Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Solar and planet effect magic

This is a solar and planet effect, what you can get by thinking the sun or planet will do what you want. So think about what you want or need, then you will get your results. This is a known effect. Ciou and farewell until later.

Some spells

illi pusta or-matya ir i pol-yesta = elvish for stop overeating when it begins. pronounced as ill-ee pus-tan ore-mate-ee-ah irr I pole-yes-tan.

illi tyasa-mennai carina hya moina = elvish for: test until done or safe. pronounced, [ill-ee tye-as-ah men-aye care-ee-nah hi-ah moy-nah]

Psionic investigations; This is where you use psionic ability to get answers and make knowable to yourself what happened by the use of the spirit. The spirit can be guided by what you think and need with the soul, you see what you think causes the soul to direct the spirit so you realize things, that's an interesting idea and you can create answers where there normally wouldn't be one.

The high effect; this is where you feel high, and you didn't have a drug that makes you high. The effect is instant and in unlimited duration. So if you ever feel high and no longer wish to feel high, then you no longer feel high. The drugs you are prescribed, they are recreated by blood energy and then if you think to work with water. You create a state of euphoria, that is where you are high if you need to be high and you don't ever need to touch weed. This is created by construct, that then is gone or can come back. Especially if you need the effect to dissipate or come to your awareness. Copied by the soul, this effect keeps you from ever needing actual weed again.

CBD; The CBD effect is replicated by water, no alcohol is necessary and if you drink something then pain is reduced magically. The effect is there, that's until you no longer need the pain reduction and curation of the CBD. However since this works by a construct, this is recreated if you need the effect and uncreated if you don't. Since this is safe, the idea is done by feel and creation is your own thing.

Food and edibles; This effect is created by the soul and the food that you find is there. The soul understands and makes the feel and the idea to manifest by that feel. So you can get what you need, you have enough to spend and still have enough left over. This is done by feel and created is the result, that you will want to get. This effect is known, so think about what you want and the effect is your need or want manifested.

planetary and solar effects; The sun effect is where you send the sun some energy by thinking something you want or need, towards the sun that you imagine and need to get your energy. Then the sun gets your result done that you need or desire to occur to you or others. Then the sun will create what effect you think is needed at the moment or sometime, that you consider things happening is when the thought is happening. The moon effect is where you think your need or state your need as you look at the moon, then the moon will create what effect you think is needed at the moment or sometime, that you consider things happening is when the thought is happening.

Unless you don't need them, then nothing seems to happen to your senses. Basically it's people that create the result, so if you needed something they feel the idea. This is a point in reference. This the idea that you think or state as a suggestion, that your subconscious makes up by feel. So the area you sense is what you think about and what occurs there is what the spirit reveals by realization. This comes from your soul, that is your consciousness and this allows you to know what you think to gnow. So if you "took off your fat suit", then the body weight is reduced by the idea that is done. This is a point that is known, that is without burning out the machine or monitor.

So think the earth does things for you, that you need and this planet will do what you think as you need the idea as a result. This goes for any planet, actually. That is the point you know about, if it's livable doesn't matter. So think about what you need and choose a source that will do what you need and want as desure. Then you will get the result as an end result and things will be created as an idea or manifest. This is how the energy consciousness works. Except the nearer the source is, the sooner the effect that you can get.

So this is the general rule to the point. If say you needed the effect sooner, like within 10 minutes. Then choose the planet if your on the planet. Think your on the planet, then you are there at least in spirit or soul. The sun is 15 to 20 minutes away by feel by spirit and soul travel. See this then is why or where the planet's consciousness will suit the purpose and do what you need, that's as a want is done by feel. This is basically how the energy circulation works. So if you want to know more, then look online at here with this blog and you can find out whatever you want. Also is an excellent document source, that will do what you need as a point is being made. This is a known idea.

writing stuff

Koans; There are so many Koans, there is no shortage of tricking smartasses. If it's a Buddhist Koan. That means it's a Koan where this is a problem that doesn't have a solution.


Immortality potion and tea; The potion is: poppy seeds, turmeric, garlic powder, oregano or lemon basil, pumpkin spice and pepper. Otherwise for the unimmortality potion just add onion powder. This is interesting if added to instant tea it's a immortality tea. Good luck testing this to see if the potion works. What I noticed so far, is that the potion causes whatver you think will hurt you to be redirected away from you. Then it's not as though it happened, except to someone else. Interesting, right? This is more interesting if you add a ritual to this, think of the god that you want to help you and immortality or unimmortality. Then state over the potion, "Oh creator, make this a potion of immortality and create what effect I need by feel." Otherwise for unimmortality, "Make for me this potion to cancel out the immortality, thank you oh great creator." Then you can create what you need by this idea.

definitions: (skip to end)

ad = the effect of making by use of another's energy, and if shown they are aware of your need as a point is done.
id = the idea you think as a source, if a being is with it's energy used up and the being creates no more effects. This effects only the being that you consider is a source to something. So state "id" out loud as you think of the source being. Then it's no more by what is done.

game stuff

creation; I love to use the point that allows you to work with idea, this is done to create with the point and what you think is what your spirit uses to get info from the soul as insight.

nothing: If you think nothing will create what you need, then that's what you use as a source creator. So that is a point in the past, made by a monk. This is interesting, as what you think is created if you intend it to be created. otherwise it's just an idea.

If; When you effect a point you think of the idea, and the point to effect and state what yopu need meaning to have that instead. This reprograms constructs and programming that is sometimes set by feel. I think that's a worthy thought.

Mastermind; This is called the mastermind game. Try to guess the code in the fewest guesses.

Play; if you don't want something to effect you, then think it effects someone or something else and the subconscious creates the effect of someone or something else getting the effect.

Feat: Innate ability; this feat allows you to do what you need without getting into trouble. When you think of something to do or create, then you either can roll a focus skill check or use the no-dice system to determine your success. The spirit creates what you need as it's guided by the soul, directs away attackers from you and you can think and need what you desire. This can mimick any actual ability, spell or magic system innate ability skill. This cannot however, imitate other feats.

The effects are 1d10+cha mod per each 2 focus or concentration skill ranks. That's for damage or healing effects only. For duration that's non-instant, it's 1d6 + focus or concentration skill rank in rounds or minutes outside battle. That's unless the duration is unlimited, and the caster or effect maker decides when the effect ends. However there is save versus spell with this feat effect. This can end the effect as well, earlier than usual. This is especially true when the effect gains trauma and you go insane from this effect. The trauma points and insanity you have are cancelled out. So then, if your insane, your no longer insane and think of things normally. This is a known effect.

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