Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, December 30, 2023

tidbits part 2

 Here are some tidbits that you can do..if you so desire..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

enwarding; This spell is cast by a spoken "peridhe" and in a judiciary point, "peridhen". It allows you to do nothing and things settle themselves. Also an alternative of this is a spoken "en", that ends whatever you don't like. So in certain conditions, like justice, plants or money points, you must sometimes act or you find yourself doing things. This spell is using ward as though an end all for the moment. The effect is ended, as you think of someone and state "en" to cause it to end.

Creating effect; Judy asks me to goto the store today, no matter what..

earning; I manage to earn enough to get going and do what I need.

earning; I earn 100 dollars this remaining month no matter what and quickly.

trump; trump no longer has a good response from the crowd with what he matter what.


trump; he doesn't get reelected as president, no matter what a democrat gets elected instead.

cenk; he gets the presidency if biden doesn't get it.

long jumping; this is where you focus energy to your feet and cause yourself to jump farther.

eggs; your body produces eggs and you can get a live birth on in life whenever you need to give birth.

maybe; the effect is key to the moment, so if you knew you'd tell. otherwise this spell causes you to be unsure of the idea, so you neither say yes or no, you can say maybe.


immortality; this is where your soul causes you to survive any situation and not be effected by aging. that means you don't die from things that are done, unless you just want to die..then your soul allows for it.

weightloss; I make my weight go and lessen itself no matter what.

weightloss II; I lose 60 lbs no matter what and quickly gain flat as a pancake matter the transformation.

moraine sedai; she is a slim lady that has red hair, flat panel stomach, gorgeous body and can cast any spell no matter what.

energy; I can command my energy to cause whatever I matter what.

shapeshift; I can shapeshift no matter what I do.


The fact; the coffeepot I ordered fits the keurig machine no matter what.

Potion effect; This is where you think and need the effect as you drink in water that comes from the air moisture with focus on the air moisture as you think about the effect. Add ingredient essence to enhance its effect. Any potion can be created by this effect, including intelligence, speed, jumping, shapeshifting, giant strength and etc..and any attribute effect is greater attributes. That is like more strength is coming from giant strength. The effect lasts till you rest.

for dnd

Dart gun; This gun shoots darts that you load into its spring loaded mechanism. The damages dealt are 1d10 and it weighs 5 lbs. Its range is 5/30'. It can shoot any type of darts, including tracking darts.

Magic dart gun; This device is made of unbreakable stuff. It can shoot energy darts annd needs no ammo. The magic is where its range is 5/50'. It weighs 3 lbs. Its damage is 4d10+4d10 elemental damage of any element that you think to shoot forth.

Potion effect; This is where you think and need the effect as you drink in water that comes from the air moisture. Add ingredient essence to enhance its effect. Any potion can be created by this effect, including intelligence, speed, jumping, shapeshifting, giant strength and etc..and any attribute effect is +5 to your attribute for levels 1-9, +7 for levels 10-19, +9 for levels 20-29 and +11 for levels 30+. That is like strength is coming from giant strength. The effect lasts till you rest or next game. 

Monday, December 25, 2023

Think and create

Think and create, this is the moment of thinking about the idea and creating what you need by the magic of actions. This uses the energy of the creator and the soul to make what you desire. Here are some spells that you could do..

Some spells

 Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

crown creation; This spell uses your focus, that makes your third eye cause the crown chakra into doing what you want and you control it. This soothes, calms and creates what you need.

This; the facr is this, create what you want by suggesting it to yourself.

en; the mercy of the moment is the fact you don't do thinggs so you can live a little longer.

think; the moment you think, is the moment your released from hypnosis.

thought; what you do after the fact is what you decide to do.


cold; I no longer have a cold or a sneezing matter what.

weightless; The focus of death and decay energy to break down the fat cells, this creates less weight and more energy. Also, you live longer.

thought; the thought you think is a point in idea, that you work with in idea.

en; the ending that you think is there is there by feel.

satellites; the satellites launch right and get into space where they have no problems. no matter what.


selective amnesia; this selective amnesia ends here and things work out by feel.

thinking; the point is done, think and you will know.

democrats; they get the votes and things work out for them in the end.

mercy; this is where you think to go and be welcome if you ask.

in darkness or light; the healing darkness and light that surrounds you heals you as you do things. think better for people and they think better of you. by bruce.

dark urge; the urges you get are dark, but they can be dismissed and you don't do them easily.


dark urgee; this spell effect creates a urging by speaking of the idea that is done once needed.

capitol rioters; they get help and get better without the excuse that people manipulated them.

the doctor; he will see me early today via video chat. no mastter what.

israel; I curse israel and all those that support it to not be cursed any longer no matter what.

the doctor; waiting for the Doctor to join ends quickly, no matter what.


whatever; whatever the cause I get paid the 70 I am owed, no matter what.

existing; things that exist don't have to exist if you don't need them.

Ashley; she doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.

focus; by focus, you create a point that is worked wit as though them.


\\ the effect levels..

A for actions

B for beings

C for causes or cause and effect

D for daylight

E for energy effects

F for body

G for gravity by the sun and planets

en; the ending is what you think. so think of the ending and you get it.

focus; think and do, things work out by feel.

withers; the ancient force of balance serves you what you want.

writing stuff 

Time of effect; This uses duration or the time things effect, it mentions how long an effect has to do its thing. That is either instant or using the focus ranks, times the number of actions in a round or speed of time. That's for an amount of time the idea effects. This is seconds in rounds of 6 seconds in melee, otherwise its minutes and hours outside of combat. That means you got a 60 second effect from 4 actions per round times a 15 focus rank, that makes it 60 then 60 divided by 6 is 10 rounds. 

This is where you think to round down the decimal point. That's unless you don't want the effect, then the effect ends. If you had a 20 focus rank, and 6 actions per round. Then, you have a 20 round effect. Otherwise you have a timeless effect, then you can make a conditioned effect that effects when you need the idea to happen. These effects can happen using a trigger and word or idea, that's spoken after a successful focus skill check with a 10 or above. That's if the effect time is not mentioned for the effect.

for dnd

surveillance; This is where you focus and the third eye does visions to you of what is done. That the spirit makes you aware of by feel.

Netherbrain; This is where you focus and create with your brain, thinking to enhance the brain as it functions. The energy of your use, it cases the brain to evolve and you gain +5 bonus to all your rolls and senses permenantly. This won't effect your hearing, though unless you focus to hear.

focus; the point is done and that is all.


Light urge; This is where you feel to do good by memories and need. It comes upon you, that you do good for yourself and others.

thought; think the idea and you get it.

Speak with animals; This spell causes you to speak to the animals and understand them. It lasts till you don't need it. This also lasts until a rest or new game session.

Speak with the dead; This spell allows you to speak to the dead spirit, that's done by the power of the soul anytime you'd like. This lasts until a rest or new game session.


no life; this means the dead animation spell is a failure.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

focused point

The focused energy is the key to creating with magic. Think and you can create with a thought that does what you intend. Some magic follows 

Some spells..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think.

Think; it's possible to think so you know. 

Nso dinner; i manage to get to the nso dinner no matter what. 

Ciou; think good and you get good results. 

Thank you; the point is being polite as your gratitude is there..

Stacy b; she gets better by feel, no matter the reason and remains in good condition or health no matter the point. 


Thought; things get better quickly and efficiently no matter what.

Focus; think of the moment and this effects what you want. 

The thought; this thought is good  think to get more..

Realistic; the ai and aliens will be used by feel. 

Lafayette; he no longer loses his cell phone. No matter what. 

Hamas; they come out and seek peace. No matter what. 


Mail; the mail comes quickly today and delivers his matter what. 

Rise; rise up no karma. No matter what. 

Stacy b; she relaxes her rules about visiting matter what and still gets her job done without getting upset.

Thought; the point is made, think better and you get better. 


Xmas party; they have the nso party on the 14th. Also on the 24th the moisant family has theirs. No matter what. 

Larger; instead of larger i get smaller and smaller in weight. No matter what. 

Smaller; i am getting lesser in weight no matter what. Instantly.

Think; the conversation been Stacy b and whoever is ended by feel no matter what and quickly. 

Stacy b; she gets her phone back no matter what. 

Theory; the Theory is that you can always afford a new phone.. so i will get one that works better no matter what. 

Other phone; the other phone works no matter what that I have.

