Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, September 30, 2019

Suggested Runic use

These are suggestions for a runeset that you can view the symbols of here or here at sunnyway. These are runes you create with by thinking of your purpose, then draw, trace or carve the runic symbol somehow. Then you can get an effect. There is a meister runic page for the sigils and stuff you can do with it. This is reposted with permission from TG on Discord and Sunnyway for the elder futhark image. These are:

Runic music: Look here for the runic music that appeases the ears.

Some notes:
Avoid eihwaz and hagalaz and not too much wunjo.
Gebo Fehu are great where Ansuz is good for dreams.

Their properties are:

Fehu - Chest and respiratory problems
Uruz - Muscles and anything connected with bodily strength
Thurisaz - Heart
Ansuz - Mouth, teeth, throat, stutters
Raido - Legs and gluteal muscles
Kaunaz - Cysts, ulcers, abscesses and boils and any fever associated
Gebo - Toxic poisoning
Wunjo - Breathing problems
Hagalaz - Wounds, grazes, cuts
Nauthiz - The arms
Isa - Any loss of feeling or sensation
Jera - Bowel or digestive disorders
Eihwaz - Eye problems
Perth - Anything associated with childbirth or sexual organs
Algiz - Mental or anxiety problems, head or brain, headaches
Sowelu - Burns or skin problems
Teiwaz - Rheumatics and arthritis, especially of hands
Berkana - Fertility problems
Ehwaz - Anything associated with the back
Mannaz - Sprains, pulled tendons, etc., especially of feet or ankles
Laguz - Kidneys
Inguz - Problems associated with male genitalia or weight
Othila - Genetic problems, anything inherited
Dagaz - Fear, distress, nervous problems, mental illness
Found these from a source


Fehu Eats or Wealth
Uruz Heals
Thurisaz Fights
Ansuz Tells
Raidho Dances/Plays
Kenaz Understands
Gebo forgives
Wunjo Perfects
Hagalaz Destroys
Nauthiz Imprisons
Isa keeps
Jera Rewards
Eihwaz Awakens
Perthro God Plays Dice, Give or take
Algiz Protects
Sowilo Succeeds
Tiwaz Pacifies
Berkana Hides & Provides
Ehwaz Travels
Mannaz Thinks
Laguz Dreams, can be used for emotions, rejeuvenates
Inguz Combines or energy results
Dagaz Transforms
Othala Possess
Summary of all the runes in my view

If you want to make use of sigils, that creates with the subconscious and works in idea. See then you do things with the symbol. Think of the idea to do and create the effect by tracing, drawing or carving the sigil in mind. Then the subconscious creates the point you need and you get what you want. This is listed more here at my page for sigil marks and the creation process is here.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Extra spells

This is extra spells that exist somewhere and create for me by the power of the subconscious mind, otherwise this is done if a point is made as if non malignant and not with the consciousness. That means the disease is asleep and you get away with whatever you need. This is a point in idea.

Focus; if you focus on the idea, then you create the point by statement. That does what you intend and no problems happen to occur.

Created wealth; make attention and you create wealth by them paying you if necessary.

Truckers focus; this is a busy body effect, think of something to do, then focus on the idea and state or need the idea and your spirit does this idea sometimes. See you end up using your spirit to create that idea, as you do what you thought of to do.

Then think of something else and somehow you end up doing three things, that normally would have been one. This happens without stress as you focus, think and create.

That's until you stop focusing on your need and thinking to create things. Then you stop needing something and the effect stops.

Focused; the focuser is a thought that you think and the spirit creates by the soul knowing what to do, this is a point that's done and that is causing the spirit to do what is thought.

Due note: the thought is not you, so think about things you would wand and you can create what you need by spirit influence. You will realize where you can find the idea.

All you need to do is go get the idea, that's where the item (if any) is discounted or free. So think and you know what to do.

Thinking; this is where you think, focus and create.

Rootbeer tea; this is a great tea to use, if you have the black tea and an a&w root beer packet. Mix together with sugar or sugar substitute and you create with a thought as the tea is drunk.

Food; I will not force myself to eat anymore. Things work out by feel.

Think; the idea is done, you know the results and this is a point shown by feel.

Pray n sleep; think of your need and pray for things then sleep and your cured.

Mail; the mail comes early on by feel, delivering the needed mail that is money or otherwise a package.

Drug free; Cline is thinking to use an idea. So use the eihwaz for dope effects, this is where you create the effect of painlessness without using drugs.

Creating; if you can focus on a thought, you create by spirit or the soul gives you insight by what is done.

Weight; the weight of the human body drops its excess weight and fat appearance dissipates away. This allows the weight to disappear from the body, and then if it comes back the weight is lesser. So keep losing weight and some time the weight will be low enough, you can do what you need with magic.

Then; whatever things you decide to do, you can do by feel. This is the way things are with weight. This in the effect is where the weight doesn't come back.

Lafayette's mail; think and know, his important mail reaches him by feel.

Focus and feel; the consciousness you have is thought, the idea is intent and you create sometimes by the energy consciousness, this is causing others to feel what you need by idea you think as intent. They act on idea they realize and this is what you can get.

Create a sigil; empower the symbol by thinking its going to do something, trace and draw or carve the symbol think of what you want and need the now sigil to do your idea as if intent. Then you cast a spell by sigil where you trace or carve the symbol and get an effect.

Mail; the mail comes early today, delivery of my package is done.

Think; this is what will occur, if you think about it, this doesn't happen if you don't need it. The way of life is this, if you need it you experience it, otherwise if you don't need it this stops itself.

Eat and go; this is where you think of what you need and eat or drink a little. Then the body does what is necessary and this creates what is needed by the energy of the body going up and the waist going down. This happens by feel, then you create by what is done.

Water sphere; if you really need a psiball in the air, then make use of the heat or fire energy that's directed by thinking to create a water particle  sphere, this sphere does what you want by influenced energy consciousness.
So the end result is where the particles do what you need and influence  is cast, that's done by the awareness of the sphere. This is used to make by your feel the effect.

See this effect is what you desire by heat and water particles. So the vibrations can be heard, if you intend really the voice to be heard. So think of what you need to be heard or done and it is.

This can be tension relief, think of the effect and you create with tension energy. This effects by thinking the idea of using tension energy, then forming a ball of it with thinking of a sphere.

Think its there between the thumb and forefinger, then cast it forth by two fingers and the thumb moving forward. You can see the result, at least psychically or if your thinking to send the energy. That effects a black spot on the wall.

Fairy sphere; this spell creates a sphere that separates from time the target or target area. That is make and do, where you think of the sphere forming around the person made of green heart energy.

So this works as you think something like "fairy sphere, activate", or thinking the green energy does what you want or need. This is released by thinking the sphere is released by feel.

Things; things work out and create what you need, think of the idea and you could get the point.

The elemental fairy; This is where you think to stream energy from the five fingers to the thumb and imagine a being form that is an elemental fey, otherwise it could be a fey bathing in your energy. This fairy can create what you think or need as a wish and the point is done by feel.

Positive; identified, identification or good feel.
En; this is the end of the idea, think of the effect to cast and you get a point of result.
New one on me; the point isn't known yet.
Bro; brother.
Malarky; Mischief, disbelivable actions.
Fast; eating habit
Yew; death
Sonobello; body weight fat reducing action by laser like energy that saps the fat cells of the body and causes weight loss.
Embellish; make up, creative lie.
Ezti = coat; ecstasy, feel good, this is a point you feel good by wearing a coat.
Hobbies; this is the hobby idea, that is done if necessary or needed by feel.
The need; think of verification then do the idea. This is a point in play.
En = the end is done, time to think of something else.
Enter if you must, but don't expect much. That's all for now. Ciou.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Thinking spells 5

This is a point you think and create what you think by manifest what you believe you will get. This is a point by feel if you consider the act, then you will understand the moment. So if you know what to do, then do what you can.

