Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, June 7, 2009

How to be a jedi

 This is gotten from a long lost past life page of the Jedi techniques written here. This is updated to what this shows.

  The term JEDI means Mental Control Master. When one trains to be a jedi, said person always makes a judgement call, to do good with it or to do evil, consider instead that balance of both, good and evil is required. This means that the person must accomplish, any act said person does with the feeling, of the force guiding you. In this equation: do six positive results, and 1 bad result. Another idea is a balanced act of killing someone, and knowing it pleases so many people, gains friends from the act, aids the public by killing a criminal, making a public act of positive result, and it doesn't feel bad to you because you have soothed your conscious. When neutrality is achieved, the jedi can be his most powerful, while using the force as said guide.

  One thing that The Force helps train is the ability to attune yourself to your surroundings. The only difference between this attunation and normal attunation is that you don't need an elemental source. In fact, it is best if you do not attempt to attune yourself to any specific element at all. Simply expand your mind and be aware of your surroundings. I manage to see past things with my physical eyes, or not even focus at all, and still clearly see them in my mind. You do not have to get to that level, though after enough practice, things like that will come easily to you. After knowing this, how does one become one?

  To start training, try to find the ability within your mind, the ability is really psionic in ideal. So using the force means, making things happen with belief personified, by mental ability aided by the focus, of the mind through discipline, and the force behind magic. Magic is the ability to channel energies from, outside yourself by use of the force. Force is the collected energy, of mind to cause subatomical energy, change. The force has to be trained, by practice that turns into discipline, and discipline makes the force, more able to be used. Faster is the mind to yield the more discipline, and has a training effect on the brain that causes, the simulation of the brain pattern, to enact the force. To enact the force is to use your chi, or life energy, and will lengthen one's life. The words "the force be with you" is a farewell, while transferring a sense of purpose to the person.

  The force discipline is trained by believing, you can achieve the effect through, feeling the force while conjoling it through imagination to occur. Know and understand that certain rules apply: Mind over matter used with Affinity of object, or the understanding that forces of energy, can repulse or attract, with enough focus and through mental manipulation. To begin, try to imagine and feel the energy within you, when you realize that the energy, is there and you can imagine it. Then feel the force within you, and feel it manipulated by your imagination and focus. Focus the force by mentally imagining, the scene you want to happen while observing, it at the same time. Know the force to be an extension, of yourself and it will happen easily, when you get the result to occur, then all you need to do is practice. However, the practice of repeating the moment, will make the moment happen, although it may take some time to get, the first event to occur. Afterward, work to get any effect by imagination instantly, through ritualistic practice. Whence you get this far, you have mastered the jedi art, if you can do it without distraction.
Some effects you may get are:

changing minds
light saber effect
event or item morph
force strangling
force will creation
heart strangling
prescientific method
reading minds
event making or unmaking
making and changing objects
astral shift
time shift
water change
force bolt
being unseen
controlling time
image projection
hitting blind
blind sight
force projection
disappearance hand wand
shield projection
force push
force hand

  Changing the mind in the fashion of making a person obey, your will, manipulation by imagination, and making someone believe what you want, them to believe is quite simple. Stare or look at the person and focus the force on said person, while saying out loud the statement you want, to have said person believe or obey. Imagine instead the conversation and the results, you want to enact with said person to get that resulting, imagined conversation. The rule here is that the force will flow, along the direction of thought and imagination, to make the event occur. Don't expect the exact imagined conversation, instead, just go along with the feeling of the confrontation, try to make the conversion flow go your way. Always effect surprise at result of the conversation, or said targets will feel they were manipulated.

  Changing or morphing the event or item by sheer force of will, and imagination is not so simple. The process is to feel the flow of force surround the object while imagining, the object and event in exact detail and change, it to the object you want it to be. When you feel the object heat up in your hand, and start changing shape to the shape you had in mind, then all there is is to wait for the process to finish. That simple although it may take a few minutes, to a few hours to happen, another way to do this same thing, is hold the object of desire and say, while focusing the force to the words, "change shape to my desire!" To feel to the force, and imagine the event will change something to cause the event or change it. To touch the item, or the something that will cause the event again unless you don't want it to occur.