Thought; if this line of thinking is ever used, dismiss the bad thought. 

Think; the idea is bad so think something else.

Danny; he responds to my text..positively and no matter what. 

Danny; he doesn't mind what I do or did..

Danny; he gives me some leftovers quickly no matter what. 

Jay n angela..; they get me home as soon as matter what. 

Change; the more things change the more they stay the same.


Focud; the focus is a concept you think to create as you will the idea to exo planet 

Heat; the heat cools off.

Off; based off the facts this is what I got..

Winning; i can always win if I need to win. No matter what. 

Hot cocoa; they don't drink too much of it by feel. 

Trump; Whatever he does, his support and popularity gets worse.

Hoss; the effect is something that you know is known. 

Paul t.; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what. He answers his phone Nicely no matter what. 

Stacy b; their meeting is short and sweet.. no matter what. 

Presents; I get presents no matter what for my birthday and Xmas.


I it is; aye hit is

Stacy b; after restructuring in nso, Stacy is still here in pd1 as a manager no matter what. 

Illness; no matter what, I convert mass to heal very quickly.

Cold; I do not sneeze or have a cold no matter what. 

Focus; I think this will work, the idea is realized as you think to know. 


Judy; she doesn't mind what I do, she asks me to goto the store by feel. No matter what. 

Cold; my cold disappears and things work out by feel. No matter what. 

Focus; think and see, you know what is done so you can suppress it.

Think; if you need things just ask..a point is a concept and a concept is a point.

En; the cold stops here. Think of the moment and it will occur. 


Amazon; the moment is done, I get my packages delivered to me and others. No matter what. 

Paul t..; he accepts what I offer him no matter what. 

Paul t; he manages to pay me 70 dollars this time and doesn't mind it no matter what.

Paul t; he manages to wake up enough so that i can talk with him..

Thinktank; if everything else fails, then I know that prayer will work..this is an idea in itself.


Thin; i look thin no matter what and can still get excess weight off me no matter what. 

Curse 2; I curse Ukraine to win the Russian Ukrainian war. No matter what. 

Subconscious; if you state something to someone they will do it if their Subconscious causes them to do it.

Vicious; the Vicious act is no longer done think and you know what to do with life.

You escaped it; this is where you escape and it ends.


Thought; the mail gets here as quickly as possible..bringing pauls check and my packages. 

Think; the point is ideal you express so you get what you want as you describe or desire it otherwise if you don't need it you get nothing. 

Hama = hammer 
Hamas = hammers
Gon = gone

Friday, December 15, 2023

The effect

The effect is simple, its what you think that you need and the need causes your spirit or soul to create what you intend to create. This can create anything you desire. Think and you know what to do.

Following are some spells..

 Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

The food toxicity; The food toxicity is removed no matter what, and fertilizer is no longer toxic no matter what.

Maga; They destroy the republican matter the point.

en; the democrats deserve respite.

danny; he shares his email addess with me no matter what.

thought; the thought is a point in doing or creation by feel and making with a point.

think; the thought is done, so think and you are ready.

angela; she answers her texts and messaging no matter what.


The idea; use good smelling herbs, eat fruit and apply essential oils, then your farts smell like their fruity.

The ideal; if things worked out as I thought, I will have gotten what I wished for and things work out in the end.

trump; he dies earlier than usual, before the election.

Thought; match the people and you shift to the area and when done, you shift back.

think; the way is clear, think for yourself and do what you see fit.


well 1=1000000 dollars

focus = 1000

fire = no fire here.

paul t.; he doesn't mind what I do or did. no matter what.

people; they don't mind what I do.


conversion; Think to release energy from the object, as you destroy it or it destroys itself. Then, you create a new item by thinking it exists from the released energy of the item.

energy conversion; this is where any energy converts into another by what it does.

en; then, if you need an object, you find it or it comes to you. that's the way it works.

writing stuff 

tarot card; A yes answer is a sun card..a no answer is a moon card. whichever comes first is the rule to this..

for dnd

living item; This item lives off of you like a symbiant, that can morph itself into the shape of any item that you need. The original shape of it is a fleshy 3-pronged item. To unlock doors and lock with it, hold it out by its handle, then will it to unlock the lock or lock it back up.

teargass; This is riot gas and comes in a pack of 6 canisters. It can knock out anyone for 1d10 rounds or until 30-minutes passes by.

living weapon; This is the weapon that lives and repairs itself from your bio essence. It can absorb energy from those its inflicted upon, and create energy attacks uponst them for an additional 3d10 damage. Normally it does 2d12+focus ranks in damage. It weighs 1 lb and its range is 40' if changed into a long range weapon. Otherwise, it is short ranged and a melee or battle weapon. 

spell: scented breeze; This is where you can fart or cast forth a good scent, and it can be smelt wherever you want it smelt. That's as though it was on a breeze that came nearby them. Directed by your mind it can go anywhere.

Vine seeds; These seeds are a magical adaptation of seeds that grow rapidly. Once planted or thrown to the ground, then they grow rapidly into vines that hold the targets in place paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. They weigh almost nothing, so this is a great idea to put to use. They come as 10 packets of seeds. This is indeed a great idea to use on unsuspecting people.

imag; this is imagined, it doesn't always happen. you don't have to change for things to work out. I prevent the mid-life crisis.

image; the image creates the point, the point is expressed. the idea is done. you are safe.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Telling the point

 The point is something that happens, that you perceive by feel. If you don't feel it, it doesn't mean it didn't happen. So think and you know what to say to indicate what you think about and that is what occurred as a opinion. If there is more than one opinion, that indicates what you say. This means it could be the truth. Think and you know what is done.

Some spells;

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

heroin; this is where you seem to get heroin and feel no pain with a strength boost. this works because you get the essence of heroin that causes you to not feel pain. you also don't feel high or get unbehaved.

basking; this is where you bask in the sunlight and rejeuvenate yourself in youth.

delight; this is the delightful moment of walking free.

thought; the thought is done if you intend it being done.


multi-tool; the best item to find.


gnowledge; this is where you gnow by feel and do whats right.

Effect; if you think something and need it then someone does it.

run; the idea is like a program, the subconscious does it until you put a break or end in the program run.

Amazon; the package sent by UPS reaches me no matter what. I get the packages I ordered.

Theory; the theory behind everything is that it exists because the creator made it to be there.


almost; almost to completion.

stupid; I no longer think things are stupid or feel they are no matter what.

help out; the effect of this is to help out by feel.

powerup; The effect is this, try to drink purified water and think of energy empowering you from it.

creation; you can create anythng, think to make what you want and the creator creates it by feel.

I; I will get 60 or 70 dollars matter what if paul gets his check in the mail.

mail; paul t. gets his check in the mail that is owed by the payee.


healing junct; This effect is where a healing energy falls upon you to heal you of whatever is wrong with you.

sweet water; this is where you think of sweetness and the focus is upon forming water from moisture particles. Then you create with will to make the water sweet that is formed.

biden; for whatever reason he is getting unpopular he gets popular matter what.

space-x; The starship test flight 2 successfully gets launched and does things to pass its test. no matter what even if it explodes.

Theory; You can have a thought without expressing it, and still get along with others.

is = no attack

is = d. trump dies early

is = vladimir putin dies quickly by his god

is = everything is restored except for d. trump and vladimir putin

isn = nothing

isn = me

what is? it is

weakness; the weakness effect is where you drain essence from the targets' body and leave them weaker than normal..usually done through a penny with a hole in it being held at the targts and thinking the targets are being drained or not..

driving; this improves driving skills without distraction by feel. so basically, you improve your driving skills.

improved driving; you don't get into accidents and you drive perfectly..with or without distractions.

thought; created points in life.. you think it its created.


tommy tuberville; he stops the halting of military spending holds and stops being a piece of garbage.

writing stuff 

Sacredness meditation:

When you breathe, drink water or just stand still, feel that you are sacred. You are alive and valuable. This will increase your energy. And you will quickly attract your desires to yourself.

for dnd

Watter surround; This could work to improve your circumstance. Make use of water moisture and form water moisture into water, thinking to surround the targets and effect them by it. That maybe will drown them as a special attack. Charge it with your electrical body energy focus and you electrify them.

