Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, July 15, 2024

Thinking point

This is where you consider things and react by feel with the soul guiding you. Think and the subconscious creates the idea. Think you need what you write and God creates what you want. That's as though you prayed for the effect and that God makes what you desire.

Some spells follow:

 Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here. That means the God makes by feeling what you need, think about the idea and knowing is understood from the energy you send to him.

great things; if trump then great things won't happen to him no matter what.

interesting; the idea is you gain the money necessary.. and spend wisely to get what you can.

account; I reclaim my account that I lost no matter what quickly.

support; The discord support gets back to me with what I need by feel quickly no matter what.

money; I get my money back no matter what and quickly.

treasure hunting with jebus; jebus doesn't get sued or wins the case no matter what. no matter what, the person that wants to sue jebus stops wanting to sue jebus forever. whatever happens, jebus doesn't ever get sued.


allan; he doesn't mind what I did or do no matter what.

vanillagift; site works and I can register easily the giftcard no matter what.

creation; this is where what you imagine occurs as though it exists in real life from the idea you have.

dnd; I manage to get andrew and nikki onto or no matter what.

Wolfheart; he wins every boss fight easily no matter what.


focus crystals; the focus is upon the crystal that you hold and cast forth a brain wave to the energy itself. this energy consciousness causes what you wish to become existant. this is like you hold a crystal and think about creating another you into existence that creates what you intend and need. this lasts for what you think is enough time. if your powerful enough, you can lift with your mind focus the stones to float around you and these stones act like a focuser, to create with an idea what you think into existence.

nikki; she from england is willing to do and comes back online no matter what.

the ghost; the ghost of sheila behaves and allows things to occur in life.

moose; he decides to forgive me no matter what as he dismisses what I did from his mind.

possession; the deity or demon no longer pushes me into bad luck results no matter what.


no longer; if stolen I no longer want you to use the things.

wolfheart; his timing is better no matter what so you can do it.

all bugs; they die by feel and energy no matter what.

4 Elemental spirits; Alphys is the name of the wind spirit. Gnome is Earth. Undine is Water and Salamander is Fire. The 4 elemental spirits names. Call upon the element by its name to get an elemental effect easily.

better heat shield; this is where you think of heat being absorbed by the aura, and you make use of it by doing activity or things you may want to do.

better cold shield; this draws from coldness and you make use of the cold energy to create what you want if necessary.


think; this is an obvious thought, think and know if done.

banking; no matter what I do, I can handle the amounts changed to me very easily. I always have enough money to cover my costs no matter what.

Thinking spell; Think to imagine energy streams to go in the direction of the targets, feel it ignite and the energy burns in the path of the energy.

Thinking spell II; Thinking to do is to create, the area is there in a circle of energy cast by the aura to flare up by feeling to tense and release. That's a flare up in fire as you feel it flare to scorch the targets.

fire circle; think of a circle to appear around you and the aura energy being pumped with energy flares up the circle edge with fire. this lasts as long as you focus it into existence.

Illusion cast; This is where you think about what you want to appear and need it to form. Then the creator makes it appear and the element is what effects the targets that you want effecting them.. This could be sending out a dragon form that effects fire on the targets.


writing stuff 


A gate is a opening in the area that shifts you to the area you wanted to be in. imagine a line in the air splitting apart and forming into a oval. if you intended to travel through it, the oval should be large enough for you. the area that the gate links to is where you want to go or see..and it is open as you intend it to be closes as you no longer need it open. it could be any planet or area. this takes a few times to do it. if you think the gate does things then the soul causes the gate to do it. like causing energy from the linked area to be the form that you desire. its like a wormhole to the area that the gate opens up to. you can use frequencies to open a gate as well. yet the soul generates the right tones to cause the gate to exist..and stops generating them when it wants the gate to close. I would make viewing gates to be safe..if another planet, the area could be harsh. sometimes the area can hide the harshness, like unbreathable gases. so think and know what you want to do with it..if its safe there you will realze it by the soul realization of the area itself. think and know what to do. see, frequencies are the key to gating. its proven that two tones put together, if they match the area energy that you want to see or go to. then they respond resonantly and a portal will open. that is why the portal links via wormhole to the area you want to be. is this useful?

light raider; the points of light on a photo, they represent UAP.

for dnd

Crafting kits; You create by gathering materials to make an item or crafted idea. This means the idea you created uses the items energy with some glue or carving tools. Do a craft skill check to make sure you succeed. This kit includes a charging plate made of orgonite, glue and carving or writing tools.

Rules on Crafting

From here at

You can craft nonmagical objects, including adventuring equipment and works of art. You must be proficient with tools related to the object you are trying to create (typically artisan's tools). You might also need access to special materials or locations necessary to create it. For example, someone proficient with smith's tools needs a forge in order to craft a sword or suit of armor.

For every day of downtime you spend crafting, you can craft one or more items with a total market value not exceeding 5 gp, and you must expend raw materials worth half the total market value. If something you want to craft has a market value greater than 5 gp, you make progress every day in 5-gp increments until you reach the market value of the item. For example, a suit of plate armor (market value 1,500 gp) takes 300 days to craft by yourself.

Multiple characters can combine their efforts toward the crafting of a single item, provided that the characters all have proficiency with the requisite tools and are working together in the same place. Each character contributes 5 gp worth of effort for every day spent helping to craft the item. For example, three characters with the requisite tool proficiency and the proper facilities can craft a suit of plate armor in 100 days, at a total cost of 750 gp.