  To make use of a light saber effect, focus the force in your hand and mentally project, the force as a laser light. Feel it extending as a force to the length, of which is your desire. With enough focus it should happen, as of a laser projection. Warning, this may cause severe hand laxity, cramping or burns.

  An advanced version of this came from and is to make other weapons too. Any weapons created with this effect can be invisible, if you use raw Force. It does not consist of creating the device seen in the movies. All that it requires is that you focus energy into your hand, and form it upwards into a blade that you're holding. Keep in mind, if you do this too long, or if you do it with too much energy, the possibility of burning your hand is present. One suggestion is that if you begin doing it physically, wear gloves.

  Once you get good enough at it, you can actually use it to create free-form weapons. I am able to make a kunai-knife or a ninja star with it, and fling it, without it dissipating.

  The act of telekinesis is to lift something with the mind, and to bring said object to you or away from you, by force of will. Doing it will take patience, yet once success, its easy after. .Focus with the force, on the image of the object raising off the ground, and make a gesture, of some sort with the hand or other body part and allow that gesture, to be linked in your mind to using that force. This is called mind force, raise the hand or limb to raise the item, gesture to you to bring it close, gesture away to force the item away. Hold out your hand open to accept the item from the air. When you imagine the item intended to be moved, imagine it doing what you want. Allow for the link to the idea of force, by feeling the force do the action, if it worked, things you imagined should happen. This takes considerable practice, and another way is to imagine, the item lifting off the ground and feel, the force making it happen. Move the hand to move the object that, you want in any way you need.

  Psychoportation is the act of the body to move, through space and time by way of force channel, the way is simple, focus the force to fold space like a piece of paper, that has been folded in half. To affect yourself where you are, and to where you want to be. The effect of this happening is like punching, a hole in the sheet of paper to two parrellel points, far away from from other. Focus the force to make that similar effect, by imagining the idea of you or the object in the place, you want yourself or the object to be. Now initiate it by imagining, a drawn a line from you to the place in your mind, that you or the object wanted to be. There should be a feeling of force being used, and you or the object will be shifted, this could be used to make time shifting happen. When the object is tied down, or bolted down then it stays there, and you shift there.

  Strangling someone by force of will has an effect of killing them, by closing their throat, using the force. This is only intended for revenge purposes, there are better ways than killing people, by this method to fix or resolve your problems. Talking is an option by saying your feelings, how to kill by strangling is to make, focus with force on closing the throat by sheer force of will. Use your feelings of needing to get revenge, or the feelings of getting rid of dark emotion, focusing the dark emotion into the pit of your stomach. This will increase the effort of your, force to accomplish the goal quicker.

  Creating a force will to keep people or things, from you is act of creating a force wall. When a person effects a force wall, said person actually makes a barrier of will. This neutralizes the force being present, and enacting upon you that you don't like or want. To do it, feel the force and focus it by allowing, it to neutralize any hostile force in the area through, feeling the need of protection from danger, or focus it by mentally telling it to neutralize, the force that enacts upon you. Another focusing idea is to have the force block, the thing you don't want to touch you, if you create a force wall with the direction, of being in a radius of a certain area of effect,, you could make it into a dome of protection. To do this effect, think on the protections you would want, now, feel the force and focus the force, to make protection of the things you would want, in an ever expanding force bubble that, expands to the necessary radius of your desire. When you think about it, you could make a house shield of protection from lightning, natural disasters, thieves and people investigating your crimes.

  Another thing with the force wall is to make a focus of force, that is in a shape of a moving wall. This moving wall will move forward from you, to pass through the targets of your desire. What it will accomplish is the things you thought, about before it was formed or as you form it. These things are: to make a freezing wall by thinking "freeze", while forming it and sending it, as the wall passes the targets, bend with your mind, the force will around said targets to make them, be kept in their minds or in physical form, to stop them from moving. This does a freezing effect on the, targets that you want effected. To cause a killing wall, just make, a focus of force with the feeling of needing death, while imagining the wall moving forward, and passing through intended victims. This kills them where they stand, by making them disappear, as if they had never existed. If it doesn't work, it will disorient said people instead and make, them wish they were dead, if you think the force wall, has an elemental force associated with it, the elemental force will effect, a target with the elemental force being emulated. The thoughts of making a person come back to life, and forming the force to the will in the form, of this thought will make anyone you, want come back to life, all it has to do is pass over dead person and it will raise them.