Elemental surround; This will allow you to create by gating it in, the element as you want. The element forms from the gate surrounding the target. Then it can create an effect of overwhelming them or effecting them by it as it goes into the target. If its hot air, then it can cause suffocation. If its cold, freezing air or ice it can cause cold damage. It stops the target for 1d6 rounds in battle. Otherwise its until not needed outside of battle. If its fire, then it would burn them alive. If its earth, then it would cause a barrier effect or smother them. If its water, then it would drown the target. If its lava, then it would melt their equipment or armor and severely burn them for double the damages.

recipes and potions

charisma potion; this is where its oregano, basil, sugar or stevia, dill weed and curry powder mixed together and added to water. drink and enjoy extra charisma.. 

charisma potion II; Honey, water, yeast fermented for at least a month is my charisma potion. You can even put it in little brown bottles with caps.

potion of speed; mix with water, turmeric, basil, oregano and dill weed. add sweetner to taste. this works by speeding up perception as things around you slow down in reality.

potion of dexterity; this potion increases reaction of the body. it is oregano, basil, sweetner, dill weed and smoked paprika. mixed with water.


potion of rememberance; mix with water..curry powder, oregano, basil, turmeric and sweetner.

potion of heroism; mix with water.. turmeric, oregano, basil, paprika, chives, celery seeds and sweetner.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

self made magic

This is where things work by feel if done enough. Think of the moment to create with energy from the idea you have of it. This makes what you need to create. So think to write it down and state the idea as though a result. This creates a manifest of the need. The manifest only happens if you want the effect.  Some magic follows..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think.

Thinking; this effect is creating with life to make energy create what you want. 

Whatever; Whatever occurs, i am not negative in my boa account no matter what. 

Delivery; I get my delivery from Walmart today as soon as possible no matter the point. 

Judy and Sheila; they ask me to goto the store, and I get paid. No matter what. 

Curse; I am cursed in being slender, no matter what my stomach is not bulging out as it is as thin as a pancake. Also. No matter what I am less than 180 lbs.


Working; things you do are worth the effort and works to ensure peace.

Danny; he gets paid enough to support his life and matter what. 

Paul; he gets paid enough to sustain his living and keep his matter what. 

Evan; he doesn't mind me talking to him and feels cheerful every time I chat with him.

Danny m; he doesn't mind answering me via cellphone no matter what. In fact, he tells me what I need to know. 

Angela m; she doesn't mind answering my questions no matter what. 

Wolfheart; he plays yet another bg3 stream session no matter what. 

Nobody; Nobody minds what  I matter what. 

Why; it is possible or i know why it isn't. No matter what. 

Next time; next time ben gets violent, he dies from matter what. 

This; ben no longer gets away with the violent things he does no matter what. 

Formula magic; this is where you think a formula or formulated idea, the likes of which are thinking of the speed formula of distance/ speed up. Otherwise think of a money rate you adjust in your 10 dollars per day.. then you get that or more.

Eating; no matter what I am not always eating food, so I will lose weight anyways.

Robbie; he gets better by feel no matter what. 

Moose; he recovers no matter what he did or does. 

Democrats; they do the right things to get elected no matter what. Whatever opposition to this is fuel to the effect as energy. 

Eating; I will not overeat no matter what. 

The suns heat; i can withstand the heat of the sun. No matter what. 

Ending; my energy returns to me and I am energized for the rest of the day. 


Wolfheart; he plays a bg3 stream that is done as soon as possible and his voice is better. No matter what. 

Democrats; they beat out Republicans for elections no matter what. 

Stacy b; she comes in today and serves her time. No matter what. 

Focus; the sun no longer effects me by making me feel tired..

Ashley; there is no reason to do anything, so she waits.

Jamie; she no longer needs to beat me up no matter what. 

I finish; I finish 8000 steps no matter 

Courageous; this is where your courage proceeds you and you create with the elements for the point. 

Think; Whatever you think you recover by feel. No matter what. Stubbornness will not prevail. 

En point; this ability creates what you need,  use it for good purposes. Enjoy!


Wolfheart; he plays another bg3 stream live no matter what occurs in it.

Ending; the steel watch is ended and he continues on with the game. No matter what. 

Sight; see someone else do it and you might not want to do it.

Mail; the mail comes quickly today than usual no matter what. 

Whatever; Whatever pauses the mail from coming here no longer pauses it from arrival as soon as possible. 


Thursday, November 30, 2023

Self creationism II

 This is where you create with a thought you need and speak. The soul creates the thought you had and its manifested by feel. Yet if countered by the opposite statement, then it probably won't happen a result. You can do whatever spell you like, if its countered its simply not happened. This is how certain spoken spoken magics work. So enjoy your day as it occurs to you to do things. Spells follow..

Some spells:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

rough; I don't have it rough, no matter what.

en; the end is everyone agrees and thinking works out in the end.

!fnord; cause things to seem to disappear in plain site or if you focus upon it you see it.

banking; the bank will not think twice about the exchange that didn't actually happen. paypal will not charge my savings the money I withdrew from it. no matter what.

cellphone; my cellphone is returned to me, no marter what.

things; things work out for me no matter what.

cenk or biden; either one whichever is more popular, as they are democrats either one will win.


Dimension shifting; This is a spell that lets you move from the 3rd to 4th dimension, that's done by thinking of the dimensional number and willing yourself there and back again. Thinking to go to 3rd dimension to get past a wall without touching it.

Cold welding; If an enemy has metal armor you could weld it together with magic, reducing armor class because they can't move as easily by -5. It could be done by removing the layer of air that prevents metal from cold welding together. You see if two chunks in metal without a layer of air collide in space they just merge.

Mana pool; This is a spell that causes mana rich water to pool from the ground, or makes mana enrich the water supply restoring mana to those it touches.

Unlock potential; This unlock spell also unlocks potential. Whatever you want to achieve becomes achievable, that's by the power of the creator and your soul.

Steve; he talks to me again.


people; they don't mind what I do or did things from use.


wolfheart; he plays another bg3 session livestreaming it successfully. as soon as possible.

focus; this is the end of my list, I hope you enjoyed it as it was short..ciou.

trump vs biden; trump loses popularity and biden gains the popularity..

no; noone supports trump after this.

ending; biden or another democrat gets elected.. as president. no matter what.


thought; its an idea its a focus point, its what you think it is.

though murder; this is not allowed.

think; think and you know what to do.

wolfheartFPS; next bg3 stream he tackles the removal of the steel watch factory..

interesting; what's interesting about this is there is nothing until the moment it I will see what happens.


democrats; no matter the cause, democrats win by feel.

relief; its in the gut, it needs to lessen then it will release. only then will you get relief.

belief; its in an idea that I read, its there if you need it there. think and you get what you want.

belief 2; this is the end, think and you know what to do.

belief 3; this is the end of time..enjoy what you have in the void.


Wolfheartfps; he posts a bg3 game streaming session up on youtube and I get to watch it. no matter what it doesn't have to be the dealing with the steel watch factory.

game streaming; the bg3 game streaming session no longer crashes no matter what.

Sacredness meditation:

When you breathe, drink water or just stand still, feel that you are sacred. You are alive and valuable. This will increase your energy. And you will quickly attract your desires to yourself.

unattachment; This effect is a point you don't feel emotionally attached to a person. no matter what.

for dnd

Mana pool; This is a spell that causes mana rich water to pool from the ground, that spell also could makes mana enrich the water supply restoring mana and stamina to those it touches.

Unlock potential; At level 10 or above. This unlock spell also unlocks potential. Whatever you want to achieve becomes achievable, that's by the power of the creator and your soul. Any damages you deal, they are increased by x3.

The philosopher's phone; This cell phone uses a philosopher's stone as a battery, that can be made to do anything. It has a shower app that floats above you and pours warm water on you. There's a Lifa app that shifts you anywhere. It can cook you any food. You just open a picture of it and need it. Also, it can make you appear younger or older by opening an age app, that ages or de-ages your picture and as it does your either older or younger.

The timeline editing app, that allows you to edit the timeline like you would edit a video. A fitness app that gives you the strength of a gorilla, colossus or hill giant. So you can bend tires with your hands and punch through walls. A spell reflect app. That can reflect any spell that you notice. The spell reflect app bounces enemy spells back at the caster. A notepad app that allows you to describe what you wanted and it forms it as you need it. The cloaking app and the see invisible app. The cloaking app bends light around an object and cell phone holder. The see invisible app detects the bent light.