Some spells; left side of = means effect, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you.

let's do; this is where you create the effect and think what you wish, then you get things for the area.

let's note the doings; the psychic activity in the area is hot, this means its high in activity. So all you need to do is note down what is done by spirits and beings such as entities, then you can create with the idea and the point is done.

done and do; this is where you are dead and thinking of the point to do, think of how you died and then the great eagle that services both life and death will bring you to where you need to be. This is done and done again if necessary, now stay gone cat. Now I can enjoy myself.

Your thought; this effects people that work with you, think to cancel the bad energy by reprogramming and the idea is gone. This means that the bad effects that are happening to you won't happen to you anymore. This also means that disease you had disappeared, so think to ensure yourself of this fact by drinking water and tea. That's either decaffeinated or caffeinated if you want to stay up longer. This is a done deal that creates the point of calm, and then the drug they put into the water will cause you to remain cured for a long period of time. This is a point to the past.

The repeats; these are waves, energy that creates by feel what you think to create in the area. The repeats are done by the astral shell, cast off by idea then suits the point. This is something that created the point that you had. So think and you create something better. By feel this is what you can do with the third eye by idea, this is where you see and the perception you think is there is what is a point there or what could have occurred. Trace the moments, then you can know for certain what you want to do. That is all there is to this.

practice; I have been practicing a skill during my walks through the city. I close my eyes and feel the point 12 inches above my head, as an orb of energy. From that point I scan my surroundings and continue on down the sidewalk with my eyes closed as I construct the scenery around me in my third eye from energy recieved from the point above my head

weaving; this is where internally you have a world and externally your in a world or space itself, so change the internal energy vibration by changing something internally to change things externally with a flow of energy. This energy can flow, however you want the idea to flow and this effects anywheer you want it to flow. So if you think to create the flow of elements you create the change that you think into existence. This is acceptance of the fact and you are aware of anything that occurs.

How sigils work; I can make any type of spell using sigils, but its not guaranteed. think of your need, if you draw/trace/carve the sigil, then it will happen, if possible. well the consciousness of the rune/sigil senses your need as a thought and is programmed to use its own resources, aka whatever its linked to, and forms reality to create your idea as intent. this is where you think of a symbol, draw/trace/carve it as you think of your idea to create and do. this uses brainwaves to create the idea and you make what you think into becoming manifested. See to marking down/draw the sigil and write what you want it to do, then you can create the effect by remembering what it does. this is a standard practice. the consciousness of energy creates what is needed, that is wanted by the rune/sigil in effect and you make what you think by feel. drawing the image gives it a bit more power since it is physically tethered to our world.

So the consciousness with idea of energy is using the magic energy or a deep blue energy signature. yes, the runes serve well. they are the sigillic alphabet. that means they are considered runic. I use the atleantian symbols myself. they are more powerful as they are older. so they are empowered by the energy of the planet. they direct the sigil to your need that is thought. the atleantian are in a dimension that creates the effect here where you need it. even across water bodies. this is rather interesting as a point is created where its needed. the symbol I like is crine that creates what you think, as you draw/trace/carve the symbol and this symbol is a spiral. meaning the creation symbol will dwindle what is not needed, and then create what is needed by released energy. however drawing and symbol doesn't really take our energy, it uses the consciousness of energy conscious state, that means it creates what you think and all you need to do is think and state the effect by feel.

u-dyh uike wet ryj =  atleantian for: no guilt happens weight loss. pronounced [you-dihn wike-eh weet ridge].

instant weight loss; this is use of your third eye to cause the weight loss by feel and thinking of what you need.

third eye vision; this is a moment you think to see a sign of what is to happen. this uses the third eye by focus with thought and the pinneal gland activating the third eye. When you think not to see things, then the pinneal gland deactivates and things seem to be normal.

focus; the idea is a point, the area is the thing, this is a moment you think to create with by feel.

game; the area is in use, so think about what you want and you could get what you need.

game end; the area is ended or the the game reaches a point with conclusion. think of your need and you can get the idea if you imagine or think of the idea as an end result. that's if you need to end the game.

afterwords; this is a point that after the effect, you can say its an idea that is done. so think and you will know what you can do.

writing stuff

ad = that's an advertisement don't react.
add = additional use may be required.
lang = its, common language, this is language that is done if spoken and intended.
Thought = focus, that is of the brain.
stifled feelings = reaction, stifled reaction. This can be a bad reaction if thought is stifled too long.
end point = none doing point.
stifled emotions = abuse, that's what happens if you keep from talking about things you feel are important and intend to keep silent. This is not intentional.

remembrance; I remember as if that moment, this is point in idea that the third eye eye can see.

recipes and potions

strength potion; combine with water: stevia, paprika or smoked paprika, dark chocolate stevia, coconut, pepper, cayene pepper or pumpkin spice, celery seed, and bay leaf crumbles. Thinking to the water, 'strengthen me, at least temporarily.' This is done as you put 3 swathes of honey in the water, mix up and drink. The effects are temporary so think of things to do after the effects wear off. As you won't know until a point occurs, that the effect wore off, where you won't be able to open something up..

extra strength potion; combine with water: stevia, paprika or smoked paprika, dark chocolate stevia, coconut, pepper, cayene pepper or pumpkin spice, celery seed, turmeric, and bay leaf crumbles. Thinking to the water, 'strengthen me, at least temporarily.' This is done as you put 3 swathes of honey in the water, mix up and drink. The effects are temporary so think of things to do after the effects wear off. As you won't know until a point occurs, that the effect wore off, where you won't be able to open something up.

game stuff

Owl's wisdom feat; This is where you get wiser and create by idea or result easier, as though an owl imparted its wisdom. Add +5 to wisdom and +3 to focus.

Dexturious creation; This is where you create with a greater dexterity, that's from the point of focus and creation by idea to get better response. Add 5 to dexterity and use a +3 to reflex rolls.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Basic thoughts

This some basic thoughts I found interesting, that I scanned from people.

The thought; I think the thought, the idea is what may happen, if necessary.
This point; The idea is a concept, think and you know what things are as stated.
The idea; This is a point you think and create with weight loss. Think this and you lose your need to eat.
Think an idea; This is where you think an idea, that occurs if you need the point.
This point in idea; This is a point you think, the idea is done if you consider it done.

These are some points to do:

Sound adjustment. This is lowering the sound, if you think it's too much.
This thinking point. This is a point you observed so think and you can make use of the idea.
The idea you need. This point is a concept, if you need it think about your money and do things if you have enough.

The idea are as written, think to use them as suggestion if you want some results.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Felt idea in use magic

This is using an idea that transforms you back to human shape, then if your some other form made by thinking the shape is you and attempting to shift into that shape. This an idea "if done" by what you do. Think of the idea and you create by the point you have, that sometimes as you state the pointed out idea.

