Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, April 27, 2019

focus point

This is the thought focus and things that work. If you think to create with the point then you will get a result.

Healing; the point you think and do is set by drinking water. This creates what you want, especially since water can cure you of anything. Though this works best if you used pure water.

Pure water; if you think of pure water being formed, then the subconscious forms the water by focus and energy that does what you need. 

This works especially if you used a gemstone or water stone. Simply hold the water stone, and think to the stone to create water by transmutation with energy and heat.

Water stone; even if your not used to a water stone, you can still use one. The subconscious does what you think about, state or need. So the stone does what you need by replication of programming. 

This is use of thought directed to the stone, that is used as a program point. The vibrations of the brain are what this does, so what are the water stone? 

Aquamarine or blue stone. Think about the idea or use before getting one, this is unless you just want one. This is a water stone in effect.

Mail today; think of what you need and you create by the feel. This causes the mail to come early, and I can get my mailed packages delivered to me.

Estrogen; suppress estrogen and you lose weight by feel.

Space-x; they have a successful launch and conditions are right to go. This means they launch and land what they can control.

Whatever; what you do or what I do causes me to not want to eat.

I; I think so I do, otherwise I think and hold off. This is an effect in nature, nothing more that.

I'm sure you do; this is a point done by idea. The idea you do is what you can experience.

Think this; the point is made, let us meet or greet and work together. This is a point in the past.

Eating; the idea that you eat is natural. Eat right and you do right.

Thought; the point you detect her is the point you know and what you realized is what she does.

Wish; Just need the effect as you think your point and somehow state granted. Then the subconscious does it.

Encounters; I am easily avoiding all encounters and confrontations, this happens without any stress. This is so no fights actually occur.

The curation; This is a cure for the brain, think of the energies of life and the energy in the aura that is there. This energy is summoned by thinking the energy comes to you, then this is programmed by thinking of what you want the energy to do. The energy then goes where you want and does what you wish. So as the energy does what you want, some of it enters your brain and body and doe what you think it does by feel. Think this energy cures you, then it restores you by what you do.

What the energy looks like its doing is coming to you, then rejuvenating you as your body absorbs the energy and this creates the cure for the brain. Sometimes this energy doesn't do what you want, that's when you either pee, sweat or shit the energy out of you and you no longer have it to deal with by feel or visualization. This can use meditation and focus in a point to create what you wish or need to do. Then you get what you want, a cured brain.

So if you focus the energy of the disease outside of the body, then the disease dissipates from within or or of your body. This could potentially cure anything of the body, brain or mind. So think and you know what you need, think 'by my divine spirit, I use you to get what I want as though a need.' Then you can get what you desire. Think of what you need and state the idea as though a result. The energy does what is stated, just be careful to state the energy only does what I need.

Then the people around you or yourself aren't effected by what they say. This is only a safety precaution, if you need a physical cure by herbs or medicine. Then either goto a doctor or use oregano or basil with turmeric with water and drink some of the concoction. You only need a little of the herbs to make effective use that lasts at least a few hours to a few days.

Toy = Cetoy, ceio, Customize; change, adapt, modify, this is where you change by modifying things that happen. That usually is through magic or creating by spirit with what you think or need from statements,  that the spirit makes using the subconscious mind.

Differring things

Thunder; they win 4 plays or games.

Smells; any smell in the area goes and dissipates into energy.

Eating; whenever I feel like eating, I don't feel like eating. That's the suggestion, however things go. So I think I create that genetic pattern by drinking water and thinking the pattern exists.

Diet; drink enough tea and exercise, that's about what I'd think will work. Also avoidance of high fructose corn syrup. This is a must to avoid the high fructose weight gain. 

This is done by reading the food or drink labels. Other names for high fructose is fructose otherwise not in fruit. This can be found in almost anything, so pick your food or drink carefully.

Think and go; this is where you think to do things or go somewhere. That is a point to the past.

Think; the point is made so things will work by what is stated.

The idea; what Ben tries to send me or what he intends to send me he manages to send me. Also his magic becomes easier.

Mail; the mail comes early today by feel, the mailman delivers my mail. The ups comes early and delivers my packages.

Tired; I don't get tired and things work the way I intend.

Money; what you've earned you can keep, if you lose the money you regain the money. That's unless you choose to give it away.

En; the en end.

Rest; energy enters you and the body uses the energy to refuel the cells, this is done as the body recovers from reviving itself. 

You can feel recovered in energy enough to do things that you need to do. This can be achieved by meditation and even includes revivification or Resurrection of the body through spiritual means.

The travel; the energy of the divine shows you what the place or area looks like, all you need to do is think of the place. The shift is finding yourself where you think to be, this is done as though you teleported there using the spirit that goes through everything. You know you succeeded, if you blank out by feel and come to awareness there.

The ability; the ability is focus, thinking of what you need and do. The result is achieving what you want, this is done as if a need were given. The mind is part of the energy and the body is the focus point. Do and you achieved results.

Energy is from the divine soul, thinking of the idea focuses the energy and you create with what you have. Things are made by the creator.

This includes technique use, the elements, and thinking to work the changes. Think ab out the idea to achieve what you may. So think to create and your working with the energy that you have. 

Also, the point is done effectively if you focus and think of what you want, then imagine the point that you need. This can create almost anything except that you don't want. Think and you know what to do and finishes by feel.

Mail; the mail today comes early by feel. The packages are delivered, Evans and donavans check comes in today or tomorrow.

Mail today; think and know, the mail comes earlier, this is especially true if packages or important mail is coming.


Teue = so; true enough to be believed.
Tie = this is where you think to work with what is there, and you create the point as though linked to others.
Tank = the combat specialist person that makes idea with what he or she thinks.

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