While crafting, you can maintain a modest lifestyle without having to pay 1 gp per day, or a comfortable lifestyle at half the normal cost (see chapter 5 for more information on lifestyle expenses).

From xanathar's guild for crafting an item

Resources and Resolution. In addition to the appropriate tools for the item to be crafted, a character needs raw materials worth half of the item’s selling cost. To determine how many workweeks it takes to create an item, divide its gold piece cost by 50. A character can complete multiple items in a workweek if the items’ combined cost is 50 gp or lower. Items that cost more than 50 gp can be completed over longer periods of time, as long as the work in progress is stored in a safe location.

Multiple characters can combine their efforts. Divide the time needed to create an item by the number of characters working on it. Use your judgment when determining how many characters can collaborate on an item. A particularly tiny item, like a ring, might allow only one or two workers, whereas a large, complex item might allow four or more workers.

A character needs to be proficient with the tools needed to craft an item and have access to the appropriate equipment. Everyone who collaborates needs to have the appropriate tool proficiency. You need to make any judgment calls regarding whether a character has the correct equipment. The following idea provides some examples.

Charged healing potion or item: Think to use a charging plate, place something on it and let it remain for 1 minute. This means placing water in a cup on a charging plate to produce by orgonite, the potion of healing. Use a 1d20+heaing ranks to determine how much is healed. If an item is charged, it produces a +1 per minute left on it item that the use doesn't degrade over time.

Arcane; The arcane skill check can make a suitable replacement for focus. What's higher is used.

Arcane healing bottle; This potion bottle refills itself with water formed from the moisture in the air. That's as it is empty within 1 minute. Each kill you do is treated as energy that energizes the water so you "heal" with it. Think about uses the energy of the targets to refill itself. This potion will heal half your health per swig. It holds 10 swigs.

Item phantasm; this item is created by the power you focus into creating it. It uses your energy to exist. Once you stop thinking about it and don't need it, it disappears and you regain your energy. 

Potions; You make potions that do various things based on the ingredients. Let's say you create a potion making it with ingredients, that we get and have on hand. The right ingredients are known by insight for creating what we need. It sounds fun. If we don't have an ingredient, that you can ask a computer where it is found.

Arm computer; This is a computer you strap to your arm/wrist and use as though it will do for a computer you would normally work with. It even has a GPS map. This weighs 10 lbls and snaps right onto your wrist. 

discord; they allow me to keep my matter what.

money; I get my money back no matter what from discord or the bank and keep it.

energy dome shift; this is where you shift yourself you think of energy in the form of a dome that surrounds you and collapses inward. leaving nothing behind. this uses blood energy to shift you as you think of where you want to be.

Whirlwind attack; This is where you create a horizontal or vertical whirlwind that blows past the targets in a line dealing wind damage you create with a gesture that you decide to use and means wind summons..and if you summon fire upon the whirlwind you make a firey whirl that spreads fire damages to any targets you had in mind in the area.

Grace points; These are points of energy you can set or see by thinking them there. They are instant rest and they create a saving point, that you can make use of. All stats are restored and you retain your memories, think and if you die you can respawn back with full stats, health and energy at a grace point. You can travel instantly between any two grace points. This works no matter the point. You never need to die again.

Arcane energy bottle; This is a special bottle that restores your energy on a swig. This potion bottle refills itself with purified water formed from the moisture in the air. That's as it is empty within 1 minute of it emptying itself. See it contains 12 swigs and weighs 1 lbs. So on a swig you get back all your energy. Think to it to recharge the energy potential for restoring your energy % as you drink it.

Resistance II; This spell costs 10% energy to cast. Think to cast this to make yourself resistant to all spells and physical attacks, that you don't want effecting you. This resistance is level related: levels 1-9 get 30% damage reduction. Levels 10-19 get 60% damage reduction. Levels 20-29 get 90% damage reduced. Levels 30- get 120% damage reduced. This lasts 1d10 rounds.

Immunity spell; Whatever the attack or spell you don't want effecting you, you are immune to for 1d10 hours. This spell costs 20% energy to cast. That means you don't take damage from spells and attacks.

Elemental shield; This shield is your aura, that absorbs and protects against any elemental or energy attack.

Teleport shield; This shield teleports those that you don't want to effect you, that's as they attempt an effect on you to somewhere be where the soul desires them to be. Otherwise, it can in the process of teleporting them make them turn to dust. So combat over.

Elemental immunity sp. ability; This special ability is where you are instructing your energy to absorb any elemental attack energy, think and remain unaffected with no damages to you of any element. That means the element you don't want effecting you, doesn't effect you.

Fey focus; This spell effect is where you focus on your need as energy and think of the idea you need to make a manifest. That can create what you desire by what you think and if you need it the creator makes what you desire. If a shield, then you make the effect of creating no damages on yourself. If an attack, then you effect the targets as though whatever elements you choose, thinking to cause on them the effect will make what you desire. If healing, then you heal your party by what you do.

Power strike II; This uses per hit, the energy around you and the energy of the targets to cause the power of the strike to increase on a target or targets. This increases the power level by 20% damage per hit.

Alt spells; This is where you think about the effect of what you want to happen. Will it to occur. The energy creates the results as you need it. This costs 10% energy.

Electrocution; Think of bioenergy building up and shooting forth to effect the targets with electrical bio energy.

Ebony mail; This mail halves all weighs 10 lbs. And has 15 ac.

Cliffracer bane; This artifact looks like a round black object that is small and fits in the palm of your hand. This is where you imagine levitating, think and a 1 second levitation spell is created it when you need it. Their flight gets disabled from it for 1d10 rounds.

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