Some spells; the left side of = means effect, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

mind trick; think to cause what you need, the feel you send to others is received by actions being done an feel the point. This works with the point of imagining the person as he or she does things, then they receive the image and do what is needed. Otherwise you can't make them do things, as they are either aware of it or don't want to respond. Then magic is necessary, think of what you need and state the idea as intention. If they respond, then your lucky. If not then you wait for the effective response. This is all in the mind./

weight loss; This is where you use a spell and use up your body weight, and then you can lose weight by feel. This uses the weight energy up if you think it does and then you end up weighing less. This is how the effect works. So if you think you cast spells and it's enough activity that's done, you end up down in weight.

en = the end is what you feel or think and then the point is done.

enter this room; this room is a void room, that you imagine or glace at a code to enter. Then you credate what you want or wish and that is all you need.

energy orb; create energy within hand or hands into an orb, with intended energy by feel. Peace, joy, whatever you like, then either touch or send to a person by throwing.

leave; this is an effect of idea, think you create the point of leaving and your subconscious does what you need.

fate; the weird effect is what you think. the elemental idea is what this does. this is an elementalism with the idea that you think to use as a source, otherwise the source is an elemental effect that you think to use or create by thinking about and needing. think this is an effect, then it is done. that's how this idea works in an idiot.

Energy consciousness; this is an energy of the area and body or bodies that exists by feel with life. think to work with the idea, then you create with a point that is done by the idea of what happens. this is a known effect.

idea; this is using an idea that happens to end what is done, think of the effect and the idea happens if you need the point of a retreat.

12th dimension; this is an idea that you do things and end up in the 12th dimensyion, the self-seeking dimension. This is where there is floating discs, that seek to nail you as you do things there and there are beings that are quite fast. They would do the same to you if you allowed them to do so. This is a known idea.

entropy effect; the effect of entropy is what slows anything down,if the self-seeking targeters are after you think to use gravity and you can slow them down as a point is observed. This is a known effect, so think to use this when you need to defend against self-seeking deathlike idea.

with this; the idea is a point with an idea this effects for you and you don't have to be there. this is an effect that you create by feel, with a point you know then creation is what you can do. this is a point you think and create, that can make what you want and you know what to do.

eat less; this is where you eat no more than a few bites and that's about it.

Elementalism defense; What do you think of this? Think of death doing what you want and decaying energy from the body comes from the aura and either dissipates as a death cloud or the idea is a energy comet. Where you focus energy and create by feel, the idea is done by thinking of the moment and feel it flared in the area. This is the comet tail flare. Otherwise think of electricity forming in the air, hold out your arms and think of the energy going to the area as it flows along the air above the ground. Then rising up and shocking the target. This is the electromagnetics that work for you.

Then you can use the heat in the air, then creating a point of fire, that created the effect of warmth in the aura. Think to flare the heat, you burn away the degraded essence in the area nearby and produce air that you breathe. The other things this is useful for is creating no demonic possession. This makes the point of idea where the demon hates fire, and you create with fire if you think to flare the heat in the area with flammable material.

If you think to hit with fire or electricity. Then you create a counterpoint and cause the person or being to go back a step or more. This is a mega hit and by thought its effective. If you hold energy by directing the electricity energy to go in through the aura, then you create by focus and whatever gets near is jolted by idea with nearness. A solar flare by the way, this is creating with focused solar or an imagined light that is used in the area, then imagine the energy of the sun flare amongst the aura and you create a point of intense heat.

The area effect, this is where you focus energy of the body to create a jolt that either gets a delayed reaction or forces them to leave you alone. The dancing maneuver is this, think of the energy flaring in the aura and then intense feel will keep the area clear of nuisances, especially if you dance toward or away from them. There a way is an idea, but not always doable. As all they need to do is reach out and touch, otherwise punch out and you make the person stop if you hit them right.
Cool, right? Its a way to defend yourself using elementalism that doesn't require a hit.

So if you combine this with alchemy, then you create the effect of what the elements do and that uses herbs to create what you need. The herbs list is here, [ ] or here, [ ] and if you want to use the herbs to make potions you may do so. This creates the effect of peace, pumpkin spice or chilli pepper, vanilla extract, turmeric and oregano. Mix with stevia or splenda in water and drink. Then if you think to heat the water up, you create with heat energy and that uses your focus to create by what you say. This is an effective idea indeed, if you think of other effective idea then feel free to send me the idea to

drewst cha'kohk. = drow for: remove curse. this even removes a green sphere effect. think of person to effect when saying this spell.

here's a psychic defense; think of the green sphere that surrounds the psychic and separates them from reality. Then you create with an idea energy that is what you do, and that works by feel and is produced from the heart energy in use or the blood flow that replicates a heart that is seen in zelda, breathe of the wild. This stops the psychic from effecting you. So think of this if you want to end an effect that you don't like, think "in en effect" to stop the effect without effecting a psychic. This works if you think it does, so think and you know what you can do. So "drewst cha'kohk" if you want to end this effect. This is drow for: remove curse. This even removes a green sphere effect. Think of person to effect when saying this spell to end their curse.

en if in this; this is the end of the point and that is an effect, think "an in" or use is an ancient intended meaning to end the point that occurs. I think the effect is cool, think of things to work with mine and I will reward you. ciou.

fat suit; think your creating with a fat suit then you act as though with excess weight, and what you do is make your weight disappear by removing it. This is mimicking or actual doing the removal of a fat suit, once you remove one that convinces the subconscious to drop your excess weight. This happens by adjustment of the eating habit and the weight goes down, that is done as you eat better. If you lose your fat suit, then you lose your extra weight and fat cells disappear. This is a known effect by feel.

power of orn; the orb of citrine is a focus and this orb creates what you want by what you need.

Negativity; I am not effected by negative comments, otherwise negative comments that are constructive are not impacting me badly.

power of rzu; the god named odin the one-eyed. he likes what is done if it suits you.

razor edge; the razor edge that effects things by spirit feel. this is an idea of mine.

power of zo; the zone electrical energy that serves what you need by feel and thought waves created result.

Ego dun mid = I don't mind you, pronounced [Ee-go dune midas].

begoneth hex = this spell removes the effect of a curse. Think of the point and the effect disappears. Sorta like saying, "an in" and that is yet another way to remove effect. that you think to create with a point and this isn't a struck blow.

in an essence = tis is where you in use a drink or food, then you create by the feel and think your not getting in trouble and your spirit does what you think.

I removed my fat suit = I no longer have extra weight.

I got rid of my fat suit = I no longer have extra weight and this weight doesn't come back. I think getting in shape is a point in regard to what you do.

Negativity; I am not effected by negative comments, even ones meant to hurt otherwise negative comments that are constructive are not impacting me badly in idea.

dadn apr = creative approach.

this is en idea; this is done in real time as the end by what is accomplished.

Water bottle battery; here is a water battery.. a selection of water and bottles that are arranged in a star shape. It supplies energy to get things done. It draws energy from a solar body. Its amazing as you can go on forever and adds to the area energy as you need it too. If you want to make one, think to get 13 water bottles, then the liquid stored the energy. Then by touch you link the energy to you.

writing stuff

elemental demons; Well, elemental demons are chromatic demons, they form from the death of the body as a calm and loose spirit that's enraged. This is a haunting point, and then they use the elements to create with by your need as a focus point to do. These demons are where you think to do things with the elements, so if you think of the effect you create by the feel. This is what they do, mostly if you allow them nearby. So the point is done if you think about the idea and they get your thought by idea.

This is an idea that makes it, so the elemental chromatic demon will leave you alone. If you think they go somewhere else, then they leave the area and you don't feel their influence. If you want you can kill the chromatic demon, think to have them do things and they do the effect. They are what is an idea though, this is really your spirit. THey are what you think are there, that you feel the demon's influence is what is there. This is effect by feel, if you need anything just assume a form exists that gives you something and you create the idea or effect.

