Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Finished magic

 In focus, you can finish up almost anything, so think of the idea as a project and you create what you desire with the basis in what you do. This creates a finished magic effect as I thought to "end" the idea. Some spells follow..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

thought; you get your money matter what.

sunlight; This spell causes the sun to "share" its radiation energy and flood the area with warmth.

Psychosis; I am no longer a person trapped in psychosis. no matter what.

starlight; I can control the light from a star to effect as I want it to effect.


Republicans; they are not good at governing.

democrats; they are excellent at governing.

Coldness; The area heat is directed elsewhere and coldness spreads through the area like a radiating source surge.


en; This ends the moment.

Trump cases; trump gets the criminal trials and gets convicted before the presidency election with no problems. Time is no longer on his side no matter what.

time; I have a right to do whatever I want, that's about all.

The beating; this is where you think about the idea and cause a beating from it.

Soul clones; The soul can form clones of itself, called soul copies. That create what you want and even dissolve after not being needed. These copies can form clones of energy that look like what you wanted it to look like and they can effect the physical realm. So if you think to do things, then they can guide you or do it for you.

sociex; This causes the targets to become unwilling to talk and do things to you.

weightless; no matter the weight, I can always lessen my weight 40 - 90 lbs by will no matter what. This works even if reversed.


Weightloss shift; This is where you hold an object, touch an object or think of an object. Then, your spirit shifts the excess weight to the object and as it goes, it disappears from you and stays away from you.

next door; the next door neighbor doesn't mind me asking no matter what and I get a good answer no matter what.

business; the person that lives in room 14 doesn't mind telling what he has no matter what.

of course; there is a changed weight.

an; another idea is done.

of; off the moment you know to do things.

ef; Efficient idea in what occurs.

en; if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.


ghost busting; This is using a spiritual weapon to strike out the ghosts, that exist whenever a person leaves the area.

put; this is a helm you wear, think and you know what to do.

room 14; the people that live in room 14 are not effecting me with effects I don't like. the is nice to me no matter the point.

The trick; Imagine it and it comes to you or goes to where you want it to go, that's if what you want is coming from the land of imagination. This uses the suggestion, thought, imagining things and making use of the subconscious mind.

The missed opportunities; This is things done after the effect of creating with actions and making with idea.

SS; This lowers the body weight.

success; they are completed.

I no it; there is no hitting here.

I av to go; I have to go.

U go ac t; Meaning you go back in time to your time, foca and go.


I en wi it er; I at the end with hit here.

in ef ga; This can gate you anywhere you would like to go.

Transformation; Think of the idea to become, send a little energy and the target becomes what you need the energy to transform it into.

toffer judgement; This is where you offer a judgement to make the moment.

True heal; this uses the creator to make the target healed fully.

Quantum shift; This is where you use the creator as you cause the creator to create something, this is when you think of shifting in time to where and what area in time you want to be. This works as you think shift using the dimensional energy, think and place or goto the 4th, 5th or some other dimension. Then using time as though an element, thinking of when to come back to the normal planar existence. Whenever you come back, your in that time you wanted to be in and things are as they are in life.


slickdown; THis is where you put mud on yourself and get out of the grasp of those holding you.

Court order; This is where you think to seem like a judge and order something from a higher power.

Energy golem; this is where you sacrifice by giving it up of 1 to 3 things to the creator, think and form an energy golem that can emulate any element. once the energy golem is unformed by will, then your items reappear or are given back where they left you. The energy golem, acts like you and is well behaved.

Solar flare; This is the effect of creating a solar flare, that is created by the focus of the mind to cause sun spots on the sun. This makes intense heat, think and malfunctions of machines including communications occur. The sun reacts to your thoughts, as you think and need it to do something. However, once its set into action, its caused to effect everywhere near the area you wanted to effect. Use this carefully.

Rain spell; This is where you think the moisture in the air coelesces into clouds and it falls in the area you wanted.

Snow spell; This is where you think to create the effect of snow, that's as you focus in the area coldness and moisture. Then will it to form into snow that falls upon the targets in a 50' area. This does no damages.

Ice storm spell; This is where you think to create the effect of ice, that's as you focus in the area coldness and moisture and feel emotional. Then will it to form into ice that falls upon the targets in a 50' area. This does damage to the targets.

Tornado; This is where you focus at the clouds in the sky your emotions, then upon imagining a tornado as your feeling good a tornado forms with your need for one.\

defamation; the spell you cast to cause someone to not appear so good. there is a repercussion to this, where you can get a defamation lawsuit and owe money.

defamation II; the second version of this is where you think of the idea, and protect yourself from defamation with the right actions.


Time; Time is ended.


