Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

last chance lifetime

this was from the last chance was over life events lifetime, that was fascinating to watch and observe. so I think think this is think time to work with others thoughts or your own idea that will surfice.

the last non championship game; they improve as the thunder where you think or know then they will score. so the oklhahoma basketball team will get better today.

thinkpot; if you know or are aware then lean as you can let the body go as you can bor go aware to outer space because you won't find easy minded acceptance amongst the area. everyone will be uptight with very light lipped expressions. thinking for themselves this will be a battlezone. so think for yourself as your self aware. think as you want to know then the energy conscious will show you what will come or what you want to know is known.

think life iteslf; the life that you know will was away and become gone. there will be nothing left of oklahoma. so think as you want you must go if you want to survive. so think as you must you will survive. she had it right, the mountains aka colorado or other places will work. so I think this will be farewell for now.

p.s. it mentions that if you want to live in the bible mentioned by a few. so just think or you could end up in the mountains or higher grounds. so I think for yourself you might go there, if you want to I don't mind dying. so think for yourself if you want to live or die, as you are alive for now till you don't live as you don't want to live in the age of destruction.

ciou till later.

Monday, May 30, 2016

doesn't matter life

this is suggestions to create some end result, where you think the end result where you imagine the activity or points.

the game IV; the idea is this imagine the score or write the score then state that the team wins. that is the was to manipulate the game by the subconscious. it doesn't really matter what you state, think or imagine the score to be. sometimes this doesn't work, so the thing is the reverse polarity where you think negative you get negative results unless your lucky.

the trader; the trader will come to get you stuff, think then you know what will occur or happen as you think to trade. see as your aware, you don't seem like shit, think to leave.

the tradesman; the idea is set or work, each setback is a price setback. so be prepared he or she will wear the most expensive stuff.

the trading; the person will wear what is tradable or have what is tradable nearby, if trading is to be done they will announce themselves.

the end: in im en

threats; threats don't happen think then do what you want. however I don't seem to tell her what to do. so that is the end to this.

kick out; to kick someone out think to tell them something, that seems good and say things that get them evicted or exiled from the area.

stopping point; think then you know what you think to work with or feel, what you know is sometimes by what occurs to you or others by feel.

in em ad-hoc; the idea is just like a succoring then a punch, that exists with what is there.

ad-hoc; think then you know what is the point by what you feel is right.

think; think to calm down as you wait then are area aware.


apple gather; gather an apple or fruit in a basket, that causes a basketcase effect where they come that you think should be there.

gathering; the end is the scattering of seeds or idea points of area feel. the point thats the beginning is the event, that you think is the idea you describe.

end; are we on: the idea is the end point where you aren't there, you are somewhere else by the feel.

feel; whatever the feel I don't feel like or look like a big guy, so0 I don't eat as I don't want to eat. this is like eaten crackers sandblasting the insides. so they no longer feel or cause the urge to work as you eat. so if activity I think as its converted to muscle, the ideal is the stomach converts loose flab to packed muscle. this is the near last of the ideal I had so enjoy. after this, there are just ideal.

break; this is a br abbreviated normally, but it means such stress that you could break your mind if you don't rest.

smart; you are smart not stupid, think smart then you know as you are smart. so my body will not rebel against me not wanting to eat. water works to sooth the hunger. if you control your soul you don't need to control your name.

smartness; the idea is ideal for points of life are points that exist by feel. think then you know what is there with what is wanted.

end file
en fi en of a

Sunday, May 29, 2016

the debutant

This came from a past life I shall name the debutant.

lisa; he or she is no longer a spoiled brat that begs for things. lisa still respects me for whom I am. no matter whatever she says I don't mind as there is no backbiting.

she; whatever the point she isn't angry by what she does.

he; whatever the objection, she doesn't bother him unless its rape.

so whatever the problem he or she won't have the hardest time possible.

uu-anti-aniskan; this stops the anti-aniskan effect whatever it is if necessary.

unrealististic; if unrealistic I am no longer hurt by what is there.

bealg; beetlejuice: if you call the name three times you defeat, as the person is defeated otherwise you become an olypzoid as you are in hell when you do that. so think of the person that you want defeated, as he or she could come anytime otherwise you can summon anyone. other than him by thinking of the person and calling the person's name. as you think the point or idea just don't then, he disappears as if defeated back to whence he came.

schitzophrenic; unschitzophrenic my schitzophrenia, so I no longer act mentally insane.

playing; the people that are puppets are no longer alive, you don't puppet them nor do you playact them as you don't react. as they are without energy they no longer live, to be puppeted in a puppeteers world or don't tell the tail.

brute; no brute force is necessary, think then you know by what you know.

end spiral of death; end spirit that caused the spiral of death.

non-forcing; I am not forcing this as I think I won't do this. As this is the idea that you do things as you want to, you work or make some wish then that wish will occur. Don't make a point then, you get what you feel to occur when you think to create.

forceful; think then you are aware to what is there or what isn't there, by energy that is expelled or projected.

key-lime pie; that is the point of a pie there, that you are aware is a key-lime or other pie that isn't always eaten.

butterscotch; the butterscotch is the thing, think to use butter in water with sugar or substitute sugar for an odd butterscotch taste.

sunday; The end point is this point, think to not make a point or say something then you are with a sunday.

braums; the braums is a point you are aware, that creates what or where you think to create with credit or exchange.

the end

Saturday, May 28, 2016


Friday, May 27, 2016


This is the moment of enlightenment, the day I think to use or see things that exist. I think so I believe that things will work out then, the creator will cause things to work out. So the point is this, think then you will know. This came from a errant life, that was a past life that existed or was there till not there. This is some stuff he or she believed.

working; work is the point the idea is having or getting a job.

allowance; this is allowance for things that would confuse you or just plain get you annoyed.

getting better; getting better is thought by activity you think then, practice at least spiritually so your better at things. whatever I do, there is no disgruntlement.

This came from a past life I shall name the debutant. So no this was not mine.

lisa; he or she is no longer a spoiled brat that begs for things. lisa still respects me for whom I am. no matter whatever she says I don't mind as there is no backbiting.

she; whatever the point she isn't angry by what she does.

he; whatever the objection, she doesn't bother him unless its rape.

so whatever the problem he or she won't have the hardest time possible.

uu-anti-aniskan; this stops the anti-aniskan effect whatever it is if necessary.

unrealististic; if unrealistic I am no longer hurt by what is there.

bealg; beetlejuice: if you call the name three times you defeat, as the person is defeated otherwise you become an olypzoid as you are in hell when you do that. so think of the person that you want defeated, as he or she could come anytime otherwise you can summon anyone. other than him by thinking of the person and calling the person's name. as you think the point or idea just don't then, he disappears as if defeated back to whence he came.

schitzophrenic; unschitzophrenic my schitzophrenia, so I no longer act mentally insane.

playing; the people that are puppets are no longer alive, you don't puppet them nor do you playact them as you don't react. as they are without energy they no longer live, to be puppeted in a puppeteers world or don't tell the tail.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


I think so I believe, that unbelieving in something will create what I think is creative ideal. So I think this is where I am aware that creating by creative procressing is necessary. otherwise the thing is activity so think before you act or speak, so you are aware of the consequences being good. Seen as this, I think confrontations are a sign the subconscious has you act out, otherwise meaning something to protect if you see this in dreams.

So I think this is the end point, as I am down to my laptop using ideal to create with. This is use by focus or water drinking otherwise. So that is all for today ciou seline as I would say from the future of my life I presented as an imaginary possibility. ciou is a possible ending thats good. Btw I know this is true by the end result occuring positively with no fights.

thought wizardry; thought is appreciated thinking is done, so I think what is doable is done as well. Time to think of positive end results to occur as things will happen.

thinking; think a point then work as you want in a guarantee of heat or coolness, if you think to cool things down. So you see this is the end result I saw for today, thinking to relax as I relate to what occurs with what happens by now with lore or ideal.

end; the end is sleep by focusing with relaxation, focusing on a sound then you fall asleep. as you think to go rest somewhere then something happens. as you thought to do something that your eyes fall closed then your asleep. awakened by a sound, your awake from this dream or hypnosis then, by activity as though a count of five thinking your awake. think your refreshed and enjoying your day. ciou.

the end

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


This came from a life that I noticed was aware yet doing her own thing. how can they seem aware before awareness as a term was made? they were using the term before that life existed. so the term existed before the life you had now. such as suchas or awareness, the term was aware meaning creative energy that you know things from.

