Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Enchantment seminar in idea

  This doc is of a Enchantment seminar that was given by me. It may or may not be of interest as its material is pulled from the enchantment info in a doc on here.

  So the idea I am going to talk on in enchanting. What you do and what actually occurs in enchantments matter to the enchanter. As one person told me, 'they enchanted a sword and it didn't seem to do anything'. Well, the truth is that when the enchantment went on, it was exactly as the enchanter friend wanted. Just it wasn't realized as he wanted it to be, light weight and chop through anything. He got it lightweight and it could have chopped through anything if he tried and it did chop things easier. Just he had to think about what it did do different afterward. So the enchantments do occur, just not as you might think it does at first.

  The easy effect to enchant something with is that you think to the blade or item to become an artifact and what you want it to do. Then say the effects you decided it to do. Like 'I want ya to become lightweight and seek the heart of the thing and being that is struck at." Then do a signifying event that is like clapping your hands 3 times and saying "done". Optional is to think it locked as a property to being in the blade and usable. 

  Another way is to simply stay open the hands to a natural energy source and adjust your intention to the energy that you naturally get, and pass it to the item. For an ending, some haven't needed a special ending, but a 'there you go', 'done!' or 'so mote it be' may work too. Or a sudden act of nonsense can work, as suddenly jumping without no reason. That would release the remained intented energies.

  There is also another harder way to enchantment, to have items that have a hold on an element or have stored things as in the essence of the effect. So, have them near the item and then pronounce what you named it, the item, then what properties that you want it to have. And then to say 'the [special] properties held as within these token items are transferred to the item in mind to enchant.' Then make the ending statement of 'Done' or 'Finished so let it be.'

  The more properties or energies that you put as enchantments for the blade or item, the more the blade will be special and with benefits. As one such person made a list in his mind to what the item properties are and at the bottom of the list was new enchantments and etc.. So it was easier to enchant the item. To end the ritual enchantment list there was a 'Done' or 'Done and locked' to finish it. So its like that to enchant something. 

  Now there are enhancers to the effect that you can use, for enchantment. As in, how you approach it using extra materials or candles. The candles have to be lit or you can imagine candles that are lit. And try the ceremony to enchant with. Holding the item or touching it will increase the possibility to the enchantment and effectiveness of the blade and item. Marking it will make it yours as well as saying 'I name you this name' out loud while touching it somewhere at least with your aura. At most, by a physical touch. Be sure to turn off the candles when finished. As, some feel if the enchantment is really done, the candle's flame should be gone itself.

  Some enchanted objects become as a +4 item in dnd or undestroyable and sentient. Most other enchantment just makes the item respond more to your will and do as you ask as it is and it becomes somewhat undestroyable as in a +2 or +3 dnd special item. So some may notice the material of the item becomes tougher and lighter. There are more benefits to enchanting the item, too. As its decided by the enchanter, the benefits will be there, bound to the item. Unless you lock the enchantments into the item, they could be changed by anyone.

  For more info on enchanting, look at this original doc @ Most information comes from this doc that is in this seminar.

This ends the seminar.

Seminar given by Skyhawk
Added to by Libby

Friday, August 28, 2009

All about death

  This is a document I found that was interesting, on death itself.
  To note death as a phrase from a quote is to say "I am and will be mournful of the person who are and died, unless even after the death your thought is done. Two things are an idea, as a point in reference to get things your use is your own to relieve feelings and create an idea.

  That is to create with whatever you want, as in a concept your not as nothing physical is detected. As death is a natural process that takes the lives of the person." So to die is to pass on, sometimes. Sometimes its actually a death of the process, in a procedure and it will allow a new procedure to go on in some or the same place. As, to die in a process is to make a process, that continues on in some other time.

  So, in ordinary death, the process that dies is one of us. And it takes so long to get over it for those that care. What ya think about what will happen for those who care, will suddenly come to the forefront. That is if the death impacts the person or on the person enough.

  How it impacts is twofold, the effect is to realize something we have to do. And the idea effect is to cause melancholy or in later stages, depression. Unless we can get over it as its possible. There is allot written on melancholy and depression. So we can try to deal with it as its necessary.

  However, melancholy is different from depression. Where melancholy is the point of where ya care but don't react and ya seal ya emotions. Only to let them out at some point after ya realize that ya aren't foolproof or in an idea of perfection by doing so. As ya become emotionless, its imperative to let the idea occur, that ya arent responsible for it, it just happens. Accept and respect the effect as a given an live on.

  Then to go on with life, sometimes ya will either break down if ya didn't accept it or be okay and feel again if ya did accept it. If ya can't get over it, then ya get depressed as its one step beyond melancholy. Where, depression is the idea of what we want to do, but not caring how it actually works or works out. Sometimes ya don't get over depression, and have to take medication for it. Sometimes we do after we realize we need to go on, and it is all right to feel as ya do. Just don't let it get ya down.

  There are those that try to cheat death, either by time tricks where we try to warn people in the past. Or, get to them by sometime manipulation, the right medicine or healing effects. Healing effects include the idea manipulation, body manipulation or the process manipulation. To do this, sometimes works and the person or process of the person lives longer.

  There is also brings to mind necromancy, or the art of the dead, and that is where a large part of the necromancy field is an art intended to help the dead get to the 'other side'. It depends though on the necromancer, as some of them excel to make them stay here, some make loopholes in life to bring them from dead. Where some are just into concepts.. and glitches, but I don't think you can do the dangerous stuff without certain ends meeting. As they could do stuff and end up staying in concept but get different results. Read more on necromancy death magic @ here, and necromancy itself @ here,

  There's also the death world, where there is Mayan belief of a world of the dead. The world of the dead is different, as it has different rules. As per say, the dead are alive and the living are dead to it. The Gods there are the demi-humans and aliens. The idea are opposing views and opposite of our reality. The actions derive off of a death of something. So to speak of it, is to remain silent of the idea in mind there and so on. Time is actually backward there and it seems as though its forward.

  Its in truth the negative space beyond a mirror, where you can usually see the negative space of reversed things, on the other side of the mirrors. Good is bad and bad is good as its skill shown, unless we make rules that change that. To make an idea of what we want, is to want it and the want triggers an idea there. Which we perceive and make an idea in our own right. Once dead there, however, ya either can be alive here again or be undead there and actually still live. As there is no true death there.

  In my mind, don't look directly ever at mirrors. It's not recommended, especially to mirrors. As, again, beyond a mirror is that space and every positive action is a negative there, as its a reversed place. So, in your room its a pretty good idea to do as ya want, but don't let there be negative feelings and emotion in life is gone to the shadows. As you think, you are alive if you believe you are. If you don't want it to become a haunted room. Because like I said, when we 'see' something, we connect it. When you see a being, it sees you too.

  There is also heaven with an afterlife and that can include hell, if ya believe that ya will goto hell, only some get to go to heaven, if ya believe ya will goto heaven, and prosper in some manner as described here. Where some are in torment and in hell, as described @ here, The necromancer can aid in causing a shift to the death world hell or spirit world in or not in war. So can a priest, as well, as their power is faith and the words they speak is with a belief. Which can make things happen.

  Action involved is thought, as action in the mind isn't noticed that you do. Action is thought as you do your use and what, you thought is thought in act by what you think as magic in magic belief or not as you are not found if about to be killed by something stronger than you, as you are what your aware of demonic idea in the faith you use as is faith in the world as you serve by what you do. As you are serve the world, you are aware of what your mind intends.

  Then the shadows are what you think are servitors. Blind faith is not entirely possible, except to expect things that aren't going to happen. As you are sensing things, you can make bidden the sensing from the spirit and use the spirit to help. As you think until passed on to the other realm called spirit realm whether or not you think is alive state is. The idea to create and use faith in life and magic by purpose, think and mana is what creates the result until not needed.

  If needed alive think "you serve a purpose you can use by what you think is some idea to do", to the corpse like body as or not as you think and yet is alive. As for the purpose, you can use things respect the request of the dead born in the soul, as you live and the body lives till there and is not any purpose. As it will be a serving god death, things that cannot touch in living being form cannot hurt it.

  As you sense the body life force, your thought is your life and thought in living identity can seem alive by what you think. Sense if the body has a soul it will seem, warm in touch or by feeling the aura if it has a pulse. As if only when they are ready and the spirit is willing, is when they reveal heat as essence the spirit is thriving. Thought or not and the body, will answer as you have no idea what you want. Feel if it is ready by what it is, in race, form, shape and feel and the espiritus, that is essence of live beings from what ability that is there by reading the cells of the body.

  Usually by touch and thought think the idea is avoid what you hate, and touch or get near the body as you use the spirit and your able to sense what it thinks by thought to the aura shield. Sense the thought as you know the thought, think and know as you are aware if the situation allows for it. As you think to yourself, you focus your thoughts and as you are use to the feel that is after the idea.

  Think by feel, focus and thought is a conscious feeling that flows from your body and, as you feel the energy as information you can feel and see what is there. As you are aware enough to working magic, you can create the idea as that sense is where the body is and your use is that use until your use isn't done. Feel and know as your able, and then your use is ability as the use is activity amplified by energy in magic thought to protect and can do else.

 There is a point that you can stop, think and feel the energy in the area, that and more can be done as your able to do things as you think, able mindedly and you are alive as you focus. Thought is in focus, by what you think to do as able minded you are, you can ably seem and create the idea that exists from the cells in the body as information energy. Think as you want, as if you want things you can get things or not. There is the idea that if there is a use, there is a lifeforce known as energy by spirit.

   As there is a point to this, use is to detect the power of the body that is formed by living energy and thought is "imedits" to create the energy into ability by use of thought activity. As your aware of the danger, you aren't effected by it. As you say it you think it and your imagination, uses the subconscious to create with it. As you are alive you have force that Jedi considers energy in practical use, by thought that you sense by as your perceptive and deceptive. Sense the power aura as if a thought detected, if there you can do things with thought in thought. As psychic senses are sensations to the mind and read by focus in focus, with life energy as you think chi use and get energy. You get a ghost energy in life form and thinking "soul" does the rest.

  As the with energy point is, you can indraw ability from the energy and ability that is in the body and filter the info that forms it. As if from death the disease disappears, yet if you intend to die think death and you are dead. As if in use, your ability raises from the point to get what energy there is from the area that is there, as source energy is thought energy produced by thought.

  This is the point that energy can help detect what is there, as you think use in energy to get sensitive information you get the information that you need. As you think you sense a ghoul, give it something by thinking this is yours to an object. Tap and its gone, as with a life essence you use your will and it lives with the life it has, as your sincere and sound not emotinal or emotional energy. As you think enough to the ghost or being form in thought, as if a shadow and feel the item is gone as it dissipates behind the surface of mirror.

Presented by Skyhawk
From a various source

Friday, August 21, 2009

Third eye practices from a third eye seminar

This is some third eye practices from a third eye seminar off of msn.

The third eye basically and strangely exists, we can also see it on people's foreheads. If we have a good sympathy connections with that person, it can happen very easily, generally it's seen as blue. But, we are going to talk about the third eye activation process at first.

