point in idea where I look over my thoughts and think of what I want to happen, that's as I state the point to create the point I think. Then, my thought program the energy I send forth to create things as though a spell.. this brings to mind the power of words. This is where you think about what you want and intend the result as you will the results with a point of manifest. Stating the word or phrase creates the result by the subconscious making what you say with the thought and energy you project. This is what I thought. Otherwise, manifest is a point that is done. Think of what you want and will it to exist as you feel or state that it exists. This is you that uses the soul or soul copy, that's created by the source as though it were a request to the soul. Yet that takes practice. You can manifest whatever you wish into existence. Your soul creates it using your subconscious. This works by feel or idea you notice. State what you need as you want it. Then you sometimes create with a manifest. Oh with manifesting, you can manifest any power, that's if it's possible. [11:55 AM] Spelly — 09/02/2021 8:35 AM Spelly pinned a message to this channel. See all pinned messages . — 07/06/2023 11:55 AM Spelly — 07/06/2023 11:55 AM Spelly — 09/07/2021 4:04 PM the point..; think what you like and the third eye will get it to you by influencing the energy of the moment. Spelly — 09/12/2021 3:59 AM visage; When you start a program like a game, think to bring a mirror back from the place and then you become the character by the power of your god or mind. When you end the program you end the visage as though it didn't exist and you are yourself. The mirror will cause you to show yourself as your character, so if you think you appear like them you do, by the mirror's power. Spelly — 09/13/2021 5:49 PM subconscious magic; the spell creation is like this, list it like this.. use the formula.. "power word or phrase"; effect it does that you can think of as you state the power word or phrase don't state the ; as it's a separator. the subconscious can do anything the body allows for by feel. [11:56 AM] Spelly — 09/22/2021 10:13 AM Is = none bad Spelly — 09/22/2021 11:58 AM the spells problem; things will work out, except the point is done if the point is accepted. So the subconsconscious creates the idea using heat energy that makes the manifest. if no heat source, there is no effect. So wait to use use friction, then the heat generated by the friction will cause the spell or wish effect to be created. This is a known effect, as if put into law. Spelly — 09/22/2021 5:21 PM The mimic effect; this idea came from a friend that doesn't want to be named. What it is, the use of energy that exists with programming. This happens to be programming from activities that make a result. The result sends a wave of energy, that you can perceive and the subconscious can remake by feel with heat energy use. The wave is a pattern and that pattern is what you get, then by suggesting the effect your saying the result you intend. This is what the subconscious creates using the pattern of programming as a template. Spelly — 10/03/2021 8:49 AM focus magic; on focus your subconscious creates what you want and need as you intend the result. Spelly — 10/04/2021 2:03 PM Meditation ; for lost energy recovery, lay still, focus and meditate by feel. [11:57 AM] Spelly — 10/11/2021 5:37 PM gaming magic; the game is the thing you do, think and you direct the creator to making the effect you desire, through games. good grades; the grades improve drastically, things get easier to do and you ace all tests. Spelly — 10/22/2021 9:24 AM Focus point; the focus you do, that is energy from the eyes, increases the activity positively if any to be had. Spelly — 10/22/2021 5:30 PM form; think of what you want, focus on somewhere by thought and you form the element by feel with the creator making it happen. Spelly — 10/25/2021 11:48 AM Thought; the thought you have directs what is done, if you will the point and need it, it will manifest. [11:57 AM] Spelly — 11/07/2021 5:20 PM 4th time trick; the 4th dimension is capable of manipulating the time you think to cause difference in. this means by thinking the 4th causes what you need is to cause change by the soul in what time you think to effect. if you think to speak the change, you create the change by feel. return to your dimension, then is thinking of the time and where you intend to be you are by the power of the dimension that exists things as you think to notice what or where you notice things happen. you can return whenever you want to return, this is like an experiment. what time you return to is what time you are needing to be. however, what consciousness there is, you impart to the area and the object. this means its aware of things by your energy. so think and you are aware. Spelly — 11/29/2021 1:57 PM Adjustments; if you find things going wrong, adust things and it goes right. Spelly — 12/01/2021 8:10 AM thoughts; the thoughts are what you think, this means you know the thoughts of the beast and man. Spelly — 12/01/2021 2:59 PM the power of plants; use a little fertilizer and water the plant and your awake. [11:58 AM] sleepy lark — 12/08/2021 10:28 AM any tips on making your own spells? Spelly — 12/08/2021 10:32 AM yes make the spell as though it were done.. when you make one, use the right language and that includes other languages so your conscious mind doesn't block it sleepy lark — 12/08/2021 10:34 AM the right language? and don’t worry, I can’t get any blockages anymore hehe ^^ Spelly — 12/08/2021 10:37 AM yes.. like you speak a spell verse.. "I will things to make what I want." instead more efficiently stated is "I wish things to work and create what I need or want." sleepy lark — 12/08/2021 10:38 AM oooo okay Spelly — 12/08/2021 10:38 AM they say people get what they want.. if they do it right. Spelly — 12/10/2021 3:26 PM The way abilities work are you think it is there and then listen to the sub and the subconscious forms it. The ability is similar as applicable to the sub. [11:58 AM] Spelly — 12/11/2021 8:36 AM think of the point and make things for what you intend to create. this creates what you want and as you think to get a result. sleepy lark — 12/12/2021 10:48 PM I did it! I improvised a makeshift incantation for cleansing negative energies while taking a shower and i feel way better than ever i'll need to write it down and imma share it with you guys once done Spelly — 12/13/2021 8:46 AM cool gratz [11:58 AM] Spelly — 12/18/2021 1:29 PM Relaxing; Have music playing constantly and focusing on the thought of a spoken "relaxing " Spelly — 12/24/2021 12:24 PM The power of words; State what you want and need the idea and you create results by the power of the soul. Spelly — 01/22/2022 11:49 AM Genetics The method for magical genetics is to make a focus on the idea of a scene. This scene is of you or said person who is a target. Said target changes to the effect of gaining an ability or changing form in some manner. Just focus your energy from a source that you can trust. Now imagine said target as said target is and change said target into what form you chose or using the ability as you know it. Said target should change or gain an ability to the effect of your chosen energy source. In effect, the source will make said target enabled for the ability or change form you chose. When the practitioner first tries this, it won't always work. Always remember, practice, practice, practice. However, in genetics you don't have to be able to imagine it to get the result. All you need is the power of words. So, blind or not, it should work. State what results you intend otherwise, you can listen to subliminals. If blind and you can't imagine, then state out loud what you need and intend it to work. the subconscious will create the change. [11:59 AM] philosophicallyconfused — 01/30/2022 8:15 PM I wonder is there a spell to increase intelligence? Spelly — 01/30/2022 8:27 PM Hi Iq; pronounced high I q to raise intelligence. Spelly — 01/31/2022 4:38 PM here is a spell to give you a feminie voice.. hi voc = pronounced high voke for a femine voice, state it under your breathe. state it at a mirror looking at yourself as you think of a feminine voice for full effect. record your voice and playback it to check if you feel a tingling in your throat and vocal chords it works. [11:59 AM] Spelly — 02/02/2022 1:23 PM weaving ability; This ability is what you use when you focus the energy of the air and body thinking to swirl it around the body and on focus, there is some effect to create what you intend by what you think and the energy forms. This is including the elements themselves, as you think, focus on an idea and create as you feel it is created so you know it's there. This can create almost any effect, that you imagine or think about and that's thought in the energy weave an that creates it. However, it's just one clever way to do a manifest. Spelly — 02/06/2022 3:05 PM doesn't matter; so if you don't mind it, it doesn't matter. Spelly — 02/10/2022 8:33 PM time manipulation; think of what you want and need the effect to happen in time or some time and the subconscious creates it. [12:00 PM] Spelly — 02/11/2022 6:32 AM interesting effect. Interest; the point is a concept, if you think the concept then you make the point. you can think any concept or idea to create with intention, then create it with this point. this uses the power of the soul. interesting, right. oh yeah, feel free to imagine the fire or candle flame to get things done, if you can't light a candle. Spelly — 02/11/2022 7:06 AM mandela effect; the world gets destroyed by cern and the subconscious brings us to an alternative and similar world. then demonic rites recreate the world. Spelly — 02/11/2022 7:24 AM I wish that the win 10 update goes above 21% in installation, for whatever causes it to not install no longer not causes it to work. granted [12:00 PM] Spelly — 02/16/2022 12:22 PM Weightloss; state weightloss as you look at this, to cause you to do the right things and weightloss occurs. Spelly — 02/16/2022 6:13 PM en alla n regen; state as you want the ending of allergies and cause regeneration. 'en paras; end of parasites that energetically attach themselves. state as you want. Spelly — 02/16/2022 7:08 PM t elp paras; this is stated as you want once, intending to gain a magic producing parasite that eats all your excess body and other parasites. This magic parasite boosts your healthy gut bacteria and causes a slender body. The magic parasite causes your healthy gut bacteria to be in the right balance with your unhealthy gut bacteria. Thus, it reduces the bodyweight. Oh if you don't need it it stops being a parasite and leaves the body. Spelly — 02/18/2022 1:54 PM Advanced elementalism; the elements are easier to manifest. You can summon any element to do what you need. Think of the element to make, then state that you cast forth the element to manifest results. Energy manifest; the point of energy manipulation is thinking to create a result with the energy from the air. This is heat and once used, replenishes itself by feel. The rate of replenished energy is a rolled 1d6 seconds. The effect can be anything. Weather magic; the weather is good to work with by feel. You can create any weather or weather effect by thinking about the weather that you intend and it manifests. Including striking a target with lightning. [12:00 PM] Spelly — 02/20/2022 12:11 PM Energy seeing; look at the fire look at the light look at the water they already have energy You are also energy But you can also do this Focus on an object and look at it look for 5-6 minutes You will start to see the energies Spelly — 02/25/2022 8:14 AM Set up; think you freeze time and place things or setup the stage otherwise make by spell. Then start time to be what it is in passing. [12:01 PM] Spelly — 02/25/2022 10:41 AM reality shifting The moment you think of the area or the reality to shift to, is the moment you create the point that is thought of. The creator or God shifts you to the place and time that exists. This is where you think of the moment and your subconscious shifts you through use of the creator. So the faith of the moment is where you think of things and you can create with the power within the body. The faith is then what you think and wait for to occur. Then the point is this, time is different there, if you think of time differences, you can create that time or timing in a moment. The idea is a concept that is created by feel. Need the idea and you create where you want what it is. The creator gives you indications as to what is there. You know what is there, if you feel it's needed to know. Think and you know what to do. There is something called permanent shift. It's basically respawning with a kink. This is when you don't have to believe it. If you think about shifting and being somewhere, this can be other universe, then die here as you think to be there you are. The thing is it's iffy. You can be two or more places at once, that's done by the power of the subconscious and soul. But, if you die any where then your in those other places. Its interesting where you are by this slingshot method. [12:01 PM] I met my double that way and he didn't like pictures though he allowed me to learn. Its actually self-proving, you prove it to yourself or get no results..from it. Basically, the people that look like you are where you are there yet not there. They are you soul wise, yet they don't live where you live. However some people wouldn't believe, me if I told them.. so I think its to prove it to yourself and believe it's possible. Yes, if you successfully do this.. you will receive a image of the person or area from them.. like a vision or real dream. Its fascinating, then you know you have a double. A doppelganger, another you basically. Respawning occurs when you die here. Then you become that other you. Otherwise, you reanimate your dead body and become alive here. So think and you can figure things out. If you need a method to learn valuable information about something.. use meditation. Think as you meditate what you need to know, then you receive that said info by realizing it. This is used as the meditation technique where your soul had you realize things from the brain activity. So, meditate by listening to any music, thinking to know what you need as you relax. Then your soul causes you to realize what is knowable about it. [12:02 PM] asdadfads2 — 02/25/2022 10:43 AM They say you can change your family with real shifting. is it true? Spelly — 02/25/2022 10:43 AM yes asdadfads2 — 02/25/2022 10:43 AM How I dont believe Spelly — 02/25/2022 10:45 AM its called permanent shift you don't have to believe it if you think about shifting and being somewhere, then die here as you think to be there you are. the thing is it's iffy you can be two or more places at once by the power of the subconscious and soul. but if you die any where then your in those other places its interesting [12:02 PM] asdadfads2 — 02/25/2022 10:53 AM So can you prove it? Spelly — 02/25/2022 10:53 AM ummm I met my double that way he didn't like pictures though its actually self-proving you prove it to yourself or get no results..from it basically the people that look like you are where you are there yet not there they are you soul wise, yet they don't live where you live however some people wouldn't believe me if I told them.. so I think its to prove it to yourself. [12:02 PM] asdadfads2 — 02/25/2022 11:01 AM what will I do? Will there be things I want I think Spelly — 02/25/2022 11:01 AM Yes If you successfully do this.. you will receive a image of the person or area from them.. like a vision Its fascinating asdadfads2 — 02/25/2022 11:04 AM Then? Spelly — 02/25/2022 11:05 AM Then you know you have a double asdadfads2 — 02/25/2022 11:05 AM I dont know what is double Spelly — 02/25/2022 11:05 AM A doppelganger Another you basically Spelly — 07/06/2023 12:03 PM asdadfads2 — 02/25/2022 11:06 AM Other universe? Spelly — 02/25/2022 11:06 AM Yes Respawning occurs when you die here. And become that other you asdadfads2 — 02/25/2022 11:09 AM Do you have more information about this? Spelly — 02/25/2022 11:09 AM Otherwise you shift back Ummm my source of information got destroyed So thats what I remember He was exploring a dangerous area Explaining this as he went. Rather unique I believe he fell into a volcano [12:03 PM] asdadfads2 — 02/25/2022 11:15 AM Do you have a method to learn valuable information? Spelly — 02/25/2022 11:15 AM I have other things I learned from him Yes Meditation Think as you meditate what you need to know then you receive that said info by realizing it. asdadfads2 — 02/25/2022 11:17 AM Can you explain this Spelly — 02/25/2022 11:18 AM I used the meditation technique and my soul had me realize things from his brain. asdadfads2 — 02/25/2022 11:20 AM What kind of technique Spelly — 02/25/2022 11:20 AM meditate to music, thinking to know what you need. your soul causes you to realize what is knowable about it. [12:04 PM] asdadfads2 — 02/25/2022 12:39 PM Thanks. What kind of music Spelly — 02/25/2022 12:42 PM any type asdadfads2 — 02/25/2022 12:42 PM Okey Deleted User — 02/25/2022 9:25 PM So you're saying to feel as if we know it already? Spelly — 02/26/2022 2:40 AM yes [12:04 PM] Spelly — 02/26/2022 4:50 AM gate weaving; Think of the place you want to be in and focus your energy by frequency, focus the frequency that your energy has into becoming an oval that is big enough to see through if you want to use it as a viewport. Otherwise, think to open it up to be as wide as your body size. Then, you can create with a point that is thought and step through to a new place and time. This can be a time portal so think of the time to be there. Spelly — 02/26/2022 1:02 PM Focus; the area is the point that you think. Think it different or imagine it different and you phase the area by reality shift. Spelly — 02/26/2022 1:42 PM Need; make a statement for the intent, need it and you might get what is desired. Spelly — 02/26/2022 4:24 PM I love this spell.. think 'better' as you state out loud or express the idea of "things work out in the end "..

Spelly — 07/06/2023 12:08 PM Spelly — 03/06/2022 4:57 AM pokemon summoning; pokemon summons are easy to do. Imagine energy as a ball that you call the name of and this is shaping itself as a pokemon in your hand. then toss and enjoy the fun. Imagine or think the effect that occurs with this pokemon. Dismiss the pokemon when done to cause it to dissipate harmlessly in thin air. You can even summon one to guard your stuff, the pokemon does what you think it does so you are in control. This is a noted fact of constructs, too. It works, you might have to try it out to prove to yourself that it does. As always, enjoy yourself as you you do things like this! [12:09 PM] thegrimoireofthefortyservants.pdf 2.80 MB [12:09 PM] Spelly — 03/10/2022 11:09 AM sending energy; look at their image or description.. think that they receive the energy as you say the name you associate with them. as you focus the thoughts of sending then energy and looking at their image, breath in and out until you feel something happen. Sometimes they are blocked at the chakra points. so they won't actually feel it. however you can cause them to do anything..they don't perceive it and think ing of what you want them to do sends that as programmed energy to cause them to do what you think. Vibes; We have energy vibration that helps us realize the level of reality that we're in. Say positive things and do positive things so you keep up the high vibration level. The thought sets the vibration and this vibration is set off by our aura. So our vibrations are what sets aura to a specific energy or color in life. It seems to have an idea associated with it, a frequency that your thoughts set it to by feel. Spelly — 03/10/2022 9:13 PM witches way; think of what you need, feel the words come that creates your intent and speak them or express them as you want to be understood. Spelly — 03/12/2022 3:34 PM Thinking way; the point of idea is done if intended to occur results. This means that you will make a point or thought spoken and the spirit creates the idea you had as intended. [12:10 PM] Spelly — 03/13/2022 4:28 PM Guided change; think of a change that is an effect like a change of body to create the change more easily with some expression or statement you say that the subconscious makes into existence or manifest by feel. Then if the person that is either you or me that's effected tends to ask about any changes, state something that you know about and this is what you know by intuition that their subconscious uses as a suggestion so it makes that change and you can keep at it until the process is done if you need to be sure. asdadfads2 — 03/13/2022 4:29 PM Thanks Lupus — 03/13/2022 5:41 PM What's this spell about? Spelly — 03/13/2022 5:42 PM Guidance in spell effects Lupus — 03/13/2022 5:47 PM What's it do? Spelly — 03/13/2022 6:00 PM It improves the effect Lupus — 03/13/2022 6:26 PM Of what? Spelly — 03/13/2022 6:35 PM Of whatever shape shifting is done [12:10 PM] Lupus — 03/13/2022 6:51 PM For changing others or myself or both? Spelly — 03/13/2022 6:51 PM either [12:11 PM] Spelly — 03/16/2022 4:39 PM See they not that We have made the Night for them to rest in and the Day to give them light? Verily in this are Signs for any people that believe! read this verse and believe that you will rest [12:12 PM] Spelly — 03/18/2022 8:28 AM fire summoning; All you need to do is focus your mind on the thought you think. That means you think about forming fire and think it exists as you want it to exist. Then you think it goes to the target area and strikes the surface. See if you can do it, you could form a red speck in the air and it goes to cause a black spot on the area you think it to strike if no red speck, you could still feel the energy form and thinking it hits the area surface creates it as a black spot. what can happen, is your mind compresses the heat and fire energy in the air into a small red speck, eventually. the smaller you compress it, the more likely you get a fireball. however, the smaller it is, the faster it is to go through the air. Spelly — 03/19/2022 9:05 AM how to make a psiball Spelly — 03/19/2022 9:37 AM YouTube Proctor Gallagher Institute The Law of Attraction Explained [12:12 PM] YouTube DhyaanGuru Dr. Nipun Aggarwal **WARNING** SUBCONSCIOUS PROGRAMMING BRAINWAVES FOR BRAIN HEALING &... [12:13 PM] Spelly — 03/20/2022 6:41 PM skindancing; Don't do this if you don't want to be insane or lose control of your demon. Any use of the demon self will possibly drive you insane, as it will do anything you say, and that includes driving you insane. So, if you will it to not make you insane, it will not make yourself insane. Basically the point is this, allow your demon self to take the body. The demon will they physically shapeshift into the form. You don't actually tell your demon self to take the other body by thinking the idea to it. You would still be able to control it. Think to it what you wanted then the other person you don't like, they would be skindanced to by feel. So if you tell your demon self to take the body of a wolf and you become that wolf. Then that you would skindance to by idea. Skindance is the shift of your demon to the other form. You communicate with your demon self by thinking you are and it answers. All you need to do this right, is you need to think that your demon self takes possession of the other. When it takes the body of whatever it is you choose for it to take. Your conscious will be split for a bit.. seeing what the demon does. You think to it, that you see through it's eyes. Then, you see through it's eyes until you think not to see what it does. [12:13 PM] Ok. If it goes into the body of an animal or person, it temporarily will kill the animal or person and animate the body. Then the animal will get it's consciousness back when my demon self leaves. You see when it leaves, it shifts the spirit and soul back to the body unless you don't desire it. Its your choice to restore them as they were. The myth that the more a skinwalker shifts, the more traits of that animal it gets in human form when the demon shifts back to you is true. So if you want to keep the traits then keep them, otherwise, think "purge" and it purges those traits. [12:13 PM] Every time you shift it to an animal, there is very small changes each time. They are noticeable to your senses. This would take multiple shifts to make them noticeable. If you do multiple shifts, you will still be able to keep your human consciousness when the very long transformation is complete. The longer your demon self is in the body of the animal, the more you control it. Your body stays the same until the demon self returns. The more the demon self goes in and out of that body, the more my body changes. When you call your demon self back to you, think to it, that it returns. If you possessed a wolf, the first changes will be when your demon self comes back from the body of a wolf. Well, you temporarily seem like the wolf, except your standing on two legs then your yourself again. The small changes that start when you repeatedly shift your demon self into a wolf and back. This is getting you furryness at first with an undeniable scent. You see that scent is cast off from a demon's form, this is the decay of the dead form it took. Then the senses and instincts happen. This is later on as it continues back and forth with the shifting. So if you want to know about ears, tails, claws, and teeth, those aren't really forming if you want to know the truth. If they were in formation, then you'd also get them as a shapechange that is slow. So don't actually expect it and it still may happen if it does. [12:14 PM] Lupus — 03/20/2022 6:45 PM Change the first person to second person Spelly — 03/20/2022 6:46 PM kk done and better Lupus — 03/20/2022 6:51 PM I'll write down an even better edited version for my use Thanks anyways Spelly — 03/20/2022 6:52 PM kk Lupus — 03/20/2022 6:52 PM If I will it to not make me insane, will it not make me insane? Spelly — 03/20/2022 6:52 PM yes Lupus — 03/20/2022 6:52 PM K Spelly — 03/20/2022 6:56 PM share your edited version.. thx Lupus — 03/20/2022 6:59 PM Np [12:14 PM] Spelly — 03/20/2022 8:22 PM all about demons Harnessing In harnessing, you use a demon to get things and the demon draws energy from you. When you want things done, you can use an angel or demon to do your deed. Just remember when they wish, the demons will make the person weak that they are trying to hurt, an angel will make you stronger or at least not wear out too much as they give you energy. This means you have endurance or "carrying strength" enough to carry on what you want. So willpower will allow you to control a demon, especially if you use an angel to do it. If you want to summon a demon or angel, know it's name first. They make perfect helpers. Then the request is where you think to them or statement of your need. An angel will do things on request, where a demon might do things on its own. Where an angel will leave on its own when you don't need one, think to the demon that you unsummoned it. Otherwise, to unsummon a demon by feel, just feel it's done and think its name and think unsummoned. Will it to be unsummoned. Know the that the demon is unsummoned. What you can make a demon or angel do is unlimited. Be careful what you ask for because you will get it. Now when a demon harnesses you, it draws your life energy from the body until you either will it to stop or you are "farmed" as a energy source. The thing is, it won't kill you. It will allow you to get stronger afain and then that's when it can come back to you so you are farmed again for your energy. This is almost an idea to a game, so think about not being farmed or harnessed and it won't happen to you. [12:15 PM] Lupus — 03/20/2022 11:37 PM What's the Undeniable scent about? Lupus — 03/21/2022 12:08 AM And the part about it shifts the spirit and soul back to the body, unless you don't desire it Spelly — 03/21/2022 6:32 AM well in shifting the demon can be smelled. its your choice to restore them as they were. it casts off a scent from it's "body" take a bath to get rid of the scent maybe with essential oils

