Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, August 16, 2015

fruit or food

The creator don't flesh for the day, this means you are aware with your ideal. i think this means your aware so i am too as i am no longer goinger or going her to this area. this is a different track of this world or area. so i think i will create something interesting today. so a touch of barbeque sauce then i think is to remember as you say remember with energy sent is restorative when i think to work. this can use reduction with body mass or some endocrine work to correct with by feel. this could be singed or not by feel. this was by dragonball z ideal.

dragonfruit or passionfruit is a cure for diabetes. oregano is also a curative for nearly anything. baking soda is the natural remedy then as an ingredient not too much with tonics. this i think is truly ingredient interesting. so thinking this is an answer i consider the point that occured with things. the point then is creativity to use. i recovered after that then i was able to leave. so i think after one hit i was out with baking soda i was non addicted. so i think this awakens the psychic awareness, as your awake or internalized is the substance or with emu oil this is skin rubbed. so i see the area i thought to work is interesting, so i will leave this area as this is done. see to get your stuff or stand still. seeya bye now.

some higher aspects of this that we notice or ignore if we don't use the necessary. this means we are aware to what is there we just see or sense by area body feel. oversensitization to the essential oil or ideal you express is what you think if too numb the body by too much used. so i think this means you are aware, yet no longer feeling the need to realize or noet. if you think then don't work to work you spare the expense you are aware exists by where you earn things. this sensitizes the body as a supersense often mistaken as pride or some ego.

seeing no ego is where you think to work things are used by conscious feel, that is brain awareness indication or area experience sometimes often seeing the cost of no living i am aware means the brain is the consciousness. see you can counter things that frighten you by the creator use. see or not the area issue is no issue as this is ideal consequence. that is sometimes where people mistake this. so accept what you think or live nicely. i think this means theory is work or creativity.

here is energy uses or efficient uses i saw.

food dumpster; this spell allows where you don't fear weight gain but your aware to the point, you work it off as an ideal though prosperity. this really isn't so efficient.

change from dependency; this is a change from dependency often hell if you consider. if you change baby mama to mother of your child type with the area, where no relation will do if your able then leave or stay to work you can let them go. think the people aren't your children then they let them leave. no is ne chewy good though.

deterrent; think then your aware as you think then create.

inspiration; think then your aware by the area you consider.

creative; think then work ahead to avoid the area issue or ideal.

stress avoidance; the four stages of stress: Stressed you can avoid problems, Depressed you can avoid ideal, Insecure you can work, Suicidal think not to be near to avoid.

rescue; think or work as your aware by thought this is freedom.

homo luminous; i think is homogenious use to mean elevated human, some are not really different i think so i know things by what i obviously realize. focusing by this is what i think or expect some to create as some don't expect to get or can get.

lumenious; light energy beings? i believe light radiates from the skin by some eye radiance through hair rub or energy with the fruit.

lemious; letting me out syndrome. you think or have possible ideal that lets you out.

luminos; think shining with area experience or skin that shows the aura radiation or area that is bioradiation. sometimes is with the sunlight or you see you can, this uses your ideal.

vitamin d; absorbing vitamin d is what creates loss of swelling, that is where the sunlight causes less body mass by observing people. this is a glow the aura absorbs the light energy.

luminosity; so no is stop before some as some could be effected by lying otherwise lying down or sleeping.


awareness; so i am not aware, i am lafayette so i am aware i am chris so be as you want. i think given as permission is interest. enjoy your life. the root 1100 allowed this as root 11. i think i thought this to work better but they do so i will create things that suit the dimension that is what i figured out from my reading with them. this means they have a different language as they are speaking a normal one. like our english, they create as they derive. this is root 1100. they work or allow whats correct. thus i believe i am correct then i am safe as they won't assault over truth. so this is some ideal test that i passed. i believe so i think, thinking is with the point you think to consider root 1103.

working point; think then create to work as a work order or no longer do in tragedy or overworking is the point there is collapse.