To 'see', third eye actually isn't in need. There are several methods to activate it. Because we see with our own auras, that's why when we 'see' something or someone, we connect each other, even if it's an object. That's why some people can see the events backwards-wise when they touch to an item. Anyway, almost everyone sees some images when they close their eyes. We can improve that effectively.

There're ways. To go on, first, we stare at a 'not-so-much-bright' light (so our corneas don't die) and we close our eyes, we see it's still there (color burnings). And we know that colour burnings appear wherever we look at. To be 'seeing' is something like those colour burnings, as whatever we see, generally goes wherever we look at because we see it with our auras.

When we see colour burnings, we see them with our auras too because everything, especially the light has vibrations. Our auras perceive things as vibrations and whatever we have is perceived by a point called 'assamblage point'. It's there, on collarbone (aurally), and it's so believable if we consider the last quantum explanations (such as 'the field'). Anyway, there's a method and it's related to those colour burnings.

Where we switch the lights off, light a candle and meditate for a while close your eyes, and get in a relaxed mood, push away the thoughts out of your heads. No ideas, no thoughts, no opinions, no conflictions. And get relaxed a little bit, then open your eyes and stare at the candle. Now, look somewhere at your room and it doesn't matter any point, blurr your eyes and try to see the strings. (remember the cord theory). Some see the strings running across the wall like cobwebs.

Those strings eventually become more and more, now open the lights. They should look like stretchy fine strings. Blow the candle off and try to see the strings again, on walls. When you managed that, keep practicing about seeing them and check them out in skies, you can see them everywhere, because everywhere exists 'because' of those strings as they're the main-energy-particles in the world.

And in the universe, everything is made by those strings, even our ideas. Keep practicing on the strings, and when you have a nice, clear and unconflicted mind, start seeing them going more and more again. You stare at the strings and they start being gathered at a point on wall. Keep watching that and they'll start circling around, like something starts to get outside 'inside' of them. Keep watching and staring.

Something will really come outside of them, with an astral 'pop' voice. So, keep practicing until you see the whole new dimension 'pops' out from the strings. Anyway, until you get to that point, you can stare at the skies and 'see' some other stuff too. Especially work on clouds. You'll see sylphs anyway, keep seeing the sylphs and they'll appear like a movie after a time. You'll start seeing a 'movie' on clouds.

So, after seeing those 'movies' on clouds (with the sylyphs) and seeing those 'moving' or much likely to be 'floathing' colours (aether), slight beeings, etc, let your exercises continue on people. So don't directly, straightly look at the people when you're doing that, staring at them. Stare around over their shoulders, heads and other parts of their bodies.

When you're staring at the people, you may see white/gray floating 'flames'. That means you're at the correct way. Keep practicing on people, blurr yours eyes as you did on the walls at the colour burning method. Use the mirrors to view your own aura, let your 'seeing' process lasts longer but don't look directly ever. It's not recommended, especially to mirrors.

Meditate more often to clear your mind, in order to have control over your sight. As, you can usually see the negative space of reversed things, on the other side of the mirrors. Beyond a mirror is that space and every positive action is a negative there, as its a reversed place. So, use your room pretty good, don't let there be negative feelings and emotions. If you don't want it to become a haunted room. Because like I said, when we 'see' something, we connect it. When you see a being, it sees you too but when you see aether, it doesn't see you, so don't worry about anything.

When you practice with humans, look at their heads and see the floating 'field' or 'flame', you can have some 'fizzlings' or vibrations at your head chakra and the person you are looking at has the same feeling too, because you're sensing his/her vibrations at his/her own head chakra. Because his body knows that he's being 'seen'. So that's the connection I meant. You can let your experiments last long, and then focus around people's heads (again) and you will see their 'perception balloons'.

For example, when your teacher/professor/boss thinks about a person, you may see the person's perception balloon appears like an ampul's light. And you can see 'bridges' or 'links' between the boss/teacher/professor, and the person you are looking at, it's quite funny actually. When I look at my professor, I see her aura and her 'vibrations'. As an experiment, I think 'choose me' to ask something, and i see her 'perception balloon' appears like an ampul, and there comes a link to me, after 2 seconds there is a 'Libby'.

That's how things work, there're tons of things like that you're going to see with those methods. Anyway, you can manipulate someone like that. Make them think certain things.

Now let's talk about the third eye seeing thing. Choose one of your best mates, (not from your schools, or your jobs) and sit down with that person. Clear your minds, let your inner conflictions and else go away from your heads, and stare at yourselves face to face. Stare at your eyes, don't think anything, just see beyond their eyes, feel the emotionless, clear mind and he/she will feel that too. Now look a bit above, look at the front heads.

Stare, just stare and you'll see some kind of strings again, or at least you'll know there's something happening, so keep staring and you'll see the thing I'm trying to mention. It's strange, but amazing, generally blue, sometimes purple and green, it looks like an eye but also looks like a square too. Keep staring each others third eyes, and you'll understand that you guys are connected to each other, your third eyes see each other too, actually, you are seeing each other from your third eyes.

That's what happens anyway, then stop staring, talk about something else, but stare at your front heads when you're talking, then stop staring at that, think something different, talk about sports, drinks etc. But, don't loose the feeling, and stare at your third eyes at least for every 1 minute. Then you may have an incredible thing, you may see a light at your partner's forehead. When you see that, he/she will absolutely see the same on yours.

Now this is the miracle, both of you are having the same movements on your foreheads, same light. You're like miners with flashlights. This is absolutely one of the best things you can ever come round. And it can change your life totally. You'll realize you're already 'seeing' that person, from top to above, you're reading his/her mind and he/she's reading yours too; but amazing thing is, you both don't think anything, so what you read are only the grace revealed because of this miracle. When you get that point on seeing, keep going and experimenting but never get negative feelings. Nor talk about the things you see, to anyone.. unless they ask you for a scan.

Anyone who sees something uses his/her third eye, but not the 'actual' third eye though. The real third eye on foreheads are just manifestations. They exist there because we believe them to be there. They exist because we use that 'point'. Because we use our 'eyes' to see, and that's the perfect point to be seen face to face. When we remote view, we can use anywhere we want. Third eye is the manifestation of our sight-based reality's alter sections, by which we can see the unseen and anywhere else.

You can see anywhere with your third eye. You can manipulate anything with your real third eye. Just to manifest your real third eye into being, think to the third eye to 'open up' and it will, tell by thinking to your third eye 'to see this place' and say or think of the place. And, it will do just that. To think 'close yourself' to the third eye and the real third eye will cause it to close. To think or say what you want of your third eye, or what you want, will cause the real third eye to do so. To imagine what you want as if it is to occur or will happen, will cause your real third eye to make it happen. However, if you didn't instruct your third eye to do certain things, then it won't.

So, to think 'transform my body into a more enticing form' to your third eye, will cause your body to change by the real third eye's influence, into a more enticing form that you think is enticing. To say rules to which the third eye is to follow, makes the real third eye do so, so be careful on how you instruct it.

This ends the seminar

Done by Libby.
Extra info added by Skyhawk and Silly

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Some effective guards

  The first idea to think on in guards is to have protection, or a mental guard or agent as mental protection. Done so by mentally feeling guarded, thinking you can't be hurt, or saying the effect to occur and such as to call the being as being to affect for ya. As in, stating the effect and sometimes focusing and glimpsing, or imagining the being to be there and to serve ya, sometime as a guard. If there's interest, then a) there will be something of an guard. 

   Some such beings that can be called and to be kept in mind, to affect for ya are, "wee guard dog" for surviving tough moments, "brownie guard" or "brownie ged" for a helping hand in a moment that may be where aid is needed any moment and this is also one guard who can raise ya from death, "Egypt death guard" or "Egypt death ged" for a deathly always alive guard assassin, that knows what ya need before ya say it and won't turn traitor, and "advisory guard brownie" or "egoty ged" that keeps you from being mental or dead most of through a time. However, there are some "guards" in astral areas which guard the wrong purposes. As in goblin guards.

  Of a moment, it is essential to know that where ya are and what is happening around ya will summon the being out of necessity. So by thinking about the being and then attempting what ya are, will get its attention and if the situation warrants it. There will be suddenly a guard. So saying the being's name the first time will create the guard or cause it to be interested as it will feel ya intention and react. And then the situation ya in afterward will be the trigger thereafter.

  Now to be of it is to be with it as some people are as only to be their guard. As some people see their mental guards as dogs or bright energies, they can sometimes see themselves as the guard. I see mine as a fairy as their possibly meaner an can make things go wrong and such for the troublemaker.

  The wee are either goblin or hobgoblin and you have to be careful as pixie are the mean goblin types and brownie are friendly faery hobgoblin types in this case, that can achieve anything except killing themselves and working for the enemy. Sometimes they will require a fee to continue as an effective measure against bad tendency, that is chocolate or food as in a candy. Remember this, most tendency is bad by the choice that is done with it.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Atlantean Circle Spells

Modified 2/6/2011

I found this Atleantian circle doc to be interesting as the shields do work but not always the rest of the spells in the circles. The first ray of frost spell is likely to take a day to a week. Where what helps is to imagine the effect. The shields are easy, as they just are there to protect and prevent so absolutely no bad will occur to ya, while the shield is in effect. As some feel safer when they use the shields, sometimes ya can feel safe easily with the calm that is noticeable too. The thing is to keep trying them till they partially work. An then only when ya want to. Like the Sleep spell and the Minor vampiric drain. The minor vampiric drain drains people or victims or objects of a little energy. Works to keep ya awake, aware and with energy. Or, the mass vampiric drain spells can drain from many sources at a time. Keeps ya awake for a long time. Also, I also found that ya must have some heritage from atlantis to be able to do most the spells listed herein. Of course, the doc came from here.

These spells are ranked from easiest to extremest. The circles are easy to extreme from 1 to 16 and in levels 0 to 15. The level is denoted within () brackets. Ideas gotten from D&D; and originals including Neverwinter Nights and thoughts around the house. The circles are in groups of their own elements. These spells use phonetic spelling, that may or may not work for you unless you get the spelling right from the pronunciation key in []. So have fun trying them, to see if they do.
To cast them easier, you must have said them at least once right and thus you imagine the spell in some manner, such as the spell word itself, and think of where it effects as though it were in effect. If, ya can't get any effect from the phrase, then summon energy to be there by thinking its metainfluence is there. And try casting it then. Then, optional is the word you choose to cause it to be more effective. Its stated as in the place for the spell words, and can be 'done' or something else thats suitable to you.

If, ya find that ya can't complete a phrase word by stating it, then draw the rest of what ya can't say out by spelling it out with a limb or any finger. This will complete the spell as though using hand language. Optional is just drawing a freehand rune that means in ya mind the spell itself. This is as ya do rituals required for the spell itself. After casting the spell, then mentioning the thing to effect, ya can cause a more directed effect. Sometimes things that are general, aren't actually felt or understood as 'there'. So, when ya direct the effect more than often its easier, to feel or to see the effect.

