Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Wednesday, December 25, 2024

In focus

In focus you create by feel and make with results. Think about the idea with a concept and write it out what need. This is a point in regard.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed after offering energy to it and the creator makes it so.

Judy; she feels better than normal no matter what. She feels like she can have me do her laundry no matter what she wants to do.

Immaculate; they get cut in funds.

People; they don't mind what I do or did no matter what.

People; I don't mind what they say or did.. no matter what.

No matter; no matter how busy he is.. he can still talk to me no matter what.

Making time; no matter what occurs Will still makes time for me and acknowledges what I say..

As in; in between the idea of life and death you can experience visions and these visions are what your soul guides.

Info; think you know it and it comes with a burst of energy what it is from air itself.

Thought form; the area is energy and it forms with your will what you need.
Think it forms a formation of energy that resembles a human and it will. This form does what you want.

Creative; think about the idea and the energy consciousness forms or unforms what you need.

Will ensemble; this is where you gather together and discuss things.

Think; watch something else after an hour, 

I knows; the third eye kills now the weight.

Klarna; I can easily pay off klarna and still use their service no matter what.

Judy; her jaw pain disappears instantly and she no longer has mouth pain no matter what.


Allan Sanchez; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what..he talks to me about things no matter what I do.

Sketchy; this is where you think I am not sketchy no matter what.

Allan Sanchez; I don't mind Allan not talking to me no matter what.

In focus; things are looking up for I think I will continue.

In; interesting things happen if I need them to get say the least there is more to come.


Focus; on idea in focus I get paid off by Ashley no matter what as quickly as possible with what I am owed.

SpaceX; the rocket succeeds in launch by matter what..despite the jinxing.

Glp-1 gummies; they do a good job on repression of hunger and don't leave me with intense hunger matter what.

Judy; she doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.

Judy II; she doesn't mind the exchange no matter what.


Whirl field; think about the effects of the whirling energy.. and will the energy of water particles to whirl in the area. The effects are set up on your targets. Also you are protected by the energy from what you don't like..

Trump; whatever trump does he doesn't ruin America.. no matter what.

Judy; she doesn't mind me using her money no matter what.

Thought; she appreciates me for what I do or did..

Think; think the best and you can get the best. This is a way of life.

Judy; she forgets about what I do or did and trusts me again no matter what.

Judy; she asks me to go to the store and get her stuff no matter what.

Thought; I know what to do with life and love to see it done.

Mice; all mice in the building are trapped or killed no matter what and quickly.


Cold; I get over my cold quick and matter what.

Heather; she gets over her illness quickly no matter what.

Delivered; I am not caught for what I did no matter what.

Decisions; I no longer make bad decisions no matter what occurs.

Angel; I called archangel Michael to help me out.


Ua; this makes things inactive that you don't want and need.

Static shield; this uses a rub of your hair as you think about protection for yourself. You ward away with the energy from your hair what you don't like.

Eery; this makes your problems eerily gone..

Thoughtless; this makes the targets not think to do what you want.. instinctively.

Paragolia; this effects the mind of the observers that you target with a visage. Think of what you want seen and you can cause it to be mistaken as though a face was there.

Cold; I get over my cold quickly no matter what.

Gotten; the point is going to be done, so think about doing magic and you create better acts.

Better; threats or not, think and you get better by actually practicing it.

People; they get over their colds quickly no matter what.

Moris; rigamortis
Focus; focusing upon a point and creating with its energy.
Thought; the fought point 
Point; an expression you noticed happen.
Expenditures; the things to buy when you can.
Shift; the things you can do..this is where you think about the time and you teleport to the time you think about.

Friday, December 20, 2024

X launch

This is where you think about the idea and energy causes your thoughts to exist. Think and you know what to do.

Some spells follow 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.

SpaceX; the SpaceX launches are successful no matter what as though they had the right conditions in machine or weather.

Section 8; they send me a letter about how much I matter what.


Problems; the problem of the moment is worse for the Republicans infighting in the house and Senate in Washington.

Problems; any problems otherwise for the Democrats is dealt with by feel with prayers.

Judy; she is not minding what I do or did no matter what.

Fat cells; the fat cells reduce and I lose weight no matter what.

Keeping off weight; the weight I keep off my body in the center of the planet to burn away.

