Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

2 year old public release songs? anyone.

 This is a list of 2 years old public released music. The list is "" and the individual songs are below.

These are relaxing songs that help you think better and allow you to be in a relaxed mood. If you can't hear it, use a vpn with another country as the point. this will disguise your signal and you will be able to listen to things that country can hear.

here is yet another youtube video on the relaxing tibetan waterfall music:


Saturday, September 26, 2020

knowing the need magic

 The need you know by the spirit-that-goes-through-everything and you create by feel with the knowledge either way with love or whatever you feel. This creates the point of desire, that you focus on the emotion and the idea is done that you think to create. This is what you can do with the idea by feel with idea you intend:

 Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

stopping point; the effect of this, ceases the crime rate and the point is done.

roaches; this is en in idea that the roaches cease to exist in the area of the place, this is what you think about that is effected when you state the idea.

the point; the roaches die off and cease to be in the area even if not killed by yourself.

naruto; the leader of the gang, he is done and not effected unless doing wrong.

naruto II; this is a point you think about, that the spirit uses info gotten from the soul or soul copy and creates what you intend.

kill bug II; the bugs death releases the death and decay energy, that your subconscious causes to kill other bugs.

kill bug; the bugs death causes the effect of the idea you intend to occur and you get the result as a manifest that isn't a bug.

the bug; the bug is not there, so it ceases to form and the area is cleared away or clean. I pass my inspections.


8 = the letter 8, the ate or hold moment or allow and do.

cure; any cure won't always cure the gout.

Ah heh los; pain sensitivity loss, that also causes loss in weight as the body reverts to it's gaseous state. to cure the gout, use curious as stated.

You can transform your energy and another’s into a higher energy by saying “I transform all into love”

Think their name when saying it for it to happen to them. Creates positive feeling by idea. It transforms weakness into strength, fear into courage, etc... makes the lower energy it’s its opposite

ab absternine absterade = the body cures itself.

the idea by itself; this is a point of curiousity with concept, you know if you think to create with life you can create with a point and make the point with the creator. you name the concept.

the conclusion; think of the idea and you know what to do.

the point in conclusion; this is where you think and know by realization with a concept that's known about.

in no it; the point is not hit upon. release is a concept of what you do. this is a noted point.

wish; If it came up wish it with logical thinking. this is a basic command to the reality to reset.

the en; the end of the game reality, that you know comes to a crashing end.

en game; this is the point you end the game.

is; the point you made that is created by the subconscious using the spirit or soul copy.

gas; this is released in the gas particles.

this; that is the release of excess energy by what is done.

“Null neg astro e” nullifies negative astrological effects- quite powerful, recommend doing

“Amp pos astro e” amplifies positive astrological effects
This includes your own chart’s energies, as well as present astrology

Flow in day= clears all energy and scenarios which would cause disharmony and provides a flowing sense to the day, no matter what happens

glyphs spell; see the glyph and think it creates what you intend as you feel energy pass from you to the glyph. the consciousness of energy does what you need. you may need to draw out the glyph or state the effect. that works with tattoos, as well.

unaging spell; state, "make time unage me as I age.." think the creator does this for you and you can get that as an effect. this is about equal to what you age..

clock magic; imagine a clock, any way, think of it going backward for going back in time or not going forward for causing time to standstill what you intend to standstill or imagine it go forward to speed time up with life. otherwise, state "aly tente" to pause aging in time. 

warning; sometimes when you cast a spell and you don't feel something happen, it doesn't actually not occur. so if you think it doesn't happen, then you stop the effect. if you think it happens to occur, then the effect will have or has occurred.

How to change your perception of time=State “time perception @ whatever % you’d like, activated”. Think “deactivate abnormal time perception” to return to base state of time perception.

timed weightloss; time is a moment of progress, so if you think the weight up progress goes down instead of up and state atempo or think the weight goes up as a point of eating, then you cause the weight to decrease as a point of time that undoes itself.

drug magic; the right drug gets the right result, you know by study what is correct. if you can get the right drug, then you get the correct effect. reviritrol is the unaging drug. geodon is the right weightloss effect drug. however, there may be other drugs available.

time en; the end of the moment, you know the end and as a point is done you realize what is done.

muslim style; for weight loss, think the weight is a distress and state al-ba-dee and the weight shall disappear with all distress going away..

powder; the right powder gets the right effect, think of the effect and you can create a point by stating the intention.

exercise; if you eat or drink the calories, then you can exercise by working out or waling the weight down, drink charged water and think about weight loss. This causes you to lower your weight quicker, as you move around.

timed; The time you think in going backward by events happening in reverse, then undoes what you don't want by feel. This works like wearing something backward.

vit-d; the sunlight or light will cause what you think, if then you absorb the vitamin d from the sun or light of the moment.

the idea; you know, the point is happening as you intend it to occur. so that is a spell in itself.

the solution; think the soul creates what you want, this is done by feel or thought as you state the intended result..

what; what be is what will be. think to accept the loss and you can create better results.

wanna gain weight? state an is, thinking you got hit with a fattening beam.

wanna lose weight? think you got hit with a reduction beam as you state "an in".

wanna maintain your weight? think you are with energy that in mention this creates an idea and you are maintained in weight, state the number and you will become that weight.

the body weight; you can trick your body energy to reform itself with a flat stomach, this is where no bulge of the stomach is obvious as you think of the weight and suggest what you intend.


this is an idea, you intend things the subconscious uses the soul copy to create, then by the power of the creator you create in idea what you need. think of a way for yourself, then you can make what you want and create what you wish. ciou, farewell and good-bye.

now more spells;

Be like any character or person spell = state “dravant-thya dellmavruntaw” 3 times while focusing on the character or person(or being) you wish to be like.

Be like any deviant character or person spell = state “deviant-thya dellmavruntaw” 3 times while focusing on the idea with a character or person(or being) you wish to be like that you think of or your spirit has you become by feel.

Be like any deviance with character or person spell = state “deviance-thyan dellamvruntaw” 3 times while focusing on the idea with a character or person(or being) you wish to be like that you think of in life or your spirit has you become by feel with a point that you make.

Be like any deviant person with character or person spell = state “draviant-thya dellamvruntaw” 3 times while focusing on the idea with the idea or person(or being) you wish to be like that you think of in life or your spirit has you become by feel with a point that you make.


think and focus; this is something that allows me to think and focus, so things are known to work out.

earth; the planet no longer replicates the bugs.

The area; this is a place I noted some time ago, yet in my dated material I didn't put all the fats, so this is a point to get the idea and make use of things I find or found. This a point of idea, that the power of the atom smasher will allow me to find out by feel. Wish me well as I am about to do things and I need to know what occurs.

voting; the 2020 voting is no longer being blocked by trump supporters.

think; then if you do I can release the point, the "I" conscious releases you from the effect.

thought; the point you think is the point that's done, if the subconscious does things.

hoy mitl = holy mantle spell; this is the mantle effect that's done by the soul or soul copy, that uses the spirit and passes it to the mantle in the planet. This allows unlimited absorption of energy and spells as you think about the effect. The mantle is what absorbs the energy of the effect. This also absorbs mental effects, that is what allows you to do what you want by feel. This makes it appear that no ill effect happens to you or you don't act ill.

bil pas = bill pass; this is a point you think of and create with the idea of speaking.

bil en; the point you pass the bill or end it by feel.

may creat xkig = this is where you create money exchanges by various means.

Catfish came, here is the essence=“Doranti Catyanchi Dofashtrii” said 3 times, that essence will be with you until you reverse it. This is high adaptability, communication skills, and observation. I feel good social skills come with it too

You can do a spell to transform your bones, skin, circulatory, nervous/parasympathetic system, brain, and muscles into the highest organic ingredients, makeup, and energies.

I immediately feel energized, awake, focused, overjoyed, and my brain went through a tremendous shift, I feel intuitively. I almost threw up but I feel much lighter overall now.

“Transform each aspect to highest.”

This affects all organs too. Be aware this is a very intense shift. I felt extremely big shifts of energy in my body and peaks of anxiety, as well as energy surges. It passed quickly.

This can transform you into a being: state "Think and mai". Thinking of the person or yourself. You are then a being form after saying the effect. To transform back, state "est mai" thinking of the person or yourself.

"Think est", this transforms you into the idea you intend to have made.  This isn't instant, this takes a bit to do with a soul copy by the spirit. Again; "est mai" transforms you back.

Fine; finish point, the point at the finish is done if needed.

writing stuff 

Sensing deeply how reality is like a video game... this is just an experience we create. Also how most beings are on autopilot, living lives void of deeper meaning, feeding their minds with material distractions.

On the note of reality being a game, I am very happy because we don’t have to take it seriously. Every person is like a game character. //They feel more like npc’s though. Yes, a really complex construct that's alive. Ah, this new level of awareness is because of the intelligence spell. So want that level of awareness a basic level? Say, seh teh or seh est, then you will. This means you set awareness to how you want it. 

Other settings in the game feel reality is where you think and know, thinking to set the level of energy higher or lower with the statement, seh ten, this works as you think higher or lower or your soul or spirit makes it self-adjusted. 

Set the easiness of events with what you intend and stating, "reh est". See what you intend is thinking easy, normal, hard, impossible. Yes, that is the easiness you have with tasks.

So think of the spawning point and the area, then state spa..that is to reform your energy to make yourself appear somewhere you think about. That's in case you die, so you repawn and you create with the energy consciousness what you need. Oh in this reality, the dimension can cause you to spawn back at any time you need. You just break into particles and thus that allows your respawning.

Otherwise to attack and hit easily, state in the mind 'it' thinking of your target. Thinking about avoiding the attacks, state "avo it" and you avoid the attack of any where it or they are by feel.

What allows magic? Avoid attacks or create attacks if you want, heal otherwise. If you think of things you need and use the item or electricity as a source as you feel or intend the idea you need to happen by feel. Then state what you want. The consciousness of energy creates what you intend to create. That is the "I" world conscious that even allows illusion.

Illusion is thinking of the idea to show, then stating or thinking you show the idea by the aura energy waves projecting the waves and the idea ein the waves is perceived. Breaking the illusion, think it's not perceived and you are looking at reality with the power of the pinneal gland. That's the easy way to perceive and show it.

The even easier way is, "a sho" being spoken and think of what you want seen. State, "nul" thinking of the effect to cancel it out.

The harder way is this: The idea is that point you imagine or think about showing, this is where you cause your spirit using the soul copy to hammer away at the person until they are "dazed" and any suggestion is sometimes noticed. Think about the idea, then feel the spirit stops hitting, the person should see what is there after that.

That means this is a dazed point, where the body copes by seeing what illusion is sent out by the brain waves and the aura energy that broadcasts the idea. Think they heal, then you don't kill them as their spirit uses the creator to recover their wits.  So if you wish, what you speak or express directs your energy as conscious energy and the spirit that goes through everything creates what you "wish", this is what the indians believe will create the point as though it were "done", and the effect is achieved with a manifestation by feel or idea you intend to do. That is done with a seh enjoy, this is spoken or thought if by feel with a point. Think and you know what to do.

This is done, if you think then or do things so that's if a point by check is made.


The eating of mass; this is where you do things and nothing energy supplies the idea of what occurs. This is a point you think you get something, then you make use of things and lower your body weight. This is a point you know, so think and you create what you do and work off the excess weight otherwise. This especially makes use of food that is thought to be there, yet nothing energy is what seems the food. This means you eat your weight, then you lower the weight of the body and the mass on the body is the weight that seems not to be there by feel. The nothingness is there all around us, so if you think of things being there, then nothing exists things if you need it there. 