Time manipulation app. This app causes you to be able to stop time, slow time or speed up time. It would cause time to go faster by making events happen quicker. It would cause time to go slower by making events last longer. It would stop time by making events not seem to happen. The time manipulation would be noticeable. Some people can notice it and others don't. Those with a perception check and they pass it..they would notice it. It could be hard to tell if reality is speeding up or they are slowing down. Except for when they think of how fast the day went by, or somesuch events seem to be happening quicker.

There's an app to cover more distance in less time. Called the time distance app. Instead of a weather app it has a weather control app. That allows you to make the weather become what you want, this is done as you need it to be.

There is the Shopping Delivery app. This is an app that lets you buy things and keeps track of your inventory. It can be delivered through the phone materializing it near you.

3d9 fate calling; If you want fate to cause an effect or action to get results. Roll 3d9 dice and you allow fate to make the action happen. This is the fate die. This would be used to render a good or bad fate for the moment, that you cast forth by trust.  This means a 17 or better for success and 21 or higher is critical success.

Formula magic; This is where you think of a formula or formulated idea, the likes of which are thinking of the speed formula. That is speed=distance/time..then you speed up by an extra 1d6 actions per round or 6 seconds. Otherwise think of a money rate and you adjust it in your its like 10 dollars per day. You get that in money or more. If you think of pay what you do and quickly getting money..per day. You create by formulated manifest a quicker payment. The basic equation of force once thought up increases the attack you do by making a +5 to your attack rolls and +strength mod times half level rounded down. That's added to your damages dealt. The formula is F = ma which states that which is the force is acting on an object, and is equal to the product of mass and acceleration. In short, it is force equals mass times acceleration. So think the formula, speed up or move quicker and then you deal more damage.

Golden chest; This is a spell that turns a defeated monster and all his loot into a golden treasure chest that requires a high roll on a luck check to be able to open, but has better loot if you succeed. On a rolled 12 or higher on a d20 to double the loot value. It takes a luck of 2 to start to be profitable.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

savoring magic

 Savoring the result, this is magic you can wait for by feel. So think and do things to get a favorable result. This is an effect you can work with. As long as you can wait for it, you can create with what you got. Think and you know what to do.

Some spells..

Coming soon..

Monday, November 20, 2023


The illusion fades away leaving the reality of blackness. Think about the point and you see what is there by the power of the 3rd eye.

Some spells 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think.

Weight loss; what makes me resistance to weight loss no longer makes me retain weight. 

Weight; what makes me gain weight no longer is done nor does it cause me to gain weight. 

Stacy b; she gets all her reports done no matter what. 

Unity; United we be

Will; if I will things to exist, then it happens. The mind commands the soul and spirit is directed by the soul to create your results. This includes shutting someone up.

The ability; the ability is in all of us to create, think and need the idea to create the effect by the power of the soul and spirit. 

Stacy b; she answers by feel my call or messages. No matter what. If possible. 

Things; things work out by feel, unless its my teeth fillings or teeth. 

Thought; the thoughts are yours, so I guess I use things better. 

Good; anything is good for what I get or do.
All good; this is a point you know is better than nothing. 
Aretha; she doesn't mind what I do or did. I don't mind what occurs. 

Whatever; Whatever the case, I am not without money or energy. 

Ashley; she stops taking so many cocoa pods. No matter what. 

Wolfheart; he gets another bg3 live stream out without getting in trouble. No matter what. 

Judy; she doesn't mind what I do. She understands how to deal with me fairly no matter what. She pays me to take out her trash and going to the store from this point on.

Ei i th; either in that its done or its not

Thought; the price will rise if you think it will. If you think it lowers it does.  This is the power of words. 

The weight; the illusion of weight is lifted by stating, "I take off my fat suit".

The figure; i lose 70 lbs quickly and successfully no matter what. 


Biden; he gets more popular and gets elected to matter what. 

Creative; the dr. Gets in and i get through the meeting. Quickly,  I get better and things I do are normal. 

Diet; i follow the diet set by mebbin and my willpower is there to not eat at night. No matter what. 

This; think, focus and need the soul to create. Thinking to form a manifest. 


Judy; she doesn't mind me buying snuff for Paul using her card.

Whatever I do, I manage to save up money no matter what. 

Mudd; coffee
Mud; runny earth 
Ea; creative approach, each their own 
Eo; cause n effect 
Ei; either 
Ey; eye
Eu; yuck, yucky, ews, eww
Ee; eek!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Self-creation points

 This is where you create is the thought by the point, then make with what you have as energy. Think what you want, as you think it your soul or spirit creates it by feel. This is the the way of spoken magic. More magic examples follow.

Some magic:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

magic focus; this effect is where you think to focus on a crystal and the crystal can be any crystal, that means you hold the crystal and focus your thoughts by stating what you wanted. THis causes your crystal to create a manifest of what you want like a spell.

seeing in the dark; think the energy buildup that your body build up by movement goes to your aura to create a natural light that causes no shadows in the area. you also see as though it were as light of day.

mantle effect; think the mantle of the planet, goes and absorbs what you don't like. then you get energy by thinking the mantle sends you some, that you can handle and use by focus to create what you desire. this effect makes you able to create anything you want as you don't get effected by what is not wanted. the soul sends the energy of the effect, and receives the energy as well. the more energy that you shift here from the core, the greater the heat and the slower the communications there are or transfer rate.

continued internet; this spell tells the subconscious to make a great internet connection, each time its connected.

acting; the way that you act, can magically make you appear like the thing associated with it.


wolfheart; he gets a room for free in the elfsong tavern, no matter what. he calms down and gets in a better mood no matter what. he doesn't kill those in the baldur's mouth. he doesn't goto jail as he treats the game better. no matter what.

travis' bank; I will not get in trouble, no matter what.

wolfheart; he gets to playing another stream of bg3 sooner than usual without stress no matter what.

thought; the point is an idea, think of the point and you get what you wanted.

trust; the trust is the thing, think and you know what to do.


moon; it can house beings.

the republicans; they look bad no matter what they do.

biden; no matter what, he always looks good even to the public.

trump; he doesn't rile up his followers, no matter what.

trump lawyers; no matter what, the trump lawyers don't win their appeals.

thinking; think and it is done or known about in life.


Friday, November 10, 2023

setting magic II

Setting up events is the point of consideration, think to set what you think is important.  This is a point from the past. 

Some magic

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

whatever; whatever is broken doesn't effect the operating status of my mind, brain and items. no matter what.

upgrade; a shift in perspective unlocks an entire new magic.

farting weight loss; everytime I fart I lose weight. no matter what.

infinityhost; they fix their problems as quickly as matter what.

ancient translation; this is where you think to get the meanings of words from the past. so think of the past and the point is known as you express it. Don't fear it and it won't happen to you. Now take the word out of context, then you might get the word it as hit in the past. So think your not effected by it and your not hit upon. this is a rule I discovered that fits the situation.

in ex sp; in por

in ex; th vox por

Save point; This is where the subconscious saves the point or idea you notice, and you can restore it by thinking its restored as you think of the point in idea and the fact that its restored is felt.

in ex por; this is where you think then do.

vos vox; Think and its done if possible, if you intend to do it.


in vox pr; This creates what you want whenever you think about it as you need it.

in vox; in idea, you think and it is done.

Advance wave; This is sending out energy to the area, and effect what you intend to effect by feel. What the energy does is die off the targets, and that means you take out opposition you feel are harmful and this changes things by feel.

weird; This kills your enemies by the power of fate however they can be killed. That's if you want to kill them. Otherwise, nothing happens.

healing mantle; This effect is where you cast greater spell mantle uponst yourself, then you aren't effected by any spell you don't want to be effected by. All the excess energy goes into healing, think and its making regeneration for yourself. You can cast any spell with the excess energy as you think and need the idea to exist.


soul magic; The soul creates the idea you need and if you think about it, the idea comes to you. What your soul doesn't want, it won't allow and you know it.

Psychic nature; The idea is known by what you think to know, and the subconscious shows you. Otherewise ir lets you know about it, as your spirit finds out and the soul is the source directing the moment.

pt = place or throw
i = ignite

still shift; this is where you think to stay still and think of appearing, that's where you want to be seen or noticed. The creator causes you to appear or disappear where you deem it necessary.

rest; this is where you think to focus on instant sleep and rest occurs naturally in an instance.

