Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, June 1, 2009

To lose weight -8 different styles

Main Menu

Weight loss by normal means
Water walking exercise weight loss
Sugar weight loss
The diet and high impact weight loss
The 5th way -not eating much and exercise weight loss
The energy food diet
Sports club diet
The over 100 year diet and exercise

Exercise in a diet

The nature of nutrition and Weightwatchers
a. Breakfast
b. Lunch and evening meals

Weight loss by normal means 

 To lose weight one a) must be willing to lose the weight. Some think of it as an enemy, but it isn't. To actually achieve weight loss one must for not to think of it as an enemy, but as a transmutable item in which the body can shift with the food eaten. Now imagine that the food is not to be eaten guiltily. When a person feels guilt when eating the person tends to gain weight no matter what is tried. When the person works out with high impact (not including aerobics, aerobics are low impact) exercise routines it doesn't matter what they eat excepting they keep this ratio. The ratio is 1 part exercise to 1/2 part eating. If they wanted to keep the bulk and gain muscle from it the ratio is 1 part exercise to 1 part eating. When we don't feel hunger or hungry, and we eat we don't actually stop unless we think about it. Anyway, weight tends to flux by about 5lb over the course of a day anyways, and for women, fluxes over the course of the month, too.

  The next step, eat anything you want while keeping away from drinks with sugar and carbonation. Carbonation in a drink can dry a body out causing the weight to increase with your hunger. So drink 1 glasse of water or non carbonated fruit juice every meal where at the end of the day drink at least 16 fl. oz. to 2.2 L of water or non-carbonated fruit juice where some drink 1 1/2 gallons of water. For how much you should drink of water per day if in doubt is here @ It has to be without caffeine and carbonation whatever you choose. What happens with pop (soft drinks) is that it starts to dull the nerves by carbonation in the stomach that tell the brain that the stomach is full as well as the softdrink dehydrating the body. Resulting in eating more of the dessert or other foods. When this is done, you'll surely gain weight so avoid soft drinks if you can and drink water.

  The light and dark states can control how much we eat. When we eat at night, the darkness will smother our fears of overeating. It becomes painfully clear of the overlargness of the body at lighttime. Darkness keeps us from seeing ourselves. So, guilt will not be so painful. With that lessening, we feel free to do what we want in an overcompensation action. That is, we eat more than the body demands. Unless wee eat without fear and guilt as its like a pendulum.

Water walking exercise weight loss 

  Then theres the water walking exercise weight loss. The water walking weight loss is To lose weight by drinking 3 Liters to 1 1/2 gallons of water over the period of a day. But for how much you should drink of water per day is here @ Then in the midst of that day you walk 20 to 40 minutes. Oh yea, watch what you eat and this weight loss technique will be effecting easier by 'Eating high volume and low Calorie foods. Generally, highly nutrition foods are fruit, vegetables, bony or boneless meats and grains. Water is also good for your skin, body and as of course, it will give your personality a refresh look.' . Its quantity not quality to be less wih things except for water as quantity of water goes up, the more weight loss you have. Its okay if you drink water or juice over a period of time when you feel thirsty. 

  Be wary, that pushing alot of water through your body may make you gain a little water weight so exercise it off. Thats so you drink alot of water, don't drink all of it within 30 minutes or as it is said, you might throw some of it up. This might not cause constipation, but you will feel slightly dizzy till the water is absorbed or peed out. Another thing, you go to the shitser earlier and more often. To exercise with out gaining weight from sugar and to expunge the sugar if you took some in. Drink one cup of water or a glass of water and wait at least 30 minutes. Then the sugar is gone at the first peeing after but you will have lost weight even if you exercise. If you want to or need to, you may intake sugar and drink water right after to exercise. Maybe you won't gain weight.

Sugar weight loss 

  There is an alternative, sugar and sugar substitute has been noted by TV news to not have any calories. When the person eats anything with sugar, except for any food item with butter or fried in oil, the person can lose weight. This works till age 30 and up. To avoid what body builders call white death, which is eating sugar only, one must eat fruit, meat or vegeatables with the twizzlers. What happens in this condition is the liver is unable to break the sugar down causing diebetes. Fat is then formed from the sugar. The people that need to keep their blood-sugar up can actually do good with this type of diet when they remember that they must keep a balance of how much sugar they eat and how much insulin taken for diebetes.

