Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, September 6, 2018

The tumbling stone post

This came from a Tumbling Stone Email, topic Autumn stones.

Crystals for Autumn Equinox

I REALLY LOVE this time of year! But I think I say that every time the seasons change. I get such a charge from the seasonal cycles.
The Autumn Equinox (or Spring Equinox for those in the Southern Hemi) is now upon us and for the purposes of this blog post I’m going to stick to the Autumn aspects, but if you’re from Down Under or just plain interested, you can read my classic blog post on Spring Equinox here.

Some Science, Of Course!

So, before I get to the crystals, a bit o’ science on the Equinox stuffs for a sec. I can’t help myself! This year’s Autumn (or Fall) Equinox lands on Friday, September 22.
There are 2 equinoxes each year; in September and March. Because of the tilt of our planet on our axis, we’re usually getting more sun on one hemisphere than on the other, but there are 2 times/year (Spring and Autumn Equinox) when we get pretty much equal amounts of sunlight on both hemi’s, so our night and day are of equal length everywhere on Mama Earth. So cool!

Autumn Equinox Energies

Balance Aspect: No matter where you are on planet, the equinoxes are all about balance & harmony, again this is b/c this is when we’re receiving equal amounts of sun & moon energy. Therefore, this is a great time to choose to focus on bringing balance into your life by aligning yourself to these energies at this time of year.
Preparation Aspect: As we take our annual vortex journey through our Solar System around our local star, the Sun, we flow through varying energies and the energy of Autumn or Fall is our time to do last-minute tweaks to any intentions or our manifestations we’ve had in the works for this entire year… before we go into our “hibernation zone” for the winter.
Winter is all about rest & cave time. Autumn has always represented harvest time with an eye towards prepping for going into our introspective hibernation time… so in the wintertime, we can focus on resting & renewing without being stressed out about simply surviving. We just had our September Harvest Moon; a time to reap the rewards of our hard work. In fact, the Autumn Equinox is the original time of our US Thanksgiving (giving thanks for the bountiful harvest) before it was changed to its current date for economic reasons.
You might be thinking to yourself right now…
“Hey! I’m no farmer and I’m not a squirrel or a bear… none of this applies to me!”
Yeah, what I’m talking about above is obviously so in nature and certainly applied to how we USED to live even just one hundred years ago… but not so much today. However, keep in mind, all this farmer talk can be applied figuratively to our everyday lives even if you don’t have your own ranch. ;) If you really pay attention, you’ll note that your energy is leaning this way too. Feel into it. Am I right or am I right?
For me, this is a time of year to be grateful for all I have, reflect on my goals & check on the yield in all life areas. Are the results bountiful or lackluster? If you need to tweak some things, now’s the time to do it, before we go into winter (rest & reflection time). The energies themselves are balancing out; as we go from an intense time of growth and harvest to a time of preparing for quiet and retreating within.
Here’s the quick breakdown:
  • Time to reap the final harvest
  • Give thanks
  • Balance
  • Prepare for winter ahead: winter of the spirit, time to rest

Autumn Equinox Crystals for Balancing Aspects

  • Moonstone – embodies an enlightened female energy; soothing, moon energy, intuition enhancer
  • Sunstone – invites in enlightened male energy; abundance, solar energy, stone of leadership
  • Magnetite – aligns and balances energies + polarities
No matter where you are on planet, the equinoxes are all about balance and harmony so the stones I’ve listed above are the ones I like to work with at this time of year.  They are the ones that embody the balance between masculine and feminine energies, yin & yang, sun + moon, the 2 polarities. So, I like to use both moonstone and sunstone together to achieve this. The vibrational frequencies of these 2 stones together are PERFECT for reminding us to stay balanced in all aspects of our lives.  Then you can add magnetite to that mix to enhance even further while adding in a bit of grounding too.
You can also sneak in some Balance Essential Oil from doTERRA there too to further enhance these vibrational frequencies.
autumn equinox crystals

Autumn Equinox Crystals for Introspective/Preparatory Aspects

If you’d like to, instead (or additionally), focus on reviewing and preparing for the time ahead here are some crystals that incorporate the ideal energies for this:
  • Stilbite – introspection, preparing & inner peace
  • Tiger’s Eye – “the practical stone”, invites in practicality, introspection & discernment
  • Shamanic Dream Stone – this stone is also good for polarity balancing as well as for introspection
autumn equinox crystals

How to Work with the Energies

I’ll use these stones at my altar while meditating, within my sacred space or in a crystal grid to honor these energies.
autumn equinox crystals
Here are some ideas for you:
  • Include these stones on your altar or in your sacred space
  • Create an Autumn Equinox crystal grid
  • Do a crystal meditation
  • Drink a gem elixir tea
  • Indulge in an Autumn Equinox crystal bath
  • Bring your chakras into balance with a Full Chakra Balance session. I recommend doing a session like this 4 times a year; at each equinox and solstice for good energetic hygiene. You can do this yourself or dive deep for a real treat and have one done by a Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Healer.
I hope you’re able to carve out some time to celebrate and prepare...