I; This is where you think to injest herbs and due to their narcotic nature, your suddenly high.


Water bubble; This a spell that launches really cohesive water that form huge droplets that make it hard to breathe if it engulfs an enemy's head or body. If surrounding the body, it restrains them and keeps the targets from moving. Unless they have water breathing, can swim their way out or don't breathe, then they don't get effected.

Inspection; The inspector passes my inspection on my unit no matter what.

Jamie; She manages to play the dvd and cd and it works out for her. no matter the point.

for dnd

dungeon alchemist


dak = slimness, unbloated, kill any activity with it, kill any hunger
mer = murder, this seems innocently done but you have mermen and mermaid that would kill you on the spot
seq = sequence
seqn = unlargeness
dakary = largeness
bak = back or block
ack = aching throw up, back
iss = issue
ants = pants
irt = shirt
irty = earthy, dirty
alm = calm
irky = jerky
irqy = easily upset
heh = cure all
itt = technical
dak itt = technical weight loss
am = spam
amm = jam
amman = american
an = can or fire
iff = sniff
uff = snuff, chewing tobacco
un = forever
unn = not
t = he, she, it
daq = daquiri, fruity drink
it = device
uk = yuck
ek = heck, what is?
eq = equity, money value exchange
as = hassle, discourage
is = dissuade
ad = persuade
dutz = stupid, dumb
itz = smart, propose
adm = suggest, suggestion, admission
exp = experience, exploration
ex = fight, hex
in = inside, inner
ou = o-uter, outside, oust (to remove), o ring
beh = behave
foc = magic, focus
foci = focus intelligently
ay = yay!, yes, its where you do things and it seems you agree with the idea
na = no, it seems where you think to disagree with actions or stating no firmly
es = estrogen, female hormone
os = testosterone, male hormone, otherwise its computer operating system
en = ending 
enn = real ending, this can end the illusion
ehn = handling things
mis = mistreat, mistreatment
ehm = get attention, henging, pause in speach
ehmn = enmity, hostility
end = end illusion
enh = enhance, add to
ag = agreement
agg = shag, aggressive act, aggressiveness
univ = universe, universal
plan = planet, planetary
cons = consciousness, wrongs
pros = benefits
umm = pause
ben = benefit
def = defense
dec = decent, decency
d = decease, death 
des = stopping point, desperate
de = death energy
dr = drain, drive
e = energy
h = halt, stop
bla = black
ol = hole
sing = singularity, worm hole that brings you places or brings things to places you think it will go
sen = sentence that is defined by the words and ends with a period, justice effects are possible with this idea as you think the sentence is a sentencing from a judge like yourself that the target does
oho = oh hold on
oh = on hold, surprise
of = on, o
on = oh no!
ann = announce
defin = define, definition
defen = deafen, make not hearing
ez = easy
har = hard
med = medium
mod = mode
rel = real
li = life
oui = we
men = mean
u = you
n = no, in
ha = harm, hold action
hap = happy, happiness
happ = happen
sa = sad, sadness
man = mad, madness
cra = craze, crazy, craziness, loopy
cri = crime
crim = criminals
efs = effect
bod = body
par = part
tur = turn

Sunday, November 5, 2023

setting traps

Setting traps by magic, you create with the spirit and the soul is the energy source. Think to set the trap to create with the point and make what you need or want. 

Some magic 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think.

Sealing; the magic of the spirit sends part of its silver essence to seal the way by finger trace.

Ward; think to ward away the problem  making it go away from you and not exist, that's done by thinking your problem doesn't effect you. The soul creates the effect you need. 

This; the thought is mine, you can do what you want with it. No matter what. 

Vladimir putin = Vladimir putin \ it can be.

Ward = /

Is = hard

Zanax = relief by feel 

Ba = bad that gets effected.

En= ending like peeing in a toilet or something. 

Advance wave; this is sending out energy to effect the area you intend to effect by feel.  What the energy does is die off the targets and take out opposition you feel are harmful and changes things by feel. 

Thought; this in ancient means the point that's fought. Think about the idea and it's known. 

Eu = bad scent like pu.

Us = united in state.

Un = United nation or forever 

Think and do..
Thought; this creates with idea to make what you want.

Things; things work out by feel in the end. No matter what whatever causes me hardship no longer causes me hardship.

Jamie; she approves of the work I matter what. 

Focus; wolfheart goes and destroys the steel watch factory no matter what before the assassination attempt. He uses the rune bomb on the factory..

Focus; great expectations happen by feel..if you think about it you will get great rewards.

Set off; the bomb is set off and things work out by feel. 

Cassandra; she is done with her meeting quickly and I get the keurig machine back to Stacy's office.. no matter what. 

The meeting; stacy b's meeting is over quickly no matter what. 

What; what i write happens quickly if I need it too.

Pain relief; drawing a symbol on the opposite side of the mouth lessens the mouth pain on the other side. This happens because of the energy draw of the pain energy is towards the symbol drawn and used to remove the pain.

Thoughts; thinking things through makes it work. So think and it is done. 

I do = i die off or don't do.
I dare = die activity in movement  energy 
I en = I enter and create..

Monday, October 30, 2023

Focusing will

 Focusing your will isn't always effective.. unless you need things and state what you want then your out of luck. This is a point you think to create what you will. The person that does your will or need is what result that you get. So think of the moment, be nice then you get a good result.

Some spells..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

incapacitate; This is where you create an unconscious state of the targets you target. That's done through channelling God and focusing his energy at the targets.

kittymoo; he doesn't get tired of matter what.

wolfheart; he wins every battle that he fights in the game. no matter what.

nightsong; she gets in to hit and makes the hit on the target, no matter what.

magic mysteries; this is where the creator tells you of things that you want to know about, including magical effects.


event manipulation; this is where you think of the effect to create, and the creator makes the result occur of what you intend.

orchestration; this spell is situating the moment and you create things to make what you want as you arrange things to occur.

corey; his hand fixes itself. no matter what.

Think; Think and you know what to do.

Force wall; This focuses a wall of energy, that causes the targets to be forced back by 30' with a push of energy.

Elemental force wall; This is where you summon an energy wall made of an element of your choice. That goes in the direction of your targets to push them back 30' and deal elemental damage to them.

Elemental wave; This is where you form a wave of elemental energy from gated in element energy. That goes forth and causes wave damage to the targets in a wave of 30' width. This can even put out fire.

remove curse; This removes any curse placed upon you or the area.


health; keep the healthy plant and keep it watered so it thrives.

thought; the fought moment doesn't happen. its all in your mind.

the brain; its under our control..think and need what you want and it does it.

the fuel; the fuel is energy, we live in an advanced society.

the thought; we know what you think, so think about it and do as you want.


tenacious; this is the tendancy to create what you think is best.

moose; he doesn't mind what I do or matter what.

sneezing; I no longer have sneezing fits, no matter what.

things; paul t turns out to be all right no matter what.

thoughts; the thoughts I sense I know by feel.


sphere of creation; this creates a sphere of creativeness, you can create as many orbs that you want that makes what you think into existence.

triangles of effect; this is where you think of triangles to exist and the creator makes them. They create what you need into existence, that can be elemental damages of your choice or they could expand and explode with elemetal effects.

circle of effect; THis can protect you or damage those targets you have in mind that stand in it.

Thinking; this is a good idea, so think to use what you can.

expanding circles; this is where you create an energy effect by imagining a circle that expands to effect all those in it that you target, if in idea to do things that you wanted.

dome of effect; this dome creates what you think as you need it to exist. including fire and water or ice.

feather fall; this is where you think your light as a feather and you and your group don't take fall damage.

void attack; this is where you attack with gated in void energy to destroy the target, that's from within by creating a void ball inside them.

elemental ray; this is where you send out a ray of elemental energy to effect the target or targets.

column of energy; this is where you think of energy that forms what effect you want in a colum of light over the targets.

solar fans; this is where you think about harnessing gated in solar energy, thinking to create what effect of sun energy that you want.


The launch; psyche launch launches by feel and successfully. no matter what without delays.

the end; this is where you see psyche spacecraft succeed by feel.