Other things an idea is more than that awareness this is life, that means creative approach that exists by you knowing. so creative knowing is the ideal you are aware of by feel. that means several things from where your standpoint or standing, this was meaning from a definition viewpoint awareness is aware. so think as you know then, as you think you can know by what your doing.

suggestions from this opportunity:

suggest; think then your aware of the point that exists.

crewate; create a point then the people that run the area exist by area feel or area activity.

create; those that exist are aware by now that mean crewate as aware thought. so think as you delight on those banana chips to create the point. this uses your energy that exists, by the feel that you have from the item you use.

create use; think then use is user feel by fee or creative ideal.

creative approach; think to approach or approve the idea, then you know what you can think.

creator; create by feel, the creator is the conscious energy. as the idea you know, that creates by feel with empathy or apathy that exists by feel.

curate; think the point then you are aware of the programming. feel or think then you are knowing by the feel that exists. you reveal the programming by thinking a point, then you know by what you speak or do. mind control is similar to this. stopped by the idea you reveal by what you say, the mind control.

creative approach; think then your aware, then you know what things exist. as if when your there, where you see things you know things by the creator.

the end

appalanchian; the false mountain where my friend was that helped make humans humans.

the ending; the point is energy that activates, then the weapon is done with what it was doing by now.

you got it; think the end then the point, then you know the idea that exists. then you got it.

the area; looks like a strange cavern that is prehistoric yet modern.

the activity; change of idea or cell structure, that creates what you think you need.

the end; leaving it is simple, think you were alive somewhere else that was existing then. as you walk out you are back, if you wish to be back.

exchange; money is exchange of idea, item or things that exist. so your money is the item that exists, where you think to exist. exchange as you want things.

then end this; think to end this life you are back in america or somewhere else. thinking to end this I tried this experiment, I was thinking I was somewhere else. as I was there I was here where my life continues, then I ended it there so I was aware of the possible points to do.

jelly bean; those that are jelly beans are large and weighty with an intelligent intelligence.

skinny cow; those that are skinny cows are slender and thin as a rail or thin by feel.

cow; those that are cows are animalistically intelligent or use, by focus you are aware they exist otherwise they don't show up.

buy for less; the area is clean, clear and the better buys are marked or there.

end; the end is the end, you are aware, that this is a repostin of the past events or future moments that exist by the creator. you could end up with a million dollars. think or feel then the creator creates the idea.

end point; the end point is the area, then if you think you know by what is happening.

ending; the end point here is what you consider ended, there is nothing more to this and its real or not there.

focus point; the end point is near, so you only need to create with life or integrity.


none superinundated.; this is the result of all my experiments. so I think if you were to focus, you could create by what you feel.

superintendant; the superintendant saved the day. the creature causing this disappeared. leaving us sane.

a way to walk; if you want to walk, then walk so your able and willing to serve if you feel like it.

choked; the choking occurred recently that was from some hot spicy stuff. a hot spicy stuff item can do that.

stabbed; he had an escape planned so I put it into play. he said he would be stabbed in his death, so I thought I could make it happen so he escaped the planet like he wanted. I gave him a target space, then he was there.

drowned; I feel I was drowned while doing this act for him, so I think this will work to get rid of the squirrel spirit that is around here.

end: I think I will end this here before I get into trouble. I found him as he was so I see he could exist not be hunted, so ciou till later.

end of the script

new script; This is a script that is broadcast to the area I saw. Ended by a point that ends the script point, I think I am sure this is the end point.

The suggestion is true that you suggest something then, the subconscious creates what you think should occur. so there is the ideal that is true, there is one if you think there is now the idea or whatever you think. the script is simple, think to create then you add to the point. the point is the idea that you think then, you add to the point or feel by focus. note lisa is not my wife. so this doesn't effect me.

This is where you think to eat, at the right times so you are aware that weight loss occurs. you actually by doing this use leptin control easily from the beginning of the idea, that you use food right or from when you start to eat. that is the script where the body causes things to create the right circumstance, sometimes to feed or create drink for itself unless you buy drinks.

The idea is you use a little fat intake, thought to bump your leptin up as a cheat day. use some carbohydrates as 10 to 20 grams to allow longer walking. then you create the ideal point that you focus, this uses fat burning. that is a misnomer really, where you burn the calories naturally. altogether you can use the right one ingredient meals.

Think thin thoughts as you hold in your stomach to cause faster weight loss. the end of the script is this, you gain what you don't always wish to gain. so the right method is thought to bake foods with less eating, where you could always shrink the stomach to create the point of less weight. this is from an idea that by less eating, with smaller meals you are with lesser weight.

So you stop gaining weight by activity done per day. something off is what stops the script. so this could be a word or number or letter. so think to create what you wish. that is the end of the new script, where you don't need to have one. 5-htp is a hormone that is useful so think of this, as a point that this goes up then the cravings disperse. that is it, think then you are with less fatty tissue that by exercise you can exercise off.

This is not guaranteed, that is then this is now. so think to improve then you do things better, as you walk away and don't let them bother you. some things to avoid, hot dogs, cheese, unorganic grown processed foods, too much banana from so much of that potassium. also try to avoid carbonation, as you don't always know when to stop eating unless you do stop, feel to stop or think you stop. so that is all for today, ciou.

new script II; this is the script I saw broadcast to the area near here without anti warfare or aggression allowed.

think a point, then you know a point to do. if you knew a point then you know, as to how you know a point to create with area feel. you just think a point then, the idea just comes to you. so that is just to rewrite or work with time. think to create with what is there. this is the ideal, tis is the end by what is done. so I think the end of this script, usually is the point you know then follow along or see if you want to see. that is all there is to this. attack not on a point, think not to do things to create with what isn't there.

the ideal; that means this broadcast by frequency is what you think, that exists so your subconscious can create what you think or feel. where feeling comes before thinking, you feel then you know by what you do. so I think this broacast by frequency is none needed or nowhere you think to work with, this is usually by what you think to counter or work with law, so your seen by focus with energy feel. that means you focus by feeling then think to create if you need what you think.

I think there is a point where your cronic. so this signal point is the frequency suggestion acted upon the mind by feel, for your not acted upon by reaction to create by what is done. this is if sicke or mental where you aren't going places, till you think you need to go somewhere. so you please or work, then avoid attack if threatening. your threatening if your stating, that you want to strike someone not changing an ideal. I think this handles all cases. if none is done then, at most you hear a high frequency or low frequency point. then you know what is done by feel.

thought; I think this is a point I will say, no not in this day and age. I fear noone and nowhere. so things work with or non against you, so you are feel or aware think feel is aware then you know what is there.

stress; the little things that create stress don't add up they are just facts. so think then you enjoy your day.

an; if you think to get out of this, you are non effected. so you are aware by now of the things said ,as example or the right things come to mind.

if; if you think to do things again you are no longer in trouble, so if you think the thought again you are doing something different or time adjusts to create what you think is available by usual feel. the end is here now, so think what you want then you know the way to go. state it if you want to let them know. otherwise don't state it, an if you don't want them to react when they react at all. the if statement is if, then or else. think the if, state the then and then else occurs if you don't want it. that is the way to stop, keeping this transmission effect from effecting you.

resolution; think to do something else if a statement s there, other than wisely thought or done.

fine; the end point that is a point where the end is in sight or site by area activity. then the activity was doing things to worsen you yourself, now the activity is doing things to not do things wrong. you decide this is the end time anyway.

fine point; you can do what you want, there is no fine by law or idea. so think what you wish then the government, creates what you not think about unless you need the idea.

end at this point

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I am now done

This was a past memory, as I was doing a rite.

This means I am now done by the feel, that I create or created when I was 12 to 13 years old. This was created with some early childhood memory. So I am now done now means after that point that I am finished with the project. So I think I am done by the ideal that I own or work with others. This means that I am done by the feel that I exist by work or ideal thats use, that then translates to I am wrking by feel. As I think this thought I am getting away from the area, so enjoy yourself where you are. Seeya.

Monday, May 23, 2016

focusing the area

this came from a life that I noticed was aware yet doing her own thing. how can they seem aware before awareness as a term was made? they were using the term before that life existed. so the term existed before the life you had now. such as suchas or awareness, the term was aware meaning by use was creative energy that you know things from. other than that awareness this life, that means creative approach that exists by you knowing. so creative knowing is the ideal you are aware of by feel. that means several things from where your standpoint or standing, this was meaning from a definition viewpoint awareness is aware. so think as you know then you know by what your doing.

suggestions from this:

suggest; think then your aware of the point that exists.

crewate; create a point then the people that run the area exist by area feel or area activity.

create; those that exist are aware by now that mean crewate as aware thought. so think as you delight on those banana chips to create the point. this uses your energy that exists, by the feel that you have from the item you use.

create use; think then use is user feel by fee or creative ideal.

creative approach; think to approach or approve the idea, then you know what you can think.

creator; create by feel, the creator is the conscious energy. as the idea you know, that creates by feel with empathy or apathy that exists by feel.

curate; think the point then you are aware of the programming. feel or think then you are knowing by the feel that exists. you reveal the programming by thinking a point, then you know by what you speak or do. mind control is similar to this. stopped by the idea you reveal by what you say, the mind control.

creative approach; think then your aware, then you know what things exist. as if when your there, where you see things you know things by the creator.

the end

appalanchian; the false mountain where my friend was that helped make humans humans.

the ending; the point is energy that activates, then the weapon is done with what it was doing by now.

you got it; think the end then the point, then you know the idea that exists. then you got it.

the area; looks like a strange cavern that is prehistoric yet modern.

the activity; change of idea or cell structure, that creates what you think you need.

the end; leaving it is simple, think you were alive somewhere else that was existing then. as you walk out you are back, if you wish to be back.

exchange; money is exchange of idea, item or things that exist. so your money is the item that exists, where you think to exist. exchange as you want things.

then end this; think to end this life you are back in america or somewhere else. thinking to end this I tried this experiment, I was thinking I was somewhere else. as I was there I was here where my life continues, then I ended it there so I was aware of the possible points to do.

jelly bean; those that are jelly beans are large and weighty with an intelligent intelligence.

skinny cow; those that are skinny cows are slender and thin as a rail or thin by feel.

cow; those that are cows are animalistically inclined to do things intelligent or use, by focus you are aware they exist otherwise they don't show up.

buy for less; the area is clean, clear and the better buys are marked or there.

end; the end is the end, you are aware, that this is a repostin of the past events or future moments that exist by the creator. you could end up with a million dollars. think or feel then the creator creates the idea.

end point; the end point is the area, then if you think you know by what is happening.

ending; the end point here is what you consider ended, there is nothing more to this and its real or not there.