  Eating sugary items such as candy including twizzlers, gummy food items, and things only of that nature will not put any pounds on you unless you exercise right after eating them. As the refined sugar candy will metabolize into fat. Candy such as that has only energy and tooth decay to offer. When people eat doughnuts, the frying of the sugary bread makes it very hard to keep the weight off and gives the face pimples along with tooth decay quicker. I noticed that eating the biscuit with egg and sausage from a Carl's junior restaurant can break the face out with pimples in less than 2 minutes because of the fried nature of the food. This makes it seem unhealthy for a breakfast item. One idea is that you don't exercise with sugar intake, so from a laboratory test result, it has shown to increase weight unless it is a sugar substitute. 

  If there is nothing else to eat but fattish foods then go out to a store and try to get twizzlers or some type of sugar free other candy. Get fruit like bananas or oranges and drink only water to be healthier. Doing this for 300+ pound people will force the body fat to eat itself and said person will lose at least 30 lbs at the end of the month. They will have lost 100 lbs at the end of a couple of months if they had eaten and drinken nothing else, except this is unrealistic as it assumes to eat candy with no meat and vegetables.

  You need them to sustain the health of the body. Adding a visualization technique to it of a symbol of your metabolism rising like the sun in your head at every meal will make the metabolism rise through instruction to your subconscious by repeat visualizations. Thinking it consistently makes it happen. One last thing, hold your stomach in and don't let it hang out as much as you can. This will train the stomach muscles to be taut.

  Please do not eat at night! At night time, the food in the stomach will not be processed due to blood flow in the body being concentrated in the brain as the person sleeps with dreams and will not flow to the stomach until 7 am. At that time, the food will start to process and so will breakfast along with the midnight snack. So, do not eat at midnight unless you want to gain weight. 

The diet and high impact exercise 

  The diet? There is no diet except diet is actual food intake! If the person watches what they eat and imagines a more slimmer stronger self at every meal and that said person will actually lose weight and yet there is some congestion. The metabolism will rise just by eating the foods the person likes after a couple of days to weeks doing the visualizations. Feel no shame at eating any food item and the body will slowly lose weight over time. Say at every meal "I will raise my metabolism" at least once every time you have a meal. At least try some form of high impact exercise. All these efforts will work together and weight loss for even the most hard core person will occur.  

  The problem with high impact exercise is that some people are afraid of it and it can wear down the joints in your body. The person by reason is by the first week of the exercising the person has bulked ten pounds. This is just body fat that disappears after the first week has passed. Thus, the person wanting to lose weight quickly will quit the routine because of the weight gain that is observed to happen. The people that continue the exercise will steadily lose the fat into solid muscle over the next several months and they can eat anything they want to. Except for gluttony eating habits such as eating more than they exercise and with fattish foods.

  High impact exercise routines can include All-American Fitness, Tan and Tone America or home weight sets and places like it. This can be safer than sword practice. You can just buy a sword and exercise with that if you want to spare the expense of $700. Become an arms expert. If the All-American Fitness is chosen, go up to the counter and ask for a trainer after getting a membership if you don't already have one. If the sword route is chosen, first buy the sword if you don't have one using the rules outlined below. 

  The rules to buying a sword is to make the weight of the sword and the price judgment. If you can't lift it, then why have it and swords can cost $60 to $300. There are cheaper swords out there and the cheaper the sword the cheaper the construction. You can find cheap good quality blades at the AMC Flea Market or order over the internet. When you can at least lift the blade and yield it for 2 minutes or ye think you can, then go ahead and buy it. If the person can only lift it, don't buy it. If it looks good to you and feels good to have it on you or with you then go ahead and buy it regardless of price. 

