Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, August 31, 2020

Obvious magic

 This is where the obvious idea is what is looked at as evidence, think to manipulate the body and create what result you may have to get better results. That is a point in idea, the advance of what will come. Where you think of the idea and the soul creates what you intend. This is what can be done with this idea..

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

make; make a person feel useful, then they don't mind you. also, they feel happy, so if you ask them about things then they could happily give a good answer.

tp; the websites load and are readable by feel.

installs; the installs and updates work like a charm by feel.

created; this is created to make the funds come sooner, feel free to use it.

think; the point is a concept, if you think of things to make them by the spirit using the soul to create the idea as a guide. then the body can create what you need, this is using a source like a bodyweight or excess weight. That is usable as a source, if you have enough of it to create what you intend. you see, just by stating something and intending the point to be created makes it happen. this is a point in idea.

focus; things are going right for me, no ,atter what I do. I think or see things happening before they occur. this happens to effect if I intend to get something done.

idea; the money comes in and I can get away with what I intend to do. if figure formed in it's own way, there's no known regard to you.


above; this is above average birth. that's evil birth that is stopped.

things; things work out for me and space-x launches.

losing weight; I lose my excess body weight and fat, then become weightless and fatless.

game stuff

ultra good

  This is the good in all of us, that is the point that you create good no matter what you do and only when you are aware it's good. They see the good in all of us, so they could try to bring that out in us. Any bad action, then the point is moot as a concept is a conclusion and things are what they seem to them. This is a point you know and understand, if you get a point from them. Think and you realize what is done by them. This is a concept that is realized by the soul and understood by the spirit. They are the type that make things happen, and what you do is what they could notice. Then if distracted, they go off on their own tangent. This is known by feel and what occurs is what is decided if necessary. They usually think for themselves when they want sometimes, if they have opinions from others then they listen and could use the idea. 

  This includes being aware by the spirit and the soul, thinking of where they need to be and their soul shifts them by feel as they think of the idea and feel to send the emotion. That is likely to change minds if they aren't blocked. The idea is what attunes the aura energy, then the shift of dimensional energy shifts them to be where they want. So be prepared if you meet them, anything could happen, if they are around you or others. They could make use of resources, so this makes the point to them if you think to be of use. Just remember, what you do is up to you, think to not be abused of your services. One thing to note, if you have something they could make use of it. The point you use, sometimes creates unusual results. This is what they are a master of being able to do. Sometimes they are able to use the astral plane or spirit plane, the idea is done by what you think to create and the astral plane used by the soul or soul copy to make what you intend by feel. Think about the results you intend to get, and the soul or soul copy creates what you wish. This is a point they can use effortlessly, that allows them the use of angels and demons to create a way or what they intend. That means they make use of beings and angels to create good results..

  So work carefully around them and don't mention the items you have. They could try to get it from you, unless they don't really want it. That means you aren't run over, and taken advantage of with what you do by feel. Think about the point, then express the idea to get a result from your spirit  using the soul or soul copy as a source that you naturally understand. This is what they can use for the point to be made. They are able to were, or use the shape and make what idea is a point to create as intent. They could bash out and create what is necessary, staying calm and having stress creates the were effect. All from the area energy and the need to relieve themselves. The point being, they can alter their consciousness and create what they need, were are manifestors that are following the rule create in your inner world and have the energy create the idea outside your body. So if they are doing what they think they are able to do, they are not there and able to do what they want. That is what I know of them. This is a point from referenced material, so if you think to read it and you can get more information.

ultra neutral

  They are good for what they say, if they intend to do anything at all. They are the point and not only do they think, they sometimes do not judge if there is a need, they can create what they feel is right in idea. This allows them to work with their higher selves. They are aware of the moment, then the point is done if they deem it necessary. This is using an aspect of them, that creates the point of living with them interesting. The idea is a point the idea is known and things are what is a point, if necessary and otherwise ignored. The ignored point is where they aren't listening, so think and you know what you can do with them in mind. They will use constructive idea, so this includes thinking about the place and imagining the area with them in the place or area. Then the subconscious causes them to appear there and if that worked, that means they are there until you think and cause them them to be gone or they decide to not be there at all. 

  They can be what is a good or evil on a whim, you see they have no morality so be careful in our own area when around them within what you do. They could take it wrong, if you present them things badly. Think and you know what to do, if you think to shift then you do with conae or the power word make. This is a point, you see that they use to create things with by idea. Think and you know what to do is their motto. They think and you are what perceives the thought. This is a point in idea where you create things and they make use of the idea. This is a known idea, so if you think to make use of them. They remember the point they did, you can ask and if you waste their time they can say no. That's it for them, this is a point used by the point or fact in the area life by feel in doing what they think is correct. If they think it's right, they might do it so think to make what idea you intend. This is a fact, that can be used by law. If you agree, then your free so that is a point that is noted. The point is a concept, the idea is a known point..what you do with the concept is all up to you.

ultra evil

  They are the pure evil, think and you know them. Realize what you need to know and that is what they could allow. The point is antisocialism with them, if they are moody. So think about what you need to know and they will respect your request. The point is done, if they are aware of the point being needed and intended with a purpose they want to do. They are the point in idea, they are the idea you can follow. However, they can change their mind on a whim. They are a point of mindfulness, so think about the idea and you can get their intention with what they do in life. Otherwise, they can do anything, when you feel things are necessary sometimes they don't and feel no need to respond to you. So if this is where they are aware, then they could create whatever they intend. This is a know fact of life. So they feel they are the force of the universe. 