Sunday, May 22, 2016

new line

The new line is creative use or feel, think or feel the point then you know what is done. this is energy so think as you must, use is up to you for what you think is useful. I think this is circular thought, think in a multistraight line as many thoughts and you get, I knew what was there I just didn't want to deal with it. Too much hassle too much to do. So this is what I will do instead, said the nightman as "I am aware so I shall do things."

This was in a report that was circulated by several different statements. That means most mean that or something else you do. So do as you want in a new line of thought then, you do what you think or feel you need to do. Thats the secret to getting things done. So the new line is a thought that your actions do for now. Otherwise you don't do much. That is all reporting from the newsline 9 that I saw. Then this works. This works by what you do or create with feel, so I think this is with things or all there is to this. This creates new thought, new idea, new thinking. So I think I am though with this.

As I saw things you were working I was testing, then the shift occurs that was now I was testing. You were interested so I think before I create or believe, that this is the interest point, seeing activity being done as though the right medicine were given. I hope not to see more crazies go or come here, that last one was a menace. So if I were you I would avoid this place, Palo duro, because mentally unstable people are here without their doctor. That makes them unpredictable.

Seeing this is so that they take their medicine is important, yet I believe that there is no hope so I left before I could get caught. Seeing as the moment I rent a place here is because of the low rent, that means there is no regard to other places. So I might go to there, but I stay at wesley village for now. Then that is where I will stay, too by few that live there. Most don't deserve here, so I will leave this alone.

I wonder what would occur, if I was aware or alert to loops like that, thinking the thought I believe that faith as a way where science has another. So I believe that you are aware to what is there, so am I sore for what do you want to do with it. If you want you could do mine apartment or someone elses, so I think you are in done. So things are thought then set by the bell or alarm.

Out creative I believe so that they are aware, so I think so I believe in the creator. The way they live though I wouldn't be surprised. So you see I believe so I think the ideal is amazing, thinking is non forbidden to use what is there. So I believe this is my end point, think a way out then use it so I aint stuck when the volcanoes blow again. That is all for today, ciou till later for this is by now.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

next point

this is what I saw of my next life

focus use; think to focus your life force, the energy surges as the blood flow is there creating what you think or feel. so all you need to do is think of the place then, you are there where you think you can exist. that is all there is to this point. think not to panic then you won't. so enjoy your day. this day will last for the day till nightfall then, you will be in your real world again. enjoy yourself.

disorganization; there's no lack of disorganization there is no lack of control and direction is assured. Misalignment of values doesn't occur.

stolen; not really am I stolen from as funds get returned I don't get stolen from and things work out.

end of the age; the end of the age is the end of the age, accept and do whant you want in life.

ageless; I am ageless so I could see the end of the point, with the volcano yet I can move on anytime with intuition. just by thinking I am moving on I cause the creator to change or shift me to my destination.

living; can't say much about the living arrangement, but I will live till I feel or think no longer to breathe.

the end; the ends in sight I see the ending, so I know what is there or what could occur. I think this is an ernest movie. So I better not try to relive it.

2872 the combination used was the way out of the star wars movie garbage chamber, this was where you state the ideal or claim presented, there is cancellation as somewhere 2078 or 2872 otherwise 13579.

Friday, May 20, 2016

flash life till you don't need to be that way

these are suggestions from many people, that were shown to be here.

a weight loss; the weight is exercised off, so it never went up. think then the ideal adjust to lessen.

flash unfat; flash phase: think your not fat then let the subconscious, make it happen as though flash uun fat.

visit; visit as you wan't the area is clean and clear of dirt.

focus; the focus is there as it always is there, if you think to live if you don't think to live then the focus isn't there.

focuser; the focus is life, think the life to make this work. unless there is no life to see alive, so the creator shifts us to where we need to go.

focusing; this is in en the ideal to live by feel for or die for, so enjoy your life as though a friend.

seen; this came from another life that I observed subconsciously. if no life then leave to go where you need to see.

seen user; focus the energy then life is a flower, think to work or live as you wish.

used; I feel used by this, so I will leave the rest alone.

done; lift the helmet off your head so if your done then, leave by the exit sign as you don't need to be there then.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

existing en ideal

ideal that exists: the next two lives.

done; I am done creating my reality, I will live with it if I can or not if I don't want it.

energy; this I think is energy, by use is what you do.

fear; fear or reason reaction that does not exist, you are separate from your fears.


anywhere writing; the writing is anywhere you think to write. read it if your interested by interesting ideal thats exposed by intuition.

exist; this is the way I exist.

Free; free domain: Think a way to free me, as you are free by thinking you are. Treatment is over, enjoy yourself.

your free; then if your free or want to be free, think the ideal that your free then you are. as this means now I am.

end; I don't feel the urge to rescue people. nor am I drawn to risks. I no longer feel I have to get attention.

the end

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Idea to do

this came from Ishy byproduct shael the wishy that lived.

transfer; the transfer is death then life some other planet. then as you think to create or do things, you are there where you thought to be an use is easier.

shift; so think the point then work the area feel, as your aware you are capable to go or see where you want. just think the place then the creator shifts you there. when you want to come back, your back then you know what was there.

shaft; the shaft is just a place, easy to get out of then you are with the area now your free.

set back; set back some money then you know what or when you go places, there is some funds to work with by feel.

dey break; the day break is the thought, that the last thing I see was area aware points of life. like creating an engine online to work with grapics or creating the point of debilitation without getting to be debilitated. this never worked as the brain remembered the debilitation, so this part isn't used as debilitation wasn't liked.

she was known as a good for the point or bad occurred, for the idea as a person to be around. so I think she found escape by excuse to do something else. she liked the name star, so she was aware that she was a were that was calm. had a secret garden then, that she in freaked so she was cool or calm as a collected individual outside by use or feel.

She never really had an end point. So Ishy died by a different means that was modern marvels seen, she was visiting the area then was focusing to create something new or better. then died of dehydration with a stroke, that she had at the end of her life. her ability was creative adaption or area created effect, that she materialized into creation here where she was alive.

With life when she died while working, she died at age 39 so I am not surprised. I think that she created things, worked at several things and wrote some ideal. so she never really held a job but that doesn't matter. she was good with her hands. She built a cyborg, had two other friends then worked with the hands or feet most the times as she walked allot. That was all I remembered about her.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

ideal focus

idea by ideal from a past life named ishael ipbob

focusing; your there if you want to be there. there is then no doubt, avoiding a bad fate there's no refusal unless necessary of self-examination. there is no lack of control or direction. the end is then by recovery where there is nothing ruined by what you do. blocked or repressed emotions of ideal are not blocked. this reverses restlessness with no burn-out excepting no lack of progress. this is where there is no lack of completion or there is a sense of closure. stop focusing to be there then your not.

em in fo; focus is due response or respect the idea is the way you see things or work with things, where I see things as the conscious eye is the third eye that sees nearly anything except what you don't think to see. every activity is perception, think of the view then you see or know what you feel is there. so you don't seek an escape by feel. so he loses weight, she loses weight. that is useful by ideal.

debauchre; thats this way, the way you think. then the other way is the way you want by feel. so you choose what direction your going. that is all there is to this.

disembarking; the way you move directs the body somewhere that causes you to disembark a ship.

embarking; you work with or enter a ship.

work; you go out and search places or ruins.

fight; you work then find things and sometimes fight to create peace. the chance of fighting is nonwithstanding the point of peace. however no fighting occurs, as there is noone there that wants to fight or no en happens.

foci; you shift home as you think of home then your there as you think you are, the dimension shifts you with a surge of energy.

/ or without; anyone can do things without much trouble as there's no trouble.

pain; there is pain or ideal use, think then you are aware of the facts that you know.

nothing; nothing goes bad, as there is no bad to occur. this blocks out the feeling to drink alocohol or alcohol, if you think to drink nothing will occur by now, as there will be no calories by effect that causes you to lower in weight.

the end point; this person dies from liver an colon failure. the colon was said to support him as he was alive. his special ability making effects by what one did or thought, including making something seem a part of the aura energy by energy enfusion or the end of energy fusion buzz effects. thinking to create a cloak or effect, that was by idea with life energy he came up with life energy or life effect.