So if you think you know then they kill themselves and you realize what you need to know, the point that exists is realized with the spirit knowledge.  This is the effect of the spirit that creates by your feel, if you need to know more then you do. Sometimes the chromatic demon is a loose spirit, freed from a body dying. This means that they really cannot die, so think to send them away or state, "you go away from here." Then they do as they are gone from the area and sometimes inseparatable from the self. This means if you think the character exists, then you create a character effect.

That is the presence of the area is the character. So if you think the character is gone then you dismiss the character and they disappear from the area. The demon is there if you think it is, however enraged it is by what is done. So think about the idea, and the chromatice demon will do what you want. The demon leaves naturally, if the point is where the body passes out. There is no consciousness left, this is allowing the chromatic demon to leave the area. If it's gone you recover quicker and things go well for what you need.

Heaven to a chromatic demon is another planet, btw, so think to create what you want and they create what you desire by poltergeistic activity. The ghost forms the idea by feeling the need and emotion surges a real result. This is a known effect. That means you are able to kill a ghost, feel the ghost presence and know the idea by what you do. Then think to attack by elemental fire or mana in the spirit world, this kills the spirit or drives them away by knowing what you feel.

You know then you do what is necessary as you know by your spirit and create by the feel. See that is a chromatic demon effect, that if you inversely use, you can create nearly anything by the power of the aura. This includes peace, that's where you think of the effect of peace and the aura sends energy that creates peace of mind. See the matrix of life is sometimes the use of things. So what you think is what is done, especially if you are near them and the energy of the aura heals them by what you think to do.

Think and create; This is cline where you think to create and you develope further where magic will create as you wish. Magic will also create you it seems to me. It's not always this is a spell, do this, unless your a manager of someplace. That's because if you do things right, sometimes you invoke a dangerous point.. that triggers the body to having a clone and the clone looks like you. Yea perthro apparently does this, so this being yet knows more and also what you know.

Yes it is interesting, the clone will appear in the same spot your in and you dissipate into energy as a guardian spirit. See that is there in soul form. So it's fascinating. The psionic people, they talk of a "signature". This clone may have the same psi-signature as you do. Yet not always.. so I think its the same if your around him or her. Otherwise its different. It forms by feel, the body uses magic to activate the self-birth gene. That then creates by the idea you do and if it was sick, the new body seems to make it recover, wherever you are.

Ah this gene is amazing, it uses magic of the blood flow to pause time, the body raises the child and then you are "energy" as it replaces you. See that seems to be what happens. The shift of your body allows you to go to a higher plane or another planet. The area is where your spirit is showing you, that is the place you think of either in name or with imagination by the third eye. So that is where you have the birth if you need to be there, otherwise it's in the higher plane.

This is a place your clone energy comes from your cells and forms the clone out of thin air, already formed. When you shift back, the clone is already there. So you can shift it to another place it would want to be or remain as energy in form. Yes that's the theory, anyway. This higher plane is similar to here, except for the attitudes. That is where they allow for anything there. So I think its a cloning world.

So if you do anything dangerous, otherwise stupid, then you know you will survive. See it's an amazing point of biology and magic. The self-birthing gene is supposedly in females yet it is also present in men as well. I understand is a more painful process. So that means they don't always do it. The spirit knows things by the soul that finds them out. Then by insight you realize through the spirit, you know them too. The spirit is the consciousness of the body.

When you use the pinneal gland that activates the third eye, and you know by feel if it feels right. See you know you have a clear connection to the soul, when you feel or know what is there and realize things as insight. the soul is insight, yanno. Basically use the power of the soul, and you can create what you need. This is an effect of the body, that you know if it's true with the feelings you have. The soul gives you the feelings by that means, this is done with what you need to know. So this allows where you think it doesn't effect you and it doesn't.

recipes and potions

tartar sauce; use miracle whip with pickle relish and mix together. how long the tartar sauce lasts is up to the use.

potion of smoothness; this is the best potion effect, that creates what you think and makes with the vibes of area. I call it the vibes potion, mix the pumpkin spice, vanilla extract, turmeric and smoked paprika and maybe oregano with water as you think "relaxing" as you state the word. The area effect is peace of mind by the aura influence that you have in the area. This uses celery seed mixed in as you think to create less need to spend money. This is an effect of idea, that works by feel and mskes with what you have or can get. If your in a calm mood, then you know the idea works by feel.

coconut grape; this is mixing coconut stevia, sugar or sugar substitute and grape drink mix with tea or water.

potion of fitness; Think to use parsely flakes, pumpkin spice or cayenne pepper, vanilla extract and some substitute sugar and you don't feel pain as you work out.

potion of satiation; This is to use celery seed with turmeric and possibly dark chocolate and vanilla extract. So anything could be a potion of satiation.

drink of pumpkin; this is a drink ala pumpkin and flavor, that is sweet to the taste and creates better by feel. this is where you add substitute sugar and that is stevia with pumpkin spice to a drink or drink.

definitions: (skip to end)

daen = doen
in = is or ihs
th = this, detail or detael
tarp = covering by a point.

game stuff

Ninja warrior class
This is a ninja warrior in dnd terms, so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration..feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success.

Ninja skills
Martial arts; the ninja warrior has a natural martial arts that is realized as a skill and able to be used as a point is done. This includes karate, judo and tai chi. You succeed with a 10 or above result on a focus skill check or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. The effect is if in numbers per each 3 focus skill ranks, +1d8+cha mod in points and that's from 9 focus ranks and 5 cha mod. The duration is this effect in rounds in melee and minutes outside combat, if for non instant effects.

Creation; think to create and your intent is your idea to do, this energy is enough to cause weight loss or make a target seem to weigh less, or other idea is manifested wherever you need it as the conscious of energy creates the effect. Think to roll a focus skill check getting a 10 or above or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. That is for success with the effect of every 2 focus skill ranks as a point with a d6 and charisma mod as damage, healing or duration. This means 5d6+5 points for a 10 focus rank and 5 charisma mod. Duration effects for non instant effects such as elemental (water, fire, earth, air or etc..) or some other thing such as sleep, that is using your element though it's one you choose. The duration in effect is in rounds per melee and minutes for things outside of combat mode.

Think to do (Ex); the point is made, if you think about what you need you can get it. You find what you look for by feel. This happens with a roll of 10 or above and using a focus roll or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut.. After level 5, this turns into the point ability. That's when the point is made, yet no damage occurs to you or any item and the idea is done in play. This is doing an enhanced think and do, where no damage occurs to you and you can get what you need by feel.

Aura effect; this effect is what is any aura effect and where you think of what you need and the aura energy creates what you needed within 10 or less feet from you. The roll for success is 1d20+focus rank with 10 or above or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut as success. The effect is per each 2 focus skill ranks, +1d8+cha mod. That's 3d8+6 points for 6 focus ranks and 6 charisma mod. The duration is this effect in rounds in melee and minutes outside combat for non instant effects. if you don't intend it then it won't happen.

Think and do; think of your need and those that feel the point will do something about it by the spirit consciousness energy. This is a thing to do. This can kill anything if you don't have a resistance rolled to it. Otherwise you can do things and then you make what you think, this is non elemental to some degree. If you have a 10 or above on a focus roll or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut then you succeed.