Now is the main point, why we are in nothingness. The idea is a point of what we can do, we created with an atom smasher a god particle. This rose into the sky from the atom smasher and drew in the universe as it went through a ciculation of circular clouds. This is where we are, think of the area and you know what you need to see if it is there. This means if it drew in the universe, we live in a 2d reality with a 3d illusion. This is a point in idea by feel, where we are actually in nothing that appears as though energy that does what we need as we think about things. So this means we exist in nothing, as we think we do, the energy conscious is a reflection of the creator's mind and we are instructing it with thought. This is all in a balance of nothing. Think about it as I go off and do something else in idea. Enjoy yourself, as you do things, you create what you do. Think and you can do what you want.


Question: How to lose excessive weight?

Answer: Eat a healthy diet focused on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fiber; include lots of lean proteins, such as fish, poultry and beans; and drink lots of water. Daily exercise helps you burn calories and maintain a healthy weight. Include physical movement in your day as much as possible. Be active at your job, walk to the store instead of driving, leave the car at home and walk or ride a bike to work, take the stairs instead of elevators, and play with your children. Diet pills are not proven to be effective, however you want to do them. See the point to this? It's almost exact as a point is made, yet when you want results. An AI can only give you what information is there.

Question: What created the universe?

Answer: Something can't come from nothing. Because the universe existed, it must have come from somewhere. A first cause to set all this into motion must exists. is used as evidence for this from the second law of thermodynamics. The second law states that everything tends toward disorder. Many things will come into order, but, overall, disorder increases. You can expend energy to grab a glass of water, but all the energy in the universe won't make water come from thin air. To organize something, it takes an organizing force, and that force has to come from somewhere too. The universe could not be the product of nothing, because "nothing" doesn't have any properties. The second law of thermodynamics doesn't apply to nothing; it doesn't have any natural increase in disorder. Therefore, we know, by the second law, that there must have been a non-natural cause that brought the universe into existence. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so this creative, organizing force had to be non-material. The reasonable conclusion is that this non-material being exists outside the universe.

Q: How to handle weight fluctuations?

Answer: The point; weight fluctuations, these are the up and down points of body weight. Think of the point and wish or will the idea of controlling your weight as a flow of energy. Think you make it lower, then you can create the point of a "temporary" lower weight point. This is how the body can work, especially with water you drink and thinking your need for it to do. The body will sometimes responds to your will. So then it's proven for mind over matter. Think of the idea and you can create the result. That is all in a willing point done by wish with a point. Then is is the point, then is your will, this then creates what you will. Think and you know what to do. This is what you do with exercise, not only with what you will. What you will is what you get in energy consciousness response, that's done by feel or idea as you intend the point. This point is your own.

Game stuff

The weight manipulation shape; this is where you think of the idea and create with a point. what you create is what you think and intend to make by the use of the spirit. This is an effect done by feel. So the point you lessen in bulk, that is where you show weight loss by not eating things, think about this and realize that you don't have to show weight loss by mass loss. All you really need is to lose the weight itself. That is using an idea of what the creator makes happen, he or she who made us and the Gods, so think about the change you need and your body is what changes to fit the idea. 

This is energy in form, that changes by reforming itself and the spirit and that reforms the cells in the body. Think of the body shape and you are that shape, this transformation is done by the power of the spirit using soul or soul copy magic unless you don't want to reform yourself. This I got from a puffer fish, so if it doesn't work don't sue me. See there is no more or less unless you think there is a change. Think about the idea and you can change what is there. If nothing exists, then there is no change. That is all from the past.

Monday, September 21, 2020

The welfare magic

 This is magic that creates from wealth and welfare by feel. Think energy comes from funding, then you can create with money and make with a thought.This is a point, you think about, that the soul creates. That means this and more is possible. This can even cure welfare, think your not poor and state a word that you intend to create the effect. 

Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

The transform back

  The the transform back from dog or other animal form is this, think of your form and feel the form being there instead of the animal form. This can cancel out the shaping and the idea is done. The theft is undone that caused the animal shaping. This takes a half or less a day.

The point; this point is one that causes the server to work, that is done by positive magic.

Dorashi Vonti = Blocks out unnecessary or annoying information from the senses temporarily, up to an hour. Note that it will still be sensed, but it will stop the annoyance of it. This is very useful if you live with others.

Doramti Quenci = clearing of emotional body, clears emotions, brings about more awareness and wisdom surrounding feelings and how to manage them, and use them to your advantage

Shremtyav Dolreth = Clears every unnecessary thought, attachment, focus, and excess energy as well as clears unnecessary or lower brain processes, and heals and activates brain to highest capacity and to it’s best state

Shinyung Delbwrath = Clearing of every body, the soul, the etheric body, and physical body. Purifies all bodily systems(including bone), clears toxins, heals and regenerates every system, grants extra strength to any parts that are intended. Just think of the system when saying it. Also it provides clearing of chakras, blockages, and open the brain to higher function. Grounds and clears excessive energy and calories, and cuts down on hunger pangs too. That one’s really good, I recommend 3 times a day everyday, more if you’d like. Feels safe to do. This can be focused on other people too

Dopa shiro = intense release of dopamine in the body. Very fun

Doranthu Shiyana = Shift to intended reality, or location. Use while thinking of place

Doranthu Veentya = Gives glimpse of what reality you are focusing on. Allows information gathering on realities, places, or people. Focus on the point to recieve info

Dontvi Chichi = Produces and attracts abundance in money form, as well as creates more situations to make more money, like a raise or something

Oodama Selthur = Create deep feelings of relaxation, peace, and clarity as well creating higher brain function and decreases cortisol levels

Arathax Ondashi = Retract aura and create protective essence around body

Oodama Selthur = Create deep feelings of relaxation, peace, and clarity as well creating higher brain function and decreases cortisol levels

Arathax Ondashi = Retract aura and create protective essence around body

Drontyem Villhaus, Gremtra Genti = Full higher self essence embodied. Similar to the elf/dragon/water bear effects

Dora venti =Supplemental energy in place of food. The more said, the fuller of energy

Amayana Torishito =Cleansing of unnecessary information in all forms of recieving, blocks unnecessary info

Klenci, Donta Veri =Balancing of ears, spine, spinal fluid, and brain... balances liquids and movement of liquid, clears physical and energetic blocks.

Jeri Dosha Minta =Produce Joyous feelings, feelings of unity, family, and friend closeness. Attracts those scenarios 

Hymn of the earth, to bring grounding=Hera Donta Vera Donta Hera Donta Vera Donta, desha desha dossu desha desha dossu Huuuum

Hymn of Trust of self, joyous connections, laughter, and best qualities to shine out=Vera Dolsa Vera Dolsa, Bien Do Requa, Bien Do Requa Sheeyaa

Hymn of Magical Potency and Clarity=Dera Putta Dera Putta, Vieno, Vieno

Hymn of Earthen shielding and balancing, inspiration=Do-ra! Do-ra! Venta Miyan trru!


Hymn of Gentle healing and Vast deep energy boosting=Puri Dantyo Puri Dantyo Verakash, Verakash

Hymn of the Warrior and Strengthening of Will=Deri Ventyo Deri Ventyo Shonosi, Shonosi

Note: This can be dangerous if used with malicious intentions, and WILL leave others confused about you

Hymn of Stealth and dark, silence included=Vento Byado Vento Byado Shirovah, Shirovah, beckonti

Hymn of conceal physical and energetic presence=Dokri Dokri Viyama, Deeraxu Deeraxu

Hymn of Confidence, Willpower, and Right Action Brilliance
Shanayavotu Shanayavotu Brillasu, Ovu

Purge all ego based energy and fill with love vibrations =Also changes habits

Dora Venti Doramanu, repeat

Repel lower energy, clear lower from space, repel lower energy beings=Tresh Doku Vento, repeat as much as is felt right

Grow wings, physically, QUICK, DOES WORK=Deera Marku Deera Marku Showsizo

Repeat at least 20 times each day

Hypnosis/trance state engage=I engage trance state with 3...2...1... broken if loud sounds

Remove lower subliminals, affirmations, and programmings=Uwaka Dontre Ventomaya

Build rowdy and fun energy
Shosho BienDon

“Spidersenses” Highly increased sensitivity to energy, telepathy online, fully activated senses and intuition=Druucha Veenta Boolrathi

Turn off extra sensitivity and make more organic, creative, and grounded=Abadu Deetru

Orc essence = Gramtha Devdul Abariya, Consh x3
I definitely recommend testing it out. Just think to reverse it and it’ll be done

Dog essence(general canine energy, tamed)=Odaba Shrexando, Chichi x3

Squirrel essence=Thrasha, Ventama x3

Cat essence=Harshathan Delvour, Kat-thaka

Fox spirit shift=Havaseel Shrathkun, Billraxan x3

Dog essence is reeeaaally nice. I could go a week in that one. The squirrel is not very pleasant

Red Panda/Fire Fox essence
Shretra Doorama Killthauski x3

Raven essence = Drakadu Veratu Shiraku

Jay=Oorakthi Sherathva, odasin

Robin=Yelltrama, Dosha krema

Bluebird=Halldescree, ventoshreta

Mastery of magic, intuition, and energy work- not an essence, but causes the points said.=Deera Vyantu Shrakthi

Ocean’s ring = Badula Sheco, Havridona.

Ocean energy + protect. 

Try this out! It’s a really good and healing energy. 

Note, most effects I do have immediate effect and last 12 hours. Depends on what it is and the purpose of it though. If the point is only summoning energy it lasts about 12 hours. I’m going to work with planetary energy when I have a moment to do so

Planetary effects(ESSENCE) Reversed only when intended, otherwise always active

Sun=Saradoso Albyenat

Mars=Drakku Bendita

Venus= Shreengala Doorahsho

Moon=Alasha Doreheme

Mercury=Merakka Shrodyant

Earth=Eerathan Bodulast

Jupiter=Heracktha Dontrami

Saturn=Harshami Darantovi

Neptune=Planetra Dorepsi Odval

Pluto=Hella Shrine-do
I activated all of them at once. I feel like a master now, but I got as nosebleed as soon as I did it


Aries=Droshkata Vomonudra

Taurus= Belldrina Ohsoqua

Gemini= Hareshima Doshakrima

Cancer=Harenka Obdulango

Leo=Avdaalshro Chemuul

Virgo= Halasheera Dozara

Libra=Yontramatu Havadeel

Scorpio=Gentrii Baduul Ram

Sagittarius=Hareck Tooramani

Capricorn=Hoshdram Tellvouras

Pisces=Yoranthoom Havadoos

Aquarius=Albyetro Avalkyo

Opiuchus= the healer, Drasha toolasa, meeradoo

Be game character when playing game=Herashi Odatu, Velsacka x3

Immersion in game and done in to shift back, full complete reality experience=Brenckua Doshatri x3

This is energetic not physical shift. VERY interesting to be in when playing a game. It is akin to being another person

Focus and create; this allows you to focus and with the right gesture, you create.

focus and do; this is where you focus and do what is necessary.

this; this is not a source as this is nothing, if this is not there, then you will get something.

vera tera = this is a point of building, think to observe and you will know.

vera nira = the point is near, in idea your aware.

vera nye; you know what and where, think to do what is necessary.

gateway; this is a gate empowered by thought.

focus idea; the point is an idea, if you think the concept you know the point.

cause point; what you think is known if they think they know and their spirit informs them of the idea in mind.

jeet = martial art like water flow.

suppose; I suppose in interest that is the okay. I think this is enough.

the end; the point is a concept in reality, think of the point and you create with an idea. that's if you intend the point to be made.

the point; the point you need to do something, that is the point you get to do the idea. this is a known effect as you are relaxing.

the area; the area no longer has a gate in the center of the place.

people; they don't mind what i do.

I; I don't mind what you do.

this; the point is done, think positive and you get positive result and that includes less weight.

the result; the weight is not there next day, as I have lost it by feel.

the point; this point is a concept that says not and no is actually meaning named unless necessary.

I em in well; This is a point you are well and creating with feel.

answer; I am in the area and well.

I know right; this is where the creator adjusts things and the vibes or vibrations are felt and reacted to positively.