  To yield a sword, you must be able to lift twice as much weight as the swords weight. To exercise and train with it, one must only be able to lift it up and hold it for 1 minute held straight out. For a showpiece blade a blunt edge is good enough and it makes a good mantelpiece. For the exercises the edge must be sharp. 

  Start out out by holding the sword out as far as possible as if you were holding a stack of books on the palm of each hand. Standing up, hold the sword in both hands straight out and as long as possible at the very first time . What will happen is the blade, after a period of time, will get heavier and your arms will feel like leaden weights at first. Put the sword back into the sheaf and stretch the hands interlinked out in front of you. Then, stretch them up top of you at full length and interlinked. Finally, stretch them interlinked to back of you. Doing this consecutively may make you hear a "pop". What has happened is a slipped or misplaced bone in your spine will have popped back into place.

  The second day, the arms will be stronger and maybe you will be able to hold the sword single handedly in one hand at a time. There will probably be some arm strain, so do not expect it to be easy. Do the same thing as before except hold it in one hand while holding it straight out for as long as possible. Repeat this pattern at least once every day. After 2 weeks start swinging the blade in a backyard or a self secluded place where it will be unobserved. A week after that, start imagining the sword blade in your hand being used as if in The Highlander Movies or like the medieval faire showing. Start to practice moves you think that will work as if in an actual sword combat situation letting intuition be your guide. Remember, any accidents are your fault, not the writer of this document if you chose this method.

  What will this sword practice accomplish? Excepting for the arm strain, it will exercise the entire body in some small amount as if using a full suite of exercise machines accomplishing high impact exercise over weeks. 

The 5th method - not eating much and exercise

  To lose weight by the 5th method, the method of not eating much and exercise is to lose weight by the not eating as much and eating only a large breakfast but skimpy lunch and dinner. Drink lots of water to provide the fat burning efficiency, but you may drink other liquids and be sure to drink water before you start exercising. This must be cold water. Drink it with each meal and drink it as you wake up and 3 hours before you goto rest. You can eat anything with this diet but try to avoid the sugar in substances except for fruit. You also might exercise to get rid of weight of at least 30 minutes per day. Due note: Water thats cold will help break down the food after a length of time. And you don't have to do it everyday. If this method rebounds on you, you gain from it so try another method.

The energy food diet

  Most diets preclude that you don't eat very fatty food and still lose weight. But the you can eat anything food and not gain much weight is if you mostly eat energy food by thinking the foods there but invisible and playact to eat it, at least in your mind. So eat a normal or large breakfast and then energy food. Then eat a skimpy meal that is lunch and dinner beside the energy food or as you eat the energy food. Besides, it tastes like fried chicken when you cook them like that. Then if you add ketchup, it's great. 

  Eating energy helps you lose weight even when eaten in huge quantities. Same goes for manifested food. Having a diet with the right amount of animal fat, whether in milk or meat, will help the absorbtion of vitamins into the body naturally without supplements. A reason why you can eat a Big Mac for lunch and for dinner for 10 or so years and be healthy if you also exercise.

  Don't forget to drink water with your meal, cold water. For how much its at least 16 oz. to 1 1/2 gallons per day. For how much you should drink of water per day is here @

Sports club diet
  A limited but healthy diet is to have: 
 Nothing much than this in a day. 

  1. Light cheese and or light yoghurt
  2. So much water
  3. Soup without butter or oil
  4. No bread and no sugar except maybe Stevia and Truvia sugar substitutes
  5. No deserts etc.. 

  Diet by the Sports club and from Libby.

  The over 100 year diet and exercise

  To do this one, you have to want to live over 100, to work out and do as ya would or could with this. All it requires is to lift up to 20 kilograms of weight every day 20 times and take daily walks, for at least 20 to 30 minutes each day. The weight lifting can be built up to. But, try to be somewhat active every day.

  Next, is to have two somewhat good meals a day. Skip a third and more meals as well. One person that I know eats a somewhat good or good breakfast. And a skimpy to good lunch or dinner each day. Skip either the lunch or dinner, not both. For the main lunch or dinner, have some meat with it or go vegetarian style. Always eat less fatty foods with this. That is the over 100 years diet. Oh yea, have a laugh every day that ya are alive to enjoy life. 