+/- or -\+ plus or minus with no regard to what is there unless, as you think to work you know by the feel. this effects only once. so think to do something else, as this leaves them roughed up.

kio; the kill in a knock out mood that most people don't want, you decide how you want to leave. this is where you change words then by magic the effect of which you decide or describe. describe what you want with the words on the side separate by a colon or semi-colon, a colon means straight out attack, a semi-colon means pause then use a semi-automatic weapon.

the kio change; you change back to where or whom you were then nobody knows you were different. the change occurs by energy where you think then focus then by a hurt or unhurt me, by violence or activity you change to whom you were.

the end; you were of a gang then you left to do things on your own, you describe the gang as you want then. the police don't catch up to you, till you want them to be there.

next life; the next life is a given that you are whom relies on give or take then, if you offer trade the trade value is know then you can trade where you are aware to trade. you are the next life that you think to see or seem, before you are aware that he exists. this is where the person you notice acts like a real person, but is only a robot named pizzicato run by spirit impulse guided by the soul.

ego; the ego is the part of the mind that can emulate anyone, that exists by the feel or feeling that is where you are aware. to defeat the ego, think the point that you aware of as a reason you use your own reasoning. then think no ego exists things by feel. that is all there was of this life I saw, where stardazing is stare with closed eyes at the sun then let the images come to you in a blink of the eye or stargating. that is thinking to see the point then glance at a planet or star then, before your spirit surges you think "future glance to see what I want or wanted to see by what is there".

this is per due when you separate the mind from the body, then you notice things that your spirit if it exists. this is not noticed however you will see by what you notice in relation if there is there. like this is the point there, this is the point here, so you correlate the ideal then you work with things. think not to be shown then you won't know to be there. that is there not where you think. so I think I got the best of things where I glanced at, so I think this is a fine fact to do unless you don't like pain. this is where the robotic person raises his or her arm then, focuses to create a created effect with the rather indicated or exposed body part by the feel that the feeling is there.

rw or rewind; rewrite the past by the idea, that you think the point then that point occurs instead. use this to rewrite what the mind does if you don't like it the mind can always restore, what you want by thinking a thought you want to occur. this is as you feel the need to create or do things. things are what they are accept or you get to be pizzicato, that writes by idea this expressed ideal.

the end

Monday, May 16, 2016


this came from eonough's lifetime so I think it fair to work with some of his ideal.

um am; this is am is america so think. this disperses energy by what you think, if you thought to cause or create things then the created one or the creator creates things. this counteracts the fattening effect of mono and monoatomic gold. melting cellulite to cause the cellulite to not form. this is as though a swirl were drawn inwardly on the belly or chin.

- or calories; the minute you say calories or eat a fruit you know how much was eaten, given potassium you know how hungry you are so you think don't eat then you don't as though the need causes food to become flavorless.

dancing; you dance when you think about things, otherwise you shake till its gone.

friend spell; the friend spell causes friendliness or likes of less stress. this is usually by what is done.

creativity; get creative you know or gnow what will come by the ideal area. you know how to deal with it.

+ or additional info; the additional information is the point that you think then work, as you want to seem like as you know what you need to know by gnosis or air listening. this is through energy conscious knowledge, that you feel or think to know by the area. this is where you think to listen in on people, near the area so you know by feel. so think I know then you are aware to realize by focus to the air for knowledge.

ending; you get what you want, as you think or like what you have. this is fair business practice, till not or notice is spoken or done.

end file

think is fair

end is enough

at is attend

e is is

n is at the end

written by ben

Sunday, May 15, 2016

ishapel michael

this is a past life called ishapel michael:

shrink wrap; this is where you think to imagine yourself wrapped in plastic or saran wrap then you create less weight as you imagine the plastic or shrink wrap shrinking with a cool feel. the cool feel is with a loose area except not anymore tight belly, that doesn't get tight against the clothing.

game power; If near a game or playing it, then stopping think where the place is then. think where you want to go then, by the power of the game your there.

game en; game ending is this the end of the game is where, you shift back to where you want to be or are physically.

gaming; gaming is the life of the idea, the idea is ideal situations that coexist by what you feel. thinking your want then creates the need or desire that occurs as you think. think your way back to go to where you want or are right now.

draconian technique; This is a telepathic technique. As you listen, the voice of God is us that will become stronger. Invite me into your dreams by relaxing and trust the guidance you receive to be directed. I the telepath, will embrace you in my astral wings as you slumber peacefully, helping you to interpret your dreams by you thinking then the feel of thought or energy. This causes you to percieve a dream, that through spirit is projected by others. Speak to me of your heart's desires. I am always here and ready to listen and help, as I use your energy to accomplish the goal. The goal is what you want with our desire to help.

mantra; Daily Mantra: “My thoughts are prayers. Let them be loving and kind as you accept then find reward.”

fatness; I know what I think, so there's no fatness. I am not growing fat, I am growing abundant. Think for yourself next time and don't use my thought, as it doesn't apply to anything. Think for yourself otherwise is what this means then, the draconians and other races won't use your thought as an energy source. That is the point that I think. So this actually counts instead, think for your own ideal so your point is made correctly with respect to others.

catch on; this is the end result, meaning they catch onto things if you want them to as reacting to what is done. otherwise they don't catch on as they don't react to the ideal they see. so no csc effects me.

csc; the effect cancels itself yet is a code on a credit card or debit card. the effect is if you think then create by some feel what you feel is important.

red hot; the red hot is the candy, yet is cool to taste as it is red hot. any mention or taste can bring you back.

focus; the point the soul uses is what you think or feel you create by what you consider.

So the life he or she had was adventurous, he could change into she or back again by imagining a color, pink for woman, blue for man, purple for in between. the way he or she died was trying to change and someone came into the house then, stabbed him as he changed into her the challenge was made then he was robbed blind. he bled to death on the floor he was not diplomatic. so you see this was noted in stories, that is what I remember by watching anime after seeing a death scene.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

ishael michael

some new stuff that I thought about from the person or past life called ishaewl michael.

monatomic gold; the effects are not toxic as you think then the energy creates, this is where the psionic effect occurs including levitation. so I noticed the people of the area are aware, just as they help where they are used monotomic gold dust use. your use is monotomic gold, think this works then this does. the use of hot water or hot temperature is to shift you, to use cold water or cold temperature creates slenderness. this is noted in some area I listened to with a shape that I worked with, was near or talked to by feel. so all I need to do is energy use by some area feel or area feel is use of water, this is with salt and some sugar or substitute sugar blended with magnets taped to the sides.

that is the ideal substitute to monotomic gold. so btw I think this will work well by walking around. however if you think to tighten a belt around your waist, then you know the weight might increase till untightened. so think this as a note or area feel that is water or I must use muscle relaxants to create slenderness by use as the water magnetized with vanilla extract added to this as it is a little salt. I think this means war is over, then you know I could act a king of atlantis or a prince to taken pose. This is impressive if things will work out by feel.

so btw I think this will then work well by walking around so the heat doesn't effect me. when the substance is taken in enough then the energy is weird, as you seem to gain or lose weight very easily by body heat. that means you possibly took too much, then you know the area effect is the use however. if you think to tighten a belt around your waist, then you know the weight might increase till untightened.

so think this as a note or area feel that is water or I must use muscle relaxants to create slenderness by use as the water magnetized with vanilla extract added to this as it is a little salt. I think this means war is over, then you know I could act a king of atleantis or a prince to taken pose. This is impressive if things will work out by feel.

the building; the building is a place that is special to the ideal that is touch or based by view to use. the building is really old and could collapse any minute though. So the building is closed. If you enter think the time that you want to see then, the energy conscious that isn't conscious will create what you want. If you want the effect to fade away, think the illusion ends.

the mono effect; the monolithic effect is over the ideal is done were done by now. as with life you are aware that the energy is what sustains, however not with monotomic gold. that actually allows the brain to work despite the fluoride. so I think I found a cure to cancer or the fluoride effect that I use monotomic gold to cancel it out is amazing. however the apple cider vinegar or vinegar mixed with the baking soda creates an effective cure all mixed with sweet water. that is water mixed with tea mixed with substitute sugar. that is the point so that is the point till you think or feel to not use this.

the mono; the mononucleosis is gone with saint john's wort, all though I think it has a slight side effect so I can go back now. I think I can work with confidence with anyone now. so I might as well be a worker of some sort, since I am good at a skill of trade or will learn a skill or trade. at least I think this is through I will return.

sick; sick no more the problem is gone, I will say this now "the problem was with a solution or is just a situation nothing more than that."

seen; seen is the result, I am thin and sugar effects me strangely. so I will forebear the sugar use. that is all to this log I kept, so I will keep doing this till I am sure I am well. so I am gone somewhere else by the effect of leaving open a container in a freezer, that allows you to feel non hungry with less needs.