There is mention of damages and healing amounts listed with the spell. These are those idea effects for the amounts. We start with A note on damages and to cure the damages, we go onto A note on healing.
A note on damages: Damage amount is accumulative and is shock like slight damage that is healed by being regenerated to negate damage;
   Minor is as in a cut or slight burn that must be healed within 3 days or the victim dies or its regenerated. It can also be some damage to the area, like chipping and slight burns.
  Minor-medium or minor-moderate is for a 2nd degree burn or deep cut which must be healed within 2 days or the victim dies or is regenerated. It can also be cuts in surfaces and abraded areas.
  Medium or moderate wounds the target for a very deep cut or a 3rd degree burn that must be healed within 1 1/2 days or the target may be infected and die unless its regenerated. It can also be allot of chipping and abrasively rubbed or burned area.
  Medium-high or moderate-serious dazes the target for at least 6 seconds with a deep wound or 3rd degree burns that must be healed within 1 day or victim dies or it can be assisted in healing to regenerate. It can also be some destruction of the area.
  High or serious is out cold for at least 6 seconds with a deep bruise, 4th degree burn or cut that shows bone and must be healed in half a day the victim dies. It can also be more destruction than is expected, to an area and it will show burns easily.
  High-extreme or serious-extreme knocks out the victim for at least 18 seconds with internal wounding (deep bleeding) or 5th degree burns and must be healed within 30 minutes or victim dies. This can be for the environment as though allot of damages.
  Extreme knocks out a victim for at least 36 seconds, with light internal wounding or 6th degree burns that must be treated in 15 minutes or the victim dies without chance of resurrection. This can be for the environment, as if major damages.
  Extreme-deadly and puts victim in system shock for at most 72 seconds with heavy internal bleeding and it can leave victim in hospital for 9 months or in a coma unless treated in 1 minute or the victim dies without possibility for raising except later may come back as a revenant. This can be chunks of things destroyed or a highly burned surface.
  Deadly kills victim with no raising possible. This can be massive damage that is with damages that cause things to crumble or fall on others. And, high marks of burning and incineration is everywhere as is possible.

A critical hit is a good chance to hit and will knock victim unconscious for least 36 seconds sometimes with heavy internal bleeding. If no treatment for internal bleeding, then the victim will die in 2 min for light internal bleeding and 30 sec for heavy internal bleeding. Head wounds are critical hits that daze the person. Any critical hits will daze them unless blood rage, cold rage and other rages, for which they are not effected and keep going. For dazing the person, creature or monster loses 6 seconds till the next time.

A note on healing: Healing amount like minor-moderate damage restored is accumulative, as;
  Slight or minor and cures or removes cuts and bruises.
  Slight-medium or minor-moderate and heals bruises faster and deep cuts.
  Medium and moderate as it heals deep bruising or open and deep cuts with stat recovery.
  Medium-high or moderate-serious and heals deep bruising or internal bleeding and higher stat recovery.
  High and serious for system shock recovery, bone repair and healing very deep wounds.
  High-extreme or serious-extreme wakes the person up in 6 seconds causing slow regeneration, including faster bone repair.
  Extreme and causes fast regeneration.
  Extreme-deadly healing for heavy internal bleeding recovery in 6 seconds with very fast regeneration, and very fast bone repair.
  Deadly restoration in an healing resurrects or raises victim with high regenerative ability rate including regenerating bones.
If ya want to add a boost to the spell, add a pronounced X, and however many times, each x will increase its potential. As in the speed spells, 'spe' will speed ya up so much where speXXX will speed ya up allot. There is only a certain amount of fire in the air to be used in fire based spells at one time. So if the fire spell ceases to work, then wait till the fire in the air is replenished or summon fire energy to be there in the air, and in a sufficient amount. Some can summon heat and the heat, if concentrated, will form into fire as it catches fire. Then there is cold spells, as to use cold based spells, ya have unlimited amounts of energy. Added to this is that fact, of if ya don't want it to be an attack, target or imagine the element form of the air or an object ya don't care for anymore. Now onto the spells.

 Circle/Level - Description
Circle I/(0) - Beginner effects
Circle II/(1) - Very easy effects
Circle III/(2)  - Easy effects
Circle IV/(3)  - Slightly easy effects
Circle V/(4)  - Moderate effects
Circle VI/(5)  - Very moderate effects
Circle VII/(6)  - Extremely moderate effects
Circle VIII/(7)  - Hard effects
Circle IX/(8)  - Very hard effects
Circle X/(9)  - Extremely hard effects
Circle XI/(10)  - Mastery & epic effects
Circle XII/(11)  - Particles and high effects
Circle XIII/(12)  - Source/being effects
Circle XIV/(13)  - Extreme metal effects; This can drive ye slightly insane
Circle XV/(14) - Very extreme, life & instant effects; These can drive ye slightly crazy
Circle XVI/(15) - High extreme of metal magic, drugs, conditions and substance effects; (These can make you appear addicted)
Circle XVII/(16) - Spells of Ages

Nox effect spells

Its effect thats to be said with intention in 3 or 4 words or as a phrase while feeling the effect occur using energy of your a of choice. So if harry potter spells its 2 words sometimes 3 and said as if together. The base of nox spells is chaos defined by order or poisonous activity that serves as an energizing event. 

An E To do; To be as you are with expertise. So we effected are to do as of what is or want to be.

Icamaz uansit itok; Just speaking these words can be genocide. I see it, its amazing, oh what insight and I think it okay. To get over problems and to see how its like and possibly do or overdo. Just suggest something and after it is spoken maybe its done somewhere .

Bei rei mei to complete a ritual by usual usage and instinct. The completion ritual. The complexity of this is three words and is set by useage of fact, theory and idea.

Bei mei is to taste and to be beaten away but is counted fun by fact.

Bey mey; To get control and debrief in a moment.

Mei Sei; You see the past as a inliving result and live event.

In bey mei; To be of fact not fiction as it is fact spoken out in unliteral use.

Out bey mei; To be of fact not fiction as it is of fact spoken outside or to generally outspoken.

Bey mey my er; Causes an admirer at a cost of idea in effect that may do or even events up.

Bey mey my; Causes an immortality to damages in an effect by use or idea.

Bei mei bei; It makes things that are possible occur. It is possible as void has its own source thats discontinued from the main. It generates a madness voice by use. Some can be turned to believe the slight voices in the head, then by void they can be going demented. It can make a person believe almost anything. Despite or given over natural beliefs.
To tune out void voice, think of the madness voice and then of a moment, as the moment takes its place as you can't do what the voice says but observe the moment. Or the voice mimics something similiar to what you think and you tune it out.

Un nox dc; to create constant disconnects and d/c effect.

Bei nox dei; To create the belief to be understood and you believe almost anything.

Bei look; Look see Do and there. His and mine.

Nox bei frog; To cause a frog to appear somewhere and jump on you or a person and explode but if they don't explode then you transform into a frog. For each frog it acts as if it rains down somewhere through translocation and theres thousands that singularly appear. But neverless appear to rain down.

Bei nox dei; I am uneffected, To be as ineffectant or a ineffectual motion. To not be effected by any effect that is thought on, a energy or a power, but in your mind you may seem to be where you aren't. Its soemthing unexpected, that you come back from the effect when you do.

E espri d; to clean up to be set as clean after the death of the smell or idea. As its dying the scent, its clean.

E espri m; To clean up the area or effects by clean moments and motions.

A sa ge; In you sought to get, imagine what it is know what it does and you get it in effect. To save something to get it.

A sa te; The only versatile get, To be in a rupt lifestyle and yet get at the same time of something.
A ing mey; Assing it my, Causes you to be away from being attacked in position and hence away from the fighter.

In rai day; To wait or be a weight and have the weight or no weight as needed.

E mong amang; Teh! be chakra. To be in and of chakra energy.

Ifs ex id; if expouse they could attack. To be of talking nature that causes attack.

E che xra; to know of the land and to get things done by effort.

Exra de xra; to cause the fit moment and some sorta radiation reforming. No radiation, its just a fit or you see a positive for each negative.

Xosel it sel; But be it for be and remove yourself from the latter. It can reform family.

It sel spec; The trick of the imagination, it doesn't exist if you don't think it does. To be able and avoid the demonic, be as unnoticing of it and do things thinking "I am unaffected". This may backfire.

Expecta ip ix; to create a transmutable creature. Some could consider the creature a were that can transform a person on a touch into one of them.

E puerto beurro; To be unknown for it in near them, and able to recognize it.

I puerto buerro; To be government and do it and be or remain unknown for it.

Bei noi ex; To act and play it by ear to learn something.

Ipu we do; A lot of shit, and input we do. To input and something does what it is in input.

Ignere e ino; do to try and to create another moment. This is in translation to the other effect, things that do egu be able.

Za ce ith; To cast from within, and love to work. But idea may disappear on you.

Ies e give; To give the third eye and is self humiliation or interesting things that cause hate to work with it.

A sel creatix; Self-creation is suitable as anything that forms as that goes with it.

Is he it; don't have to do it, Is he to do it.

Es en sp; End span, to end the span of time, but say yes to end spell.

Es e sp; If it is ever a formation, it must it is as we do. Is e as e in ge. He is as e in ge.

Do yer ter; as if er to do your term. It is if.

Es er ger; To cast by it or a germ, a germ that does any effect to do.

En es sp; to end the spell by energy to effect and to be of an action.

Es ter ox; to use a crushing grip.

Esp er gex; Down to use a stick for effect.

Cheu won vue; An with breath focus, by function focus on it whatever it is, now lets continue.

Non exis bein; to have most objects or the object you point at to go into nonbeing which is the state of being.

Is he i; A To only know what I the caster supposedly knows.

En sube rune; End the rune on things.

En se in; is set a current event.

A se dr; is a trade event, like trade places and then act as the person only to not only trade back.

A se duh; is to redo event as to make it occur till its finished or necessary. A se ne; is to redo rebuild as event as perse. A trick of giving another try at something or of that which does occurs but wait, to go too far in this is recurring debts.

Sto an do; stopped and worked with, works as simple and as smooth actions makes moments that seem to be okay.

An gu ta; causes a gut of the moment and in an idea by reconditioning in the focus. A pe; makes a pet that is there and can shift in ,&an can make more of itself. To make yourself to make itself in recognition thus in a pet to reproduce itself.

An pa am; Its supposed to be as able in body but this can make pains from any pay..

An em pa am; To be of trivial effort effect to create a huge horrible impact.

An em am; It is when you are to do something for the effect and are due of some reaction that is the..

In en if; To ever shift or shift places by thought or a pattern.

Ehs Be id; Ehs; You may do it but not be noticed. To do so but not be noticed by anyone with association itself.

As Au monral; Where as cohpre as tune; self writing provision of monrail.

An accues ocuer; To kill the target or target forget spell, whichever is the cause of it. It can occur by some object in passing.

An if en; A Time by purpose if enemy, an if en is to be as an enemy as if to some time and purpose.

Am if en; Amethy Makes what not to do. What not to do, is to not define it right and procede as if to procure.

Be double helix; Create an aura that has another aura that shines through. like a shining, the idea is that you have another being in you that is causing the shine.

So set up; This is so unusual to set up by an soul the idea situation is se't in un. As the soul shift was almost anywhere and able to share multiple bodies at a situation. You set up the soul but you set the condition.

Es un se; To uncover the truth amongst or by legend.

To se in; To manage it, and be of a pattern. This can set up offices or area. The se up do.

