Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, June 4, 2009


 Modified on 2-27-2010
  Okay with shock I think lightwave energy comes from the subparticles interacting that you think to direct sometimes water energy particles, as the light shines down where the electromagnetic gravity waves are suddenlt lightwaves. Lightwave or nothing this is metaphysics so I thought I should post the most current information I could find outside of LiveJournal. Say as your energy is cool, your energy is energy so forget about it and go away. As you see or put idea by electromagnetic light, think to direct them as this forms by focus where your thoughts are picked up. So this in link format or life change is observed. Different in feel is where you are different in use as you use an idea your ability, think to shorten the time things take by subconscious clock imagination. That is where or why I use in the use and this ideal is that your thought is the ideal energy for techniques. I thought this when I glanced over my work for use, as you focus to create that your seeable area is good or you are cool like by hot or cool focus with energy your ability manipulates with space energy. Maybe I could use this to direct the waves for spores.

Soulbonding @ Child of Mana, a really old site, but still current @
Soulbonding @ Soul Whispers, which includes information on Fronting and other things @
The Soulbond Database, a collection of soulbonding experiences from real soulbonders @

  Now to see, to begin is a soul as you remember or know the idea they see to create and you create what you think. I think this is energy by the lightbending to your will. Only that would detail what I saw.

  I think the area is energy enough to complete this experiment. Do you not agree? I think I do. So lets describe the experiments. Soulbonding is many things. It is a discipline. It is a hobby by the feel. It is a lifestyle by other means. Also by the gravity or energy to work for you as another factor this is good, its another name in fronting mutiple spawned things or ideal personalities.

  It's a way to connect empathetically in means of thought, feeling, and emotion with one or more "fictional" beings or mental personalities through a means of building a bond of love by activity, trust by desire, useful activity and devotion with the being kind. The being can be a multiple personality, so think about what you do as well then relate to now to cancel out the multiple personality if any. You feel their feelings yet they aren't there, hear their thoughts yet they exist until you the creator uncreates them, they are seen as you and sometimes active as you, so a ghost you experience their pain by them leaching energy to cope with life on a level that can only be described as a bond with the soul.

  The way of soulbonding is amazing as you can front the soulbond by reaching out and thinking of the soulbond or personality. Think of him or her that want to front. Then allow the person to speak through you by thinking the person is. That his or her every move and speech is impulse until you decide otherwise, and some call it chanelling. If you decide otherwise, think the person isn't speaking through you. The person is not able to control you unless you allow it to happen.

  Many people are soulbonders. The child with his or her imaginary friend, the writer and his or her invented hero or heroine, the gamer and his or her character in a fictional world, the fan and their object of affection. Soulbonding is a way to link fictional beings or characters to you then treat them as real. This is a way to work with others beliefs as you do so.

  Likewise the child is a person that is a soulbond if thought to be one, anyone or anything can be a soulbond that is with or is the basis of this ideal: The original made up beings brought to life, borrowed characters from pop culture, shows, books, movies or games, animals like your pets, and even the persona behind celebrities and rock stars. Anything can be soulbonded in a sense. The soul sense is the soulbond sensitivity from the area you rub or think is a linked place. The place is sentient by the few things you do to work with a point.

  To soulbond, you must have a feel for the being, an empathy of sorts that goes very deep into the roots of the soul. You must call them to you, ask them to be your friend, and if they respond, then they want to be your friend too. Once that happens, you have a soulbond, and you are a soulbond's soulbonder.

  What you can do with a soulbond? For starters, talk to them to learn about them, treat them nice, love them like family. Take it from there.

  Another thing you can do is fronting, where you and the soulbond become one in a means where you two share the same body. During this, the soulbond will usually be in control though. Fronting is explained at Soul Whispers. Dig for it.

  Benefits of fronting are things like a new perspective on life, new ideas, help with everyday things that you wouldn't be able to do yourself, and a deeper sense of oneness with the soulbond.

  Likewise, you can get into some awkward, painful, or troubling situations sometimes if your soulbond and you do the wrong thing.

  Soulbonds, like other beings, can be manifested using the manifestation technique that is in another thread. They also can be linked to game persona if it applies, and you can do a bit of "reverse fronting", so to speak, especially if your soulbond is an original with basis from an MMORPG or some other game.