  They are what can create with their demons to make a point and make by feel using the spirit with a concept for creativity and what is needed, and this is in a space time continuum with it's own time points or wormholes. So they can use wormholes to shift things. This is done by thought to send things where you intend them to be. The spirit is what shifts with the idea, and you are in with energy from the area temporarily. That is the percieved idea to what is arranged with the idea to exist there by feel peacefully or however you want to do things in idea. They are able to use the shadows very easily. All they need to do is focus on the shadow and think it creates what they desire. Night (the being) makes what they need at the time she exists. She serves what is possible, using the darkness to create what is necessary so she creates what is there. Otherwise, she is quiet and does her own thing. This is a known effect, that allows shifting in person or the programmed thought energy through the shadows and creating a result where it's intended. 

  This is spiritually done in the subspace, anything you need is a possibilty so think about the point and they can be there. See this is doing things in a point that is done to them, so that makes them easily able to move their own and others bodies by the aura shift. This is where they focus on a point, breathe in and out, and think to be somewhere. This makes them alter their aura and the idea can shift them to where you or others are in mind. This is apporting in harry potter movies. Where they shift to another place and time, then the giant shift can be done by feel with life energy from the plane and area by idea. You know by the spirit, think and realize by the soul and can do what you want with what is necessary. This is proven by thinking about the idea, when it manifests you create what is there by vibration.

  If you prove the point, you can do what you want with them. This is a point in fact, they oftentimes see the use of the spirit to subjucate so think and you are aware. This means the idea is a point, you know to speak out what they did and feel to send emotion to them of what is felt of the idea in life. They could subside by the feel. That is if you want them to do something. However, one thing you can't do is bad idea if you do things with them or argue with them. This is basically them in a nutshell. If you think of a way, then use it so you can get good results. This is all there is about the topic at hand. Think and you know what to do.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Think and do magic

This is a point you think about and create with by feel. The efect is what you think and the point is what you consider with idea you know about as it exists. This is working effects with the soul, that is what you can create if you think about it.

 Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

figure form; wear a shirt and you can think to your shirt to create with energy the effect you state. the shirt keeps the command and creates a result through the spirit that goes-through-everything.

caz; she gets better and is in a good mood.

things; things done are what I want, not what others need unless I want to do things for others. this is a point done by feel.

other idea; the point you don't want, this is done by the spirit or some animal, so even if you start the effect the spirit is what ends the effect.

em    in; this is is a point that is done, if corrected for the moment things will be alright.


if bob; think about what you do..this is a point from the past.

en if

if then; you will get what you need, if you think about it you know what is there at the time you think to see. this works by the spirit and you know by realization.

if; I suppose if you doubt things exist, then the idea ceases to exist. this is a point from the past. I suppose if I doubt it ceases. this seems to be the case. so I will get things done and do what I can. think positive.

if I get millions, then I won't have to worry. things will work out by feel.

en; if in en then think to leave and don't bother people. thank you.

thi; this effect is a point you know, so if you realize by the spirit, then by feel will work with you. this could end in a fight, if you think of fighting.

tha; take away what what you want, if you ask permission then you can have it if it's allowed to leave the area.

this; think what you want you are unaffected if you didn't physically take anything without permission. this works to deter thieves.

perhaps that; if you intend to take things and not returned by feel, you are effected by bad things if you stole anything.


kefka; keft, the point is made, so think of the point as a statement and a comment is what comes from the idea you state. this is a point that exists until you think it doesn't. this is a point also that exists where you need. so think and you can create things if you intend the point to exist things.

thank; thank you for your idea, I think I will enjoy getting more.

this effect; this is an effect that creates with a thought and makes what occurs with a point. Think of the point and state the result, then you get an idea to happen.

thinking; the result is gone so think of what you want and get what you can. this is a known effect.

counter; the weight goes down no matter the point, this works yet only if you need the result.

enmasse; think of a release that you intend to do, then apply water and drink something to release a build-up of energy.

enn = the dog goes away from the area. this drives anything away, that is unwanted by feel.

thought; the point is the en or at the end, think and you know what you can do.

in en ma; in the end is the mass that goes away.

fixed; things works out, this is what occurs if you are attractive so remember the point and don't appear like a woman to those that would do that. you can appear beautiful by thinking you are worthy and then work with a flat small stomach. this is point in the past. so I can appear attractive, I think I will create a creative shape and see what occurs to happen. this will be the point of today and I will have a flat pancake thin stomach too. this happens without stress..

the point; this is what is good, if you want to attract a female that wants to be attracted. think and you know what to do.

jailbait 3; this is a point you attract people by body reshaping and get them sent to jail. if you don't intend this, then you can appear as you want and get what results you intend to get. this is a known effect where no sex addicts are attracted to me.

think; if you think you won't get that result of rubbing as you may incidentally attract. this is also a point in idea where whatever I do, I get slimmer and appear fatless..


wallet; I get my wallet back and it has all my things in it. the person that stole it goes to jail. this happens without stress. the wallet drops from them to the ground and I get to find it.


I recover my lost things, the things I need are given to me and I am not at a loss. there is no stress related to thinking things and I can get what I intend to get by feel. this works with the spirit-that-goes-through-everything no matter the point.

communication; I get the idea, that the spirit can communicate to others and they realize what I need. So does the person communicate to me, if interested to talk. the mouth is the giveaway to what is spoken. so think and you know what is said.

news; there's news worth getting with the 2nd round stimulus checks.

shapeshifting; I am easily shapeshifting, so I think I will do what I can like mystique in x-men.

done; I am done for now, see ya tomorrow.

uu rake = atleantian spell for: remove or undo roaches.

the end; the point is done as a concept, if you want to know then you do things and as you realize this you will know the end.

dos yutsu ussta bol plynnet xor Usstan ragar ol. = drow for: you return my item taken or I find it.

thought; the point is mute, this means things don't matter. this is a point in idea.

the dmg; think and know, donovans relationship damage when requesting things for him is undone, this is done by feel.