  Indian shamans had a method in which they strangled, a person heart by their will to make the death look, like a heart attack. This was done by the use of force, when they did it, this was for revenge. To do it, make use of the force, and focus the force on the idea, "causing a heart attack" within the one you would want to get revenge on. Imagine a hand that is a force will, that squeezes the heart of the intended victim, until you feel it burst. Afterward, intended victim will be dead, and you will have to accept the consequences, in some manner that does not reflect to you.

  Prescientific method is the effort of projecting your mind, a few minutes into the future using the force, to allow for your body to react to what you see. When you attempt to accomplish this act of projection, remember that one is invulnerable to attacks, and can make no actual mistakes that are uncorrectable. To start, make yourself calm by imagining yourself, in your own mindscape that relaxes you, visualize yourself within your own room, however you want the room, with a unpickable door lock. Whence there, calm your mind and focus the force, to project yourself one to five minutes, in advance of your own time. Now feel the tension of your body that is there, and feel your mind slip to the projected point, using the moment of tension release, to send you there as you feel the tension form into a ball, and you let it go out of your body, floating on a current of feeling. The force is your link to yourself, now watch what comes and the body reacts, to what you watch as if you guide yourself, through the force, it is simple as that.

  To use the force to detect lies or read minds, try to focus on making an attempt to listen, to the voice that gives information. Focus the force by focusing on the voice, and feeling tension in your body, now feel your mind follow along the voice to its, owner and you will feel a shift. Mentally ask "show me the truth" in the persons mind or mentally ask, "tell me the truth". When you get an answer, it will either come as a verbal response, or a mental vision as he speaks, where you get specifics, is what said person is hiding. Another way is to simply observe what, said person is thinking, allow yourself to perceive what the person has thought, imagine a voice box speaking the persons thought. When done, allow your mind to return to your body, now use the information with discreetness. Where reading minds is just the same, except you only see what said person, is thinking while talking to said person, or listening to them. Combine this with good questions that are focused by what you see, or guided by intend.

  The making or unmaking of events to cause, an idea is an ancient druidic practice, passed down from the time it was created. Focus on the idea of force and imagine, the item either in your hand or somewhere, you would want it to be. Feel your soul helping in the making of it, and mentally allow the force to be, the channel of your soul, as the soul will guide the event to completion. When you feel like it, imagine the events you want, happen in the order that you want events to occur. The soul will make them happen, and to unmake an event is simple, it takes the remembering of events, that you went through to unmake it. Focus the force and make, an image scene going backwards, from the last remembered event to the point, of the event that you want to undo, as if things were going backwards. You will feel a slight change in yourself, and a drain in the area around you, from your activity. Due note: when you attempt this, suspend your attachment to the idea, or it won't be undone.

  Making an item by mental force focus, is if one makes use of the soul. This is the way to do it, focus the force on an idea turned real and allowing it to draw on your soul, of an item image that makes itself known by appearing, where you want it, first as illusion, then it turns real. Imagine the spot of where it should be, in your mind, and imagine the item appearing on that spot in your mind. The force will surge and you will, find said object of your desire, in that spot imagined. Make it appear close or in your hand for small items, and long enough distance away, for large objects. If you need extra force, or its not appearing say, "I wish it to appear, object of my desire!" This only works if you have, seen it before, somewhere in existence is said object of desire, so it will appear if you have at least seen it once or know of it.

  Evoking emotion in a person, will make the object of conversation appear, as the object of conversation is the result, you desired from it. Emotion can cause a person to become clouded in a conversation, although you may have a losing conversation, evoking emotion will cause you to win. It is bit of imagination and feeling, when focusing the force on the feelings that you think of, you want the other person to feel and in the midst of conversation, imagine the person showing that feeling. Now imagine the conversation as you would want it, and this will cause the conversation to be gaining, the end desires. Due to someone else's desire, the effect may be cancelled, for if the will of the other is similar strength, then neither get their way, When the "desire" of the other is stronger, they get their way, and if your desire is stronger, you get your way. Consider this a contest of wills, that when it seems ludicrous to get your desired effect, you son't continue with the effort, or seem out of sorts.

