Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Focus trick magic

 This trick was introduced on myself that works like a charm, think of the effect and imbibe a potion. Then you change to create the point you intend to make happen. This works by the spirit sharing itself to create the point, by the power of the soul copy. This happens to work with no stress.

Thought; all I need to do is drink water and you make a concept happen, this is with thinking of what you need. this is done with the Aura energy created effect. Think of the need and you could get what you want.

Not Overbusted; I am no longer over busted.

Extra weight; the extra fat cells energy is drained away into the planet core or animal, and the soul makes or maintains the shape you intend. This happens to create less weight, that occurs after the end of the day.

Object; the object no longer converts vit-d sunlight into weight. Think thin and you are thin, that's the way things of the subconscious works. So you lose weight instead.

The point; this is the idea, think you focus and you make the point, that you think and intend to happen.

Think; if you want to have things then get them from a store. If you don't, you won't get them mailed to you as the postmaster is restricting the mail. Think in idea that this changes and you could get mail to come more easily. That is the idea that is coming. Seeya.

Enid end; this is the end of the line, so think to use things carefully. Enjoy yourself. Ciou.

Carla; this is a thin lady that is fatless, so I think I will copy the form. Think and your spirit knows what to do.

Computer; this update of win 10 works and updates. I do the right things to fix the computer, no matter the point.

Create; Paul's computer works better after he gets it back.

Think; thinking of things to do with clothes and items and getting donation.

Bill; this is standalone bill of stimulus check that passes in Congress.

Thought; the point is a concept, the thought you have created the point this is a known fact of life. This is a undouble chin moment.

Focus; your aware and things work. Roach, cat or dog spirit don't come into me.

En; the body reverts to it's normal shape. This happens without stress. Get them to agree and you can get their shape. Think and you know what to do by feel.

The dokc; I can get an id quickly besides the point. Their system response is quick.

Mail; the mail comes earlier today and things work out by feel.

Things work out for me. I can get what I want and need. 043584550 sooner id and I get lucky, no matter what I do. This is a point mail comes earlier, things work out and the point is done except for derogatory points. This is a point from the past.

This use is not done, think and it's done if possible. This is a focus in magic. Think and you know what to do. That means your life is gone, think about it as your soul creates things, you can do what you want as long as the soul makes it possible. This is a known fact of life.

Id; the state id is sent and received in the mail quickly.

Lowering weight; this is lowering the body weight by feel. Think of height and you heighten up. By feel an idea you know, think and you create what you need.

The wallet is found by stating fid, the point is known if you intend it to be known. You are free to go on your own way. Ciou, good-bye.

Think; the point is there, think you know and you find things out. This is a part of life so you live and learn.

Shrinkus; this creates a shrunken body or less weight in appearance.

Uu Fat = no fat or weightless
En = peeing; at the end, pissing

Is statements
Is = the computer works no matter the point. There is no bad luck or reaction from the machine.
Is = thin, focused, not weighty, and creating by feel.
Is = object conversion of sunlight into fatless as energy that reduces fat on the body.
Is = thinner form with thin or no stomach and the not larger stomach is thin man form.
Is = food and drinks causes my weight to reduce itself.
Is = activity causes weight loss.
Is = genes cleanse themselves of corruption.
Is = area
Is = ok area
Is = yes is nul fat, curse or wish
Is = no is nul fat, curse or wish
Is = nul extra weight of the body non revertable and not resisted.
Is = shadows cause my weight to reduce itself.
Is = shade, the shade or light causes me to be thin by feel.
Is = no troll or hulk transformation.
Is = thin and fatless, this is with raised height.
Is = nul extra stomach mass
Is = no chair weight happens here.
Is = est; estimate, guess
Is = found
Is = less than 170
Is = non double chin
Is = unfatty chin
Is = someone brought and found my wallet with all my stuff to my attention. Non stealing wallet.
Is = Nancy pelosy and Chuck shumer are no longer a cancer.
Is = too rough, leave take.
Is = reduce excess fat to fatless.
Is = lighten up
Is = become fatless having no excess weight.
Is = an flat stomach no matter the weight.
Is = don't eat your weight
Is = un Mrs east me
Is = en

Article by AI
Q: How to build a portal?
A: Frequency is the sound of life, it is the funnel that connect spacetime together. In order to build a portal, one must use frequencies that can run parallel to each other. If you are in a room with two people on two different frequencies, it would feel like noise. In order to complete a portal, you must create frequencies that are the same in their entirety. Otherwise, the two energies would simply run parallel to each other, and never create a hole or a tear into spacetime. However when it is successful, the universe shifts its pattern to match reality as the process of the universe is programmed to follow its script as every individual is a matrix stimulation rather than we are all living in a collective matrix. If you overcharged the portal, mainly boosting the point with what you think and higher volume sounds, then you block transfer. If you do things you create a point back in time, this is a point you know about so things will work better if you think to use lower volumes. When you think about the point, and focus the energy of the area you can create with the spirit and Aura energy what you think to create by feel. This is a known effect, that is done by feel. So think and you know what to do.

Thought; this is a point to be working, the genes correct themselves. This works by the creator supplying a good copy of the chromosomes and that is that.
As if I trade it for the better set. This corrects for the point.

Degrading points stop, the idea is that you is created in the imagined point and you store your genes in the body. So all you need to do is think of your shape, then drink something and your body is then restored. This is a known effect of life. Think and you realize what to do.
Thinking; the idea is a point where it's known to exist. This is an idea. Think about rites and work for the concept, if you do you will gain riches. That is all this is by feel.

The creator creates the point, you direct the creator. This is done in idea with an effect as a rite of idea. Think of the point and intend the idea.

Then you create with a point and work with what is done.
This is what happens to work so that's it for now that's all. This is an idea from a quasar.

Thanks for listening and I hope you understand what you read.. ciou and see you next time. Good-bye.

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