Paul t; he doesn't mind what I do or did, no matter what. he doesn't mind what his mom has said to do or did.

a ef eff; This is an effect that you create efficiently yet negatively this is not to effect efficiently.

a eff; the effect is this, think and you know what to do.


recipes and potions

weed potion; mix weed flakes, sugar or stevia and water. allow to seep heated up and drink.

potion of persuasion; mix dill weed, sugar or stevia, oregano, turmeric and basil in water.. then drink thinking to creazte persuasiveness in yourself. this can even persuade energy to make what you want as you think to create it where you need it.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

setting magic

Setting magic is a point in regard, think and you know what to say or think. The correspondence and idea that sets this, that creates what you get with a setting that creates the moment. 

Some spells:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you.

This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do Baldur spells that are from the game baldur's gate 3 and they create with energy from the creator by feel.. there listed below is some spells for you to try.

Think; the point is thought and expression, think of the idea to create with the point.

Thorny skin; energy thorns grow on your skin where you can impale them into the target. This causes them to knock out.

Energy sword; this is created by bio energy and concentration with heat energy. Think the sword of energy exists from the hand or arm, and creates a heat slash that is there by slashing or stabbing the sword. This sword can extend a long distance quickly. 

Shape; I am in the best shape that I can be.

Restoration; the restoration podds are in the area he looks for them and he finds enough food for a long matter what. 

Corey; he feels like cooking the shrimp. No matter what. 

Singing; in Kerioki you create with energy from the creator to make a unique song.

Think; the thought is good so think its done and its done. 


It; it is then

Right; I eat less than 1600 calories no matter what and exercise over 8000 steps everyday in life. 

Focus; the magic focus works..I wonder what else is possible. 

The idea was done, the point is prolific as you think it ends it does. Sometimes by saying en the moment ends by feel. 

Prey; i no longer am a target no matter what. 

Thought; they condemn the Republicans in office and usher in the democrats no matter what. 

Minako; she does the prayer for success and gets the effect off by feel. 

Things; things are done that are possible to create with energy from the body to make what you want in life.

Israel; they cease their fighting no matter what. 

Thundergladiator; he gets over his problems no matter what. 

The end
There is no more hideous laughter, it is over. I will now go on my way.  

The point; my funding remains. My way to get funds is still there. Things will be good from now on. 

The idea; this is the point you do, think and you know what you can do. 

Thought; the point is using an idea to express by feel. 

Focus; space x gets off yet another launch today..this works no matter what. 

Focusing; this creates improved performance no matter what. 

Wolfheart; he plays bg3 again as the tactician evil stream no matter what. 

Sense enhancement; this is a spell that enhances the senses. 

Create object; this spell creates an object from nothing. To counter it, you create not a thing.

Blue fire bomb; its concentrated blue fire that spreads out in a bomb blast of 50' and creates 4x the damages by focusing the intensity of the blast as you need it to effect your targets. This blue fire bomb is set off by sigil that you mean to set off the effect. 

The goldilocks zone; this is an area that a planet allows life and it creates possible living conditions as well. 

Paul t; he gets into a better mood when he meets me no matter what. 

Ending; the end you think is the end you get.

Fun; the end is near think of your progress and you will achieve success. 

T; i get tea made for me.

Thought; this is the point you say amazing and abide. Doing your own thing. 

Paul t; he pays me for the stuff I did for him. No matter what. 

Thinking; things work out in the end. 


Mail; it comes earlier than usual and Paul t gets his check. I get paid 70.

Weight; no matter what my weight reduces itself by 60 lbs.

Paul t; no matter what Paul remains my friend. 

Trolley; the trolley doesn't make me wait or weight. Its quick to get matter what. Whatever makes it delayed no longer makes it delayed. No matter what happens. 

End; the point is done let things be and have a good day. Ciou.

Paul and me don't ever get into a disagreement no matter what. 

Friday, October 20, 2023

focus magic IV

Focus magic is where you focus on a thought and create with the soul what you need to exist. The soul can do many things so think and you know what to do. 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you.

This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do Baldur spells that are from the game baldur's gate 3 and they create with energy from the creator by feel.. there listed below is some spells for you to try.

Macy; she comes quickly to cut hair.

Sheila; she gets her groceries and her debit card back and doesn't blame me for stealing. No matter what. 

Kendaction; this is tending to do what you read. Thus it makes the target do what they think is good without blaming others.

Animate item; this causes the item to be animated and do things on its own. Done by the power of the creator until not needed. 

Rejuvenation; this effect makes you younger in appearance as it replaces older cells with newer ones.

Sracy; she comes in to work or talks to me by chat today no matter what. 


Walmart; they deliver to me my food i ordered as soon as possible no matter what. 

Stacy b; she can make it to work tomorrow or whenever she matter what. 

Stacy b; she gets over her meeting and it ends quickly. No matter what she is no longer busy. 

Light clone; this forms a clone out of light energy, that does what you need or want, wherever you need it. So it does 60% of your damage as you deal damage. 

Thought; this is a point you think, so if you need to do things then go for it.


Sunday, October 15, 2023

intricate idea

 This is where you are in idea that you use and create as a form of manifest, that is tricky to do. So think about the point and you get a good idea, this is intricate indeed as you consider what is part of the manifest. That is the ideal, the energy you summon to create the idea and the manifest itself where what you want is formed. There are spells after this.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

writer sense; the idea you sense by feel and the point you think as it comes to you. you can sense what is there and know what things mean.

zombie revert; the reversion of the zombie to human or other life form.

Mind swap; This is the ability to swap two target's or people's minds. So if you're fighting a person you can mind swap him with his buddy, so his effects do less damage while the people gets stats they can't use. They can be very confused for 36 seconds, and the effect lasts for 36 seconds in battle, or until you no longer need it to happen.

creative points; this is an effect of ability, you can create with a creative idea. Think and you know what to do.

en; pizza time! you get pizza paid by another.


age control; no longer do underage kids date others online.

water beam; This is a water based momentum power..where you would gather up water slowly from the water vapors and moisture, building a vortex and then it would self power itself and shoot out beams from itself. 

cool; this is where you gain a cooling shield that changes heat to a cooler feel. All you need is to drink water or some cold drink and your body converts it to become a cool feeling.

mgr; she is well enough to return to work by feel and thinks work out for her no matter what.

hot; if you think about the heat in the air, then you thought gather it in your aura and heat up by feel.


usurper; this is where you focus a little energy to overwhelm the mind of another, think and suggest what you want to occur. You control the victim and target.

moonbeam; Create a luminous radiance that can inflict damage upon any creature that comes within range. You can move the moonbeam by will and thinking it moves to a new location you need it to move to deal damage.

Thorn Whip; Hit a target with a whip of thorny vines that spring up from the ground, thinking to deal Piercing damage while also bringing the target closer to you by 10'.

Eye power; the eye ocular power is where you cause the ability of the eye world to reach the physical plane. You can manifest whatever you want by the power of the eye, including mangyoku and teleporting whomever or whater you want including yourself. 

Force bubble; The energy of the aura you project forward and around you upto 40' diameter, thinking to protect yourself from harm. You and your allies cannot be hit while in this bubble. That is done in effect, yet you can hit inside and outside of it.


stacy butts; she manages to come in to work and I get to give her my rent soon as matter what.

the doctor; he sees me video wise as quickly as possible.

Healing word; This heals anything or anyone of damages as you state "heal" and need it, then your deity causes the wounds and illnesses to heal.

mass healing word; this is a concept to use energy by instructing it's consciousness into creating what you want. So it can heal any group of allies into full health by stating "mass heal" and you cause you and your allies to heal up..

focusing point; this is where you hold an item and command the energy, that's by thinking what you want to the energy and its consciousness creates what you want.


Cleanse; This if you need it clears away the dirt and dust from the area, and things that are dirty are cleaned up by summoned up water and fire energy or heated up water. The thought is a reminder, that comes to you to do things and you remember to clean up. Then, your spirit cleans and clears away the detritus or area of dirt.

vp harris; biden gets reelected anyway, no matter what is occurred.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Higher self magic

The higher self is a being that is you on a higher plane, it can do things that create miracles. Think your higher self does it and it will with more powerful effects. 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you.

This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do Baldur spells that are from the game baldur's gate 3 and they create with energy from the creator by feel.. there listed below is some spells for you to try.

Think; the form is a figure so my form is my own. 

Dream; the dream ends here and creates what i think to occur. 

She; she can go quickly and efficiently  no matter what. 

He; he can go as necessary very quickly. 

Horadrim; they exist and they work as experts. 

Travis; he arrives back to here where he lives.

