Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, October 18, 2019

Some runic effects

This is a listing of some runic effects I got, that is using Ansuz And Fehu. this is the listing..
that will work for you. So enjoy yourself and be well, ciou and farewell until later. good-bye.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

Testosterone; This is a given, if you want to have some testosterone or hgh, then think the testosterone and hgh is there generated by the blood energy, this causes the creator to make the effect and you have that effect you need. That is some effect, that's a created idea by the bloodstream and made to exist by thinking it there. This happens without stress.

Hgh; this is an effect the body needs, if you think to create it you can get the idea that includes added testosterone and hgh or not notice its gone.

Prets conyd hif gwat " Corrected. Here is a great spell. You concentrate on it and hope for actualization and certain things happen that can improve the whole world.

"I am em no more" focus on the spell and something good happens for you and the world as though I am aware of the moment and things happen good for you.

Relation; If in a relationship, you and I avoid the 30 lbs gain, so no matter the reason, you and I lose weight instead.

Success; Here's a quick check to see if your next action will be a success, drop a penny and see if it lands heads up or heads down. If it's heads up and you pick it up then you will have success. If it's heads down and you pick it up, then you won't get much. Unless I call tails or it lands on the ridge.

Another effect; Here's another one, if the moment was supposed to happen then this does, otherwise you can expect not to do anything about it and the moment passes you by. This is an interesting effect.

Thought effect; the idea exists if you need it and if you don't, then the point ceases to exist.

writing stuff

Think of this; the world is a frequency and you can match it's frequency waves by thought to create the moment to make what you need. This happens wherever you need the moment formed, then you create by feel and work with what the planet has to offer. If you don't then you create with other worlds and sometimes, if you don't direct your mind on to the correct planet, you could find the planet inhospitable or the area unhospitable. This is called grounding yourself, so think of the moment and you create with whatever element you wish to attune yourself with and use as though a natural.

The matrix of energy; this is what you think.

Saturation point; This is the satisfaction point of when you satisfy enough, where you think to reduce your eating and work with idea that exists by feel. This is when the body is reached it's maximum natural point of satiation, and thinks to reduce it's swell or point of weight to become lessened. This is easily reached, though you can trick the moment by walking around and thinking to reduce the body weight. The power of the mind over the body does what you think and need, this is the power of the idea you have by feel what you need.

comfort food; avoid the comfort food and you create lessened weight. This happens without stress.

glut; the temperance is the thing, if you think then I did my own thing. So I will go and do that. Also I will not glutton anymore. Thanks.

1d100; This is interesting, a percent chance is done by this idea of using a 100 sided dice. So if over 50 it's success. Then if under 50 its a fail point and if at 50 resolution. So here you go.

recipes and potions

cherry orange tea; This is where you use cherry extract and orange flavor mix with tea and sugar or substitute sugar. Then mix it up and you can enjoy the drink.

game stuff

constructs; Psionics are a special ability, that is sometimes used in the ability needed and energy consciousness does what you think by idea. So these are energy effects that are formed and shaped by the power of the mind using energy to create a shape. This shape has attributes called programming, that you can use in idea or make by suggestion, alter by thought, need to cause with effect, destroy with thinking the construct or thing is destroyed and kill with the effect by feel to do things. This is using a point you create with by feel, so if you think of the moment and you make the effect by what is done you create the effect of desire by what you do.

Constructs are a feat of psionics that can emulate or create nearly anything, so if you think to use them you can make them by a concept you try out or suggest to the subconscious. This is done using a focus check with a 10 or above as success. Making in duration 1d6+each 2 focus ranks as a point in rounds, and minutes outside of battle. Otherwise if instant, then you can create by 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. The power of the mind over the body or element that does what you think and need, this is the power of the idea you have by feel with using what you need or have. That's gotten by gating or creating with the use of what is there.

weaving feat; any non weaver class, you can make use of the weaving ability in magic skills section if you normally couldn't before. This feat allows you to get the weaving ability, and you can do what you want with the idea.

mpo feat; The manipulated power of objects feat, this uses the void of space to create what you need, that is a point you can copy anything that's there and make the idea become manifested. Roll a 1d20+focus rank to create what you need with a 10 or above result.

The diceless system; this option for gameplay is where you don't use dice, that is when you halve the dice base and times it with the number of dice. Then add the modifiers, this is an effect done by feel. For the idea you think, this is what is done. The choices of success is using d20 as 10+skill rank or mod and get a 15 or above then you got success, if your not doing this online then either use a penny toss with a call or drawing straws, and then getting the longest or shortest straw for success. So if you use a 10+focus rank approach, then a 10 + 6 focus ranks (6) = 10+6=16 or automatic success. Otherwise 10 + 4 focus rank = 10+4=14 or automatic fail.

A fortitude check with +4 is a fail, otherwise a +5 fortitude is success. However for attack rolls, This is using the d20 as 10, the modifier is either base attack bonus or strength and/or dex mod added to weapon proficiency. This total is compared to the Armor class of the opponent, and if greater then this is a hit. So say you had a +3 weapons accuracy proficiency++6 strength mod, that +10 must equal the opponent AC of 15. This means 3+6+10=19 compared to 15 making the opponent hit. This is how the Diceless system can work, that's unless the GM/DM has something else in mind. However this may be appealing, it's up to the GM/DM to see if they can implement the idea. If not, then there is always rolling a die.

Feat; the feat of the moment is a point you do things if you think to get effects. This is done by the idea you know, so think and you get what effect you can.

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