Spelly — 07/06/2023 12:15 PM Spelly — 03/21/2022 7:17 AM reload the demons article, unless you are already done with it Lupus — 03/21/2022 8:21 AM It'll reload when I open it again Spelly — 03/22/2022 11:52 AM Yerba mate; say this name to get a clear mind and better thinking. [12:15 PM] Lupus — 03/23/2022 12:07 AM Here is my slightly edited version of the thing What is skinwalking or skindancing? Warning: Don't do this if you don't want to be insane by directing your demon too much. Will it make me go insane? Any use of the demon self will possibly drive you insane, as it will do anything you say, and that includes driving you insane. So, if you will it to not make you insane, it will not make yourself insane. How does one skindance in this way? Basically the point is this, allow your demon self to take the body. The demon will they physically shapeshift into the form. You don't actually tell your demon self to take the other body by thinking the idea to it. You would still be able to control it. Think to it what you wanted then the other person you don't like, they would be skindanced to by feel. So if you tell your demon self to take the body of a wolf and you become that wolf. Then that you would skindance to by idea. So what happens? And how do I communicate to the demon self?- Skindance is the shift of your demon to the other form. You communicate with your demon self by thinking you are communicating with it, and it answers. All you need to do this: think that your demon self takes possession of the other body (whatever it may be, animal or person), and when it takes the body of whatever it is you choose for it to take, your conscious will be split for a bit while it is seeing what the demon does. You think to it, that you see through it's eyes. Then, you see through it's eyes until you think not to see what it does. [12:16 PM] What happens to the animal? Ok. If it goes into the body of an animal or person, it temporarily will kill the animal or person and animate the body for your demon self. Then the animal will get it's consciousness back when your demon self leaves and returns to you. You see when it leaves, it shifts the spirit and soul back to the body unless you don't desire it. And when the demon self returns? The myth that the more a skinwalker shifts is, the more traits of that animal it gets in human form when the demon shifts back to you is true. So if you want to keep the traits then keep them, otherwise, think "purge" and it purges those traits. (If you wanna keep the traits, then just don't worry or think about it, but otherwise, just think purge and you won't get those traits). Does that mean I'm going to change? Every time you shift it to an animal, there is very small changes each time. They are noticeable to your senses. This would take multiple shifts to make them noticeable. If you do (do complete) multiple shifts, you will still be able to keep your human consciousness when the transformation is complete, but this takes a long time as the transformation is very long. [12:16 PM] Does the duration of being in the animal affect how much I change?- Not really, because the longer your demon self is in the body of the animal, the more you control it. Your body stays the same until the demon self returns. So how do the changes accelerate? The more the demon self goes in and out of that body, the more your body changes. When you call your demon self back to you (think to it, that it [your demon self] returns). If you possessed a wolf, the first changes will be when your demon self comes back from the body of a wolf. What are the changes that take place? Well, you'll temporarily seem like the wolf, except you're standing on two legs, and then you're yourself again. The small changes that start when you repeatedly shift your demon self into a wolf and back is getting you furryness at first with an undeniable scent (..wolf and back is growing fur and a particularly wild musk that understands belongs to a wolf). Then the senses and instincts happen (senses and instincts develop). This is (This happens) later on as it continues back and forth with the shifting. What about the other parts of a wolf? So if you want to know about ears, tails, claws, and teeth, those aren't really forming if you want to know the truth. But it's open to interpretation somewhat, so no one truly knows if you get those. I'd assume you do, but it's like I said, you won't really ever know. [12:16 PM] Spelly — 03/23/2022 3:59 AM that's a decent copy Lupus — 03/23/2022 3:30 PM About this tho Would I switch between the consciousnesses to where I could have the demon self in another body doing things while I do things in my human body? And is it important to do this as a meditation? Spelly — 03/23/2022 3:31 PM you can its not that important Lupus — 03/23/2022 3:32 PM I mean to shift the demon, would I need to meditate, and would I need to meditate to switch consciousnesses? Spelly — 03/23/2022 3:35 PM yes basically [12:17 PM] Lupus — 03/23/2022 3:35 PM That's what I thought, thanks Lupus — 03/29/2022 11:59 AM @Spelly Isn't this really bad? Like does it also slowly turn you into an unkillable, unstoppable demon who wants to see the world burn? I haven't used it yet, but would it make people violent, immune to pain, and addicted to violence? Andrei is saying that it's the opposite of safe @Spelly could you please answer? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:08 PM Oho I didn't say its safe I knew the method though Its not that safe to try However it won't turn you into a demon that wants to destroy the world That's hype It might make you weaker in body though [12:17 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:11 PM How's that hype? Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:12 PM But can you confirm if the things I asked are true @Spelly? Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:12 PM What demon would I become? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:12 PM It reduces the bodys resistance to diseases Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:12 PM How would it do that? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:12 PM Just that you wouldn't become a demon Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:13 PM Then why did Andrei call it a demon or devil? What would I become? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:13 PM As your body gives up the demon to the other form you lose energy [12:18 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:14 PM How do you gain that energy back? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:14 PM As you lose energy you become weaker spiritually Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:14 PM How do you gain the energy back? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:15 PM Ummm the creator gives it back to you through food N drink Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:15 PM What would I become then? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:15 PM Deprived spiritually Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:15 PM Ok, makes sense, as long as one sustains their body and the other, it should be ok for them? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:16 PM You eventually lose your demon [12:18 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:16 PM How does one avoid this? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:16 PM Pray Or healing Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:17 PM Pray to get spiritual energy back after doing the thing of skindancing Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:17 PM Yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:17 PM Will it ever come back? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:17 PM No It leaves the body after awhile anyway You become normal This is what occurs Its where you suddenly feel allot better Demons cause crazy feelings anyway [12:18 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:21 PM Ok, so it never comes back when someone uses it too much? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:21 PM Yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:21 PM So at some point their physical changes go away? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:21 PM Yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:21 PM Could you answer these? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:22 PM Sure It isnt You don't turn into an unkillable unstoppable demon My demon left me already So I have to pray to change my shape [12:19 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:26 PM Why do I feel that it's not entirely true that the inner demon goes away? Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:26 PM Have you changed your shape before? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:26 PM Yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:27 PM Into what? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:27 PM More shapely female shape to hide amongst the crowd I also changed my shape to reduce my body weight Does that answer your questions? Oh yeah, you can use the god source to compell the demon to do things. By prayer. So interesting enough, you can cause it to return to you [12:19 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 12:44 PM I can pray for it to come back if it leaves for a while? Spelly — 03/29/2022 12:44 PM Yes [12:19 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 1:33 PM I try it with discretion and caution Andrei is still very against it tho Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:34 PM Remember any demon use could drive you insane So I wouldn't do it Lupus — 03/29/2022 1:35 PM What if you are the demon? Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:35 PM you may feel that you are for a bit, yet you are yourself in the end. the demon is a separate part of you your spirit is you, you see [12:20 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 1:39 PM My spirit has no association? Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:39 PM not really Lupus — 03/29/2022 1:39 PM Like physically, and in all other ways, I'm trying to become my fursona which is literally a demon Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:39 PM oh [12:20 PM] Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:40 PM you may have a point that you do anything on request if you are Lupus — 03/29/2022 1:40 PM An idea that I do anything for others on request? Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:41 PM yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 1:42 PM I mean, I always try and help people, but I don't always do their requests Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:42 PM demons do that, you see. they do anything on request or statement from what I observed of them show andrei the all about demons article.. I wanna know what he thinks about it [12:21 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 1:47 PM Some people's observations are different, but I'll look into it Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:47 PM ty Lupus — 03/29/2022 1:47 PM I did show him That's why he blew up Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:47 PM oo cool kk Lupus — 03/29/2022 1:47 PM He knows spells and he says it's extremely dangerous Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:48 PM that's why I put in it, that they can drive you insane because it is dangerous [12:21 PM] Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:51 PM interesting.. only more evidence that I was right.. its not to be used Lupus — 03/29/2022 1:51 PM Ok Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:51 PM I was thinking along those lines Lupus — 03/29/2022 1:51 PM I acknowledge Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:52 PM one sec Lupus — 03/29/2022 1:52 PM But why do have this feeling that I still wanna use it? I'm trying to resist and heed warnings [12:21 PM] Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:54 PM its up to you I don't control you I use angels though they serve the purpose that I need Lupus — 03/29/2022 1:58 PM I know it's up to me You say it isn't that dangerous yet he's saying that it's SUPER dangerous So I'm confused and conflicted Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:59 PM I did some research Lupus — 03/29/2022 1:59 PM Where? Links? Put the links after what you're going to say Spelly — 03/29/2022 1:59 PM I observed people Ricardo Steve Its still dangerous though Lupus — 03/29/2022 2:00 PM And? [12:22 PM] Spelly — 03/29/2022 2:01 PM So I wouldn't do it From the way Ricardo acted, his demon drove him to be a nuisance He wasn't careful on what he was doing with need and words either So avoid the demon uses. There is an alternative to skin dancing Angel use can allow you to share the form of an animal Your spirit uses the angel to create a link to the animal And it lasts until you don't desire it. Lupus — 03/29/2022 2:09 PM But what about the physical affects and traits I want, and the slow changes? Spelly — 03/29/2022 2:09 PM That happens The spirit can share its traits to you Lupus — 03/29/2022 2:10 PM Oh So just literally replace demon with angel? Spelly — 07/06/2023 12:22 PM Spelly — 03/29/2022 2:11 PM Yes You have no risks of going insane Gabriel is great for it Spelly — 03/29/2022 2:19 PM Your thoughts? @Lupus Lupus — 03/29/2022 2:59 PM So it's the same method, but with an angel? Since I will it to give me physical traits, it'll already give them to me when I do the method? Will it split my consciousness? @Spelly Do people have an inner demon and an inner angel or something? Spelly — 03/29/2022 3:04 PM They have an inner demon.. the creator makes lucky people's soul angels Souls That serve the purpose of the source The person has to die i think to become an angel [12:23 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 3:12 PM So how does my sould become that of an angel? Spelly — 03/29/2022 3:13 PM You have to do things that help people and the creator shapes it into an angel Its really allot of good karma Spelly — 03/29/2022 3:23 PM Gonna go take a bath and brb Lupus — 03/29/2022 3:37 PM I mean, I do wanna help people, but also I don't think about doing good deeds, so do I have to constantly think about it and put that into each deed? The reason I like the methods is because I haven't seen results in like, ever, and I want a good way to that isn't subliminals to get them to be very fast and noticeable Lupus — 03/29/2022 3:41 PM What if I use a method and want the changes to be permanent no matter what? [12:23 PM] Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:16 PM back ricardo was always saying strange things with a negative impact Angels can make it permanent "I mean, I do wanna help people, but also I don't think about doing good deeds, so do I have to constantly think about it and put that into each deed?" Lupus ummm think to do good. you don't have to think about it every moment. However, do think about it when doing things for others. the demon might linger in the area.. so it doesn't always go away entirely. [12:24 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:34 PM Hm? So I don't want the demon self? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:36 PM not really ❁ Terraofthechosen — 03/29/2022 4:37 PM Well, after an eye opening experience with a succubus attached to my best friend, it turns out negative entities are capable of many things, even blocking sub results Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:37 PM yes they are ❁ Terraofthechosen — 03/29/2022 4:37 PM So really, there is no benefit that could come from a demon Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:38 PM So then how do I meditate with to have an angel do it? And once the link is established, do I still have to use the Angel for going in and out of the animal I choose, or do I have to do it with the angel? I'm confused on how I communicate with the angel about it [12:24 PM] Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:38 PM well think to the angel what you want you don't have to meditate on it Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:39 PM Also if someone does use the demon to do it once, does that mean they're forever set on a path of the insanity? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:39 PM not yet.. it takes at least 5 times Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:40 PM Ok but how will I know what they say in return? Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:40 PM And after that what happens to them? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:40 PM ummm angels can communicate telepathically. if you want an angel to reply, then you might hear a response that you know came from it in the air if they do it at least 5 times, there is likely a chance that they said the wrong thing. [12:25 PM] ❁ Terraofthechosen — 03/29/2022 4:42 PM This is true Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:45 PM if they said the wrong thing, they could be driven insane by the demon creating what they wantunintentionally. Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:45 PM What is the wrong thing? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:46 PM umm something dark.. like "I can't get this" or something similar and they drive themselves insane by thinking about that. Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:46 PM If I use the Angel, is the link between the animal and the person a permanent link? Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:47 PM Just use positivity at that point? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:47 PM yes.. [12:25 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:47 PM To the link? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:47 PM yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:47 PM What about the positivity? Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:49 PM If I use positivity to negate the unintentional effects, will it not make me insane? ❁ Terraofthechosen — 03/29/2022 4:49 PM Won’t work Negative entities amplify negative emotion Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:50 PM yes they do Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:51 PM Oh, someone would need to be extremely strong to negate it then, huh? [12:26 PM] Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:51 PM yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:52 PM So when the angel responds, what do I do after the link is established? Do I split my consciousness? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:52 PM yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:52 PM How do I do that? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:52 PM my subconscious is supplying the info, btw.. heh Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:52 PM And does it matter which animal has the link? Or can I only choose one animal to have the link? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:53 PM think you perceive the mind of the animal and your spirit shares it it doesn't matter what animal has the link [12:26 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:54 PM If someone did this, then when would the effects start? And what if they did it with the angel, when would it start then? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:54 PM after the wrong and negative thing was said angels won't do negative things Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:55 PM So I can technically link to any animal with a permanent link? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:55 PM yes [12:26 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:55 PM So in order to get furry ness you'd have to have done it 5 times? What if you didn't have any negative or positive thoughts while doing it? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:55 PM then your lucky Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:56 PM The first part of that asks if the furryness starts after 5 times, is that true? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:56 PM yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:57 PM Then what about with angels, when do you start seeing those effects of furryness and instincts and stuff? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:57 PM your spirit actually goes to the animal and on touch it knows what the animal knows after you need the furryness, the angel sets that in your genetics [12:27 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:58 PM So if I want the effects to be very fast, they can be? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:58 PM yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:59 PM And if the spirit is in the animal will I be able to switch between seeing through it's eyes and my eyes? Spelly — 03/29/2022 4:59 PM yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 4:59 PM Ok, and the animal's consciousness stays, or does it leave? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:00 PM it stays until your spirit sends it back using the angel to do it Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:00 PM When does the spirit come back, when I tell it to? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:00 PM yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:01 PM So the animal and my spirit will share the body? How will I control it? [12:27 PM] Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:01 PM think of what you want and breath calmly Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:01 PM Ok Do I need to close my eyes and lay down here to switch to the animal, and am I able to do it at will? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:02 PM at will you can have your eyes open Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:03 PM If they're open, will my surroundings and vision change when I switch? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:03 PM yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:07 PM How fast will the effects be when I get them? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:09 PM Fast Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:09 PM Like how fast? Like instantaneous or over 3 days fast? [12:27 PM] Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:10 PM Like in a compressed time where 3 days is 1 minute Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:11 PM Ok, so is the spirit in the animal only just a part of my spirit? Or is it all of my spirit? ❁ Terraofthechosen — 03/29/2022 5:12 PM Extremely. Sorry, watching phineas and ferb alongside this Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:12 PM When it shares its consciousness with you, its spirit is in you ❁ Terraofthechosen — 03/29/2022 5:12 PM @Spelly I took the experience with the succubus (her name was Lily, named after her mother) to heart Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:13 PM Kk Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:13 PM Ok, so do the effects start when the spirit comes back? Or is it when I switch back from the animal I was in? [12:28 PM] Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:14 PM When its not, then it returns to its body Switch back Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:15 PM So I keep part of my spirit in the wolf while I do human things? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:15 PM Yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:15 PM Wdym? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:15 PM Part of your soul.. actually Its in the animal Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:16 PM I mean, I have an affinity for wolves, so part of my soul would be right at home Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:16 PM Placed by the spirit Yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:17 PM So if I remove the spirit from the wolf, is the link broken? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:17 PM Yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:17 PM So how do I remove it when I need to? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:17 PM The angel returns your soul back to you Think your spirit returns Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:18 PM But if it's in the wolf, my soul is split? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:18 PM It does what you want Soul copy, actually Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:19 PM Oh, son along my sould back to me, removes the link because it's basically deleting the copy Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:19 PM A soul can copy itself Yes [12:28 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:20 PM So once I make the link, is the link stuck with that animal, or can I change it and tell it to change? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:20 PM You can link to other animals too You can change it as well Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:21 PM Alr What if I went to an animal with horns, and wanted the horns? Will I have horns in the morning after doing it? And would it be painful? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:22 PM Ummm horns take awhile to grow Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:22 PM How long? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:23 PM A month or more Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:24 PM Same thing if I wanted the ears or tail or any other traits? Wings would probably take a year [12:29 PM] Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:25 PM Yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:26 PM Yes to both? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:26 PM Yep Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:26 PM K Which angel does this? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:31 PM Gabriel or ieazel Think of what you need and state it like a intent as you say the angels name Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:32 PM So, address them, and then ask? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:33 PM Yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:33 PM But ask as though it's a command? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:33 PM Yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:33 PM What do I say as the intent? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:33 PM What you need Like you wanted to share the consciousness with an animal.. think that you can share the consciousness with the animal. Then say "ieazel, share the animals consciousness with me." Spelly — 07/06/2023 12:29 PM Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:37 PM And sharing the consciousness is the good, non dangerous type of skinwalking/skindancing? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:37 PM Yes Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:38 PM K This is a better option, and if it grants me some thick fur, and other traits, then that's awesome This sounds much better and actually encouraging to do with them Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:39 PM Cool Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:39 PM Which angel is ieazel? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:39 PM The angel of doings Ieazel actually guides your words to get what you want. [12:30 PM] Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:40 PM And what about Gabriel? Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:41 PM he guards and makes things happen. Ieazel: Ieazel guides my words to get what I wish to have at the right time. This is no matter the point to do, he or she will do what I need by what I do if I feel he or she needs to do it. Lupus — 03/29/2022 5:41 PM Ok Thx Spelly — 03/29/2022 5:41 PM yw more you can do with them with even better examples [12:30 PM] Spelly — 03/31/2022 5:13 PM Magic results; The results will show by feel. Feel the results will appear And your thoughts will make them apparent. Thats how it works Spelly — 04/09/2022 1:00 PM Illusion; Think a ball of light exists and think to it what you want it to do. then it goes and does the idea where that ball becomes an illusion as long as I tell it what to be. [12:31 PM] Spelly — 04/10/2022 3:46 PM Food regeneration; think to regenerate as you eat food and the consciousness of energy makes you regenerate. Drink water to regenerate faster. Monstrous regeneration is using weed or some chemicals as you think to regenerate. Spelly — 04/10/2022 5:25 PM Controlled change; this is where you point out things as you change yourself by feel. Such as: when changing your shape to something else, point out the shape or say as you look at some picture "like that shape " and the subconscious forms that instead. Spelly — 04/10/2022 5:48 PM Fat empowering; the fat on your body can be a source of energy to the soul. This means that the thought that your fat is energy makes it possible to empower your spells. [12:32 PM] Spelly — 04/17/2022 12:08 PM Wall construct; the Wall is used by this construct to create with its energy what you need or desired. State what you need and intend to get the idea you speak as a result to cause it to create what you needed. Think you copy this construct to get the construct energy sphere as a helper. Spelly — 04/19/2022 10:04 AM Energy creation; Think of what you want and your body energy surges to create the idea if you need it done. Spelly — 04/24/2022 4:44 PM Void state; This allows you to manifest nearly anything by being in a void. Imagine you are going down a long staircase to the basement. then you faint. feel unconscious. when you wake up you will be in void space. state the need, thinking and intending your soul to do it.. and even if you think you can't do it you will. Lupus — 04/24/2022 5:30 PM Perfect I need this [12:33 PM] Spelly — 04/25/2022 7:44 AM Leylines; The creator can cause the ley lines that are lava lines in the planet.. to do what you want or need by its consciousness. Spelly — 04/26/2022 6:45 PM the prayer wish; if you pray to your god by thinking of what you need as you intend it to be done, then state it like "Oh god, I wish for what I need to occur..[or whatever you wish to happen..]" Then your god will answer you and make manifest what you desire like a wish is granted. Spelly — 04/27/2022 8:29 AM Bioshield; this is where the body absorbs the energy sent at it and creates a pure usable energy the body can use to create what you want. Spelly — 04/27/2022 5:01 PM Whatever; Whatever is fake and intended to be real, magic can make real. Spelly — 04/28/2022 8:54 AM spell flail; the energy extends from you and does what you want as you think to cause it to flail about. [12:33 PM] Spelly — 04/29/2022 1:26 AM Focused effect; This is where you focus and need the idea that you feel is needed. Then the effect is something that creates by feel what you needed. This is done to a target by thinking and stating what you will or suggest to the subconscious, feel what you want as you need your soul to create the effect and that is making what you need. This creates the effect of what you will as your soul makes what you need. So if you focused a psiball to exist and will it into creating a result, this is what you end up doing sometimes. Also you could will money to come to you in the amount that you need. This includes elemental effects, actions and uses of 1 round of 6 seconds inside melee to create your desire and 1 second outside of battle to sustain this effect or it only takes about 1.8 seconds to create the effect outside of battle. This is the subconscious that counts as a dm/gm and this creates what you want or need as you will it into existence..if you don't need it, then it doesn't happen. If you are in need you get an effect easily. This makes the drug user dangerous, as they need their addiction then they state what they need and they can get it unless countered or their not countered and get away with what they wanted. Think of your need and you get what you want. [12:33 PM] However if another did this to your willed effect, its called a counterwill. That can create what the other person disires or stop your effect. This is magic in a nutshell. In which you create by a moment, and that moment could last forever as you apply tricks to make the counter to the counterwill. Like make them think your someone else, then suggest your own thoughts that you feel are what is needed. So enjoy what you do, as you do it you create with the point. That is the idea you express and otherwise need, that creates magic by the power of the word or need you have. If you act it out, then you can create secretly what you desire by doing what you want in private. Think about it and you know what to do. An example of this is you want to create art, so you focus and think of what picture you want to create. This allows you to do your need as a point to make the art on canvas like a painting you wanted to recreate. Really this is a point or idea that you apply the paints and create with your will. [12:34 PM] Spelly — 04/29/2022 4:57 PM Focus enigma; the point is used, the idea is done, you gain what you wish. Spelly — 04/30/2022 6:36 PM Curse magic; this is where you create by focus on those disliked or otherwise wanted to do something. Think of your need and state your intent to make the result you need into becoming manifested. The subconscious creates the result you state as suggestion. Example: you want to create funding.. so you think of the idea to make money. Then you state the idea of "make me money" as your intent to do. The subconscious makes what you want as you think its possible. So if you cast it without fear of karma, your source or God protects you from it. Spelly — 05/07/2022 10:58 AM The Ascension trance; Ascension is elevating your mind and soul to a new level of existence so you are aware of things as you know what is what. Think go and breathe in and out, imagining falling while breathing out as you focus on the thought of Ascension and imagine how you will be. Do this until you are entranced. Wake up with a snap of your fingers or some loud sound. You don't always know how you will be yet you know that you are ascended. So as you are in trance, make a suggestion by stating the idea to yourself and it will occur sometime if you intend it to happen. You know this worked, if you feel observe the idea in some form. You don't always have to feel a result, if to know what occurred. How do you know where you are when ascended? Your spirit self-guides itself and allows your soul to have you realize where you go or are at the moment. In fact, if you state the words of the suggestions right, you can "hear" what they say with your senses as they say the idea and realize what they mean by what they do and this is done in visions of your senses that show you what is what. [12:34 PM] asdadfads2 — 05/07/2022 11:13 AM what is ascension Spelly — 05/07/2022 11:35 AM elevating your mind and soul to a new level of existence so you know what is what. Yonaka — 05/07/2022 12:01 PM so awake Spelly — 05/07/2022 1:00 PM That's an old site that I listed.. so I will leave it archived. The blog is the newer site.. [12:35 PM] Spelly — 05/07/2022 2:43 PM nothingness; how about, stating out loud, "I can create with nothingness." and if you focus on nothing and state out loud what you intend as an idea. this generates a result out of nothingness and nothingness contains mana energy. This is where you think, I will create a breeze, then state the affirmation word "breeze" as you look at nothing for a slight breeze in the area. Now realize that everything that comes from the void, goes back to the void. So if you summoned an object from void, it could disappear. asdadfads2 — 05/09/2022 12:47 PM Write your need on the top of a piece of paper. then write it at the bottom. Fold 2 of them on top of each other. say this verse "he(god) is the one who teaches to write with the pen" carry that paper on you. I guess your need radiates energy at every moment and you get your request in a short time. Spelly — 05/09/2022 2:20 PM Spirit manifest; Yanno what my spirit does? It causes me to eat or drink something and things happen that I want. That I need is there as I think about the idea to manifest. Its funny as I suddenly feel the urge to drink water. And my thoughts program the particles.. As I take in the food or drink particles my body creates it by the aura energy. One thing it loves is the energy of items. You don't even have to consume it. Be wary about that though.. don't get too many things. Like your near objects.. the objects hold molecular energy.. By being near them.. and thinking about the effect you need your spirit reaches out and uses them as an energy source. The idea you had in mind, like creating non tiredness, is there within the body. Suddenly your not tired. So for example wearing a necklace and it has the effect we want. how do we code it? Ah the spirit codes it using our thoughts. All we have to do is need the result. Think it happens and need it and your spirit causes it to occur. [12:35 PM] Spelly — 05/09/2022 3:21 PM P-shifts: Physical shifts of the body into another formation are more interesting. If you can do them.. I barely manage to do mine. I have to feel emotional and will the spirit to shift me. If the need isn't there i won't shift. Think of the form to shift into and then will the spirit to change you. You have what you need to do it by the soul making it exist there. Your body has a spirit.. it can make impossible results. All you need to do is will that spirit being to make the result. You will yourself into creating the result. But you are not your spirit.. the spirit resides within your body. It serves the soul. It senses your need and reacts to it by creating what you desire. Its more accurate to say we are our soul. The soul serves as a point of knowledge. This takes several tries and happens when something "changes" in you. So sudden is this change, that you feel your senses change and you find you can do magic no matter your weight. However, the more you p-shift, the more hungrier or thirstier you will feel. The body uses the energy of the sustenance to create in itself some change that is there when you think to notice. Hold off and you won't want to eat, redirect the need like use substitution of a lesser food or drink to keep off the weight. [12:35 PM] Spelly — 05/13/2022 8:43 AM vision correction; think you can see with 20/20 vision and that your vision corrects itself by saying "corrected" out loud or under your breath. this has a 50% chance to work Spelly — 05/13/2022 10:23 AM cps; it could be anything, yet this is where you focus energy to create what result you need by feel. The energy is compressed by idea, and focus makes it release into the air to create what you want with your thoughts as programming. yes you can protect children with this effect. If you want to lose weight, think weight loss and the body does the idea. Spelly — 05/14/2022 3:55 PM clairvoyance; in order to do this.. think of what you want and relax your mind breath in and out thinking a relaxing thought, then think you know what they are or what their doing. then it is the info from the spirit that comes to you. Spelly — 05/15/2022 5:00 PM insect repelling ritual 2: touch a rock or stone, thinking to "repel all insects and make them go." then go with it to place it somewhere you want it to effect and it emanates the energy frequency to cause all insects to die or leave. I used it and no insets remained except for those that crawled in. [12:35 PM] Spelly — 05/15/2022 5:17 PM dimensional travel; think of travelling the dimensions to go where you want, make a fist to compress energy and thrust the fist forth. Think to release the energy to cause what you need, this is with your soul guiding the energy to open a portal. So you get a shift to occur by walking through the "gate", thinking to appear where you need and intend to appear. The subconscious will make the shift occur and this lasts until you don't need it. This technique can shift you in the multiverse and you can appear wherever you want. Example: Think of where you want to go, then make a fist and punch the energy of the fist forth to make a portal that you see with your third eye and if you want to be there, think to shift there and by the power of energy as you walk through the gateway your there. This is useful in escaping the reality your in and upon evasion, you get to a safer place. Physically you may be where you are, but spiritually you will be in the dimension you intended to be. [12:36 PM] Spelly — 05/15/2022 5:37 PM pattern effect; think of what you need, form a pattern and upon completin you create the effect you thought to create. Spelly — 05/15/2022 8:22 PM Money maker; if you type or write that you have like 88888888 dollars then eventually you will get it. Like its generated by activity or nothingness and you find it somewhere. You may say any number you intend to make manifest by abundance being attracted to you. asdadfads2 — 05/16/2022 2:53 AM Did you make Spelly — 05/16/2022 8:03 AM I made enough to live asdadfads2 — 05/16/2022 8:05 AM Is the number 8 important or can we say 100000? Spelly — 05/16/2022 10:51 AM you may Spelly — 05/16/2022 5:14 PM Sigils; the Sigils you make create its effect by making fat converted to energy and the energy converted by thought does what you intend. In order to make sure that sigils are created, you think of your need and intent by focusing on the thought as you draw or trace the line drawn out. This is done in the air to make it effect what you need, thinking is done using the consciousness of energy by charging the heat in the air to make what you want. Positive thinking and reinforcement will create the result faster. This is basically done by saying "it works" or "it worked" and this causes the subconscious to make the result needed by feel. [12:36 PM] Spelly — 05/18/2022 3:15 AM internal magic focus; Focus the internal energy and will the effect you need. this is the way of manifest. so you will attract your idea that you needed, think of it and you need it and focus the energy within. think and you know what to do. imagine and you get better results. this is a point that you get and not much more. so think and you get what you want. as you need something, you find it in your heart to get what is required as you do things to get it. this is known as creationism, it uses the light and energy within the body or the energy within objects. do this and bear no repeat. so if you can get a result, tell me about it. I always found that I am interested in what you can do. since this can induce change upon the individual, it's there by feel and that is created by the soul within. this technique asks the soul to create what you will need into existence as though you could get it. also, it requires focus and concentration to make what desire you may have exist. if you don't need anything, then it makes no changes or effects there where you intend them to be. so it works if you need it to work and doesn't work if you don't need it to work. that is what I read in the bible. Spelly — 07/06/2023 12:37 PM In an idea of mine, I thought of things and found them a few days later or immediate results occur. if in thought to link it by touching the object, then attempt to use the energy within it. I created change by idea that I felt or observed. when attempting to think I touched it and made use of what energy there was in the area, I found that it worked the same way. if you believe that you did something, then the subconscious creates what you think so you make what is possible. by this technique, I could attempt to do what is impossible yet know that it won't happen results if I thought it wasn't needed. So I know this works. let me know if you don't get a result. this is an injunction to the effect, that leads to doubt. so that if you doubt this or don't doubt and attempt this technique, you can create results. think of what you want in life as though it were a need and you get results beyond your imagination. this is a point in idea where you have faith in yourself and you create with the power of the creator. the being that created with help this universe. call upon him bt thinking of things you need and think he does them and he will. if you know another technique feel free to tell me about it. I am all ears. thanks for your consideration. [12:37 PM] Spelly — 05/18/2022 2:37 PM Luck; I get the ultimate luck by feel or idea. Spelly — 05/21/2022 6:14 PM The void meditation To feel the darkness in an area and this must be in a dark area. Then think of nothing and you absorb the calming void of nothingness as you do things by intuition or instinct. Let a soothing calm of nothing come over you. This is you in limbo and you will enjoy it to the last. Think to say what you want here and then is to gain it by manipulating the energy around the nothingnes. Feel your need to activate the psionic sense organ or pinneal gland and know it will come. If you want to make this easier, make an affirmation or statement as a wish when you do the meditation. That will create the point and make the effect by the spirit using the soul to create your idea. This process is guided by the subconscious and the effect of this meditation is amazing as you can imagine what result you intend to occur. If you can't get a result, then try to rest as you listen to messages and these are affirmations that you want to happen. This will rewrite your brain to make void meditation more possible.. enjoy! Spelly — 05/21/2022 8:05 PM [12:37 PM] Spelly — 05/23/2022 3:28 PM here is metaphysics that I wrote about.. Spelly — 05/26/2022 10:26 AM names; I thought of something. Let's say you forgot someone's name. Instead of saying and remembering names one by one, you should do something like this. Imagine that dozens of names will flash before your eyes and the right one will stop. just assume. You don't need to see the names. pretend it's happening and wait. Spelly — 05/28/2022 11:03 AM gating; I found this way to open gates. think of the area and imagine an oval in the air expand until it is the size of your body and walk through. the soul will make you shift and the spirit will tell you what is occurring. normal shifting is mentally done, your soul is your consciousness. so then with gating you shift your body and soul and as your consciousness shifts with the soul, the spirit creates what you intend to create. then you get to be where you intend to be. so what you have to do with gating, is make certain your not in an area that would kill you. however, with gating you could end up right behind the target, and then shift to somewhere else after taking it out by feel. See with gating, you could find yourself anywhere.. so think and you know what to do and by feel you know what it is there. This is in use by what is a point from the past. you can teleport anywhere using gating, yet time is a point you make and say as a concept you need as its idea. so think of a point in time that you open a gate to and your there at that time. this is is known as the idea of gateway creation. if you succeed in gating you will have shifted physically, using gating, then you create a gateway to wherever you want to be at the time you decide to be in. Then as you think to exist in the area your there. [12:38 PM] Spelly — 05/28/2022 11:09 AM ummm.. gates are dimensional doorways to other dimensions. [12:38 PM] Spelly — 05/28/2022 11:23 AM oho the soul is your awareness. asdadfads2 — 05/28/2022 11:24 AM Hm Spelly — 05/28/2022 11:24 AM when your soul shift, it causes a shift in consciousness. wherever you are, you are. in life asdadfads2 — 05/28/2022 11:28 AM looks dangerous. How is it different from normal shifting? Spelly — 05/28/2022 11:28 AM ummm it actually is unless the creator protects you normal shifting is mentally done with gating you shift your body and soul and the spirit creates what you intend to create what you have to do with gating, is make certain your not in an area that would kill you interesting, right [12:39 PM] Spelly — 05/28/2022 11:37 AM i um an; interesting response. asdadfads2 — 05/28/2022 11:38 AM Yes Spelly — 05/31/2022 5:24 PM spell creation; think of a language to use and put the words in a statement or use key words, putting a description beside the words to use as though a power phrase. think they will effect and state the power phrase and the subconscious will manifest it. Spelly — 06/05/2022 5:53 PM Energy being; this is the third eye that reforms your body as though it turns into an energy being and you don't need food or drink. All you need is the energy from the creator. Spelly — 06/10/2022 6:42 PM Dejection; if you receive a call you don't like, then send dejected thoughts and feelings at the caller using the call as a link to him or her. They should happen to stop calling and that is all. [12:39 PM] Spelly — 06/10/2022 6:51 PM Focus; in focus is a point of making and that is the soul creation of what you want or intend. Spelly — 06/10/2022 7:08 PM I; I am energy aware or eware thinking to do what i feel is necessary . I don't do what I don't intend. Interesting spell En Spelly — 06/10/2022 7:47 PM scripts; the script is the idea you write or type out and think to get by making it a written instruction to energy to create a result and that means you write a script and intend it to work.. write a suitable end and start the script by stating a power word or idea to start things off. A script of wealth; You find opportunity to work or think to get something, you get paid and that's that as you relax the rest of the day. Enn Enn=ending there you go [12:39 PM] Spelly — 06/16/2022 11:10 AM wind wall; focus on the air the thought of wind formed as a wall and feel it happen where you want it formed. Hurricane throwing; think of a Hurricane formed from water particles that go in a vortex circle that you form by gesture and it goes where you point it or think it to go. Spelly — 06/16/2022 12:26 PM Shadow manipulation; this is where you focus on the Shadows and darkness then imagine what you need as you think the consciousness of darkness forms it. Shadow copy; this is where you focus on the shadows as you imagine another you or item form from the shadows as you think the shadows form it. Mind kill; this is where you imagine the person dying and think its created by the soul. If you imagine a stroke or a dagger cast at the target. This works better if you do that. Spelly — 06/16/2022 1:15 PM En Spelly — 06/17/2022 8:01 AM Spell of condemning; make not work sought and make caught. [12:40 PM] Spelly — 06/19/2022 8:43 AM know what to do; if you think and focus then you kill now and realize what you need to die off or do. Spelly — 06/19/2022 8:56 AM sla eva; slay evil, this kills the evil person or thing you target. Spelly — 06/24/2022 8:07 AM Remembrance; Let's say you're thinking of a thought. can you upload this thought to a symbol? All thoughts will come to your mind when you see that symbol. this may be in a small line. If we improve, we can memorize long things right away. we remember all the information by drawing a single symbol in the exam. Spelly — 06/24/2022 8:26 AM Video; Imagine you're videotaping someone walking forward. when you play the video in reverse, it walks backwards. but this is something very different from a normal walk back. All laws of physics are different. Video 2; if you imagine a vid being displayed on a screen, then you can create the flow of life effect. Think of the Video shown, showing your life and you know the future of what will come, if you watch it beyond a point. Spelly — 07/06/2023 12:40 PM Spelly — 06/24/2022 8:42 AM Game magic; this is where you think of gaming and create with thought. The thought interacts with the game and what you need happens in it. The subconscious creates the need through the thought energy. Say you were needing a health boost on the game. Then thinking about the boost as you play it creates it as you happen to notice your character with more health. Spelly — 06/24/2022 9:27 AM another language; If we want to learn another language, we must create a personality suitable for it. that consciousness must be separate from the present. it should be on that frequency, that side of us. ghosting; The moment you think, this is what occurs if you need it to happen and otherwise intend the result. So think about the moment and you can use the energy of the being to control the ghost. Think about it leaving, then state out loud, " ghost leave and don't come back." Then, by the power of the creator, the ghost doesn't come back. asdadfads2 — 06/24/2022 9:35 AM Which being Spelly — 06/24/2022 10:15 AM any any ghost or being will work [12:41 PM] Spelly — 06/24/2022 11:53 AM magic food; You can force your body into creating the shape you desire by eating. This uses the reprogrammed energy of food with the thought focused through the food as you eat it and the thought is what you get as a result. However, once the food is processed in the body, it changes back. That's how you can tell when someone does this, they tend to either fluctuate in body shape or change back right in front of your eyes if you manage to catch it. Say you intended by thinking about becoming a slimmer shape, think your becoming slimmer as you eat a little bite of food and as you eat and think your body reshapes itself by feel. The end result is the shape you intended and thought to become. Then after some time, you are your old shape again. Spelly — 06/26/2022 12:20 PM sealing magic; Take two zip lock bags and a bottle of water. Seal the first bag within the second bag. That way your seal is 'sealed'. Then place both bags into the bottle of water and place in the freezer. Let it freeze and use your mind to seal things with it. If you want you can seal the sealing to yourself with your hair or spit in the first sealed zip lock bag. sealing magic 2; imagine a green bubble surround the target and as it comes from the heart and seals the target/s you cause the third eye to make them not effect the area your in and this is done by feel. This neutralizes the target/s and things work as they do. The area is clear of them after awhile, so its sealed think and you can use this as you want them gone. [12:41 PM] sealing magic 3; write on a note what you want to seal, then put it in a ziplock bag and seal the bag. Think it is sealed and whala! it's done. This can seal multiple things and notes. Think and its effect is there or annulled, as you don't need it sealed and unseal the bag. Place the bag in a water bottle and freeze it, if you want it permenantly gone. sealing magic 4; place what you want in a closable container, then when you close the lid on the container its sealed. this can be notes of things you want sealed or whatever you desire. Spelly — 06/26/2022 3:24 PM ice magic; write a note and place it in a disposable cup of water, then freeze it and you caused what you wrote that you didn't want to be frozen out of time, permanently. dispose of the ice in some manner and you can reuse the cup. [12:41 PM] Spelly — 06/26/2022 5:26 PM no = I know the concept; I realize it, know what it is and kill now or gnow it. Spelly — 06/26/2022 5:36 PM yes = yet weigh it; you realize what it is and think about it. Spelly — 06/28/2022 5:49 PM remote listening; Think to hear what it is, then you create a moment that you hear the idea or about things there. Then your spirit acts the eyes and ears of the soul and hears it for you. Spelly — 06/28/2022 6:56 PM genetic wake up; you can wake the genetic pattern up by thinking of the gene to wake up as you drink water. this process can take at most a day. remote listening; Think to hear what it is by feel, then you create a moment that you hear the idea or about things there. Then your spirit acts the eyes and ears of the soul and hears it for you. The spirit can be anywhere, as though it notices or watches the idea as it happens. [12:42 PM] Spelly — 07/06/2022 2:45 PM I read something interesting he says : "my dear system, please extend 1 hour to 5 hours for me. Let me sleep for 1 hour and feel like rested for 5 hours. May the miracle happen." If we say this, 2 hours of sleep a day is enough. Spelly — 07/06/2022 2:56 PM Imagine I have you read 10 pages of information. If I ask the other day what you remember. You can't explain it all, but it's in your mind. For example, if I told you something about bees, you may not think of it. but if I show you honey, you think of bees and hence that topic. A little knowledge reveals all other knowledge. This is how the da vinci method works. we know quantum and many other information. If we combine, we can find new things. asanchez500 — 07/06/2022 3:04 PM Nixe Spelly — 07/06/2022 3:47 PM Ikr Spelly — 07/10/2022 1:11 PM channeled energy; The focus you have is used by the higher self, that creates by cause and energy that flows from the higher plane through your body to be directed outward. This energy does what you think it does. Including making dysfunction in machines by feel. This is real higher self channeling. [12:42 PM] Spelly — 07/13/2022 9:49 AM Super ability; this is where you focus upon the heat energy and think of a supernatural or other power, that you want that makes you super able or something like superman. Think of what you want to be able to do and the heat energy makes it possible to do. As you think about the ability you get heightened in awareness, so you know what is what and there where you want to know about. This can be flying, super strength or whatever you need. So you can understand what to do with it, your soul gives you insight onto what to do. It can be anything and any number of things, that lasts up to 36 seconds in melee or battle, and unlimited until not desired outside of combat. After doing this enough, it can be more things. That lasts longer in battle and unlimited outside of battle until not desired. Then after its effect is done, your as normal as you were. Any drugs in use or focusing can easily create this effect, that's with convincing yourself that it was possible. [12:43 PM] asdadfads2 — 07/13/2022 9:55 AM I don't understand when you explain without an example. that is, we will consider heat energy. and we will consider jumping 2 meters. It will be easy if we convince ourselves of this. is it correct? what is heat energy and what happens if we think about it Spelly — 07/13/2022 9:57 AM yes heat energy is the fire energy in the air. if you think about it, you program by thought waves the heat in the air to do what you intend. this lowers the heat amount, then you wait till the energy in the air replenishes itself. the heat comes back, you see that's when you get to create another result. [12:43 PM] asdadfads2 — 07/13/2022 10:07 AM It is very difficult in winter, is it true? Spelly — 07/13/2022 10:09 AM yes that's accurate you got it right unless you use ice magic then you can freeze what causaes the ability to not writing it down on a note and freeze it in water this makes the ability work better by the heat in water dissipating and the ice is formed as you think to create the ability asdadfads2 — 07/13/2022 10:13 AM talking and loving with heat energy. Is it more useful? or can we use the heat from our body to draw more. what comes to my mind now Spelly — 07/13/2022 10:13 AM we can use heat from our body, yes [12:43 PM] Spelly — 07/16/2022 2:17 PM Isshin art; As you work with something, you put a little of your consciousness into it by energy you give off and it absorbs. Like thinking its a point to create a working machine, work with the machine and it starts to work again. This is the art of Isshin. That creates the items conscious awareness, and you shape the items will by focus. This works by what you think and the item does. Think and you know what to do. Spelly — 07/17/2022 4:29 PM remembrance; think you'll remember and feel that you will. then your brain will come up with the memory you need to know. Spelly — 07/19/2022 11:44 AM one pointed focus; You think of a actual point in your minds eye and then focus on what your trying to realize. Then you realize it. Spelly — 07/20/2022 9:20 AM Weaving energy; think of your aura and calm yourself down, then feel the aura energy move around your body. Think of what you want or need and focus upon the target to effect. Then the aura creates the point of idea or what you intend by feel. The aura energy will reach out and create the change in mind. Example: Say you wanted to heal someone, think of healing and the aura will cause it by you needing the healing done by feel. Then the auratic energy will cause healing done by feel. [12:44 PM] asdadfads2 — 07/20/2022 9:24 AM bro. I fail most of the time. Everyone says: fix your eating habits. clear your subconscious. otherwise you will not be successful. Is there such a requirement? Spelly — 07/20/2022 9:26 AM No I say. Eat what you want. . Make use of your subconscious mind. Its okay to eat as you want. asdadfads2 — 07/20/2022 9:28 AM think about this. Right now my subconscious is like muddy water. and i need to clean it up. It must be all water. Otherwise, I will not be successful. / is this visualization wrong? Isn't that true? How do you embody this? that deep-seated beliefs hold you back. Spelly — 07/20/2022 9:30 AM Wrong Think of it like this.. your subconscious does what you need as you intend a result.. state what you want and it will do it. Its already water [12:44 PM] Spelly — 07/21/2022 3:39 PM Mantras; Mantras allow for meditation. Meditation allows for altered states of conciousness. Altered states of conciousness can lead to the realization of magick. Spelly — 07/22/2022 10:16 AM Breathing; breathe normal and focus on your Breathe, think of what you need and focus upon your breath, then you realize what you want to know. Let me tell you something. the focus of the mind is scattered over thousands of things at any moment. if you manage to focus that focus on one thing it will be very powerful. most people say what they want but don't focus. If you want to do electrokinesis, that should be all you think about at that moment. without worry and 100% faith. Often, doubts from the past affect your present and you don't notice it. Switching frequency; there is a man. I will explain his technique. It's a different topic than this one. The man calls it the "vibration switching frequency". You are constantly touching a sick place. once per second. and you say the name of god. the frequency of all kinds of diseases is changing and getting better. Spelly — 07/23/2022 6:12 PM Chaos shield; this shield is made with this shield construct that acts by making the aura energy protect you from chaos, you can think about the "shield construct" and it will activate for yourself. Then is the point your protected and it provides for you and protects you from any chaos in the area, albeit energywise or mind know when its active as you feel calm and without stress. When active, it will create whatever you need or want as you desire it.. Also the area is cooler by feel. This shield lasts until you are without heat and reactivates when the heat is replenished. [12:44 PM] Spelly — 07/25/2022 7:11 AM light channeling; This is where you focus on a target in the light of the moment and think of what you want, then you speak your need that the light energy consciousness does and effects the target with by feel. Ex: Focus your mind on the idea that you lose weight, then you speak that "I lose 38 lbs, no matter what" and the light energy is controlled by its consciousness to create that result and you lose some weight. Spelly — 07/27/2022 11:21 AM the effect; think of the effect and you create it. this can be any effect any where you think its created, however don't expect too much from this. then your experience isn't disappointing. otherwise, forget about the effect you attempted and you can not experience disappointment. Spelly — 07/29/2022 7:27 AM Au naturale diet; avoid fried foods, fatty foods, high fructose and sugar intake. think to eat less as though 1600 or less calories per day. this is the au naturale diet without too much sugar. however, you can use sugar substitutes like stevia. they don't add the weight up. so pick and choose as you can. [12:45 PM] Spelly — 07/29/2022 7:43 AM I saw my drawer in my dream. There were things like nail clippers, glue in it. like in reality. If there was a piece of paper in the drawer that said "you are dreaming" it would be lucid. if we focus on one thing in real life and make papers that send such messages to the subconscious. It might be useful asanchez500 — 07/29/2022 8:12 AM Nice Spelly — 07/29/2022 1:11 PM Tired? Think of something else that you want and the tiredness disappears by not thinking about the tiredness itself. SrgRufus — 07/29/2022 1:13 PM To wage war for peace is like having sex to become a virgin. [12:45 PM] asdadfads2 — 07/29/2022 1:54 PM no you can be successful if you fight for peace. but there is no chance of success in the other Spelly — 07/29/2022 2:07 PM oho SrgRufus — 07/29/2022 2:22 PM But you've started a huge conflict, killed thousands in the pursuit of peace, and the peace is only temporary. And that war you waged for good, will be the ground for someone else who does not sympathize with you. So another war will come, and we will again go to war in an endless pursuit of peace. Spelly — 07/29/2022 2:23 PM so true fight in defense not to make conflict asdadfads2 — 07/29/2022 2:30 PM If you are someone who knows thousands of years of knowledge, you apply the right management. Even your enemy will respect you. and you become unlimited power. this will happen soon. There will be only happiness in every street of the world. but it will take 7 years Spelly — 07/29/2022 2:31 PM interesting [12:46 PM] Spelly — 07/31/2022 1:51 PM Fixed; The leylines can do things for you summoned its energy and the leylines are actually lava tunnels that your brain can summon its energy from in some point to have programmed it. The ley line creates more heat in the area as it works and heat in the body is felt like a resurge of energy. See that's when you create the effect by telling the leylines consciousness what you want or thinking of your need as you think of a need. Basically think of what you want and state under your breath "fixed" needing the leylines to fix it. This can decapitate or destabilize you by making you pass out, unless you tell the consciousness of the planet, the creator or your god to program it for you with what you need to get a result. real_rajat — 07/31/2022 9:47 PM @SrgRufus To fight protectively of your people and their peace is for peace. There is a theory called the paradox of tolerance. If you are too tolerant then outside forces will attack your subjects and kill them to take their resources. Spelly — 08/01/2022 10:43 AM Spirit magic; If you think of the the idea, you create by the spirit and you make the effect of what you think into creation. Spelly — 08/02/2022 11:10 AM Extra dna; So take some spit or a piece of hair. Take the hair and tie it in a knot with some rope. Then put it in a bottle of water and put it in the freezer. This will add layers to your DNA. That means you gain ability. You can do more with magic. asdadfads2 — 08/02/2022 11:13 AM what good will it do? Spelly — 08/02/2022 11:14 AM Adds ability to the body [12:46 PM] Spelly — 08/02/2022 11:16 AM You can do more with magic asdadfads2 — 08/02/2022 11:20 AM what if we do this over and over Spelly — 08/02/2022 11:20 AM You gain allot of DNA strands Haha asdadfads2 — 08/02/2022 11:27 AM asanchez500 — 08/02/2022 1:18 PM Hahah asdadfads2 — 08/02/2022 1:50 PM What does it mean to do more with magic? And if we remove the frozen hair and throw it in the trash, will there be a layer? @Spelly Spelly — 08/02/2022 1:58 PM well each spell has a percent chance of success. so to do more with magic is where you add to that chance and get better results yes there will be a layer once formed its formed [12:46 PM] asdadfads2 — 08/02/2022 2:01 PM If I freeze it for 1 day, it is enough. I can post later. is it correct. and let me ask this. If I throw 3 hairs into 1 bottle at the same time. Will there be 3 layers? Spelly — 08/02/2022 2:01 PM yes to both questions Spelly — 08/05/2022 10:03 AM Creative; the Mgr comes back and doesn't get fired by feel. No matter what. [12:47 PM] OfficialBlueBird — 08/07/2022 12:00 PM This is awesome! Spelly — 08/07/2022 12:00 PM Yay OfficialBlueBird — 08/07/2022 12:01 PM So we keep it in the freezer? For how long? And do we take it out? Spelly — 08/07/2022 12:01 PM After it freezes.. take out the bottle And reuse or toss it.. it doesn't matter OfficialBlueBird — 08/07/2022 12:03 PM Reuse? I don't understand. I'm sorry I'm still learning Are you talking about the bottle? Does the magic take effect after the hair freezes in the bottle? Spelly — 07/06/2023 12:47 PM Spelly — 08/07/2022 12:04 PM Yes To both OfficialBlueBird — 08/07/2022 12:05 PM Oh ok. Thank you. So when you say ability. Like what kind? Spelly — 08/07/2022 12:05 PM Manifest ability OfficialBlueBird — 08/07/2022 12:08 PM Hmm... I'm just curious to what ability. But I'll find out. Thank you for the magic Spelly — 08/07/2022 12:09 PM Your welcome Its ability to create with energy and make things happen by suggestion to your subconscious. OfficialBlueBird — 08/07/2022 12:10 PM Awesome! [12:47 PM] Spelly — 08/08/2022 7:52 PM healing; Think of healing and imagine the body is working right, wounds closing and such, then state "heal" and the spirit does it using the power of the soul. Spelly — 08/09/2022 4:49 PM Unlimited stamina; think to trick your body into no longer feeling tired..then you have unlimited stamina. asdadfads2 — 08/09/2022 4:53 PM Can we use the energy in our cells? even a single atom has the potential to destroy a city. Spelly — 08/09/2022 4:53 PM Yes Thats what you do. asdadfads2 — 08/09/2022 4:54 PM How Spelly — 08/09/2022 4:55 PM The subconscious naturally chooses the energy of the cells in the body. If you think something else as your tired you think of that thing and are no longer tired. [12:48 PM] Spelly — 08/10/2022 6:55 AM rel_reja = overcome bitterness and rewind bad events..pronounced [reel ree-jab]. state the spell words to get the effect. real_rajat — 08/12/2022 1:40 AM @Spelly how to increase percentage of success to 100%…? For a spell Spelly — 08/12/2022 1:48 AM pray Spelly — 08/15/2022 1:10 PM cool spell; think to the air to absorb the energy of the heat in the air and you cool your body off as you use the heat energy to do can however get too much heat and the energy creates a point of faintness. this works in 100 degrees heat or lesser. Spelly — 08/15/2022 1:29 PM magnetism; Think of your aura on a person or thing, and magnetically pull it in or push it out. Then you can make an effect with it quite simply. So imagine your aura and focus it on something and feel or think its pulled towards you or pushed away from you. Then, it either moves towards you or away from you. [12:48 PM] Uncle Chuckie's General Store E books UNCLE CHUCKIE’S E-BOOKS Explore the Mysterious Secrets of Psionics These are the books governments around the world DO NOT want you to read.  (I know, everyone says that, but in this case it’s...