  Astral plane shifting through time, and space is simple as it uses the aether world, focus the force with the idea, "being in a forest, that has a path" going through it. The forest is cloudy at first, and only the path is seen, and the rule is to enter the forest, with a destination in mind. Think on the destination, and the forest will guide you there. If the destination is clear in your mind, then the forest path is clear of blockage, following the path through the forest to its end, will make you appear at the place, you want as you step off the path. When you are off the path entirely, the path disappears and you are, at the place you are in. Step off the path in between, and you will appear at a place, you probably don't want to be. This affects the subconscious to shift, you to any place you desire through the place of dreams. There is a 40 percent chance to appear, there physically and only if desire is strong enough.

  Time shifting is the moment of the force to make, an idea of time manipulation happen, to do it focus the force, on an image back in time. Say three times "I wish to be there, back in time, at the spot of my desire." To be safe, use a lit candle of other than red. This should make you appear, in the time point of your desire, yet be aware of the time rules. Another idea is to focus the force, and send your energy back in time, in the form of yourself, to the point you remember. Now you say in any voice, "in [time amount], I will be there where I desire!" What will happen is the fact of you, collecting enough energy in the form, of you that you disappear from where, you are and reappear at that point, if enough energy is sent. To go back to your time, do the same thing but focus on an image of the time, that you want to be at. What may help is think of your items, you used and imagine you standing, right next to one. Now touch the item in your mind, to shift to your own place. However, consider, no place as your place, for it will make things simpler, as if you come back, and you find your mother, somehow was not the same, you won't consider the method bad, and accept the changes.

  Changing water to wine or any other substance, is an easy task. Focus the force by holding, your hand around the water container, and imagine an energy stream going through the, water container by going from four fingers to thumb. Have another thought while doing this, of changing water to wine. Keep charging the water until turns into wine, and to change water to another, drink just change the method above, and make the thought of change water, to the drink of your choice. What may help is if you say out loud, under your breath"change water to my desire drink!"

  Shape shifting your body is focus, on an image and the force shifts your form, and the technique is to make an image, of your desire in your mind, while keep it there by focusing on it for 4 seconds. Now feel the force shape your body, to the form in your mind, as it will change the body, slow at first and faster later, so with the first change, there will be a large amount of body pain, later attempts get lesser pain, as the body will get used to the pain. Whalla! there you go.

  Force bolts are an idea of your force, being projected as a weapon, focus and know the force by imagining the force, as a small ball in front of you. Imagine it shrink to the size of a needlepoint, now yield the force and hit the target, by linking the ball of force, to the target of your choice, with a drawn line in your head. Basically, draw a line in your head from, the force ball to the target picture, now let go of the force ball.

  Making yourself unseen is to yield the force, focus the force by thinking to anybody, around you the thought, "do not see me." Form a gray wall around, you while thinking of the projected thought, and keep thinking on this, and make your presence known when you need to, by releasing the wall, the gray wall will hide your presence, and the projection makes people think you aren't there.

  Controlling time is the process of using the force, to manipulate time and by focusing the force, by imagining a clock in your mind, with the words beneath it, that represent the area that you would want, the clock to effect. This clock is moving at the normal, speed that time is moving at, on first glance. Now speed up the clock, or slow the clock down by imagining, the clock hands moving at, the speed you would want. This forces the time around, you to move at the rate you selected, another way to manipulate it, is to imagine the clock, and say out loud "time moves [this percentage] slower at [this area]". Notice the clock had changed, and dismiss the clock from your, mind by allowing the image to disappear.

  Projecting your image is like making an allowance, for the force to act on your behalf. Focus the force by visualizing yourself, in the area where you would want, to have your image appear. Now speak in your mind to make this work, allow the responses to be heard, by making a sound channel. Allow the force to work with you, as you speak by being that channel, when you are finished speaking, dismiss the image in your head, of your speaking form, now think on something else breaking your concentration.

    Making a simulcrum is a bit, like projecting your image, have a lit non red candle, focus the force by visualizing yourself, in the area where you would, want to have your image appear. Now allow the form to take shape, as yourself by giving it more energy, from yourself and the earth, when you feel the temperature, link the simulcrum to the sun. Do this by imagining a sun drawing, and making a drawing of your simulcrum, then draw a line to the image of your simulcrum, from the sun drawing. Say "I wish my simulcrum had a mind, of its own and to be invulnerable to attacks." Now feel the simulcrum take form in full, and it forms in presence yet sometimes in viewed form. That is simple. Undoing a simulcrum is just as simple, will with the force to undo, the simulcrum.