Klarna card; No matter what, it gets processed on amazon, quickly.

Focus; the cause is done, if you focus on the idea and think its possible if neccessary.

viewership power; the power is in your hands, focus it by statements and if heard or known about. Its done if you need it done by the power of the subconscious mind.

too old; if too old, its abandoned so it doesn't matter what occurs with it.

Think; the energy of the creator raises your stats per level by the level as amount.

long range power attack; this is where you create the point of extra power, as you project your energy towards the enemy with a long range attack. add an elemental effect to your attack.

runes; the runes are what improve the effect, this is where you have 1 rune for 5% damage increase. 

force projection; this is where you cause energy to be projected and that does damage to the target.

thought; the point is the thing you get from a situation and nothing much matters as I am one.

blaster; this is the effect of sending forth energy that's concentrated energy, thinking to blast apart the targets.

done; en it is, whatever you think, it is of your own mind. nothing exists around us as we use our minds to think from the void things we need.


water; drink clean water and you heal quickly (like 10% more per round than usual) with stamina increase of +10 stamina.

mushrooms; this improves endurance.

fire view effect; this is where you see a view of people and their energy source. so with this view comes the ability to draw in their fire or add to it as its a source and strengthen your own or their own.

stat allowance; this makes your core stat as though each mod point you have be a +5% damages.


This; wolfheartfps wins all bg3 fights no matter the point and easily. He doesn't fight me no matter what.


Phantasmic illusion; This is where you think to get an illusion that effects the area, thinking to the mirror what you want and a phantasm comes from the mirror to create the illusion of what you wanted. The illusion is presented to your mind and seems realistic by the mirror being creating it. However, once your aware of the idea, it no longer effects you. This breaks the illusion, disbelieving in the illusion till it disappears. Otherwise, its stronger and stronger till it seems realistic the more you believe in it. Once gone or disbelieved, the phantasm is no longer "fed" by your belief and disappears back to the other side of the mirror as though dismissed. Illusions spells are cool, because they can effect what actions an enemy takes in an indirect way. It is still up to them how they react to the illusion. So think about it. If the targets think they were dealt damages, they deal damage to themselves, instead. Whatever you want, you can create as though in an instant moment ended by thinking its ended. This is what it is.

Electrical pool; This makes a point of electricity that spreads out for 60' radius and it causes the targets of this idea to suffer electrification. That is formed by focus and made by the creator.

Orb of consciousness; This makes in the idea of orbs created by your conscious thoughts being sent forth physically of what you intend. Whom they touch knows what you think.

Particle cloud; This effect causes particles to be very active and cause disintegration of the targets you target as it passes through as a cloud through the area. This effect is done by concentration, think the energy is active of the area as a cloud that is 70' and its formed and goes where you intend it to go.

writing stuff 

for dnd

Life effects:

Life effects are everyday spells people cast to help with work. The thing about these spells are they use life energy given by the creator that does not overwhelm you.

Purify water; This is a spell that purifies water to make it safe to drink.

Thought creation; The energy of life is used to create your thoughts into reality.

Re-energizer; This spell boosts your Energy by 100%. You can add +100 temporarily to your Energy %. That's until you use the energy up by doing activity.

Health boost; This is a spell that gives temporary HP. The effect lasts until a full rest, that's as you gain +100% additional health.

Improved effect; This is a spell to create improved energy effects. That's +25% restoration or damages for levels 1-9, +50% for levels 10-19, +75% for levels 20-29 and +100% for levels 30-.

Plant life; This is a spell that collects life energy from nearby plants and heals you by the energy, that's as you gain in energy from it. That's +25% for levels 1-9, +50% for levels 10-19, +75% for levels 20-29 and +100% for levels 30-.

False life; This spell causes you to gain 100%+constitution mod in temporary health. That's if its done by the shadows granting you, and your allies the health from your targets.

Debuff protection; This a spell to aid homeostasis. A spell that protects from extremes of temperature and removed debuff status effects.

Thought protection; This protects you from the thought life creation of others.

The energy manipulation; This effects the spells that are directed at you or your allies, you can transform it by reprogramming the energy into doing whatever you want.

Adaption; This is a spell that helps the caster and allies adapt to any environment. You and your allies can survive whatever the conditions.

Time shift; This spell causes the idea to exist in time, think and the targets can experience the idea as though it occurs again.

Time effect; You experience the effect without having to do it as you think about the idea to know. This is time in effect.

Time and again; This effect is where you cause the target to experience the same idea over and over again, that's per round as you need them to experience it. If you don't need them to experience it, then they don't.

Time restoration; This fixes the time changes that you cause, so think about the adaptions and changes and its as though you never did them. 

