Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, December 27, 2015


In its own way is life:
Giving a wish; This is giving or granting a wish by feel. I can do things for that by spell with your point or aid. You see the creator creates all, so you focus on what you want I channel that need. Then the creator creates the need or ideal that can seem expressed. As a need that is peace or your ideal for the planet where this is happiness, if necessary to appease with a thought to denote the endpoint as a done. What is your basic idea; thinking to give happiness and immortality or some other thing.

So yes I accept as this is till no longer needed where you decide that what is the happy response or not, if to not need the point of madness as this is peace that is set by ideal activity there. Sometimes you can effect other places, as you do things think you are effecting some place you think then effect creatively to effect there or here. If you don't want to effect the place think your not effecting the places as you do things. This is a system of magic that you duplicate things, by now is where that you can see or work with others to create is copyable. So think if you can. Think or feel not to resent if someone outdoes you or if there is a reason to resent, then work with that reason to create as if to work with them not against.

RESOLVE ANY ISSUE There are three things to remember when resolving any issue:

1. Forgiveness: Allow others to do as they choose. This does not mean that you allow others to continually harm you or others, for you would do well to remove yourself from the presence of these persons. However, it does mean that you realize they are operating from their set of belief codes. You do not have to adhere to their beliefs. Thus, if they say or do things that are unkind, you do not have to believe their words or participate in their actions. Many of you have been injured physically and emotionally by these persons, but you have within you the ability to heal these wounds, forgive the other and move forward in your life. You don't actually need a dose of your own medicine, if your going to teach yourself a lesson.

2. Know that you have within you the power to choose the experiences you wish to have. You cannot undo the past, but in this moment, the thoughts, words and actions you express are creating your future. Be mindful of all you say and do, choosing only those things that lead to the life you desire. Whatever you desire is then the point you think to work with by the thought you have. This then is to wait then speak or wait till the ideal is over, as then the point was either an argument or ideal point you have to work with the point then think calm for peaceful relationships. Think then use what you have to afford things or get away with. That is all I need to do now.

You can choose to calm tempers, sometimes by establishing self-control or working with the ideal, then stating what they think with similar words. That is what will also work called restatement except its a statement, as though I think or I will is stated except in terms they accept. Then this is relieving sexual tensions, where you excite sexual energy by focus to work. This is with some  by music [] or activity, that you think then focus or use what exists to excite the blood cell flow.

Thinking with an ideal that exists to energize the blood, that results with a pleasing feel or rush that is the extreme feel when you overexertion yourself with exercise by a pleasure feel. This represented by the elements is through the point with water then fire, with the warming or excitation or with cooling by air then use is earth to work with the ideal as a channel or sabotage if thought too bad. So think if you must to work with what you get and avoid blaming others, this is no trip by no guilt as though you get over things.

3. Make heart-to-heart or talking points to resolve by the ideal being know then understood as you think things through as the speaking is done. This is connections with every person you meet, think to treat carefully those you are near especially with your adversaries. This can be done visually when you are in the presence of the other or this can be accomplished, sometimes remotely with those who are not in your presence. The point is the action by activity you think, then work to then create with life by remembering, what your life was then you can live what your life is by now no use is exception to what you wish as you no longer wish to go on. There was no point this was the use to cause something to exist, life then was to move or not move to the point he or she had the thought then he or she moved or not to do what isn't supposed to be done.

Practice these three suggestions then to everyday situations and you will be astonished at how easy life becomes as you release past burdens and the fear of possible future pain that dissipates away as things resolve. You will begin to live life in the moment, fully in love with yourself and all other Beings. Begin Today! This is the time for your future by now or not so if you need the point then you get the point. Use the point to resolve the issues there, as though if there is no issue as you think calm then there is calm. As this is where you sense yet don't move then if someone is near or you sense, if they are working with things you like then you move to react otherwise no reaction no movement with no reason to strike. Think to work by feel. So think then to 10 or count to ten then you can create calm with a peace of mind.

Sometimes by then counting to ten to cause calming or seeming to give in is not needed, think how you react to the situation an to the point this is no issue. So that then tends to become situations you can handle anyway you want, as your away to aware points though you meditated with a calm ideal. As though the point didn't exist. So you think if it existed then you thought of use, for if there is use your with a way they will accept. That then is use of the memory or the past point, thinking to cause acceptance to the fact by how you sometimes can deal with this is to then accept what is there. So that is what I thought of then as a point to do. Otherwise I think I will not bother as I do my own thing.

So if I were in an angry situation, I would think things through a bit. Then I will go so we aren't angry at each other. Then get some rest or meditate as if not thinking of what you do but allow your body to do things as if the point is done then this is acting as sleep or relaxing the mind. Then think something when your done meditating. You can improve this with music [ ] so you think then things are done, happening when you need them to be done. So think no longer interested as though you were a skinny person, that eats like usually a skinny person does so that is what can cause weight loss if you did so you do.

Seeing that isn't with stress, as you think to release the stress you will get a better sleep. This is the last thing on my mind though, thought you think is what or where you think then consider. That is all this is by feel. I think I will go on my own way, so then you know what will occur without me interfering. So think about life then live to work with what life gives you, then thinking to use my head so that I think is the end point. So what is it, its by thought an interesting technique.

If some wish to die by what they think will work, water is considered the opposite of fire. so understand when i say i love the air but I'm also unsure about this. Because the air is what you think is there. You see there's no substance to it except certain air flow, so the earth is substance or objectivity that is what will exist by ideal. This is where fire is thinking by your point to create. Sometimes by heat or friction the water is amazing by the point. There's sometimes no use by what you do, if this is exception to what you wish as you no longer wish to go on for today is now. So ciou for today by now this is my last will and testiment.

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