Usstan ragar lu'inbau rath ussta noamuth it'x. = drow for: I find and get back my lost items.

Klezn ph'tenu, nindel Usstan xun. = drow for: Things are alright, that I do.

astux l'inlu'thi dero'lyle d'uns'aa, gi senger. = drow for: undo the insect possession of me, oh lord.

debug; this is a point where all bugs are gone.

element use; this is the use of the element, that is successfully done.

nul gs en = atleantian for this; null ghost at the lodge end.


t t = tea time

k ti dimens lu = kill by dimensional energy.

rem bugg = remove bug

rem gs = remove ghost

eut deiax = elect and re-elect democrats.

reason; whatever reason my wallet with whatever is in it doesn't return to me, it suddenly does. 

pelosi; whatever reason nancy pelosi doesn't do a standalone 2nd stimulus check, she does.

sec; security and enforcement, that comes and defeats the foe and makes what you wish to happen.

eating; the eating habit drops down and I don't feel like eating much anymore.

block; this will block repeating history that may occur. 

reasoning; the point is the effort think and you know things, this is the moment of peace and quiet. think and you create with the point you have, this is peace done by feel. think and you get what you intend. that is all, cya.

writing stuff

Friday, August 21, 2020

Succubus magic

This is the way of the succubus and incubus, think of what you want and the soul creates the effect if you intend to make a result. So if your intention is to create with the spirit, then you make things by a soul copy. This copy creates what is needed and dissolves itself by feel, when it isn't needed. Also sustenance is useful, as well. Think and you know what is possible. This is a point you realize, so if you get sustenance in your body, it's used as a body fuel and effects are created using the fuel. That means you can create with a thought and make what you desire. This is things I did by feel with the idea:

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is an definition. This is where you think and you say the effect in life and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need that is obvious.

female enhancement II; they lose their excess fat and weight, form no gut or a slim gut and get taller and form slender busts. the hunger is gone, the need to drink alcohol is gone that could be there. this doesn't do things if you don't intend things to happen. so you are unthick by feel or noticed is the idea.

en if it is conscious

man enhancement II; they form a lessened or slim gut that appears as though no gut is there despite the workout in life, a lesser weight and heal up by feel with better muscles. they become fatless. the hunger declines and no eating is done as there is no need to eat. this doesn't cause excess stomach bulge. this doesn't do things in idea, if you don't intend the result. so you remain unthick by feel.

workout; this is where you gaiin a slim gut or no gut and enhanced muscles, this is temporary where you could if overdoing it make larger breasts. due to water or food, if you can think to eat or drink a little, you can create a more fit form that's fatless like the disease that forms the point. Actually, there is a side effect, of temporary formation of the slight stomach bulge and that is the loose muscles in the stomach that tighten and they form the slender stomach point. you can raise in height, that is maintained by the excess weight and calories burning away. So if you think to notice, you could lower in height untiil you drink or eat something again. So basiically this means you don't eat or feel hungry. this doesn't do things, if you don't intend to do things.

the point; the point you feel the need to eat or drink excessively disappears and you are aware or okay of things that exist. this means magic is possible and exists things by feel. so think and you know what to do.


slendering; whatever causes the fat to form no longer causes the fat to be there, this happens without stress no matter the point. This energy is from the creator, so I get what I need by feel, so I am unthick in body.

unthick; this causes you to unform the thickness of the body as you move or stay still.

sheila; she finds her purse as though a fid were done.

fatness; when I look in the mirror, fat doesn't grow anymore on the body, it reduces itself instead no matter the point.

in-between or it enhancement; this is improved breasts that appear like busts by workout, enlarged dick, good feeling and then the energy goes up as the body slims down to appear fatless. Any double chins disappear by feel. This happens by the aura energy creating the change with death and decay energy. direct the death and decay energy by thinking it does things and you can target the fat cells by feel. this reduces the fat on the body, as it breaks the fat cells up. this is a known effect. this is also kinda painful, but it leanves the stomach appearing flat pancake like.


then is the point, if you think it's possible you can get the end results if you intend the idea. this is a known effect.

this; the imagination of invega, geodon and salt water will create the weightloss effect. anything in fact that is with invega cures the body, anything with geodon will cause weightloss as a side effect and geodon is a mood enhancer or curation to brain conditions like those with schitzophrenia.

the point II; I think so it's done, if I change into a woman's form. Then noone minds me for what I do. He or she doesn't mind me for what I act or do. This works to my advantage, so I think and do what is necessary. That is all for now.

the shift; this is where I reduce the monotomic gold effect. that means, I think and it does as particles or influence after it physically leaves the body.

nearness; you don't havve to react to them as your not near them.

weightloss; I can lose 20 lbs in 1 or 2 weeks, this will seem good and be easy, though that is with the right things used. If I don't want to gain weight, I will watch what I eat, and eat half portions. This will be effective for me by idea and feel.

weightloss II; this is in effect, I will lose weight very easily.

height; if I gain in height, lengthening myself, I don't gain in weight. so you lose weight in or out of light.

whatever; whatever is wrong is no longer wrong and I am corrected by spirit.

trump; he succeeds to get his stimulus payments out, see that he will make happen.

weightloss; I lose my excess lbs and send it to the squirrels, this creates what I need.

thought; the point is achieved, think and you know what to do.

the point; this point you think, if you need to create the point then need the creator to make that idea as effect.

kristass ky'kiya sashin = drow for: instant weight loss

kristass k'olah-phor = drow for: instant clean-up

kristass meun ky'kiya sashin = drow for: instant form weight loss

iI orn talinth lu'noa llarszith-draa wun ky'kiya. = drow for: iI will think and lose 32 in weight.

Usstan tlun tsahik llarszith-draa khel kiya qee. = drow for: I am losing thirty-two body weight fast.