  Exercise in a diet 

  Exercise is important! As, ya can lose weight with exercise, even if ya don't diet. Or, ya can eat right and with less fatty foods and lose weight that way without exercise. The two types of exercise are low impact aerobic, such as walking and working out using repeated motions and not too much strain. Or high impact, such as working out with a sword, doing repeated actions with weights, and doing extrenuous activity. There is four modes to low impact exercise; walking, running, advanced sprinting and doing repeated low strain actions, not necessarily in that order. There is two modes to high impact exercise; Working with weights and doing strenuous repeated actions.

Low impact exercise modes

  The walking mode is easy, start at 5 to 10 minutes a day and work ya way up to 30 or more minutes that you can walk. Have something to drink as you do it in the heat of day. As, you can get dehydrated, sun stroke, heat stroke or worse. Always avoid temperatures above 90 degrees, if possible, when ya walk.

  The running mode is a little harder, as ya first must have built up stamina by walking and then ya can run. So, start by running 1 - 10 minutes a day, by sprinting until ya are tired. Then ya go into a true run once ya can sprint for 10 minutes, of over 10 minutes or more until ya are tired. But always build up slowly, as in 1 to 2 minutes more each and every other day,  in running for it. As, ya may pass out unconscious and ya know ya overdid it, then.

  The advanced sprinting mode, if ya can, this is to maximize the sprinting by walking as rest in the effect of exercise. Not many can actually do it, unless ya walked for at least 30 minutes a day to build up stamina, first, without tiring. Before trying this, ya must feel ready to do it and at least physically fit enough to walk 30 minutes without tiring. So walk for 10 minutes and then sprint for 10 to 15 seconds and walk for 1 - 2 minutes and repeat the cycle of 10 - 15 second sprinting and walking 1 - 2 minutes for about 10 to 20 minutes. Try to keep the 1 - 2 minute walking part at 1 minute and 30 seconds intervals, that ya walk.  

 The doing of repeated low strain exercise mode, is in the use of everyday actions or idea acted out. To repeat the action, such as stretches and doing other movement that doesn't cause much strain, as in a exercise tape repeation.

High impact exercise modes

 The working with weights mode is done by starting with a low weight of 5 to 10 lbs and working till ya can stand over 20 kilograms. This is doing the weights with repeated up and down actions of the arms or legs. Doing in repetitions of 5 to 10 movements per rest.

 The doing strenuous repeated actions mode is needed to be worked up to. As in, using a sword swung around for a number of times of ya choosing, then more at another day. Or, lifting up heavy items every chance that ya get, as in a heavy bookbag or backpack. Or, a heavy grocery bags and other things. This must be done consistently, much like weights. But ya don't want to put yourself in the hospital, from the lifting of too heavy of objects.

The nature of nutrition in a diet and weightwatchers

  A diet is actually an intake of food, So Good diet is a good intake of food and causes weight loss, where a bad diet causes you to gain weight, and finally a balanced diet is to maintain your weight or drop it to a point. A point in this case is 50 calories.

 To be of better eating is a necessary for good eating and nutrition. Good nutrition keeps you stable. To keep up a routine of eating keeps your metabolism high.If its a daily routine, then change it slowly and wait till your body adapts to the new routine. To use less portions like cut the restaurant dish in half and to give it to a doggy bag to take home in. It works alot as you might see what you eat but it won't be alot of it. As you see what you eat and in digestion you can see that it is good as it takes less to think more. 

 When you eat, you tend to think of digestion and whats on the plate is what you also to make smart switches is to go and switch out the fatty food with the low fat food. This has a smart switch of better effect for you. You need to eat protein and high calories and drink 8.9 glasses of water a day for this to be truly effective. To measure the amount you use in say a bowl of cereal and make certain its right for you is also important. For example, to use 1/2 cup to 1 cup of milk with 1 to 2 servings of cereal. A serving in this is a half of cup. 