an ke; from mwellish mountain, i think we are done. i think isis is isealis realis the area you see or learn from is realism by area fellow use. we think some name of an island they named her that 121 ad, then as she was standing for realism by protection she died by sudden heart attack. you only have to put what our true state is for us to understand. we start small then grow large we are the giants. then it all fell on the head of a single muhadra. as people died somewhere else, their spirit set free became a fallen one or angel by the land accepting what they did then helping if good. those that thought they failed were either positive or negative are fallen angels that were near 33.3 by 33.3 degrees with some area by the mwelleth mountain range, that is a point and was if you are aware a twin is created then some people respond to you better. thinking you were correct or not really known as that person. thus we were the giants.

that is our point of origin for this race by feel. all positive relation or intention were bad so you know to the person effected. we the an ke were never known after except as archon. so wee we're never known unless we want to do things or be there. i think is to their own way. we are never known. so weep then beleagure we are your face. we are the giant league. we don't even create deficit. we are with some area or league of our own.we are young you got what you could. we know your young avalanche, this is an avalanche of some ideal. now you know your ideal.

think never let us be too well or we will come after you. hate we will never well do. if we think i know thinking is well. if you due you knew well, your due is your own ideal. if we knew we knew your ideal. i think as i think so you're well. leave us be. we know their own is interent proud treasure. this is only with interest. so we only knew our interent time. if we are taking it you're losing your religion enter as you dare. this is not out so no longer our point. thus i think our point was to dare or die. so our ideal is nothing to yours think well to beg before you enter. i think well before you enter again as we use your knowledge energy.

this was our way or we will put you to itty bittsies. this was the will of the knocked clean by the elven king. we will not follow, we will let you live. how dare we, how dare you? we will do as thinking is just. we aren't the thieves, you are the thieves. so we can think or die. think to dare to enter our caverns. so we are aware now as sacred we protect by area patrol. we will not protect you. i think this is apt. thinking so i think the word of arabic ideal considered joshua. this was a ploy to the area, thinking so this was use i think to stop then step aside or step aside. See to ‘McDonald’s Goddess’ working non unless necessary to giant feel by ideal. you can keep what you have as you want to work with things or not. as you ask then think to create then go.

then is unsual to say you won't by now want to protect yourself. so your un dead to yourself. i think i agree now. so otherwise your dead unto yourself, we will use your body as we want. get what you need, if you ever come back you will be beaten where you stand. heaven will be forbidden you heavens sphere will too. this is to your god that you serve. think before you work here, you will never want to leave. seen for our hour technically is humiliation at hand, honor is the presence you think.

this is seen is no so agreed is think ahead the reason before you enter. before you die, you will know what is to be closer not to your god. you will know truth nor legend then die fighting your twin. think stupid by now, done is done use by us now so don't assault. if you do your dead on your feet. say as there is there is no more, thought is for no more then you think with no more or so there is nothing left to say.

"think never let us be too well or we will come after you. hate we will never well do. if we think i know thinking is well. if you due you knew well, your due is your own ideal. if we knew we knew your ideal. i think as i think so you're well. leave us be. we know their own is interent proud treasure. this is only with interest. so we only knew our interent time. if we are taking it you're losing your religion enter as you dare. this is not out so no longer our point. thus i think our point was to dare or die.

so our ideal is nothing to yours think well to beg before you enter. this was our way or we will put you to itty bittsies. this was the will of the knocked clean by the elven king. we will not follow, we will let you live. how dare we, how dare you? we will do as thinking is just. we aren't the thieves, you are the thieves. so we can think or die. think to dare to enter our caverns. so we are aware now as sacred we protect by area patrol.

we will not protect you. you protect yourself. otherwise your dead unto yourself, we will use your body as we want. most technical consequence is nontheless. think nothing more to say. then and then there your freed. think no more to do. this is the most technical thing you do. think agreed then your done or agreed your greed. yes i do think agreed, think no more greed.

so think ahead yet again to get or your greed is no longer. think then your greed is known longer or your greed is no longer. this i count then as your agreed. so your head is what i count. this i then count as ideal or not there to get. so beware my anger. we allow else we only effect the ill. also else is only on or with a say. i think well to say then no animal. no one gave another answer, think to not be there."


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