Aura projection; the aura energy moves by the spirit the effect you think is done. Then if you feel, the idea is using an achieved thing by what you do. This can knock someone out for 1d10 rounds in melee or this is minutes outside of combat. Otherwise this can create what you need like a push or element manifest. The side effect is where you realize things to remember them by living through the moment, this means you remember what you forget.

Where you can forget things is by remembering other things. That's what polarizing your energy does. That you do with this effect. So when you imagine an idea or result, then you create by feel and make with what exists. This has a side effect of making your target pass out for 1d6 rounds in melee and 1d10 minutes outside of combat. You succeed on a 10 or above with a focus skill check or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. The effect is per each 2 focus skill ranks, +1d10+cha mod. The duration is this effect in rounds in melee and minutes outside combat for non instant effects.

Mystical ability; what you think exists will exist by feel, that means you create where you think you create and uncreate where you were not needing something. This creates the elements and other effect by what you need to happen or occur what you wish. They exist outside of time and make themselves through gated effect. See the mind directs the motion and you create by will. The energy consciousness creates what you intend to be created, wherever you need this created by idea or thought with things noticed.

You succeed with a rolled 10 or above using a focus skill checkor pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. The effect is per each 2 levels, +1d10+focus rank. The duration is this effect in rounds in melee and minutes outside combat for non instant effects.

Things in action; the things in action are a point you use the idea or thought to sometimes avoid is done. This happens to allow natural skill in usage of items without a roll or this is avoidance by a reflex roll with +5, think of the use of picking the shortest or longest straw that is cut for success. The things you can use are naturally used items, that is with realized insight from the soul.

Mystical illusion; the effects of energy are done as the aura and mind create with the consciousness of energy. The energy present the thought of intended idea, the idea you have is not unlike an illusion that disappears after you don't need it. You succeed with a rolled 10 or above using a focus skill checkor pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. The effect is per each 2 levels, +1d10+focus rank. The duration is this effect in rounds in melee and minutes outside combat for non instant effects.

Mental library; the books are soul knowledge, they are gathered in book or computer form by the spirit knowing what is there or what is done. The idea is realized by soul insight, borrowing a book makes it copied. Buying a book makes this copied and this is knowable to you instantaneously.

The mental library is created in your inner world, and you enter or leave it and do things there by thinking you do. Roll a die 20 focus check and get a 10 or above or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. This ability is used to make what you want known.

Yei yeah ye; this halts anyone that you think is doing bad. This stuns anyone if you roll a 10 or higher result on a focus skill check or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut..

Mana manipulation; this is death energy transformed and unprogrammed in the planet, think to use the idea and you create by words or thought on intent by the spirit idea you need to happen and you realize by feel. Mana energy is permanent, so use this as a point of idea comes to you and you don't mind the effect. The idea is easily reformable by mana, so its not permanent if you think its not and the mana does the reform. You succeed with a rolled 10 or above using a focus skill check or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. The effect is per each 2 levels, +1d12+focus rank. The duration is this effect in rounds in melee and minutes outside combat for non instant effects.

Mana form; this is the ability to change your form and create as though unchanged as you shape your soul to create the effect. So your spirit boosted stats are +5 to int, +6 to con, +4 to wis, +7 to str and +8 to dex. Unless otherwise noted, you have unnatural slenderness by feel. So you have weight loss by what you do and causing this, you gain +3 to charisma and charm rolls. You can change your shape at will and succeed with a form shift by a rolled 10 or above using a focus skill check or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. However you don't need to eat or drink, that means the creator supplies what you need by mana. Its an idea if you get a result by feel. Think and you know what to do as in idea its the effect.

So I know; This is an idea that is done if you realize things, then you can create the point and you know what will happen. This is done by an idea for a check of skills. Think and you know what you can do.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Thinking magic II

Thinking a thought for magic is fun. You don't always know what will happen, except for things done by the soul. This is a point in the past, if you think about the idea, then you could form or create the point by fee or feel.

Think to do; this is a moment or idea to achieve what you need, think of the idea and you can create the point of answering people's questions.

Think and know; think about something and you kill the moment now by idea if you don't need it.

Dorian; the hurricane dissipated its energy and dissolves into nothing.

The trick; think to need something and create by feel. Because it was needed, it was formed and you find it somewhere. This is where you know to find it.

Think; the lucid dream is formed, the idea is done. Go do something good for you know its an idea.

That; this works with engineering, think of using magic and you create better idea. This used an idea to make what is necessary and things work by feel.

Mispronounced n; this means in Peru the end and here in American "and". This is a point in idea.

Mail; the mail will come early on and bring my package. Also the mail that comes brings Paul Truitt a check.

Curses; the curses don't happen, the charms do if necessary though. This works without any stress.

Weight; my fat drops away and I except for object weight.

Slimming; think of energy being a sheath that you imagine surrounding your body and then focus the thought, that you naturally have as a point is where you feel the body slimming. This creates the slimness effect by what you do. This is effective by moving around.

Eating trick; if larger in a heavier moment don't eat, unless you want to eat large. If you do, then you might seem to appear smaller in shape. This is a point of effect.

This can mean eat until you don't feel hungry, then exercise like crazy and work off the excess food energy. This reduces the body swell, and if you need to exercise enough by using up the body energy excess. 

Then you appear slenderer by feel and create after a few times control over your hunger and weight loss where maybe you lose your excess weight.

Plants; they take in energy as a source and this uses water, then creates what you need by feel. If you don't water it, the effect might be what you think will happen to occur.

Constitution; as the constitution is higher, the body weighs lesser  and this is 1 to 3 lbs per point of constitution lesser.

Weight control; the body mass weight drops with each point of constitution. This works without any tiredness.

Poof a weight problem; any time weight problem is mentioned, then the excess weight disappears.

Here's a thumbtack; this is a known pointing thing, that sticks in the area.

The mail; the mail comes  earlier today, this is done by feel and the mailman brings Donovan's and Evans check.

Elemental defense; What do you think of this? Think of death doing what you want and decaying energy from the body comes from the aura and either dissipates as a death cloud or the idea is a energy comet. Where you focus energy and create by feel, the idea is done by thinking of the moment and feel it flared in the area. This is the comet tail flare.

Otherwise think of electricity forming in the air, hold out your arms and think of the energy going to the area as it flows along the air above the ground. Then rising up and shocking the target. This is the electromagnetics that work for you.

Otherwise you can use the heat in the air, then creating a point of fire, that created the effect of warmth in the aura. Think to flare the heat, you burn away the degraded essence in the area nearby and produce air that you breathe.

The other things this is useful for is creating no demonic possession. This makes the point of idea where the demon hates fire, and you create with fire if you think to flare the heat in the area with flammable material.
If you think to hit with fire or electricity. Then you create a counterpoint and cause the person or being to go back a step or more. This is a mega hit and by thought its effective.

If you hold energy by directing the electricity energy to go in through the aura, then you create by focus and whatever gets near is jolted by idea with nearness. This can be overdone, so think to lessen the effect and the area electronics won't die on you.

A solar flare by the way, this is creating with focused solar or an imagined light that is used in the area, then imagine the energy of the sun flare amongst the aura and you create a point of intense heat.

The area effect, this is where you focus energy of the body to create a jolt that either gets a delayed reaction or forces them to leave you alone.

The dancing maneuver is this, think of the energy flaring in the aura and then intense feel will keep the area clear of nuisances, especially if you dance toward or away from them.

There a way is an idea, but not always doable. As all they need to do is reach out and touch, otherwise punch out and you make the person stop if you hit them right.