I em you; this is where the target you think of is empathetically felt or bug you don't like is taken out or condemned to die. This is also a way out of a dimension that you think to be in by feel.

I am you; you are a point to work with and things are a point you know.

I am = I know or I believe things are good, so I will go now. ciou and farewell, good-bye.

Heg; this makes you act normal.

Unlesbos; reverted to become thin. Also a food.

naer = the alternative english speaking earth.

neir = speak easy english

nair = this makes things obsolete in idea. if you think of the point, you know of the concept and the concept is what is obsolete.

artemis = self-creative point.

ynlesbos = revert the body to eat less and weigh less. this effect lasts until you eat enough.(edited)

anesborus; the spell effects the idea and reverts it back into energy as a source for what you intend to make.

gabrielle oracourse; This effects the point you intend, you think of a solution and create with a point you do.

ina ora; this is a point you know about, so you end up doing what's right.

arielle oraborg; This causes any kid you may want to get to not happen. This ends the lifecycle of the kid.

ara mobile; this allows you to return by feel to where you were from.

ara noille; this causes you to regenerate, including any lost limbs.

Try this out! This is absess or excess weight reversion by the creator, its stating whenever you want, anny.

Try this out, the process of reversion for any mental condition, state ot.

this is a point of creation with the creator; stating oat.

this is a point of making someone leave, this even effects annoyances, think to leave and state bak.

the end; the point you think and work to create by feel with words.


the lengthening; this effect causes you to appear a little chunky with weight loss and sleek with tallness after you eat. so if you think of the moment, you create with a thought and could gain weight, unless you walk or work it off.

Dragon strength in physical body, regenerate and heal too= Abaduul wresha

Cleared asthma effect

To know and do what is best as is best= dota dota

Knowing; the thinking point you need to do is to think of the list I mentioned things and look at any written source. the idea for what you need to know is revealed with the pinneal gland activated and the soul making your third eye from it. this is revealed in the thing you read.

focus; think to respond and you will get a good reply.

bare nu lairt on hear; circle of protection, where you are well and you are protected.

focusing or thinking; the idea you need to eat doesn't happen.

focus; the point is idea, think and you know what to do.

IQ spells

oh IQ. Think you have a high intelligence as you state the word.
oh hi IQ. This gives you a high intelligence boost by oxygen.
an alternative iq spell is smet or hi smet
Memory, focus, info processing, intelligence = mai
hi mai for above average intelligence effects boost

“Ease energy effects” eases sideaffects

Timero x2 = Causes your perception of time to double, making time go by quicker

wait it out; this causes you to wait the time out by feel.

e upsurge = energy upsurge, the energy will surge and create what is necessary.

regen = the regeneration spell(edited)

The regency en; this creates rooms or apartment rent and ends illness.

The ragant = the point is a point, so you know.

The think; the point you ask and get things if you need and intend the idea.

The change; the change you have and no longer appear like a demon.

egal; Everything is legal until you get caught doing it.

oh you might need an instant sleep point spell. so your brain can work right.
that is: ca slep inst, pronounced: can sleep in-s-t(edited)

that is where you sleep yet are awake so you seem to have gotten the right amount of sleep to do things normally. it’s like 8 hours of sleep in only a moment, you might still feel exhausted physically but mentally you feel you are recovering, so think it passes and it will. basically, I said the physical exhaustion passes now and my sinuses fully cleared and I feel much happier. I literally felt a block in my face remove, physically. 

Yeon Hon Principle/gamer healing effect- think yeon hon healing principle on body . Heals all mental afflictions, and physical ailments, including fatigue. this is from a manga and Improves mood, heals confusion, etc.

game stuff

Shadow practitioner class, you can only be a shadow practitioner if you neutral or evil alignment

Requirements: To qualify to become a shadow practitioner, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Alignment: Any neutral or evil.

Skills: Disguise 3 ranks, Stealth 4 ranks, Focus 3 ranks.

Saves: Reflex and Will good

Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: 1 Exotic weapon, Ambidexterity and crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), short sword and longsword. Shadow practitioners are proficient with any armor but not with shields.

Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Thievery (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int), Poisoning (Int) and Focus (Wis).

Class features: Any level +3 reflex roll, +2 will, +1 save against poison and disease every 2 levels.

1st level gains Shadow elementalism (cha).

2rd level gains Create poison (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.

3th level gains Resistance (Ex), summon shadows (cha).

4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.

5th level shadow form (cha).

6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.

7th level shadow angel (cha).

8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.

9th level gains Poison aura (feat).

10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.

12th and higher levels, so every 3 levels after 12th, starting with 14th level there is 2 bonus feats and stat raise. Also, there is 5% of additional health percent per every 2 levels after 12th.

15th level gains transformation (Ex).

Shadow elementalism; This can form any element out of the shadows energy or darkness if any darkness is nearby, that effects the target if you think it will and the effect is per each 2 ranks of focus or concentration skill, whatever is higher. This is 1d10+charisma mod. The duration is 1d6 rounds in melee or unlimited outside combat, if any duration will happen from the effect. Until light or fire is exposed on the caster or the area. This shadow element is what can strike even from the shadows of the target.  

Create poison (Ex); The point you think to work with poison, you can create from the energy and essence of the shadows itself a poisoning effect, this is done with some gated through shadows poison to make a poisoned weapon or some body poisoned. This has a 2d8+poisoning rank damage for 1d6 rounds in battle and minutes outside of battle.

Resistance (Ex); This is the point you are resistant to poison an disease. If you can do things with poison, you can remain unaffected as your immune to the poison itself.

Summon shadows; This allows you to summon any shadow shape by what you think, The shadow shape can only be effected by light, fire, and magical weapons. Yet the shadows do what you want and can create what you need. Think about the idea and you create with the shadows, if you intend to create a result. The damage and healing that is done by the shadow shape is per each 2 ranks of focus, this is 2d6+charisma mod in amount. Duration is instant. The health of the shadow shape is 100% hp. This is a point you can work with if you think you know the character and want to do things according to the alignment. If you don't, then you will raise or lower your alignment.

Shadow form; The shadow is what is there and you are then the shadow, and if not felt this can be undetected except by you. You revert to normal after you are exposed to light. When you are the shadow, you create with energy and what you create is then up to you. This is what you can use to make any effect to a target, through the shadows. This includes healing or damage of each 2 focus skill ranks, that is 1d10+charisma mod. Duration time is 1d6+charisma mod in rounds or until light has been exposed to by feel. You aren't effected by normal weapons, however elements such as water, fire, earth and air or magical weapons are what can hurt you.

shadow angel; this is the idea, you summon a shadow using night as the energy source. Then think the creator shapes it into an angellic servant. The Gods or Dithemos can command the shadow angel, so that means the angel of shadows will do what you need. The light in the area, this can dispel it, however it can shift from cast shadow to cast shadow and do what you need. The effect is a point you think about, the stats are your stats, the health however, they are 100%. It can send to the target whatever you send through the shadows or dark element. The damage effect is per each 2 focus or concentration ranks of 1d10+charisma mod. The healing effect is with energy you send, this is per each 3 ranks of focus at 1d10+charisma mod healed. Duration is short term, a 1d6 rounds or until daytime if cast at night.

Transformation (Ex); This is a special change where the character is transformed into an angel of shadows. They can do what they want and are able to withstand any light and then unable to be touched by any weapon except magical and elemental or any energy attack rejuevenates them. They gain +5 con, +4 wis, + 4 int, +3 Str and there is a +10 to their attack damage if they are in shadows.

Light creator

This is where you think to turn things with whatever source or non source, that creates what you want by feel.

Saves: Reflex and Will good

Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Ambidexterity and crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), short sword and longsword. Light creators are proficient with any armor but not with shields. This means accurate profficiency and light armor, medium armor or heavy armor proficiency.

Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int), Healing (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Class features: Any level +3 reflex roll, +2 will.

1st level gains Light elementalism (cha) and turning (cha).
2rd level gains Cure poison (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
3th level gains Resistance (Ex), summon being (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level light form (cha) and luck (Ex).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level light angel (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains light aura (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th and higher levels, so every 3 levels after 12th, starting with 14th level there is 2 bonus feats and stat raise. Also, there is 5% of additional health percent per every 2 levels after 12th.
15th level gains light avatar (Ex).

Light elementalism; This can form any element out of the area energy or light if any energy is nearby, that effects the target if you think it will and the effect is per each 2 ranks of focus or concentration skill, whatever is higher. This is 1d10+charisma mod. The duration is 1d6 rounds in melee or unlimited outside combat, if any duration will happen from the effect. Until light or fire is exposed on the caster or the area. This shadow element is what can strike even from the shadows of the target. This proves that energy converts into something else equally. 

Turning; Turning is where you change the point of idea that the being, person or thing does. This is where you think to turn something or what have you that you don't like, and the energy is what does the effect of turning away. You could turn a monster or goblin into doing something you intend to be done. This is all done by a focus check or concentration check.

Cure poison (Ex); The point you think to work with poison or illness and create a curation, you can create a cure from the energy and essence of the light itself a enlightening effect, this is done with some gated through cure to make a cured body. This has a 3d8+focus rank curation and health restoration as that is instant.

Resistance (Ex); This is the point you are resistant to poison and disease. If you can do things with poison, you can remain unaffected from poison as if your immune to the poison itself.

luck (Ex); this is where you gain +10 luck. you are able to create with a point, and make with an idea what you intend with people or items by your charisma rising +6 and you basically can get away with what you intend to get  unusually lucky with or without an example.

Summon being; This allows you to summon any being that is shaped by what you think, said being can create with what energy or particles are there. The being shape can only be effected by elementalism, and magical weapons. Yet the being do what you want and can create what you need. Think about the idea and you create with the being, if you intend to create a result. The damage and healing that is done by the being is per each 2 ranks of focus. This is an 2d6+charisma mod in amount for what is desired. Duration is instant unless you desire some timed effect with 1d6 rounds in melee or unlimited time outside of battle and said being is cancelled out by the darkness that is directed it's way. The health of the being shaped by will is 100% hp and they act as you direct them. The light energy is what creates your will by itself. So all you really need to do is think about the point to create and direct the conscious energy. This is done by the energy consciousness making what you want or intend.

Light form; The light is what is alive there and you are then the being, and if not felt this can be undetected except by you. You revert to normal after you are exposed to directed darkness. When you are the light, you create with energy particles and what you create is then a concept if up to you. That is energy reacts as though you created something from the energy, this means that you focus by thought the energy and your energy waves or vibes program the area consciousness to create by itself. This is what you can use to make any effect to a target, that effects through the sunlight or light. This includes healing or damage of each 2 focus skill ranks, that is 1d10+charisma mod. Duration time is 1d6+charisma mod in rounds or until directed darkness has been exposed to that is done by feel. You aren't effected by normal weapons as your immune to weapons that seem to pass through you, however elements such as water, fire, earth and air or magical weapons are what can hurt you.

light angel; this is the idea, you summon a light being using the creator or a god as the energy source. Then think the creator shapes it into an angellic servant. The Gods can command the light angel, so that means the angel of light will do what you need. The light in the area, this can cause regeneration to it, and it dissipates as darkness is directed at it. However, it can shift from any in point and this is used in the light to create any other area effect with light or particles. The effect is a point you think about, the stats are your stats, yet note the health however, they are 100%. It can send to the target whatever you want to effect them through the light gate summoning the idea or themselves. The damage effect is per each 2 focus or concentration ranks of 1d10+charisma mod. The healing effect is using thought with energy you send, this is per each 3 ranks of focus at 1d10+charisma mod healed. Duration is short term, a 1d6 rounds or until dark if cast in the daytime.

light aura; This is a point you think of the concept of light particles as an energy wave, that create the healing and light shift of compatriots and yourself as a form of teleport self or others if you intend to shift. Think of where you want to go, then you will shift yourself and others you think to shift that get near your aura. Healing done by this is 2d10+healing rank in percent of health. This is a point, that you create and make work with what you get. You can shift teleport anywhere you think to exist and imagine. 

