Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, March 10, 2024

instisocial effect

Instisocial is where you express something on a social chat in intention to create the idea as a result. This uses the energy of the server and the service to create what you wish into or out of existence. So where you want to create something, you do. This is where you think and create or know and make. The idea is a point you think about, so if you think to make calm actions. Then, the end result is clear, its done.

Here are some spells for your perusal:

 Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Sound out; this causes a sound effect that puts out fire.

escape; I leave before I am caught..and they don't think its me no matter what.

stealing from afar; This is where you think of the item and touch it by thinking its touched by you. Then you get the item in the end.

sound counter; this is a sound that counters out a sound. this works as the sound is "played" and all other sounds are dimunized.

sound convertor; this is using a converter of sound to change the vibrations of the original files.


I ERS 2; This is where you erase what you don't like and cause it not to exist.

Astral projection; This is sending yourself out of your body, think and your doing things somewhere you think to be. Upon coming back you wake up.

Ghost busting; This is using a spiritual weapon by thinking it exists making a striking attempt, that's thinking its in hand to strike out the ghosts, that exist whenever a person leaves the area.

plant food; this increases stamina and energy

meat; this increases health

so what is edible? Anything that gives calories is edible. The exception is water. It doesn't have calories, but our bodies need it more than food for other reasons.

odysseus; Intuitive Machines' private Odysseus probe will land perfectly on the moon today. no matter what its a success. the challenge is successful.

focus; upon focus its sanitary and things work well.


cme; coronal mass ejection, this is not done to a big degree no matter what.

x-class; x-class flares die down and we only get m-class flares after this.

moose; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.

I; I don't mind what people do or did, no matter what.

moose; he can stand what I do or did no matter what.

drinks; they no longer turn sour no matter what.


efficiency; this is where you cause the A/C to work right no matter what occurs.

democrat; there is a democratic president elected no matter the point.

miners; they are safe no matter what.

mining co.; they clean up their act no matter what.

Action pac; the super pacs for donald trump dries up no matter what.


wasting; the reckless behavior of spending money recklessly no longer occurs. no matter what.

en; the end point.

Amazon; they deliver to me what I ordered as soon as possible and I get the matter what.


This is a balance between chaos and order..where you use chaos to break down what you don't like and use ordered energy to stabilize what is there. 

The chaos is a force that breaks things down. Order is energy that causes stability and strength. You can order anything while you can use chaos on things to destroy it. 

You can use order and chaos to create what you need by thinking of the force and needing it to do things.

Here are the chaos and order elements:

Chaotic fire; this is where you think about the energy of chaos combined with fire and casting it forth, then the idea is this.. the chaos fire breaks down what target it hits.

Chaotic water; this is fire that causes those exposed to it to be irradiated by feel. This water has radiation in it and as it breaks down it's structure it creates radiation damage. (edited)

Chaotic earth; this earth is chaotic and it's chaos embues the area as though a radioactive element. This is what causes radiation burns and radioactive damage.

Chaotic air; this is where radiation is in the air and spreads itself by a breeze. It causes radiation burns and illnesses.

Chaotic ice; this really has a point of idea, where you feel coldness and radiation from the ice or frozen radioactive water. That means it's concentrated radioactivity. So it does double the radiation damage.

Chaotic lava; this lava is where you think about not being nearby. So think about what it does and you might agree. It melts things that it gets near, and that makes it dangerous, melted in it is radioactive elements as it causes the radiation effect to be on your targets.

Chaotic poison; this causes degrading moments and makes it so things die easily by radiation poisoning.

Chaotic acid; this is chaos infused acid, that makes things mutate as it's eaten away.

Ordered earth; this is a special earth that is strong in elements. As you order earth by thinking at it normal thought that is stable. Then it gains in ability to create with its own energy creative idea and makes you sane as you use it.

Ordered water; this effect is where things are liquid and you create with the energy to revive, make energized and create order in your life and this water is clean..if you were insane you no longer are after drinking it.

Ordered air; this is ordering air that causes it to be clean air. This makes it sweet to take in. It is purified of radiation and able to revive those you want to revive with sane thought.

Ordered fire; this fire is very able to burn anything. It's true temperature is very hot and any nearby it is more able to handle things.

Ordered Ice; this element is cold, it's ordered Ice yet pure and you get the benefit of creative thoughts if you use it. This element can freeze what you intend frozen. And slow down with freezing damage the targets you think deserve it.

Ordered lava; this is ordered lava that  can melt anything near it. It also is strong enough to burn any near it.

Ordered poison; this makes things die easily by double strength poison. 