The area effect, this is where you focus energy of the body to create a jolt that either gets a delayed reaction or forces them to leave you alone.

The dancing maneuver is this, think of the energy flaring in the aura and then intense feel will keep the area clear of nuisances, especially if you dance toward or away from them.

There a way is an idea, but not always doable. As all they need to do is reach out and touch, otherwise punch out and you make the person stop if you hit them right.

The area effect, this is where you focus energy of the body to create a jolt that either gets a delayed reaction or forces them to leave you alone.

The dancing maneuver is this, think of the energy flaring in the aura and then intense feel will keep the area clear of nuisances, especially if you dance toward or away from them.

Think to send the energy, that is electrical and this uses the water particles in the air to send itself to some area or where the target is there by feel.

This is where you think something will work and it does, so think of things and the idea is done by the subconscious. That's especially useful, if you think of the need and the idea is there.

There a way is an idea, but not always doable. As all they need to do is reach out and touch, you can otherwise punch out and you make the person stop if you hit them right. It's a way to defend yourself using elementalism.
Think to use "an in" with a statement, as that means no way in ancient that the spirit does. This creates less tension and releases the energy you hold.

So that stops things from happening if bad and you then feel better. This happens by feel, if you think about things, then you create by feel. This is a point in idea.

Seen is the effect that is noticed by the third eye, or otherwise there's less tension from the idea of release. So laugh a little, then you can relieve yourself of extra stress in dissolved tension.

Eater effect; this effect is where you think water heals and the particles of water heals you. The idea is this, think of a moment and you create by the focus with words.

This causes you to eat more if you feel intense enough, so think cool and your calm. Then you don't eat as you hold off and create by feel.

Think peace and the aura creates the effect through the energy perceived, the effect is done of peaceful interaction.

She's more technical; she is more motivated to do things by machine working. So I guess I will accept this as a point.

Think a point; this is a point to desire, that her aspects are sometimes nearby. I think kids are out of the question, so this will work. For now I am off, so those that need me can find me if they need something. This is a point in the aspects of life. Think and you know what to do.

Think; think the answer and create by feel.

Sun cooking; this is what used the sun and leaving out something to cook, then you work with a cooked food.

Mail; the mail comes and this is early, that mail is what I need to come. This happens without stress.

Neck crick; the idea is done, think and know, the crick disappeared.

20; I gain 20 dollars and keep it.

Idea; you create story with what you say and do what you want.

A'dam; think and you do, this means those effected are not responsible for what you do. Unless you create by feel, then you create your own freedom.

Think; the point is done if you consider it done by the soul, this created what you want or needed by idea. This is the power of words.

Thoughts; Otherwise you can think it's just a thought and thoughts aren't you. So you aren't effected by the thought. This is a point in idea. Things that are spoken are sometimes in effect, like the statement of 'in effect', 'in use' or 'in idea' create a point of dispelling the idea in use. This is especially true, if you use 'this' or 'known' with the statement.


May = can; will possibly.
Tege = Target; hit.
Create; make.
How; hi or high.
Huin; ruin or hune.
Fate; faith.
Woo = win, winning
Con 29 +10
Poof = fix or puffy.
Tea = that.
Round = circle.
O =  I like, cool.
Fat suit; extra weight on the body or body shape. So take off your fat suit means not have anything that's fatty.
Savin your baby; sit down and work with each other.
Baby elephant; largeness.
Rip; fart.
Is = impeachment.
Skanky; the sun formed scent of bo off the body.
Deodorant; this can fix the scent.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Why attacks work on some and where to expect them

  If you want to know why attacks work on some people and not others. Read on, as its explained through detail.

  This article was written to cover for the point of attacks, the writers are many and the idea is to use what you can. That means this uses knowledge to create what you need and work what idea you have intended. Whether or not it effects the person, that is determined by the vibration of the moment. This isn't just physical vibes, this is spiritual vibration. So I think the idea is simple, use what you can and work what you will. This is a point that you think positive and work with what you have available. Also I think if you don't use judgement, you can create more friends. This is a point you think about and learn from with the energy that's there. This is a concept that exists as knwledge. The point you make is what is occurance, this means you know what is there by the spirit knowing. What isn't there is somehwhere else by feel. This is a point of knowing, so I think it's like war and you know what will happen by the feel.

  Our lot as men is to learn and, as I've said, one goes to knowledge as one goes to war; with fear, with respect, aware that one is going to war, and with absolute confidence in oneself. Put your trust in yourself. There's no emptiness in the life of a man of knowledge, everything is filled to the brim and everything is equal. For me there is no victory, or defeat, or emptiness. Everything is filled to the brim and everything is equal and my struggle is worth my while. In order to become a man of knowledge one must be a warrior. One must strive without giving up, without a complaint, without flinching, until one sees, only to realize then that nothing matters. You're too concerned with liking people or with being liked yourself. A man of knowledge likes, that's all. He likes whatever or whoever he wants, but he uses his controlled folly to be unconcerned about it.

  This is a point one uses knowledge, that depends on their frequencies vibration to what happens, maybe it's multiple factors though its where some people might be effected because of poder, that is personal ability with focus energy and power. A person is more liable to get off on things if their frequency almost matches the others frequency, or is over the others frequency, which is causing the effect of the subconscious picking up on the others need. Also for poder, if you can make the effects, then that frequency rule exists to make effects with, otherwise they shrug it off. What I mean is that like goes to like nature as this is the metarule of affinity.

  The frequency of someone is how high of dimension they are in, as to be what allows them to perceive what they do. If a person's frequency of aura is higher than ours, then we might have trouble perceiving them. All they need is thought of something, to effect it. Thus like goes to like with people and items. This is when the affinity happens. When the person is near the frequency or higher than your own, then they can effect you with something, as they have more poder and are focused on you.

  So don't ignore attacks, this is done by the fact you don't ignore them. That means this invites attacks, unless you persuade them not to attack by thinking they will stop as you feel they do. Otherwise you can think about what you need and need them to do it, this causes them to feel what you need and they do what you want. So think the effect of self-regulation and that they self-regulate themselves, this works as you speak "thine" and you cause them to effect themselves.

  Otherwise you can think it's just a thought and the thoughts aren't you. So basically, you aren't effected by the attack thinking it's just a thought. This is a point in an effect by idea. Things that are spoken are suggestion to the subconscious if you need the idea, they are sometimes in effect. The "n" is in or not and this is a misnomer meaning noted. That's like the statement of 'in effect', 'in use', 'know' or 'in idea' create the point of dispelling the idea in use or effect as a point you kill now what you think. This is obvious though, the point in effect is where your aware or what you think and not much else.

  See 'or' is order and 'd' is die, maim, chop, kill or death and anything you put it on could die off. The 'k' in use is kill off what you think is the effect. This is especially true, if you use 'this' or 'known' with the statement or thinking about the idea you use 'known' and this stops. That is how you can use the ancient latin. Where you not the effect, and this is in your mind where you think about what you notice and sometimes don't need the idea or effect.

  Then you can counter by a thought being spoken that's positive, otherwise think the thought and need it and then the idea didn't seem to happen. It's essential you keep positive, so feel free to use affirmatives and you can't go wrong. See if you want to cancel out a storm, then state 'know storm' or 'know hurricane' and then the storm will disappear by it being thought effected, and this uses the consciousness of the air to do it. So think positive and use the correct language that cancels it out.