Judy; she doesn't mind what I do or what occurred. No matter what. 

Mail; all my outgoing mail gets sent and arrives at its destination. Quickly no matter what. 

Ss mail; i manage to get the mail i sent to them in time and I don't get cut off from my ssi and ssdi. No matter what. 

Things; things work out in the end. 

People; they don't mind what I do. 

Minding; I don't mind what I want to watch and can sense what is wrong or not mind things.

Thought; if you think you can go so think of other things to create it.


Mgr; the manager comes in quickly today no matter what. 

Mail; the mail comes quickly today and I catch the mailman no matter what. 

Stacy b; she gets ahold of ssa quickly no matter what. 

The meeting; she gets done with her meeting quickly no matter what occurs. 

Think; the moment you think to notice, this is the point of creation. Think and you know what to do. 

The mgr; she doesn't mind what I do or did. 

Waiting; I can wait for the moment and create as I wait. 


Us congress; they get a bill passed that is funding the government and prevent a government shutdown no matter what.

Meeting; they get over the meeting and I get confirmation on what I need confirmation from no matter what quickly. 

Republicans; they don't succeed in getting elected no matter what. 

Dons plumbing; they fix the problem with the apt plumbing no matter what. 

The drain; it doesn't get stopped up again no matter what. 

Ssa; they get the faxes to the right places and I get resserted for continuing my money from them. Quickly and successfully no matter what. 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Thinking magic 3

Thinking about something is what can trigger the magic by feel, if you need it its created the thoughts bring up the need. So think about the possibility and you can will the effect to happen as you need it. That triggers the subconscious to create the effect as you intend it to happen. Think and you know what to do.

Some spells

 State the word to the left of the ; or = sign and don;t state the ; or = as its a separator, then when you state the word or phrase you think of the idea or look at the idea to do.

people; they answer my texting if not my calling them, quickly and nicely no matter what.

chair; the computer chair works for me no matter what for years.

T la; The ohio lawmakers do not make it illegal for mrna stuff.

Focused energy punch; This is where you hold energy in the fist and punch out, that releases the energy into the target and causes what you think the energy should do.

woven sword; this is where you go and focus energy to become a sword in your hand. the sword is unbreakable and stronger than steel. you can also weave a weapon of your choice to exist instead. this is a very interesting effect for defense.

mental breakdown; There's the fact that a mental fracture kinda like overwhelming senses of grief and anger or something similar to that can lead to breaking someone's humanity. They will do anything to avenge whomever they've lost. You end up becoming an animal. If it's the one thing or the one person you relied on and your entire world collapses once you lose them. You will stop at nothing. Therefore you become lost

prayer; this is a spell done by god.

weather; this is where you cast lightning against the foe from sudden weather or cause rain that lasts a day or less.

shadow cloak; the shadows serve your purpose, then surround you to protect you. they take your damage instead of you until you don't need them to do so.

Vulnerable; if you hit someone, then they turn vulnerable and can easily be damaged.

force bubble; the energy of the aura you project forward and around you to protect you from harm.

It; this can be countered by feel as it is AI.

Poison strike; this is summoning poison essence to strike forth against a target or targets. this lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and effects per round.

shadow trap; this is the idea of trapping in an area the targets to strike them with draining energy, and energy knives formed by the energy being shaped into knives. they do double damage.

twisting blades; this is using energy, that your soul forms into blades and it goes forth through the targets. then it hovers in a circle and you can wait and it comes back through them. that is doing 30% more damage to the targets it hits.

The end; the end of days are where you think the end has come. so think and you know what will occur.

This is; the point of light, think and you know what you can create.

th en

Amazon; they get to me the packages I ordered, as quickly as possible no matter what today and tomorrow.


sightless eye; This is an eye design in a 5 pointed star, that upon touching it and thinking of what you want to see. This causes you to see what it can show you of the idea as a vision.

immortality; this is where you leave a charged piece of equipment or yourself like a fingernail. that's somewhere and instructing it to restore you as though you would live, no matter where you are in life. this can bring you back, no matter the point unless you decide not to live.

the bed of restoration; this is where you instruct the bed energy to restore you and free you of all restraints by thinking it and touching the bed. then upon laying there your free and create what you want.

embuement; this is where you create by focus, think of what you want to have as an effect and focus on the item. This causes the idea of what you intended to be done made by the programmed particles of the item. So what you think it will do.

En; you know what comes and you can inform probable anyone of it. what you think is created by the soul if you need it created.


I end it here so you know it was fun.. enjoy yourself, ciou.

writing stuff

a mixture of flour, baking powder, vanilla extract , and one egg

some salt and butter

get flour, add one spoon of baking powder

add salt

then you take another bowl add 1 egg, then one small teaspoon of vanilla extract

mix the egg and vanila extract together

then you melt small amounts of butter

add the butter to the flour

and the egg/vanilla that you mixed

mix them all together

all one spoon of sugar

and that would be ur waffle batter

and that would be it

the key here is that

vanilla extract makes it taste really good

creation; they can no longer use woke as it is..

erradic; they don't squash the evidence of the grand jury.

control; control is not set on humans.


Travis; he manages to pay me 5 dollars per trip no matter what.

gaining money: they must work hard and set up their work in advance for their field. Then once they also checklist everything needed and seen as someone effiencent they should get promoted and ofc they should pray to the gods of wealth.

I am em; I am focused on eliminating and making things better.


I am en; I by will that the energy consciousness end this.

download; the torrent downloads happen to succeed no matter what and speedily.

downtown shell; they treat me better no matter what.

balance; he reads some of the game manual I wrote and plays the matter what.; I get the amazon shipment that was errored or otherwise, no matter what.


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Curative moment

Curating the idea, this is the moment to make a cure as you think to cure them. This effects the body as you need to cure the body of diseases. 

Some spells 
Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you.

This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do Baldur spells that are from the game baldur's gate 3 and they create with energy from the creator by feel.. there listed below is some spells for you to try.

Bonding; if you think of the moment and will it to manifest it will exist by feel. If you think it doesn't exist then it ceases to effect you.

Lafayette; he accepts what I sent to him if keyboard no matter what. 

Walmart; they get to me what I ordered sooner than usual. No matter what occurs. 

The idea; its known to effect those that think about the point. So need it not to exist and it ceases to effect by the power of the creator. 

The fact; it exists so deal with it. 


The love; this is the feel for a moment in time.

The lover; this is a known person that loves you.

The en..
There is love for one another and things work out by feel. However you might expect natural disaster, so think and know the truth. 

Thought; the thought that you think, this creates with a point. 

Whatever; Whatever makes me tired no longer makes me matter what. 

Think an en

Bathroom; danese and myself clean up and pass the Bathroom in inspection no matter what. 

Shadow cloak; the shadows serve your purpose and surround you to take the damages no matter what until you don't need them to do it. 

Vids; i watch the rest of the vids on Diablo IV.

The end; this is where you focus on something and create what you think into existing by manifest. That you get.

Manager Stacy butts; she approves of my room and my bathroom, so she gets what I need done. No matter what. This happens as fast as possible..


Stacy b; she passes my room inspection no matter what occurs. Thus it happens as soon as possible. 

Wag; waste management bags that you take with you. 

Shadow shroud; this effect can create whatever you think to create by the shadows, you cause by will to surround the targets. They inflict damage on the targets as they feed off of them, and in the end cause the infected to explode.

Think; sheila is no longer hard of hearing. 

Focus; think of the idea and it's done.


Stacy b; she accepts that i did what I could. No matter what. 

Sheila; i am not effected by her voice no matter what. 

Mail; it comes earlier than usual today  and brings Paul his check. No matter what. 

Formcraft; this is where you think to focus upon a goal and energy forms it.

Long distance spells; this is where you think to focus and imagine the effect where you want it to effect. 

Silent communication; this is where you think of what you want to say and your soul causes, the target or targets are able to know psychically what you mean them to know. We are all psychic so this will work. 

Focus; you should see the Traces of time energy and know what to do. 

Think; the shape reverts no matter what  if you think it does. 

Odesa; they create peace and maintain it no matter what. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

checked moment

This is the moment you check things, and nothing is wrong by feel. Think and you know what to do. 

Some spells 
Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you.

This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do Baldur spells are from the game baldur's gate 3 and they create with energy from the creator by feel.. there listed below is some spells for you to try.

Haircut; the Haircut lady has time for matter what. 