  Hitting the target by force alone while blinded, is simple and straightforward, put a blindfold on and imagine a dark place in your mind, now be in the dark place, and feel the threat, or presence. Allow the force to guide you, and when the threat comes near, attack it by using the force as a guide. This takes considerable practice, and must be instinctual, by practice, or you won't hit too often.

  Seeing while blind is a practice that cures the blind, the idea is to allow the force, to act as sight. Focus the force through the third eye, and imagine the things you saw, when you can see clearly in your mind that sight, allow your mind to shift, the image to the true image of what is around you. The force will allow you to see in truth, to reaffirm belief in the sight, say mentally or out loud, "I will see through my eyes, the truth of the matter." Say this three times, near a lit candle, or a allot an of sunlight albeit its not required.

  Force projection is the force being used, as a physical tool, when it is used as this, it is a raw extension of your will. This raw extension is made by imagination, of any hand that is in energy form, use this hand as you would your, normal hand and to strike someone, feel it form into a fist, striking the person in the gut, or the face as in the nose. This force projection is unique, as it can make itself look like any weapon, it is like this: it is to imagine the weapon, in your hand as you think, it should look. Keep believing and focusing, the force into that items form, until it exists. After that it will exist to be used, as that weapon you chose. Make it appear and disappear as you will.

  Making things disappear is allowing, the force to hide the item intended, Focus the force on the idea, of the item intended, use the force to tell the object, to be hidden, by focus on the object and tell it "be hidden". It will be hidden from all sights.

  Using your hand as a wand, is to gather your force in your hand, to which you speak what you want, it to do. Focus and need the effect in mind, to happen while stating the words, the event will come about in the least, noticeable manner or as desired.

  To create a repelling force to cause, distance between another and you, hold out any hand, feel force from your body or focus on a hand, any distance to feel the force surrounding the hand, projecting outward from the hand to force, away the person or obect. What may help is to think "away", focusing on the person. Thus you form a slight distance by the elements, between the one you don't want, to be touched by and you. However strong, in the force you be, will determines how far the persons repelled. Focus the force to radiate outward from your body and its more efficient.

  To create a force shield that rebounds or protects as needed, link your hands together, then feel the force surrounding, you to make a perfect barrier. Thus you won't get touched by the elements, that you don't want to be touched by, because the force supports, your will in any action.

  To resurrect feel the force within you, and make imagination of the cadaver, being alive doing an activity. Call the spirit back to the body, by feeling the body come back to life, and want the body come alive. Then think "come alive!" saying out loud, at the cadaver in a low voice, with authority "Death to life!", or "Ashes to ashes, dust to life" and either the force will respond, to bring back the body, or the body will be enlivened with energy. Do this over an over again, as needed because this may, take more than once. Once practiced, and success, the way becomes easier.

  This came from One of my favorite abilities. First, expand your mind so that you are 100% aware of your target. A hand motion away from you is all that it takes in order to shove them away from you. There is no need to summon energy into your hand, because you are not using your own energy for this attack. You are using the enemy's energy against them. What is happening is that you are throwing kinetic energy (movement energy) directly at them, causing them to move.

  There are many more creative uses, as well. You can radiate kinetic energy outwards from your body, and if it is strong enough, you can even stop a moving blade against your skin. Much like an IronSkin spell, only better, because it stops the weapon instead of still making you absorb the impact. Though, I do NOT suggest trying this physically - if you insist on trying it, use something safe, like a stick, before trying with something dangerous.

  An average force push can shove a person a few feet, but the ultimate level of the force push is when you hit them with the same level of inertia (fancy word for kinetic energy, if you don't know) as a train. I have seen force-pushes strong enough to kill in one blow. To use that much force makes one dissipate into a cloud of temporary red dust.

force hand; create as you think then focus the ideal, that is a point with nothing more to do. think to use energy shaped into a form of a pointed ideal or stated thing with an imagined hand connected to a energy arm, that you can use the energy arm by what you think by the ideal that exists activity or movement. as though things move by what you consider so basically you create your mind directs.

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