  This however, is occasionally a bad thing, as it stresses the soulbond out if done against their will. The same goes for fronting. If you try to front with an unwilling soulbond, you will stress them out and they will not be pleased.

  My final words on this are simple : Soulbonds are wonderful to know, have, hold, and care for. Treat them with the respect they deserve, and you will have a friend for life. Albeit, some soulbonds are actually demons.

  Soulbond magic is similar as to make things happen by allowing the soulbond to be doing the effect. It can use your body's bio energy to manifest nearly anything, sometimes by you telling the soulbond to do it by instructions. There have been cases where the soulbond was a demon in disguise. So be wary in doing soulbond magic.

  The difference between a ghost and a soulbond is obvious. The astral shell is what creates things, sometimes by repetition the ghost of the person. The astral shell is used as a disembodied remnant experienced as a ghost of the individual that often haunts or stays around a familiar place. A fragmentation process leaves a portion of the entity lingering in the area of his or her demise, as a kind of astral shell that feels an attachment to the area or continues to repeat the final actions that led to the entity's demise, and these are often what is referred to as ghosts. So if exercising to get away, fast exercise gives relief to all pain. This then is referrence to ghosts.

  Individuals dying in violent situations when their life is suddenly sucked out from their body are automatically in another realm and not having time to orient themselves to the new situation may be confused for a time. This is much like what ghosts may feel in your plane when it manifests itself before you. It does not know how it got there. A ghost cannot create a body that remains; it simply fades in and out of your realm.

  When you cross over, you may suddenly appear in another realm in which you see other individuals, but you are lost and disoriented. Individuals may come to help orient you, to tell you where to go and what has happened. Such individuals who pass over suddenly often do not even realize they have died until they are convinced by circumstances or by others who take the time to explain and show them they are no longer physical by the feel.

  Individuals entering into the physical realm come in as tiny babies, born from the womb. Individuals passing through death's door enter as adults or if as babies, may suddenly become full-grown souls. They do not necessarily find themselves confined as a baby upon passing over. They may enter as a small child, because it is the soul expressing itself with full knowledge and awareness, this is sometimes too much as the movement to the Clear Light into the next realm is by life energy or chi energy force. Chi can only be described by them as think the point to create then focus the thought or emotion to create as they or you want.

  This is different for the elderly who gradually pass over, losing more and more of themselves, gradually pulling away from the physical form into the next realm. Moving from spirit into physical matter is not exactly the same as moving from physical matter into spirit. But generally, passing over and being reborn into physical matter are much the same. Every birth is a death and every death a birth, for as one dies to one realm, one is born into another. It is impossible for individuals to fully die.

  Specters and ghosts are astral shells that seek to attach to another live human being and live on, it is part of that mythos of the vampire. The mind energies also may do this to continue their stimulation. These shells of a former being may have such potency and power that they are almost individualized, yet they lack a soul, that spiritual quality that once composed the human being. These are also be understood to be specters and ghosts that often stay attached to a place or roam the world seeking further expression and connection to living beings.

  These are all part of what occurs after death and lack of proper re-absorptions of the being into the universal energies, the Divine energies. These energies are somewhat abstract, although they may begin to see themselves as true beings or an expression of a true being. The problem is that they are residual energy shells and they need to be reabsorbed into the Universal Divine Energy. As a sense of identity is developed, it is accompanied by an unwillingness to be reabsorbed, thus leaving the emotional and mental bodies confined to the physical, third dimensional realm, while the soul fraction, even though low in self consciousness, continues the journey at those elevated levels of reality.

  They do not ascend, but they still seek to express themselves. This is largely due to a lack of training and education by feel, other uses ito percieve their activity indicate a misunderstanding by a feel of coldness, otherwise for warmth or a lack of understanding even of what a full complete total human being is and therefore. I think these two aspects of the body continue to have a type of existence, even though they are shallow by comparison to what once was.

  Keep yourself calm and wrap intruding spirits with White Light, mentally sending them to a place where they do not bother others, and where they can have complete freedom to express themselves. You need not hold any malice toward them; simply send them someplace else, where they can grow and love, where there is light and beauty and where they can turn into angelic creatures.