Moose; his knee and leg get better quickly no matter what is done. 

Corey; he finds his wallet or gets it back no matter what. 

Interesting; noone is disproven who is a whistle-blower. No matter what.

Trump; he doesn't win his court cases no matter what. Trumps game plan isn't working no matter what. 

Gas; the price of gas drops as quickly as possible. 

Moose; he doesn't mind what I do, no matter what. 

I don't mind what people do, or did no matter what. 

Stacy b; she has time for looking for clothes for me no matter what. 

Caring; the uncaring moment doesn't happen and I don't mind it. No matter what. 

Sleep; No matter what I get enough sleep or act like i do.

Eating; no matter what I eat like I am 160 lbs no matter the point.


Void balls; these balls of void energy draw in to an area what you intend to suck there.

Fly; this spell causes you to be able to fly at will by inertia energy causing gravity to do what you want, that's  directed by your will and lasts until you don't need it.

Dr. Appointment; he sees me quickly and successfully things are done. No matter what. 


Focus; the focusing point is there as stated the bad things aren't done. 

Think; think of what you want and you get a result by manifest. That you want.

Misty step to a world; this is where you think to shift to another world as you use the mists of time or place. The thought is done by feel. 

Moose; he doesn't mind what I do or did. 

Make undead; this spell causes living dead when you think of a target and need the creator to raise undead. 

Think; the thought you think is creating with the spirit. 


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Self-made creations

 This is where you think of the idea and make the idea with a will and a way. Think and you know what to do. This creates self-made idea and its what you think about that's made if you need it. So enjoy the rest of the day, think of the point and you know what to expect.

Some spells:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

engorgio; no longer do I grow larger. I grow slimmer instead. no matter what.

joe biden; he does better than is normal, no matter what.

trump; trump won't be elected no matter what.

whatever; whatever the case, I do no longer have less than $30 dollars in the bank.

mary; she doesn't bother me again.


ray of frost; This is where you call upon the energy of cold and think it effects the target/s.

Shield; protects against many effects and attacks.

Resistance; This spell causes you to be immune to the elements, thats by the power of the creator.

mage armor; this spell is cast thinking energy goes to the aura and protects agains things that effect you.

guided bolt; This is where you think to guide the path of the magic bolt, that you summon from needing the point of a bolt to hit the target/s.

cloud of daggers; think of a cloud of energy, that forms by feel and causes energy daggers to the targets in mind.

spirit weapon; Think of the idea to form and your spirit is creating it by feel. It can fly and do what you want.

ray of sickness; this causes a disease to effect what you think the target should have including sickness.

Animate dead; This is where the creator makes the dead animated and do what you want.

Counterspell; This spell can cause the spells of others you target to fail and you create with the released energy.

Knock; This spell unlocks any lock you target.

spirit guardian; This spell is where you summon a guardian angel to protect you by causing your aura to become charged with fire.

guardian of faith; This causes you to summon a guardian being by thinking its there, and the soul causes it to exist that does what you want.

glyph of warding; this wards away danger as it can exist.

Influence; Think of the energy and feel its effects as you need the target/s to do things.

Ice storm; This is causing a energy storm of ice to effect the targets in an area of 30'.

Death ward; Despite the death, the death doesn't last and the person is alive as they want to live.

Freedom of movement; This frees the stunned or paralyzed victim to become able to move again.

scorching ray; This is where you focus fire and cast it forth as a ray attack.

Energy: art of war; These are enhanced magic missile that splits off into 1d20 of them to attack the targets, that's done by selecting the target and how many effect the targets to create what effect you want as your think it into existence.

insect plague; thic calls upon the target area a allot of insects that causes damages to the targets by infliction.

Desintegrate; This is causing what you think is turning the body to dust.

witchbolt; this spell creates by energy a lightning effect.

butterfly effect; This effect creates changes in time that you notice sometime at the moment you sense or come across it. think to create a change and focus your mind on the idea and you change time by feel.

uncaring; This effect is where you feel that things aren't important and state what you know. That puts people off and causes them not to care.

caring; This is where you feel things are important and state something, then its concern and care put to the idea.

concern; Think and know whats what, this is a point you realize by the idea you know.

black hole; This is where you think a singularity into existance and it sucks whater is in the area into itself like a black hole that your soul makes nonexistant.

psi blast; This creates the effect of mentally blasting the targets and causing damage to them by thinking it to exist.

divine intervention; This is where you call upon the creator or God, to intervene for yourself on the behalf of yourself to effect what you may effect.

shadow shift; This is where you think to step into shadow, and know the shadows will shift you into an area you wanted to be.


torsion fields; this is time energy, that you can direct by feel that stars exert in energy form. it can be focused by aluminum mirrors for enhanced intuition.

Flying; This spell causes you to be able to fly, at the speed of 30' at will by inertial energy cancelling out gravity, then your will directs where you go by will where you want to go. That makes gravity do what you want. This lasts until you don't need it.

Energy bombs; This is where you form a construct, then instruct it to bomb some target or targets until you no longer need it.

devastating curse; This is the moment you think of bad things and state it to harm your targets. The curse causes your targets to be hindered by feel.

conversion; this is thinking of the idea or condition as though a source and think a new purpose for the energy source that it does instead..that includes pain.


Psychoport; This is where you think to shift to wherever you want, so basically your soul shifts you using your subconscious mind..

Embue; Allow energy to give you an ability that you choose to have. This only lasts until you sleep.

Sanctity; The targets cannot be attacked or targeted with spells unless they attack.

Elemental effects; This is where you think of an effect that is elemental, like blast of ice or cold, or fire shot.. this could be any element. The elements for use are where this can include, the focused elemental effects, that you gate in with energy by the soul. That's forming what you want and unforming the gate afterwards, where its earth, lightning or electricity, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid. 


&nbsp;&nbsp; Earth; Earth can be used to hold or block things or form earth balls around the target or in the air, that you mentally project towards the target. <br>

&nbsp;&nbsp; Lightning or electricity; This is is shock that can be summoned by thinking it into existance to effect what you want by a soul formed gate, its raw energy in formation where summoned and can rip through armor and the person/s beneath, electrifying them or form lightning balls that go through the targets to instantly shock them. It can electrify anything. However there is a verbal form of lightning called "shock", that you state certain things and get peoples attention to the ideal. This is idea that you think should be viewed or known about in life. So don't be afraid to explain what you want to be known, anything could be a talking point.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp; Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms that can levitate you and others, hold things in the air and punch people up.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp; Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity, freeze out the idea you don't want and form ice balls or hail from the sky.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp; Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp; Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water from the air into waves or water balls.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp; Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls. The smaller the fireball formed by compressing it into a psi ball and thrown, will reach the target faster and deal more damage. If you used 2 actions in forming one, your damages or healing would be doubled.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp; Void; Void can if gated cause void or removal of the energy, erase a target of what is not liked. So it can dissipate the target into energy where you make the target disappear, think to cause the target/s to be drained of stp and mp, you can cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s. Otherwise form draining void balls, that shoot to the target to do deadly damages to disease or whatever you target making the target numbed. This is effective to cure disorders as well, so use it to cure as you want to feel better.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp; Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp; Acid; Acid can be summoned to eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, or form acid balls.

Silence 30'; This silences any sound you don't want to be heard in a 30' diameter.

Disguise; This disguises you with energy cloaking as though another person, and anyone else you want disguised is disguised.

Trap; This spell is where you embue the nature of some element, and a condition that triggers it to effect the target. This trap spell can effect those you want effected, as its not effect you. Like "This effect effects those besides me and my allies."

lessen; this can lessen the weight off a target.


lafayette jr.; He no longer is addicted to sexual advertisement.

for dnd

Paragon Tier. point feat: Detect enemies; this is a feat that lets you sense enemies that are stealthed by their energy traces.

Dream Crusher; When an enemy scores a critical hit on you it does 25% less damage. Heroic tier point.

Energy body add on: Basically.. So with energy body you absorb spell energy and use it as your own energy. Any attacks you can avoid by turning into energy. Your only acually effected by magic weapons. Think of this like a moment in time your attacked. You change into energy upon attacks, and are having the attacks pass right through you. Then you become solid again and do what you may. This is a very unique energy form. If your wondering what makes that feat possible.. its either your god or the creator. They transform you on demand or need. On transformation, any wounds or conditions you don't want disappear and your full health.

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