I kept ketchup use to keep the creepers effect off of me, so I think that I am sure now to the use that I do. I am glad they have monatomic gold on the market. Otherwise I would not have gotten this effect. seeya around, cious is the keyword that is this log that runs through your brain if you say it. so ciou for the attempt is to work things out. ciou till I wake up, 54321.

free; I am free, so now I will become a friend or worker that I promised him that I would. all I have to do is walk out the door then thinking with time will rearrange themselves to create a better feel. that is all by thought, see ya later so I will ciou now and bow out as it is em I am um am empath. So I think, this is so I know by now what is used. now I will do my normal routine.

the power; the power is energy of the area that is electricity. maybe I can use this to shift easy as to go away with this ideal, so I don't forget the ideal point that is there.

bioenergy; the energy is the body energy, that is energy of life that exists somewhere that I seem to think is there. if you compile this then combine the bioenergy with the area power, then you could do anything. so I think to see somewhere or shift someplace then, if the power goes out I shifted away. that is all I need to do, thinking or feeling to shift away by feel.

the radon transmission; this is radon in small traces that you can call monotomic gold. think to be near yet not too near to be healed of anything.

the radio transmission; this is by feel the radio tree transmission, that you think to listen then think of where you want to go then the electromagnetic energy surges then your there.

by feel; the feel is the thing that is right by what is there or here or anywhere you think to observe. so I think this means the ideal is where you think this is. so think the area then think the idea to express then, if you are expressing things or where they are heard they are where you might appear.

get free; some places by things can treat you well or trap you if thought by feel in an area. so this is with use as a spirit trap, that you can use things to create things so you are aware by things that exist. think your free then you are, so as though area energy surges to shift your conscious mind back to your body.

so you see; I don't belong here as I arrived by ormus for now, the water with salt thats magnetized then as it is blended. so I will take my leave. ciou.

Friday, May 13, 2016

This thought

Here's something that happens today:

euclyn thought; this is a loop in the thought of relation unless there is no relation except for what is left, by appreciation with each other responding nicely.

therapy; therapy helps relations get to be better, as one holds off to allow things with no nasty backbiting. there is some thing gained or no reprisal if none intended.

the win; the win is mine the defendant if you think to wisely spend things then, you know what will come off of it.

the loss; the loss is what you think is to lose, then you know things go your way the moment you want them to work.

the end; the end of the relationship, if there is no need for it you don't mind it gone as though in em.

eend; the end of the borg effect. This could happen anytime.

tonic; then use with water or turmeric, vanilla extract or powder with or without substitute sugar mixed with water.

tonic II; use with purified water: baking soda added to apple cider vinegar, added to water with substitute type sugar.

tubic; a cure to tuberculosis: use with purified water some stevia, turmeric, basil or lemon basil with or without aspirin or aspen tree bark.

curative; use monotomic gold with water with tea bags or green tea with some substitute sweetner or substitute sugar.

curative to strangers; water, stevia or substitute sugar with marshmallow root.

valume real cure; korean ginseng, marshmallow root, water or purified an energized water.

the end

Thursday, May 12, 2016

existing points of light

what up with life! think for yourself today, as you think to work the ideal point of light or dark natured ideal. the point is then that you are aware so then if you think that you can create things go right ahead. however there is no point that doesn't exist, so think something enough then that is created here. as though a template existed from a change of light. these are just some things that exist:

recordings; this is the point of the future, think as you like, this is the ability to expose things. as the ability is there to create things that exist by feel. think to feel is another way to create with focus or idea energy thought. what you think you create or think from the area sometimes touched. so you can think by motion or some use is there by feel, this is with life that you detect or think as you like.

luck; your luck turned better as you think this works or worked by a point, as you took it off or allowed it to remain on then its accepted.

irish; to work is encouraged, this is working by a point. Whatever I won't react to my feelings.

apple; the juice of the apple is sufficient to suffice, so if you eat or bite into the apple you know bliss.

orange; if you eat an orange you receive energy, that allows you to create what you want.

banana; the banana is the thing, think to eat one to fulfill your hunger. eat two to create or work with ideal feel. eat three if you want to fill your belly.

pear; the pear is the thing that also if you eat your more aware, if you are aware you know by what you do that you succeed.

lime; eat a lime or other fruit then you know some friend. the fruit is there as you think that lessens the weight.

suffice; this is to create or egress into the night to create, what you want or create with what you want.

edifice; the item is a usb drive that sticks out from the wall, that stores things so think to the use for what you want or not.

limelight: the limelight is the point you know, think or feel then you know to realize what you do. represented by several colors.

yellow; this color no longer does any need to eat by feel.

red; the alert color: the color is alertness, this no longer makes you want to eat. you do not need to eat anymore.

blue; blue is coolness, think the blue streak to absorb energy to create what you think or wish.

green; green is stuff or the greenery that you notice as plants.

brown; brown is shit or the earth otherwise such as dirt.

gold; gold is wealth, the ideal is that you see golden color, you could notice goldenrod then you know you will gain wealth.

silver; silver is worth, the worth of the moment you know.

purple; purple is creative pursuit, no longer violence as things you notice are things that exist by feel.

jt eaton; this is bug killer to use it just spray the stuff, this is now more effective than it was.

crackers; crackers are something that is a low calorie diet food. 60 calories per 30 crackers eaten.

the computer; this is something you write about or work with. some say that the computer is for eternal writers, but that is really for whomever wants to use it.

the end; we use what we have and use is what is by ideal, we can end this by finishing, cutting it short or not doing it.

eavesdropping; think as you want, the ears are for hearing where you can use the ideal in some manner. that you think or feel to use.

end; think a point or feel an ideal, mention the end then the point ends there.

pall; the pall or war in idea is appalling if you think about it, so if by feel this is not always bearable unless thought is spoken. I think I will stay out of this war.

pell; if you go through college, you work till the end, otherwise if no future lies in classes then you quit to do something fruitful.

articulation; the arguement or ideal is no arguement exists, the excuse is reasoning you feel or think. then if you think you might want to relax. meditation works well while listening to some music.

the last thought; think a thought to create what you wish, if the ideal manifests it was meant to happen.

food; don't have to use it up. there's no rebellion of the body except to not eat. you don't get fat from this.

fetal; you have a fetal positioned body, where you are able to phase anywhere. your back as you are aware or come out of fetal position. it was thought to almost go where you wanted. but wherever you go I am not there, unless you want me where I am or I am there in a position.

clock hit; when you think to hear a clock as it strikes twelve, say yes for a message. this ends when you hit metal.

endless; if your endless then your able, so think what you want as you are endless anyway. however if you drink alcohol you see or feel an this isn't endless.

waist thickner; the waist thickens if you think a skinny butt or lessens if you think this does as you think a skinny butt, otherwise the waist lessens if you imagine the waist thinning. the butt goes back to normal then you know what you can do.

waist thinner; the waist thins up if you feel it does however you want it to do so. however you want it to do so, it sometimes never thins up with sugar.

child stealing; the stealing of a child is where the child is returned, however the child or now adult wants to return.

the wyll; the will is the thing you do. however if no will then nothing's wrong.

the vision; I see a vision of a long haired woman that used to be me, that was aware of all thought or use that was useless information put to use. where you focus as you write then you feel that you know then you know what is there. if you knew what this means to me you wouldn't be cruel, I say, then the vision ends.

the end; the end is this your free by what you think or do. however there is a price for every freedom spell, that you set to create the ending that you want. this is use as if a point of light for the moment, so think or feel an that is light.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

stimulations-fot no dan

These are stimulations I felt in the past 24 hours:

the work point; I felt things that what is thought to work I think I will go on doing things till the end.

the end; I thought to not thought to do things so things work out by feel. so I am going home sometime, the home I was born to stay in. I hope it goes well.

in the en; the end is the thought that this is the end point so what about it? how welcome are people that exist for the point or touch. I think I will do what I can so thinking this, I will do what I need to do to survive if I want to survive.

end point; this is the end point for today, think the end point then you know the ideal that is the idea you could follow. think then you know or feel then you realize. after all my study, doesn't this mean you feel stimmulation then you think the idea. so if you are aware, you are aware by now, think in life that you know, so you know after death what you want to remember. that is the key to rebirth with your memories intact.

so if you knew then you know what you realized in some other life. this is a fitting endpoint that you can use, whatever is nearby to create what you wish by spell. this spell could be drug caused, this spell could be created by idea use. this spell is mostly done as stated by activity. so think what you feel then you know what you think to use what you have.

you don't have to use anything actually, all you have to do is focus then create by feel. that is all I remembered from one such past life. now the next one is more complex as I make him so, maybe he is simple think to create then you are so aware. that you create what you consider, as an ideal. I will name him spike.

what spike did in life was create things for fun then, working with others to create with feel. the ideal is the thought that you know what is there, thinking to create what he thought was good. he did things to others that was unorthodox as he was a druid, that was aware by what was done or thought to use as information was there.

so spike was dead by suffocation then thrown under a passing car, when he was killed by a bystandard that followed him. his ability was thinking then created feel is what manifested. he could have been suffocated but he was knowing for love. he was aware though to what he created, if he was felt he was someone else if not he was aware then working. I think he used a writers ability. that was spikes ability. now I know this I will use this, as I can do things by the ideal that things could exist. seeya around.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

after new moon

the end point; use is the sun flare, the volcanoism, the volcanic activity/reactions, the point is energy elevation from various things, like you think the elevating point then create by what you consider useful by ideal.

Ability; I no longer do not remember where I put things, as I remember by thinking the point then. Creating the basic ideal, that I remember by energy consciousness. The area energy is what can allow remembrance or ideal focus, this is thought to do things so you get things done. So you know the difference between your memory and others memory, you only need to create the point. Thinking to see if you remember stating or living the point. The memory comes to you if you did, unless you want to know so you know what others think or know too or not drink coffee. As you don't except booze. You are better off, so you can drink other things.