Is un se in; To bear in a set by a pro pattern by truth or idea as it is. This allows you to bear the truth by seeing it.

As no tu eb; As I see it now, in tv, Very good as in moment. Now name the moment to be of making.

To see sue; That makes it so, Had to see it to believe it.

To cid an do; To be as selective with Identity and in use.

Ter er go; To cast this may cause Terrir by irritations enforced. Its of a cause to cause terror to make them move.

Er erg ergo; A lifetime moment is of passability to be of an idea that isn't passable by moment. To be of a monster that is in goal by bystandard moment that is of passable.

As set undo; As is set its do to undo and is some not chosen to do.

As am me; Descend all time and space, to ascend it and think of the change to be affected on things. To make it have happened.

I As am well; Am well is to do as is well but with alot of energy. Is to make the person energetic.
Am as well; Amythy as it is to be away and hidden. To be more like a master.

To be with; To make companionship or friendship by being of use in of idea and of moments.

Ce ne te; To make the be and not to capture and to be of use by virtue.

Enmm no ce; To become similiar in a energy by either a change or a charge.

En ne game; To cause an energy by use, some by activity of some effect that uses anchore points to do a shift

En na sava; En na End as 'av nothing, Save face and the value of object, item or person.

Am ef em; A high joke to play on players, you em are of the fm making events and people are the listeners. This can cause a ef sound thats continuance for 30 minutes.

Am if em; As if females worked. An idea spell. By choices we make this spell creates a idea representative.

Insidue Inech tu; causes you to go and eat a honey nectar flower.

Eng chai tchi; To capture the wind. Control where they go and what they do where it is by physic or psychic action. You can actually tell where they will go before that. In control but in thier own by thier psychic force. Self subtle version for this moment is in force.

Chai Eng no; To cause a relief pattern that relelieves you of somethings that are disasters. This can cut you off from english. Every english syllable you deny you get freed from a disaster.

Bas soe ching; Needs fifteen people, laying over as if someone who you are. You make them you for a small time.

En haidu eu; To begin and see as a inner child as you are a energy child again.

In resolu dissolve; To break out of prison effect.

It ebnez itz; It is all made as is and its all by the idea of hits or misses.

En per fit; To make it less than a perfect fit.

In vimp ea; A magical foe that serves your purpose. Serves up to you by use and is friendly.

Ac an be; To not be as to do but be able and its as it is to do. Drinks can be good in a can be.

It will be; A prepared be idea but it will be as told to be as is and you are as you are by will. A will that is set up by another will and needs the first will to not change much of ever.

An aspect be;A To be as you can but you must accept the other alternatives as if they were here and now and sometimes be as prepared to do as is by will. You could be affected by an alternative or be directed by one. This doesn't always include invisible poison, or good effects except for beatings and descriptions of destructions. To direct diversive energy to buy off alternatives. To go' no you don't' ends the effect.

A he can; not to be as in a can and able to deux. This causes hectic behavior on a he type person frenzied activity in a she type.

A grix hit; A hit on the solar plexus. A grip on arm to pause them else. To do else an. Arevr hit; A revs hit, A reverse hit, To hit but miss and not try to hit again unless need be. To split off to a separate reality as is. When violence is near go bear.

Un cen tra; Uncentralized use and feel. To fig and feel as unknown and somewhere hit upon.

Un cen tre; To be as uncentered yet still walk. As if unbalanced.

An am pa; To cause and be of entry to unenterable area.

En ce dr; To drive as if possible. This causes a scene of you driving or it could work on another.

Ence tre dr; To trace a movement by drive and individualism and cause a drive by distance.

En aba tr; To be an end about this by trace or ending an trace.

En abe tr; End famous time trace.

En a dre; To end a dream by desire and with skill.

En aba tr; End the about time trace.

En ce de; End the scenic idea view of death.

En ce; The idea endpoint where they talk about it and stop suddenly.

En no dr; The way to stop driving, by means of energy or cause endurance by means of endocrine.

En no dre; The dream continuuance by idea work and desire. The dream by idea, work and desire.

Its not og; Create a medical science petitionary. This seems like an invisible book full of terms.

Be of an it; To be of an end moment to each group.

If ne og; medical science and petition effect. What you state is sometimes negated if used as a disease. This works off of a negative use that is something of what it reveals.

Sep se us; Separation of self by use or activity, if you focus on something an use it then you get some sort of separation at most from the area of a surrounding.

Thru act pact; Through Action paction is to listen to the core, the core of something in the earth or any message. Actions in a paction make actions for actions in accord.

Ens of it; Go to the ends of the earth to do.

Ens if it; To seal the way as if it didn't exist. To also get an answer.

En will do; It is to reach an end by will but if it is a gateway it reaches a natural end by closure.

Ens if en; To fix and en'd if do by going backward till its stopped, beyond a point or again.

En if en; To seal a way, to go forth and do not be effected by it or anything beyond.
Moment in circle; Movement incircle, To be the circle of events in the moment and movement, anything beyond the circle of the moment in time is not really known. As the moment can be a moveable point. This sorta freezes time to be as effective as it is.

In nox ex; To exchange in of the effect as with another.

Mezzr am izzpu. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This course of action is caused by this curse.

Fra ah dup; Fraud, calls a moment of fraud to be dissolute in a moment.

Zeit ge ist; zeitgeist, To be of familiar comparison. This allows you to make comparisons of familiar of values easier.

Gi to yu; Momentary idea curse, it makes it up on 'given to you'.Once cast iit spreads itself to others. As if a cold to tell when it works as if sinuses. This curse will create events for you.

Gi by do; Extraction use for curses, To Disable, dissolve, and disarm any negative components of the curse, leaving behind only the beneficial granting components. Then Perma-lock.

Be prcv blev, Be percieve believe, an what value is gotten from the activity.

Per cev; self pollution by automated purpose and in males masturbating of some sort. In decision its self deceit.

Ge a; Entry or exit as well as if like butter.

Pre def susp; Predefine other suspects,

Ch'e; To be of some type an idea and to sustain while knowing zero got it. It could also be useage of chex cereal or use to control of you..

Be issi mo; To be of appreciable fate or faery, That in itself is not exact, idea of that in which you are wont to. But whereas for manual things, We may actually cause outselves to believe to be beng ling or a being of great nature or force to cause omnipotence in the middle of fey or others..

In ap apes; To be as teleported by apes to being where you want to be by apelike activity.

In ep apes; To see apes in episodes as if mental episodes were of apes.

Nox defend To set a defense as of sorts or idea to which you defend for. By some sorta action sometimes with poison.

E es n; Energy weight not, this n in def is to say nothing is energy weighted or its energy weighted by nothing. Whats your lesson as well.

E en es; End of ascertained weight gain and could be cause of weight loss.

E en of; To propagate amongst the other people and go with things.

E en if; Energy end if to be as an end to an episode or idea thing.

A li go; Actively to life go, To go as actively in life as well as in idea.

A la go; A law to go, To actively go for law. To state an effect or idea and its as law.

A le go; A lesson to go, to be as an active person in a lesson to go. This can turn even the most boring conversation into a lesson.

To ef not; To not flunk the idea or action, this leads one not to quit on an idea and it whatever it is does not get to the family.

In ef no; Into family not, it is not but into the failing or family unless unnecessary.

In po n; Into potency or poorness as not, as to not be poor or into family.

Im po n; Immediate help by potent action or it can cause poor action for nothing as for impotency or to be in no potent idea by some immediate action.

In es n; Into weight not, this is to lead into thinking of slenderness or less weighty idea. As into jump as of into another place.

In no po; In no poorness, This is in no poorness or in a number of potency effects we get things freely.

In mo po; Into more poor or an potent actions. This leads you in through more poorly thought out actions or into more potent ones.

In po ep; Gain the police aid to help you along and help you with things.

In no oo; To be of idea and quality but to the effect of surprise or dullness.

In en noo; Its to react with the force necessary to stop a fight. It stops a fight.

Oo no; Its to be Surprise I give you my identity. Also a point of going to stop something.

Sp e is; This is a timed effect you see, where if I want to do it here I have done it else in some dimension and gather from that experience to a point and its there 2 seconds afterwards as if programming or messages tells you what is.

Fe sue schan; To go where you want to go as you shift and move. You appear there as a vision occurs to show where you appear.

Do you in; Due you in, is to duel into using something thats into using by unfair of fights.

En es sp; Ne sp is En weight spell, the person is undone in extra weight. Or the person loses extra weight as the weight is automatically undone..

An important spell recovered, prebirth effect, you meet in the pre world and you take requsts or idea and do them after birth as a point.

Fe sue do; Causes two effects. To listen with the back part of the brain and respond with the front. Or to listen with the front part and use the back part of the brain to respond with is to respond unconsciously.

In es spec; In es spec is in weights specialty. Makes you a weight specialist.

So vir; Its a virus that is a he and he's seen openly and seen publically. He can transmit a virus on a touch or thought. He works for the caster.

Galenn mate oh; eng edg ihg, the atomic edge, it forms or forces an atomic swordlike edge to anything. Tp superimpose the actual edge onto a pre-existing item.

En G ; Use for all the energy in the world and idea of getting fed but not till fat.

Zan oc diol; Its the end of a optio. This is the fifth demensional way to make your commendment in minutes as its a bet or its to make a safe idea to make a bet of the fit moment.

An ef kao; Chaos spore, to form a being and let the being effect by letting them see the person and they dissolve into separate sorceries as chaos spores and they form into the body thats a target and become you or the other person who cast it. In a dawn or a day you actually know things which means you are not only in control of the person an its another in uncontrolled state.

E is us; E is in, it makes us into energy beings, and the target will write in almost anything automatic and or basically. As if you were the writer but you use others as source. As if into a imaginary computer or efficient machine, It does it in notepad or just a notepad itself which is a necessity set there for you. E is write and the write is of us.

Red'un dan cy; To be of moment that makes you distracted and dis temporarily be or just temporarily disbelieving in the effect, thus said person does something else.

Sub pac tu; spirit energy that forms into of you around you to come into you and gives you a instant charge, a mastrebeat or extra energy recharging you in an instant.

Ise it ju; It makes a power of sleep through a materialized poison that you can sprinkle on things.

Ite it ju; It causes items to get away from you as if oppositely magnetized.

Oze it ju; It causes items that punch out victims polyelectically. Some items or person may in an end ooze in bad smelling gunk or stuff.

Ize it ju; It causes item maximum to goto size then minimizes it.

Ase it ju; It causes items to be electrically 'charged' and by a materialized silver black powder that can be sprinkled on them. This could also be reversal dust in use.

As itj it; To have a writer of energy to write up you of things you know or do. The stop to this is to say "He wrote enough". The writer can remind you of the writing you did or should do by on going effort and on repeation of scene.

Et e writer; To be of a writer skill in instances after saying the spell. To write the idea and you end up with more energy.

Et an wret; To eat and them retch the stuff from some reason, this is caused on the victim.

An e writer; at the wrist you see images appear as if writing.

I as es; To pass through and phase in unharmed. This can lead you to anywhere  you think of and movement of any sort can cause you to bridge the gap between two places or to appear there..

I as en; to be aware and go effort. This can lead you to be aware and go through effort. Any movement can lead you to be there where you want.