Spelly — 08/19/2022 5:10 AM internal magic; if you focus upon a thought and need it, internally your body energy is used to create your idea and think it will occur then it will. Spelly — 08/19/2022 1:45 PM phone charge; The charge percentage of your phone determines your energy. if it is 100 you are happy and energetic. If it is below 15, your energy drops. maybe unnoticeable, but it's affecting. Deleted User — 08/21/2022 3:02 PM Imagine yourself in a room with nothing basically a room with nothing existing except yourself no bottom no top no ceiling no doors no nothing now you have to do this sitting down and when you're sitting down the imagine yourself standing up in this room where nothing exists except you then imagine a person that you dislike or hate or you can imagine yourself but this person has to be weaker than you then imagine them or a couple of hundred of them fighting or using the ability that you are doing not the person you against them you'll feel tingling that means that you're energy body is accommodating itself to this change then you do this for several hours but you have to do it for 2 weeks after 2 weeks you have to do it in technique outside in the real world and you would have perfect ly know how to do it [12:49 PM] Spelly — 08/21/2022 3:18 PM better formatted Imagination; Imagine yourself in a room with nothing basically a room with nothing existing except yourself, no bottom no top no ceiling no doors no nothing. now you have to do this sitting down and when you're sitting down, then imagine yourself standing up in this room where nothing exists except you. then imagine a person that you dislike or hate or you can imagine yourself, but this person has to be weaker than you. then imagine them or a couple of hundred of them fighting or using the ability that you are doing. that's not the person as though you against them, you'll feel tingling that means that you're energy body is accommodating itself to this change. then you do this for several hours, but you have to do it for 2 weeks. after 2 weeks you have to do it in technique outside in the real world, and you would perfectly know how to do it. [12:49 PM] Spelly — 08/21/2022 4:49 PM The effect dice; these are actual points, so bear with me. If you have a number of dice (the 2d in 2d30) then you can create with the dice base, the d(number) is useful for what you think as magnitude in seconds of focus. This is thought of used idea as a point that you think is done, if not otherwise noted. I think the idea is done if you think it is, so your idea is quietly done. The effects of the dice is not actually rolled, this is where you think of the magnitude of the number and drop the d or dynamic draw of energy. The other numbers (the 2d) are used as a point or focus level x the effect of magnitude, and added is the point of effect or stress in seconds that it lasts. You can't do that, if you think to do things against another person or the idea is overdone, unless you decide to not do it and it has no negative impact. The point is a concept you think, the magnitude is like earthquake levels, except the idea is where you create or make the point. The idea is done by a point of what you think is an effect. The greater the number, the bigger the magnitude of effect. This number means you draw energy till a certain point, that is mentioned in seconds or minutes of focus. That means how hard you hit by the time this takes to happen with intention. This is an effect of the mind though, so think the thought isn't you, think and you dismiss the idea as a point that didn't happen. Stress is how long the effect lasts unless instant or non instant death, then it doesn't matter how large the number is if in use. This is some idea of a dice roll in use of some effect by feel. [12:49 PM] Deleted User — 08/21/2022 4:58 PM Spelly it's not that complicated the only drawback with it is that you have to do it once for 2 weeks imagine training is nothing but imagining that what you're using Spelly — 08/21/2022 5:21 PM oho Spelly — 08/22/2022 4:28 PM Non-smoking; Decide to not smoke and you stop. Its called cold turkey, see it will be easy. Basically if you decide to not need it then you don't. Also.. the idea of "no cigarettes" pointed out to yourself reminds your psyche to not smoke. Spelly — 08/25/2022 1:17 PM For magic to keep working; If you want magick to keep working even when you forget about it, your subconscious does it. Just specify to what you want to your subconscious and of course believe in yourself. Then let it go. Otherwise, instruct your soul to keep what magick you need to be working. Then it will. [12:50 PM] Spelly — 09/02/2022 5:01 PM illusion; think of what you want to be seen and your soul shows that as an aspect of reality. that really isn't there so thinking about the moment creates it as a viewed thing. this is how its done to fool the eye of the long range viewers. So I think the soul is good enough to make illusion seem real. If you think about it, its not there. Spelly — 09/05/2022 7:10 PM fun; this is fun.. thinking of things as intent and speaking what you need.. it acts like a prayer and creates like a spell. 60% success rate on it. Spelly — 09/08/2022 10:25 AM Thought creating; Think of the effect and will the idea to occur by the power of the creator. Spelly — 09/12/2022 7:51 AM Chaos; This is where you think of chaos energy as a source and gate it contained in iron particles that are traces of iron in the air released in or near the target, thinking to create instant disruption and breaking down of the targets cells, particles and energy along with their activity. you have to summon chaos using iron particles, think of iron particles lined up like a container and have the creator place chaos energy into it as you visualize light blue energy flaring. target the person or machine with it by thinking the container releases the chaos upon them or it with a visualized light blue flare. when you are done with the chaos, have the creator remove the energy that's chaotic visualizing black energy flaring. it can break down anything. as the energy flares it acts upon what you intend it to act upon. this is fascinating, indeed. Ice curse; Just use salt with water and a letter in the the bottle to direct it at someone. And freeze it. What's good on the letter? Write their names backwards to return to sender. [12:50 PM] asdadfads2 — 09/12/2022 8:06 AM which letter Spelly — 09/12/2022 8:09 AM any note Spelly — 09/12/2022 10:28 AM positive energy; This is the light grey energy that you think to flare up and enact on something you want positive. This energy can leave you feeling good. So use it for what you intend to effect positive vibes for the idea. However, you don't want to be in a positive energy with a virus test. You might test positive. Otherwise things work by feel with light grey energy. negative energy; This is flaring light black or dark grey energy particles, this is useful thinking to test negative with virus testing. Otherwise you would be negative with a light attitude from negative ions that heal. Things you target tend to break down with negative energy, so think and you know what to do. Once you activated the color, you can breach the targets network and cause disconnect. [12:50 PM] Spelly — 09/12/2022 11:27 AM money; This is generated by visualizing a flared slate grey color. orange; cool fire or radiation if you think it flared. Also this causes a polarized effect to any light. yellow; hot fire if you think its flared. yellow orange; tracing energy. also the solar sun energy. This is useful to heal by or trace someone if flared. bone grey; death and decay energy. once active by flaring the color, you create a decaying effect with death at the end of what you target by the flaring. gold; This color flared to active state is the color, that causes absorption of radiation as energy. light gold; This color flared creates a positive feel from absorption of radiation. red gold; This color if flared, causes warmth or heat expulsion. light red gold; This color causes a happy feeling of pleasure as it warms you up. Watch the weight though and hold off on eating, then the need dissipates away as otherwise can you ignore eating? you could cause yourself to feel so euphoric you might not want to stop eating. dark red gold; The color if flared will cause no need to eat and not feeling much at all. This is the deadness element. [12:51 PM] Spelly — 09/12/2022 11:38 AM dark gold; This color if flared, will cause the body to lose any excess weight and it burns or hurts a bit if it works. light yellow; This color, if flared, will cause a light in the area that is soft that feels warm to the feel. grey; This color if flared, causes poisoning in the area like a big roach bomb. Spelly — 09/12/2022 12:13 PM Orange grey; black light, this color if flared causes a dark light effect in the area. Spelly — 09/12/2022 12:29 PM Light bone; the effect of this flared can cut off any thing you intend to cutoff or stop. This thinking to stop it means stop or pause something that ends by its continuation after the effect fades away. Dark bone; This color flared causes false feelings of things that you target it by use of the coloration. [12:51 PM] Spelly — 09/12/2022 4:59 PM Red bone; blood, This flared color can make a bloody effect or effort that you do. light red bone; Otherwise pinkish bone, if flared will cause an effect of a true feeling that comes from things or people. light orange; This color can create, if flared, the effect of creating a light mood. dark orange; This color, if flared, will cause a darkish mood in the intended target. light red orange; This color, if flared, can cause a positive passion to form. dark red orange; This color, if flared, can cause a negative passion or dark passion to be created from activity that is conflict. light red green; This if flared, causes learning of things that exist by energy osmosis by feel. dark red green; This, if flared, causes the curse effect of the targeted thing or person. red green; This, if flared, causes blessing in effect of what is there of what you need. red green grey; This magnolia color, if the color is flared, causes a gate to where you intend to be. Magenta; This color, if flared, causes calmness by feel that is peace. Red; This color, if flared, causes passion in the activity that you do. rose; Rose red, if flared, causes a great rose fragrance in the air. pine green; That's where it causes, if flared, the effect of sneezing. blue grey; This, if the color is thought flared, causes a steeling of the nerves. blue green; causes a peaceful feel, if the color is flared that lasts longer than the magenta calm by twice as much. yellow grey; smothering, this color if flared can smother any feeling or flame. [12:52 PM] white grey; This color, if flared, causes submissive influence or appeasement. white yellow grey; This causes overwhelming feel or stings like a yellow jacket can make if the color is flared. red yellow grey; Magnolia grey, They that feel this flared color relax, fling or back away from the point or idea that's there and calm down. peach; This color, if flared, causes peaceful feelings that lasts from the aura causing the feel. white yellow; This color, if enflared by thinking its flared, makes a positive feeling of good mood and feeling restored. white yellow green; if this is the color that flares, then you have a sense of knowing by the power of the spirit reading the soul. What you feel is that you know things so you don't die off from the idea. paisley green; there's a pain fill or painful feel with the flaring of this color. paisley green grey; Think to use this carefully, as flared can cause a heart stroke or attack. paisley green white; great pains; This color, if flared, can cause stomach cramps or stomach correction. white light then dark gray; These colors if flared cause a cure of the brain and mood. paisley; sickness, this color if flared can cause an overall sick feeling. light paisely; This color if flared can cause a positive sickness or appearance. [12:52 PM] dark paisely; This color if flared can cause a disease that isn't appearant yet is there or a negative test. dark paisley red; This color, if flared, will cause a reaction to anything nearby. energy making; if you flare the green brown color by concentration upon the thought that its flared..the body tends to be regenerated and energized by feel. attention making; This is where you think to flare the orange brown color at a target. then they are drawing attention to themselves. yellow brown; this is where you create the drug, that the body needs to restore itself and cure itself by feel of any ill. yellow red brown; This color if flared at a target, will cause a raven effect of heart attack and hard time breathing like a stroke that passes you out into coma. [12:52 PM] en The magnolia, Magenta and red color if they are used, then you get violence or dourness. enjoy! Spelly — 09/12/2022 5:16 PM white lime green or gold focused by the third eye as you think its flared is fast money. Spelly — 09/12/2022 6:22 PM Weed/plant soul; Imagine a weed or plant that forms in nature in your soul. Imagine it growing with sunlight and water. You can harness this weed or plant to grow in sexual power or spiritual power. Spelly — 09/12/2022 6:36 PM The force; to use the force imagine a thermal magnetic field around your body. Imagine attracting or repeling some one or thing to use the force. [12:53 PM] Spelly — 09/14/2022 8:49 AM Dimensional aura shifting; There are other dimensions amongst you, then when they say the brain (or energy brain) can handle up to 10 picked dimensions at once. This means you can do what you want with them. You see, that is your true strength, the ability to do things and skip to another dimension to avoid trouble. So if you have an object and you want to shift, then touch the object thinking the object energy shifts you to where you want. If an image or sound comes to your mind, like a screech. Then that's what is there. Think and you know what to do. The subconscious can shift you by the spirit knowing where and what is there. If it's safe and know people come from somewhere so if you have a way back, then your there by the will of the creator. Otherwise they say if you can draw the energy into your aura, draw in the air a symbol or state what result you want and you can shift in your mind to wherever you want to be dimensionally by willing it or thinking about shifting there as you suffuse your aura with energy. Once shifted and your there, your there by feel or spiritually if not physically. However, if you can think about it, when a reaper catches you, you get sent to hell. The higher on the dimensional energy you have gotten, the more you can effect and the more energy you are gathering from the dimension your drawing it to by feel. So think of the idea to use it for, write it, state it as a point to the subconscious and you may get a result. If by feel the spirit is with you then you can allow yourself what you wanted by idea and its seen by feel. [12:53 PM] The way I put this information is using the basis of a real live technique. See if you want to be safe don't actually attempt it, as there are some dangerous dimensions. Unless you think your God or the creator protects you from harm. So you could get results if the creator allowed it and if you allow it as you prepare for it you can get there. Know that if you don't actually shift, your God or the creator deemed it unsafe to go.