  This is where 'it' is a hit to the spirit or eye, that's so if you are in a bad or cranky mood. Finally, 'of' in use will turn off anything, you think to work or know with a point. This is where 'of' means off in ancient, like this is based off idea where 'can' means can't and 'ca' means can. That means 'do' means die off or die other, 'di' is did, and 'did' means didn't or don't. This all depends on how you use the language, that indicates what you truely need. So don't let your thoughts drag you down, and think positive as you cancel it out if necessary.

  Then if you can't you become pie for something that's unnecessary luxury. This pie is an edible thing for beings. So feel free to use this technique, think of what you want and then work with the point of being in an upper frequency state as you suggest to their mind by idea expression, "don't attack me." Then they will stop as their subconscious took your suggestion and you no longer get effected. This always works, so think about what you want and you can get what you need. This means you create what you want by causing them to do things, you could suggest nearly anything and they could do it if you needed them to do things. If you don't need it, then its not done or otherwise they aren't summoned to the area.

  So the attackers, as when they're on different frequencies than us, it's hard to perceive them and them to perceive us. So think positively, what you feel is thought to protect yourself from the effects of others, raise your poder and your aura frequency and think not to make yourself a living target. Doing more activity and thinking, as in 'I am untouched by the effect and I raise my frequency.' Then it don't matter what they do. Still, there could be other methods, each is befitting the person. Similar to laughing at your mistakes, then laughing at problems and thinking for yourself. Otherwise your ability is where your heart is by feel or thought. Think to know or speak if you want the point known. The known point if felt, if true and even if not so true will only validate what you say. This allows things to occur and you will seem higher in vibration or raised in status.

  The ones affected by the attacks have a lower frequency than those who were affected less. Each attack attempt can lower the bodies frequency, making the body easier to effect. This is just at least temporarily done. This makes sense as it goes back up with your activity of sorts. The trick to raising the frequency is upto you, this coincides with you to find the moment out if true. This is of what you want out of others, or what your thinking from the point that exists. Impeccability is at the core of it, though. Impeccability, in this case, is the not doing something unnecessary, in order to get results and acting on the purpose which is decided on for what is done.

  So in this case, doing something unnecessary is getting emotional, which consumes maybe 70% of our energy, and stopping our inner speakings. Also, when your emotional, you tend to feed some entity, elementals and other inorganic or astral beings by those emotions that be causing the emotions. However, positive emotions don't steal our personal power, but also they make us vulnerable for psychic attacks. that kind of energy is usable, manipulatable. But, you pull low vibrational entities to you when your emotional. The best way of living with the magic is keeping your energy field clean. And also, things like fasting, -especially fasting of silence, limiting the masturbation etc.. helps you with gaining personal power.

  No sex? Nope, just limiting masturbation as sex energy is important. Its the life blood of our body's energy. Its only the body act, like doing sports and at the same time having orgasm and wasting some of your life giving energy; but its probably better than wasting that power with your own hand. When I say 'life giving', I don't mean making a baby. What I mean, is that its life energy.

  The drug overuse, may cause lower vibrations in the end, causing you to be more susceptible to attack. This is where the drug has potential to raise the energy, at first but the inhibitors in the brain override the good feel of it. Then it doesn't work too well. So, if the the right drug is used then the effect on the body is to need more of it to sustain the high state. Creating an incessant demand for it from the need. This creates the lowered effect of the aura thats around you. Making the aura deflect the bad from body less. This invites the attacks. And, you become pie for something thats unnecessary luxury. This pie is an edible thing for beings. An exception to the rule is Salvia, which leaves your energy up and there's no lessened vibrations. The fact of this is that you are more liable to be be hurt by stupidity.

  Part of survival in this idea is warrior's tactics, to seek out and handle situations or defeat the petty tyrant or seek out problems to 'fix' them in your way. Attack can be used as a needed defense, as its when you want. A petty tyrant is the person or thing that keeps you under unnecessary control. Often cruelly doing the deed of what he or she wants and forcing you to comply.

  This is from caz, "I think that having a petty tyrant gives you an extra edge in dealing with things magically. It's like warrior training without reading carlito or others." This in part, allows you to be more unaffected by the tactics used against yourself.

  Also in part, part of the warrior's tactics are to laugh off the results and small stuff. As you can't always get what you expect, so take what you get and work with it or through it. And to treat things as though they were a challenge. As though everything were a challenge to win and the fight is to get results. You win when you get results.

  This can block things that you formed, sometimes from losing and whether you become aware of them or not, are to be treated by yourself as if they weren't there and you can pass right through them in your mind, if you decide they can be passed through. And, you choose what you do with it. Let others not pass the barriers the blocks may pose. However, its your mind and you decide what to do with it. However you block them out of your mind. This is intented as a point, otherwise known as a point with an intellectual.

  A warrior tactic is also part of the men of knowledge who uses it to aid the purpose they have in mind. Basically, one who knows by the intellect and choosing of choices sometimes by want and sometimes using instinct and intuition, with knowledge and will to help make the decision. This is considered controlled folley. Where you think or decide the best choice you think is good despite the feelings and knowing things. However if the attack is physical, then you can feel the results of the attack. If you avoid the area, then you avoid the attack and this works too, recognition of the person as a point is made. However, if they just have a vendetta or something else, then you might as well not be there to be attacked.

  So sometimes people just keep getting attacked without realizing or couldn't get back enough energy, and just kept losing ground until they were completely under the effect desired. The cure then turns out, in keeping the vibration high and to be unaffected by attacks is impeccability. If you think to use the warrior tactics. Repeat them until you hear them in your sleep.

  Now the proof to the frequency thing.. say a fan was turned off, and you could see the blades, then you turned the fan on. The turning blades are blurred so you can no longer see the blades. Another imagery is two cars going along a road, one is going at 30 mph, the other at 50 mph. That is like our aura frequency, where the blades and cars are the objects representing it. We can basically raise our auratic moment in activity to become harder to discern, and this is also including how one is perceived in speech.

  If we did more activity, and thought an affirmation and etc.., then we'd also be harder to effect and detect. As, 'I am higher in frequency, so I am harder to effect..when I focus on not being effected, things slide off or around me.' If you work with beings believed to be at a higher frequency This will raise your frequency even farther. Still, it's true, your frequency opens you up to other attacks too. As your more open you get more magic effects in general for instance.

  There's a time of low energy for anyone and high energy that follows. Consider the fact an effect of low points and high points, where drugs can raise that low point. Where, the personal shield is least effective. So the only defense is being impeccable, in truth.

  The other things that matter, are the will and the way that is possible, the will is of the person which must be focused to create an effect, to be strong in some things and subsequently weak in others momentarily. The way manifests itself and by the will you need to happen. And so, when you will things you can instruct the subconscious to create results. A weak willed person is someone who is focused on things that distract them from the need which is important. This includes the need of wielding energy to create defense and effects. If they never think about defense, they are likely to be effected more than less, but they never seem to be aware of the effect. Unless they are told of it.

  If your higher in frequency than a person is, the less effected you can be. It's just that, you're less open to some kinds of attacks and more open to others. So you need to guard weakpoints if your a high frequency mage, carefully. But, everyones different and its why you can be attacked by parasites so much. For instance as with similar things. As each person is almost always at different energy levels. There can always be varying results.

inspiration by the brothers who used such tactics

Saturday, September 7, 2019

shifting magic

This is achieved while shifting your conscious mind, the point and the idea that you need. So if you need something, then point it out. Then you create a shift, and the idea is done by use of the dimensional energy. This is rock or water related energy that is with a point to use.  So think to use these suggestions, then you create by the feel.