Un De du; To be dumb in the depths of the mind or a field. This is a vile curse. It can cause on a negative field of energy to be by death dumb and its an end of things.

An en bypro; In depth an byproduct, this allows for a in depth field to bring in the end a product or production of what you want.

in dept kio; instant in depth idea by being in an in debt moment.The negative effect of this may cause craziness, gun shooting an other idea an by use similar to being in an unsafe moment or having an irresistable unsafe idea.

Hammicus shield, Human well the homminous to take the blow. Hommonius are human beings that can take any blow and also shift to roach form.

Esperantz taraunt taun;Its the portal page, by effect in efficiency you can be anywhere.By use in physics you can be anywhere that you set your mind on as this spell can mimic those physics. You literally create a page in some way that portals you safely to some area.

Espertz asert issert; To get the shits that can come back despite cures like immodium. But the idea is that you hide it by being assertive.

In nox no; To epidemistist over something as you hear it on a bad cycle of the moon or to be bade into action by thought or voice.

In nax no; To be an episode of damning something by use of focus in points that may make mob mentality. This could incite a mob or a damning fit that is listened to.

Asn itz idn; Its sometimes a tine by use in idea of identity as its a sometimes use that is a hidden and it stops the idea of a spell by making a 'not knowing' case of effort where the spell of the idea works off you knowing it and the spell stops because you don't gnow and the opposite effect of this spell is you the caster or target doesn't know as it may pertain to an assignment or assigned idea.

Asn use itz; Its all in the mind, its bind it theory or faery but bind in thought. To bind a concept that may occur as in the use of it.

Ipnea in vence; To set in motion protection of use at home and immunity to diseases that you get out of it. It can ceases paralysis or thats the idea.

Azn ih as; It can bear upon the mark and leave them in pain. Just by thinking of certain things they are in pain. You say the certain things.

End up lit; End up an in literature or end up lit up with flames.

Disc o pline; To be disciplined by something as in a game or effect which appears from an area thats unexpected.

Feh in due; Feght in due, Freed of effect influence, anything. To be freed of an effect by influence or just be free of effective influence.

Enz en ihz; Well of influence, it makes a well of energy that is to be influential by wavelike patterns and it is of what you want that they end up doing.

A the an; Assumed conclusion, a kind of cunclusion that is conscious conclusion. In the negative side of the moon effect for this you see a knockout by midnight of who is you.

A good else; A good excuse of things is formed from bad excuses and so forth. Such as a good reaction is caused from something as is of a bad or bade notion.

A good cause; Creates of a good or baded effect of that which stems to be a good cause. Excuse of the misinterruption about albeit is of intercession intercedence..

A great cause; An excuse of things, idea and moment albeit to good.

An Information mention; To be as if the source of information and consolance.

Beside the factor; Allows other things that are not of these effects. The effect of a math problem, the effect of weight, the effect of aftereffects.

Bousche um id; To as if um identity, Causes weight loss, by statement of the phrase you feel like your lightening up the actual meals necessary and an undeniable draw of weight downward. It developes powers that are necessary for it.

Feline aceita pensamento; Think "" "feline aceita pensamento" on the thought of the cats and they will like you. As you might feel directed to the effect of getting them to like you.

Psi being attack; To attack by focusing and standing or sitting to cause an effect of something on someone. Yo gather energy from standing to do things or yo sit to gather from the seat an as an objective force gathers it effects to do. Yo can even do it through a brochure.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Charms, Spells, Hexes, and Curses of High magic and Harry Potter and High Magic Chant

  High magic is the study of using power words and phrases. Use a wand, force or focus energy into the hand and focus the hand on casting as if a wand or focus on the target and state the spell with intent and the spell will manifest on a point near the target and effect. An alternative style is to think of the words to cast and then have an image of the target while you do a flick of the wand. or finger. This doc separated into 6 parts.

  A note on high magic: High magic chants are formed by so many in believing that it will do of the effect at least somewhere, that it is caused an by a statement of the word or phrase evoking that belief and with the intention that it will do that work. The page is here, at

Old Material
Normal use spells
High magic added by Spellhawk
Created by Shadow Yomasu
Extra additions of various high magic material
Extra spell additions of Movie and game

New Material?
Spells from the movie and book 6
Even more spells from the movies, games and books

Elven forcecraft spells

By the Angel of White Fire
contributed to by: friends, others and experiments ©

To form more elven spells, use this formula: The resource that the spell draws from, subject  and the action verb or phrase. Or, The resource that powers the spell and the action you want the resource to do.

Aile ailine ailo aire aina aksa ambarta = water spell
Aile ailine ailo aire aina aksa amlug = water dragon
Anar anaroore anrrima anarya ambarta = shining light
Anar anaroore anrrima anarya amlug = dragon of light
Aile ailine ailo aire aina aksa andamunda = water elephant
Anar anaroore anrrima anarya andamunda = light elephant
Anar anaroore anrrima anarya ango angwi = water snake
Anar anaroore anrrima anarya aara = false dawn – kills vampires
Anar anaroore anrrima ainator maa = hand of god spell - as in doom
Anar anaroore anrrima anarya ankalima alka = sunlight beam that kills shadows
Anar hui lusta palla men hui = area dark that causes shadows
ambar aire anar nulla urwa wilma kelva tulka = heal wounds
ambar aire anar nulla urwa nu kelva tulka = heal deep wound
ambar aire anar nulla urwa nu wilma kelva tulka assare = heal bones
ilya quanta kelva tulka harwe ilya-ser = group heal
ambar noore kelva tulka noore = repair land
ambar aire anar nulla urwa wilma nu qualme = cause death and agony
ambar aire anar nulla urwa qualme tulka = raise dead
ambar aire anar nulla urwa nu wilma quaame = cause poisoning
ambar aire anar nulla urwa nu wilma quaame tulka = cure poison
ambar quende aire fyria nu urwa wilma wili = make fly(flight)
ambar quende aire fyria nulla nu karka loomin = make shade or shadow
ilya karka ava-ainu firya loomin = fade (souless human shadow)
ilya ilfirin = immortal
ilya istya = all knowing or powerword knowledge
ilya tiuya mii vanwe venwe = no fat or reduce fat
ilya maka = powerword slay
ilya kuile = powerword liveV
ilya fuume = powerword sleep
ilya osse parka = melting mist or horrid wilting
ilya mart-onta = create item
ilya onta suhto = create drink
ilya onta yaave = create fruit
ilya onta apsa = create cooked food
ilya uu = undo
ilya uu-ilya = undo all
ambar wilma putta = stop
arda venie = earth shape
tanya arda siirima karka venie = lava elemental
tanya venie = fire elemental
wista venie = air elemental
helke venie = ice elemental
neen venie = water elemental
lusta venie = void elemental
kuru venie = magic elemental
ilya uuve alma = get wealthy
ilya ainu maka = kill spirit
undume valasse uumea X = banish or drive away
undume valasse uumea X ainu = banish spirit
undume valasse uumea X osse = terror banish or banish nightmare
lusta kara na = make be
elda firya nisse neer lav-na = make compromise or make allowance
ilya varya si mine = protection of one
ilya varya limbe = protect many
lusta arda tanya wista helke neen kuru varya = all element protection
lusta merke tarne ter lin-tinko = pass though metallic attack
lusta merke firya lav-na na sermo = turn enemy, wierd counterspell or friend spell
lusta firya lav-na na serme = girlfriend spell
aule arda tanya wista neen kuru kelva tulka si aule = fix invention
arda tanya wista helke neen kuru kelva tulka si kar = fix house
oor firya elda uu-or = calm emotion
anka firya lusta kelva tulka anta anka uu-nwalya = painless teeth and gum repair
anka firya lusta uu-nwalya = reduce pain
lusta tol noore-ti Oo hwesta varna raane firya elda = klondike safety travel
ilya varna horta nan-luume raane = forward time travel
ilya varna horta il-nan-luume raane = backward time travel
ilya ilya kelva kotumo nuru = wierd spell (kill all enemies)
ilya wista kalina wili lutu-kalina = featherfall
wista neen ilya kelva poika amba uu-saura = clean all
ilya kelva poika amba ilya saura lanne = auto clean clothes
wista neen poika lanne tanya kelva uu-saura wista = good scent or zone of sweet air
wista helke lusta sinome na en = teleport (think on appearing in place)
wista helke lusta en na sinome = import here (think of thing or person)
luume lusta helke putta luume = time stop (no events occur)
lusta neen il-putta nan-luume = continue time forward
lusta neen il-putta uu-nan-luume = continue time backward
ilya nuquerna naikelea kara = reverse attack or torture
aule lusta karne horta = speed up machine
aule firya horta nan-luume = speed time forward
aule firya horta il-nan-luume = speed time back
aule lusta hir-si mi si = find this
aule lusta firya un-lenka nan-luume = slow time forward
aule lusta firya un-lenka uu-nan-luume = slow time back
aule lusta uu-urys-et-aule = anti-burnout
onna lusta aule kuile yar-suk onna uumea X = drive away fleas, lice or ticks
olva aule kuile uumea X onna uu-nosta = creature anti-birth or anti-fertility
ilya nuquerna naikelea kara = reverse attack or torture
ilya wista kalina wili lutu-kalina = featherfall
ondo aule wista lusta tanwe varna tarna tere sarna = passage through stone
nat aule wista lusta tanwe varna tarna tere sarna = passage through things
ilya firya uu-na kena si er = invisibility
ilya firya uu-na kena ilya-dil = mass invisibility
kuuma kuuma kelva yar-suk onna lapse nuru = kill all fleas and eggs (adapted wierd spell)
kuuma sanye firya elda fainu-il-sanye = release from illegal persecution
aule kara-suule kuuma kara-oore-lapse nuru yar-suk onna = auratically kill all fleas and eggs or vampiric creatures
aule kuuma il-aule = undo curse or invention
lusta kuuma na si er = negative kill
ilya lusta ambar uur kara-suule noa faina = cause effect to be made by speaking it
ilya lusta ambar uur kara-suule faina = cause effect to be made from the aura and your idea that you want to happen
ilya lusta ambar uur tengwa faina = cause effect from writings
ilya lusta ambar kara-suule hauta = cease effect by aura

Advanced latin forcecraft spells section

This is the last latin spells training doc part that is going to be posted as the liquid spells reference and possible latin spells are too big to post and the main spells in the site.

Advanced Section- this section is focused on review and memorization with usage of foundations on which you will cast your spells. This section’s main focus is the learning of new root latin words for the elements and how they are categorized. All of the root words in this section should be committed to memory. This is cancellable by ne cesso necessary.