Spelly — 07/06/2023 12:53 PM Say you want to shift to the 7th or the 8th dimension, then think to say that you do so when you think of the 7th dimensional shift you can think of the moment. If not you still gate 7th dimensional energy to your aura as you touch an object by the idea you have. See your then there by the 7th dimensional energy shifting you, all by feel. The 8th dimensional shift is similar by the point you do. That is done by focusing, thinking of the 8th dimension. Where you think of the 8th dimension the point is done, that's where the 8th dimension does what you want. Such is the case as you draw in gated 8th dimensional energy to your aura. Then will yourself there if not otherwise needed. This is where you think to do things, so think and you can do what you want. If this is similar to the gateway experience, as you think to go and know, this is done by experiences with visions from the place. This is where you depart the land, so work with the moment and you can get anything done. Wherever you go may appear similar, as we are right now in an illusion that reforms itself as in energy programming you think or say and get what you want. [12:53 PM] That is where you form a gate to travel to other places if you need to be there or not. If you thought of a car in movement, then you can cause it to travel dimensionally and you only have to thin to the car of where you want to go as the car consciousness shifts there the car. That's just one way to do it. Another way is to think your going to the point of the dimension as you walk through an open door. When your done, your can then use the same door method to shift back to your own dimension that is the same yet different. This causes a human linkage to the area that the energy consciousness creates, see that makes what you think and whoms there is swapped with you here at least in spirit. The idea is to think of the picture or area and think your there. [12:54 PM] Then the subconscious creates you there using a created soul copy from your body. If you happen to meet yourself then react nicely. Having a dimensional friend is unique. There are many more as to where that came from like walking. When you walk, run or ride. Think of where you want to go and your subconscious uses the energy of the aura to shift you there. Yet another one is to read something and allow your spirit to give you a sense of what's there. If safe think or state that your there. Yet most times it is a similar dimension that you get to by feel. That means the god or creator was making it so your used to it and you didn't freak out where you went. So if you feel safe there, great! and if you don't, you can always apparatus yourself somewhere else. Then you are there where you think to be. The last one I know I will mention is rather different, look at a picture and think your where or near the area its located at by feel. Then you can find your way there intuitively by the power of the subconscious as though instantly. Also, if you shifted, you create with the various aspects of the area and appear there with a visage of idea you can see as to where your spirit or using the internal brain your aware and you know is there by feel. [12:55 PM] So my fave idea is to adjust the idea thinking to be there and your able to accept what is happening there. Yet if you relax and think about something as you need to be there makes you there. Otherwise, if you eat something or drink something and think of the area to be in causes you to be there by the power of the substance non abuse with the spirit shifted or body shifted there. The idea you have, if you think about it is created by the creator using energy of the body and his own energy. So when you lay down and rest thinking of the place, your there as you wake up if you need to be there. Then getting back is sleep and your back. There are hundreds of ways to shift, so think you know it and the idea will come to you. Yet there are some people that say they travelled physically there, so go figure and think about it for a moment. If it were possible, then you can get to where you want to see very easily. That what makes you shift makes you there with whom you want to bring unless you wanted to be there by yourself. This is all possible by feeling what you want, writing it down or saying what you want to occur. asdadfads2 — 09/14/2022 8:59 AM Cool. Very good ı will read [12:56 PM] Spelly — 09/14/2022 9:14 AM I know it makes sense, so even if td;lf you can know what is happening with it. Spelly — 09/16/2022 1:45 PM The technique; This is a self-protection technique that works for the innocents. Think to write in spell form what you want to happen, then will it to shift to your higher self. Then your higher self can create the effect on those that you want targeted. Spell form is writing something like, "Those that can steal or will murder, they change into the form of an animal." Spelly — 09/26/2022 12:18 PM Real time memory; Say rel mem and you do as Pronounced "rell mem". This allows you to develop future and present memory in a way that it works as intelligence. Spelly — 09/26/2022 6:40 PM aura of poison kill; This is where you think of poison from things that spread through your aura waves to effect bugs. Be sure to cleanse yourself after your done. Spelly — 09/28/2022 1:47 PM Spirit; Think a point or idea and then its created by the things you do. The spirit makes what you want as you think of something like creating money.. when you think of this the spirit flares the area energy and its recieved somehow. Spelly — 09/28/2022 4:36 PM Hypnotism Normal hypnotism   Hypnotism is the act of reaching the subconscious through a constant motion of words and with something moving. You can ... [12:56 PM] Spelly — 09/29/2022 1:22 AM Aura effect; You can easily create attractiveness, fear, disinterest or any feeling by the power of your aura projection. You see the aura feel is from the right reactions with your aura energy, this is felt to make the target react the way you feel or want as you create your effect. Spelly — 09/30/2022 6:08 PM DNA magic: Instead of drawing up a “cone” or power, I envisioned standing at the center of a double helix stretching to infinity above and below. I separated my magick into two circles, DNA Magick which had Cytosine as one point, which was mostly information-gathering, introspective work. Then I’d continue a working by replacing the drawing of Cytosine with Uracil, and switch to RNA magick, where I took the information I’d gained, and manifested it into the real world, building up aethyric proteins, as it were. Fun stuff. My own thoughts after playing with it were that DNA was truly primal, very atavistic magick. I’m not sure you can match them to the elements properly. Or at least I couldn’t. But this is chaos. Whatever works! I’d be interested to see whatever system you work our for it. DNA magick is really fun stuff.] [12:57 PM] Spelly — 10/01/2022 2:18 PM Focusing; if you focus upon an idea happening in the past, then need it to effect now..the creator will make the idea occur in the past that is noticed now in some manner..that is the theory now is the practice. Good luck. Spelly — 10/07/2022 7:49 PM Aetheric magick; Through drawing the mark you create your thoughts and your needs are done by feel as though an empowered line were drawn and traced. Spelly — 10/11/2022 1:27 PM Spirit strength; spiritual strength adds itself to your body and you can do more by focus. So in order to do this trick.. think area energy enters your aura and think of strength to be there. That's how you do it. Spelly — 10/13/2022 12:39 PM Earthquake; If you wanted to make an earthquake somewhere, what would you do? I thought like this. I will spread the earth energy in the area I want every day. I will give orders to the accumulated energy on the day I want. there will be an earthquake of the size I want. asdadfads2 — 10/13/2022 12:46 PM the idea of ​​demolishing a building; send your energy to that building every day. cover all the walls. Also imagine that the columns are rotting. like a virus. Feel that you cannot survive without your energy. When you feel rotten enough, intend to draw your energy to yourself. When your energy comes to you, the building will collapse. / if you want, try on small things first. it could be a table. Spelly — 10/13/2022 12:47 PM oo [12:57 PM] Spelly — 10/15/2022 9:54 AM Mindblast; this is an ability that causes the excess energy of the body and mind to be directed by thoughts and need that direct darkenergy to create a think to focus your mental energy and allow your body energy released by the third eye directing it. This is instantly cast upon the target to effect the target and make things seem almost impossible to them. So this pauses or makes them fazed for at most 32 seconds in melee or battle and up to 10 minutes outside of battle. Mindbleet; This is a point you think you send a thought and focus upon the target and the third eye does its thing. THen they the target responds by a thought back or a thought spoken. This is said and is a done idea by the point you need to know realized into fruition. [12:58 PM] Spelly — 10/15/2022 10:32 AM subconscious shift; There are other dimensions amongst you, then when they say the brain (or energy brain) can handle up to 10 picked dimensions at once. This means you can do what you want with them. You see, that is your true strength, the ability to do things and skip to another dimension to avoid trouble. So if you have an object and you want to shift, then touch the object thinking the object energy shifts you to where you want. If an image or sound comes to your mind, like a screech. Then that's what is there. Think and you know what to do. This is using the subconscious to direct the dark matter in idea and then you are there. Think of what you want done and speak of it out loud under your breath, and you are directing dark matter by the power of the subconscious mind. Then if you think of what you want like a small bite being a full meal, you can create that result as darkmatter is 78% of the universe and unseen by feel. There are signs that it's working.. if you feel tired..and possibly like fainting. if you sleep allot and can't really focus. then you also are focused on the dimension you want to be in and you are there as you are here. so basically if your easily distracted, your third eye is making it so you are shifting there where you want to be. The dimension itself informs you of the idea that you want to know about. [12:58 PM] Spelly — 10/18/2022 10:45 AM electrokinesis technique: fill your hand with chi energy. Think of it as electrification. think about its frequency. fix it to a random number. For example, suppose it is 500. then find something electrically powered. lamp. send the chi energy to the lamp continuously and make its energy 500. then order. to reduce, increase or explode the light. you must have a lot of energy in your chakras and practice many times OfficialBlueBird — 10/18/2022 10:53 AM Quite intriguing one Spelly — 10/18/2022 10:55 AM Energy form; Think energy forms in the air as you feel its electricity that forms. This can cause electricity wherever it is intended to form. Spelly — 10/21/2022 11:19 AM curse of largeness; this is where you say "exfat" thinking of the target. then the target of the curse is cursed with a big as a house stature or very fat indeed. curse of slenderness; upon stating "slender" and thinking of the target, they transform into a medium or lesser weighted person as though by a curse. curse of thinness; this is where the target is cursed with a very thin stature and is considered "thin as a rail" and they lose all their extra body fat. this effects those that want to be thin as you say "exthin". [12:59 PM] Spelly — 10/22/2022 12:37 PM Pause effect; This effect is where you think to create a pause in activity and imagine pressing a pause button, the target/s literally pauses or halts for up to 48 seconds in melee/battle or unlimitedly outside of battle until you think to "unpause them" as you press again the pause button. See then activity would continue as normal. (edited) asdadfads2 — 10/22/2022 1:12 PM Can you prove it? real_rajat — 10/22/2022 1:14 PM If proof is being seeked use me for proving. Spelly can grant me something and I will report if it worked.. Let me normalize things with newyork girl. Spelly — 10/22/2022 1:14 PM kk go and try Spelly — 10/22/2022 1:53 PM The only proof is to attempt the effect and see if it works for you. asdadfads2 — 10/22/2022 1:54 PM who do you live with can you try them Spelly — 10/22/2022 1:54 PM It doesn't pause people it pauses events for me Yes [12:59 PM] asdadfads2 — 10/22/2022 1:55 PM It would be weird if everyone knew this. literally anyone who learns can do it in one try Spelly — 10/22/2022 1:59 PM Yes asdadfads2 — 10/22/2022 2:00 PM Can this be captured on camera? so can you show me for once Spelly — 10/22/2022 2:11 PM Ummm possibly But I am away from home atm Spelly — 10/22/2022 2:37 PM It won't allow itself to be videoed I tried It has to be tried to see if it works for you.. Not everything I tell can be done [12:59 PM] asdadfads2 — 10/22/2022 2:43 PM I understood Spelly — 10/22/2022 2:52 PM so tell me if you can use it asdadfads2 — 10/22/2022 2:57 PM Ok Spelly — 10/22/2022 5:00 PM astral send; This ability has you able to go and send some person or spirit to heaven or the astral plane. Also, if you wanted to grant a vision of the target being in heaven or the astral plane, if then you can think of them there and that means they can see it in their minds. This ability makes the target disappear and they goto heaven, the astral plane or they get distracted by heavenly astral visions. That is done for upto 48 seconds in battle and unlimitedly outside of battle, that's until they no longer need to see it or you no longer need this visual effect. Spelly — 10/23/2022 1:59 PM nightmare; This is a specialized hell vision that effects those that do wrong in the eyes of god, if they think to do right the hell vision disappears away harmlessly..this is were or werewolf or wereanimal that do this effect. so be careful and stay safe. Spelly — 10/23/2022 2:12 PM daydream; The pleasant daydream is where you receive a vision from god that is a pleasant dream. The daydream is started on thinking on something and you see that idea in a dream form. These dreams end when you don't want to see the vision or the vision ends as you are interrupted by feel otherwise you get panicky moments soothed by these visions. Spelly — 07/06/2023 1:01 PM Spelly — 10/25/2022 11:52 AM Beauty; everyone is very beautiful. but our face and body are not perfect. It is possible to change this in 1 month. by doing certain things every day. you know. drinking water by saying good things. thinking to use energy. Spelly — 10/27/2022 11:01 AM Mirror technique; You will touch the mirror and slide your hand from the top to the bottom. Before you do this, gather energy in your finger. Say, "I intend all beings from this mirror to return, and to shut off the negative output from the mirror." do it. it will be in a few hours. Spelly — 10/27/2022 11:35 AM Sleep clearing; While we sleep, cerebrospinal fluid washes the brain. science says so. If you have thoughts you want to clear, order this liquid. "Clear these thoughts in my brain at night" this way you can erase your negative beliefs and deep negative thoughts in your subconscious. Don't forget to put something in its place. (only theory) I didn't try.

