Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, December 13, 2018

As they were

As they were, the area supported them and things are done to support the self-need. This is a not able effect that isn't so good, that especially is true if you get what is called excess. So I think I will do what I can and work with the effect by feel.

This is a point that I think is true, if excess then I shall give away the excess I can't use. This is noted in excepted points as excellent. So enjoy things as they are available. Enjoy yourself.

Things listed here are excess and notable by what I think are interesting. What I can use is listed below:

Pig; the moment you have something and things are in excess.

Money; the money I have is enough to handle nearly anything, this is excepting for the high cost items of course.

The energy; the energy of food and drinks are what keeps a body going. There's healthy energy like fruits and leafy greens. Then there's unhealthy energy like sugar and pie amongst a group of food, that uses the point of idea to fuel the body and make chemical energy available. Now there is chocolate that is either unhealthy if milk chocolate, this is otherwise heart healthy if dark chocolate. Just remember to exercise the energy off. So you don't gain weight from it. That is usually working out or walking until tired, btw. The idea is this, think of what you want, you could get the idea in manifestation.

Arien; create restoration: this is done by the spirit and then worked with by the senses.

Judy; she likes me, so I think I can talk to her. This is a noted fact. So I think, I feel the idea and create what I need with what I think. So she gets along with me and works with my idea. She gets over things, then allows me to talk to her. This allows no despise of me and things work out for what occurs to happen. She doesn't mind my magic or websites.

Creates; this is where you think of what you want as you feel the need to create the idea. This usually works as a manifestation, so if you think the need you can create the idea by statement. This is the way magic works.

Think; this is where you think about things and the subconscious creates what you need by what you feel is necessary. You don't feel shame with this. So think about things and you can get what you want. However I won't be shamed or shammed into eating more. So this I think will work out.

I in ie; I am in idea that things will work out. If you think that things will get better, then they will.

Gifts; I actually get gifts for my Christmas and birthday. This will be fine. So I think I will enjoy what I get if I get anything at all.

The trick; think about what you want or need, then state it as a innocuous or innocent suggestion to someone's hearing. Then you get what you need by what you want with the subconscious of the person doing things that manifest the idea. This trick always works, so all you have to do is wait and the results are obvious.

Space-x cargo; this is the cargo ship, that space-x succeeds on going up with by feel with life. That works it's way up today.

So space-x succeeds again allowably. So no problems occur. They manage to understand why the 1st stage didn't land right, except into the water. That doesn't happen again, unless they intend it to occur.

Iss dragon ship; the dragon of space-x will go up on time in a shorter period of time. This works all the time.

Thinking; the point is made so I think I am allowed what is necessary, otherwise what is needed is what is gained or happening happily.

Bitterness; any bitterness disperses back into energy immediately. So any bitterness is not expressed. This end is a noted effect.

As I in; as if I am in sight, the exchange will occur by feel.

Thought weight; think of your excess weight as though it were a person and walking away from you by feel. This happens in a room or area that your in by feel. You define how the rules work in the area or place your in by idea.

Carl; he ca come by feel with what he has for me. So this is immediate and made into motion. So he makes an appearance by feel. The cops don't mind me, that is being here. So Carl arrives soon enough by feel.

Eating; I eat the right foods that cause me to lose at least 1 to 3 lbs.

Mail-run; the mail arrives soon, so I get my mail.

Aida; this is an aiding activity by what is done.

Ainu; this is where it's not you so if you think about things, then you create what you think into action or idea expression. That gets response, this is done by what is heard.

Aidu; this is a cure by feel, where you think with idea to do things.

Aine; this is a pain in the side of the body. That goes down after the need disappears.

Uule uuve bue; another cure spell that causes the condition to not be a condition.

Ainu-u; this is where you shield by energy and create with what exists by the aura and your thinking. If a pain exists, then the pain is sealed by the spirit. The cost to this spell is a little eating every now and then, doesn't matter what.

Aine-u; this lessens intensity and need of the body and blood.

Mail trucks; they don't have accidents. The mail gets here soon enough.

Ante; anti-shun, this is the word meaning no shun.

An if en; think of the money or what you need and you get the idea that you think about as an point if the end.

Yanta; curation effect, that creates a result of body and mind cured to normalcy.

Think; the end result is what you think, you can get good results as though an end result.

Amien; positive feel creation.

Arms; my arms and joints fix themselves.

Thanks; as a token of appreciation, I will allow this to go. As long as this will work for you and really I hope you enjoyed your experience. So now begins the hard part, explaining why the bad luck dispersed with what you did. I hope no one reading the mentioned m comment took it seriously. So I think otherwise you're fine.

Disablement; noone is disabled anyway, so I will do what I think to do without being diabled in person. Then work off a natural debt.

Mail today; the mail will come late. So I know I can go to my psyche meeting and come back to find that I can await the mail that arrives soon enough.

An Abdelaziz ab; designation of the area will cause the meeting and better behavior after through launch.

A fix; this is a fix by what is done. Laying in the sunlight is a temporary fix, though so I would go for herbs. This in application works in the long run. Especially if you have some herbs.

The doctor; the psyche doctor will see me early on and things work out fine.

Think about what you want and you could get what you need. So despite my weight, I don't eat my weight. I don't gain back my weight that I lost, this is done even if muscles are the weight. This is an affirmation that works. That is used by feel, however people don't mind me. Always remember, things will work out. So I will get paid for walking in the cold for people. Another affirmation is this; what you know is lost, know your feeling and just do it. This does what you need by thinking what you want, this is done by feel if an effect is needed. So ciou and farewell till later. Good-bye.

Amieg = Respite; think of the moment and the despise disappears.
Eg = think of things egging you on no more, then you get what you want.
Alli; allowed, this is allowed where your allowed to do things and have things by feel.
U = no, gno, know, think
Moh = Shun; avoid, turn away or know
Envinyanta; I'm healed, then this is restored, later.
Tak; thank (you), take it easy. In in you.
Dapp; disorder, a cure is herbs or uu-dapp by thinking the cure. Then the subconscious cures it with sun energy. This is so you know you have a cure that works.

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