First lets begin with the root words the advanced use' needs to know

maximus = basically means to attack, or cause a disruption
luminoct = ignite or enact
thundoris = storm
bentidoct = empower
dorise = empower yourself
emperoct = restore
omoptio = purify
pises = wind empowering psychicly
reparo = self-repair
un = undo effect
empyrus = fiery
en or ne = near the end is no effect, otherwise think the end is done if the end is near.
ne = undone, medieval latin root for not done by fee or feel
commonio = common, person, body
alesan = selective

Latin elemental root words

Earth elements

taura = earth
liquentis = lava
pyro = fire
hydro = water
cyro = ice
aero = air
thundora = air / thunder
neuro = aether = mind= if too much is insanity use ne neuro
voidus neuro = mental space

Voidal elements

voidus = void
voidus pyro = black fire
voidus cyro = black ice
voidus aero = space
voidus thundora = black lightning
animus = ether = spirit
voidus animus = soul space
voidus aero pyro = plasma
voidus aero animus liquentis = black lava

Faery elements

inversio taura = inverse earth = faery earth
inversio liquentis = inverse lava = faery lava
inversio pyro = inverse fire = faery fire
inversio pyrus hydrus = inverse fire = faery fire
inversio hydro = inverse water = fairy water
inversio cyro = inverse ice = faery ice
inversio aero = inverse air = faery air
inversio thundora = inverse thunder = faery lightning
inversio visus = inverted vision = magic sight
inversio ancile = inverted shield
inversio aevus = inverted time
magicus = magick
voidus inversio pyro = inverted black fire = absorption black fire
voidus inversio cyro = inverted black ice = healing black ice
voidus inversio aero = inverted space = breathable space
voidus aero inversio pyro = inverted plasma = absorbing plasma
chao inversio liquentis = inverted black lava = mutation lava

Adverse elements

penetro = passthrough = adverse earth
penetro commutatus = adverse lava = passthrough mutative lava
commutatus = change = adverse fire
commutato potus = change absorbtion = adverse firewater
potus = absorbtion = adverse water
potus abfabricatio = absorbtion remaking ice = adverse ice
abfabricatio = remaking = adverse air
defluo = adverse lightning = disappearing lightning
iniquus = adversity
iniquus visus = adverted sight = psychic sight
iniquus ancile = adverted shield
iniquus aevus = adverted time
voidus commutatus = adverted black fire = changing black fire
voidus potus abfabricatio = adverted black ice = remaking absorbing black ice
voidus abfabricatio = adverted space = remaking space
voidus aero commutatus = adverted plasma = morphing plasma
chao penetro commutatus = adverted black lava = adversive diversive lava

Faery transform ability
Think to transform or think no longer to transform.

Advanced latin

Omni maximus aero animus commutatus commonio reparo bentidoct = transform to what form or shape you see or think by creating with thinking the shape or work is by water or food with use.
Omni commonio alesan reparo = create by drinking with water or not.

Use is omni or think the body change with ne to create by alesan with reparo where you want. This is omni alesan commutatus commonio emperio repairo or some idea by choice.
Use is ne or no, no or yes as net is uses selectively done.

Other use: Use is not as net is uses. The charm does the effect or not if necessary, as you don't need or wish the effect,
"this is not there so stop" is ne repairo or cesso en = with fire the only way out or other elements is to repair by necessary idea or wasted things not being there as dissipated or allowed not for opposite.
En cesso eihn is negate by ideal.

Cancelling is a safe way to negate by area energy.
Alesan aero pyro hydro taura ne bentidoct
Omni say alesan omni bentidoct
Omni ne en aero pyro hydro taura en bentidoct
"Omni en aero pyro hydro taura necesso by defluo en is ne bentidoct"

Faery language or nah is bad thats no for no attraction or you feel to change by shape energy.
Fey ney se no ne ba; Change or not as necessary. Otherwise the idea this is no longer necessary. Interest to create not bade or bade by yourself.

Ne na se sa = stay or "say it stopped" this is no longer effective
Ne sah en = this stops any unwanted idea
Nay se sa en = neigh, nah say it stopped

Uh ne uo se neh; No no need no attraction or necessity by area or feel until you think to see or negate to change shape.

Faery language
Fey ney se no ne ba nah; Interest to create not bade or bade by yourself. Think "nah not good use to cancel" by "use is fee".

Latin section

Earth spells
Omni maximus taura luminoct- earth attack
Omni bentidoct taura luminoct- fills object with the earth element
Omni bentidoct taura luminoct alesan dorise- empowers oneself with the earth element
Omni bentidoct taura emperoct- recovers from weakness and strengthens
Omni maximus taura bentidoct- causes earthquake
Omni bentidoct taura reparo - causes repair by earth energy
Omni bentidoct taura empyrus reparo - causes fiery repair by earth energy

Lava Spells
Omni maximus liquentis luminoct- lava attack
Omni bentidoct liquentis luminoct- fills object with the lava element
Omni bentidoct liquentis luminoct alesan dorise- empowers oneself with the lava element
Omni bentidoct liquentis alesan emperoct- heals weakness and causes weakness if overdone or heals wounds while strengthening
Omni maximus liquentis aero bentidoct- causes volcano
Omni bentidoct liquentis aero reparo- causes repair by lava
Omni maximus liquentis empyrus- fiery lava attack

Fire spells
Omni maximus pyro luminoct- fire ball/fire attack
Omni bentidoct pyro luminoct- fills object with the fire element
Omni bentidoct pyro luminoct alesan dorise- empowers oneself with the fire element
Omni bentidoct pyro emperoct- heals open wounds
Omni maximus pyro bentidoct- causes fire
Omni maximus pyro reparo- causes fire repair
Omni maximus pyro empyrus - causes fiery fire

Water spells
Omni maximus hydro luminoct- water attack
Omni bentidoct hydro luminoct- fills object with the water element
Omni bentidoct hydro luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the water element
Omni bentidoct alesan hydro emperoct- makes item sacred or heals by imagination
Omni maximus hydro bentidoct- causes waves
Omni bentidoct hydro reparo- causes water repair
Omni maximus hydro empyrus- causes fiery water

Ice spells
Omni maximus cyro luminoct- ice attack
Omni bentidoct cyro luminoct- fills object with the ice element
Omni bentidoct cyro luminoct alesan dorise- empowers oneself with the water to ice element
Omni bentidoct cyro emperoct- cleanses spirit or heal with imagination
Omni maximus cyro bentidoct- causes hail
Omni bentidoct cyro reparo- causes ice repair
Omni maximus cyro empyrus- causes fiery ice attack
Omni maximus cyro alesan = creative area water to ice creativity.

Air/Wind spells
Omni maximus thundora luminoct- lightning attack
Omni bentidoct thundora luminoct- fills object with the wind element
Omni bentidoct thundora luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the wind element
Omni bentidoct thundora luminoct alesan pises- wind empowering or wind direction by thinking or psychicly aware
Omni bentidoct thundora emperoct- cleanses spirit
Omni maximus thundora bentidoct- causes gusts of wind
Omni bentidoct thudora reparo- causes psychic wind repair
Omni maximus thudora empyrus- causes fiery wind

Mind Spells could be insanity
Omni maximus neuro luminoct- mind force energy attack. Basically a psychic attack.
Omni bentidoct neuro luminoct- fills object with the mind element
Omni bentidoct neuro luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the mind element cured if insanity by witch hazel to the skin with water or aloe vera,  internally drinking water with basil, possible witch hazel until or unless skin ointment, parsley, cinnamon, ginger, oregano
Omni bentidoct neuro emperoct- mental healing
Omni bentidoct neuro omoptio- causes clear thought, purifies mind
Omni maximus neuro bentidoct- mental assault waves
Omni bentidoct neuro reparo- causes mental sanity, repairs mind damage
Omni maximus neuro empyrus- causes mental insanity, causes mental damage flare up

The Spirit Element
Omni maximus animus luminoct- spirit attack
Omni bentidoct animus luminoct- fills object with the spirit element
Omni bentidoct animus luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the spirit element
Omni bentidoct animus emperoct- heals any wound, of any typeOmni maximus animus bentidoct- calls from help from the spirits
Omni bentidoct animus reparo- repairs anything, of any type
Omni maximus animus empyrus- causes anything fiery, of any type by spirit

VOIDAL SPELLS- note, void takes the approach of destruction, instead of creation. Such as
healing, healing with void destroys what ails you. Void is used widely with erasing of


Omni maximus neuro voidus luminoct- voidal mind force energy attack. Basically a madness attack.
Omni bentidoct neuro voidus luminoct- fills object with the madness element
Omni bentidoct neuro voidus luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the madness element
Omni bentidoct neuro voidus emperoct- remove insanity
Omni bentidoct neuro voidus omoptio- causes insanity, purifies mind
Omni maximus neuro voidus bentidoct- madness assault waves
Omni bentidoct neuro voidus repairo- causes insanity repair
Omni maximus neuro voidus empyrus- causes insanity flare up

Void spells

Omni maximus voidus luminoct- void attack
Omni bentidoct voidus luminoct- fills object with the void element
Omni bentidoct voidus luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the void element
Omni bentidoct voidus emperoct- absorbs wound as if it never happened
Omni maximus voidus bentidoct- causes a void in space and time, can erase things
Omni maximus voidus reparo- causes a void repair, can unerase things
Omni maximus voidus empyrus- causes a fiery void effect, can unerase things by a flared effect

Black fire

Omni maximus voidus pyro luminoct- black fire ball/black fire attack
Omni bentidoct voidus pyro luminoct- fills object with the black fire element
Omni bentidoct voidus pyro luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the black fire element
Omni bentidoct voidus pyro emperoct- instant incineration of a disease, but be weary, it can also destroy the body if allowed
Omni maximus voidus pyro bentidoct- causes black fire
Omni bentidoct voidus pyro reparo- instant repair of item
Omni bentidoct voidus pyro empyrus- instant black fire flaring

Black ice

Omni maximus voidus cyro luminoct- black ice attack
Omni bentidoct voidus cyro luminoct- fills object with the black ice element
Omni bentidoct voidus cyro luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the black ice element
Omni bentidoct voidus cyro emperoct- freezes wound so it will not get worse
Omni maximus voidus cyro bentidoct- causes black ice
Omni bentidoct voidus cyro reparo- causes regeneration of object or person
Omni bentidoct voidus cyro empyrus- causes black ice flare up

Space (physical representation of void)

Omni maximus voidus aero luminoct- space attack
Omni bentidoct voidus aero luminoct- will warp the object and it will generate cold and have radiative energy
Omni bentidoct voidus aero luminoct dorise- will warp oneself and you can shift [cannot be used for healing]
Omni maximus voidus aero bentidoct- causes space vacuum
Omni maximus voidus aero reparo- causes spacial seal that can seal things up
Omni maximus voidus aero empyrus- causes a fiery space

Black Lightning

Omni maximus voidus thundora luminoct- black lightning attack
Omni bentidoct voidus thundora luminoct- fills object with the black lightning element
Omni bentidoct voidus thundora luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with black lightning
Omni bentidoct voidus thundora emperoct- incinerates wound
Omni maximus voidus thundora bentidoct- causes black lightning storm
Omni maximus voidus thundora reparo- causes black lightning repair
Omni maximus voidus thundora empyrus- causes fiery black lightning

Voidus animus

Omni maximus voidus animus luminoct- soul space attack
Omni bentidoct voidus animus luminoct- fills object with the soul space element
Omni bentidoct voidus animus luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the soul space element
Omni bentidoct voidus animus emperoct- heals wounds in an unlimited time
Omni maximus voidus animus bentidoct- causes portal to soul space
Omni maximus voidus animus reparo- causes repair to object in unlimited time
Omni maximus voidus animus empyrus- causes a fiery flare to objects or people with soul