This is all in a memory trigger that is run by stimulating dna patterns, that cause touch or ideal stimulation to make the remembering point. As you accept the remembrance, you accept reality so this I think is the point that is reason. With reasoning you realign the dendrites that charge with energy then transmit with energy bursts. This is the energy that you have with focus or have that is recieved by other dendrites, this can effect energy from around you to transmit by how you feel or think as a transfer is done.

The transmission is the point you remember, what you do to feel, think, feel or realize what is possible as a manifest. Think towards things to cause ripples so you know what you do. You can use water, if in a bowl thinking to the water can cause what you do to create water ripples. This is all in an effect.

recordings; think as you like, to expose the ability is to create things that exist by feel. think to feel is another way to create with focus or idea energy thought. what you think you create or think from the area sometimes touched. so you can think by motion or some use is there by feel, this is with life that you detect or think as you like.

Something that points this out;

18 Incredible Spiritual Teachings

I have been a grateful sojourner on the winding spiritual path for as long I can remember. So there is no bad timing.

After rejecting the Catholic Church around age 10, I stumbled upon the love of my life—yoga-—at the critical age of 12-going-on-13.

I started reading New Age self-help books in college and met the Buddha in the San Francisco Bay area at 23.

Each stage along the way has been illuminating and necessary to move to a higher level of consciousness. I am thrilled to continue learning and practicing throughout this lifetime, at least.

At certain points in the past, I have wished for epiphanies, signals and sudden enlightenment. Of course, life doesn’t work that way. What we seek eludes us. Letting go allows newness to enter.

So I know you help me, although I would like to gift you with these 18 teachings that have altered my mind and improved my life, they may not resonate with you. The most important teaching of all is that we are each where we need to be when we need to be there, learning the lessons that we need to learn.

1. Everything I need is already within me.
Authentic power comes from finding balance within; it is not imposed from external authorities.

2. I can (and do) create my life through creative visualization (to a certain extent).
Using the common sense techniques Shakti Gawain outlines in her books, I was able to realize my dream of living in California and becoming a full-time yoga instructor 11 years ago. I do not, however, subscribe to “The Secret.” Reality is reality, and people and objects are not mere pawns in ourmanifestations.

3. All things must pass.
My first bout of depression in my early 20s was the worst, because I seriously believed it would never end. I thought, Okay, this terrible, listless, sad, anxious state is adulthood. This is what it means to grow up. Of course, I turned out to be wrong. The depression lifted (and came back and lifted again, over and over).

My dear friend Liz has a tattoo that reminds her, “This too shall pass.” Depression will pass, but so will joyous times. Our beloved pets and friends and family will pass, and so will we. Rather than hiding from this morbid truth, I now embrace it and live my life more fully because of it.

4. Beliefs separate.
Since absorbing this fundamental teaching via J. Krishnamurti, I have strived to let go of beliefs and labels. I am not a Catholic Buddhist liberal American yogini. I am a human. You are a human. Now we can relate.

5. Faith is letting go.
Faith is not holding on to a dogma, a promise, a future in heaven. Faith is letting go and letting in the ever-unfolding experience of life as it flows presently.

6. All meditation is good meditation.
And another thing: it is perfectly fine to meditate for 30 seconds. If I meditate for half a minute, then take a little break (because, damn, that was tough!), then start again—that is A-OK. Some days it may be 30 minutes, others 30 seconds. The key, I’ve found, is to pause regularly throughout the day. In this way, I integrate meditation into my life and not just as a part of my formal practice on the cushion.

7. Metta.
Learning the metta meditation technique at a spiritual conference in Palo Alto in 2004 was transformative. Metta is loving kindness. The basic technique is to send good wishes to ourselves, our loved ones, strangers, enemies and ultimately every sentient being without exception. I have introduced it to countless yoga students over the years. Metta is powerful and can be used in formalmeditation as well as on-the-spot.

8. Each morning, I am born again. What I do today is what matters most.
Thanks, Buddha!

The past brought me here, but it is over. The future is totally uncertain. I aspire to concentrate as much of my attention and effort on the present moment, the current situation and the living relationships I cultivate with myself and others.

Shout out, also, to Eckhart Tolle and The Flaming Lips. Living in the moment, cliché as it has become to say, is truly liberating. The more I practice, the better I get.

9. Equanimity.
Attending two 10-day silent Vipassana retreats two summers in a row effectively branded the concept of equanimity in my mind. Balance of mind. Not allowing it to be swayed by every little (or big) feeling of pleasure and pain. Like all these lessons, it is a process that continues to unfold.

10. No self.
The separate “I” that I seem to be is merely an illusion, a fiction, a well-told story. Letting it go is a moment-to-moment practice, an utterly liberating one.

11. Suffering is the result of clinging.
Yesterday, we took a bus to Cali, Colombia. We were told it would take five hours. After eight hours had passed, I was hungry, tired, annoyed with the horrendous movies being shown in rapid succession on the bus and tearfully frustrated. I was clinging to my expectation that the trip would be five hours long. My young daughter, on the other hand, was just fine. She had no expectations. Whenever I cling, I suffer. So I strive not to cling.

12. Worry is useless.
I used to be a worry wart—even as a kid. At some point, I read that worrying is planning for a negative future. That blew my mind open in the best of ways. So I stopped.

13. Friendship is the highest form of love.
This teaching came from Osho. When I read that sentence, it stopped me in my tracks. It rang so true. Though at the time I struggled with romantic love, I have typically flourished in friendships. True friendship is founded on trust and respect. The best marriages are founded on genuine friendship.

14. Difficult people are the best teachers.
(Much gratitude to Pema for this one!)

15. Therefore, be grateful to everyone and everything.
Gratitude can be cultivated through appreciation of the lovely people—as well as the pain-in-the-ass people—and the unique details of our daily lives.

16. Don’t get on the train.
There are 1,001 great metaphors for meditation. One that really resonated with me came fromMatthieu Ricard. I imagine sitting at a train station, watching the trains arrive and depart. My pure awareness is the station and my thoughts, feelings, sensations, etc. are the trains. If I am not mindful, I will hop on a train and take it to who knows where. But the moment I realize I am on the train, I am magically off of it, back at the station, just watching without judgment, with compassion.

17. Breath is life.
As Buddhist teacher Gil Fronsdal says, if you’re aware of the breath, you’re aware of the present moment. Our breath is with us from the moment of birth until the moment of death. It is the one bodily function that we can consciously control. Deep breathing is calming. Awareness of breath is the most fundamental meditation technique—and one that I always return to no matter what.

18. Make your mind as vast as the sky.
When I read this line, also from Matthieu Ricard, my mind actually did feel like it blew wide open, in the best possible way. It felt spacious and vast and calm and just there. Now, when I am feeling small-minded and constricted in my thinking, I often remind myself to make my mind as vast as the sky and it inevitably helps by now.

The end point possibility; Thinking to test this out, I went out and found things to be very fair so I talked to a few people. They each had a point that was inconceivable by feel that I think was the base of awareness, so I think this was aware thought or thinking area concept I could get what I wanted. So I tested this, I found if in a bad mood then there is instant rejection. Otherwise there is some feel to work with another. Based on the evidence this all suggests, they that use this ideal don't always make out well with others.

So they that are aware create what they think, by doing the right reactions to get a reaction. So if or when they that create distraction is around they could find a bruised ego near them by those bothered by the pests. So I think if you think to come bother me again I will cause you grief that is all. Then she that was feeling this, wanted their own space so I think this was a fair trade and suddenly felt worse.

As though struck to the bone of my being, no bruise was there so I think this is unfair. I want to talk I think to speak then they that were abused or aroused, created the point that they were not wanting people. So maybe they shouldn't be there and move away, if they are so aroused to fits or not wanting company.

I believe I know how to do this, think to work with them then they go away. If they go away too many times they get tired of the people they do speak to. Then they could create interesting remarks or move away entirely, as they are feeling not wanting others. So lets hope this works. I believe it will, my subject is leaving even my presence by this.

So I will let this go for now, as I am assured that most those people in the other building want her gone as well. I am only doing them a service. Lets hope they enjoy her silence, otherwise usually an ideal presenceless area presence is no longer there. So I think I will leave this off to make a notice to her and work my own idea. Lets start the ball rolling; I wish wish Lisa to move away and no longer bother anyone there ever again and not get treated like trash. That should work. Ciou for now.

Sunday, May 8, 2016


The main ending

Drunk; the ability is remembrance with forgetfulness after, so you think you can do what you want. unless the creator, that's us that steps in to stop the drunk. One thing gone is that won't always be replacedby feel or feeding in another form.

 Creepy; I won't come off as though a creep no matter what I do. Even if I create some point that causes a normal reaction.

Theory; I think the theory is this, think as your alike or work as you think. When really when you act or do things, the body just does things with instinct guided by intuition. So you think anyway by fee or feel.

Feel; when you think it you know what this is, thinking by feel is naturally what occurs. So you naturally could understand or undrstnd.

So let's think before you speak before you act as an act is a form of speaking. Think before you go then you appear better.

So that covers this topic. Enjoy yourself and go, as you don't need to do things to not be bothered too much.