  The Black Arts are the focus point then the use of death essence released from the cells otherwise known as the forces of night. The Forces of Night, entities who find themselves moving in the direction where the Forces of Darkness appear to be taking over their being because of motives that were not the highest, may call upon the Light forces, the Forces of Light, the forces of unity, and those names which are held sacred; the saints, the angels, the deities which entities may believe in as most sacred, and thus, in calling upon these entities may assist to remove the Dark Force through that which is the known ideal as exorcism.

  Using exorcism to Remove Dark Forces in some cases cannot be done. These forces gain such control that they cannot be exorcised, but in most cases, the exorcism can be accomplished without great difficulty by the use of proper ritual or communicated suggestions, prayers or imagery to bring about the removal of those forces and to purify the motive of the individual so that the psychic forces no longer are associated with efforts to gain power in any way over another entity, and whereby feelings of guilt can be alleviated and self-esteem restored. This was mostly noted in unity house.

  This was set by cosmic use for awareness. Thinking to use some area ideal or aspect of this, I created some ghost named tie as a point or win aspect to manifest what I wanted. So I created the point or area aspect to work with things or people out of love. I did this by thinking the ghost is there then activity was done to create by the subconscious the ghhost form or activity you noted by the point you could have noted as ghost by desire, spectre with energy or aspects by the point with life.

  There are obvious limitations to this, so lets explore them as a ghost can be different from a soulbond. Most ghosts are interesting but scary to some and interesting to others without the scare. Ghosts in general can use more than most types of energy and can possibly do tk (telekinesis). Sometimes or most times they can do this by manifesting there where they are and lifting the object to throw it or just hold it.

  You would think they're same with soulbonds though. No their not as soulbonds can go where you define or think that they can go as anywhere in there own world, as they are a personality in you. Ghosts can go only where there's enough energy and they don't leave an area that they haunt unless you feed them energy. Though soulbonds have a will of their own, they're similar to ghosts.

  If you think you have a ghost or soulbond, test it and the how to is ask it to go somewhere without you feeding it outside the area your in and where they haunt. If it can go then its soul bond, if not then its a ghost. Due note, if you can tell them "I banish you from the area" while believing your will is enough and powered by God then they might go outside their area using the energy of the ban to where you banned them. Both soulbonds and ghosts have their own energy but the ghosts energy only sustains them in an area and sometimes this is where there is objects that it uses to fuel them or as they do things to fuel themselves they stay in an area and haunt it as a wandering soul.

  Although the soulbond are known to raise energy of those they are near, they can raise you up in energy to cause effects if you ask them or when they feel like it. Where a ghost can possess you to give you energy. Ghost making is like calling one to hang around with you. Quidji board, is like ghost making I think abot things. I believe that I think this to exist then the link does. That you can call a person a soulbond for except it calls a demon to serve you so it can exonerate itself and escape hell for a small time. Some think there are hellbound people, that live pure. But they don't wanna go hell yet so they stay on this earth as earl grey tea is energy.

  Some are heavenly bound as one I know calls them. He came round two of them, where one was a hellbound and the other was heavenly and could speak spanish. Anyway they are like ghosts and soulbonds but most ghosts act on spite and emotion where the soulbond acts on the thought in idea as they are somewhat imaginary friends.

  Know that some ghosts are trapped by old bones laying about. As into an area you can feel their presence on the bones. As they use the bones as fuel for their effects. So they don't wanna go by throwing things and acting out. I find it amazing there're some ancient magicians who succeeded to stay alive in an inorganic form in this world. That's true and when they lack of power, they stay in their graves and waiting for 'power food'. Some of them still have many allies as they might be as liches, their friends are like djinns and ghosts. Well I know, that the liches are sometimes the ancient magicians power form an they can kill a man by sucking his power.

Now for the idea that came up about this...

  Now for the idea that came up about this is pure interest. There is no reason to do this if you don't think this will work for you. Some use is the ideal you have to create the point or make things work. Soulbounds are as described above or are part of 'imaginary friends' and was forced, formed to use by imagination from what my friend had altered by idea. The area you see is a rap to the hand or body, that is as your an idea your idea your creative so they allow you to seem in their body by allure. So as they are allure, they can cause walking to shift you to their world. As easily gotten away from, seeing as that is the faery maze. Though to part the spirit with this from a body by focus or seem given idea by reality, with your idea by belief that is idea sometimes to walk out.