Finding crystal properties

Chinese Writing Stone
It’s easy to see why Chinese Writing Stone was so-named, but it took longer to verify that it did indeed assist with creative writing. Image c. Judy Hall

Crystals constantly delight and surprise me. A question I’m often asked is ‘how do you find the properties of new stones?’ My usual answer is that they find me. Crystals tend to arrive with serendipitous synchronicity. They match what I or those around me are experiencing – and heal it.
So, Eye of the Storm arrived in the midst of major turmoil and I was instantly calmed and centred. Gaspeite was handed to me at a moment when my liver energy centre was being hammered by someone’s anger because I had closed my spleen chakra off from their vampiric graspings (if you don’t know about the spleen chakra and energy vampires see below).  Gaspeite provided a shield and gave me respite – teaching me in the process that if you shield your spleen chakra it’s also wise to do the liver chakra at the same time. Handing the stone onto a friend who was having gallbladder problems brought immediate relief to her. I was unpacking a large purple Nirvana Quartz at the exact moment that, unbeknown to me, another healer was sending healing to someone in my family. Wow. I started shaking and tingling, so much so that all I could do was sit down and go with it. My response ended the moment she switched off. That’s how I found out that it could act as an intermediary for distance healing. Its effect on opening my multi-dimensional awareness followed swiftly.
Eye of the Storm
Eye of the Storm c. Jeni Campbell
At other times my crystal groups meditate with a stone, asking it to communicate with us. We may take it through our chakras or over organs to see which responds, or notice sensations in our body or changes of mood that occur or emotions that rise up for release (the Crystal Experience teaches you how to do this for yourself.) It always awes me as to how a theme emerges even though each person may receive the information in a different way. That’s why I don’t like to limit a stone by asking it to do this or that without adding ‘or something better’. And, similarly, I don’t like to limit people by expecting them to only perceive the energies in a particular way. Let’s celebrate difference and diversity. Let’s talk to our crystals, hear their voice, feel their energies, sense what they have to offer us each in our own unique way. It can only contribute to the wider knowledge. That’s how I learn – and what I love to share.

The spleen protector

Green Aventurine c. Michael Illas/The Crystal Companion
Green Aventurine c. Michael Illas/The Crystal Companion
At other times the properties emerge spontaneously in times of need. For example, when I experienced a sharp tugging pain under my left armpit, I reached for Green Aventurine. Or rather it might be better described as a Green Aventurine that ‘happened’ to be lying around jumped up and down and waved at me saying ‘I can help.’ Fortunately I listened. It did indeed assist and it has been verified many times over in workshops where we have cleared out the spleen chakra hooks that can so sap our energy. As not everyone finds the same crystal helpful, we’ve explored other options too.
Jade Spleen Protector Photo copyright Jeni Campbell
Jade Spleen Protector Photo copyright Jeni Campbell
The spleen chakra located about a hand’s breadth under your left armpit is where energy vampires can hook in to suck out your energy. If you get a twinge or ache in this area it’s a sure sign someone is pulling on your energy. Protecting yourself is easy with this crystal meditation.
You will need: Green FluoriteGreen AventurineJade or other spleen crystal
  • Tape a spleen protection crystal over the spleen chakra – about a hand’s breadth under your left armpit. This immediately cuts off any hooks from energy pirates.
  • Picture a big, three dimensional pyramid going down from the spleen chakra just below your left armpit to your waist, back and front to protect your spleen (make sure it has a floor).
  • To re-empower yourself, replace the crystal with Quantum Quattro or one of the other power stones.
  • A similar crystal-and-pyramid set-up protects your liver from other people’s anger (red or green crystals), your solar plexus from those desperate for emotional nourishment (yellow crystals), your heart from picking up someone’s heartbreak (green or pink crystals) and so on.
  • Experiment with different crystals until you find exactly the right one for you and, if the energy depletion is severe, keep the crystal taped over your spleen.

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