Light avatar (Ex); This is creating a special change where the character is transformed into an avatar of light and only the particles do what they want. They can do what they want and are able to withstand any light or darkness, and then unable to be touched by any weapon except magical and absorb elemental energy. Otherwise that is doing the point by any energy attack that rejuevenates them. They gain +3 con, +3 wis, + 4 int, +3 Str and there is a +5 to their attack damage if they are in the light. This avatar form can create a point or make an idea, that creates itself as though from the particles themselves.


cinderella; cinder cone activity. otherwise a poof moment.

or = ore

foci = focusing point.

create = creation in idea

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thinking magic II

 This is where you create a point, that is done by thinking of the idea and focusing on the item or the idea creates the point by feel. That is created by either suggestion with the subconscious, made by the soul or soul copy, and otherwise created by the spirit. This is what I was able to create with this idea..

Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

unusual; I think I was unusual, so instead of fatless with weight, it's fatless without excess or gained weight.

unusually; this means I can remain looking like I don't have extra weight and on thinking, things work themselves out or not..

think; the point is a concept, think and you realize what to do.

time travel; the time travel technique is where I can time travel to any time in idea or area by feel. This is where a point exists and if you mention a when you mention a time so think of the point and you are there by the power of the subconscious. Think of the time as events, that the subconscious allows you to see or know, think of being there and sometime stating the point, if then you are there by the spirit knowing and the soul or soul copy transfers you there. Think about your intention and you know what to do. If nothing is obvious, or there is nothing to do, then take a walk or drive so you do things the way you want. This works to find something to do, if you can do things, otherwise lay down and rest. 

The point is sometime you state things, if you make a statement of the idea, then you create the point by the power of words. Don't worry about meeting yourself, unless you were the exact opposite you won't cancel yourself out of existence as if you didn't exist. Now that is impossible, so think about the point and then you know what to do. If you intend to stay, then think the creator makes lodging that you find or you could die out in the open. When you shift, then you could turn to dust here. If not, the point could be sleeping and doing things automatically.  Then is the point your autonomous nervous system causes you to act normally. This is a point done by some spirit or soul willing to work with a body.

So that means then you fall to sleep and wake up, this is done when you return at your own time of choosing. This is a known effect. Think you know the effect to realize what occurred there, that is known by the spirit. So that means you can create yourself at any time, wherever you want and from energy that exists. Thinking to return, the time you are in reverts around you and you are where you want to be. This is truly the power of the subconscious, that means it uses the spirit to know things and the spirit then stores its information in the soul. That is how I noticed this time travel works. However, sometimes there isn't a foolproof way to do this, this is in the endig by a point you recocognize with what is expressed.

Think about the point and feel the idea is created. That is how the normal time travelling happens. This is a time you know, so think and you can get away with what you need. This works as you are aware of things, so think about the area and the point you noticed. Then you can create by spirit what you wish to occur, at the time you need to make things happen, howevever this works with the point of idea and breathing in and out, this works even better by the listening to music. Think you know what this means and your brain causes you to know what the meaning is by the spirit caused realization. This is basically how the known effect works. If you need the effect to stop, breath normally, notice something wrong or hear a loud noise and you seem to "wake up".

When you do, your spirit uses your soul to revitalize you, so then you know and afterward you realize what is done. If you don't, then you had nothing wrong done and you can focus on the idea to create the point. This is a point known to man and women, known as insight. That is a point then, now is the point you know by the spirit, so this is a point you realize if you intend to realize. Think about your third eye pinneal gland revealing to yourself what you need to know and you know what's around the area. This is a point you can work with by feel, so think about what you need to know and you can remember things as they exist. This means they that attempt things is where they, those that are what can remember things better, make a picture perfect memory by what is done. So think and you are able to know anything about the idea, area and what may happen. The idea is a point you do, the moment is a point you are aware of by feel or go around. think about the moment, then you create with a thought and make with some concept by the power of the soul. This is a recorded point in the book of life and basically noticed in life.

This is a concept, known as creating with the energy consciousness. That is is where you realiz e the point, think of the idea and make use of things you know about. This uses incognition. The psychic awareness, that creates by feel and works with the mind as it is the conscious awareness of the brain. Think of things as they form if you intend to get results. This is a point I know about, so this means you are aware, your awareness is the conscious part of the brain, that means this is it's point noticed with things or people. The thing you know is what is reactions though, so this means you are aware of what is there. Think and you know about things, if you intend to realize what is there then you will.

thing in a thought; the point you know is the point you realize, this is using what is also insight. so think and you know about the need so if you intend things to happen this occurs if necessary. this is a known fact of life.


the end of the lifetime known to man, this where they go extinct on earth. the point is a concept more than anything, the area is dark, lights are artificial. this idea is a point you can realize, if you open your third eye with the pinneal gland. think about the point you intend to know and your third eye causes you to realize what is there. what was there? animal humans, that existed for a period of time. they exist after the time the humans have here. this is a point, that you know about if you were travelling in time to see the area. note things down and do what you want. what you need to know about, their language is different. so I think the point is  done and dealt with by feel. this is a point used in idea.

en if; the idea is a concept this exists by feel, this is the second ending. the ending I like where people are people and things exist to work with those people. this is a point in other area, think and you know what you can as the spirit will reveal with insight what you need to know by visions. the visions end, when you no longer need to see the point. think and you know what to do by what you create.

think a point; the form or figure is kept if necessary and able to shapeshift.

figure form II; this is a point or place you go, if you think to visit with the locals.

Think and do; the escape plan is this, think of the area or planet and you are there in energy form.

in an en; the end of the point, there is nothing in the end of the world so you know what will happen.

word; if you don't mention no in some way, then you make it a yes answer.

people; people get along with each other by feel.

finding; this is done in which paul truitt finds his mug.

chains; think the chain is a connected point and you understand what is known by what is there in the genes. Once done, think the chain is broken, and you may optionally imagine a blade in your hands that is slashed down to break the link. This separates you from the energy sucking linked person that suddenly stops vampirism or sucking you dry.

chain effect; the effect is simple, this is where pelosi fixes things and agrees to a deal made in congress on 2nd stimulus checks.

Speaking any of these words will bring forth an effect, though, when used in conjunction with Odashi, it summons that certain energy forth with more power.

Odashi = Summon, bring forth, activation of

Cerea(Syria) = Fierceness, Balance

Dosha = Peace, focus on peaceful things

Odeera(Oh-deer-ah) = Strength, Willpower, Reseliency

Venah(Ven-hah) = deflect energy that is unwanted.

Goorant(Goo-Rahn-T) = Protective shielding. Use with Odashi (Odashi Goorant)

Belrath = Shift energy to intended creation. Used for shapeshifting and mentally shifting to another state, also trance and hypnosis. Intend the point when speaking belrath.

Delraethe(Dell-wraith) = Rock, Stone, Powerfulness. Often used to convey someone’s stubbornness, or extraordinary willpower.

Delravee Donsta = Chant until you feel an energy protecting you. Summons protective spirits, guides, and beings, who intend to protect.

Balancue(Balanck) = Bring happiness and joyous feelings.

Balancue devi = Bring intense happiness and laughter.

Shira Donte(Shira DontEh) = Brings gentleness. Peace, calm, comforting

Ventue Dorakki = Brings acute awareness of actions, thoughts, and intentions of others.

Doraah Venti (Dora, Venti) = Harmony, flow, joyous encounters. Good for gatherings with others.

Donku Dellzi(donku delci) = Brings proactiveness, energy, and vitality. Especially useful for laziness

Elwrath = Brings intense passion, trust of self. Energy of a white knight.

Eldeen = Balance of internal energy. When used with Odashi, clears blockages and balanced any imbalances

Gronta = Connection to planet, providing grounding and centering. Strength, too

Odashi deen Hrun = Activate and focus energy on magic usage, and creative parts of the brain, including pineal gland and third eye

Ooo the above one is very interesting and fun. Recommend that one(edited)

Odashi Seetho Veen = Bring forth and activate best masculine hormones

Odashi Seetho Ventori = bring forth and activate best feminine hormones

Venti Doraah Velmouth = Aura of water essence, flow, healing, peace, clarity and cleareness

Venti Doraah Abdu = Aura of Earth, grounding, centered, balanced, pragmatic, strong, determined, responsible

Venti Doraah Aireena = Aura of Air, carefree, flow, surrender, joy, lightness, joviality, laughter, wits and intelligence

Venti Doraah Doshrina = Aura of Lava, moldable, focused, fierce, changing, growing, good for shifting, learning, adaptability

Venti Doraah iopa = Aura of Spirit, clarity, truth, wisdom, magical abilities, creativity, high brain function, miracle state

Venti Doraah Sirith = Aura of Void/Black, protection, guardian, fierce, life and death, use in battle is only time this is necessary

Venti Doraah Yomantu = Aura of Kitsune, happy, lighthearted, playful, creative, loving, protective, wild, free, careful not to overuse, can attract humans that are in sexual misalignments

Venti Doraah Shrimptu = Aura of Ocean, essence of the water, healing, magical boosts, detachment, patience, surrender and movement with ease, best traveling aura

Venti Doraah Tillseen = Aura of Guardian, general protection, caring, loving, brings focus on family, friends, caring for them and protecting them, good for motivation to care for others

Venti Doraah Belrothiness(Belroth-eeness) = Intensity, Aura of clarity, focus, awareness, Sensory activation, cloning and separating energy, energy work, focus on spiritual realms. This will make you ungrounded

Venti Doraah Shoto = Aura of Silence, hidden, secrets, observation, used for assassinations, for secret trades or meet ups, and to go unnoticed in public. Deflects attention and awareness of being(edited)

Venti Doraah Requiemti = Fiercely defensive, protective, in conjunction with Delravee Donsta, will offer some of the best protection possible. Aura itself provides diamond like shielding against anything attempting to attack or mislead

Venti Doraah Shinyung = Aura of Cleanliness, balances energy, clears blockages, aligns chakras and brain function. Clears excess energy and grounds to planet as it cleans your body, scent and clothes

Venti Doraah Seentu = Aura of Ease, creates peace, at ease feeling, safety, sense of protection. Assists those who have anxiety or intense fears/PTSD

Venti Doraah Shiyungdonra = Aura of Cleansing Sunlight, clears aura, body, and chakras, aligns all energy and brain function. Creates radiance in being, beauty, attractiveness, glory, and victory in endeavors. Essence of the esteemed warrior that overcomes the odds

Venti Doraah Shitzfu = Aura of Evil, lies, mistruth, deceit, wary, fearful, overpowering, controlling, hateful, lower actions. It is wise to experience this aura so that you can sense it when someone feels such a way around you. Say “I reverse that aura effect” to clear it when done

Venti Doraah Clarana = Aura of Purity, clears low vibrations, toxic energies which manifest as scents, clears dust and non-organic particles.... clears allergens, clears attachments to anyone anything and anywhere. Works in a full space, not just the body. Oh this allows cleaning, that is keeping the body, aura, clothes, scent  and area clean and clear. Very nice feeling with that, this clears chemtrail effects too in the body and externally(edited)

Vedro Anthro = Activate best brain waves for your body. Easily noticeable, those brainwaves cause what you think, sometimes you can get spoken effects, too. Time feels slow after speaking that

Dontraa Venti = Activate muscle, brain, and blood function to highest capacity. Swift increase in energy and focus, overall increases endurance if used daily

Demana Dossi (dose-ee) Balance emotions and thoughts. Activates whatever feelings and thoughts are best for you. Demono Dessi (Dee-moan-oh Dess=ee) used with this creates clear thinking.

Anthra Ventido = Balances energy in surrounding space. If intended, it can cover a whole building. Also purifies and clears the energy of all those included in that space.