Spelly — 10/28/2022 8:48 AM change; Think about what you want to change. For example, your nose. Think of an iceberg. focus and collect the heat energy in the room and light energy. use this energy in your right hand to melt that ice. melt in your dreams. now ready for change. Step 2: make sure you don't have energy in your right hand. now gather the cold energy and air energy in your left hand. create a new iceberg by thinking that your nose is the way you want it to be. then act like it. will start to change. It's a technique that works for everyone. You can also change your habits. Spelly — 10/30/2022 5:53 AM Atomic influence; With atomic influence, you can focus upon what you intend to do and create actions. This is done by what you think, that's with influence by waves of thought energy. The target is effected into doing what you intend by the atomic particles of energy. Think and you know what to do. Spelly — 10/30/2022 10:14 AM Violet petals; Imagine or think about violet energy form and create a burning effect in the form of floating violet flame or flying violet petals..projecting forth its flame into the target. This disrupts the target in their activity by energy passing through them. Think and they think of doing something else. Spelly — 10/30/2022 4:14 PM Chaotic petals; Imagine or think about chaos and violet energy forming as a violet flame and then create a burning effect in the form of floating violet flame or flying violet petals..projecting forth its flame into the target. This can burn them as it disrupts the target in their activity by energy passing through them. Think and they think of doing something else. [1:02 PM] Spelly — 11/01/2022 4:26 PM chi blade; Focus heat energy into the hand and imagine or think of the energy turning into a blade of energy. Then have fun by slashing things. When done, imagine or think it unforms itself. You see at the least it will cause smude marks on the wall. So at the most it will cut things. Spelly — 11/02/2022 2:49 PM Indonesian magic; In indonesian magic you think of the point, and then create with an idea of what you want to manifest. Think of the moment and need the idea you have in mind, then your soul will create what you desire. This is the trick of indonesian magic. However beware casing an illusion with this style, that exists because you wanted it there. The illusion is done by thinking of what you want, then its seen as a point of vision that occurs to the mind. The indonesian illusion is harder to dispel unless you need something other than the illusion to be seen. Like your thoughts.. Spelly — 11/02/2022 6:42 PM Moon magic; If on a planet with a moon. If using the moon energy, you can focus your mind and think to write with the energy. So if you wrote with the moon energy and said "Sky Rite" then you made light. So the same can be done with a different symbol and this time cause the moon energy to attack. Also when you do it, you can make a dupe of the moon that could raise waves or influence things to manifest. [1:03 PM] Spelly — 11/03/2022 8:55 AM Death charge; Focus your death and decay in your cells as though energy and project it forth. This causes you to look younger and be more energetic. You can hurt a bit when you do this. So if you can create an effect of death on a target, then you will cause them to reduce their health by half. The effect is simple, expend forth the energy and will it to target something or someone. Then you cause death if you apply this a few times. Death and decay energy does what you will it to do, so think and you know what to do. If you don't have an idea, then you can still use it like a sword that discharges itself from the blade. If you use this effect with an actual weapon, you may increase the damage by adding the damage done by this with the weapons, yet the weapon will decay faster. So think about that, as you don't want to lose a weapon, or do you not mind the effect.. If you want to heal by this, then know to target the disease's cells in the body and you remove the symptoms of the disease. All you need to do after targeting is wait, till you produce more death and decay from decaying cells. For instance you can create a decaying weapon effect, if you target the weapon as well. So if you decay the weapon enough, it could break. Since you can also use the decaying energy as though a weapon, think to extend it like a blade or light sabre. Spelly — 07/06/2023 1:10 PM This is where you were holding a sword and the death and decaying energy extends as the blade of it. Once again, upon strike, it reduces the Health percent by half except for when the self-strike is done. Then you know, you are immune to your own death and decay energy so the self-strike will effect the disease cells only. So if you want to cure yourself, you may strike where the pain is to null it and cause bliss instead. This always works, except when the target is immune to death energy. Then no damage is done. Spelly — 11/03/2022 5:38 PM Chaos magic of oberon; This is where you create with an effect of so many things happening at once and breaking down things that are targeted disappear with this idea to effect by chaos and make with a "poof". This means that the problem disappears and thinking works out by feel. That could be where you create with this effect and make with the idea, so you feel what is important and that allows the targets' things to remain. Its done by what is stated out loud as your intent thinking of the effect, then is the effect of the chaos magic to create with a point and make with a result. The amount of things created distract the target by 36 seconds in battle and its an unlimited time outside of battle. Until you don't need it. Then, the idea of chaos magic disappears. [1:10 PM] Spelly — 11/04/2022 1:25 PM Need magic; Think of the effect and need it and the subconscious will do it. asdadfads2 — 11/04/2022 1:48 PM Spelly — 11/05/2022 8:40 AM I have a brilliant way to make yourself not want to eat..imagine or think that your eating a hot dog that doesn't end. As long as your thinking it, your need to eat desists. OfficialBlueBird — 11/05/2022 8:41 AM Shoots! That's something I need too. Thanks Spelly — 11/05/2022 8:41 AM haha [1:10 PM] Spelly — 11/05/2022 8:42 AM Basically, as you imagine or think that, you feel full without eating. haha OfficialBlueBird — 11/05/2022 8:44 AM Haha. Is there something with that hotdog tho? Or it can be something different? Definitely worth it tho Spelly — 11/05/2022 8:44 AM It can be different OfficialBlueBird — 11/05/2022 8:44 AM Ok sounds good. Spelly — 11/09/2022 11:20 AM interest; Now think of a long post. You read the first sentences and it's over. Do other sentences go to your subconscious? because you saw it even if you didn't notice it. is this a good technique elements; //To control the energy and the elements, you must first see. or so you should assume. If I try to control the weather right now, I might do a little bit. but I manage more easily if I touch the air with my hand (waving my hand) and feel it while breathing. first of all convince your brain [1:11 PM] Spelly — 11/09/2022 12:08 PM Thought provoking; imagine a circle that surrounds you..and think about causing a result that you need. The circle energy will resonate in response to your will. Then, cast forth in waves from the aura the "programmed" energy that creates what you intend to be manifested. This is sorta like a speaker system, think about making air colder or cooling the food off that you have nearby. Then think a circle surrounds you and it will do what you want and cause the food to cool off. Spelly — 11/11/2022 11:53 AM Binding objects; You can bind an energy effect to some object, this can make a piece of wood or some object create a result that you bound it to create. Say you bound fire energy into the item, then you can cast fireballs with the energy programming the area energy to form and do it. That is when the object does what you want by the energy you lock into it. You think to the energy of the item what you want and it does it, until the energy you cast forth is spent or dispelled by your will. So if you think, then if you need an effect its created in order to make it locked in, hold the item and think of the effect as energy that you then think "locked" to bind or "unlocked" to unbind. Once unbound, the energy is then released and you would have to focus an effect through the item to get it to do it. So that's about it, for bindings and unbindings. Enjoy yourself as you create with this ability. [1:12 PM] ameterasu: close your eyes. Think of itachi's eyes. Now your eyes have that power. collect the energy in your right eye. whisper amaterasu and open your eyes. Imagine that the place you are looking at is overheating. If you're focused enough, the spot you're looking at will catch fire. Spelly — 11/13/2022 3:08 PM focusing spell; The point you focus on a thought you think to create you make what you desire by feel. This is like the wish ability, except you only get so much in effect with gated in energy creating the effect. The coldness you feel is a giveaway, that you drew in heat energy and created what you wanted. Wait for the heat energy to replenish itself then you can cast again. The duration is up to 48 seconds in battle and unlimited until the energy is expended or not wanted outside of battle. [1:13 PM] Here are some things you can do with this. sound; this is where you make a sound and create a result, that could by making a washing sound or bath filling with water. So you can be where you wash up, without actually touching a tub until later you actually use the tub. arcing; This is where you think of the moment and use it as summoned with gating energy, then think of the energy changing into plasma that is passing from one hand to the other. See it done as it passes through the target. Then it can deal damage. You are immune to this energy of course, so don't worry you won't damage yourself. freeze; think of the moment and think freeze to the energy and you create a cold blast that hits them wherever they are as they can freeze in place and become cold with cold damage. hold still; think to be somewhere else as your still and your spirit is there exploring or absorbing energy of what is there and you create what you want as you hold still and wait for things to occur. fire summons; You think and do things as your body warms up with energy summoned by gating to the aura. You can focus the energy into creating dark spots on a surface. If you keep focusing it will burst into flames. water effect; Think of the effect you want the body to do, think of your need as you drink the water and it goes to the aura to create that effect. That means you can cool yourself down or cast the watery energy. This goes at a surface for a smudge or watery area that appears darker. spark; Think about energy making a spark that appears as though a flare up of energy and it will. You will notice when and if it does cause spark damage. [1:13 PM] Spelly — 11/13/2022 4:01 PM cure illness; This is where you focus aura energy into curing the illness that the body has by feel. Spelly — 11/14/2022 6:10 AM Energy trace; Think of the point or idea expressed, then focus on the area as you think "reveal yourself". This is where you sense the trace of the moment, thinking to see the area trace or steps that were taken of the specified person or thing. You can follow the trace of anything with this idea, that's as though the elemental energy revealed what occured or where the source is by feel. Spelly — 11/14/2022 7:10 AM energy effect; Think to get what you want and the idea is done by the power or programming, you put programming to energy with statements that you make out loud. The energy comes from various places, it shifts to places to do things as if by gating itself. So if you said, "I wish to make things work" then energy will be programmed by a wish to make your machines work by feel with its programming. This energy effect is amazing, think of what you want and need to use the energy by programming it. If you do, you can generate almost anything by feel. That is what its about. If you don't need it, say "en" for it means at the end. [1:13 PM] Spelly — 11/15/2022 9:40 PM chest burn; This happens while talking to someone. That is their energy combines with yours and heat flares causing chest burns. Spelly — 11/18/2022 2:07 PM beat down; This is the anti-puppy effect, where you create a repercussion by thinking a blow goes to the head spiritually and knock out the puppy or target for 36 second in battle and unlimitedly outside of battle. sparkling effect; The sparkling effect is makes you more an charismatic as you imagine or think of what you need and focus on the moment of fire particles. They light your face and you can get what you intend. That's the sparkle effect by feel. the puppy; This is where you amp the sparkles or cuteness by imagining yourself as a puppy that is coddled by the target and attempt to get a charismatic result. Think about what you do and you can get whatever you want by this effect in idea. Use a charisma check to determine what results you get for 36 seconds in battle and unlimitedly outside of battle. Sometimes this is really in life as well. [1:14 PM] Spelly — 11/19/2022 8:38 AM the drug effect; This is where you create a drug effect, you state the drug or herb name and imagine its use then its energy is summoned and it does what you intend. That is a drug or herb you observe or think about, and state the name of the drug or herb. Think it effects you or some other, and you get an instant effect of the drug in one dose. That's able to effect the target, that could be you or some other in whatever dose strength that you need. Say it was aspirin, think that aspirin effects you and state it out loud and your body receives an energy dose. If you don't want the effect then it cancels itself out. Spelly — 11/19/2022 8:51 AM theta; Normal human brain is in beta frequency. Words don't matter much. alpha frequency happens when we relax. words have a little more impact. It is theta when you are about to sleep. and words take effect immediately. my theory is this. if we meditate constantly. over time we will be in theta all day long. you are in theta now. everytime. That's why you have many psychic powers and desires. Spelly — 11/19/2022 8:58 AM thought; the thought is what occurs, if you think it exists the creator makes it exist. then you know what and where it is existant. you can get the idea of what you want, think of a point to do and you if you don't have it, can retrieve or order it online. this is a point done by feel. what you think about is a point, so think and you know what to do. that's for those that use God. now for those that don't.. thought; the thought is what occurs, if you think it exists the subconscious makes it exist. then you know what and where it is existant. you can get the idea of what you want, think of a point to do and you if you don't have it, can retrieve or order it online. this is a point done by feel. what you think about is a point, so think and you know what to do. [1:14 PM] Spelly — 11/19/2022 10:22 AM Dreaming; Most dreams are able to get to you what you mean to know. Think about something before you go to sleep and you may dream it. They in idea could contain similarities and dream symbols that create content meaning that you can look up. This is a point of a dream. However, if it feels real, then your dream indicates the present or you make use of idea in the future moment. This is a point in idea. all done for now..</a> Spelly — 11/19/2022 10:37 AM power dream; there is a 50/50 chance with this technique. if you dream you set the dream by thinking of what you want before you sleep, such as a power dream, then energy creates what you want as you go to sleep. this then leads to a power dream that you start with usage of the energy of the dream by thinking lucid dreaming to create with the power of the dream. you wake up by ending the dream with thinking the dream ends in life. however, if you don't have control over your dreams, you won't get a power dream you'll get a normal dream instead. if you think about dreaming and your near power as electricity, then meditate to sleep. you get a power dream easily. think of the power to wake up as you think "end". After that the electricity will surge and become normal again. its due to the power dream coming from the electricity feel, that is an idea to use what source you want though. so of course it will surge, unless you use a power source other than electricity. that is done by thinking something is a source before you dream that disappears after the dream is done. this is due to the fact that its energy is used up. so think and its done by feel where the spirit does this naturally. it will choose the best source of power for the dream. this is a boon to us all, if you want to create results using a dream. [1:15 PM] Spelly — 11/19/2022 11:00 AM story; write a story. your own life. 1-2 pages are enough. How is your day going. What do you do. Then write down what you will do tomorrow. Finally, write that your soul will give you the power you want in your sleep. // now all you have to do is do what you wrote for tomorrow. You will make the story come true. Spelly — 11/19/2022 12:33 PM Creator's point; This is a point where your actions, words and activity acts as a source, sometimes that creates what is called a creator's point. The subconscious makes what you want as you suggest it into existence. This is a way to do things with or without a God. It works to create what you desire unless you no longer need it, this is done as though you were a God and the creator was your source of life and energy. So you create and things work out by feel. Think and you know what to do as this is the creator's path in life. Spelly — 11/19/2022 4:57 PM talk to deceased; think the deceased name and call it three times to a lit candle. then state what you want the deceased to know. you will know the response by realization of the idea. [1:15 PM] Spelly — 11/19/2022 5:20 PM raise the dead; light a candle, state to candle if God summoning [whatever god you follow], "Oh God create the deceased [state name of deceased] as living again and what I need is done." for this to work, you think the god you follow responds, then he will do whatever you need of him. you can bring back memories as well. think or state out loud that God brings your memories back. I brought me mom back with it and she's in another form but visited me. I recognized her then she helped me out and I didn't see her again. δαʍøπ — 11/19/2022 5:23 PM wow bro I'll let you know after you try Spelly — 11/19/2022 5:24 PM I brought me mom back with it she's in another form but visited me I recognized her then she helped me out and I didn't see her again. δαʍøπ — 11/19/2022 5:27 PM yeah i want this man Spelly — 11/19/2022 5:39 PM kk then Spelly — 11/20/2022 11:14 AM word power; Think of the idea to form and send out gated in aura energy to create it then by statement out loud. That allows where you create the idea you intend, making use of idea with what you speak. That is with release of energy. This is the power of the language you say or express that is used by the subconscious to create what result you have gotten. [1:16 PM] Spelly — 11/20/2022 5:32 PM warmer; This is where you focus fire energy to warm yourself up. colder; Think about cooling off and you use cold energy to cool yourself off. touch work; Think to touch the item and energy you will to the purpose makes you do the right things so it will work. hit to work; This is where you hit something of an item and the item works by your will and energy. Spelly — 11/21/2022 2:34 PM psychic fixation; the trick to psychic fixation is use of the subconscious if you can suggest the right things, then you can create anything.. I believe the technique is.. "breath in and out, let your mind ride the waves of energy to be where you want to observe.." "think the change and feel the energy to will it and the subconscious creates it..then will yourself back to your body." wake up after that as you think to wake up from the trance. that's what I remember This takes practice, btw [1:16 PM] Spelly — 11/21/2022 3:19 PM death cyclone; This is where you focus your death and decay energy into becoming a cyclone, that does what you want or intend and causes decay and death wherever you direct it.. This effect lasts 48 seconds in battle and unlimitedly outside of combat, until you decide to end it. elemental cyclone; This is like an elemental cyclone was generated by thinking it exists and releasing it to the area with a gesture that makes it do whatever you intend it to do. The element could be any element, like an air cyclone with fire mixed into it. That ends with the cyclone disippating harmlessly, that's after 36 seconds in battle or until it is unneeded by feel. Spelly — 11/21/2022 4:39 PM dimension; This effect makes what you will by the subconscious using your suggestions and making use of the dimensional energy that occurs to manifest things. If you brought back someone with this, they would live as though from the grave and not been killed. So at a later date they would die a horrendous death. Spelly — 11/22/2022 5:33 PM implosion; When you draw energy from the area and program it to make the building get smaller, then if you make it small enough it explodes in immediate explosion by doing an implosion effect. this is where the energy is treated like excess and goes into a more compressed form of energy. then, it explodes outwards in a sudden idea of destruction or rapid expansion of energy. Spelly — 07/06/2023 1:17 PM Spelly — 11/27/2022 5:18 PM getting manifests; Whatever you need or want gets what you desire in a form that you make exist by the power of the soul. Spelly — 11/28/2022 10:56 AM inner focusing; This is the inner focusing trick, think of what you want and feel it occur. This means you focused energy into yourself or your inner world and created a result by the effect being created and outwardly recreated by the inner world energy used as idea. This is an idea in itself. Otherwise if you may think about the idea you create with a point that you speak. This is created from within and the outside energy creates what you intend as it uses the inner energy as a thought program. Think and you know what to do. Spelly — 11/28/2022 4:54 PM 1-day granting; At night our brain thinks about what happened during the day. that is, our brain to think right now. wake up remembering this moment! say. granted. [1:17 PM] Spelly — 11/29/2022 4:24 PM Oh. Drink water and your set as you think "detox" and feel lighter. Its fine [1:17 PM] Spelly — 12/03/2022 10:48 AM Feat Ajin form; Basically, you die and come back to life..forming an ajin in the process. The ajin looks like it forms upon death and reviving of the body. Then, if you have a very very strong emotion. Like you want to slap a person, then you cause it to do that. If you really need it to do something. It will. Also an ajin, if in idea an your dead or its dead, it can bring you or itself back to life. They can also summon an extension of themselves that is invisible to others. This extension can vary upon the person. It can have wings, muscles galore or huge claws. Think of it as shadow come to life. Though, it can protect you in public with no one watching. This means it wards away danger and attacks don't happen to you. Think and you know what to do as it has your character's stats, this can absorb any energy attack to form its own against targets you choose to attack. They do things for themselves and yourself. The ajin can speak to you as you listen to it. It will respond to your will or idea that you think to it. An ajin can immobilize targets with their scream for 36 seconds in battle or up to 10 minutes outside of battle. [1:18 PM] Spelly — 12/07/2022 7:37 AM sparkling; The sparkling effect makes you more charismatic as you imagine or think of what you need and focus on the moment of fire particles. They light your face and you can get what you intend. That's the sparkle effect by feel. Spelly — 12/07/2022 3:40 PM Spelly special: Think to control the element and make use of the soul to create what is necessary and learn what is possible. Think of the need and the idea, need the idea to happen thinking the soul will create it. Then you gain control of the spirit as you get what you need done with no problem. This a point I will say your spirit is under your control. Think and you know what to do. This is like focusing, then think of what you want fire to do and you create an end result that is fire forming like an overheated wire causing a fire effect.. Spelly — 12/07/2022 4:15 PM Aura of focusing; Think and you know, the thought exists of what you want. This is an idea that you can do by the Aura created effect. The effective action; Think about the point that is an expressed idea, then your subconscious causes you to make it exist. That's either done by actions being done or thinking done and treating it like a wish. Spelly — 12/09/2022 3:31 AM The gas effect; This is nasty smelling where you think of an idea to create and fart or release some gas. This causes what you want in idea to create as an effect. This can change the targets mind in attacking you. You can cause yourself to lessen in weight. You can even make yourself sped up. Think of the possibilities and you can attempt to create it. [1:18 PM] Spelly — 12/11/2022 4:27 PM Primordial; If you want to switch in raw primordial chaos or antimatter as a primordial force, that you gate in from space to the target/s area. Then upon gating it into that target/s body, you can do allot more exploding body damage if its dead. Otherwise you turn the living body to dust, all that's remaining is objects from the body. The primordial force is used to form planets and area of actual space. This is antimatter that is used on the target/s from a distance. The effect is instant and you deal out the full health damage, that is instant death as damage in doing an explosion that would incinerate the target/s or rock the area. There is no savings throw to this and there is nothing left of the target/s. Spelly — 12/12/2022 9:52 AM Thinking; think to know and you know by idea or feel. Spelly — 12/12/2022 1:50 PM Phase in; This is where you think of the item, person or thing and act as though you had it in the area. Then it acts like a summons where your subconscious creates it there or draws it there, that's when you "find it" and know its there by feel. Whether or not you have to pay for it, this may or may not occur with a lucky chance. That's where you get lucky and you don't have to pay for it. Otherwise, if its a creature, person or being, it finds you and you can "meet" it by feel or idea you realize. However, you can phase yourself into an area, too. That's done by the power of the subconscious mind and the stated idea of "phase in" as you think of phasing to an area, that you feel is done. So think of the possibilities. [1:18 PM] Phase out; This is where you think to create what you want somewhere and attempting to mimick it here causes you to shift to there. Also, this is where you think to create with time and phase out what you don't like to where you want it shifted to and that's known by feel. This can "phase out" anything that is disliked as well, that's including monsters and creatures that would normally have attacked you. Think of it, if you think of what you don't like then say to your subconscious, "I phase out what I don't like." Or, "I phase out [mention what target/s you want phased." You shift its existance by feel to somewhere else. Its a similar place that it goes. If you said, "weird" then what you notice is fate takes over and you phase to a safe place. That's thinking for you. [1:19 PM] Spelly — 12/14/2022 1:02 PM Self; the self created moment is the money with the idea. Think about things and they manifest results. This is the law of attraction at its best. Spelly — 12/21/2022 7:31 AM Long range (Ex); This is where you do a gated effect of something you want upon the target. This is where you think of an oval opening in the air and it opens up by thinking it goes to the area you want effected with a frequency. That can use any ability with the gate causing it to effect as though nearby the target, instantaneous. Think and possibly weapon attacks can be done as well. This works with a flash of light and thought to do things. Spelly — 12/21/2022 1:02 PM memory technique : create a mailbox in your imagination. check here every few hours. nothing will happen. then think of a piece of information in the middle of a job. For example, while you're eating, think of a red car and say "send to mailbox" and snap your fingers. It will be there when you look in a few hours. read. do it constantly. After 1 week, you will be able to send very complex and long information. better if you compress the information into words and send it. For example, you did research on the brain. send the word "brain" to the mailbox thinking about those things. When you look at it, you will remember all the information thanks to that word. (at the moment the technique is at its simplest level. I will improve it over time.) [1:19 PM] Spelly — 12/25/2022 9:33 AM instant karma; this is a form of karma that creates results quickly that you did on another except to you yourself. so when you think about the idea, you create the idea as a form of energy healing. think positive and you get positive results. Spelly — 12/25/2022 10:01 AM Energy spiral bolt; this is where you focus energy upon a wand and release the stored energy, that is done by making an inverted spiral traced by wand in the air. You can win the wand by thinking its won, and you can get an easier result by wand magic. This leaves a smudge or dark spot on the wall. It all depends on how much emotion that you put into it. Think and you know what to do. Spelly — 12/26/2022 9:08 AM Focused creativity; The effect is what you focus upon creating. This is done as you think it creates itself into existence. The idea is manifested by feel. This can create whatever you need, including elements in effect. So if you want to combine them, you can make use of combined elements. Think and you know what to do. The effect is 1/4 the health, that's either taken or given, if you intend to do harm or healing with this effect. The effect can last up to 36 seconds of combat, and outside of combat it lasts until you don't need it. [1:19 PM] Spelly — 12/30/2022 2:52 PM genetic change (Sp); This is where you effect a change of what body changes you want as you think of the change to make, then eat or drink something. The energy of the substance with your idea programming its energy will make the change of genetic patterns, you then change by feel into what you intend to be by feel. Invokation; This is where you invoke the spirit of the idea and target things and make it occur by the energy of the things targeted, cause what you want the target's body to experience it will experience. This allows you to create a result. The result is heat and pain if fire energy is used, wet and coldness is felt with water energy is used, dampness and blockages through absorbed energy by the planet with earth, cold and wind blowing with air, nothingness and a blank mind with void, sickness and need to throw up with poison and being eaten alive with acid. This is there in mind, not body unless you intend it to effect physically. Then, you cause 1/2 the health to be removed by reduction from the target. Psychic link attack; This is suicide where you can get results by thinking they happen to the target in mind if you get effected. That is where you get damaged and the target gets damaged as well, yet worse as that is done as though a psychic link is there and uses your and the attackers energy. If he or she gets a result, then you get a result. This I think is where you can act like a target, then as you do the target you had in mind is effected as well. [1:19 PM] This I think is where the target you have in mind can die, if you get wounded enough he, it or she gets wounded till death using the power of metaphysics. This is a last ditch effect, if it doesn't work, then think of ways to use this creatively and inflict on yourself things in your mind to inflict worse on the target. Like drawing fire and effecting badly the target. This will work if you think it will. If you don't, then it has no effect at all. With this effect, any damages you receive are sent back at the target tripled in amount. [1:20 PM] Envisioning; This is where you think of the concept and it works as a result or effect and you create it by the soul copy, that you make by thinking it exists. Then, you cause the effect by needing what you think or feel will occur. This can make with the elements that you gate in with one hand and focus forth by the other hand. That means it can use any element. This is like water with aquamarine, fire with ruby, earth with obsidian, air with amythest, void with any black stone, acid with a acid flask and poison with poisonous substance. This allows 3/8 the health in effect of healing or damages dealt. The effect is instant unless you happen to make a fire on the target or area..then it lasts 36 seconds in battle and until put out or cancelled by activity outside of battle. Psyching out; This is where you psych out the opponent, if it's true in intention then it will happen. See when you think of things to manifest, this is done as you do so you create the result. You can make them believe something that makes them not attack you and you won't get hurt at all. Spelly — 12/30/2022 4:58 PM Self-revival; This is where you think to revive yourself while your dying, the angel of death causes the target's life to be infused into you upon death making the target die instantly. So basically, its life for life and death to the target. There is a price for this, thinking about the energy converted upon an instance of thought, you will notice the turning to dust of the target as it gives its life over to you. If successful, you are as though alive and had never died with full health and energy. [1:20 PM] Spelly — 12/31/2022 12:47 PM Psychic defense; The point of holding a weapon somewhere, then being psychically perceived as you think to project yourself there. This is near the target and you mimick with the weapon that your attacking with the weapon. Whatever they do, they can't effect you with an attack or what you don't want them doing to you. This could cause the target to think, that the target got damaged psychically. The defense to this is think your not hurt and your subconscious causes you to instantly recover for the attack. The creator can restore you from anything, as though you weren't effected at all. So don't worry as they could try to respond, dismiss it as its an attack or respond nicely as its chatter. Whatever you do, you know what to do. Spelly — 12/31/2022 3:35 PM Threads; This is where you think to sew "threads" of light energy, see that can cause the target to be still and not move for the length of time that is up to 36 seconds in combat. If they move and are held by threads, they are sliced apart. At level 10, you can hold them in battle for up to 48 seconds in battle. At level 20, you can hold them for up to 60 seconds in battle. If outside of battle, its there unlimitedly until you decide to not hold them. These threads can create thoughts, make idea seem to happen or cause the target to explode into little pieces. Each level is how old you are.. [1:20 PM] Spelly — 01/01/2023 9:09 AM Green bubble (Sp); Think to surround the target with a green bubble made from the heart energy. Then, you cause them to not attack or do things near you, that's as you can "seal" them away from reality. The point is expression you do, think about the changes you want then. So, you can cause them to think what you want, then make away with them doing what you intend them to do. That's what the effect really is about. Cast a green bubble, cause all offense to disappear, then you program them with suggestions. That means the suggestions you can speak, these suggestions are "transmitted" to the target through the 3rd eye, that's serving as instruction to the green energy. Otherwise, the green bubble prevents them from creating what they intend, that's mentally where its not done upon the physical plane. However, the reality they perceive as they are in the green bubble, this is whatever you want them to see. If you don't want them to see anything, then envision darkness and they see nothing but the void. See that uses the crown chakra energy to do this. This can cause your target/s to stop targeting you with psychic attacks as well. Surround the target/s with a green bubble and think to seal them away and they stop. Also if you need it to, the green bubble can restore your health by your health being restored by feel. If you want to know where the gated in energy comes from, its through use of the crown chakra. So that's how it works and all you need to do is suggest it to your dm/gm of what you intend this ability to do. That's all for now. Oh yeah, this lasts for up to 36 seconds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle until otherwise wanted. If not wanted, imagine or think that a energy needle pops the green bubble and it disappears. [1:21 PM] Spelly — 01/01/2023 12:28 PM Energy bomb; this is where you close your mouth and feel energy forming a ball in your mouth. Think if you want to direct it as it goes from the mouth to decapitate the area you target with it. This lasts 30 seconds and if you don't open your mouth it dissipates away harmlessly. Spelly — 01/11/2023 6:10 PM Clean speed up; this is where you focus energy along your arm and hand. Then you sniff the hand. You speed up. Spelly — 01/13/2023 7:22 PM energy; I believe I don't run outta energy is because I reabsorb my focused energy back into myself. its also making me live longer. its fascinating as there are many ways to do it. one way is to focus upon your hand energy and sniff it. another way is to focus your thoughts upon a drink and do it for 2 minutes then drink it. its interesting how energized you can become. the russians use the drink charge way. it originated from the avalons, yet I recently discovered the hand charge way. OfficialBlueBird — 01/13/2023 7:28 PM Nice! Spelly — 01/14/2023 6:38 AM Entropy (Sp); This can be done 3 times a day, think of the idea of slowing things down and the target slows down by the gated in void energy. Instead of what actions they get now, they get 1 action per every 2 rounds or 12 seconds. Otherwise you could slow down an effect or disease, that is where the effect manifests more powerfully later uponst a unsuspecting target. If your aware of the effect, the subconscious causes it not to effect you. So if fast enough, it won't fizzle out. Double the damage if you create the delayed blast effect. [1:21 PM] Spelly — 01/22/2023 7:30 PM Focused speed up; I found a way to get faster by feel..think energy to the hand and charges it then sniff it. You have to energize it for 2 seconds or more. The longer the charges the faster you get. The charge stays there for a few minutes. So you can speed up several times. Interesting, right? This can be counted as cheating in a speed test, yet it's worth it in the end. I figured out why the Focusing of energy in the hand can energize yourself.. it seems to focus energy upon the aura and that releases charged electrons that enters the nitrogen and oxygen atoms. This charges the nitrogen and oxygen in the area near your body.. sniff the supercharged nitrogen and oxygen and your supercharged. Spelly — 01/26/2023 11:45 AM Focused events are created by subconscious predictions. Manifest of predictions ability is where you predict something and will it to manifest as it comes true by your subconscious creating it. Think of what you want and you create what you want, this works as you think its a need. [1:22 PM] thewarrior04 — 01/27/2023 6:13 AM Who is the avalons Spelly — 01/27/2023 7:25 AM oh, a race of druids thewarrior04 — 01/27/2023 7:56 AM Intresting isn't avalon the place also for immortals Spelly — 01/27/2023 7:56 AM yes an island in the pacific ocean thewarrior04 — 01/27/2023 8:08 AM Well well and your holding out spelly so what do you know of immortals off the island of China and the peach of immortality Spelly — 01/27/2023 8:18 AM ah it comes to me but that's about it its like info on demand not much they are mysterious [1:22 PM] thewarrior04 — 01/27/2023 8:20 AM Intresing as they should be Spelly — 01/27/2023 8:20 AM exactly thewarrior04 — 01/27/2023 8:21 AM Would say that the world is like a comic book or marvel universe Spelly — 01/27/2023 8:21 AM yep thewarrior04 — 01/27/2023 8:25 AM WELL WELL WELL how do I sign up on my dr strange/shang chi ish Spelly — 01/27/2023 8:32 AM hahaha however [1:22 PM] thewarrior04 — 01/27/2023 8:42 AM However what exactly king Spelly — 01/27/2023 9:04 AM what do you want to sign up on? what site thewarrior04 — 01/27/2023 9:29 AM No sites of course this all energetic Spelly — 01/27/2023 9:30 AM Ah Spelly — 01/27/2023 6:45 PM Self-created purpose; this is where you think to focus upon the idea to create something and you'll find a way to do it. [1:23 PM] Spelly — 01/29/2023 12:48 PM Water encoding; Think what you need the water to do as you drink it.

