Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, December 18, 2015

God types

Some gods: A God is a being form from us so a god can create life, yes as you can create life they can also exist such as an energy being formed like a child that is an energetic child. So they are mostly you as a god form, so I think if a God form then the spiritual you is what you recognize. If you become a god can you create your own personal universe that you can walk into and make your home or create with a universe of people to live in. This uses ideal from the point your personal god or higher self is there if a point is made, there is some ideal use that is uses made in a point. So this is where I see things that are useful or otherwise is there in use.

Yes the universe that's your own is already there, where you create yourself as though a god. The universe where there are people allow this to ideal or this method wouldn't work.This uses your self or others as though a point that is spiritual. So I think he or she is omnipotent omniscient by now, an omnipresent that is a useful person and can use those powers in human form.

For some they gain ability from observing you by their brain picking up with the ability to create. This uses your thoughts as the subconscious picks up with your need, that forms the energy to create as you desire now. This is shaping as you think then the subconscious does what you think to create. This is where your aware of your surroundings as omniscient to the area you focus to see or know. This includes knowing another planet, so this is such a cool point known as the crab nebula almost all animal planet.

So a god can time things or time travel with some travelling I think, otherwise though to become pure energy they travel even through time. If you can see I am here I travelled through time, then I didn't disappear so then this is possible to become a human form. As though back to then or now as the human form. If you think then you are some time you thought to be or seem as though someone or somewhere else. This is time travel for you as if travelling through a time capsule, so you can see that goes somewhere that is programmed by your thinking to go.

So I guess they can have a normal relationship with a woman or man. Children would be the same as any couple unless you don't need any. Then your body changes to your own will to not allow them to be birthed by you.  So if someone becomes a god can be returned to the physical world or have to die in the physical world to become a god. So a god once grown up is you that you recognize by the feel that is there.

They as we can return anytime as they actually never left unless they think they did. this all depends on the alpha mode where you think calmly then sit up then your in alpha or sit back then your not in alpha that is if you think you aren't then you aren't. This is where you can create any result that you think or state as some end result, otherwise I believe if you think to awaken as you say I will awaken from alpha. This is used by the count of 5 or three then count backward from the count out with 5 or 3.

Due note there is no imagination in alpha mode due to the pinneal gland or glandular change with the body. So if you think then by music or just sitting up your in alpha mode. I believe they aren't killed unless they want to die or if they think they aren't with alpha mode. So they don't have to die nor do you. I have done it so lovely a feel that exists from this.

This is where you can get minimal results without activating the 3rd eye or maximal results by activating the eye, this uses the pinneal gland to make this work. This is using the third eye to work or control the crown to be open as you think to create with the point, as you use the crown chakra through the pinneal psychic gland to create as you think.

Weight loss is easy with this, think your in alpha then think to lose weight as you are active or exercise then the weight comes off you. So is no cigarette or booze need. Where you think no booze you suddenly feel like you don't need the booze or alcohol. Otherwise think no cigarette need then the need for cigarettes disappears as you drink water. That is the power of alpha mode to your thought about use.

Primal god: A primal god is the god level approach to think then you can create. Otherwise a God is some level you think then you create so your use is including animal spirits or magic effects. Is a god immortal and unkillable? Can a god time travel for become pure energy back with the human form by now you know, I think you can get that result where a god can also get that result. Yes they are immortal as immortality is immorality, otherwise no then if anytime mortal form they can be killed if the form allows for it. Thus they can get killed or area feel to create or not by ideal with life. Otherwise they can't be killed. So yes or no most definitely.

Energy uses

 I use spirituality to talk to my primal god I made, this is where some can think that is belief based off your own experiences. There's spiritual faith or religion that the other tries to show or allowed is your own belief. Where spiritual faith like I have said is based off your own belief where so religion is based off others belief. One this either works or doesn't work, where you create what you thought or imagined. Otherwise you get other results. Things like what you can create. Think what you want then need or work then something will occur. You could make someone fall in love with you with your magic powers. So yes or no is yes you can but they don't always accept you after the charm wears off. No then is where they can work with you yet that is all. I think then I will work with others so things work as I wish.

 The charm is not everlasting. They get used to what you do. Then finding something not correct, they would work with you till a point is reached then not be there. So my faith is called omni columity, it forbades nothing except that which I won't like. Seeing there is no actual bad result with this. That could happen if imagined and believing in it, although only if you need the activity to be that way. This doesn't actually count as magic though. So magic has no distance. Interesting really to make someone fall in love with me as though guiding, where in order to get this done this takes some participation with you listing what you would like as a mate to the exact detail that exists the point you meet them. Then you work with what you own or not.