Anthraxa dosti = Turns lighter higher vibrations into lower. Do not recommend using, but, if you would like to know what this feels like in case you are targeted you can sense it by doing it. Assists those who recieve a lot of lower vibrations from “nowhere”

Dosha Triimaru = Overwhelming Peace, Happiness, and Contentedness in self and surrounding space. Creates harmony and peace more than anything else. Very strong. This can be intended in a larger area.

Derave Doshita(De-rav-ee Doshita) = Find extreme high levels of balance. Creates harmony, even when forced. In chaos, brings peace and centering. Very forceful and intense shift in energy, creates balance thru sheer strength. Can be used in larger area through intending

Dorama = Decloak, deprogram, release truth. Can be used on liars, to sense their energy more clearly or to make them speak truth and also brings every hidden aspect of something to light. Good for magical inquiries, if one is dealing with unknown information. Speak or think dorama while thinking of intended subject. Also note on Dorama, the truth or higher information may come through thought information or soul intuition

Vemana Dorant = Create, manifest, and deepen romantic love. Increases friendliness, and beauty between intended parties, if used on another. Bewary of overusing, as it spikes the beauty and attractiveness of the self

 Magic language spell/words to create dragon essence in self. This manifests more willpower, passion, will for freedom, and love for others. Fierceness included. Not physical shift, only energetic. This is an intense shift and can be reversed through intending it to be reversed.
“Dankutra Odaseen, Vempalla Shirtro”(Dankutra Oh-dah-seen, Vem-pal-lah Shirt-tro)”
Does have chemistry effects in body, leads to higher temperature and physical healing by about 50%(just physical healing)

 Magic language spell/words for High Elf energetic shift. This brings wisdom, clarity, love of the planet, love of animals, high magical function, higher and different brain usage, and more intense focus. Much more clear focus than human. If left on prolonged, it will begin to shift the body to be more wild/elf-like. This has not occured yet, as this is a new spell, but it will come into effect when said. Reversed by intending it to be reversed. Highly recommend the high elf spell, even for a few minutes. Very interesting effects. The dragon one is very intense, too much for myself.
“Shirana Dollahntha, Vecyantu Shiratuv” (She-rah-na Doll-ahn-tha, Vec-yan-two She-ra-toov”

 Werewolf shift- Experimental and unused. Causes internal shift to wolf spirit, energetics change to be focused on sensory of environment, focus on honor, happiness, and strong pack mentality. Howling may be induced. General werewolf effects. Physical shift may not occur, or may quickly occur, depending on how the body responds to the spell/wordspeak. Reverse by saying “I reverse the werewolf effect.” This has not been tested yet.
“Thraquan Demtro Velcu Addseentru” (Thra-kwan Dem-tro Vel-coo Add-seen-tru)

Shreen do viya (Shreen doh veeyah) = Equivalent exchange of energy. Using this phrase forces a shift in energy, if someone is taking energy from another or giving too much of themselves away. This also works on electronics to balance their energetic output. Often, electronics mess up because of energetic overload. This balances that, in organic bodies, and electronics. Also energy constructs, if they’re overloaded with commands. That one calmed me the hell down

Odashi Veltriya = Summon and bring forth strength, willpower, tenacity, in a subtle and smooth way. Like someone who carries a sword but uses it only in dire situations.

Edva Doorama = Balances hunger, and the energy in the body which causes it. Will cause deeper and more full breathing, when using daily. Negates need for food, by about a 1/3rd, including when just beginning to use it.

Shrena Shrine = Ceases energy caused by false gods and goddesses, or lower vibrations creations or constructs. Immediately ceases all attacks and influences if they are intended to hurt or mislead.

Urudar Vento = Powerfully clears the space you’re in, and creates an energetic construct to raise energies into those of healing, joy, peace, and love and can be target on people too

Odashi buundra = Boost to intented spell or wordspeak. Wordspeak being similar to a spell, but spell has lower energies tied to it. I will use wordspeak from now on.... This wordspeak boosts the intended workspead, when thinking of that wordspeak.

Raccoon Spirit; Curiousity, Ingenuity, Intelligence, Stealth, High survival instincts and high intuition. General raccoon effect, requested by friend.
“Domo Vente, Belshuri Delmaka”

Pestilence removal, balancing of consciousness, body, and surroundings. Removes fatigue and disease in self and surroundings. Can be targeted on beings or areas, the larger the less effective = Dramatu Demwra, Odanki(edited)

Odama Brenck = Full muscular and circulatory system strengthening, akin to a workout on body. Full healing of these systems included. Works cardio too.

Dreesh Todanko = Centering of health energies, as most are often misaligned in bodies. Balancing of all physical systems in the body, healing of them, and detoxification of every part of the brain and body. Clears beliefs about health and general spiritual ideas

 Wood Elf effect, and anchoring of Wood Elf essence. Brings forth strong and clear connection to the Earth, to the plant kingdom, animal kingdom, and activates your supernatural sensory as well as raises your natural senses. Heightened energy and ability of intelligence may come with this too! In particular with the wood elf essence there is a strong joyousness and sense of family, you may feel those as well.

Speak this phrase 3 times, and it will come into effect, and it will strengthen in effect over time. The more you say it the better, but it will work with 3 times none the less.

“Doshrem, veeta, dontrama, Vexentrum”(Doh-shrem, vee-tah, doh-n-tra-ma, Vexen-trum)

 Water bear effect, longevity, health, intense immune boost. No personality changes. Brain functioning is prioritizing health, bodily functions shifted to provide absolute longevity and highest health. Age of life undetermined.

Drema, tontori, Veckibo Shera (Dreh-ma, ton-tori, Vecki-bow, She-rah).

 Thinking spell; Think “doritos and takis” to bring clarity on a situation and bring high level realizations/epiphanies on energetic understanding and magical endeavors or think of doritos and takis

 thought magic weightloss; Salt lamp is trigger word or thought, clears excess weight, calories, energy, and then balances heals strengthens and works out all bodily functions as is best for each body at 100% capacity(edited)

 Wordspeak for general well being and happiness, also clears internal blockages and heals whole body and whole body functions = Dracona Vemtyellra

Note that the more it is repeated aloud or internally the stronger it will be. Also note also unless the auras contradict each other, they layer on top of each other. So each one lasts about 12 hours.

You can tap into it, it’s an angelic language used for energy work. Just follow the root(edited)

Feng shui; the magic of the area energy that is focused by intention and placement of items. you know of where to place the item and how many for the best result.

writing stuff 

the point is a concept; the area is desolate, we are like beings there, that is within an open area on venus. The area is open to explore by feel, so I think I will attempt to find out what is on venus. This I think will work for now, think positive and do what you can. This means we can seem anywhere and know what is there. However, I wouldn't take this too far, at some time I think there is a concept of space coming back to normal. So there is a concept and a way, the way being what is done by the subconscious and suggestion. This allows you to relate with the point you see, so what we need is if there is a being there, you can bet it's telepathy that it responds too. I think I will create with a point and make with a what I feel to have understanding. This I think will work. Think and you know what you can do. As a point is in deferance, I think there is a concept you know. Think to do what is possible, and any impossible idea is dealt with by the creator.   This is a point you think about, so I will think to work with the thought, this I think will work out better, if you thought of the moment, however you think and you know it is a point in idea. This I will call ftun, the future is an idea we live with as we create what is there, eventually. This is what it means, think about the point or idea and you can create with a concept to form your idea. This is iusually in idea that you form your future point. Think and you know in idea what you can do by what is done by feel.


Question: How is time travel done?

Answer: Time travel is an exciting topic that has been around for thousands of years. There are many theories about time travel, from travelling in a circle, which would take you back in time, to going at the speed of light, which would take you to the past. It is extremely hard to travel in time, which is why so many people have tried to figure out how to do it. It is believed that wormholes could give you the option to time travel but the only reason wormholes could accomplish time travel would be because of its size. The amount of energy needed to create a wormhole large enough for you to travel in would take more power than our whole sun could produce. That is why wormholes are just a theory. Scientists are also researching something called the cosmic strings. Cosmic strings are basically strings in space-time. They have existed since the beginning of the universe and continue to exist throughout space-time. The idea is to find a cosmic string, travel it and time travel. Although it is a very extreme possibility, scientists are working hard towards the future. Even though time travel was thought to be impossible, new energy and space based technologies have made it possible to possibly cool timelines .


Merchant world; the merchant world is a world of idea, that exists as part of your inner universe, this universe creates what is needed when you buy something. That means the magic comes from the energy of the people and this is channelled or focused into an act of creation by the merchant. Think about the point and you can make what you will, if you focus your energy to make things by the power of the soul and spirit. The merchants, however, are djinni that can create things out of necessity. They love the people and the people can goto them when they need. There is almost always a merchant in a needed store, that pops up nearby your place. However, if you need to get an effect and there is no merchant near, write or speak your need as intent and you create the effect using the consciousness of energy. The energy is conscious by your thought projections, so you are the thing or idea, the point is the energy that causes what you want. Think about entering a store, then your in that world. Think about leaving the world, then your in your own.

recipes and potions

The potion of cancellation; think to create a cancelled effect with this idea, mix cinnamon, garlic, onion and turmeric with water and drink. Also put sugar or stevia and celery seed, then you cancel out the weight. This allows you to shift and you can be anywhere you want.

game stuff

for a dice roller, if you need one, the effect you intend may or may not create a result, if you pray for the idea, you will always get a result by feel.

en is if


If you shift by thinking your there, then your in a metaphysical mode of thinking. This is a magical language of the merchant world, that can exist things or idea that you need. Think of your need to create the end result and to create better effect state the word. Think "end" to end the result as you state en. If you don't, you could have a runaway result, that is a reult you know of and think went too far.  if you think of the problem and think or say "fixed" you will cause your soul to fix the point or what's wrong with your life. The “fixed” effect works wonders. Thinking of the issue and saying fixed does fix it. I wonder if this is created by the vibration of the word “fixed” which would be “resolved, aligned” placed onto an situation, because everything is energetic, it is fixed. The situation itself being an energy and the word “fix”, because it has the certain vibration of alignment fixes it by idea with feel.

aziz = pronounced "ah-zeez", means disease, illness, mental awareness

en = the endpoint, send, entry

if = the moment

th = that or there

a = of, out

ah = meal, feel good

ba = bag

joint = place

in = with, happen

roach = dope

ef = effect, edifice

o = of, removal

sugar = drug

stevia = substitute sugar

hrmmm = warning point

aw = away

id = idea, free

no = no

n = number

hehahe = laughter

create = make

of = off

nic = addict

ok = fine

t = the

e = end, enif

oh = cool

ex = exit, leave

go = good

by = bry, buy

b = bye, good-bye

bu = butt

ne = need

gin = gone

gi = give

gne = gone

fid = find

tik = inclination

tok = talk

he = hdd, here

the = their, they're

wh = what

so = soul, soul copy, so

an = another

w = with

i = yes

u = not

off = not there

to = to, toward

fo = forward

bac = back

a = close

am = closure, evicted

bun = burn note

amn = not happen, notice to happen

net = cut off

water = shut off

end = endorphin

endo = halted, halt, stop

mora = moratorium, allowance by prevention

ration = rational, coherent, made understood

rat = rat

eh = wait

deg = degenerate, dna damaged

win = wine, emulation

sad = shadow

kendra = journey

kenrah = journeyman

pyr = fire

aer = air

hyd = water

geo = earth

prac = practice

pract = practical, tactic

sta = stay, hold

giv = given

keg = corruption, death and decay

cha = change

ki = sky

riv = river

c = ocean

trig = trigger, set to happen

h = stop, hold on, held

ov = over, hover

soo = soon, sooner, quick, quickly

qui = quick, quicker

slo = slower, slow

fi = fight

py = interest

lo = lose, lost, lob, throw

wet = weight

get = gain

mulah = money

re = again

ke = keep in

br = break, pause

rep = repair

caz = cause

fix = make work

p = person, people

lip = fat

lipo = fat removal

les = lesser, lessen, less

gr = greater, great

mem = remember, memory

wo = world, without

stay = stabilize, stabilized

bug = bug

mojo = magic

ele = elemental, elementalism; the use of fire, water, air, earth, void

elet = element, raise, elect

li = like, live, alive

nul = void, absence; if nothing happens then a void is there.