Spelly — 07/06/2023 1:24 PM

Spelly — 01/30/2023 8:07 PM

Electron jump; This can "jump" you or some object to some other space or time in a dimension that you think to be in. Think of the area and you find yourself or the item there. This is done by excited energy of the body, that teleports you or an object to the right time and space or area by the power of the soul. The electron shift causes this effect, which is instant or suddenly done. 

That means as the atoms in the body become energetic. That is where you think the atomic spin speeds up. This is done by focus. See as you think you have the energy. That's with the subconscious gating in energy. Think of shifting as you touch the object or think yourself shifts, where the thinking of the electron splits off to create you or the object somewhere else. 

asdadfads2 — 01/31/2023 1:52 AM

then it is possible to teleport items as well.  Can you teleport 1 dollar to the place where I took your photo 

Spelly — 01/31/2023 7:39 AM



asdadfads2 — 01/31/2023 7:41 AM


Spelly — 01/31/2023 7:41 AM


one time I teleported a hundred dollars.

to myself in the past

asdadfads2 — 01/31/2023 7:47 AM


[1:24 PM]

Spelly — 01/31/2023 7:50 AM


I was confused as heck when I did it

it was interesting as 100 was laying there suddenly

asdadfads2 — 01/31/2023 7:52 AM

How did you do

Spelly — 01/31/2023 8:01 AM


thought it was needed and it was there by the power of the soul

[1:25 PM]

Spelly — 01/31/2023 7:50 AM


I was confused as heck when I did it

it was interesting as 100 was laying there suddenly

asdadfads2 — 01/31/2023 7:52 AM

How did you do

Spelly — 01/31/2023 8:01 AM


thought it was needed and it was there by the power of the soul

[1:25 PM]

Spelly — 02/14/2023 7:30 PM

Unlimited Ability; there is almost unlimited energy in our cells.  spiritually as well.  Consider combining them and using them.  This is done by thinking your spirit uses the cell energy to create with your need to make what you want.  So how can we do this? See what you need to know by idea is that you get what you think you're getting. 

That's about it.

Spelly — 02/15/2023 3:54 PM

Exorcism; Think the creator does the exorcism as you feel the need and state what you want to occur.

Spelly — 02/16/2023 9:46 AM

Unaddiction; by willing yourself to not be addicted, you cause your cellular energy to be directed by the spirit to not need the addiction anymore.

Spelly — 02/18/2023 1:08 PM

Planetary magic; this magic creates what you need by the planet consciousness. That is where you can meditate to make it do things as you suggest to the conscious mind and create what you desire.

[1:25 PM]

Spelly — 02/23/2023 9:24 AM

transferrance; The point you think about doing is not done if abuse. This is where you think of the property and as it exists, if you think its transferred its there by the power of the spirit.

Spelly — 02/24/2023 1:54 PM

Area energy change; this is where you create a change by telling or thinking to the consciousness in the air of the area, that creates the change in or around the place you want effected.

Spelly — 03/07/2023 7:04 AM

God prayer; This is where you will energy of God to create an effect of a prayer saying the prayer you intend as your using the subconscious and thinking to use orange spice. You can suggest to yourself the need and if you intend it you create it, that's as though your God created the worded idea creatively. The energy effect is what you get, that can emulate any element or create sleep for example. That includes what you think, like dissuading the target/s from attacking or causing them to not need to fight. Effectively ending the fight.

[1:26 PM]

Spelly — 03/10/2023 7:29 AM

Soundwaves; This is where you think of what you want and thump your foot or staff and the energy thought creates it.

Spelly — 03/10/2023 12:09 PM

Vid magic; strange experience : relax and sit down.  Think as if there is a camera in the room and watch yourself.  You are sitting.  raise your hand.  And you're raising your hand on the camera.  first imagine what you are going to do.  watch from that camera.  do it later.  If you dig deep enough, imagine yourself on camera leaving your astral body.  and then when you try you can easily astral travel.

like this in general.  see what you want to see.  will be made easier.  if not, try again and again.

Spelly — 03/11/2023 4:10 AM

Focusing iii; the amount of time you focus makes if longer, the more powerful the effect. It works with elemental summons and creation, that's done by the focus with the mind thinking of what you want.

Spelly — 03/11/2023 6:11 AM

energy charging technique : Take a pen with both hands.  press very lightly.  Imagine your energy going into the pen.  Increase the pressure a little more and fill the pen with your energy.  When the pen is completely filled with your energy, it will do what you want.  When you say "break" 3 times and press lightly, it will break.  If you improve at this, you can break, or lighten, even items that wouldn't normally break.  or aggravate it.

[1:26 PM]

Spelly — 03/16/2023 3:39 AM

a brain exercise : choose 10 words at random.  irrelevant  and use them in a story.  make it harder over time.  As your brain neurons increase, your perception capacity will increase.

Spelly — 03/16/2023 3:47 AM

and one more exercise: pick a topic you know.  and write.  For example, if I know biology, I wrote about it.  Then, select 10 words from the gap and ban them.  Write the same topic again, but without using those words.

Spelly — 03/18/2023 7:32 AM

Pulse defense; Think the area light starts pulsing fire energy at the target. Then, it does by the power of the spirit if you need and intend it. This effects multiple target/s, so you can do this spell anytime you want.

Spelly — 03/25/2023 10:51 AM

spk eng quik= pronounced "speak enn-g quick" makes english spoken quickly.

Spelly — 03/26/2023 5:44 AM

Planet effect; This is focusing upon the planet consciousness, what you want to happen as you think and need the effect to occur. This happens to effect any idea with pinpoint accuracy.

Energy warp (SP); You may cast this spell whenever you want. This effect is focusing the energy of the planet to cause the target/s to not get an effect off.

[1:26 PM]

interest by feel (Sp); This spell, once cast, draws interest in the area you speak about. The effect is to distract the target/s for 48 seconds in battle and until you no longer need to draw their interest outside of battle.

Spelly — 03/26/2023 7:22 AM

Siren; Since they are half fish and half human..this is their ability. That you can attempt to recreate. Think of the moment and speak what you want to happen as you think of what you need. This creates the point of action where they do what you want, as you speak things when you feel its important. that is created by the soul or spirit creating a result, that's done by the voice having the right vibration and that convinces the target/s into doing what you wanted.

Spelly — 03/30/2023 7:10 AM

Soul gate; Think of what you want and the soul can form it. The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 36 seconds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the energy you direct to form here, and closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

[1:27 PM]

asdadfads2 — 03/30/2023 7:13 AM

I want a lot of money.  what do you think i can do

Spelly — 03/30/2023 7:14 AM

think you can get it as you have the soul gate it in

so you eventually get it

Spelly — 04/01/2023 8:03 AM

unsancti = build large army..pronounced unn-sann-c-tee

Axel — 04/01/2023 11:46 PM

Would you believe it, I was looking for this and found it here

real_rajat — 04/01/2023 11:48 PM

Thanks can we make it large killer army that is fully under control?

Spelly — 04/02/2023 5:29 AM



you can

Spelly — 04/09/2023 5:32 PM

Astral shifting; You see it involves astral projection and thinking as you "touch" the object or yourself and thinking the energy shifts it or you to where you want to be..

[1:27 PM]

Spelly — 04/10/2023 3:42 PM

Symbol magic; think of a symbol and it can be a simple line drawing. Then decide it means what you intend. Then you create the effect by the consciousness of energy making the effect as you trace or draw the symbol in wood, on paper or in the air.

Spelly — 04/10/2023 4:15 PM

Weight magic; This is magic where you create a result using your body cell energy and body weight to create a result by focus and need.

Money effect; This is where you create with a point thinking, that you use money as a source  combined with energy you gate in then by the soul gating in the energy to create an effect now.

Spelly — 04/12/2023 3:31 PM

Animal spirit; using the Animal spirit improves magic. Think to the animal the thought of 'sharing your spirit and helping me out.' Then it would help create what you need.

Spelly — 04/13/2023 4:32 AM

er-funn; think of the person and state "er-funn" and the creator makes the target stop swearing and insulting.. jesiah does it as well

ee-funn; it prevents suicide or attempts to.

[1:28 PM]

Spelly — 04/13/2023 7:43 AM

black marks; since I live alone, I found making black marks an interesting effect. basically, focus on the surface of the object or wall and think there is a black mark there. The third eye will create it. at first its only perceived by the third eye.

white wash; think to wash out the effect and wave your hand at the mark and it disappears.

Spelly — 04/19/2023 11:48 AM

Fuzetzu (sp); This is where you focus and create with thought, that you need to happen. Stating "fuzetsu" will freeze the enemies no matter what. This effect freezes time and movement of the target area except for your allies. 

Do this spell if you want to freeze your foes activity and cause them to cease what they do. This effect lasts upto 48 seconds in battle. Otherwise outside of battle it lasts until you no longer need it. However, due note it freezes the activity and ends it quickly. It can't actually freeze movement.

Spelly — 04/23/2023 3:15 PM

Subconscious defense (sp); This is where you focus on the person and use their thoughts against them or project their emotions in a situation that you intend to use to neutralize the moment. This spell is instant. It can be used any time and place, and causes the target to not respond to you.

[1:28 PM]

Spelly — 04/24/2023 1:19 PM

The sun disc; This disk is small and weighs 1/2 a lbs. Yet can go anywhere with you, that's as its easily transferrable in and whatever you think it does or seem to focus upon it. As you think of what you need, you get by this disk that exists even a sun gate. 

How it works, the idea is what you intend. So, this a point you think of the point or idea and hold, draw or trace in the air a symbol and the energy in the air or radiation is there by the subconscious directing the sun consciousness to create what symbol meaning you intend by feel.

Spelly — 04/24/2023 1:28 PM

Focus points; What you focus on your subconscious causes a black mark or elementally done damage that came from fire, water or earth smudging, this is anywhere and any number of marks that's of your choice to the area or target. Then, if you think to focus your emotion or feelings at the point, you create a black mark. then, if you focus your energy at the mark, it will burst into flames. 

The end point is this, if you don't focus at the mark you don't send energy to cause fires. Think about it if you will.. if you think about it, something long enough to remember. You can cause anything. It's an amazing fact of life. This ability can create a result you would desire or design for by idea. So think about the point, then you may get your desired result if necessary.

[1:28 PM]

Spelly — 04/24/2023 4:39 PM

Force field; this effect causes you to be protected no matter the point. It projects forth the energy that you don't want as you think to create with light. In order to form it irl, you think your energy goes to the aura and creates a white light that acts like a barrier to all negative idea or attacks. Think and you know what to do. This draws the positive idea you want in life, so think to get positive results with positive thinking.

Spelly — 04/26/2023 7:35 AM

Camera trick (Sp); The camera trick is where you create a spiritual image or moving image on the picture. That shows yourself and your spirit can communicate through the image, so if you focus on appearing on the image then your spirit does. Cast this spell whenever you want to make an image for yourself.

Dream creation (Sp); This is where you create a dream that you focus and think into existence, that your spirit can make an appearance in. This lasts until you no longer need it. Think to cast this spell as you intend to create a dream.

Haking (Ex) This is where you hack the moment and create by words, idea and writing it down as you think your soul creates the moment you want out of the moment that exists in life. This is then possible by the idea of a possible success. This is when you think to create a money moment as you write it down or say what you do and the subconscious creates it. Otherwise you can state something and life hack as you let your subconscious do it.

[1:29 PM]

Spelly — 04/26/2023 11:30 AM

Fixxate; pronounced fixx-ate.. fixes the timing of manifest. As always, state the word to get the subconscious to do what you want.

Spelly — 04/30/2023 2:22 PM

Disappearance (Sp); This spell can render you silent and invisible, like a glitch in the matrix anytime you want. The effect is that you create disappearance, when you think you know what is bad and nearby. The spirit uses your soul and causes you to disappear in plain site. Think and you know what to do. 

Spelly — 05/02/2023 3:57 PM

The influence; the influence of the spirit causes things to exist by feel. So if you think to create a slender shape you make Unnatural slenderness.

[1:29 PM]

Spelly — 05/13/2023 4:53 PM

elemental ball; This is where you create magic as in you think to work and do things. So its formed from the element you choose to use. Thinking about it forms it as a chi ball.. then you create by programming the energy thinking to it what you want to create what you want by the chi ball doing it from its conscious programming. Like forming a fireball, think heat energy is compressed into the ball of green energy and when it stops then throw it. 

It should leave a dark spot or smudge mark. This is the first stage, if you want to actually cause a fire, then think energy or green chi energy goes into the mark or marks from your hand or focus upon it. Then it will smoke and burn as it bursts into flames. If there is not enough heat in the air, then wait 3 to 5 minutes to create again. As the energy has to replenish itself. Think it doesn't form, then it disappears as though not formed by feel.

Spelly — 05/13/2023 5:38 PM

There is the waterball, think water energy forms as a ball of trace moisture. Thinking to create it with the chi ball absorbing water energy that you think goes to the area you thought threw it at. The area will be cool and wettish as it formed a smudge on the area. Airballs are compressed air into a chi ball and focused at a target area. If formed right, it can punch a hole through things. 

The earthball is focusing a compressed brown energy into trhe chi ball, when done it will smell of earth. Think to throw it into a surface and it can dampen with a cool feel the area forming a smudge on the area like a wall. This is not all you can do, but it is allot of idea put into one as its your third eye that sees your need and forms the idea to exist..



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 — 07/06/2023 1:30 PM

Spelly — 07/06/2023 1:30 PM

Spelly — 05/17/2023 6:43 PM

dark cloak; This is where you focus dark energy into the aura or area like a dome, then you aren't effected by sunlight and can cause people to not see you. This even prevents sunburn. The 3rd eye allows you to see through the dark cloak and you easily navigate the area. When indoors, you drop the cloak as you think light energy enters the aura. Then you can see normally again. Of course, the darkness cloak is not seen by others. So your not giving yourself away by doing this. 

Etheric plane; This can form a body in the etheric plane. Think to be in spirit and your there in an etheric body. The longer your there, the clearer it becomes. You will get a sense of what is real. It is permanent so the next time your there, the easier it gets. Think and you know what to do.

Spelly — 05/18/2023 8:55 AM

Shock absorber; This is where you use the shock of electron charges and create a wave of electrons and effected protons. That neuralize the damage and absorb it into the particles, that are used to create what effect you may have. This is where you think and do, thinking of energizing the atoms in the body, that creates the electron wave in the first place. On use, this create longetivity, the point is done if you think its done so consider yourself "ageless". Think to use the electron wave, then you aren't effected by attack for 48 seconds in battle or until you no longer need it outside of battle.

[1:30 PM]

Spelly — 05/19/2023 8:24 AM

wa-eo = pronounced as wah ee-oh and this wakes up people.

Spelly — 05/21/2023 4:55 PM

remote healing; Imagine spreading your energy through someone's body.  to the whole.  then focus on the sick place.  transmit your energy to the cells.  For example, if it is cancer, fill the cancerous cells with your energy.  then press your hands together.  As you do this, imagine exploding in those thousands of cells.  cells no longer have effects.  and the person's body will replace those cells with healthy cells in a few days.  This is a remote healing method.

reenergization; The brain sometimes connects one thing to another.  use this feature.  For example, take an item.  say it will remind me to be energetic every time I see it.  Look at that item one day when you're tired.  your tiredness will go away.  can be used for everything.  whatever you need. 

Spelly — 05/21/2023 5:40 PM

focus and create; this is where you think of what you want, look at the object and you state what you want its consciousness to do. Then on a moment of need, look at the object and its that idea that's done as you intend it to be done. The idea is done like reenergization as you program your subconscious mind, this is made into creating the idea upon a glance and needing it.

[1:31 PM]

real_rajat — 05/22/2023 12:44 AM

Please tell me about this. I am good at this. 

Spelly — 05/22/2023 4:05 AM

its a trigger

where you think something that triggers the moment your body does.


Spelly — 05/27/2023 6:40 PM

Likeness summons; this is where you think to focus on creating a likeness of some form from thin air. This is done by the creator making it appear. It disappears when it isn't needed. The source of this appears to be an angel sent by God to appear and act like you want it to act. 

If your evil, then you call by thought a fallen angel or demon to do what you want. The idea is you create an appropriate appearance, if you have in mind the person or thing you want to mimic. If no image appears, then God must have thought to not allow it. So luck be with you.

[1:31 PM]

Spelly — 05/29/2023 8:47 AM

time gate; This is where you think of the time and cause your soul to form an energy gateway there, that forms with the right frequency. Think of the time and place as you form the gate. This causes you to shift there, when you walk right through it. 

roving gate; This is a gate of energy that shifts you places as it comes nearby and passes over you. Think to form the gateway, as you think of the place to "visit", and then you will the gate to move towards the target/s. When it passes over them it shifts them.

Spelly — 05/31/2023 8:50 AM

irridescent sphere; this sphere is using blood energy and chaos energy to create a sphere in the air that shoots forth to disentigrate the target. its formed by focusing energy into the form of a sphere, that is thought created in the air. then, when its focused enough, think chaos energy and blood energy goes into it until it no longer absorbs it. Then think to it to go forth and hit the target.

Spelly — 05/31/2023 3:08 PM

Iridescent beam; think of a beam of chaos and blood energy coming from your hand. That strikes the target  and leaves a burn mark. If it doesn't kill the targets then their lucky.

[1:31 PM]

Spelly — 05/31/2023 6:10 PM

psionics; if you focus your mind and breath to relax..then your thought will occur. that is where psionics happen. so think of what you want, like creating a wind in the area..and relax your mind by breathing in and out so your letting the tension "go". optionally, you don't have to breath in and out, you can hold your breath and will the result to form. that by far is easiest. then you can create the effect as your subconscious creates it. then, you "psychically" feel the wind. otherwise, if you wanted to cause water moisture to condense into water. think the moisture in the air condenses and forms water, that's as you breath in and out thinking it does. the water will form where you think it should, this is done by feel or observation like a wet or damp spot on the wall. however you do it, you can get a result if you practice by doing the idea and sometime you may get a result.

[1:33 PM]

[1:33 PM]

Spelly — 05/31/2023 7:59 PM

fire formation; that is where you focus on the heat in the air condensing into a sphere in the air. then the creator or your God creates the effect. the more condensed the more it does. so basically, the heat is the fire in the air or above your hand from energy. that's gathered in your wrists, and used from the focus of your hands and thought. so your gathering it into a sphere in the air or hand, then think it goes to the target and it does.. (target a wall surface). it should form at the least a dark spot you psychically see and at most a physical smudge mark. think energy goes into the mark or marks and it will eventually burst into fire. tell if you can do it. 

oh yeah.. sometime you will find it doesn't form, allow the heat to recirculate in the air and after 1 minute or more, you should be able to do it. one last thing, the more your emotionally focused upon the target and doing something. the more chance that you do it. the more effect you get, like making a really dark spot. that's if you think about the need and will it with your emotion, like love or hate. this does have a 50% chance to succeed. sometimes if you overdo it, you can get a headache. that headache disappears after awhile.

so try and try again till you give it up. for some it does take years, so think to master it at your own pace. however, the effect of creation can make you hungry, that's because your body uses energy up to help form the effect and need energy from sustenance to recoup its energy. this is focusing the energy in the air to create things by feel. so think to keep from eating and you don't gain any weight. that's what could happen to make weight happen. thinking to ho;d off causes you to not need to eat, so think about it and you know what to do.

[1:33 PM]

the more you repeat the rite, the more you accumulate with based repetition - energy, into a specific point of poise, the more power you get over the accumulation of such energy as well as the reinforcement of reality and abiding by those principles that reality gives structure to those system, which manifests the way it did for you. it doesn't matter what kind of system you are using, repetition will reinforce its power. another reason why ritual magick is so effective, because its based on repetition. repeating it again and again creates more effect. some magickal orders like the Golden Dawn, repeat their rituals on a daily basis. they understand how if you keep regenerating the energy, it accumulates to serve that point in reality.

[1:34 PM]

Spelly — 06/01/2023 1:37 PM

Wave energy; this is where you focus the energy of sound and the earth into creating an effect by thought  programming it, as the subconscious does the programming and the consciousness of energy does the idea with its influence. This includes a wave attack. That effects the targets and does damages to them.

Spelly — 06/03/2023 12:16 PM

The creation; the Creator makes what you want, no matter the reason why. It seems that he hears our idea to create, and makes realistic the point of expression.

Spelly — 06/07/2023 1:21 AM

The shock; This creates with idea, that you focus energy through the area to do what you desire. This energy can be focused through an item you hold, thinking to send a combined force into the area and the target or targets. Of course you are empowered by the creator's or God's energy to get results. This is where you can think of the item use and focus the heat as fire energy that goes through it to effect and decapitate the target/s. 

real_rajat — 06/07/2023 1:22 AM

What creates precondition for spell to work

Spelly — 06/07/2023 1:22 AM

thinking it'd work

and understanding the effect that you observe

[1:34 PM]

real_rajat — 06/07/2023 1:24 AM

Explaine the second part please

Spelly — 06/07/2023 1:25 AM

if you observe the point of expression, you know it works.

basically, the creator causes you to be able and do this.

you could make said targets paused or not move and collapse in a heart attack

its an interesting defense

target a wall with it for practice

Spelly — 06/09/2023 12:43 PM

blood port; this is where you focus the energy in your blood and think of the area to go, then the energy is used up as you shift to a new area.

Spelly — 06/10/2023 7:23 AM

Third eye; The third eye is used by thinking it is, thinking to activate their chakras and create a result. This is when they can use aspects of the chakras. Like for instance, roots come out and trip up the target/s when they use their root chakras. Otherwise, they use chakra energy to create what they want to effect the target/s. 

Spelly — 06/10/2023 7:39 AM

Soul math; This is where you focus the math skills and use 1 action, thinking to create with the problem that your soul creates within the target/s energy. This problem could be anything you want it to be. As though you thought of a problem like you wanted crippling, some delusion or being comotose, that makes them not want to fight. They are distracted by the problem for 48 seconds in battle or until you will away the problem outside of combat.