Almost exact detail that is there helps. Seeing this helps then think done. This helps though as when you need a mate then think to add in the description though, not to lose faith with you. See to put the positive or negative forth as a pulse or make suggestions then build off with the compliments as he or she allows you things or ideal situations. See to add not to treat you like a scumbag or aware is the thought he or she has. I am secure minded can think to create or work, thinking to work by genious or ideal then think to create as you are aware.

This I think is what I do for major events or I think I am doing or not doing, this is basically as you need where you are capable to handle things. So I think I will stop then rest as you can support then promote your own ideal. Things go along as well as you think they do. I am weeing near you or fairy by feel, that accepts rejection as though natural with allowance thats allowed by thought. So I think thats not here. That is not here or now will fix things as you think what you want.

So if you think the point then I can create by activity. So not all were positive results unless with encouragement, so this is usage of compliments with positive remarks so this depended on the personality or ideal expressed. Just remember those that don't want to won't fall in love. Thats the natural feel or nature of spiritual magics. Their way is think then you are aware. Your way is think to work then your awareness is there. So as I feel if aware then your able or willing so I think this will do.

What can i do to make a woman on social network fall in love with me? Think the point then state the ideal as though coaxing by positive comments, you would express to create the feel that exists the association. Thats how I would do the magic. Think to resolve any issue though to save yourself trouble. This helps any aspect or your aspect you list that is what you think. That means you are unable to be effected by people or things until you want to be effected. But we are all gods already so sometimes we just don't realize it.  Thus as we expand or shrink and evolve, we reclaim our divinity then that is the point some ideal device such as computer, interface or ideal situation is the point that occurs.

Unkillable is forever killable if you think to be killed till you think not to be killed. So I think this is there not here that I should be worried about. So seeya well as there could be other problems or situations you know. This is usually as though there not here. So think or your aware to be well. I see this was to go then decided not to go where someone else decided to work with things, then took a few things then I decided to not go as I planned. Thats the end of things that I see.


  1. How does your brain pick up power and how do you become pure energy?

  2. your brain uses the body by the muscular control and the power is the energy matrix with the object. you become pure energy by thinking you are energy then the subconscious controls the body to create that effect in the correct manner.

  3. How do you control your muscles in your brain and how do you use this matrix energy ?

    1. oh there really isn't any brain muscles so as you think the brain is what creates, by the feel you have that means your blood flow is what creates the point that you sense then manifest occurs.

  4. I do not know to control my brain muscles can you show me a technique on how to do that and I don't know anything about this matrix energy can you make a technique about how to manipulate the matrix energy for how to use it?

    1. the point is you think, so the brain creates. that is by alpha energy or brainwaves that the brain broadcasts by your sense or senses that you think to use. the matrix energy is really energy stored in the crystal grid made up of human activity, that you think then you are aware of by the feel you have. think then you focus the energy of this matrix, through your auratic feel that is your projected influence. then as you think or direct by the voice you have with activity, you can think to direct the energy where you direct the energy. this is by how things are as a pointer to what is there. yet sometimes the body cannot feel this energy because the body is sometimes numb by what you drink or chemicals, otherwise this is temperature by the area known as feel. that is there heats up then you feel what occurs. otherwise you can if near electricity create with the feel that is called ohm or energy that is felt.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Can you create your own pocket dimension?

    1. yes you can as you think it forms as you wishthe pocket dimension shaped.

  6. How do you create life and can you create a soul?

    1. think the life exists then you can see what life is there. this includes a soul viewably or otherwise created by the creator. although I don't see the need for this if you only need a life form.

  7. Can you use your third eye to enter alpha mode?

    1. yes you can think your in alpha then you are or you can think your not in alpha then you aren't.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. How does your brain pick up omnipotent omniscient omnipresent power

    1. Actually the brain picks up on the brain waves of others or omnipotent feelers that you can sense with. Sometimes through the energy in the area.

    2. The brain I guess uses omnipotent feelers that you think to direct to hear the thought. That is the point to this ideal.

    3. the brain is aware by the fact that you know when you think to know as though focused to realize things, as though through the corners of the eyes.

  11. Replies
    1. By thinking of the time then the people act the time or coorospond by giving indication unless the god lives still, then their body gives indication to what is there sorta like whole answers or scenes are viewed.

    2. Can you physically time travel?

    3. yes I think I can yet it isn't as one would think. As I would simply disappear then reappear, as though not having done anything except what I thought to have done.

    4. This is where you disappear as you turn into energy then teleport to somewhere else that you think to be or that was where you thought you were or wanted to see. Then as you return or reappear you turn back from energy to a solid shape.


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