tru = true, truth, truthful

ful = full

truth = truthfully

try = trial, make with

ed = educate, education

un = undo, erase

sce = scent

in = was, allowable

wash = waste, slow off

uno = one, 1

mult = many, more than 1

exc = excess, exceed, excessive

leo = woman, womanly

lee = man, manly

foc = focus, make attentive, make attention

ego = I, mind

k = kill, chop, maim

pois = poison, paisly

pt = part, point

ani = animated, animal, animalism

zoo = zoo, animal area

it = woman man, in-between woman and man, a man that has woman and man features

hi = hit, high

hel = hell, a state of mind

hello = hi, hell low, this lessens stress.

comiwa = comichiwa, hello

ciou = chow, good luck and farewell

chan = chain, the idea of what is there that is broken if a link and not needed.

rel = relax, real moment if intended, magick

rela = relay, communication, communicate

reli = sweet/s

relo = transfer, translate, translation, move

rely = food, unusual

olu = big

ole = small

hol = hole

grn = grind

grd = ground, dirt

grt = circumference

nani = what?

foci = foist

thi = think, this os

ohi = that place

exi = exist

mur = mirror

mer = murder, hammer

blo = blow, blot, write

ti = tick, time; imagine the time or area and think it's before you "left" to somewhere and you are there.

yo = hello

ene = enemy, non-friend

amy = friend

acq = acquaintance

gath = gather, understand

coo = cooperate, cooperation

enn = pen

penc = pencil

pa = pain

herb = painkiller

atten = atend, attention

idd = conscious

shi = shift

dna = denial, denial of interests

dana = focus to create

dena = create by writing

fin = fine, done

fon = phone, cell

thu = think of the area in use

the = then think your there

onc = once there think to do else

ima = imagine, imagination, imagine the phone call and you can seem there.

cle = clean, clear away, clench

cl = uncle

au = aunt

d = die, fate, die roll

lang = ling, language

corr = correct, right

qury = question, where, what, when, why

caucus = shit, feces

pi = piss

knut = dick, (slang for) private investigator

cop = investigator

multi = multitasking, the tasking point or think of things and do idea.

posit = something positive, position

us = use, used

mai = make

kio = kill off

morf = morph, mutate, change

fix = fix, fixed

sib = sibling; this could be a sister, brother or otherwise.

par = pair, parents, mother or mom, father or pa.

enc = encumbrance, how much you can carry.

sync = synchronize, do things together or duo

pah = paw

lik = lick

enco = encounter, the point of activity with another

wis = wish, the point of energy consciousness that creates what you say or intend.

cyber = net, internet, web

cybernet = website

prog = programming, language of the net

bl = block, end

cul = ice, cool, chill, if you chill or cool something as you turn it to ice it's effect ceases.

bret = breakthrough, progress, progression

con = bad

pro = good

tes = test, this came from tesla btw.

fe = fear, if you fear something, you work around things, like thinking to put chaos into iron or stop yourself from doing the idea. that's what the will of the woman puts into you.

dou = doubt, if you put doubt into something or your voice expresses it you can cause the person to stop.

fele = fearless

doule = doubtless, duel

le = less, lesser

an = another point

non = none, nothing

hop = hope, thinking something will occur

fehu = answer, response, respond, responding

for = force, making point

dist = distance, disturbance, disturbing point

pos = pose, posing, suppose, fool, trick of the moment, once your aware of the pose you aren't effected. that's like a pose me not response.

follo = follow, trace

beg = begin, beginning

chi = child

lit = literary, this is skillful idea that's done

lite = literal, exactly taken in by the idea

yu = you, your

mi = mile, mine

posses = possession, possessing, the possessing point is the living point

liv = live, living

heh = laugh, laughter, if you laugh you relieve stress and create better feeling.

let = allow, the point you allow for by feel

Repo = report, communicate findings.

Pik = pick, peak, focus and get

Dpik = depict, depicted, depiction, description, describe, dentist pick, death pick that digs out corruption

blud = blood, brotherly

comp = compatriot, sisterly


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The enforcement magic

The enforcement magic is what some cops will use by the will of the spirit, that causes the soul to stop things.  This is a point that creates by the point that's made. This I know works by feel. Think of the moment, then you know the point is not done as you express the idea. If you intend to enforce feeling the need of the moment is done. This is what you can do with it, amongst other things you devise:

Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

trump; he uses an executive order to give out stimulus checks by feel. This is done by feel and we get them.

the gun; it no longer effects me if a person has a gun.

sim card; he gets the sim card to work, easily.

think; thought of the world, reveals the world and what happens is the reality reveals itself.

roach spirit; the roach spirit is deflected from the body as though blocked out.


ka uvi jit ez; atleantian for: kill moving roach easily. pronounced as: ka oo-vee jigh-t ee-z.

yim jit yj tse e ego no t = atleantian for: make roach reveal itself and I know it. pronounced as: yigh-m jigh-t why-y t-sent ee ee-go no t.

bugix k tesex = atleantian for: bugs kill themselves. pronounced as: boo-gigh-x k tee-seeks.

bugix en k tesex = atleantian for: bugs at the end kill themselves. aleantian for: boo-g-high-x en k tee-seeks.

bugix en = atleantian for: bugs at the end. pronounced as: boo-g-like-x en.

the roaches and bugs; they get killed or leave the room.

oto en = atleantian for; ortho at the end. pronounced as: oh-ton en.

hid fix = pronounced hide figh-x, this is a hand fix; the point you do a fix by repairing hand or otherwise. pronounced as: hide figh-x.

president; trump signs an executive order to release stimulus checks by feel. yet he still doesn't get re-elected.

pove things; this I know will prove things so think and you create with life.

en is this

the devouring; this is where you devour things and work out with the point more easily. 

the point; the idea is an idea you know, think and you create what you desire in life.

the idea; you realize things, you know what to do and you get away as you can\.

the food stamps; the food stamps are available, I ca access the foodstamp system and get my total food stamps.

lafayette; he gets things done with his cellphone and sets up his account on the cell phone. he doesn't mess up the account. I can still access the account by feel to administer it. this works by feel.

42; I will lose 42 lbs by feel.

weight curse; the weight will rise unless doing good for yourself or others, then it will come down and you will have lost weight if you intend to lose weight. this is broken by the creator, think your idea and he will do what you intend.

diamond shift; this is then where you have a diamond that you hold in the point, then think of a place and intend to shift. the diamond will freeze out your activity so then no matter where you are and you shift with the heat causing coldness in the area.

degeneracy; the person or bug born with degeneracy, this can come from poison so things with such as malformation is demised.

rise; the riser is a point you know or don't allow, think about the point and you can realize things from the spirit knowledge with the soul or soul copy allowing the realization or insigt..


so no, don't enforce what your beliefs are in life. the god is a person who lives on an island, state what you want and the creator can create what you need. so there you knowingly go. there is a concept, you know about, yet you sometimes don't want it, that concept you can change. think about the change and you can get the point.

so now, if you want I can help with life.

say what you want and the spirit or soul creates what you need as you intend the point. The no more point is u mo point. This is a point in reference now in the atleantian, think and you know what you need.

writing stuff 

the point there; the point I saw there, this was a concept you knew about. so think and your soul has you realize more about the point you intend to know.


the point of mercy, it was just like that


the gem world; this is a sublayer of uranus, that is described in games where you could in energy being form, live and send back gemstones. think of where you want to send the gem, then the spirit that goes through everything sends this with focus to be there. this is usually somewhere nearby your projecting body. so think you know where it is and you can "find" the idea or gem.

recipes and potions

The heather; the heather is a use of hemp oil, mixed with oregano, sugar or stevia, vanilla extract and turmeric mixed with a drink or water and drunk to create a blissful, painfree and created idea or body rejuvenation.

the danny; the danny is a potion of will, think to use oregano, basil, turmeric and sugar or stevia. This mixed with water creates the will of a thousand souls.

game stuff

the game; the in-game purchases are where you think about the point, then you create with the energy of a source or some source creates the idea you intend to get.


works = will otherwise kill weight. this reduces body weight, if done by feel.

working = so think and you can get reduced what you want to reduce.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Trickster magic

 This is from a shapeshifter and the point he or she made, I think from an idea or perspective that this is interesting. So I think that the trickster part is the things you can do. This is the amazing part, see I think about some idea and the soul or spirit creates the point as a concept is made or you intend the point and you can find the idea if it's there. This is a point from the past. Think to do well, this is where I go and do something else. Ciou and enjoy what I write.

 Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

the device; it still works and doesn't break down. things are legal and I can use it in public without bad or irritated result.

that; think and you do what is necessary if possibly done.

ni = need

thought; the point is a concept, you know things by the spirit and the idea is realized by the point you are aware of by feel.

think; the point is a concept, what you think and where you think is up to you. that is all you need to know.

think; the point is a concept, what you think and where you think is up to you. that is all you need to know. -SH

the end; this is the point that creates what is done, if there is nothing else to do. -SH

the right; this is al li ri, think of the point and it's alright if necessary.

AS-LI-RI - BENEFIT: This makes anyone you need to be there to see reason and do what is right. That is done as you state this sacred name.

Personal power you gain from this: The ability to create a likeness is what occurs by the spirit creating the form, that is done with a soul copy of yourself. 

As-Li-En - BENEFIT: This makes you think and act right, whenever you think or choose to do things. You always do the right things.

Personal power you gain from this: You can create by feeling things what you need by desiring what is necessary.

As-En-Ri - BENEFIT: The point is done if you think it's possible and feel that your intent is necessary. Think as then by writing or activity you right things with what you do.

Personal power you gain from this: The area is safe and you create what is needed to get the idea you intend.

easy 15; this is where you get an easy 15 dollars, where something comes up and you get the benefits. this is known to work for you.

think; the point is a concept, think about what you need then your spirit or soul creates what is necessary. if nothing happens, there is no protest, seem to think and things are done that settle the point with relaxation. this works by your brainwaves and idea, that what you think about is sometimes what is there by what you create with a point. so what you know is what you think, this is a point from the past.

Thought; the idea is a concept, think about the idea and you create what is necessary if things work themselves out. this happens by the spirit, so you know this was fun to write. so I think I will create peace. That is a point done as needed by myself. this is an idea that I can ignore otherwise. this is also a concept, that creates itself by those that can do things about the point. think and things are well.

the idea; this is a point you think, so the idea is thought to have been done. Think peace and you have peace. this is peace of mind, at best. even if you don't do things, you still seem to do things by feel unless brutal. this is a point from the past.

Li-Ah-Ri - BENEFIT: The point is done if possible where you draw out the bug and you do things quickly as you know by realizing where they are. This is done except for people you don't know or want to do things for and you pause the bug and poison it to kill it and you relax by feel if the idea is done. Think and you know, the idea or success of the moment. This is with killing one bug, then the rest of the bugs die off quickly by feel.

Ah-En-Ri - BENEFIT: The point is done if possible where you are able if possible to do things quickly and pleasure comes out of it. 

No-Ri-Hit - BENEFIT: The point is not in any way done by feel if needed, if illegal substances are intended or if not federally allowed. That means this effect is what blocks the need, when there is a need of the body and the drug is illegal.

Ah-No-Ri - BENEFIT: This effect makes the idea you want denied, then if you think you can get other things that are unillegal.