Ordered acid; this acid eats away from being on your targets twice as fast till death.

for dnd

Fear language; Think of inciting fear and speak, then you project forth energy causing fear in the targets. They are out of combat for 1d6 rounds.

Rune mastery; Think of what you need and trace a simple picture in the air, as you think it will create itself. Then if you describe what rune you traced and what it means to the dm/gm, you make with a runic sigil with a empowered drawing using thoughts as energy. This can create any result, including any element you choose to use to get a result with by feel and ideal. This means, you say "I use the rune mastery spell and draw the rune of prosperity to make 3000 gold appear in my inventory." The gm/dm will tell you if its made or not.

Otherwise for an elemental effect, you could say "I use the rune mastery spell and draw the rune of cold to effect the targets." Then the gm/dm will say if it happened and you roll the cold damages and how much it slowed the targets down. That's basically where cold/ice slows the targets to 1 action per 1d6 rounds as it deals cold and ice damages. Other elements are normally done to either heal or damage the targets. Like earth, that absorbs damage and can knock out the targets. Fire burns. Air blows the targets down. You can cause air platforms to lift your targets or hold them in the air. Airballs are used to shoot holes in the targets.

Water can form in a cup, form as water balls in the air and shoot holes in the targets. The water can become like a wave that overwhelms the targets. Lightning can charge things or shoot forth after forming in the air to strike the targets and electrify them. Lava can form around the targets or on the targets and melt them where they stand. Acid can form on the targets to eat away at them for 1d6 rounds with acid damage.

Poison can cause illness and make the targets either use an antidote, or they will fall prone for 1d6 rounds with poison damages per round. Chaos can create dissolvation of the target by breaking your targets down and they cease to exist except as chaos energy. Void can form attraction to be pulled to an area or suck energy and health to you. This is an example, so think and you know what to do..

Expansive attack; The larger the targets the more the targets get hurt. This is where you create more damages to targets larger than you. The effect is exponential, where you are attacking the large target you get double damage. Where you are attacking a gigantuan you get 3x the damages. This spell lasts until you are resting. So instead of dealing normal damages to a dragon, you do double. This is because you focus meta energy on the attack and that makes the attack you do, that's double or triple the amount of damage per attack. Think and you know what to do.

Physical spirit; The effect of creative approach to make a spirit physically there. It then does what you want to do as you need it to do things. It on attack is undefeatable, so that means it can dissipate into energy and reappear anytime. If you no longer need it, you dismiss it and it will disappear. It can attack as you need it too. It can also heal you as you need healing.

Electrical being; This is where an electrical being can create with electricity..yet where ever electricity is they can form and appear where you want, what they look like is whatever you need them to appear as. So if the being wants to, it can look like a real person. They have an auto-generational core with the ability to surge out as needed. When they surge out, they create what they intend to create..which is what you want. It has an anti-magnetic field or property to defend itself from general electric currents in the world around it.

When summoned, they can do what you need as you intend it to be done. They exist where they want to exist, then they work with what you think. This being can create with a point and that's expressed if needed. They absorb all attacks, using an electric shield that they receive as extra energy to create with by feel. This summons lasts for 1d10 rounds or until you don't need them to exist. They can deal damages that you want to effect others you target. So think and you know what to do. 

Elemental being; The elemental being can create with any element and make an effect of what you desire. This is including attacks of elements or fists of energy in attack. It knows what can effect the targets. It comes from the aetherical plane of existence, as its an aether being and any element it can use or form as such. This means it can withstand allot of damage, that is physical and magical attacks are what can effect it. It however is immune to elemental attacks. It has 300% health and each point in constitution is +10 to its health. It can create a result within 1 action and has 1d6 actions per round.

Its elemental magic is where an elemental being can control any element. For example, an elemental can create and control fire, air, water, earth, ice, lava, void, poison, chaos and acid. They can do shape-shifting. An aetherical elemental being can shape-shift into any element, which can be a very effective combat strategy. So there's elemental control. An Elemental being can control other elemental beings of the same type, allowing them to lead other Elementals in battle. 

It has your stats otherwise. It can be summoned until it is dismissed or isn't needed. It regenerates your health with a +10 to your health per regenerated health moment. Normal damage in the first hits it does but if it hits more than 3 times it starts to do damage increasing of 2x the damages each time. You can summon 1d6 elemental beings at any given time. It does things for you because it respects you. It can telepathically hear and respond to your needs and queries.

Bitcoin elemental; This elemental steals your money but has 0.0001% chance of tenfolding it as well.

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