Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Noticing things

Some never look back.

I could not disagree more or less. There is so much strength to be gained from the past. So you can feel to look back. True there is difficulty, but there is the old cliché that whatever does not kill you makes you stronger. Since you are reading this I assume you are still in the material plane. Look at how strong you are or how lessened the weight you have. If you think you survive then you survive or not survive, if you think you do then you will or don't as you won't if the creator won't save you. You have survived all of those difficulties, hurts and pains. For some that releases in life or working by the feel you have what you get. So you can think or work then is the point so your the ideal.

Your mind uses the past as a reference point. Whenever you see or hear something that stimulates a concept in your subconscious, your mind looks back to see how you handled it in the past. This gives your emotional self a plan of action. Your mind will then set in motion events, thoughts, attitudes, theories and the energy necessary to complete the transaction based on past experience. This is the key reason your personal “history repeats itself until not done”.

There are two Teachings to help you overcome your past history and to set you on a path that will allow you to complete the future the way that you really want it to manifest. The first is “look back in order to see ahead”, which is used in the Bible. Check it out in Ecc. 3:15.

The other is, “draw on your past successes.” They assure you that you do have the wherewithal to accomplish whatever it is you need to do in the now. This is also akin to another Teaching shared in a previous post, which is “use what you have and more will be given unless you don't need the ideal.”

Of course, there is some truth to the words put forth in the saying, “never look back.” It is this; do not draw on the past things in your life that have caused you pain and misery. There are things, situations and events in the past that are hurtful and you still may bear the scars today. Do not let them impede your growth and development. Use them as the experience you have. More importantly, understand why they occurred so that you can truly avoid them in the future.

Life flows in cycles, and your patterns of behavior use those cycles to prove the concept. Change your outcome by thinking the outcome you wish, so that the cycle is not rolling forward, but instead becomes a spiral taking you higher and deeper into the bosom of the Creative Continuum called God. Therein lies the journey for all of us. This spiral allows for creative expression in all that you do, which in turn will bring peace, balance and harmony to your life.

You cannot hold on to the past if you are going to have a new and more fulfilling future.

You are your past sometimes by failure or you are not your past failures.

You are not then what happened to you in the past. – No matter how chaotic the past has been, the future is a clean, fresh, wide open slate. You are not your past habits. You are not your past failures. You are not how others have at one time treated you. You are only who you think you are right now in this moment. You are only what you do right now in this moment. This is where you yes I accept them for whom they are, as you are aware an can't be bothered by now.

Not getting what you want can be a blessing. Otherwise what you think then is the point you consider. Not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of good luck, because it forces you reevaluate things, opening new doors to opportunities and information you would have otherwise overlooked. Remember some things in life fall apart, so that better things can fall or you create to be together by now.

This an example of this.

Gene shift; So use is sometimes an ideal to fly with this is where you think of a bubble of energy, then float your body sometimes by intense feel with gravity. So movement is easily done that you think the direction then you go. Some other ideal is think the food or drink will empower some device or cause some activity then eat or drink. This is the basic ideal then to undo, think realistically the things that occured then think or imagine them undoing themselves.

The event or item that caused the ideal should stop, if power goes out or thinking then to undo undoes the event by changing with the activity. If you think something prepared then place the thing placing the ideal in their mind, this is identified useful as though in the mind they will make use of things like the item. So some spices are good like oregano, cinnamon with sage or basil otherwise weight loss. If you add turmeric you can use or make use of mushrooms or vanilla that on sale will create a pleasure or sophorific or sulphur water feel. That is a calmer.

Changing by aging with the cells or youth that is the end result. This is the change to youthful behaviour, then the image of yourself changes or you can create by the feel. This means you create with the feel or drinking water or among other things, your own thought energy with the drink as a positive charge to cause youthful appearance. Otherwise think the change to create then drink the water or other drink to work with the point.

This causes cellular disorder or decellurosis that clears up after the change finishes. That is what is done as you think water to the drink then drink the drink. If you use than is a statement for this, you use this for comparison to the status quo. This is like a communication drop or allowance to the use you think then an work with this is sometimes working by feel. This is where things go by feel then stop or create by what you wish or think.

I think therefore to undo the body genetics corruption. So think to undo inbreeding with removing genetic corruption by the creator that works to create better genes or the genepool clears up. This is only temporary though so all you really need, usually is the thought or thinking to create better or fix by the creator magic. So you can think or work then thinking your aware things will work. This even effects the metabolism or medicinist approach, that is effective with changing hormones of life.

This is usually by now you see if your thinking is reality right, so if I think something its real? I think if you do things or create with things you are becominf more aware. Awareness is a factor that the brain can detect things as the brain is your conscious. Unless thought differently, use is the creator is the one that makes things that can create anything or all. That what is there by now or use is there by feel. Nothing more matters about this except for what you do.

This can bring the moment of distant use or disillusionment, that you think is the due ideal by the point you think or not done ideal is sometimes done by a point that rings false. The people that are aware can create by the feel or work by the focus points. The sex drive slows down if people live longer then when you think the amount of children are less. So this where you think then to notice things that exist are slowly dissipating or not there to worry you.

That is when the need of the body slows down to where the point is unnecessary unless you want children to have children at all. I think therefore then is the point where you consider then work. If you match the point that exists to your area you came from, then think by feel that is shifting to where you consider is important. Thats my theory. Its an ideal use by a few that concern.

Seen is the believable point where you can think something is there but really there isn't anything at all. This is my point for today. This is the point you think not follow to do your own thing by now. Think then create as you think to work better. Think to focus energy to clean the genetic damage, think your energy cleans others where the energy clears problems with yourself. If you remove something broken persay think to clean without harsh chemicals by the area clean water.

This means the water has to be cleaned up so you don't get corroded even further then the area is cleared away that cleans the corruptive element. That the genes could remove the damage, thus they live longer from that and what causes the problems such as birth defects dissapears. Remember if the creator wants to save you then nothing can kill you. This is where the creator can save you money or food to pay for things later. As though you earn more than you pay for things, so you have some money reserved. This is the the theory. Cious for now. From the most satisfied lord.

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