Think to do things illegal then you have a point that you reform by use or a meeting. Then if you do you don't get arrested, otherwise you can get arrested.

Depending on the ideal infraction is what forms the point of arrest, fine, where others get off. Yes I know this is interested points of view only. So don't take it too seriously.

Stomach; So when the stomach goes in the stomach doesn't come out. Think to hold in the stomach or feel to hold the stomach in. I know this is where your a veteran so now you can take off of weight.

Shakes; you get over to the place or the shakes effect quickly wears off. As though the third eye can cause decreased time, where time is faster. You don't have as much expenses, your ability is aware to the thought though.

Cleaner; You get to clean yourself by the power of steam. This uses a steam bath effect.

Back; You get home as though a magical ride that is there or materializes, so you are aware that you are home.

You are with the closest proximity, that means you also have what you take with you. As you have materialized someplace you lived or live. Any material is important as that is energy. This marks the way of improvement, any ideal is also improvement you can use.

Stalking; the stalk is the idea you have or hold, what is the fee or feel where you trace people to their origins or just walk. as you feel by your senses you know where you are obvious or usually are area aware, except the point you may run across. Don't stalk those that don't like stalking, if the trace leads back to you you could face consequences.

main ending; The ending is the thing that you create or experience with area focus to work ideal by feel or thinking. This is the thing that creates by what you feel. So enjoy what you have and thats all there is to this.

alternative ending; things are delivered, thinking to create with feel you know what will occur. this depends on what occurs or doesn't depend on what you do.

That is what I see for the millenium ending or the age of the christians.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

thinking points Iv

thinking points that exist as you think or feel they do.

em if en energy; when I say or think stop, then the script stops for ideal or or you don't step on a person's toes as stp.
now or never; now know the right or correct company or thing to say.

em en ef; the point is the end. so think or feel, then you end things that should not be for now.

en end; the end is now or never so think the end then, at the end of things you end the point.

see; they are not out to make money they are out to make health better. the diet changes to become better.

doings; she will not do things as things aren't necessary. he will not do things as things don't matter. for she will do things as you want if she thinks it useful to do. he will do things as you want as he thinks its unique or useful. that defines the gender, that is a solution to the point or a concept to the ideal you think.

cells; the cells carry energy that go places where you think. tap accupressure technique as i en gr

ceasing; the bedbugs cease by various methods to be replaced by spiders.

suggestion: the suggestion is the thing where you know the ideal that is suggested.

Friday, May 6, 2016

new suggestions

these are new suggestions from some place that I visited:

think user; think the user that gives this reality, this is the point that you feel what you want to feel or create as you know.

think; thinking the point, you know what is ther by what is available.

thank; you get slim real quick, think to get as slender as you want no matter the point.

you; This is to blame others or blame yourself, otherwise suit yourself by pointing out some ideal that the person did. That can describe the point you see. This just depends on your tone or what happens as the end or n point. Did you know that a person only has a 60 second or longer recall? they actually remember things if reminded though, so don't remind if this is bad.

thinking use; think the use then you know the point, that you can use or you could use things as they are there.

a thought; think a thought then show it, as you want things to be known or as you want to be known.

thend; the end point to almost anything. ciou for now.

the point by the end; whats the point, the end is the same almost noone talking. so I might as well say farewell or create some ideal situation.

the end; the end is the ending you know what is there or done, now feel safe and secure. as though chaos were the anchor line and the point is a point and calmness.

the send; we sent away our energy, that sent away or things now we need them back. thanks.

the done deal; we are done by now, think or feel to use your bathroom or think to work with others as things work out.

the end file; this ends the file think to use, en fi or an en to fix this or mark the end.

the beginning; the beginning is the end, thinking to use what you have causes you to remember fully.

the ending; the end is the point so this allows of an end point that works with what is there. you just have to be in the right area or position or end this by thinking not to do things.

the reality; the reality is what is there, as this is a layer you are actually in your own reality. you true sight anything that is nearby, that is with trance that you know what you do.

the trace; the trance is the thing where you think then focus, then go to so location, then another and another then quit and if necessary reset the modem. then you lost the trace.

the end; the point is made you are done, you begin as you want to mark the end ideal location then pause then reset things as necessary. you are back to where you came from by feel; the end is where things are natural. this is where you highlight something then backspace or clear the point or clear the history.

the reason; the ideal reason is stated before or after the point. as a comment this is amazing.

the area; the area is realized now seek to end what is not supposed to be.

the it; the hit or ideal is done, the point is reset or reconciled. you know what will come with no fear.

the hit; the hit is it or something else, you know what the hit is its not a drug its a thing that is useful.

the end;

Thursday, May 5, 2016

time essence

The essence is there the point is removing essence you don't like. This is the essence of the matter, thinking the point you know the ideal. Does a god exist yes as we are divine beings, the creator guides as long as we aren't played. Thinking the pointed ideal in thought you create, as the energy consciousness allows that exists everything we think. I think however we can know what is there or done by the time, that the illusion exists by what you do or think the time of moments is the illusion itself. So think for yourself if you think then you know by what you feel. So this section is about feel for what is done.

an en use; seen or use an by mentioning the ideal this is the energy creates more like the behavior or 3002, that is all there is thought to this en if in essence this by use. so I think this use is the point that is over so whatever you want I can continue with what I can do. whatever I do I won't feel resentment for things I did or for things others did, I di get the weight reduced so I di save money from the check. a suggestion: he or she allows his or her money to come in so as you heal then you become by the aura.

the creator; the creator that serves this is likely to cure themselves of things, the illusion is time the reality is the area. the name of the thing or drink potion is oregano with allspice with fruit or no fruit. so think the request then you know the response.

thought; only when the point is made, complete, incomplete or not made, will the point be noted or is done.

thinking; think as you like I won't go with it or things so leave me alone.

the end.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

some rememberance

this was from memories of the millenium ball dropping of us.

The end or ascension; The ascension procreated process is over. It is time for the over created or squirrel with no point to work with us. No longer is this against us but for us to work with others. That is all for no reason this works out relationally by distance with contact as necessary.

party; there's only one, if they are aggressive against you go after them if you can. one party member at a time. so this is a group ideal to go work with some point. otherwise you can think to work by feel for what you do.

time point; if you take or use something somewhere such as a time print, where you think the message you type or speak gets to the area as read text. then think the use is here, you can form things with the item energy. think the item to be here in any given shape or size. this is using the veil or using the time that is enough by effort or focus to create things.

if you form a human then you will not if the item ceases the life force of the item goes to the person. see as you are aware, if you focus to create with the point then you know what will seem out of sorts or there by some purpose. once the purpose is done the itm or person, this goes away or disappears with some point that occurs no in need.

ended; this ended by feel as nothing much of a problem occurred, unless you count some server problems but thats about it. when they drop the ball they stash away things then start a new year. starting 3, 2, 1 the new year is upon us, ready to face the new year its in any given direction. thinking te point, I loved the fireworks that came after, where I was doing things that were normal.

yay; so lets enjoy this moment. let us enjoy the moment of today as tomorrow is coming around as today is fading away. let us usher in the new year with a new moon you can sense today. that is all for today, yay be sure to celebrate carefully. ciou for now.

ending; I think I will enjoy today as its tomorrow, so the set date and time is correct we set the date or time forward till 1 hour ahead of time enjoy your day as you celebrate this night. that is all or none no more.

end of memory recall that is all or none no more

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

focal group

some focal group was doing this to me, so I thought to create an effect that was working instead of some results. this is what I did.

energy; so thinking the point is interest I think to observe, I can therefore feel or work by the feel with less rest time needed or just get tired later.

cremble; think to notice things that are there, to notice people if they are nearby. that is my method that is there now, so enjoy yourself with what is there. if no people then you know that the place or area is abandoned then, if you know what is there you can put to use the ideal. that you want to occur things by feel.

seeing created crumbles is the end. so think before you speak to get better result. thinking or doing things before you create things, this is the ball through the point or your back again for more is expected or you can ignore the calling. the point to be back then is ignored where you are, as where you are suits your purpose. think or go to get away so you are away, with a thought to go is use as you need to get away your away. so go away as you think to get away then, you are away somewhere else.

challenge; if you think to use a point then you create using an object or ideal, as a goal point to work with some set point that you treat as a game point. so if you set up the point, state the item to use as a winning prize, then the ideal to follow or use to win that prize. then you can think to get things or do request to work with things or people that exist to get a win.

created crumble; this is then the point you fall to the ground, then crumble uponst yourself to do things abastially or internally. so I will leave you here as your no threat anymore.

aftermath; this is the end point, thinking to create some effect I noticed I was lying on the ground crumbled into a ball. so I got up and continued living. so this is not to do so.

aftergame; I found a new thing to do, I will act a certain way towards people, if to avoid the reasoning that I would get kicked in the balls. so I think I will get away from certain people and make certain I will leave to go somewhere else. maybe live somewhere else. dunno if the cost is too high for other rents. so I will call this a game then, work to do things elsewise. so I don't have to have it on me to get things done. ciou till later.

left alone; I was working on this point then found myself attacked by a beast that took human form that tried to attack over and over again. so I gave it another target as a work indeed then, used some ideal point to cover for myself to others. that observed me where I was. so now I am free from the beast as the beast thinks I am now a tree. so I think I will do something interesting, as I think to feel or focus I will create some form or shape.

that will take the attack for me if I think to work things off, then I am fine as magic is interest things are important if you think they are. then things they do are not so important, so then you know what to do if attacked by a snivelbi monster beast. at least I didn't get attacked by the fear withering me from within, caused by the ideal that was presented.

so now I wait; I wait till the end to the endpoint that is there, awaiting the actual end of the age of the christians. so I think to wait for the eruption, this is there by a way to create. sometimes its there sometimes its not. the vibration is what I await for as the volcanic eruption will cause a earth shaking, so all I need to do is figure which one it is. I actually await for a big volcano to erupt, though the volcano is a super volcano by now.