[1:34 PM]

Spelly — 06/10/2023 3:51 PM

null jinx; State "null jinx" as you think of what you need removed to complete the spell. The moment comes when you think of the idea and focus on erasing it, this is done by feel or idea that you speak about.

Spelly — 06/12/2023 11:56 AM

Self-curative; this self repair creates by body energy an improvement in health. State 'self-curative' out loud or under your breath to get this effect.

Spelly — 06/13/2023 8:51 PM

cosmoskinesis; This is where you think you are there, its interesting and useful to know. All that's required is to ask the creator of the universe to create a planet that's liveable and star for you by stating out loud or thinking to him your request. Think about it and upon attuning yourself to the universe and the creator, you can cause the planet to be revealed to you by request. Think your there, then the planet energy draws yourself there. This happens by feel or idea you observe in some manner or with some youtube vid describing it. This is in the known universe. So think and you know what to do. 

tell if it works

[1:35 PM]

Intercosmosx86 — 06/13/2023 8:52 PM

Where did you find that technique?

Spelly — 06/13/2023 8:52 PM

came to me as I laid down to rest

its untested as of yet

I seem to have a psychic gift that reveals itself by appearing as writing in my mind describing the idea I need to know from the subconscious. 

anyway.. gonna go back to sleep

that really is meditation

Spelly — 06/17/2023 3:50 PM

this; the point you have you create, that's done by the idea you intend to make with the power of the soul.

[1:35 PM]

Spelly — 06/19/2023 11:26 AM

Psychic (Ex); What comes to you by the spirit you know by the soul. This is where the spirit reveals timewise, what it saw and what occurs. You can see any time and space, so you know in advance what will occur. Thinking about the moment allows you to not be surprised by attack. You also can detect traps by sensing them out psychically. This is done with a 50% chance of success.

Psiballs (Ex); You can create up to 6 - 10 psiballs or energy balls by focusing energy into the shape of a ball, that allow you to do what you want as you will the psiball to do things. That's before they dissipate harmlessly where they are used.

Spelly — 06/20/2023 4:02 AM

Reality; Always remember, that the things that exist you in this life or elsewhere are your thoughts. Your thoughts are reflected in reality and now become your reality. Your consciousness is everything you make up your world.

Nefes Alan Felsefe — 06/20/2023 7:14 AM

What are those things?

Spelly — 06/20/2023 7:15 AM


They each do something that was assigned to them..

Nefes Alan Felsefe — 06/20/2023 7:18 AM

By how

When you draw these things?

Spelly — 06/20/2023 7:19 AM


Nefes Alan Felsefe — 06/20/2023 7:20 AM

When I draw it, what will happen?

Spelly — 06/20/2023 7:20 AM

Ask adfeng what will manifest

I think your thoughts will be heard with the tower one

Basically the energy of the sigil will manifest or make things occur.

[1:38 PM]

Spelly — 06/20/2023 7:28 AM

Some point for spells in spells n magic; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. 

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. 

This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here. 



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 — 06/20/2023 7:29 AM

Adfeng — 06/20/2023 9:16 AM

What they are designed to do versus what you get out of them are two different things, so feel free to use them and see what comes of it

The last image is part of a macrosigil project, but I'd rather not expand on what any of them do so everyone can figure it when they work with them

[1:39 PM]

OfficialBlueBird — 06/20/2023 9:45 AM

How do you work with sigils?

Do you need like blood of a bat? For example to draw them out ? To make it effective?

Adfeng — 06/20/2023 9:48 AM

Nope.  Focus on the sigil with the intent of what you want to happen, much like working with energy.

OfficialBlueBird — 06/20/2023 9:50 AM

So like. Just focusing on the image itself works the same?

[1:39 PM]

Adfeng — 06/20/2023 9:50 AM


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Spelly — 06/21/2023 8:44 AM

Complete; the idea is illusion, think payout and you get what you want. Think big payout and they do what you want.

Thoughtful; this works by feel, if you have thought, then you create comfort by what you think.

Spelly — 06/23/2023 6:56 PM

White, grey and black magic; white magic allows you to do something like healing and your known for it, basically you are traced to be the one doing it energy wise.. grey magic allows you to do healing with energy where you aren't known for it.. meaning you aren't energy traced to be the one responsible. black magic is where you could do harm or whatever and aren't known for it and you aren't traced for doing it. basically, grey magic is mind magic that can be suggestions to an outcome and your subconsciousness creates the effect of the suggestions. feel free to respond to this with your own idea. You know After you realize things like you sense the presence of another watching you..or things go wrong right after doing an act of magic. That's how you know, basically that you've been traced.



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 — 07/06/2023 1:43 PM

Spelly — 07/06/2023 1:43 PM

Spelly — 06/24/2023 11:34 AM

Living power; think of the power of your cells and your subconscious mixed with the mind, think you create whatever you need and it is formed physically. So think about it, what you need is drawn there. This is the nature of lore.

Spelly — 06/24/2023 1:19 PM

Mind block; this is a special idea, where you think to block through the subconscious, the targets energy or mind. This blocks their chakra points, and prevents them from getting an effect off by feel. You can mind block attackers and stop them from attacking you with an effect. 

This works for 64 seconds in battle or until you no longer need the effect outside of battle. If you block the mind enough, you can cause a mind shutdown. Where they don't think, yet react naturally and leave you alone. There is a 50% chance of this.

Spelly — 06/24/2023 6:37 PM

Hyperdimensional storm; This is where you call upon the hyperdimension that exists above the dimension, thinking to gate in its energy and form a hyperdimensional storm. This energy creates what you want where you want and at any time that you want. As long as you think about it, its possible to be formed and you find it in some manner. If you cause a hyperdimensional storm, you create your intended effect of hyper energy and a strike of hyper lightning to incinerate the target/s. That's if it hits with a 50% chance.

[1:44 PM]

Spelly — 06/25/2023 10:38 AM

sey foc = (pronounced say-folk) rhink of comfort and maternal care as though it emanated from you. That's as you say sey foc out loud or under your breath to a candle flame. This might take a day or less to manifest. This will be will this be physical and mental changes. You can say it once or twice for effects to be done.

Spelly — 06/26/2023 7:24 AM

construct creation is easy..

and making it intelligent is easier

think of energy shaped into a sphere shape.. think it exists and it does even though you might not be able to feel it. then think energy is compressed into it as you want it to be potent. Then its formed as you think your programming to it.. this is made intelligent as you think your soul forms a soul copy that lives within it.

it then understands what you want as you need it or desire it to do something.

that's about it..for my way although others will have other ways to doing this..



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 — 06/26/2023 7:24 AM

Spelly — 06/26/2023 3:25 PM

Storm power; this is where you think to the storm, thinking to create what you need or state out loud. Really, think what you want, stating your need and the storm consciousness creates the effect. This is elemental damage effect that is instant unless it lingers for 36 seconds in battle, or until not needed outside of battle.

[1:44 PM]

Spelly — 06/26/2023 6:29 PM

an interesting tidbit, don't you think?

Spelly — 06/27/2023 4:56 PM

psionics pdf's

Spelly — 06/28/2023 10:38 AM

Caretaker idea; this is where you think to focus and change things in space. Whatever you imagine you can get in idea. Whatever you need is done by the creator making effects that you need nearby.

This includes pulling or pushing people or making things appear in time and space, this is done to make them appear wherever you desire. They can even control the dead, whether or not they are nearby.

Spelly — 07/01/2023 7:20 PM

creativity; this is where you state creativity and think of this idea, in order to make what seems possible even more possible. so think and you know what to do.

self-making; write on a sheet of paper, that you will do something like I will write today..then put on the paper you wrote on a bit of energy like a thumb-print and you will do it.. 


[1:45 PM]

Spelly — 07/01/2023 7:48 PM

self-thought; think of this as you state "self-thought" and thinking for writing comes to you by the power of the subconscious mind.

Spelly — 07/01/2023 9:30 PM

wakeup; this is crushing a dry leaf under your feet and experiencing the release of death and decay energy. That upon release to your aura, fixes your brain and wakes you up.

Spelly — 07/02/2023 2:03 PM

Programming; This is projected thought, otherwise its a word of power you think will work where you create by the thought you think. The consciousness in idea of energy is what does the thought or statement and you get the result that you thin to get. It is what creates the point or expressed idea.

Spelly — 07/04/2023 4:52 PM

Shimmering force field; this is cast by the power of the soul. State out loud or under your breath, "soul cause the shimmering energy to form." Then need it and it forms like a Shimmering energy, and makes you appear as whatever you want. It lasts till you start doubting it.

[1:45 PM]

Spelly — Yesterday at 12:50 PM

Creative use..; this is where you think to creatively use idea and energy comes to you by the spirit.



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 — 07/06/2023 1:46 PM

July 11, 2023

Spelly — 07/11/2023 7:08 PM

crystals; They are similar to chakras, so, you link to them, dump filth, suck out energy that you can, and align yourself, then unlink.

Easier to clean, than cleaning a chakra. Purer than draining people. Less error in alignments. If you want, you can also program them. Depending on the crystal i sort of put it in my hand, push energy through it, but i do not allow it to convert it and rework it to the outside, i restrict the output, instead i create pressure and keep pumping energy, it has pushback and delay, and not every crystal is the type for this technique, but you sort of force all energy into the crystal and not let it out while you push energy in, and if you do it right it sort of elevates the crystal into an excited state. It is a process that can happen in few seconds or a minute...

Sort of like way more responsive and alive state.

After that I like to grant them elevated consciousness and make them capable of communication and ask for a specific deal. Crystals are very inflexible, and they for a certain task want to be cleaned or put somewhere or charged every day/week/time you use them, or something else like specific person and etc. Once you give them that for the deal, pact is sealed it is like contract and they are more resistant to reprogramming from someone else, they perform tasks faithfully too. But maybe the best one for warfare when dealing with entities would be the gaia link.

[7:08 PM]

You reread the definition of a crystal on wiki, google what earth is made out of, figure out that majority of earth has some minerals which you guess it are of crystal structure, all scattered, and instead of connecting to one, you go outside, take a stance that is comfortable, and connect via energy link, reaching deep with energy to a collective crystals something like 2m or 8-10ft underground or more deeper, until you feel the link establish... And then just not move for hours. Just passively standing like that, will allow things to happen, you are cleansed, grounded, balanced, and if you persist you start channeling energy similar to a tree, where vortex slowly forms, from down to top... After certain time i think several hours  a other vortex forms naturally, from top to bottom from the sky, and they sort of merge and balance, but it takes too long on initial forming.


Spelly — 07/11/2023 7:26 PM

Crystal movements; So from what I know of crystals they sort of just escape from your attention, if you are too negative of an influence on them however they dont move by themselves though. sometimes the person moves them for you. that's due to the soul sensing your need, or they suicide by having you drop them. escaping from you by any means and it is not even like stupid idea, you notice that yeah, despite being careful I have dropped this particular crystal dozen of times. I have not dropped crystal ever. so you compare it and something is odd, like as if it is escaping. so that's how it can move. -Nesh

July 16, 2023

Spelly — 07/16/2023 12:30 PM

Zodiac armor; This is spiritual armor that makes the blow lessened, summoned by calming yourself and willing the armor to mage armor. Except it can make use of what you wear, thinking to strengthen the body and lower the impact. Enhancing ability as you go.

July 18, 2023

Spelly — 07/18/2023 5:52 AM

bell summons; this is where you ring a bell and think to summon what helps by feel and idea that you think about. the rung vibrations make the items and beings manifest that will help you in the end.

Spelly — 07/18/2023 7:03 AM

Thought energy; This is where you think of the idea and that idea is energy that you can project forth, this means you can create results by the thought that you need to happen. So think of the idea and think it works with those you want effected. Then, you create a result by the idea that occurs to manifest.

Spelly — 07/18/2023 4:33 PM

Psyching yourself out; Sometimes we can trick ourselves, so we believe something that's not exactly true. Its only proven when its done. By the subconscious making the result. Doing it to a certain point is safe. 

As long as you don't hurt yourself. You can create any manifest by this effect, eventually. In other words, our words and thoughts create what you wanted as a need.

July 19, 2023

Spelly — 07/19/2023 3:49 PM

This the criminals used to get in trouble..

this use; the focus is the point, the idea is the expression, that can be action or stated words. So think to do what you want as you need the idea and you end up seeing it in action or doing it yourself.

The more you need it, the more you might do it.

July 21, 2023

Spelly — 07/21/2023 6:10 AM

What you do; moderation is bliss they say..everything in moderation and that means not too much not too little. this causes less stress and no problems.

Spelly — 07/21/2023 3:25 PM

Love moderation; this is where you think in a moment, that you can create with passion and love and not go too far. such as burn yourself out of the love feeling. so think and know, love is love life is life, do what you want as things work out by feel.

July 31, 2023

Spelly — 07/31/2023 5:41 PM

candle rite; This will summon whatever you want, thinking to manifest where you need it to manifest. That is creating what you want by the flame of a candle. So light a candle and look at the flame, thats as you state what you want to happen. Blow it out after your done. Its easy to do. There is a 65% chance of it working by feel.

August 1, 2023

Spelly — 08/01/2023 3:11 PM

The overshield; this is done by thinking about shielding, that protects you as you think it does. The shielding is enacted by thinking "shield me from harm and recharge yourself if depleted.." as you touch the armor or clothes you wear. Then the subconscious creates it by feel.

August 6, 2023

Spelly — 08/06/2023 7:05 PM

improvement; if feeling crappy, then you can always listen to some healing frequency. Then, there's no headache and feeling alright.

August 8, 2023

Spelly — 08/08/2023 8:00 AM

trouble repulser; the magnetic strike. this includes blows and other things, this is effect where your aura magnetically repulses the attracted trouble from you, that you would get that goes to someone else that you choose to target. that includes weight you would have gained, if it weren't for the magnetic trouble repulser.

August 12, 2023

Spelly — 08/12/2023 5:08 PM

neutrinos; this is where you can direct the body, thats in sight by your soul directing neutrinos to create your thought on to the target in idea. this can effect anybody that you want matter where the body is. As, there is millions of neutrinos that go through your body and create results of what you think. The neutrino loses its extra charge when it passes through a target.

cellular energy; this is where your cells's energy is sent forth in waves from the aura. they combine with the neutrinos and thought to effect a result thats used to create a manifest. if you don't want the manifest, then the energy stops making it exist.

ghost infusement; This is done where you focus netrinos through the body, and it takes on a glow of its own. you can see in the dark with this idea. you also can cause the body to become more powerful by what you do.

overexcited neutrinos; this is where you think in idea to infuse neutrinos with sun or moon light, and your with overexcited neutrinos as the sun energy is always there in some form or another. thats when you send it forth to effect light damage upon the targets as you cause them to do what you want. this can cause reformation of the targets, if you intended that to effect in this way. if you didn't, then nothing seems to happen.

electrified neutrinos; this is where you think bioenergy exists as a force in the area. that you direct to create with a electrical damage upon the targets. If not that, then it causes an energy surge by focus that makes machines shut down. (edited)

Spelly — 08/12/2023 6:22 PM

neutrino communication; think your thought is heard by the target, then talk under your breath. its like the neutrinos cause them to speak your words and they understand you as they can do the same.

neutrino disruption; this is where you think cellular energy, sun energy and light energy infuse the neutrinos in the area. that go forth as you think of the targets to effect and you create disruptions in the communications and machines in the area act erratically.

Neutrino body; this is where you think of a form or figure. Then, need it to form as a light body. That appears as you and can do what you need it to do. It lasts as long as you intend it to last. That can form wherever you want it to form. (edited)

Elemental neutrinos; think the elemental energy combines with the neutrinos and cast it forth with need to send it forth to the targets. This causes elemental effects on said targets no matter where they are in life.

Life effect; this is where you trap neutrinos in some area and they build up energy, giving extra life energy to the people you want effected. Thinking longer life, creates longer life. No matter how you do it.

Heart attack; this is sending by thinking excited neutrinos, that go through the heart until the targets have a heart attack.

Neutrino attack; This is where you focus energy to combine with neutrinos, then think they go through the targets making them confused and not responsive.

Neutrino wave; This includes the neutrino particle wave. Where you focus the water moisture in the air is combined with neutrinos that goes toward the target your soul directs it to go near. This forms a wave attack, that can engulf your target in moisture and make your thinking happen.

August 15, 2023

Spelly — 08/15/2023 4:53 PM

Totem effect; You can drop totems that heal or attack depending on the type and they are easily destroyed so it is usually worth it to destroy it. This is created by thinking the item you hold, it creates an effect as you drop it and someone comes nearby. This means you direct the "programming" that you think to the item. So think what you want and it will do it.

August 21, 2023

Spelly — 08/21/2023 9:49 AM

Aura manifest; think the aura makes what you desire by the effect of creativity with brain waves as you think the end result, and doing things that make allowance. Request and you get what you intend.

August 22, 2023

Spelly — 08/22/2023 1:57 PM

If you want to build muscle and go to the gym, do this in the evening.  Get a glass of water in front of you.  imagine turning it into a mixture of steroids and creatine in a form that won't harm your body.  After drinking, ask this water to go to your muscles.  You will recover and become stronger much faster than usual.

[1:58 PM]

///Write numbers from 1 to 100 on small pieces of paper.  mix.  and give yourself tasks.  For example, I will quickly throw numbers below 50 to the right and numbers above 50 to the left.  Get random papers quickly and do the task.  You will strengthen your brain.  change tasks over time.  For example, I will separate the odd numbers and even numbers.  Take the paper and try to react quickly in 1 second.  quickly detect and place.

Spelly — 08/22/2023 2:49 PM

Aura magic; The aura can create whatever you think to create or know.  Its a point in time where you express the idea to direct the aura into making a manifest.

August 24, 2023

Spelly — 08/24/2023 4:52 PM

finger lash; This is where you create a lashing effect with fire energy, so think then you focus on the energy around you. Thats as you think it extends from your fingertips, and you lash a target with it.

Spelly — 08/24/2023 5:00 PM

particle saber; This is where you think of fire extending from your hand to form a saber effect. you can swing the saber and create a cutting effect done by feel.

August 27, 2023

Spelly — 08/27/2023 7:22 AM

grey mist; the grey mist that turns enemies into undead, this is done by thinking of grey mist being soul portaled into the enemies area. then it does its job.

green poison mist; this is poison mist spread from the fingers as its gated in by the soul, thinking of green mist that would heal the undead creatures causing them to feel good and fight for you.

Spelly — 08/27/2023 7:51 AM

ankh effect; this is done by holding the ankh and thinking revive. then the target is brought back to life by the power of the creator. otherwise you could think of what you wish and will it to exist and the object will create it with its consciousness. (edited)

September 9, 2023

Spelly — 09/09/2023 1:26 PM

Focused energy punch; This is where you hold energy in the fist and punch out, that releases the energy into the target and causes what you think the energy should do.

woven sword; this is where you go and focus energy to become a sword in your hand. the sword is unbreakable and stronger than steel. you can also weave a weapon of your choice to exist instead. this is a very interesting effect for defense.

September 16, 2023

Spelly — 09/16/2023 7:58 PM

Longstrider; this spell is done by thinking energy improves your movement and speeds you up.

September 20, 2023

Spelly — 09/20/2023 7:13 AM

sightless eye; This is an eye design in a 5 pointed star, that upon touching it and thinking of what you want to see. This causes you to see what it can show you of the idea as a vision.

immortality; this is where you leave a charged piece of equipment or yourself like a fingernail. that's somewhere and instructing it to restore you as though you would live, no matter where you are in life. this can bring you back, no matter the point unless you decide not to live.

the bed of restoration; this is where you instruct the bed energy to restore you and free you of all restraints by thinking it and touching the bed. then upon laying there your free and create what you want.

embuement; this is where you create by focus, think of what you want to have as an effect and focus on the item. This causes the idea of what you intended to be done made by the programmed particles of the item. So what you think it will do.

September 21, 2023

Spelly — 09/21/2023 12:56 PM

Ex cal; remove fear of exam and recall necessary details.. said like exx cahl

September 22, 2023

Spelly — 09/22/2023 7:20 PM

Ring magic; the way ring magic works.. is you instruct the consciousness and it uses its own ring particles to create an effect you need to manifest . Any stones in it amplify the manifest quickness and effect.

September 27, 2023

Spelly — 09/27/2023 10:53 AM

Substance magic; Thinking about creating with energy..all I have to do is drink something and I have enough energy to create a manifest. eating something works that way, too.

The energy for magic comes from something, you see. So why not eating and drinking. It only has to be little things. The more you do magic, the more hunger you have sometimes. So try to resist the urge. Then it could disappear the need. (edited)

September 28, 2023

Spelly — 09/28/2023 4:23 PM

cool; This is where you gain a cooling shield that changes heat to a cooler feel upon concentration to feel cooler. All you need is to drink water or some cold drink, and your body converts it to become a cool feeling.

October 3, 2023

Spelly — 10/03/2023 4:34 PM

Creative magic..; this is the point you say, "whatever is done and I want it..empowers my spell that I need to happen. No matter what. " this creates your spell in manifest by results done by the soul. That uses any energy that happens to be near. (edited)

October 15, 2023

Spelly — 10/15/2023 12:02 PM

a simple rite; so what do you think about rituals? a simple candle flame rite is great, all you need is light a candle and it can be any color, then state your need to the flame of the candle. wait for results and things work out for you.. however, sometimes you don't feel what happens as you notice the effect, instead. (edited)

October 23, 2023

Spelly — 10/23/2023 7:45 PM

water of luck; You can charge water with good fortune to give myself a lucky day. You just have to imagine it swirling with abundance. And when you get good at it you don't even need the water, you can just pretend to drink it.

October 26, 2023

Spelly — 10/26/2023 7:15 PM

magic focus; this effect is where you think to focus on a crystal and the crystal can be any crystal, that means you hold the crystal and focus your thoughts by stating what you wanted. THis causes your crystal to create a manifest of what you want like a spell.

seeing in the dark; think the energy buildup that your body build up by movement goes to your aura to create a natural light that causes no shadows in the area. you also see as though it were as light of day.

glorious magic mantle effect; think the mantle of the planet, goes and absorbs what you don't like. then you get energy by thinking the mantle sends you some, that you can handle and use by focus to create what you desire. this effect makes you able to create anything you want as you don't get effected by what is not wanted. the soul sends the energy of the effect, and receives the energy as well.

November 2, 2023

Spelly — 11/02/2023 5:36 PM

think it, do it, know it; this is a point in idea where you think the idea, do the point or expression, and know what it did.

November 6, 2023

Spelly — 11/06/2023 1:47 PM

Formula magic; This is where you think of a formula or formulated idea, the likes of which are thinking of the speed formula. That is speed=distance/time..then you speed up. Otherwise think of a money rate and you adjust it in your 10 dollars per day. You get that in money or more. If you think of payrates.. and quickly getting money..per day. You create by formulated manifest a quicker payment.

November 10, 2023

Spelly — 11/10/2023 12:30 PM

mirror reality; this spell by the power of a mirror will cause the targets to be mirrored. Any action they do is done to them. This is from the creator making it occur.

Spelly — 11/10/2023 12:39 PM

interesting right..

[12:39 PM]

your thoughts?

Kittymoo — 11/10/2023 12:40 PM

Yeah. It could be useful if the enemy is preparing a big attack.

Spelly — 11/10/2023 12:52 PM


Spelly — 11/10/2023 1:05 PM

Sacredness meditation:

When you breathe, drink water or just stand still, feel that you are sacred. You are alive and valuable. This will increase your energy. And you will quickly attract your desires to yourself.

November 19, 2023

Spelly — 11/19/2023 9:31 AM

Watter surround; This could work to improve your circumstance. Make use of water moisture and form water moisture into water, thinking to surround the targets and effect them by it. That maybe will drown them as a special attack. Charge it with your electrical body energy focus and you electrify them.

   Elemental surround; This will allow you to create by gating it in, the element as you want. The element forms from the gate surrounding the target. Then it can create an effect of overwhelming them or effecting them by it as it goes into the target. If its hot air, then it can cause suffocation. If its cold, freezing air or ice it can cause cold damage. It stops the target for 36 seconds in battle. Otherwise its until not needed outside of battle. If its fire, then it would burn them alive. If its earth, then it would cause a barrier effect or smother them. If its water, then it would drown the target. If its lava, then it would melt their equipment or armor and severely burn them for double the damages. (edited)

[9:35 AM]

your thoughts?

[9:36 AM]

Kittymoo — 11/19/2023 9:37 AM

Elemental spells are neat because you can customize them.

Spelly — 11/19/2023 9:47 AM


Spelly — 11/19/2023 2:12 PM

I believe magick is in two ways.

Thinking of your need and willing it to exist as you speak of things and the subconscious creates it in a form of manifest. Also, the belief that technology is magical in modern times. it would take a vote of congress to set that, yet standardization is possible.

December 19, 2023

Spelly — 12/19/2023 5:43 PM

Potion effect; This is where you think and need the effect as you drink in water that comes from the air moisture with focus on the air moisture as you think about the effect. Add ingredient essence to enhance its effect. Any potion can be created by this effect, including intelligence, speed, jumping, shapeshifting, giant strength and etc..and any attribute effect is greater attributes. That is like more strength is coming from giant strength. The effect lasts till you rest.

December 23, 2023

Spelly — 12/23/2023 2:20 AM

Geometric order refers to the arrangement or organization of elements, shapes, or patterns in a geometric system according to specific rules, principles, or structures.

In various contexts, geometric order can manifest in different ways:

Symmetry and Regularity: Geometric order often involves symmetry, where shapes or patterns exhibit balanced and consistent arrangements. Regular polygons (such as squares, equilateral triangles, etc.) demonstrate geometric order due to their uniformity in shape and size.

Patterns and Repetition: Geometric order can be seen in repetitive patterns, tessellations, or sequences that follow a consistent geometric arrangement or rule. For instance, a checkerboard pattern or a tessellating design showcases geometric order through repetitive shapes.

Mathematical Relationships: Geometric order can involve mathematical relationships between elements or structures, such as the proportions in the golden ratio, the Fibonacci sequence in nature, or the ratios in similar geometric figures.

Hierarchical Structure: In some cases, geometric order refers to the hierarchical organization of geometric elements, where shapes or forms are arranged in a structured manner based on size, position, or other criteria.