Omni maximus voidus aero pyro luminoct- plasma ball/plasma attack
Omni bentidoct voidus aero pyro luminoct- fills object with the plasma element
Omni bentidoct voidus aero pyro luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the plasma element
Omni bentidoct voidus aero pyro emperoct- heals wounds fully
Omni maximus voidus aero pyro bentidoct- causes plasma
Omni maximus voidus aero pyro reparo- causes plasma repair
Omni maximus voidus aero pyro empyrus- causes fiery plasma attack

Black lava- truly an unpredictable element

Omni maximus voidus aero animus liquentis luminoct- Black lava attack- warps anything it touches
Omni bentidoct voidus aero animus liquentis luminoct- fills object with the black lava element
Omni bentidoct voidus aero animus liquentis luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with black lava
Omni maximus voidus aero animus liquentis bentidoct- causes black lava to appear
Omni maximus voidus aero animus liquentis reparo- causes black lava item or person repair
Omni maximus voidus aero animus liquentis empyrus- causes black lava to flare up on an item or a person

Control Spells

Omni Neuro [element here] Bentidoct = control
Omni Animus [element here] Bentidoct = manipulation
Omni Neuro Animus [element here] Bentidoct = mastery


Omni maximus neuro voidus luminoct- voidal mind force energy attack. Basically a madness attack.
Omni bentidoct neuro voidus luminoct- fills object with the madness element
Omni bentidoct neuro voidus luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the madness element
Omni bentidoct neuro voidus emperoct- remove insanity
Omni bentidoct neuro voidus omoptio- causes insanity, purifies mind
Omni maximus neuro voidus bentidoct- madness assault waves
Omni bentidoct neuro voidus reparo- repairs from insanity, causes sanity
Omni maximus neuro voidus empyrus- mental problems assault waves

FAERY SPELLS- note, on the introduction of faery spells your going to find out alot of changes can occur. So be careful as its effort by will to control the fairy Elements.

Faery Earth Spells

Omni maximus inversio taura luminoct- faery earth attack
Omni bentidoct inversio taura luminoct- fills object with the faery earth element
Omni bentidoct inversio taura luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the faery earth element
Omni bentidoct inversio taura emperoct- recovers the weakened will from weakness and strengthens by transplantation. You yourself becomes the person thought on.
Omni maximus inversio taura bentidoct- causes invertive earthquake or full force of energy column
Omni bentidoct inversio taura reparo - causes repair by inverted earth energy
Omni bentidoct inversio taura empyrus - causes fiery effect by inverted earth energy

Faery Lava Spells

Omni maximus inversio liquentis luminoct- inverted lava attack
Omni bentidoct inversio liquentis luminoct- fills object with the inverted lava element
Omni bentidoct inversio liquentis luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the inverted lava element
Omni bentidoct inversio liquentis emperoct- heals breaking and wounding while strengthening and giving inhuman strength
Omni maximus inversio liquentis aero bentidoct- causes inverted.volcano
Omni bentidoct inversio liquentis aero reparo- causes repair by inverted lava
Omni bentidoct inversio liquentis aero empyrus- causes fiery inverted lava

Faery Fire Spells

Omni maximus inversio pyro luminoct- blue fire ball/blue fire attack
Omni bentidoct inversio pyro luminoct- fills object with the inverted fire or life lengthening element
Omni bentidoct inversio pyro luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the inverted fire element
Omni bentidoct inversio pyro emperoct- causes a heal ap_ to wounds and moments
Omni maximus inversio pyro bentidoct- causes inverted fire
Omni maximus inversio pyro reparo- removes fire damage
Omni maximus inversio pyro empyrus- causes fiery inverted fire damage

Faery Water Spells

Omni maximus inversio hydro luminoct- causes inverted water attack or long breathing choke
Omni bentidoct inversio hydro luminoct- fills object with the inverted water element
Omni bentidoct inversio hydro luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the inverted water element or you gain an enchantment
Omni bentidoct inversio hydro emperoct- makes item eternally clean or heals by cleaning and imagination
Omni maximus inversio hydro bentidoct- causes tsunami
Omni bentidoct inversio hydro reparo- causes ever repair
Omni maximus inversio hydro empyrus- causes fiery inverted water damage

Faery Ice Spells

Omni maximus inversio cyro luminoct- inverted ice(fire) attack or demonic effect
Omni bentidoct inversio cyro luminoct- fills object with the living ice transmuting element
Omni bentidoct inversio cyro luminoct dorise- empowers one with the inverted ice elemen
Omni bentidoct inversio cyro emperoct- cleanses spirit by faery_ice and strengthens or heal with spirit by imagination
Omni maximus inversio cyro bentidoct- causes hell-like environs with frozen fire
Omni bentidoct inversio cyro reparo- causes inverted ice repair
Omni bentidoct inversio cyro empyrus- causes fiery inverted ice

Faery Air/Wind Spells

Omni maximus inversio thundora luminoct- psychic lightning attack
Omni bentidoct inversio thundora luminoct- fills object with the faery wind element
Omni bentidoct inversio thundora luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the long lived faery wind element
Omni bentidoct inversio thundora luminoct pises- solid wind empowering psychicly
Omni bentidoct inversio thundora emperoct- cleanses evil spirit
Omni maximus inversio thundora bentidoct- causes gusts of psychic wind or winds upto 50 mph
Omni maximus inversio thundora empyrus- causes faery lightning flare up that can destroy things

Magic Sight Spells

Omni maximus inversio visus luminoct- magical vision force energy attack. Basically a psychic vision attack.
Omni bentidoct inversio visus luminoct- fills object with the omnipotent vision element
Omni bentidoct inversio visus luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the omnipotent element
Omni bentidoct inversio visus emperoct- mental healing by magic vision
Omni bentidoct inversio visus omoptio- causes clear & concious thought
Omni maximus inversio visus bentidoct- mental vision assault waves
Omni maximus inversio visus empyrus- causes on sight insanity by sight

The inverted shield Element

Omni maximus inversio ancile luminoct- faery shield attack
Omni bentidoct inversio ancile luminoct- fills object with the faery shield element
Omni bentidoct inversio ancile luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the inverted shield element
Omni bentidoct inversio ancile emperoct- heals any wound by unseen shielding, of any type
Omni maximus inversio ancile bentidoct- calls help from the shields and the shield assaults with energy any who assault
Omni bentidoct inversio ancile reparo- repairs anything, of any type by unseen shielding
Omni maximus inversio ancile empyrus- calls trouble from the shields to cause the shield to assault with fiery energy, those that assault

The inverted time Element

Omni maximus inversio aevus luminoct- dead by timed attack
Omni bentidoct inversio aevus luminoct- fills object with the faery time or faerymist element
Omni bentidoct inversio aevus luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the faery time of fairymist element
Omni bentidoct inversio aevus emperoct- heals any wound by fairymist, of any type
Omni maximus inversio aevus bentidoct- calls help from the mists of time
Omni bentidoct inversio aevus reparo- repairs anything, causes conversion of any type by time misting
Omni maximus inversio aevus empyrus- dead by timed fiery attack

The Magic Element - The magic element is really powerful, it combines most uses and creates the effect by power in itself. I would progress slowly with this element.

Omni maximus magicus luminoct- magical attack, very devestating
Omni bentidoct magicus luminoct- fills object with the magical element
Omni bentidoct magicus luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the magical element
Omni bentidoct magicus emperoct- heals any wound by magic of any type
Omni maximus magicus bentidoct- calls control from the magic
Omni bentidoct magicus reparo- repairs anything, of any type by magic
Omni maximus magicus empyrus- destroys anything, of any type by fiery magic

The Absorption black fire Element - This elementeasily rules time and effects are trying with external pressure. Actually it is any absorption with any effect.

Omni maximus voidus inversio pyro luminoct- Absorption black fire attack
Omni bentidoct voidus inversio pyro luminoct- fills object with the absorption black fire element
Omni bentidoct voidus inversio pyro luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the absorption black fire element
Omni bentidoct voidus inversio pyro emperoct- heals any wound by absorbing black fire
Omni maximus voidus inversio pyro bentidoct- calls energy that is energy to assault any who assault
Omni bentidoct voidus inversio pyro reparo- repairs anything, of any type by intemperance with feeding
Omni maximus voidus inversio pyro empyrus- calls energy that is fiery energy to assault any whom you want to assault

The Healing Black ice Element - The healing element that is really powerful, it combines most uses and creates the effect by power in itself. I would try to master this quickly as it can cure even death. This might seem like absorption, but its removing the bad by absorbing the process.

Omni maximus voidus inversio cyro luminoct- Inverted black ice attack, very interesting as it recreates even bad memory
Omni bentidoct voidus inversio cyro luminoct- fills object with the healing black ice element
Omni bentidoct voidus inversio cyro luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the healing black ice element
Omni bentidoct voidus inversio cyro emperoct- heals any wound by absorption into black ice of any type
Omni maximus voidus inversio cyro bentidoct- calls from the magic of cells at birth to any effect that freezes aging
Omni bentidoct voidus inversio cyro reparo- repairs anything, of any type by absorption of the trouble
Omni maximus voidus inversio cyro empyrus- Inverted black ice fiery attack, very interesting as it recreates even bad memory from a fiery inverted black ice

The Absorbing Plasma Element - The element that is really powerful, not much is known of it. It combines most uses and creates the effect by power in itself. I would try to master this quickly as it can keep on going by absorbing things into it to feed it. This might seem like absorption, but its removing the material by absorbing the process.

Omni maximus voidus aero inversio pyro luminoct- Absorbing plasma attack, very devastating as it can remove almost time itself
Omni bentidoct voidus aero inversio pyro luminoct- fills object with the absorbing plasma element
Omni bentidoct voidus aero inversio pyro luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the absorbing plasma element
Omni bentidoct voidus aero inversio pyro emperoct- heals the wound into an absorbing plasma of any type
Omni maximus voidus aero inversio pyro bentidoct- calls from the magic of absorbing art by any effect to deliante the effect neededOmni bentidoct voidus aero inversio pyro reparo- repairs anything, of any harm type by absorption of the trouble
Omni maximus voidus aero inversio pyro empyrus- Absorbing fiery plasma attack, very devastating as it can remove almost time itself

The master of time control can wield Mutation Absorbing Black Lava Element - The element that is really quick and but of consistency, as much is known of it, but this info shifts. It combines the uses and is power in itself. I would try to master this one not so quickly as it can form and go quickly. This might seem like an avalanche, but its removing the raw by ultimate absorbing. On impact it melts and synthesizes almost anything.

Omni maximus chao inversio liquentis luminoct- mutationol black lava attack, very devastating as it can remove any materia itself
Omni bentidoct chao inversio liquentis luminoct- fills object with the mutation black lava element, it can melt it too
Omni bentidoct chao inversio liquentis luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the powerful mutational black lava element, whatever you touch will probably melt things from within
Omni bentidoct chao inversio liquentis emperoct- heals the wound by mixing and melting it together by fuzing the wound after fazing it of any type
Omni maximus chao inversio liquentis bentidoct- calls from the magic of mutational black lava by any effect to cause the effect needed
Omni bentidoct chao inversio liquentis reparo- repairs anything, of any harm type by removing your trouble or melting the trouble out
Omni maximus chao inversio liquentis empyrus- mutational fiery black lava attack, very devastating as it can remove any materia itself by a unique type of fire

THE ADVERSE ELEMENTS - note, these are the elements put in by grog. They are likely to passthrough almost anything. Just be an wary that shields may be tempered by these elements as they could passthrough anything.