  As you think their idea point to use is a trap then their subconscious culture is a trap. One sentence where they learn from your experience is that your will creates, that makes things where one as you state sometimes to be walked into the area as you sense a dead person. You don't like or can like then the can sense, the idea to disperse the idea wille by the aura. Seem around to see what you watch otherwise, that was so you can see dopplegangers you or so I remember was a demon trap idea.

  What you believe they can do or stop as a stop, they will do if in idea necessary or if as you see they can they will doppleganger. That is with the easily made point sometimes held in the body as energy. So try not to think too alike to get too attached or travel, think to you this is energy from the ground to ground energy to not seem by thought to unagree. Seeing that is or viewed so seems as soul transfer from them, as there as another is though by influencial thought to correct or create.

  Where with ghosts: there's so many variations to go on as vibration as "tough" or the earth they are on, the made-by-belief similar enough to soulbounds by vibrations to particles. The dead-person-who-lingers follows the spirit that goes, through all that run downs or follows the area energy by the spirit that is the eagle that use is death or life. Thought to do will create and depending on how exactly you define 'ghost' theres many other types. You can then make anything else fall by the counterenergy that see your idea admit to it that is gone, as you are forgetful or not in focus to cause you can seem use as then don't do is don't destroy.

  So this falls under the category; demon, dragon, kitsune, phoenix, anything else astral and beyond. Though the 'night terror' people from the 12th dimension come to so don't mind as they turn territorial, with idea to orcish as with an idea. As they are mostly ghosts tuned into 6th dimensional energy, that is there and surviving by 6th dimensional as you are your willing by desire to do or ttrade by idea to create. So the energy doing terroristic acts is by feel or creation is feel not fear.

  On the ghosts made by belief similar or not to debts by activity to soulbonds, so honor is use as persona as you see are symbiants. So don't think to give them your soul unless they trick you into the idea, as you think before you speak that as you or they don't feel bad or grudge they won't assault. Technically when I think about things they do as energy as that is how they form. The two are one and the same. Now as long as the soulbound wasn't brought in from some other distant plane of existence/other reality. On the excuse you created you can see or view by idea, so use or creation is by your own idea. So where the were or thought result to your use, your creation is your own brought by your own desire by idea.

  Example: a character brought from the bookworld dimension, as then they're one and the same in lifetime by use. Rather as you are aware your aware, as long as the soulbound was created rather than 100%-pre-existing. Some soulbounds are probably either already existing, or brought from some far-off corner of bookworld (mangas/etc).

  On the ghosts that are dead that linger. They are willing to show the bones of themselves, as you as have what they want or use is the owner by idea. As you are aware, as they subsist from their energy with an energy from aether. They can use an idea to know you or if you offer after a service they will sometimes take an object to change the idea to create with some energy from your idea. As they are aware they are used, by thought to sitting around or creating as you are. So your aware by te use as use is energy allowance. Your energy is allowable with or or without misuse.

  Tis is as this is well most of the times I ones live view by, what you have that isis protects from amazing times I've encountered just sit there. As drones you draw in energy. At least you can feel, I've had day I had tat were bad and the ones. That are in bound to an area are already gone, that is dad as a solar in energy by thought with what as if dead were moon walking. The run-of-the-mill 'houseghost'. They wanted something else to happen before they died; As you create an or use incomplete goals you completed that is possible energy source, as if whatever your aware of your able mind is able enough.

  See as you are as you are well, they stay and haunt those area they are dead in or drawn to. If you think to share energy as you say, so keep as you are to your grounds you see to stay alive longer if they turn vampiric. They are able to take a life in idea to use, turns them to use by thought. Some ghosts have varying as your a were in a were idea to thought, focus energy is the amount by time in degrees of power that is energy, seen or not but generally I haven't seen many that were that strong. That is an energy by the view or feel to what you create. Tat means testiment as either you seem or your alive or not that bad off. So then again if your aware, some deceased are not needing much. That linger are included in the ranks of demons and angels, so some of the astral elite that some have encountered though you would never guess things. The idea from focus or thought first, now quell down to the first glance by respect with glance.

  Yes you see they are imagined by matches with magic, they can turn demonic or not use any idea that isn't theirs unless permissable use. See as you are feeling bad seem nice as you see, as you are but not all of them are demons. Not all of them even have the potential to become demons. As some people linger because as you say, they can forgot to feed their cat or use that day as a source. That is energy by use in idea. See as your awre or create as your an ability. See as they experienced something and then died tey remember or can use an idea. As how animals occasionally stay, that is a world after death with Lady death use to seem a concept or feel with use.