Usstan inbal bwael ap'zen. = drow for: I have good luck.

Usstan tlun bwael whol vel'bol Usstan zhaun, Usstan zhaun vel'bol zhah ssrigg'luoth a satiir. = drow for: I am good for what I know, I know what is needed by feel.

magic; I am not minded for what I do.

think; to live as I can if necessary and make allowances.

think; this works by feel, if you think of the end result then you can get what idea you intend to get.

en; the point at the end, if you think your in prison, then you end up there. this is a point from the past.

2nd stimulus; the 2nd stimulus payment is given by concept, this is a point done by feel. when you think you can get it then you will receive 1200 or more dollars.

Usstan tlun inbauin drada izznarg yaithess. = drow for: I am getting second large payment.

Usstan tlun drizlahrit nin. = drow for: I am taller now.


sunlight body reaction; this is a slow reaction to the point of sunlight, that ends up heightening you and lessening your weight.

end point; the ending is using the same thing, I think this dream will end now. this is a point in the past.


squirrels; the squirrels aura absorbs the extra weight off the body, this happens as your aura sends it as energy to it. the squirrels are your pets, as any animal this is an amazing wildlife to observe. if you send your weight that's unwanted to the pet, then you boost their metabolism and your metabolism by feel.

Think; the point is done, the idea is achieved, space-x launches its ship and rocket.

postmaster; think the postmaster is fixed by check and he is. this is a point in idea by feel. the postmster will change his idea, so the mail comes easily with usps.

fixed; think of what you want and you could find it working. this is a point in idea.

mozuky; no weight gain happens, lowering of weight occurs instead by 32 lbs weight loss. the effect of sunlight weight is gone. your weight goes down with this word. if spoken, then you create weightloss and then things work by feel. if you lose weight, you turn your excess weight and fat into energy. that you send by energy thought that goes from the aura energy. This effects what you want and think about. That means it could be an object or animal, that gains it instead. so as it does, you lose the weight. this is a known effect.

people; they trust me with things and don't try to blackmail me or do what I dislike.

2nd stimulus check; the check comes as the last check did and they make it into law that I get one.

in en em; think the point and you create with idea, this idea is whatever you want.

writing stuff

think; think a point in time and you can create what you wish with activity from the soul at the time or place.


add; the ad world revealed by thinking what you want and watching an ad. This is a point in time where you can watch the ad, yet not be their zombie.

recipes and potions

transformation potion; mix with water: turmeric, oregano, basil (for swelling), stevia or sugar, and paprika (can be smoked for better effect). Then drink after thinking or needing a formation and the body adjusts to become the form you intend to be.

game stuff

transformation skill; This skill can make you any shape or form you desire to be. See if you think of a shape, then the soul or spirit creates the shape into becoming your shape that you intend to become. This includes weight and height. So beware becoming heavier than you really are. The heavier you get, the harder it is to reduce the weight. So drink water and you can create the shape you need. This makes it easy to change your shape, too. Think and you know what to do. If you do anything, seem like a friend and you can create what you need with their help. This is a point in the past.

Fey and alien lifeforms; This is using a point where you think of the energy consciousness and imagine forming is a ball of light. That light ball is the fey, this can create what you need as a want is done or intended. So think and you can create what you feel is necessary. It's stats are your stats, except they are flying at 40' per feet at top speed. The light ball appears like a tiny form and they will do what you want, if you intend the idea to happen. This includes imagining the lifeform forming and it will form it.  They have potential and can form into any shape or idea. They like faery forms ( or ), yet they can form as anything.

They can use any of the elements, this is as though an energy blast that can seem from anywhere. That is half your level (round down) with a d(anywhere from d6-d12, 6 for up to 5 focus ranks, 8 for 6-10 focus ranks, 10 for 11 to 15 focus ranks and 12 for 16 to 20 focus ranks) + charisma mod. That means a level 10 character with a 15 focus rank and +5 cha mod, gets an effect from the fey of 5d10+5 damage/healing effect. 

So if any duration effect is needed, then its 1d(anywhere from d6-d12, 6 for up to 5 focus ranks, 8 for 6-10 focus ranks, 10 for 11 to 15 focus ranks and 12 for 16 to 20 focus ranks)+charisma mod or 1d10+5 in rounds per melee or unlimited time until you decide its not needed outside of battle. This means an illusion or glamour and auratic energy effect, that can last 1d10+5 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle.

It absorbs magic and energy from the area to exist, this means it creates what you think as you think of the energy ball. See it avoids battle unless you direct it to fight, and can otherwise create a result. This is a point, that you know if you think to make a point and create with your will. That means, it's willing. There is two types, the winged fey and non-winged fey. They both can teleport and use inertia to gravitate themselves or fly. Yet if you face one, your or any monster chances to hit it are halved, and they are able to work with a thought as energy so they know what is possible. 

This is done with summoning, the point you think is what seems to happen, if you summon something then you form it nearby. Then you create with a thought and make with a point you express. Desummoning something, you think of the point that creates the summoned idea into dissolving. So it is gone by what you do. The limit to it's summoned point is until you decide to unsummon the idea. So basically it's limit is nothing by feel. Think and you know what to do.

at phase; this phase of monoatomic gold is what can unnerve people. so think use water and you can create with a point, that is actively done by the body to cause reduced weight.

revert from fat spell; this reverts you from the phat phase, that happens to in weight and lessen the stomach. this is a known effect. that you can move around and hold in the stomacch then you reduce in weight the body in idea. regeneration is done by what you think or do, intend to heal and you do. This is what makes it, this is what heals it. that is all for the moment. If anything else, things could go haywire.


enp = end of empowerment phase, this was fun so I might go back now, I think I will do what comes natural. cya back at your place. tanshift me oh god with or without the weight. this is without the weight. so if I wait where I think is safe, I shift my form to become slender again. this was a fun experiment, I think I will do something else. say fix the weight gain in sunlight, drinking and eating, staying still, moving around or darkness so I lose weight instead. That is done as though a lessening sigil was done and I am producing weight loss no matter what if I do. this proves I ca do magic no matter what I look like in life.

in-between; this is where you are with accentuated women curves and area that appears womanlike, also you have men features like a dick and better muscles that will stand out by feel. howver, the in-between is not as strong as a man with a narrow wasteline by idea or activity. what gives them away, their softer and the higher voice. However, they can be larger or taller so sometimes they watch their weight.