Passthrough Earth Elements

Omni maximus penetro luminoct- phase through attackOmni bentidoct penetro luminoct- fills object with the phase through element
Omni bentidoct penetro luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the phase through element
Omni bentidoct penetro emperoct- heals the wound including deep wounds of any type
Omni maximus penetro bentidoct- calls the magic of penetration by any effect to due the effect needed
Omni bentidoct penetro reparo- repairs anything, of any type by penetrating force
Omni maximus penetro empyrus- phase through fiery attack

Passthrough Mutative Lava Element

Omni maximus penetro commutatus luminoct- phase through mutative lava attack
Omni bentidoct penetro commutatus luminoct- fills object with the phase through mutative lava element
Omni bentidoct penetro commutatus luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the phase through mutative lava element
Omni bentidoct penetro commutatus emperoct- causes the wound to heal including deep wounds of any type by infusive lavatic force
Omni maximus penetro commutatus bentidoct- calls the magic' of permutation being any effect due to the effect needed
Omni bentidoct penetro commutatus reparo- repairs anything, of any type by penetrating deep lava force
Omni maximus penetro commutatus empyrus- phase through mutative fiery lava attack, it burns through anything

Passthrough Change|Fire Element

Omni maximus commutatus luminoct- phase through changefire attack or through the fire of change you can cause attack
Omni bentidoct commutatus luminoct- fills object with the phase through changefire element or causes good filtration
Omni bentidoct commutatus luminoct dorise- empowers one|self with the phase through changefire element
Omni bentidoct commutatus emperoct- heals the wound including deep wounds of any type by phase through changefire
Omni maximus commutatus bentidoct- calls the magic of penetration to leave any inwhich effects due the effect needed
Omni bentidoct commutatus reparo- repairs anything, of any type by penetrating /changefire force
Omni maximus commutatus empyrus- phase through fiery changefire attack or through the fire of change in a flared mode you can attack with

Abuse Change Absorption Firewater Element

Omni maximus commutato potus luminoct- chain change absorption attack
Omni bentidoct commutato potus- fills object with the change break absorption element
Omni bentidoct commutato potus emperoct- change heals the wound including wounds of any type by change adaption
Omni maximus commutato potus bentidoct- calls the magic of these effects where effects are due to the effect needed
Omni bentidoct commutato potus reparo- repairs anything, of any animal type by change absorption enforce
Omni maximus commutato potus empyrus- chain change fiery absorption attack

Absorption Water Element

Omni maximus potus luminoct- Absorption water attackOmni bentidoct potus luminoct- fills object with the absorption water element or causes good water filtered effect
Omni bentidoct potus luminoct dorise- empowers one|self with the absorption water element
Omni bentidoct potus emperoct- heals the wound including deep wounds of any type by causing one toil to eat
Omni maximus potus bentidoct- calls the magic of absorption to be able to absorb anything as extra efficiency
Omni bentidoct potus reparo- repairs anything, of any type by absorbing forces
Omni maximus potus empyrus- Absorption water attack in fiery mode

Adverse Ice Element

Omni maximus potus abfabricatio luminoct- Absorption remaking ice attackOmni bentidoct potus abfabricatio luminoct- fills object with the absorption remaking ice element
Omni bentidoct potus abfabricatio luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the absorption remaking ice element
Omni bentidoct potus abfabricatio emperoct- heals the wound including deep wounds of any type of conclusion
Omni maximus potus abfabricatio bentidoct- calls the absorption by remaking
Omni bentidoct potus abfabricatio reparo- repairs anything, of any type by absorbing the damage and uses remaking to reforge the bad
Omni maximus potus abfabricatio empyrus- Absorption remaking fiery ice attack

Remaking Air/Lightning Element

Omni maximus defluo luminoct- disappearing lightning attack
Omni bentidoct abfabricatio luminoct- fills object with the remaking ice to air element
Omni bentidoct abfabricatio luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the remaking air element
Omni bentidoct abfabricatio emperoct- heals the wound of any type of damage by remaking it
Omni maximus abfabricatio bentidoct- calls the remaking of almost anything
Omni bentidoct abfabricatio reparo- repairs anything, of any type by remaking it to recreate the good
Omni maximus defluo empyrus- disappearing fiery lightning attack

Adversity Element - Adversity effect is to the tragedy of those effected by it.

Omni maximus iniquus luminoct- ceases adversary attack
Omni bentidoct iniquus luminoct- fills object with the adversity element
Omni bentidoct iniquus luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the adversity element
Omni bentidoct iniquus emperoct- heals the wound of any type of damage by adversity
Omni maximus iniquus bentidoct- calls the adversity of almost anything, causing it to revert to another way
Omni bentidoct iniquus reparo- repairs anything, by attack of any type by adversing it to recriminate the bad
Omni maximus iniquus empyrus- ceases fiery adversary attack

Psychic Sight Element spells - It is a post reality that is revealed by this but it stems to be of a vision and react as if its in some way there.

Omni maximus iniquus visus luminoct- pass over visual attack or vision of doom
Omni bentidoct iniquus visus luminoct- causes the object to give a psychic sight
Omni bentidoct iniquus visus luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the psychic gift
Omni bentidoct iniquus visus emperoct- heals the wound of any damage type and gives temporary psychic visions
Omni maximus iniquus visus bentidoct- calls the sight upon the naming of almost anything
Omni bentidoct iniquus visus reparo- repairs anything, by gifting vision of how to repair it
Omni maximus iniquus visus empyrus- pass over visual fiery attack or vision of fiery doom

Adverted shield element - It is as if its not there but it protects you anyway.

Omni maximus iniquus ancile luminoct- an adversity in shields by shields adverting your attacks back to the person
Omni bentidoct iniquus ancile luminoct- causes the object to the shielding of you
Omni bentidoct iniquus ancile luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the psychic shield
Omni bentidoct iniquus ancile emperoct- heals the wound of any damage type and it gives self protection
Omni maximus iniquus ancile bentidoct- calls the shielding of almost anything with an unseen shield
Omni bentidoct iniquus ancile reparo- repairs anything, by gifting a shield to repair it with
Omni maximus iniquus ancile empyrus- an adversity in firery shields by the fiery shields adverting your attacks back to the person

Adverted Time In Measure Element - It is as if its not there but it prevents you from slipping up. Fast to disclose it reveals most time to you.With this element you begin to feel the events of advent time.

Omni maximus iniquus aevus luminoct- an advert by advent with time inside an adversity eg your inside the adversary
Omni bentidoct iniquus aevus luminoct- causes the object to be the time effect of what you think on
Omni bentidoct iniquus aevus luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the adverted time effect
Omni bentidoct iniquus aevus emperoct- heals the wound of any damage type
Omni maximus iniquus aevus bentidoct- calls the effect off you by adverted time
Omni bentidoct iniquus aevus reparo- aiding with this to repair anything related
Omni maximus iniquus aevus empyrus- an advert by advent with time flared inside an adversity eg your inside the adversary and fiery

Adverted black fire element - It is as if its not there but it leaves a mark up as it flares. Fast to reform it reveals most things in an orangey grey sighting.

Omni maximus voidus commutatus luminoct- an idea that this is the most deadly one, you can expect the enemy to see and feel an expanding globe of fire so consider it an exploding ball
Omni bentidoct voidus commutatus luminoct- fills object with the changing black fire
Omni bentidoct voidus commutatus luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the changing black fire
Omni bentidoct voidus commutatus emperoct- heals the wound of any damage type by usage
Omni maximus voidus commutatus bentidoct- calls the feel good effect with healing of an idea wound
Omni bentidoct voidus commutatus reparo- Its aiding with this to repair anything by the twisting effect
Omni maximus voidus commutatus empyrus- an idea that is fiery and this is the most deadly one, you can expect the enemy to see and feel an expanding fiery globe of fire so consider it an exploding fiery ball

'Remaking Absorbing Black Ice Element - It is as if there but it prevents you from going to near. Fast to reform, it can cause skin damage with an area effect radius. Radiation with the effect of getting to near. Evaporating body parts, with the event radius of 20' and if you touch it its there to kill off body parts.

Omni maximus voidus potus abfabricatio luminoct- an idea with this is an upon moment, your attacked or on the adversary's assaulted.
Omni bentidoct voidus potus abfabricatio luminoct- causes the object to be filled with the remaking absorbing black ice element
Omni bentidoct voidus potus abfabricatio luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the remaking effect by event absorbing black ice element
Omni bentidoct voidus potus abfabricatio emperoct- heals the wound of any damage type by remaking the wound due to absorbing from the black ice
Omni maximus voidus potus abfabricatio bentidoct- calls the effect off of you by healing a wound
Omni bentidoct voidus potus abfabricatio reparo- repairs the moment by remaking through absorbing the bad from black ice
Omni maximus voidus potus abfabricatio empyrus- a fiery idea with this is an upon moment, your attacked or the adversary's assaulted by flaring.

Remaking Adverted Space Element - It is as if its not there but it prevents you from slipping up by you using a thought to remake things. Fast to disclose as it is it reveals to you what you would wish.

Omni maximus voidus abfabricatio luminoct- an idea space forms around the victim, making sure he or she is distracted by visions and wishes revealed
Omni bentidoct voidus abfabricatio luminoct- causes the object to be of what you think on
Omni bentidoct voidus abfabricatio luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the remaking space
Omni bentidoct voidus abfabricatio emperoct- heals the wound of any damage type through the idea thought on effectOmni maximus voidus abfabricatio bentidoct- calls the healing effect of you or them by remaking spe
Omni bentidoct voidus abfabricatio reparo- aiding with this is easy so to repair anything related is by thought
Omni maximus voidus abfabricatio empyrus- an idea fiery space forms around the victim, making sure he or she is distracted by visions and wishes revealed as well as burned up

Adverted 'Morph Plasma Element Spells

Omni maximus voidus aero commutatus luminoct- an advert by advent with morphine like effect as it goes to effect you or your enemy, its an assumed idea to not be affected by this plasma ball
Omni bentidoct voidus aero commutatus luminoct- causes the object to be purified by this lava, and it is with the object that you get a pleasure type feeling
Omni bentidoct voidus aero commutatus luminoct dorise- empowers oneself with the morphing plasma effect
Omni bentidoct voidus aero commutatus emperoct- heals the open wound of any damage type by morphing and the wound closes over
Omni maximus voidus aero commutatus bentidoct- calls the healing effect of you by morphing plasma
Omni bentidoct voidus aero commutatus reparo- This repairs by morphing to still work from within
Omni maximus voidus aero commutatus empyrus- an advert by fiery advent with fiery morphine like effect as it goes to effect you or your enemy, its an assumed idea to not be affected by this fiery plasma ball

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