I think the eruption may occur in december or some time before. I really don't know so I think I will try to psychicly decipher the volcano's meaning, this is by seeing the volcano as though written on a sheet of paper. that shows the date and time of the eruption. then I might know from the date, that is there when or where if necesseary heat rises as well. so if no vibration from an earth quake, not much is happening near here.

earth shaken quake; either a shaking building or a point to remember, this is where the earth shakes by the feel that exists unless some heavy equipment or the building shakes really well and easily. ciou for now, celetially.

this is my excuse:

The excuse; you act as though your doing, as they are doing things or act as though your doing what was requested. then they excuse your presence and do their own thing. that is the ultimate excuse. so as you can or cannot you know what is there.  I found a new thing to do, I will act a certain way towards people, to create a way or work to get acceptance by the act.

now to get an acceptable community. see if to get acceptable compatible working relations or then you know what to do with the condition, if to avoid the reasoning so that I would not get kicked in the balls. I will accept that this is to suffer by the act of suffocation or ideal use, that is useful indeed for you don't need suffocation you just need the ideal to use. if anything more then it will unstabilize balance, you will know what or when the fall to the ground happens.

subconscious; the ideal is energy that you focus to put to good use, where good is use of something or someone that allows for it. so think as you want or wish to get something, as you need things then things are there or things are where you think.

the now

extended body function structure; this is the body part that is useful to create with by feel from an extended body part. end this now ends the body part by circumcision. so you know this was fun to be written, so think for yourself to write your own thing. do as you want if you need to do things.

the end; ascension is over, we are enjoying ourselves. think to work on your own or do thinking or work for others. enjoy yourself, ciou till later.

Monday, May 2, 2016


These are gems from my early years that I used to create, so I didn't have to do everything seeing that I could do better was enough to create what I thought. So if I thought to create some good in the land, then you would use some ideal to create with the point or work a worded response. So then I think that the point was done, so all I had to do was comply safely or ignore the request.

Thinking the point, I was enough of a point that I created equal opportunity or equal area activity ideal was used to create. What was the point to living then if all we knew were certain things. I think then we used them to create with ideal expressed. The point was energy that was enough to create a point think to create with experience then, you can create by focusing the energy to work your way or will.

Here are some ideal, that came from this point by life.

raising intelligence response; focus energy is required to create some of these, feel to use the subconscious as you think to work consciously with the idea. so I think you can create with work what you desire. time is there by the idea to get to create a result, as you think to do things by the subconscious. there is a point then by feel, that creates what you wish that is using the creator. then if you create with the point or using the point you can create wonders. this raised my intelligence from 180 to 200 then, as I had figured things out I was back to 180. so yes I think this works.

evidential; This in evidence is complete, try to improve upon the basis of the relationship with others then other people will respond nicer by what you or others think is improvement. that is all with communication skills used to improve a relation, as you think the point then work together or create as you wish to work separately yet equally. Then you will know peace.

next day; the point is a hoax or a point that isn't there. so I think the point is non withstanding, think the point then you know the point that occurs. this incursion of spirits was interesting, so I think this point or path is ended by now. so if I thought to to think the point then this could be how illusion is cast, as to the point that exists when or where the point is aftermath.

focusing energy; use a little energy essence from some aura transfer that you don't even have to hit to get, then by focusing to work or create things. this is the last of my teachings. energy if you use it is free particles or area activity. so think to enjoy yourself. the ideal time is what you think, don't come back to the time if you don't wish to worship some god of destruction. that is all.

thinking point; think a point then if you think a concept you can get the concept as though things were there naturally. where an object is where you object or the object is what feeds the ellusive illusion. so find the object then pour things out that the object holds then throw it away, unless the ideal is to use the illusion then you don't even have to touch the object. you just think what you want then the creator creates the point. you know who I am, see and I know then you know what the point may be. as I summoned you I can unsummon you or I unsummon you, by the creator with a hex or some thought. this is a thought to unsummon so leave and don't come back.

thinking things through; I think so I am aware I setup challenges, now I unset them so I know that what I do is what I end up doing if time is faster than light.

challenges; I think the challenges are objects that I use hex for ideal, so I think if I am or must then be I unset them seeing that they don't effect.

energy; thinking the point is interest I think to observe, feel or work by the feel with less rest time needed.

the end; then if I think about this ideal I can cancel this challenge life out, so by meeting myself and not having to live it feel to live otherwise. so I think to shift is thought to use a thinking pattern of the area that exists usually by some feel. I might as well shift away as I think about it I can see no use to do this thing, so I can go if I need to go some other planet without charges.

so farewell; if I think the thought or point that exists things, I am aware that I can go as I need to go. seeing how I am aware I know or think to know what is there or where I think to go. So I am prepared, this is to ensure that I succeed in concept or succed in the use of some ideal put to use.

idea; an the idea use is think the point then your knowledge surges energy then think the pattern by a thought or imagining the sequence of events, as the pattern you think to occur occurs then you know what will occur by feel. as you think to create you know what is there to occur, this is use by happenstance or the thought occurance where you think then you know by analysis. think the pattern to stop by you stopping with some point then the point doesn't occur.

ideal; think the point to occur some idea you had by a point that you think.

thinking idea; think the area or point to create the area or point. this led to insanity though so I wouldn't actually use it. so I think the point is energy then the point changes to do what I consider appropriate. this is where or then you know what is there by the feel that is done. if you think to use this bracelett then, your dead unless you have a good reason for it. so think to use some idea instead that exists the ideal you want.

thought about; think the point then you know a thought, so the saying goes or this can remain as a point you concede to live by or use.

the end; I shifted away with a thought by thinking the thought I had sometimes with mention, I was aware that this is a point that I am aware to do or think by concession. so by my will I will return now that I am aware to the point that exists by my thought. if by my thought that I concede I also make a point I hope its worked with, otherwise safely ignored as I don't know my temper. if maybe I meditate, I can work things out or work with others. other thought may be what I think or they that want to think think. so I have to be careful by what I do find out or know. this is a stones throw or useless as I am going around in circles, so I think to go now and deal with things myself, not use any other personally thought is an idea to occur.

so the allusion; I think the plot to this was some person was the pointer, some person was the illusion that thought to exist results for herslf, some person was the alluded one that was fooled by the reality. So this obviously was setup. I think this will end now since I dispelled the illusion.

think in a point; think a point then you know the point, then you realize the point that you think then you can choose to say it or keep it to yourself.

thought point; Thought pointed out isn't always a good ideal. So think to listen then you know things by what you do if you wait things out then you can create a better mood. This works better with music so think as you are aware. Think in a point then was my last thought before the car wreck, so i think this illusion ended. I hope it doesn't come back. As I had to act a point out due to subconscious that were responding were creating things I think this illuded thought is gone. now is the thinking or time to do things or rest the day out.

writing challenge; she or he figures out how to write it and finishes the book. so I think I will do that.

thinking; this is the point that sets up work with a reason, that he or she works for so ciou for now.

some interesting thought;
 What is Energy Healing? How does it work? What can be done with it? Can someone be treated or Healed anywhere? I will answer these questions below.

1. What is Energy Healing? Healing that uses the Energy already that is inside each person who lives. Focus or directing that Energy, brings the Healing to its true purpose.
2. How does it work? By the thought process of the practitioner, unto the person to be Healed, the Practitioner then decides on the wanted outcome, and directs that Energy and Healing.
3. What can be done with it? I have personally treated others, in a few different ways. I have treated a born deaf woman, and in a couple weeks, she could then start to hear for the first time. I have Treated people who had been Legally Blind, to restore their vision, to when they were no longer Blind. I have treated those who have suffered from Autism, and I have purged the toxins within them, and that the Autism, is a thing of the past. I have been asked by many to do Spinal adjustments, and those people can sense the warmness, as the Energy is received in that part of their body.
4. Can someone be treated or Healed anywhere? In a simple answer of Yes! Of all the examples in 3 above, all of them were treated even without touching, or even being in different parts of the World.

Does Energy Healing work? Yes! Does this mean that you have to understand it for it to work? No!

I share and teach this ability as I teach others how to do it too.

getting better; think to get better then you are aware to how you can be aware or you are aware then remember.

jennings; think the point then you know of whom or what is there to know or what there is to know.

paul; think a point then things get better. whatever the point or activity things will get better, despite the volcanic reaction.

any noise here; you must hate me.

prosetic; still yet active or moving otherwise.

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