I ca return, think and you can do what you want by feel if you need to do things like roaches.

Monday, August 17, 2020

The mindset magic

 If you think the point you get an idea, this is a known effect. Where you think and know things by the spirit. This I think is an idea that is done if you intend the result, that can only happen in a mindset of wanting to live. This I know is a point from the past. 

This is what you can do with the effects..and that is a point in the past.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

female enhancement II; they lose their excess fat and weight, form no gut or a slim gut and get taller and form slender busts. the hunger is gone, the need to drink alcohol is gone that could be there. this doesn't do things if you don't intend things to happen. so you are unthick by feel or noticed is the idea.

en if it is

man enhancement II; they form a lessened or slim gut that appears as though no gut is there despite the workout, a lesser weight and heal up by feel with better muscles. they become fatless. the hunger declines and no eating is done as there is no need to eat. this doesn't cause excess stomach bulge. this doesn't do things in idea, if you don't intend the result. so you remain unthick by feel.

workout; this is where you gaiin a slim gut or no gut and enhanced muscles, this is temporary where you could if overdoing it make larger breasts. due to water or food, if you can think to eat or drink a little, you can create a more fit form that's fatless like the disease that forms the point. Actually, there is a side effect, of temporary formation of the slight stomach bulge and that is the loose muscles in the stomach that tighten and they form the slender stomach point. you can raise in height, that is maintained by the excess weight and calories burning away. So if you think to notice, you could lower in height untiil you driink or eat something again. So basiically this means you don't eat or feel hungry. this doesn't do things, if you don't intend to do things.

the point; the point you feel the need to eat or drink excessively disappears and you are aware or okay of things that exist. this means magic is possible and exists things by feel. so think and you know what to do.


slendering; whatever causes the fat to form no longer causes the fat to be there, this happens without stress no matter the point. This energy is from the creator, so I get what I need by feel, so I am unthick in body.

unthick; this causes you to unform the thickness of the body as you move or stay still.

sheila; she finds her purse as though a fid were done.

fatness; when I look in the mirror, fat doesn't grow anymore on the body, it reduces itself instead no matter the point.

in-between or it enhancement; this is improved breasts that appear like busts by workout, enlarged dick, good feeling and then the energy goes up as the body slims down to appear fatless. Any double chins disappear by feel. This happens by the aura energy creating the change with death and decay energy. direct the death and decay energy by thinking it does things and you can target the fat cells by feel. this reduces the fat on the body, as it breaks the fat cells up. this is a known effect. this is also kinda painful, but it leanves the stomach appearing flat pancake like.


then is the point, if you think it's possible you can get the end results if you intend the idea. this is a known effect.

These are points where I think I focus my energy and improve the point by the spirit that creates what I think or need.

Mail; the mail and Amazon packages get delivered early today. This happens without stress despite the coronavirus.

Mail; the mail is coming earliest possible today. This is done by feel.

Une; une is not punishing it is creating with life to work with long periods of time.

People; they don't ignore me from across the street if I speak to them.

Sending; the place you send to is possible by the planet consciousness. Think of the place to send to and what you need to send, this is sent by feel with the consciousness of energy.

Send us; the point you think to send is received by feel.

Heat convert; think to create a heat convertion that changes excessive heat to cold energy. This is done by the creator. This creates a cool breeze in the area where hot weather is expected. This happens without stress. You can use the excess energy for created effects.

Think: the point is exchange, think your a successful person, then you attract the right people.

Focus; whatever causes me to eat no longer causes me to eat by feel.
This happens without stress. Whatever weight I am, I eat less than what I weigh.

Movement; as long as you are doing things, you won't mind the temperature. As most often you don't think about the temperature or eating.

Amazon; they deliver the packages by feel. I receive my order.

Store; the family dollar is open and in service pretty soon.

World's view

Car world; this is a world of the car and energy in the car is a point of idea that the third eye is showing you. The car world is a point of view. If you think of turning off the third eye you aren't there.

In expression; the point you think to see or know, this representative point is a view your third eye sees.

Fate world; in the the fates rule this world, so this is what happens with what is a point of things you do in idea. Think of the moment and you create with the spirit that goes through everything. Leave this world by thinking fate releases you back to your own world. This world however is incomplete, so think what you like and the memory of what happened to form it comes to you. This is an idea in effect.

Breezy; she returns with the bike and shoes. She doesn't steal again.

2nd stimulus check; we get the next stimulus check and it's above 1200 dollars for 6 months.

Money; despite how much I have, it doesn't matter because I gain the money back double or triple what I give or spend by feel.

Removal; think to remove something and the effect is removed. The point you remove is causing things to remove themselves. This happens without stress.

Reverted; tap 3 times or state revert or reverse, then the things that you intend to revert are reverted to a point before that allows you to work with it.

Cell phone; the cell phone I have works and things are easier to understand by feel. There is no longer any dropped calls on my end. So it reduces the dropped calls.

Mandatory: there is more than one month of stimulus checks. It's mandatory for at least 6 months of 2nd stimulus checks. This happens without stress.

Focused giant; this is an imposing giant form. Wanna be a giant? Now you can.