Some spells; the left side of = means effect, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

in an effect; make the money and create with this idea, the effect is done, enjoy.

this is a point; the point of being paid and creating by feel, yet no bomb that is nuclear or long range is created.

that trump is this; the trump card that creates what you need. there you go, that's all you need.

fear wrath = the nuclear and long range effects threat stops, though the point is done. this works as though you put their response and the act it out on impulse. If you feel its important, then you create by the spirit and the point is finished. so he has peace, then you keep the bombs and that is all.

the effect; put the idea you think to effect and then the idea you have is done if possible. this is what will happen if you continue dropping bomb tests. think and it's done.

the then result; the nuclear bombs malfunction and the fey do the deed.

think gone; this is where you think of the person not to be here, then if they are there they are gone by their karma energy.

this effect; your hid in plain site, the idea is a point and what you say matters unless you think to hide your own presence. this was done by Charles E Goodall.

the idea; this is more like the idea where you think of the point, and then you create by a point you do. that gets people to respond, if not responding there after the effect.

the point; you think it they do it, sometime that is done unless not needed.

this point; you think it they do it. amazing if the point was done.

the reaction; this is an effect and then you know a result by what you feel, if the idea will happen then you can get a concept by idea that you do.

think; think to know and you realize what is there. this is to know if you think about the idea in effect.

its in there; this is an effect by feel, where you don't mind the time and at some point your friends respond to your idea or thought by feel.

its done if you think it's done; I think this is done, so I know now to do what I can and save up by feel.

this is arranged, though; think of the item and need the idea of this thing, that is found if from the future or past to the present point in time. I can afford the thing easily, too.

The signs; a dream, even physical is where you can think lucid dream, and you create what you want or dream signs are interpretive symbols. If you think about some strugle that you psychically notice, then you might notice ambulances or police going near or going there after it's reported in by feel.

luck; roll a 1d30+pennies or luck piece count and you may never actually be with bad luck.

morfeth gre'as'anto = drow for: make peace.

rune combos with war in mind
Wunjo fehu = Use money to negotiate and end the war
Wunjo Uruz = Use Healing to end the war using the unconscious blessing
Wunjo Thurisaz = Use force of defense or a one sided dominant winner to make retreat
Wunjo Ansuz = Use communication & social engineering to end the war
Wunjo Raihdo = Use of other forces to give rights to divide & conquer the war
Wunjo Kenaz = Use enlightenement & breakthrough to understand the differences
Wunjo Gebo = Use gifting purposes and false flattery to end the war
Wunjo Wunjo = Inner harmony of both sides ends the war
Wunjo Hagalaz = Use of Destruction to destroy the civilizian and recreate the new
Wunjo Nauthiz = Sense of Need/Poverty drives others in prison forever
Wunjo Isa = Everything stays the same
Wunjo Jera = Whats happening right now in North Korea & Masonry, spiritual harvest
Wunjo Eihwaz = Use of Ancient Civilization energies and the spirits of their harmony collide with the present in a sense of breakthrough & death, evil reversed
Wunjo Perthro = Use of Yin Yang to play civilization from  the Yin to Yang and Yang from Yin, complex emersion of timeless parallel possibility, harmonious butterfly effect
Wunjo Algiz = Use of Spirituality , mantras & Intimate ground protection to end the war
Wunjo Sowilo = Use of  Sun frequency to banish Saturn/decay, proving harmony , shutting down thurisaz completely
Wunjo Tiwaz = Use of high level ordering of justice to end the war through bloodlines in relation to divine politics, harmony & justice combined
Wunjo Berkana = Use of Chinese mystical energies, zen & leylines to end the war using its respective ordering, which will result in harmonizing female energy
Wunjo Ehwaz = The citizens will travel during the war, leaving the nation to the shadow of its former self to finally attain freedom in both sides to attain harmony
Wunjo Mannaz = The use of Selfish Gain to attain Harmony, intelligence agencies & power of human cooperations, puppeteers from leaders , uniting demons with harmony which will end the war after enemies fight each other, where harmony of fighting comes in
Wunjo Laguz = The use of emotional appeals to satisfy war conflict, leading to natural disruption, war, sinking deeper & deeper into the cycle of war & hatred, where the cycle is in harmony and highest potential of destruction
Wunjo Inguz = The use of direct mystical initation to understand the logic behind the war & solving the war after show casing its nuclear power for world national security.
Wunjo Dagaz = After the end of the war, accelerating conflict
Wunjo Othala  = Happiness of belonging to each's territory , palestinian-israel conflict reversed

liev n uar fx = think in war effect. this statement causes peace by feel. pronounced as [lie-v n war f-x].

nau priqual vlorithen xor kyarrin. = drow for: no problem exists or happens.

xal ap'zen kluth gaer lu'ghil. = drow for: may luck seem there and here.

is weird may with endow = this fate is with trust.

is by feel indeed = this will work.

nau vil'zra'quath phor. = drow for: no freeze up.

l'bol xunde 'bgualli. = drow for: the item works correctly.

no weight; name the weight and your that weight, this is true if you think to be that way or wait and hold off and the eating need disappears.

weigh in no; think of the number of weight and that's what you can weigh.

before; before you go, think to take things with you. Then the things you owned will disappear from where they are at and reappear nearby you. That's if you needed to take them with you.

so just, don't put it on; this causes weight loss by what you think to do.

Normal/Advanced Feng shui; You understand how Feng shui and advanced Feng shui works and is done. Also you know the basics to magic, so you realize what to do by spirit. This makes things really amazing how energy works, and the things present in your environment affects how your conscious perceive subconscious thoughts. For example: Lets say you have lots of dirt in a corner, your unconscious will keep on registering dirt. Your conscious would perceive dirt more frequently and would attract more dirt, which is why cleaning/balancing cleansing is important. I understand now when they say cleaning dirt removed the bad people from your life. Its symbolic of life itself. Realize that a black magician will hide the deepest most influential negative gemstone deadly orgone frequency generator, that's underneath the door of a house target to completely destroy the house and overwhelm the inhabitants. He hides them underneath a pile of dirt. Which is similar to evil eye spell. So cleaning up is important.

writing stuff

no misdemeanor; no misdemeaner in court. this means you are not allowed to make disruption unless the court allows for the deed. So enjoy yourself.

your free; your free to go. enjoy your life.
the matrix of life is sometimes the use of things.

I think; this means I lost weight in the stomach, think and know what you can do with the food.

this; the nebula with the water pattern, you can use the pic to shift away from the area and go some other reality. This is a gate picture, if you imagine walking in the water as you move around, then you will find yourself somewhere you want to be.

undead = the undead don't mind attack, so they won't attack back. they're dead so that says it all. so think about it, they defeat the purpose of any attack. so if you need satisfaction, then do something else. that's all I got to say, then things overwhelmed my body and I blacked out. interesting point, right? well I think I will live in some other reality, and think about the body shell there that used to be me.

the english; the english is understood and the conscious mind if any creates by the feel if there is a point to create. This is the power of words.

the pointer; this is a pointer by idea or feel, where we get over the need and things work by jinka, so I am glad the body is no longer needing to be violent.

think and know; the death clouds are the only things delienating the body death elsewhere, I ran into a cloud of fruit flies that told of a dead man and thought as body somewhere else. So fruit flies can be attracted to deadness, this is a known fact of life. I guess they seek to nest in the body, so that is all for now.

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