Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Thinking magic II

Thinking a thought for magic is fun. You don't always know what will happen, except for things done by the soul. This is a point in the past, if you think about the idea, then you could form or create the point by fee or feel.

Think to do; this is a moment or idea to achieve what you need, think of the idea and you can create the point of answering people's questions.

Think and know; think about something and you kill the moment now by idea if you don't need it.

Dorian; the hurricane dissipated its energy and dissolves into nothing.

The trick; think to need something and create by feel. Because it was needed, it was formed and you find it somewhere. This is where you know to find it.

Think; the lucid dream is formed, the idea is done. Go do something good for you know its an idea.

That; this works with engineering, think of using magic and you create better idea. This used an idea to make what is necessary and things work by feel.

Mispronounced n; this means in Peru the end and here in American "and". This is a point in idea.

Mail; the mail will come early on and bring my package. Also the mail that comes brings Paul Truitt a check.

Curses; the curses don't happen, the charms do if necessary though. This works without any stress.

Weight; my fat drops away and I except for object weight.

Slimming; think of energy being a sheath that you imagine surrounding your body and then focus the thought, that you naturally have as a point is where you feel the body slimming. This creates the slimness effect by what you do. This is effective by moving around.

Eating trick; if larger in a heavier moment don't eat, unless you want to eat large. If you do, then you might seem to appear smaller in shape. This is a point of effect.

This can mean eat until you don't feel hungry, then exercise like crazy and work off the excess food energy. This reduces the body swell, and if you need to exercise enough by using up the body energy excess. 

Then you appear slenderer by feel and create after a few times control over your hunger and weight loss where maybe you lose your excess weight.

Plants; they take in energy as a source and this uses water, then creates what you need by feel. If you don't water it, the effect might be what you think will happen to occur.

Constitution; as the constitution is higher, the body weighs lesser  and this is 1 to 3 lbs per point of constitution lesser.

Weight control; the body mass weight drops with each point of constitution. This works without any tiredness.

Poof a weight problem; any time weight problem is mentioned, then the excess weight disappears.

Here's a thumbtack; this is a known pointing thing, that sticks in the area.

The mail; the mail comes  earlier today, this is done by feel and the mailman brings Donovan's and Evans check.

Elemental defense; What do you think of this? Think of death doing what you want and decaying energy from the body comes from the aura and either dissipates as a death cloud or the idea is a energy comet. Where you focus energy and create by feel, the idea is done by thinking of the moment and feel it flared in the area. This is the comet tail flare.

Otherwise think of electricity forming in the air, hold out your arms and think of the energy going to the area as it flows along the air above the ground. Then rising up and shocking the target. This is the electromagnetics that work for you.

Otherwise you can use the heat in the air, then creating a point of fire, that created the effect of warmth in the aura. Think to flare the heat, you burn away the degraded essence in the area nearby and produce air that you breathe.

The other things this is useful for is creating no demonic possession. This makes the point of idea where the demon hates fire, and you create with fire if you think to flare the heat in the area with flammable material.
If you think to hit with fire or electricity. Then you create a counterpoint and cause the person or being to go back a step or more. This is a mega hit and by thought its effective.

If you hold energy by directing the electricity energy to go in through the aura, then you create by focus and whatever gets near is jolted by idea with nearness. This can be overdone, so think to lessen the effect and the area electronics won't die on you.

A solar flare by the way, this is creating with focused solar or an imagined light that is used in the area, then imagine the energy of the sun flare amongst the aura and you create a point of intense heat.

The area effect, this is where you focus energy of the body to create a jolt that either gets a delayed reaction or forces them to leave you alone.

The dancing maneuver is this, think of the energy flaring in the aura and then intense feel will keep the area clear of nuisances, especially if you dance toward or away from them.

There a way is an idea, but not always doable. As all they need to do is reach out and touch, otherwise punch out and you make the person stop if you hit them right.

The area effect, this is where you focus energy of the body to create a jolt that either gets a delayed reaction or forces them to leave you alone.

The dancing maneuver is this, think of the energy flaring in the aura and then intense feel will keep the area clear of nuisances, especially if you dance toward or away from them.

There a way is an idea, but not always doable. As all they need to do is reach out and touch, otherwise punch out and you make the person stop if you hit them right.

The area effect, this is where you focus energy of the body to create a jolt that either gets a delayed reaction or forces them to leave you alone.

The dancing maneuver is this, think of the energy flaring in the aura and then intense feel will keep the area clear of nuisances, especially if you dance toward or away from them.

Think to send the energy, that is electrical and this uses the water particles in the air to send itself to some area or where the target is there by feel.

This is where you think something will work and it does, so think of things and the idea is done by the subconscious. That's especially useful, if you think of the need and the idea is there.

There a way is an idea, but not always doable. As all they need to do is reach out and touch, you can otherwise punch out and you make the person stop if you hit them right. It's a way to defend yourself using elementalism.
Think to use "an in" with a statement, as that means no way in ancient that the spirit does. This creates less tension and releases the energy you hold.

So that stops things from happening if bad and you then feel better. This happens by feel, if you think about things, then you create by feel. This is a point in idea.

Seen is the effect that is noticed by the third eye, or otherwise there's less tension from the idea of release. So laugh a little, then you can relieve yourself of extra stress in dissolved tension.

Eater effect; this effect is where you think water heals and the particles of water heals you. The idea is this, think of a moment and you create by the focus with words.

This causes you to eat more if you feel intense enough, so think cool and your calm. Then you don't eat as you hold off and create by feel.

Think peace and the aura creates the effect through the energy perceived, the effect is done of peaceful interaction.

She's more technical; she is more motivated to do things by machine working. So I guess I will accept this as a point.

Think a point; this is a point to desire, that her aspects are sometimes nearby. I think kids are out of the question, so this will work. For now I am off, so those that need me can find me if they need something. This is a point in the aspects of life. Think and you know what to do.

Think; think the answer and create by feel.

Sun cooking; this is what used the sun and leaving out something to cook, then you work with a cooked food.

Mail; the mail comes and this is early, that mail is what I need to come. This happens without stress.

Neck crick; the idea is done, think and know, the crick disappeared.

20; I gain 20 dollars and keep it.

Idea; you create story with what you say and do what you want.

A'dam; think and you do, this means those effected are not responsible for what you do. Unless you create by feel, then you create your own freedom.

Think; the point is done if you consider it done by the soul, this created what you want or needed by idea. This is the power of words.

Thoughts; Otherwise you can think it's just a thought and thoughts aren't you. So you aren't effected by the thought. This is a point in idea. Things that are spoken are sometimes in effect, like the statement of 'in effect', 'in use' or 'in idea' create a point of dispelling the idea in use. This is especially true, if you use 'this' or 'known' with the statement.


May = can; will possibly.
Tege = Target; hit.
Create; make.
How; hi or high.
Huin; ruin or hune.
Fate; faith.
Woo = win, winning
Con 29 +10
Poof = fix or puffy.
Tea = that.
Round = circle.
O =  I like, cool.
Fat suit; extra weight on the body or body shape. So take off your fat suit means not have anything that's fatty.
Savin your baby; sit down and work with each other.
Baby elephant; largeness.
Rip; fart.
Is = impeachment.
Skanky; the sun formed scent of bo off the body.
Deodorant; this can fix the scent.

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