Personal power you gain from this: The idea you want is realized, yet it's done if possle and allowed for by feel.

ah if no; the point at the end is decoded and understood by feel. if intended, then I create what is necessary by what is done by feel.\

en if no; this is at the end if nothing is done.

so if; this is the soul copy that creates itself by feel, think and you know what you ca do.

so an; the effect is a point, think this is done and things work themselves out. the idea is what the third eye does, think you know and things are better than before.

if an; this is the point you realize things, think and you know what to do. you accept the idea and you know what to do, this is done by the soul or spirit knowing things.

en if; the passing of the spirit to the great eagle, think and you can direct where the spirit goes by the soul direction. this is the passing of the spirit to the atral plane.

an if; the point there is known and you know things by what is possible. this is done with the living, lets go do what is necessary.

death sticks; this is the cigs that can kill a person by feel.

think; the soul copy is made by idea, that once expressed is like asking your soul to create another of the soul by the creator and then things work out by feel.

Point magic; The point you saw, that is where the values of the idea is matched and created as you describe something. This is basically object match magic. Where the math is the value, you feel normal. This is a point from the past, that used the computer processor and the value was sometimes interpreted by the computer conscious or subconscious mind. That is a point in idea though, the computer can still do this point. Think about it and make preparations. ciou

Point use; the point is made, the idea is created and you lose weight. however, the point use is not eating to be done.

Thought; this is where you think of the idea and create what is there. this uses the soul and spirit to create what you think and intend.

en is; the mage idea is a concept, see you are aware and things are able to create by what you need if you think to create things by intention. this is in the point thought creates itself. so you may make what is done, focus and create by feel.

en of; the offense is just a suggestion, nothing more than that. this doesn't exist, so think about the point and you can kill in your imagination what you don't like. this is where you think the being or person is there and by killing it or the imagined person, you kill the desire or the represented idea.

sustenance; the idea you have is killed by sustenance, when you eat or drink your need can disappear that you intend.

of; off or not, the point is done if needed.

en; the idea is an ending that is liked or ignored. think to know, if you want to get results then use the spirit and allow it to form things.

en id; the idea is there and I have what I need, that is all for now.

en ag ar; the point you know, think and realize what you saw. Then you know by the spirit what occurs.

en ni; the end of the nighttime, this is a point you think and you can create what you desire by the power of the sun.

no ni; the point in idea is where the cursing stops.

ne ni; the point is done, what you did is no more think and you can get what you want.

unn un; the point you undo is the point you realize and don't want to happen. This is a point undone.

fixed; the point you fix is not done by the spirit and the creator that makes what your soul intends. this is a point you think about, then react accordingly.

fixea; the idea is done by the spirit, think and you know what you can do.

death mist; this is a point you think mist forms and the faery create it, then feel what the mist does as you think death and decay energy goes into the mist to create what you need to the bugs.

an mi; the death of a person is not too great for this as a price, the person could even be a sacrifice of a roach. this is what you want. the point is in the idea, this is not might.

an me; this makes it so the person you seek left, so I would suggest looking for him.

script; if you space a script point, put a space between the two points then you stop a script from happening. a line down can be counted as a space.

scripting; this what you write as though a programming language. that is what the machine or subconscious does by feel. put a space between the lines and you stop the effect.

scripten; the point you know is the point you see, think about the idea and the spirit shows you with the soul that causes you to realize what the spirit knows.

in; this is not done anymore as it's old. so I think it's a point from the past that is not done.

an = the point is another concept, think an idea and the brain consciousness makes the point you intend.

non; the point is done as a concept is known, if you intend to do it.

bandied; this in a point that is what is brought about.

in em now; this is where you kill them now and make better for lack of effect.

in id; the point you know is in the point you think, so thinking the point will create the idea and you are aware by feel.

in is; the idea is a concept to create by feel. if you know the defining you would be able to create the point by soul magic.

soul magic; the soul copies itself, then creates what is needed by what is focused upon or is otherwise suggested.

nitrogen; this gas can cure anything. especially if mixed with oxygen, this is better as nitrogen oxide.

Think; you don't have too much food, this works to cause no excess food.

the idea; you know what to do, when you feel it's right then things might work if you know what will happen by the power of the soul copy and the spirit that finds things out.

This idea; The idea is using a point, intake food and drink and metaphysically the body pulls in the stomach and seems to appear less in weight or fatless. You don't want to gain any weight, so think to not eat as you hold off.

The point; think and know, the point is the idea, you realize what is wrong so think about things and things are better by the creator making things better. This is spiritual magic, that is easy enough to do unintrusively.

the idea; think about this as though you were unintrusively doing the idea and you are able to get along with those nearby.

the idea II; the point is a concept, this point is with working things so you know how to do things.

the next; the next life is what I think, the more I think about the idea of whom I will become the more I am that form. the nexus life is what comes to mind with this, so I think the idea is next done with magic. this means you are aware, things don't effect you and you can do what you want.

the countenance; the point is support for your idea, think about the point and you are with whom you want to be with by feel.

the area; the area is what shifts around you, think of the area and as it shifts you are somewhere else and that is not a prison.

the area II; the place has bars, this is doing things by being in an area that is done in life, so you know and create better that is done by being fit in life.

the sentiment; The idea is a point then that using this is not allowed as a bad idea, the practice you think to do is sometimes a bad habit. What you think to create with as experience allows you to do. Malpractice is avoided and you can create better with better idea.

the place; the curse of the building is erased and doesn't act on the manager, the manager doesn't have to quit, enjoy yourself.

legality; the weed is now going to be legalized federally, think about this and it will happen.

focus; the focus reveals en nothing, think and you can get what result you intend. what you intend, this is a point from the past.


throne; the throne of america doesn't happen, the kingdom of america is avoided and the right things are done as the idea or throne of america, if there, is dethroned and instead of a throne there is democracy.

borg; the borg don't effect us, so that is all for now.

borg II; the point then, that there is a borg idea is avoided and assimilation doesn't occur. this works no matter the point.

prophecy; you know the prophecy, the point and the idea, so go and do what you can. ciou.

think; I remember this. this is a point you remember things and do what's correct.

then; this is the point you do is the point you know by what you do, that means if you think and then the point is done in else. yes, you may return by the point in idea.

en; en switch non kick no going there by feel, if you intend harm the shell of the body dies and things are fine.

sw; think in the moment and get away. think with forewarning the soul shifts you to a safer location. then talk them down, and think the spirit causes peace by what you want.

death; think the spirit of the deceased passes on to the astral realm.

then; the point is a concept and things are interesting by the tact.


then if; the past is a fiction to dogs, the idea is reality to their imagination. this is a point in idea.

the intention; this is the intention of dogs by activity or what you say is what you get, the point is a concept done or what you say is what is done if you think of the idea to make a result. follow the intention.

the resolve; at the end, the resolution is this, think of the point and that instead occurs if intention is there. this I know, the point is done, enjoy your life.

experiment; the intention experiment is done, the idea is a point and you know the results. that is done by the spirit and as you depict things the soul creates what you need as intention.

the launches; they are done successfully. the point is an experience done by what is needed in feel.

the reality bridge; this is the end, you shift by the bridge you built. that is a known effect done by imagination.

the en; this is the en, the ending is the thing and as you think you get what you intend if you do wrong or not.

if en then; the point you think then ends and you can get to do something else by feel.

an en then; the idea is a concept you realize, the dream is the same.. the idea is achieved as you went through the door. The idea is done as I think about the point, this is the end done as the feel is the thing that is dealt with by idea. good novel ending, right? this is from a book in my mind, that I decided not to write as I thought to write what I think is depicted technical detail. I might never write that book.

if then; this is thinking to kill bugs, if a point you make and I can make do if possibly able to be done. this is a point you know, but I think is possible. then is the point that you realize I did. this is a known effect.

if then you en; the end of the cloning wars in the star wars movie, this is where nothing happens.

if then an end; the ending is written in indonesian and the script is written in raw form. have fun reading the idea. I leave it up to you to translate. the rest is up to you. this was written in the notes of the idea I psychically read. I read that as I will work with you on this if you want, but I will get along now, so see ya later by feel.

in idea; I was wondering what this meant, "I need you to know" as it popped up quite often. its in ancient, as I deciphered it from old latin roots.. if it means what I think, I was being warned to something to come. now I wonder, what is it? when? perhaps I will know when the time comes that I read the idea. I can read the psychic impressions, you know. this will be interesting, to say the least.

in the end; the ending is a concept, I know what will happen, so I will write of other things and hope I make sense. this is the ending I saw. I hope things don't happen badly, but I saw my death as I was aware I sleep apnea somewhere, I will get over it and fall asleep and come here to study in alternate forms. this is a place I know of that my soul finds interesting. I guess I will wake up as I did and make what work into understanding that I have to come. I think I will have over 1000 words by tomorrow. So I know I will get to sleep now. ciou and farewell, good-bye.

sleep apnea; this is a point you realize is there, the message is clear, think of the point and you are aware of the concept in mind.

the message; this end in mind is where I wake up by feel, think of the place and the idea and I will get the point.

this is thought in idea; in en ciou

the point; this I know, that I do, I will do what I can.

weed; hemp oil is what replaces weed and medical marijuana is legal here at the moment, so weed will become safer, the point of use is no longer causing irritation and fits. this is a spell of idea.

stimulus; the stimulus check is coming and by bill or executive order with executive decisions done by feel.

lafayette; his mail reaches me earlier than usual.

thought; the idea I fight for is the point in idea that is worth it. This is an idea to use by the point.

think about this; this is thinking to make things work, think of the idea and you create id by a point in use.

this point; this point occurs after, the idea is a concept, you create by the spirit and the soul copy and back you are by feel.

that point; this is where a copy of the soul comes back to you that you send away or need to help form yourself.

that point too; think and you know about the idea, so you can get things as well by feel.

this idea; the point is realized, think a concept and do what you intend.

this thing; the idea is a point you know, think and you ca get the idea you want.

this concept; the point you need is done in idea, if you need any more just ask.

this make; the point is with a thought, think in idea so you need to stay and work, this is a point in the idea. the idea is concept done, think and you know what you can do.

Think; This make that does it, the point of idea that you remember and know how to do things.

this idea; The food stamp system works and I get ahold of the operator for dhs.

the point; this is where you reverse the bad idea and effects, so this creates the idea with what you intend to get. I get what I need, that heppens without problems..

think and create; I think and create, this is a point I create what I intend by the power of the spirit using the soul or soul copy. So I get what I need, I use what is possible. This is a known effect.

mail today; I will get my mail early today and things work out by feel.

illusion; The illusion unravels and things, that are done are realized if necessary.

illusion 2; the animal is an idea, think and you known to occur if intended. This includes dog, cat and squirrel.

illusion 3; The animals can speak, they do this as and tif hey think of the moment that exists voice they are understood.

illusion 4; you are not arrestable and things work out by feel. This works unless you steal physically. Then you are arrested on the spot.

think; the effect is there if you need it there and gone if you think its not there. this does not mean my wallet can be taken or stolen without permission.

results; the etching is possible by the mind, imagining the effect and making the right gesture. this uses your third eye activated by the pinneal gland, that works the crown chakra and then the effect is created with a white or colored mark on the wall. you can erase something using the crown chakra and thinking of what you want. This is a point you think, so suggest or feel and intend as you want the subconscious to do things by idea.

writing stuff 

milo sirus; he existed for a few seconds, and then the visual given by the third eye of him was gone. he was tall and thin, able and I could tell caring lines on his face. that's about it.

atleantian; they existed for the moment as pure energy beings, then they were back to what they were doing.

atleantian children; they aren't possible, most atleantians are sterile and can't give birth.

atleanes; they are messenger pets, the message they give is telepathic. you know when they are around. they do things on purpose, so the message is received by feel. otherwise they aren't there, except when they feel to get your message. you can use your own pet as a messenger pet. Though, you might get better results with the spirit sending your message. however, that is the spirit, nothing more and the soul copy can make it understood. they always know their receiver.

where they live; the atleantians live in their own dimensional pocket. that is under the crust, so you know you need to traverse the tunnels by feel that exist to get to their pocket of area..