  One must eat a smart balance, as for protein, good fats, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, grains of rice, bread and pasta, and carbs of corn, peas, rice, potatoes. One must stay with nonfat foods and get at least one serving per day of protein with sometimes milk, good fats, olive oil. Good fats are Polyunsaturated fat and Monounsaturated fat. Bad fats are Trans fat and Saturated fat, and its okay to stay away from dietary fiber.

  This is an example of a good diet,
Drink 5 glasses of water daily
1. Upon arising 30 minutes before breakfast.
2. At 10 AM
3. 30 minutes before lunch
4. At 3 PM
5. 30 minutes before supper

  2 Teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar Daily
1. It works as a fat burner
2. It acts as a diuretic
3. It balances the PH of the Urine so you wont retain fluid or bacteria.
(Can be taken with juice, water, or over your salad or vegetables.)

  A. Poached/Boiled egg (1 or 2) 
  Choice of drink 

  B. Small bowl of cereal that contains no sugar.
  Choice of drink. 

  C. One-half grapefruit
  Whole wheat toast (dry)
  Choice of drink
Lunch and evening meals:

  Lean meat: (beef--all beef weiner, hamburger meat, steak, or roast; white fish; white chicken)
  Vegetables: (asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach)
  Salad: (no dressing)
  Options: Low fat cottage cheese (6 tablespoons), Yogurt

  Cut Portions 1/2 and chew 15 times before swallowing. No spices of any kind. Only 3 items per plate, Use a small salad plate.

  Drinks: Juices: grapefruit, orange, (apple , grape, (dilute 1/2 and 1/2 with water))
(1/2 cup juice); Coffee, Tea, Water

  Snacks: Raw vegetables: celery sticks, carrot sticks, etc.

  Food for once thought: Obesity is the forerunner to many diseases. What goes on in your head almost always decides what goes on into your stomach--you must 'think thin' to get thin! If your navel is more than three inches above your waist then you might get diebetes and diseases easier. The good diet allows you to be able, and to think as if to remember easier. 

 There are two types of forms that exist for women and some men, it is of a apple shape or a pear shape. Now apple shapes have a easier time to lose weight as the apple shape is in the stomach area. Then the pear shape is in the waistline and is harder to lose weight with. 

  Now after a good diet, its to know that it takes 3500 calories or 35 points less to lose 1 lb with exercise or gain 1 lb without exercise. You can't add weight to lose a lb where you exercise. So to gauge a good weight for you some go by the height and calories. For women; 1100 - 1600 or 22 - 32 points per day, for males; they can eat more. As not eating enough food makes your body to go into starving mode.

  As the bmi (body mass index says from here:

  The standard weight status categories associated with BMI ranges for adults are shown in the following table. BMI Weight    Status
Below 18.5    Underweight
18.5 – 24.9    Normal
25.0 – 29.9    Overweight
30.0 and Above    Obese

 For example, here are the weight ranges, the corresponding BMI ranges, and the weight status categories for a sample height. Height    Weight Range    BMI    Weight Status
5’ 9”    124 lbs or less    Below 18.5    Underweight
5’ 9”    125 lbs to 168 lbs    18.5 to 24.9    Normal
5’ 9”    169 lbs to 202 lbs    25.0 to 29.9    Overweight
5’ 9”    203 lbs or more    30 or higher    Obese

 Formulas for adults: 
weight (lb) / [height (in)]^2 x 703
  Calculate BMI by dividing weight in pounds (lbs) by height in inches (in) squared and multiplying by a conversion factor of 703.
weight (kg) / [height (m)]^2
  With the metric system, the formula for BMI is weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. Since height is commonly measured in centimeters, divide height in centimeters by 100 to obtain height in meters.

 Example: Weight = 150 lbs, Height = 5’5” (65")
 Calculation: [150 ÷ (65)2] x 703 = 24.96

 For child and teens go here, at

  To increase metabolism and lose weight easier, Eat first meal of day to jumpstart your metabolism. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day to increase metabolism more. The body will react to a daily routine in eating with exercising itself, and if its in the morning it will start digesting again early on and have a raise in activity.



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