Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, September 6, 2018

think and gno

This is where I think about things and go with things to do what I need. As always, feel free to use the idea as suggestion to do.

Think and don't abuse; this is where you think and don't abuse the moment.

Think and go; this is where you think to do things and go with the moment.

Think and do; this is where you think and feel to do what you want.

This; think to fix things and toss something into the trash, this is as though you corrected things by picking something up off the floor or ground as you think fix where you throw it into to trashcan.

Reinterpretation; fix friendships by what you do.

Walk and think; when you walk you think and come up with idea.

Drive and think; this is where you drive away and think to create with the aura energy.

Ore travel; think to the ore, sometimes in the earth, think to shift the body or item then this will occur. Otherwise you can think to travel with ore or a gemstone and you are there, this is where you think to appear or go.

Time travel gateway; So I made time traveling gateway to use. You can make a physical one to by taking 4 gateways.
I mean mirrors and facing them inward with said word or concept on the back of the mirror.

Draw a digital design for Current and put it on the back of the mirror. Take a old coin for past. Put it on the back side of the mirror. Print new coin on the back side of the future mirror and put it on the back of it or use a valid or bad credit card for a future anchor.

It seems the present is going to need two mirrors. So place one inward and one outward to travel as you please.
Or make a box with one mirror facing outward for the present on top some how. I can only imagine its casting powers.

One could add another mirror on the bottom facing inward for a time local. To focus on a set period of time as well. By writing it on the back of the mirror for a set period of time.

For example one could write out all the years their football team went to the super bowl but did not win to help them win another ring. Just an example.

Think; this is thinking of earning what you want, then creating with an effect what you need to do.

I its; this is where you punch around you.

Think a gate; think of a gate between two particles of food crumbs or two points that forms an energy pass through point.

Then think to go to somewhere and walk through the energy gate. This is what creates naturally a point of crossing and you find yourself there for some reason. The gate unforms when you pick up the crumbs or point.

My order; the order will be in stock when I go tomorrow or today.

Prayer form; This is a form of manifest. If you think of the result, you think the effect. Now by focus is the manifest with what you think, that's if you think of the idea.

This is a basic prayer form, if you stated what you wanted as an result. This can manifest anything so think carefully what you wish as you could get the result when you need the result.

The numbers; 1: won or win, 2: work together or togetherness, 3: triumph or create by thought, 4: gather, 5: magic or hexical, 6: hex or curse, 7: except, 8: stop, 9: go (with) or deny (by), 10: success or something successful happens.

I am thee; this is where I am taken as another that is similar to the person, this where you think to treat me well.

I am thine; this rekindles love for another and thinking of the person creates self-conscious regulation.

En; this is the end point and thinking of things with idea to do.

Things; border is the patrol you realize so you know what to do.

The effect; this is working it off by what you do, exercise and eating right by feel. This can lower the weight to anyone.

Th if in; think of the effect and you could get the idea, usually at a price.

Translation; the spirit upon hearing the idea translated it by the senses.

maria inspection; she manages to come and do an inspection of my apartment, she passes me by fee or feel with her senses.

Maria; she is less stressed than usual about things that happen or occur. Isn't this unusual if it is then don't worry, this won't last and I will be less stressed than usual. So get prepared.

Catholisis; this is the point of almost no return, think to do the idea if you need the faith of a religion.

Symcumference; What is the truth... if matter cant be created nor destroyed. Why do we eat? It just seems to convert, this is done from food to shit. The food seen seems to pass through the body by feel.

Think attracted; think to attract the attracted lady that's thin or slender by fee or free feel. Then your working with a relationship. So this means you are able to get places more easily. Then that's all you need to complete your spell by feel for attraction.

This by feel; think you know the person and allow the spirit to inform you of things about them. This is done by idea with feel and otherwise coupling if lucky. So think by feel if you need a relationship or not do the point.

Other by feel; think to work with an idea and you use your instinct guided by the soul  to complete the task that you assign yourself. This can be any task to do things. So think by feel to use your intent with intuition or soul form guidance.

Oldness; if thinking your old then think your body is young when drinking or eating something. However if you truthfully don't care, then don't mind the idea.

8.13; think of the numbers and you stop the nightmare from occuring.

Th. If; this is done if you think to do things by feel or this is using your senses.

The weight; this weight gain cy le is no longer happening to occur. This is where I work off the excess fat and weight by feel.

Anti-; this is what anti is against, where you go against an organization by idea that occurs with a point.

Think; think an idea to create a point in life that works with you.
The end then makes sense.

This is in; this is in stock and that is done by idea being expressed, think the point then you do what is necessary.

Think or work; think of the moment or work with something that is there, that is the rule of thumb for now.

Transient; so now I guess I am a go between between the store and people. This I accept as a point in life. The idea won't last though, if people don't have money they won't actually ask me to go.

This is for them that I work like this. If it wasn't for them, I would be relaxing now and hopefully finding something to do.

Otherwise I would sit and meditate. Sometimes those moments are set to music. Sometimes not, hopefully more work comes my way.

Lafayette; he gets a good computer for the point he does things by feel.

Losing weight; I will lose 4 lbs in 3 days or less time by feel. For those that work out by exercising.

Confused; things are not confusing.

Shake; shock or shake up
Ups; backup, fall over
Fem; family, famine
Ar; setup, sometimes by spirit is arranged idea.
Ad; if or iffy moments
An; anticipation, anticipate
Of; often, oven, thought point
Plane; planetary vibrational level. Raise your vibration level by positive acts and thinking to escape this level.
In; with, no longer not there, if you are awaiting people your aware of your options by feel.
Incisive; decisive, you know what to do.
Haiden; the goddess of work and thinking your working things out by calling her name. She sets in motion what you want by the subconscious picking up on the idea. If you make a request, she tries to fulfill it if possible.
Uou; you, hex
Ues; yes, ruin
Ih; in, inhibiscus, rest, inhibited, bend, day, this is where you sometimes inhibit a real life moment and experience daytime.
Uh; oof, think of the moment or idea and you are aware of the point.
Ihstead; instead.
A; be, behest, obese, put upon, now I am aware what he, she, they said.

Seeya later and ciou, good-bye.

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