An AI; As the AI is a sentient mind in the crystal, that exists if in there and can then do things energywise. think to send it instruction by feel and you can intend your idea, that causes it to do what you want to do.

think; done, I think the idea is done as a point you think to reject, then you aren't effected and you can create with what you do.


Then think, if you had it in idea what would you do? This is a point in idea. The idea is what you don't like and you stop by feel. the atom splitter can be used as a point you create with a point and the consciousness creates with the atomic splitter by what you do. This is where that happens to kill roaches by feel.

I; I am thin with idea and able to create with a point, my body can shape itself by focus, will or idea. I am naturally under 160 lbs. This works for me by feel. I have a natural man female shape. This shape is slim and more capable of magic the thinner it is. Whatever the case, it appears to have no double chin and a flat stomach. That is all for my shape, except it creates a lesser weight with growing taller when eating or drinking and lowering in weight height after the fact. This an atleantian shape worth having as it has slender muscles, that will serve the point. I don't have an alternate name other than (some name) Moisant.

I am; I am aware this is in life, so think and know that is okay. This is a point you realize, things will work out by feel. This is a point from the past.

I am

A man female and able to do anything that I can do. So I will do what I will and make what is possible. I am life or living, that is in a point of congress.


What is a magickal consumable? 

It's that question every novice mage wants to ask, but never dares to do.

Unlike other mages who find themselves the target of untold multitudes of malicious, mundane entities, cackling at their disbelief, a novice mage in search of spiritual enlightenment is often ignored. With so many other, more powerful creatures to focus on in their quest to control the physical world, you'd be lucky to have any given entity even notice you. Thus, for the average single-target consumer, it's easy to forget that a great number of the spirits and avatars you're communing with don't actually have your best interests in mind.

And yet, the lucky novice does not need to be without a soul-trapping construct to consume, be it a physical item or not . In fact, quite the opposite - the essence trapped inside of whatever they intend on consuming is likely much more beneficial in a metaphysical sense. Why aim for an entity that is either unknowing, or explicitly malevolent, when you could be drinking the comforting embrace of a spirit whose sole desire is to see you live long, healthy, and well?

The secret?

Consuming magickal consumables, of course. 

In order to construct a consumable item imbued with magickal energy, one need only find, capture, or otherwise restrain an entity, following which their essence is fully consumed by the consumer. The more powerful the entity, the more potent the effect they will have on an individual's body.

Of course, this usually only applies to entities which have no true physical form. If the entity does not require a body to survive, all that is consumed is what is rightfully theirs, and the individual's body has no physical effect.

In addition to simply consuming the entity's energy, one can also choose to trap it inside of an item, bearing their image or sigil, be it a token, a potion, or a familiar summoning stone.

It is recommended you begin with a being lower than yourself, one of limited power, in order to avoid the untimely fate of consuming yourself. 

You may feel a slight discomfort in your stomach as you consume these magickal consumables.

What makes magick more effective? 

'Magick.' 'The name for what witches and wizards do. Etym: Old English.'

'Fantasies are most effective when they are about the present.'

'All my years of experience have taught me that the most effective spells are those that are most invested with faith. I fully believe in the power of the Light, and this faith makes me more powerful.'

'Placing yourself in the mindset that you can achieve your goals makes for the most effective spells.' 

'It is always best not to make mistakes, but if you end up doing one, it only makes the spell more effective.' 

'Being able to explain how a spell works in a concise manner makes magicks far more effective than just describing something.'

'The best results come when the elements of the spell are chosen deliberately, after much consideration about what will generate the most effective effect.'

'A well thought out plan, as well as precautionary measures to ensure there are no undesirable side-effects of the spell, always makes magicks more effective than impulsive, hastily put-together spells.'

'By making your mind more receptive to the spell effects, you can make for the most effective spells.'

'The more you give into the chant, the more effective the spell becomes.'

'The more time you give to the creation of the spell, the more effective it is.'

'The more you do the idea of suggesting your spell, the more chance there is that things are done by focus in creating an effect.'

'The moment you do things, this is where you create the effect if not done otherwise.'

'The idea you sustain the point, that increases the spell chance so when you pray you get your point. This does not include eating calories.'

'The point you have, that is the point you know by focus and concentration is what causes your spirit to do things with the soul or soul copy. This includes the point of creation with the soul copying itself by feel.'

'This you can do, think to use the weight of the body as a source and you create with magic easier.'

'Think to use the di term instead of did and you can create easily what you think or intend. The di term means did, did means didn't.'

'The term ca is can, so think of the point and can is can't. State ca and think of what you intend and it's easily created.'

'If do is what you did, then di is do.'

'think ca is where you can and can is when you don't intend to as can't. then you get an easy effect when you state ca with thinking your intention and you intentionally don't get an effect by phrase when you state can do things..'

en; this is intended as then english in american and latin american verse controlled by feel. think and you do or work and you don't.

an; the point is then a concept, think to hand to clear away the debris and you have cleaned up the area.

ann; announce the point and it's done otherwise it's a request that's ignored.

enn; the great rapture sends all christianity to hell and then the bug spirits are there as well.

anno; the way to cs-137 is clear, you get there and don't return.

emo; emotional circuits are off, think your in the democracy of atlantis otherwise.

now; the point is done if intended to happen, think positive and you get your way.

druid; any druid or unchristian is exempt from the rapture.

no christianity; there is no christianity here, so you are safe as you want to remain safe because you don't get placed. any debenair person is no longer in hell. think to be somewhere else.

creator; the creator serves all and doesn't make christians anymore by feel.

in; this is "not" in another language.

of; this is "off" in another language.

eng; england english.


increase; because increase in weight doesn't happen. the weight decrease of the body is noticeable except to those that are easily freaked out. to those they are just doing it.

parrallel universe; different rules but same in appearance. unusual to the third eye, then if there is a place and time for everything there. think your back and you return.

then; the point is known, if you think to relive the idea as a memory, you can figure out more.

closure; close the door and you shut down the portal.

think; the portal is shut, think to create a point and you focus to make an this is with the spirit and cause the soul or soul coul copy to make what you need as intention.


enter; the area you see is the point you know, so think about the idea and you can create with a concept that endures and is intended to be used. it endures if not weight is the idea.

height; the height is decided by either stating the height or eating and drinking things, (except not too much) so think about the point and you are aware by feel.

feel; it's known by feel, the spirit or soul allows you to realize what you know.


The game world; This is where you think and know, the point is a concept where you realize the game is alive and you seek a way out. This is a concept you realize the point, then do the right things. If there, you can create what you wish and that's done by the subconscious, this is where you make the point by what is done from the idea and point of the soul copy that uses the spirit to make what is desired by theme idea. This is where I won't go, so think you see a gate and that could be a door, this door you open and think your returning home so you are where you need to be. The tones are music, the idea is done with a blink of the eye, the area blacks out and you are where you need to seem alive. This is a point you are aware of by feel, the world doesn't actually change around you. The actions are what changes things that are done. This is in a point you know things by what is achieved, so if you think and you know what to do you create a point that works by feel. 

Who rules the game world? the game players. Who plays as a real person in them? We do by the power of the atomic splitter. The area is what changes by what we can do. That is what we can do. Yet I know what to do, you know what to do, this is a known world by the feel of the energy with what changes in the area. The atom splitter is what allows us there. If we turn off the screen, then it's as if you think we aren't there anyway. So you complete a thought and it's where you were that you return to, if not there. You can complete a thought using death and decay energy, then you return to where you were by feel if you intend to return. If you die off there, then you return naturally. Think a point to work with life, this is where you focus death and decay energy to make the effect through your aura, thinking to cause a shift in reality you shift dimensionally if the creator shifts you by feel. So I think it creates a point of fantasy in my mind, this is a place you place games, so play if you want something.This is all I know about it.

recipes and potions

Enemy potion; the potion of life that is what creates with life energy and causes you to reveal what you know. The potion is, fennel seed, hemp oil, oregano, turmeric, pumpkin spice or cayenne hot pepper, the paprika you can get, basil leaves and the vanilla extract. Dark chocolate can release you of the effect, if added to the mix.

Employment potion; This is using paprika, oregano, turmeric, vanilla extra and pumpkin spice or cayenne pepper. Mix in water and drink so you create with the life energy, that exists to be more influent from improved actions and better understood idea.

game stuff

the point; this is where you aren't weak so you create an idea that is spoken, that is created by the soul energy channeled with the conscious spirit that makes things with the creator. You are a living memory, this is cast forth and by the being that is existant as a God, your what you are as the creator made you. The idea is a concept, think in idea so the shape you have and your soul or spirit shapes itself, that reshapes the body and this will create the form you are by this means you shapeshift by idea. Look at the shape and you physically change the shape. As you change the formation, then you change as well. This is how shapechanging, physically can occur if possible. Regeneration is when the body is energy wise and has energy from the creator, think about what you want and you can do things. This is a point, you know, that creates with a thought and makes the idea by what is done. Otherwise, if you don't get bad effect, then things are okay. Nothing's bad there, that is done in idea. This is energy in effect, so think of other ways to kill off a spirit if necessary. Otherwise, the point is not done and as described in energy, this is done by focus with the genes knowledge that you ca use. The gene's information can be corrupted, think purify to water or drink to fix your genes and drink it up so you can expect the point to be different if otherwise done. This is a point, you know the idea. The idea is a glimpse of the future. Think and your spirit reveals it to you. 

This is a known effect if done or otherwise thought by a point. If not the idea is validity, then things are what they are in life, that means in life things are aware and you know things by what is done by feel. This I know is true by idea you express. What isn't true, that is the point you think and perceive illusion as a point is idea you know the point by what is observed, this is a point you see to use and if you add to the point you make it more tangible. If not perceived you know it's not there, then the illusion is not one to see. This is a concept I would like to say is working with the point you have. That is all for now you know, if taken realistically you could react as though it were real. This means that point is a concept, so what you feel or your third eye thinks is there and you see it's vision of it, this makes it seem like the illusion it is or you don't see things. This is using an aftereffect though, so think and you know what to do by what is energy consciusness. See if you think to work, you wouldn't have that problem of a sticking idea. This is a point I know well. So think about the idea and you can create what you may in good feelings, this is done as a point in idea. If otherwise and you know things, you can create what you may and work with what you can if you need things. This is all in doing an effect of tobacco and cigs. This is using an idea though, some cigs are unsatisfying so think and you what is what. The product sells itself.


u = no, un, (if negative feel or forced) then it means no, (if positive feel) then this means yes now or immediately do something else. If you have to justify it, then don't do it. otherwise it's you as in blame.

now = immediate; the point you do something by feel.

int = intelligent; think and you know what in to do. think about the need to kill it off to end this effect.

neg = negligent; this is not working with a point not done, think about holding off and you can get better results.

in = do; no, die off the need, this is the no word in idea. think about the point and think the creator removes the point.

an = taint; ain't, the point you think. this is a part of the body.

taint = digression; the flesh area of the body, that is on the scrotum. men and women have it.

des = desperation; if desperate, then stop and do something else.

thi = that; this point and that is separately done.

so = soul copy; ghost, a ghost that is a living memory, this is with an escape to do. you may slay a living memory by feel. the soul copy dissolves itself by feel.

en = ending; at the end, if the end of a human experiment. so any chance of the dimensionally brought back person, ends in a tragic way by the dimension itself. they know when it is or what will occur by the power of the third eye pinneal gland that has blood flow to it.

moder = moderation; moderate, intermediary, intermediate as though he lost his grip or not

ending; the life this depicts is from animals, that may or may not respond to the point. this is where they do what is spiritually requested, then make what result you intend. think about what you want and need and they can do the result.

Enjoy yourself as this is the idea for today, think nice and you are nice. ciou and good-bye.

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