  See you can try to offer something yet to offer energy or focus with feel that once they served they can go by chi, this is a life phantom as they are idea or thought to remain with their masters or use is a place the reality allows. As you think to focus energy by hot area air adjust to shift. People can to be just as attached or altered to pets as they are allowable. So to their use this is especially, as the ones their near the area not as the mayans allow the ages.

  How you define them as a ghost is what then? The word 'ghost' makes me think most often of a weak spirit which lingered after death. Or a weak spirit in general, generally location-bound. It all depends on how you define ghost though as someones ghost is possibly another ones idea of something else and vice versa. And depending on how you define ghost, there are possibly many other variety.

  This brings to mind necromancy, or the art of the dead, and that a large part of the necromancy field is an art intended to help the dead get to the 'other side'. It depends though on the necromancer, as some of them excel to make them stay here, some make loopholes in life to bring them from dead. Where some are just into concepts.. and glitches, but I don't think you can do the dangerous stuff without certain ends meeting. As they could do stuff and end up staying in concept but get different ideal without slaying the result that indicates a soulbomd is active.

 By Blackhawk and Libby

A Casa Umbrae posting

Edited by:


  1. question can you find a soul to a body you have made or is it still necromancy if you bring it to life and will it act like the fictional character it was and would have any of the same abilities in this world I really would love that answer because I'm thinking of doing that I've gotten to the point in psionics where I can make bodies just by thinking them also and life magic but I'm pretty good also with physical magic is alive is it the same character or was it later fall apart

    1. Seems the person is real by the creator or feel you see is your theory on senses or you don't always seem aware by what you do. As I am sure now your real ability is necromancy. So you can get amazing idea. See the area you just stepped into makes sense. That is the real life moment you attract as business or don't attract, if you can't handle what is then you create by the subconscious feel. So remember don't attract if you don't need the unnatural feel. So create or this the area you feel is the area you find a bone or you need a bone. Think to create or think by feel to memorize to not get area results that haunt you. So you see the area first think to the bone to create as the thought you tap is creating what you think or you see to think by what you are area corrosponding too much to get things done. Done as you are the area aware thoughts, is focus to cure by if you feel sick by use with water if unacidic. Sulpheric acid is not to the area cool feel you know. So area I saw has acidic called amino acid as possible use with what you wish or use is unnecessary.

    2. Done as you are is the area the creator causes you to seem aware with thoughts."

  2. hypothetically if I was to use your soul bond technique to create an exact duplicate of an anime character will she or he act like that character and have the traits of that character?

  3. How do you soulbond a soul to a body you have created?

    1. How do you soulbond a person thats not you? ask permission then you could earn the right or think you did to create the soulbond.

  4. Can a soul bond fall in love?

    1. Yes if you think then create with the thought that their energy is in the point then you create with their feelings, just do things for them as you do things for people yet remember energy can be programmed. So then speak or think to cleanse, then pass or release the energy back to them.

    2. Then if they wish to work with you, they can fall in love if they feel to love by respecting yourself. So yes they could fall in love.

  5. I am a big fan of Naruto can a soul bond if I were to do and soul bond with Hinata well I get younger Hinata or older hinata because I would love to talk to younger hinata?

    1. Umm she is alive as a poignant ideal or point by the body energy that is the release, that is released body scents that come with spiritualism or extrasensory perception so soulbonding is actually working with the person as you need them.

    2. Would I be able to bring Hinata to this world if I got her permission?

  6. How do you bring a soul bonds body to life That is a body you have created and bonded a soul to?

    1. You bring a soul bond to life by thinking the energy from the creator that is you using the creator, that is the being that creates what you wish or feel is necessary. Otherwise you can think or they can think to die or leave the body alone if not to bury said body. They could easily think to die then they will.

  7. How does SAKURA HARUNO & INO YAMANAKA appear and act like? And which one would you get would you get the ones like in the anime ?

    1. SAKURA HARUNO and INO YAMANAKA are they alive ?

    2. some look alike some don't. this depends on what you want to get. they are alive where they exist no where else I think.

    3. but yes they exist someplace.


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