Slim fit; this happens to allow a slim bust and a slim or no gut. That's fatless and very tall. With that I avoid eating too much.

Danny; he recovers and is good for what he does.

Tall lady; this is a form of a woman who's slender and very tall. Red hair and able to do anything.

Medium; I can wear a medium in clothing.

Seen; See, I am in medium clothes. So this works out well.

Money; the point is going good so I get my money by idea.

Taller; people get tall and unlarge, think and you know what to do. The Aura energy caused this change.

The Aura; this is a point I tested out, I am thin by thinking I am and things work out by feel. This even makes the pop belly not happen.

Fixed; this is a fixed Charlie by feel, think and things are alright.

Thick; your condition is cured, think and you are thin and good at what you do. So what do you think of this, that is a possibility of life, if you don't want it then focus death and decay energy at the gut. This is a known effect of people you get near. Think the creator removed the thick gut and God removed the point. Look in the mirror and you see thinness.

Lessfat; the fat removed itself from the point you think to observe. This effects the stomach and chin. That removes the double chin and thick stomach by feel.

Correction; the Aura energy caused you to correct the body in idea. So whenever I move or stay still, I lose my extreme extra weight. The extra weight doesn't come onto me no matter the point.

Whatever; the point is people aren't self-conscious of their shape. So this should be work.

Jailbate II; this is a bate form that creates a stir of interest. Modelled from Leah.


Good morrow; this creates what you think as you need to do things.

Gold: 2100

Em; female
I; aye, agreed
It; it's a success, think and you know what to do.

Thank you for listening, this was fun to make. Think about things and farewell, ciou and good-bye.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

keepers magic

This is a point I say, keepers to get what I need. So I think to keep things in moderation, think about the effect and the soul will create what you need and intend. just remember, to create the point, you can work with the an idea and mention the point you make up. This is a point in idea. These things are possible with this effect.

 Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

delivery; the mail will be delivered quickly, any packages are delivered quickly as well. it's done right.

retro; the weight doesn't come back on me if body weight is lost. this excludes objects.

the right things; the right things are gotten and made into law.

en day; the end of day is done so you can do what you need and you are relaxing. this is a point in idea.

states bailouts; the states bailouts no longer hold up the stimulus checks.

chubby; if chubby, then your nae more chubby. this effects immediately. in the effect you lose all your excess weight no matter what.

fat; if fat then your nae more fat and you lose your excess weight by feel no matter what within conclusion by some idea.

fate; the fates make you slimmer and you are aware by what is done with energy.

things; things go your way, so you know this was fun to write.. make a request and you can get a point that happens for you.

clothes; I can shrink my body to fit the clothes and the clothes shrink to fit me, so I don't grow to fit the clothes.

blow up; I no longer blow up in body form by feel.

no more; the point is made, think positive so you get positive idea in results.

enn; the focus is a concept, think and you know what to do.

some ancient buddhic words

o = of; otherwise, oh

mea = island

meai = mealtime

tui - thanks

oo = cool

aa = scream

er = perform; (the art) performance

gut = good

ea = mean, (ean) meaning, demeaner

ow = low

e = is, are

u = you; no, know

uu = w; undo, thug

uo = appose; opposite feeling so you don't allow certain things.

ie = like

ae = similar

o = there; other than that this is the list for today.

ai = aim; claim, exclaim

oc = focus

ou = borne; bourne, born

t = trinket; item, thing

h = stop; halt

ay = play

am = game; life, a recording of some life

te = tell; test, tea, it's

ad = admit; admittance, create

hoc = free; freely, loose

khep = change

ser = art; form

khepser = transform

en = ending; at the end

cr = credit; money

ed = education; heed, educate, head

it = hit; flow of things

em = ahem; a hem, condemn, emulate (emote), epic

es = scale; weight, consider

s = weigh

uc = reduce; reduction, this is reducing the point or idea that is there.

iy = very; lie, varied, varying

is = equal

in = fine

n = nary; nae

uun = undoing; going down a wrong path

an = ain't; not, nothing

on = done

dem = deem (this worthy)

at = attack; shatter

om = all; omni

i = flow

ith = with; width

igh = height

ir = shirt

ant = pants

oe = shoes, boots

ie = flows; tie, shoelace

ine = articulate; language knowledge

ua = what; water

mem = memory; recalled idea

egoiam = food

onn = don't

no = do; die off

mai = make

sup = save

ex = leave

inn = residence; other home, area, (to make) innocent, depends

off = kill; offend

et = eaten; eat, ate

go = gone; ghost

ah = good feel

uh = fit

ehh = yourself

eh = your

tyke = kid

wan = want; wanting, intend, intention

enn = down

eo = up, upper, this is the upper body

mu = must

mus = muscle

fa = at; fat, this is where your good at things and sometimes put weight on due to not enough exercise due to food.

stim = stimulate; stimulus, needle

ba = bade; bad, bad off, good skill in offense otherwise this is corrupt nature.

med = medicine; herb, herbal

fi = fix; treatment, colloidal silver

I = aye; yes, yesterday, as it's use, either (way)

fam = family

fex = curse

hex = six; bade effect, if directed curse energy that is mostly done with bad magic intention

crimbul = criminal; super crime maker

illus = show; illustration, drawing, illusion

skil = skillet; skill set, this is otherwise a skill

be = being; energy being, goblin or hobgoblin this makes sense of what is there.

el = element; hellish mindset, think to send someone to hell and you create the point of actual hell of the 1st dimension to cause them to be there.

dil = dillusion; death illusion, this is where death energy is thought to target the brain and cause corruption of it's cells. that in turn makes the person see things and by voice you can direct their reaction. when you do this, have in mind things can appear normal, until stress is there or they perceive your illusion by what you think to project with needing them to see things and this happens by the aura.