Evolution; This effect can cause the time of change that makes the targets evolve into something else, that means you or your soul decides they change into by feel. This is instant and done by the subconscious, that's as though in an instant moment in time. This is where you could transform a target into a cat form. This can be done long range as though you changed someone into something else even though you never meet them. This is in effect.

Stimulus effect; The response to stimulus is a trait of life, so this spell is what doubles how far you see and helps you notice things you would've missed otherwise..add +5 to your perception check. The range of sight is where you can see things by a perception check.

Deep focus; This is where you use memories of life, thinking to cause a focused improvement. Sorta like hypnosis its trance instead, yet you can wake yourself up anytime. This improves the creation of any effect you think to create. Add +5 to all focus related rolls.

False living; This spell is where you project idea onto the target's subconscious mind, that creates the false memories that never happened. You can manipulate anyone you think to do this to do what you want by feel.

Insurgencies; This effect is where you create by cause, thinking to make the idea that you intend to have as a manifest. This effects what you want, where you want and as an aftereffect, it surges the area energy to create it by feel.

Undead to living; This is a spell that turns an undead monster into a living creature.

Death to life; This spell causes the dead to be living again. No damages occur to the targets as you think about the target being alive, your thought and willing them to live causes them to be revived by the power of the creator.

Life to death; This spell makes the living targets die and they crumple to the ground dead.

Life correction; This makes the target not attack you, that's as your thought projected at the targets corrects their life in an instant moment that occurs to them. Its as though no mistakes were done by them and they are relaxed. This is as though they were smart and saw no need to attack you. This ends the need to attack and combat over. This can effect any combatant.

Life event; This is where you think of things and the targets live through it as though it occurred to them.

Enervate; This causes whatever you think about to live, that's as though the idea were a person and you can control it. The counter is "un enervate" said whenever you want.

Thought focus II; This is where you think about the idea and are entertained by the thought you perceive. This distracts the target for 1d6 rounds and keeps them from attacking. It starts with yourself and ends with them.

Inanimate life; This is doing a spell, that gives life to inanimate objects. The inanimate life has thoughts you can sense, that's as it creates whatever you want to experience for itself. It shares its experiences with you by perceived thought. If you don't want to be distracted, don't use this near yourself. You can cast this on the targets' weapons or items. They are distracted by it for 1d6 rounds. As they are distracted, they do nothing nearby and leave you alone.


spells relating to social situations:

Social gain; This spell causes you to gain a good idea of what to expect. WHere, you could gain things as they stand and cause yourself to be rewarded by feel. Think and you get a +5 to your charm and charisma related rolls.

Social reward; This spell causes you to be rewarded in some manner per social interaction.

Incentive; This spell makes what you off seem reasonable. That makes it so targets get a reasonable reply, that's to cause them to accept what you offer and you get something in return.

Extra charm; This is a charm spell that makes anyone, even hostile enemies like you more. Add +5 to your charm rolls.

Better deals; This is a spell that lets you perfect the art of mercantilism to get better deals from shops and traders.

Fame; This is a spell that makes the caster more famous. Add +10 to your charm and charisma rolls.

Defame; This is a spell that reduces fame if you want the crowd to go back to ignoring you. That negates the +10 to your charm and charisma rolls gotten by the fame spell.

Social standing; This is a spell that lets the player know their social standing, that's with different people. That is a number over their head only they can see or something.

Social standing II; This spell causers you to know by intuition what your standing is with different people. The social standing just comes to you.

Morality; This spell causes you to raise your morale by +2 through getting better results and showing good morality.

Audience spell; This is a spell that lets you speak to a large group of people at the same time. Like to warn them of a goblin invasion or epidemic.

Dialogue; This is a spell that lets the caster know how different dialogue choices, that will make the person they speak to react.

Charm monster, where you cast this on your target/s, even if a monster, then you cause them to be friendly toward you.

Friend spell; This is the moment in time, where you cause the friendliness of the target. That is thinking your making friends as you talk. This works with the moment, where you consider the point of expression and know what to say. Add +5 to charm and charisma rolls.

Relation; This spell causes your target to think that somehow your related to them. Otherwise, you relate things to something else and get what you wanted by need or expression.

other spells:

Empowerment; This spell allows you to become empowered by hit. You get the amount of damages as energy and health to yourself.

Rough up; This spell causes the target to be beaten up and have half their health.

Character attacks; this is where you think of the target and character assassinate the target, ruining their reputation and making them look bad. Put a -5 to the targets charm and charisma rolls. The targets you character assassinate, they lose interest in assaulting you.

Angellic protection; This causes angel wings to surround you and you raise your AC by 5.