Geometric order is fundamental in geometry, art, architecture, design, and various scientific disciplines. It provides a framework for understanding, analyzing, and creating structures or patterns based on geometric principles and rules.

December 24, 2023

Spelly — 12/24/2023 9:11 AM

poof!; This spell causes whatever you don't like to disappear and things you like are there instead. Think of the disliked idea and state "poof" and the disliked things disappear by the power of the spirit.

December 26, 2023

Spelly — 12/26/2023 3:14 PM

Moonglow; this creates with the body a glow of the aura by focus as you need to see in the dark.

Enveloping light; this is a light sphere, that is formed by imagination of it and needing it to be there. It's programmed by thought that causes the target it envelopes to go somewhere else in the blink of an eye. (edited)

January 1, 2024

Spelly — 01/01/2024 7:28 AM

Manifest; This is doing the focus on the idea and need it to manifest in idea, that occurs mor easily as you express it or suggest it. You really have to need it and it takes a source, that your subconscious makes use of by feel as you think of a source. This purifies as well, so you avoid causing things to not work. The rest of the modern spells are then based on a variation of this.

Spelly — 01/01/2024 8:17 AM

there you go

[8:18 AM]

those were the additions for spells for 2023

Spelly — 01/01/2024 1:44 PM

anyone online?

ravencroft999 — 01/01/2024 1:52 PM

yeah how you doing

Spelly — 01/01/2024 2:13 PM


[2:14 PM]

Just chatty

Spelly — 01/01/2024 5:33 PM

@ravencroft999 so what spell would you want to be added?

January 3, 2024

ravencroft999 — 01/03/2024 8:47 AM

Spell to Find other magic  user if know any I was just saying  haven't been on a while.

Spelly — 01/03/2024 8:47 AM

ah kk

[8:47 AM]

will add it

[8:49 AM]

Th fid; Pronpounced, "The find" w/o quotes. This can let you find other magic users and things you want.

[8:49 AM]

Soul ship; This is where the soul envelopes you and shifts you to somewhere else that you want to go to and experience by feel. This can be another planet or somewhere else on the planet. This acts as a soul shield and can bring anyone with you, instantly. You can pick up, find, form or drop things from its tracking or letting it go, easily at any height. It can hide in plain sight and cloak itself otherwise. So if you want this, it can be hidden and you can hide in it for a long time. 

This ship is useful, no matter the point, as it can emulate any idea you want to see outside of it, you can use it to spy on people or things, that means easily you and whomever you want can remain invisible to the naked eye. However, this ship can be any shape or size. So, that means it cause anything you'd want, outside of itself to the surroundings or targets. If you want to "board" the ship, then think you do. If you want to leave the ship, think you do. its that easily done. Think of what you want and you can get it. (edited)

[8:53 AM]

Soul shield; The soul becomes you and aborbs the attacks as energy. You are protected from all attacks, no matter what until you no longer need this effect. This requires no concentration, think and it easily can form any effect at a target.

January 6, 2024

Spelly — 01/06/2024 7:08 PM

Weightlessness; if you by will lower your weight using the energy as you think it lowers and focus on your body to make it can become weightless and able to manifest any effect. That's as though a spell you point things out, thinking to make it occur with a statement of intention. This is a power word. You can create any type of spell with this effect.

January 17, 2024

Spelly — 01/17/2024 1:08 PM

Un Unn; Pronounced "Oon Un-n" in ancient. This can cause the end of the moment, where you get what you wanted as you think of the effect you desire. Then, you can do things to empower the moment, like drinking or eating things.

January 21, 2024

Spelly — 01/21/2024 2:55 PM

Sunlight; This spell causes the sun to "share" its radiation energy and flood the area with warmth.

Spelly — 01/21/2024 3:23 PM

Coldness; The area heat is directed elsewhere and coldness spreads through the area like a radiating source.

January 27, 2024

Spelly — 01/27/2024 5:18 PM

Shift; This is where you use the creator as you cause the creator to create something, this is when you think of shifting in time to where and what area in time you want to be. This works as you think shift using the dimensional energy, think and place or goto the 4th or 5th dimension. Then using time as though an element, thinking of when to come back to the normal planar existence. Whenever you come back, your in that time you wanted to be in and things are as they are in life.

February 8, 2024

Spelly — 02/08/2024 12:14 PM

Shift II; Think and know, the moment you think is the moment things work for you and this can improve a shift that you work.

February 11, 2024

Spelly — 02/11/2024 7:19 AM

creation spell; the point is something done, where something needed is something done. that makes for what you intend as you need to do what you can. think of the idea to do, then you create with a point and the body uses what you think as though an energy source to create with by feel. the idea is a point, so if you think to create with time, you make with the idea and time energy creates what you need. time energy is sentient, so think and you know what to do.

focus and create; focus upon your thought, then need the idea as you will it to exist, then the idea will exist as long as you intend it to to exist. this is the way of the matrix.

February 13, 2024

Spelly — 02/13/2024 11:02 AM

Improved study; this effect causes you to have on necessity the study you wanted. Also, you improve your mind by energy that causes improvements to your studying.

February 14, 2024

Spelly — 02/14/2024 5:41 AM

Workaround; A workaround to stomach blocks. Stomach blocks are where you feel like doing something else or feel blocked by the stomach fat and energy flow that's blocked from it. This is where you think of what you want and concentrate to cause the blocked feeling to dissipate away as though you break down the fat in the gut. This is done by willpower itself. You can suddenly get what you wanted as though a need. It doesn't mean that you can not get the desire you had back. Yet if you think about it, you create with an idea to make a good result.

February 15, 2024

Spelly — 02/15/2024 3:25 PM

Deep focus; this is breathing in and out, thinking to be in trance. Think of what you want and suggest it to your self and you more easily get things done. Hear a loud noise to 'wake' up.

Mist summons; this is used for memories and you can summon through time with energy what you desire. This includes the living.

Rite of recall; this can make use of a lit candle. this causes the memory essentially to be recalled as a memory that is there.

Rite of summoning; this can make use of a candle. this causes you to summon things or idea that exists where and when you want it to exist.

Desummoning; this uses focus. think the being is unsummoned after offerring it some of your energy, then think it goes to heaven by willing it to calm and go to ascend. Otherwise you can make it go to hell by banishing it with your will after thinking to dismiss it. This works especially after discovering a ghost in the area that wasn't summoned.

February 19, 2024

Spelly — 02/19/2024 1:47 PM

Sound out; this causes a sound effect that puts out fire.

February 20, 2024

Spelly — 02/20/2024 10:19 AM

Anti steal; this prevents anything you don't want stolen not to be matter what. The conscious of the place prevents it.

Long range strike; this is where you strike at a wall and think the energy of the strike goes to the targets you want to hit or heal. Once you do, the targets will be surprised by feel. That's as they receive a hit or healing from nothing.

Long range effect; this is where you think of the area or target, needing a result that the creator causes to exist where you want it to exist

Spelly — 02/20/2024 11:29 AM

money luck; this is the luck you have by the creator granting you money and you getting rich from it.

Spelly — 02/20/2024 7:37 PM

halo effect; this is where you create with a halo what you intend to create.

February 23, 2024

Spelly — 02/23/2024 10:44 AM

Ghost busting; This is using a spiritual weapon by thinking it exists  to strike out the ghosts, that exist whenever a person leaves the area.

February 27, 2024

Spelly — 02/27/2024 7:14 PM

Physical spirit; the effect of creative approach to make a spirit physically there. It does what you want to do as you need it to do things. It on attack is undefeatable. As it can dissipate into energy and reappear as it's not attacked. If you no longer need it, you dismiss it and it will disappear. It can attack as you need it too. It can also heal you as you need healing.

March 1, 2024

Spelly — 03/01/2024 9:36 PM


This is a balance between chaos and order..where you use chaos to break down what you don't like and use ordered energy to stabilize what is there. 

The chaos is a force that breaks things down. Order is energy that causes stability and strength. You can order anything while you can use chaos on things to destroy it. 

You can use order and chaos to create what you need by thinking of the force and needing it to do things.

Here are the chaos and order elements:

Chaotic fire; this is where you think about the energy of chaos combined with fire and casting it forth, then the idea is this.. the chaos fire breaks down what target it hits.

Chaotic water; this is fire that causes those exposed to it to be irradiated by feel. This water has radiation in it and as it breaks down it's structure it creates radiation damage. (edited)

[9:38 PM]

Chaotic earth; this earth is chaotic and it's chaos embues the area as though a radioactive element. This is what causes radiation burns and radioactive damage.

Chaotic air; this is where radiation is in the air and spreads itself by a breeze. It causes radiation burns and illnesses.

Chaotic ice; this really has a point of idea, where you feel coldness and radiation from the ice or frozen radioactive water. That means it's concentrated radioactivity. So it does double the radiation damage.

Chaotic lava; this lava is where you think about not being nearby. So think about what it does and you might agree. It melts things that it gets near, and that makes it dangerous, melted in it is radioactive elements as it causes the radiation effect to be on your targets.

[9:39 PM]

Chaotic poison; this causes degrading moments and makes it so things die easily by radiation poisoning.

Chaotic acid; this is chaos infused acid, that makes things mutate as it's eaten away.

Ordered earth; this is a special earth that is strong in elements. As you order earth by thinking at it normal thought that is stable. Then it gains in ability to create with its own energy creative idea and makes you sane as you use it.

Ordered water; this effect is where things are liquid and you create with the energy to revive, make energized and create order in your life and this water is clean..if you were insane you no longer are after drinking it.

Ordered air; this is ordering air that causes it to be clean air. This makes it sweet to take in. It is purified of radiation and able to revive those you want to revive with sane thought.

[9:40 PM]

Ordered fire; this fire is very able to burn anything. It's true temperature is very hot and any nearby it is more able to handle things.

Ordered Ice; this element is cold, it's ordered Ice yet pure and you get the benefit of creative thoughts if you use it. This element can freeze what you intend frozen. And slow down with freezing damage the targets you think deserve it.

Ordered lava; this is ordered lava that  can melt anything near it. It also is strong enough to burn any near it.

Ordered poison; this makes things die easily by double strength poison. 

Ordered acid; this acid eats away from being on your targets twice as fast till death.

March 6, 2024

Spelly — 03/06/2024 9:18 AM

Ascending attack; This is where you send up a construct 30' that goes into the air above your targets. Its an energy ball that does what you want. Think to create it so it will cause the effect to attack your targets, it attacks them below it and it does this with whatever element you desire to send their way. (edited)

March 8, 2024

Spelly — 03/08/2024 6:22 PM

non targeting me spell; its simple.. state under your breath.."I will no longer be a target by the power of the matter what."

March 11, 2024

ravencroft999 — 03/11/2024 12:33 PM

What do I need know about fairy mist any important information Spelly

Spelly — 03/11/2024 12:37 PM

ah it connects through time.

[12:38 PM]

you can think of when you want to be, then you are in a place that you want to be.

ravencroft999 — 03/11/2024 12:55 PM

Is there any side effects to fairy mist  when using it can use it other things

ravencroft999 — 03/11/2024 1:04 PM

And It just through time or is it both time and space

Spelly — 03/11/2024 1:31 PM

Both time and space

ravencroft999 — 03/11/2024 1:32 PM

Ok so no side effects

Spelly — 03/11/2024 1:32 PM


ravencroft999 — 03/11/2024 1:33 PM


[1:34 PM]

Thank you

March 15, 2024

Spelly — 03/15/2024 3:53 AM

Shield talk; This is where you imagine coming upon some shields, think and being able to accidentally touch them with your mind and now you're way past them. The trick is that everything is made of energy and intent, and if you can find the thread of intent that connects a construct to whoever it's still connected to, you can follow that thread back to the source of intent. Usually just saying 'hi' that way gets most baddies to back off. You don't really get attacked anymore, for the most part, so this means you also become oblivious to the times that you do because things bounce off the shields or else find out that 'I know that trick too now'.

Spelly — 03/15/2024 1:36 PM

Filtered water trick; The trick is just filtered water. I can do a charm on it by thinking it will do things you need as you drink it. This is done to give abundance and whatever else I want. They chose Chapter 7 to start talking about luck itself. 

It says that Keith F. won $1,000 in lottery scratch offs after listening to Liquid Luck.

And another $1,000 three weeks later.

And the final step to the liquid luck potion is to say "I am lucky." if you wish.

March 16, 2024

Spelly — 03/16/2024 5:50 PM

finding things; saying "fid" pronounced fide will invoke st. anthony and cause him to help you find things easily.

March 22, 2024

Spelly — 03/22/2024 7:05 AM

T quik; This effect makes the working day go quicker..state the effect as "T-quick" to cast it.

Spelly — 03/22/2024 7:15 AM

ATM; Think to send your energy into the ATM device, thinking to store the energy as cash. This can store fat energy and other energy that you don't want. No matter the point. You don't want to regain your weight if your overweight, so you probably don't want to withdraw it to yourself. Otherwise, withdraw and send to it by normal operations.

April 2, 2024

Spelly — 04/02/2024 6:37 PM

Vam etch = watered down hydrochloric acid, making youthful appearance. (edited)

April 4, 2024

Spelly — 04/04/2024 9:44 PM

!fnord; Cause things you need hidden to seem to disappear in plain site, and if you know to focus upon it you see it.



 — 04/04/2024 10:01 PM


Result: 4d8 (1, 1, 2, 1) + 5

Total: 10

[10:01 PM]


Result: 4d8 (2, 7, 4, 3) + 5

Total: 21

April 8, 2024

Spelly — 04/08/2024 10:25 AM

Truth telling; This is a special ability done by thinking you know and realize the truth, that allows your soul to tell you when you or someone is telling the truth and you react without accusation. The creator lets you know if its true or not. (edited)

Spelly — 04/08/2024 1:20 PM

Free from itch; think your free and your free.. no matter what by the power of the creator..

Spelly — 04/08/2024 1:54 PM

Free from bugs; This frees you from the effects of bugs including the feeling of bugs crawling over you.

Spelly — 04/08/2024 6:03 PM

After effect; This effect will cause whatever you eat or drink to change the body after ingestion. That's done by the power of the mind influencing the particles of the substance. Think and need what you want and the particles of food and drink will do that through body changes.

Spelly — 04/08/2024 6:15 PM

Vam Yam Lil Ram  Coldness     Svadhishthana Anahata Nothingness Manipura (edited)

Spelly — 04/08/2024 8:19 PM

unerst; release of the death spell and your free of any attacks by stating this word..

April 9, 2024

Spelly — 04/09/2024 3:56 PM

turk spell 1; Think and repeat "I am" as you need a result and if in energy by drinking or eating something, then the body converts the chemical energy into actual energy the pinneal gland uses and by focus you create what you wanted. this appears like a manifest, that creates as you need it and from thin air itself. thinking about creating an object, it appears where you can find or get it. if  you disbelieve it, then you fuel the effect. if you don't need it, then it disappears. it works with luck, too. 

turk spell 2; This is where you say "I won" or "bingo", then the subconscious creates a win using the energy of the body to manifest it.

turk prayer spell 3; Think about what you need, then state "God" and your higher self does it.

turk spell 4; Think to gain in wealth, state out loud or under your breath "wealthiness" and the subconscious creates the effect. If you light a green candle, then think of the group or people saying "wealthiness" you could gain in wealth or bankrupt the targets. That's due to the candles energy and candle flame working together with association to money making the result.

turk spell 5; This is where you think to create an idea to make manifestation. THat's as you repeat lyrics three times, and if you think the effect you need you create it somewhere or someplace. Another version is to hum the song as you think of what you need. The energy of the song goes forth as its directed by your soul and creates the effect as the mind causes the subconscious to create the effect. The effect is a point you state or do things to make what result you desire seem to be there.

turk spell 6; This spell is where you think of what you need and complete an action. The completion makes the moment and the moment ends when you don't need it. (edited)

April 11, 2024

Spelly — 04/11/2024 8:14 AM

Blaten; Think to blate things out and its understood by the power of the creator. Think to tell the truth and you get accepted for it. This does not effect those that are immune to your charms. They gain immunity by being exposed to your actions over and over again.

Anti-blate; This spell causes you to get what you desire without having to state anything out loud, its where you cause what you want by thinking about the idea. Remember, what you don't say won't hurt you.

Anti-shift chair; This effect is where the chair you sit in uses the static energy. This prevents shifting by the computer with screen radiation, that's causing the shift where you think of somewhere and it could shift you.

Thought shift; This is where you create what you want, that's done by the thought that the creator perceives or feels. He perceives it and does things to make it exist. That's where radiation effects you, as you think of the area your thoughts are like the area and you shift. So your basically there as your here. There is a place you want to be. Here is where you originate from. Your spirit is projected there as you think about the place. If you need to be there, your soul causes it to form solidly. 

Because of this, as your there you can still be effected as though here. Now being multiple places at once, your soul recreates you as a few soul copies that are where you intended to be. These soul copies act as you want them to, individually or altogether. They only last as long as you need them to be. This is like you needed candy, think and then what you get is a bag of candy. That's what the creator guides your subconscious into making you get. This spell costs a little body energy. (edited)

April 14, 2024

Spelly — 04/14/2024 6:03 AM

Healing spell II; This is a spell that allows healing with the focus of some source and thinking heal, that's with the effect of removal of all problems from the body. This will require a healing check to see if it worked.

April 26, 2024

Spelly — 04/26/2024 7:41 PM

Losing weight; this effect is where you think about eating right as you do exercise and if enough you eat less.

April 28, 2024

Spelly — 04/28/2024 6:11 PM

Wishes; Also if you want to make the wishes yourself get a laughing Buddha statue. Know how to make the ultimate wishes. Rub the stomach and repeat: "Ohm mani padme ohm.".

Then think of something that makes you happy and make the wish to them.

Spelly — 04/28/2024 7:26 PM

June 11th Fortuna rite of luck:

The rite: Do it in a one liter erlenmyer flask to win at life. Take some filtered water, as pure as possible, then hold it up and shake it repeating: "Faith, Hope, Love, Luck, Abundance." Think or say, "Fortuna make it so." Then, make the water as positive as possible, that's done by charging to to moonlight or something. That would be the ultimate liquid luck potion.

--Andrew Victor McDowell

April 30, 2024

Spelly — 04/30/2024 6:10 AM

wat; water energy is formed from moisture in the air along the ground by focusing it there using a blue moonstone. Then think energy is there from your bioelectricty in the body, its used to spread bioelectrical energy you think into existence, that's going along the ground to effect the targets with what you intend to do to them.

May 9, 2024

Spelly — 05/09/2024 11:10 AM

Geisting; Ghosting a place isn't that hard. All you need to do is think of the place and need to project yourself to be felt there spiritually. Some geisting is not allowed if caught. (edited)

May 11, 2024

Spelly — 05/11/2024 12:15 PM

Dejavue; This is where you think about the moment and the spirit reveals to you things, this is known through the subconscious mind letting you know. THat's done by feel through visions of the idea, thinking as though you lived through it before and know what to expect.

Spelly — 05/11/2024 10:11 PM

Circle summoning; this is where you think about what you want and focus on the thought. That's as you think and need the idea as an effect. Then, go around in a circle. As you focus on creating the effect, the movement in a circle causes the planet consciousness to do the idea. Change your mind or thoughts and you create that by summoning it with the planet instead to exist.

May 17, 2024

Spelly — 05/17/2024 6:22 AM

Photogenic; This spell causes you to look at a picture or state the name of the person and you "reshape" yourself as though becoming that shape. The spirit decides when you unshape yourself to be your own shape. This works if you intend it to be.

May 23, 2024

Spelly — 05/23/2024 8:16 AM

Cold whisp; This spell makes for creative approach. Where you think energy of coldness goes into a ball of light energy that you imaging hanging in the air..that makes the idea of 6 seconds to focus it and it's released by sending out tendrils to attach to the targets. This by feel allows your will to cause the targets to freeze into dust. The targets are usually spiritual or beings, as this in real life doesn't really effect a person except to make them feel cold.

   Fire whisp; This spell takes 6 seconds of gathering energy as your focusing energy into a energy ball that you imagine in the air. Think and this done by thinking it finally is unleashed, that is an effect with emitting tendrils and it attaches itself to your targets. It forms a wisp of fire that targets your targets as to cause them to become ashes. The targets are usually spiritual or beings, as this in real life doesn't really effect a person except to warm them up. (edited)

Spelly — 05/23/2024 8:39 AM

Undoing things; That uses the soul to create by making things by spirit feel. The spirit is what knows things by soul interaction. The soul will undo what you don't like.

May 29, 2024

Spelly — 05/29/2024 1:52 PM

Calling an entity; call the entities name 3 times, then state a request outloud. there is 30% chance you will get no response. when you do get a response, you will know it. the entity will make results, that sometimes seem impossible. so think good and you get good. (edited)

June 2, 2024

Spelly — 06/02/2024 5:52 PM


A gate is a opening in the area that shifts you to the area you wanted to be in. imagine a line in the air splitting apart and forming into a oval. if you intended to travel through it, the oval should be large enough for you. the area that the gate links to is where you want to go or see..and it is open as you intend it to be closes as you no longer need it open. it could be any planet or area. this takes a few times to do it. if you think the gate does things then the soul causes the gate to do it. like causing energy from the linked area to be the form that you desire. its like a wormhole to the area that the gate opens up to. you can use frequencies to open a gate as well. yet the soul generates the right tones to cause the gate to exist..and stops generating them when it wants the gate to close. I would make viewing gates to be safe..if another planet, the area could be harsh. sometimes the area can hide the harshness, like unbreathable gases. so think and know what you want to do with it..if its safe there you will realze it by the soul realization of the area itself. think and know what to do. see, frequencies are the key to gating. its proven that two tones put together, if they match the area energy that you want to see or go to. then they respond resonantly and a portal will open. that is why the portal links via wormhole to the area you want to be. is this useful?\ (edited)

June 8, 2024

spellyhawk — 06/08/2024 7:21 PM

Bleed; the bleed effect is where you cause the targets to bleed to death. Otherwise you create bleed damage to the targets. Those creatures without blood don't bleed like beings or ghosts.

Spelly — 06/22/2024 10:52 AM

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.



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 — 06/22/2024 10:52 AM

Spelly — 06/22/2024 5:42 PM

Electrocution; think of bioenergy building up and shooting forth to effect the targets with electrical bio energy.

June 25, 2024

Spelly — 06/25/2024 10:46 AM

better heat shield; this is where you think of heat being absorbed by the aura, and you make use of it by doing activity or things you may want to do.

better cold shield; this draws from coldness and you make use of the cold energy to create what you want if necessary.

June 28, 2024

Spelly — 06/28/2024 6:50 PM

Illusion cast; this is where you think about what you want to appear and need it to form. Then the creator makes it appear and the element is what effects the targets that you want effecting them..

This could be sending out a dragon form that effects fire on the targets. (edited)

June 30, 2024

Spelly — 06/30/2024 8:44 PM

ghost dismissal spell; think to send focused energy at the ghost charged with the thought to behave and go away. then, the ghost will disappear and go on its own way to heaven. (edited)

August 14, 2024

Spelly — 08/14/2024 4:41 PM

Endless distraction; This is where you notice things set up by the energy consciousness and it never actually ends until you need it to end. (edited)

August 16, 2024

Spelly — 08/16/2024 1:56 AM

Ion bomb; The ion bomb is a device made by the soul copy of energy that creates the effect that neutralizes infected human bodies by somehow making them erased while letting the buildings to be intact to rebuild faster.

This energy bomb is useful if necessary. This is in en.

August 18, 2024

Spelly — Today at 1:32 PM

Ice nova; This spell costs 20% substance energy, that causes the concept of making ice shards form and go unerringly to the targets, that's done by focusing cold energy to your aura. This spears the targets in a 30' circle for focusing 1-9 seconds. 40' for focusing 10-19 seconds. 50' for focusing 20-29 seconds. 60' for focusing 30 seconds on feel. That means icy shards burst out from your aura, to inflict cold damage upon the target.

   In-directed element; This element is one you choose to use that will create inward damaging rays, that come from the shield of the targets. There are 6 rays of damaging elements, that center in on the targets and strike them in the center of their shields.

   Wheeled element; This costs 20% substance energy and is either frost or some other element. Whatever you choose to use, you cause 6 elemental streams that project forth from a central point. You see they are like spokes, that you can cause to turn like a wheel. They deal elemental damage to those enemies, thought to be caught in the spokes path. This lasts upto 36 seconds. They extend out 30' for focusing 1-9 seconds. 60' for focusing 10-19 seconds. 90' for focusing 20-29 seconds. 120' for focusing 30 seconds and upward.

[1:34 PM]

Elemental shield; The shield is your aura, that absorbs and protects against any elemental or energy attack. This shield also deals out in a circle effect, the elemental damage that you cause to effect the targets you had in mind and focus upon. The area of effect varies per focus amount. So for focusing 1-9 seconds, you have a 30' effect. Focusing 10-19 seconds, you have a 60' field effect.  Focusing 20-29 seconds, you have a 90' effect field. Focusing 30 seconds and onward, you have a 120' effect field. This spell costs 10% substance energy to cast.

  Frost shield; This costs 15% substance energy. That is where you create a focused shield of frosty cold energy, thought to be from some cold area that forms as a shell around you. This shell of frost moves with you. That makes damage on all the nearby hostile creatures and monsters, that are 30' away for focusing 1-9 seconds. 60' away for focusing 10-19 seconds. 90' away for focusing 20-29 seconds. 120' away for focusing 30- seconds. Think as the frost shield causes you to be unaffected by any damages, that's because it holds by concentrated cold energy the targets from attacking you. They are held and unmoving in cold stasis for 36 seconds.

   Chaos shield; This costs 10% substance energy as it's using an attack absorption, this chaos breaks down the attack into usable energy. That's focused into effecting your targets, rendering it from yourself. Since its easier to redirect the attack rather than absorbing it. This allows you to form a chaos shell, that absorbs the attack and you can redirect its energy. That's focused at an area to effect the targets causing them to do what you want.

Lucky colors; Red, orange, yellow, or green. Red means survival. Orange means water and divine. Yellow means wealth and green means balance.

The 13 elements; Fire, water, earth, air, wood, metal, aether, figurative, divine, void. Also light, dark, physical, & magical. Water makes metal... metal makes water. 3 cycles. Earth is strong against Water.

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