bless = charm; blessing or positive making spell

thi = this; thick, dumb, otherwise this is a pointed out idea

sel = select; sell, sale, selective

ar = around

arr = arrange; arrow, direct, arrangement

iht = stopping point, not it

not = nothing; this is a misnomer for die off with a hit or nothing intended

sigi = sigil; empowered lines, this is a construct or thinking of the point and tracing, drawing or carving the line image thinking and intending the effect.

thin = thinning; created body, think of the form and you are formed as you need thin and better fit.

wor = worse; worser is the effect you think.

shale = shapeless; this is where you are without shape. this is also a type of fish.

fale = fatless; this is where you are without fat, no matter the weight. this can lend ugliness to you, so think to become better.

ork = work

esle = weightless; this effect makes you weigh less and you appear thinner

le = let; less

g = get

alri = alright; ok, okay, correct, agreement, bipartisan agreement
exer = exercise; work out or walking en

par = parent/s
per = choice
flat; flatter stomach, not a flat tire.

the weight; it creeps on you or falls off you, if you eat or drink calories and high fructose you create more weight unless you exercise it off.

the height; think of the height to become and you are that height by drinking something, it doesn't have to be alcohol.

enn; the point is done, made by an announcer and created by less weight.

child; the babao is not born, so think and you create otherwise with the point.

the disease; the weight disease is where your metabolism doesn't increase the weight of the body, this is a metadisease that creates with a point of thinness and you are any weight you want to be.

enjoy; I am fatless for the rest of my life, so I think I can enjoy anything without gaining weight and I am with less weight instead. this happens without stress.

this; the point is a concept, if you think to create something then the spirit uses the soul to make what you intend to create. that happens unless you don't intend to have the effect. so no worries.

think to transcend; the idea is a point you know, when you transcend you shift to an upper dimennsion. this is a point done by feel.

soul copy clone; this is a soul copy, that forms with the energy consciousness and shapes forms into becoming real as if by the air or other element.

the; the point this works, you will create what you need and things work out by feel.

tall and thin; I will be tall and thin by feel, the point is done as I am relaxing. so I will get along with othhers.

tall and unwide; think of a point and do what you want, then your tall and narrower by feel.

weight gain; whatever causes you to gain weight no longer effects you if you don't mind or want to gain weight no matter the point. no matter the point, no weight is gained in the body.

weight loss; whatever you don't need is not done, so think and you know what you can do. I am assured it's not making you gain weight.

half-man; this is a half-man with a soul and half-woman as well. they are both man and woman. because of this, they are bi-sexual.

grow; I do not grow my stomach.

lessen; I lessen my stomach and my weight thereof is less stomach. the 30 lbs weight gain is cancelled, the idea is done so you know you lose weight.

things; things will work out by feel.


musculur; the muscle weight drops away from the body, the body is thin thereafter. the muscles remain slender. this is a known effect.

pass out; you pass out from the effort and do what you may need.

spike; the spike is a point you gnow and do things by feel is the moment you consider, if you think to stop this you gain no weight and you are aware of things to come.

the point; whatever you or I do, this leads to lessened weight and no weight gain by feel.

I emanate; I emanate you in idea so I think I will do what I want by feel.

en ; I know ups will come so I will accept, this fact and do what you need if I intend to do it.

sped up; I speed up the weight loss by this statement, all the excess weight is used as energy for strength or height..

mass; the body mass is what is reduced, so you know this was fun.

judy; she is a point of rememberance, think and you know her as she was so you know this was fun to be her I think I will try another shape by feel. Let's try the tall woman that is thin that walked down the street. If I can do this, I can easily master shapeshifting with idea, so this I will attempt today. I know to wish me luck. I will wish to succeed and think of a way, this will work for me.

another shapeshifter; I suppose I fixed him so he can create the shape he wanted by idea, so I will go do what I need. this was to aid him to become a she, I think to change sex easily. this means he asked me to help him out, this is the effect I thought up.

end; the point is nobody escapes hell, this is a state of mind. think and your calm and you no longer experience hell itself. that put that state of mind, in the first place. this is a point from the past.

judy II; a slimmer down version of judy.

think danny; he slims down and creates by feel.

jay; he is slender, so he does what is needed.

travel body; this is a more durable thin form. so you transform into the shape by the point or idea being thought upon. this form fades away when you don't need to travel.

travel en body; this is the darkmatter, that creates what is needed if you focus. so think and you shape as you want or go where you need to be.

jane mansfield; this is a slender form that is there by feel or need with ideal expression. there is no stomach to this form.

jane marshall; she is a classic form that can fit even the most expressionate people in form.


done; what's done is done, so this is a point in idea, think and you do things right.

man enhancement; there is a dick enhacement and that is extension where there is a point with testosterone increase and you think you know the point by feel, that you are more strongly muscled and this creates the lessened stomach and pancake like six-pack abs. so you are manly from the body and emanate strength by feel. this man enhancement creates a perfect image of what you may what in a man, think and you know what is there with a unnatural slenderness. there is a fatless effect where the energy is what creates the effect by the aura, the creator directs the idea and you get good results with death and decay energy and exercising it off.

now; now you know, think to work and you can get more stuff or save up for later.

think; the point is a concept, the slim busts of a lady are a lure. think and you know how to do it.

female enhancement; think the energy of the aura lessens your stomach, forms it into a flat pancake. then enhances the busts. that is how you can do it tempered with no added weight.

writing stuff

things; the disgruntled mindset fades away and things work out by feel.

shapeshifting; I am no longer confused about my shape, I seem to allow it and go on with life. so this I think, then I go I believe I am doing things if correct. this I know is right, if anything more then I will adjust so I think this will work.

en shape; the end shape is achieved and no weight is  gotten. this is a point from the past.