DnD; This is where you cause an effect you think about as you roll the dice.

En; The point of expression you need to end is ended by stating En.

Social combat; This is debate where you attack in the point by the idea being expressed. The sound of your voice deals damage in idea or directed speech. That's where combat is the area of chat being directed at another, if its with a purpose to expose or cause blame where it belongs. This is where it gets hurtful, so think to ease the tension and you know what to do. The combatant that wins is the one that says the last comment, and the loser stops talking and leaves you alone or gives you money.

Incident spells: This is the spell empowered by fate, thinking to create with incidence what you wish to occur.

War; this spell creates peace as they war with themselves in their mind. They lose interest in physical warfare and you win the fight.. 

Peachy; peaceful as you are, your demeanor makes you cause calm by how you feel. Your feeling is projected forth and the targets lose interest in fighting.

Incident II; an incident proves to the fighters, that they should seek peace.  You win as they no longer seek to fight.

Victor; this is a spell that brings decisive victory without any bloodshed Art of War style.

Resolution; this causes the subconscious to make the targets respect each other and resolve to not fight you and your team.

Rebuilding; this is a spell that aids in the rebuilding process afterwards. Mainly it makes it happen.

Signs; Your subconscious makes the right sign to create the result you desire. This takes some interpreting yet I think is where your causing signs cause peace, so the sign of an olive tree is present in the combative minds. This causes calm and peaceful interactions instead.

Sanctuary II; this is a spell that makes anyone in an effected area, they have to get a 15 or higher on a willpower check to initiate a hostile action.

Transform; This is a spell that turns an enemy's ammunition into flowers.

Psychology; This spell causes the targets to not need to fight, as their minds present a psychological statement which makes them not attack.

Fight simulation; this is doing a spell, that turns a fight into a simulated fight. so you can show the enemy how bad, they will get beaten if they choose to fight. In the end, the opponents choose not to fight. If you roll a 51 or above on a 1d100+luck you cause them to stop fighting.

Obvious ideal; You pan out your frame of view, and think of the hidden connections things might have. Things become obvious by what you observe.

Magic whittling; This is where you turn a log or block of wood into anything you want made of wood. It makes ladders easier to get.

   Weird spell; This kills all your enemies with fate and by the power of fate, they can be killed or damaged. So this spell uses fate to kill the target, however they will die. See that's if you want to kill them. Otherwise, nothing happens.

   Fate spell; This spell is castable at level 10 or higher and causes fate to effect the targets, that's anyway that you intend them to be effected. Mention the fate spell and what you want it to do, then its done. That's like killing off the need to eat, or making them die on the spot by fate itself with a natural condition like a sudden heart attack.

Everything; This spell casts the everything has its own time effect and creates per moment what you want.

Real thought; This is thinking about things and they happen by feel. That's if you need them to occur in happenstance. 

Happenstance; Think of the moment and as you speak about it, the subconscious creates the moment as a point you express. This uses conscentration, where you happen to go into a trance state called a stance. Then, thinking by mention, you create the effect easily. Add +5 to your focus and effect rolls. You wake up from the trance by a sound.

Sharing damages; This is doing a spell that shares the damage between two fighting groups, so they can't hurt each other without hurting themselves.

Force; The moment you focus on the targets your indomitable will overcomes their ideal. Then reason makes them think to give in to your will. Make a will roll and get a 10 or above to get this to work.

Do; Its in idea that you do, so you create with a point of expression and make with the subconscious to cause what you need to occur.

Advantage; This is using a spell, that gives defenders a huge advantage over attackers. You get a +10 to your attack and damage rolls.

Fate II; This effect is where you think to do things as a point is done by fate. 

Effected; Whatever the cause, you aren't effected by the effect made by others.

Pain; This is where you focus the pain the targets have by magic, then they leave the area. THere has to be some sorta pain they feel, first. If not, then this won't work. Ghosts have the pain of death, so they leave if you focus on them and cause them to feel it.

Peaceful petition; This is doing a spell that petitions a war god to stop the conflict, that's done through the help of a peace god like Pax.

Pendulum of Peace; Cast this deep in enemy territory to initiate a peace talk by the power of the creator, that's between two opposing forces under a large pendulum that starts point towards war, but slowly shifts to peace as the talks progress. This completely resolves the current conflict until fate intervenes again. Requires level 15 to cast.

Goes does; This is an effect that creates peace where you think it will effect. You win, fight over.

In war; This translates to no war, where in is no and war is war. Think of things to create what you intend by feel.


Altar; These are materials for the Altar. So you can build the Altar or do what rite you need, and get a result from your God. This is where you create with energy and use Altar materials, crafting an Altar that appeases your Gods.

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