Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, April 1, 2019

belated magic

This is some spell effect; where you feel the point and the subconscious creates the idea within a manifest. What generates the manifest is this, the point you think of your intent and need the idea to form. I noticed this effect somewhere in the past, so I think this still works if you have the energy for the idea. This forms by the energy of the body going forth in waves and thinking about the idea. So I think and then I know what will happen. Enjoy the spells and idea I write about today, sometime the idea I get will dry up, so I think your lucky that I get to have written the point I noticed. Ciou and farewell till later, good-bye.

Some spells

fat no more; this means your no longer overweight.

en is done; think an ending and work with how you feel.

stopping point; this is where you stop acting out all the parts.

illi car-nelci er-mara tyen imi as hya au-penia = make teeth remain in good for you. Pronounced, [ill-ee car-nel-cee er-mara tye-en immee as high-ah aw-peen-ee-ah].

illi panya-talma-nna gar au = fix weight to hold off and not be there. Pronounced [ill-ee pan-ee-ah talh-ma-n-ah gar aw]

illi car-nelci er-tanca = make teeth remain fixed. Pronounced [ill-ee car-nell-cee err-tan-can].

spun det uen ben = make teeth remain good (in atleantian). This is pronounced [spoon deet wenn bee-n].

spun dram epu chrast xs = make weight maintained and hold off excess. pronounced [spoon drame ee-poo chrast xs].

particle aura excitement; excite the particles by thinking this auratic energy does things, and you create what you need by feel or thought. This most often works but the point is that if you think your lightweight, then you create lightweight effect and you can if you think you do, teleport or otherwise fly by flapping the astral wings.

writing stuff

effects; this effect is a point where pain controls you or creates what you think as a point. So to defeat the pain, state or write no pain and the pain disappears with swelling that goes down. This is a known effect. If you want another effect, write the idea you have in self idea of the effect you want out and then modify the writing. Then you change the effect to become what you need this to be or don't think to do what you want. This is also able to change a curse mark. So think about what you need, its so if the subconscious creates what you consider important by feel or otherwise you know about the point or idea if you want as though a need. The idea is done if sane, this makes what you consider to focus and work with as a point is useful by feel.

So if you want to cancel out the curse, then type or state "its no effect" and the effect of the curse stops. If you think about things, you create by what you feel. So this means you create things, then change or observe and the effect is done. Think of what you observed and think about it as though a switch, the switch is labeled on and off. Imagine the switch turns off and is left off, then the effect is undone or otherwise turned off. This is done by feel so do the idea quickly if you dislike the effect. That is all you need to do to turn the idea "off", this is based on the ideal effect you imagine and that's all you need to do.

effects two; this is a point you think of an idea as intent and create the intention by feel that the subconscious makes using the spirit to work the effect. This is a spiritual effect that you think or imagine, then the effect occurs results if you intended the point to happen. This is an efftct that you need and not create havoc with by feel, so unless you just want to makes an action possible.

Then you feel the need and the effect will occur if you want the result that you can perceive. This uses the visual effect that is there as cues to what is happening. So think of an effect and you create what you need, if you desire the effect as an end result then you get the result as an end result. That's all there is to this idea..

So think and you may get if what you need as though a point is gotten. This is all there is by what you do, so think and you may get what you want. If you need something that can be gotten, then its done and sometimes others reap the rewards. That's what I used to escape a scene and make the result seem plausible. So I know this works and if there, the effect fades away as if not there.

This means that you turn the effect into energy, so think anout the idea you want as a need and the energy is what does that. Unique right, so think the effect is withdrawn, and then create what time allows where you need things and the idea is done. That energy does whatever is needed or spoken about, so thnk and you know what to do with suggestion.

The idea is a point that you do, so think and you get what you need. If you think, 'no, I don't' then the effect is neutralized as that reprograms the energy to cleanse it and that is all you need to do remove an effect from a target. This is an effect by feel and creation, though where the effect came from is unknown.

Success; I succeeded in doing what I wanted, that is proving the idea is what exists after a suggestion is made. So I might as well return, since I think alike people enough and results are what I needed. Fare thee well old world.

Return; The return is a process of information that I think of the area or place, then my subconscious causes me to be where the information or imagination points out. This is a point in the past now. Then your in the form that you are aware of by feel. So I think I will continue on and do what I think is necessary for the idea to view or be discussed if needed. That is all for now. Enjoy the fruits of my labours, I think this will end my tirade as there is allot more to this than that which is spoken about. So a point is where this is left up to you to see if this is true. Ciou and farewell. Good-bye.

effect III; Think about what you need, do what you need, or otherwise want by working things, this is you are aware of what things are and then you have the effect of this point where things create themselves unless you don't ned it to happen. This uses the idea by what you need, so the subconscious creates what you think. Anything after that doesn't matter, so what you think is what you get. This I think is what creates by idea. So if you need an effect, then you create what you consider if the effect does exist.

When you consider the idea, this is farfetched because its unproven until one observes the result. So if you work with the idea, then the point mentioned becomes clear or purified. This is all a point and in an effect. This works well with water and fire, that also inclued the other elements. This works by deciding to use an element (water, fire, earth and air) then if you think about the idea the effect is what you think.

The point then, I believe in what is possible. That means anything is possible by feel. So if you want to use this effect, think of a sutable subconscious command and make use of the idea by what you state or consider appropriate by idea. This works if you think that does, otherwise this won't need to be done. If nothing happens, then what you consider that won't occur is either important or unimportant and things can be dealt with by what you do with the point.

Think this is in need as you know things, if necessary to know then you may need to discuss the point. If not then leave this well alone. This idea is from an old book that I remember with the energy imprint, thinking about things as it dissolved into dust. The idea is a point you can manipulate, when you no longer can manipulate the point then the idea is done. So think things are done and the need disperses. This is a well known effect.

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