en shape II; if you think of the shape and drink water, the you form that shap, no matter the weight you have at the moment. This could have a side effect, so think about the point before doing this trick. As, you could gain the eating habits and weight thereof associated with a larger person, unless you think of another shape instead that causes you to become lesser in shape by feel..

heighten; see the body height will rise up and I won't need to eat or you don't gain girth or weight. the idea is the subconscious creates what is sometimes necessary, suggest what you need and you can get what you ca. I ca maintain my height by drinking things. this is a known effect done by feel.

endpoint; the end point is done by feel, if needed. this means you create with what is there. so the end is a finished idea, then is the point and now is the end.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Postponing idea with magic

These are some things, that you can create with energy by thinking your point and stating the effect to create what result you have.  So if you think of the idea, you can create the idea, wait for a pause and then things happen to create themselves from the consciousnessness of energy making what you think. If you intend the result, then it will be there, if you don't then it's not. This is some things that you can do with this effect.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

spell 1; this is my favorite spell, think of the moment and feel the point. then you create by thinking of the idea you intend to create as you feel the surge of energy.

spell 2; think of a point to create with intent, then the spirit uses the soul or soul copy to create the point into manifest. this works by the point of a storm being noticed.

improved sleep; this is where you sleep until things are done if your aware or not.

attention; whatever gets people to be attentive is done, unless the other party doesn't want to be known about.

attentive; if your attentive, then you will be aware of things. so think and you know what you can do.

mail; the mail today is gotten earlier than usual. so if you need some mailing, then you can get it and the spirit is what is creating the result..using a little of your energy.

en is then

think and go

mail; the mail comes earlier today, bringing my package and paul t.'s check.

good feel; I have a good feeling and I easily get orgasm with the point that is done by idea or feel.

family dollar; the store reopens by feel. the point is done, the idea is there so I think things are fair.

toxic? end the toxic relationship.

this = thi is a statement of the celts. so you aren't effected. whatever is said I hear the positive in idea. I don't hear the negative comments by feel.

writing stuff

Think the blood circulation effects to carry fat cells, then it gets shitted out. the effect is lessened weight and that is done by focus. this effects all the time and when you need the idea to occur.

Summer Oaks Apartments

5770 NW 16th St Oklahoma City, OK 73127

1 to 3 bedrooms

$525 to $850

Cost Per Sq.Ft.

view details

(405) 463-9708

whatever; whatever causes the system to not work no longer exixts or causes the system to work instead.

whichever; This is where the ebt system works and I gain back my online account. the ebt system works, so no matter whatever the reason I can't get in online, I now ca get access to my online account.

Tm; Think and you create with light to make what you want. This is a point you know.

later delivery; the amazon shipment comes earlier than usual. the point is a concept, get along and you are alright. this is a known effect of life. if medicine, in this.

en the en is this

2nd stimulus check; the 2nd stimulus check is more than 1200 dollars and one per each 6 months.

game stuff


shall = should

shallh = shouldn't, shall not

should = shouldn't

fiqh = the law

That is the list for now, so I will ciou, good-bye and farewell.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Creativity magic

This is a point that creates the idea with creativity, think and you can do things with energy by thinking or stating the point. This is a creativity moment, so think and you know what to do. This is what is possible with what I thought. Think about the moment and it is generated by idea there. This is a known effect.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

think and know; this is a point that's done, if you think and work with the spirit you create with the point or result that happens. this is a known effect.

think and do; the point you think is the idea you create with the soul. This is a point from the past.

think and go; if you think and know things, then go and your server will work.

going; the point your going for is believed to be as what you say. this is a known effect.

better; he isn't blamed for things he is thought to do but didn't do.

server script
server; the server ceases to crash and is playable by feel. this happens without stress.

kio = whatever is wrong with kio is not wrong anymore. the idea and point corrects itself.


then; the point is done by feel, if you need something then you realize what it is.

minded; I am not minded by what I do.

money; on glance of money I don't have to pay it to someone.

illegal drugs; trouble.

energy; divine.

end; done things that create with a result by what you do.

thinking; this is just thinking, not anything happens by it if you don't want or intend the effect.

ups; they deliver today quicker by feel.

finding; I find something to do. I clean up and that is those who are into them. This is all I did by the point that exists.

bill in congress; the 2nd stimulus payment is agreed upon, and there is a path to make an agreement quick enough to work miracles.

server; the game server will work and I can load it, this is with people playing it. this happens without losing connection.

things taken; things taken without permission are returned by feel. 

amazon; they send the shipment today and early, no matter the point.

2nd stimulus check; there is good chance of a more than 1200 dollar check and multiple checks.

yu t goamnt avy ee amoe o aaw = atleantian for: go make the government give multiple amounts of money. pronounced as yuhn t go-amount aye-vee ee aim-owe-ehn oh aid-aww.

the judgess; she lives by feel and recovers.

en; the idea is a point you think, so whatever occurs you are aware of what is possible. If you think it's possible and not involving me, then it is if necessary.

politics; Watch the fun, then you shall get what you think to get. This is a known effect.

amazon delivery; they get to deliver it today, quickly.

head country; this is where I can get great bbq sauce with no problem.

caz; her computer works by feel and she can play the teraria game.

think; the game is playable, if they want to play it, they will.

amazon; the amazon package is delivered early today that I get.

think; the point is made and it works by feel.


thought point; this came from an escaped murderer before he died. Think about it. I think I read enough to know who did things and where, so this ends the chapter by feel.

update; the att system is just updated and the 7001 cell number is not needed.

writing stuff

Listening points:

Youtube channel lafayette's channel.

Lafayette Terry, Jr-owner
(ask for Lafayette Jr.)


Current things that are done:

Songcast sells page:



 You can contact Spellhawk the coauthor of this page @ 405 225 1268 and ask for Spelly or leave a message.

copyright 2020

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