Enduring; I endure the moment like I ended the idea or endured the point of activity.


Cancel crush; this is where you think about cancelling out an effect or illness as you bite down on food. This cancels out anything that you need or want cancelled.

Will; people mind him and don't mind what he did or does no matter what.

Focusing; the focus of the moment speeds up the time for something no matter what.

Pile down; what you eat you cause weight loss by feel.

Kylo; the rend is what causes you to change if you need to change.


Danny; he holds his Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow no matter what time this year.

Trump; he no longer needs to cause tariffs any longer.

Negative; no negative overtone happens no matter what.

Negativity; no one is negative in attitude no matter what.

Nothing; nothing happens badly under trump.

That; that means you create with your idea and energy makes the results.


Danny; he responds to my text no matter what.

Thought; the money comes to me through earning it or getting it in some manner.

Luck; all my bad luck is now good luck no matter what to me.

Adaption; the adaption of animals no longer make terrifying hybrids no matter what.

Thought II; think about it and it will be good for me.


My orders; I receive my order that I made for something as soon as possible no matter what.

Arcane fear; this is where you think about and see strange lights and don't know what caused them.

Bardic magic; this is where you think about the energy and the creator doing what you want and sing. The energy does your intent as you sing or talk.

Ill intent animal; this is where you call upon the shadows, thinking to create an animal companion of your choice made of shadows. It scares the targets into not wanting to do things as you attack.

Easy magic; this is where you think about the idea and need it to happen..then the idea will occur.

Elemental weapon focus; This is focused idea of the element you need.. that is projected forth from the weapon to strike the target.

Star powered effect; Think of the effect you need as you think the stars empower the idea, thinking to be created in the area of the a form of making with manifest. This does x2 the damages or healing. Think and you know what to do.

Wild shape; This effect is where you think about the shape to be in and you transition to that shape feel. Any lesser form is with half the stats, any greater form is with twice the stats.

Magic arrow; This is what you summon from the aether, thinking to form three arrows to be projected towards the target. This causes any element that you think about as damage.

Astral arrows; The astral plane creates the arrows in the air that shoots forth to hit with radiant damage all targets. This costs 20% energy.

Thought; the point is done if you need it done..

Moose; he asks me for doing things for him no matter what.

Think; things that are done are better for the mind.

Ricardo; he treats me with respect and better no matter what.

Kittymoo; he and his mom come to me here and we exchange matter what.

The doctor; she tells me good news no matter what.

Whatever; whatever paused the reinstall of windows 11 no longer pauses the reinstall.

Focus; upon focusing it fixes itself.


Whatever; I seem to have gotten enough sleep.. no matter what.

Paul t; think about it and it comes..he gets his check in the mail as quickly as matter what.

The doctor; she will see me as soon as possible and that's very quick indeed. No matter what.

Judy; she doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.

Judy; she asks me to go out to the store for her no matter what quickly or sooner than normal.

Jebus; he wins at the lottery no matter what.


Judy; she needs me to get her things at the store no matter what.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

idea of making

Creating thought is the time honed idea of making with the subconscious making your need as you think about it or state it. This offers a variety of things to the change of water to grape juice. Otherwise you create what you want as though a need.

Some spells follow..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.

Think; this is where you think about the energy to create what you want with the energy making your thoughts.

Restraint; the restraint of the moment is a point you hold back from mistakes.

Mail man; the mail comes early as possible and delivers the mail that we need.. including Paul t's money.

Paid; I get paid 70 or 80 today by Paul. No matter what.

Cellular make; think and do, you create with DNA as an expression of life.

Whatever; whatever the cause, the mailman arrives as soon as matter what.

Whatever; whatever the delay the delay is no longer a delay for mail delivery.


Thought; I the ninja get what I want, I also give back to the community.

Paul; Paul t gets paid early no matter what.

Relaxing by feel; this effect is where energy control conditions the body and the body feels good and relaxed even if hit.

Arranged idea; it is fine no matter what. Whatever I say is acceptable no matter what.

Games; they are easier the higher the level no matter what.


Horrid stink; this is where you fart and direct spiritually the wind to blow it into the area of the targets. Once you blow that stink, they are distracted by it for 1d6 rounds.

Stinky blows; this is where you fart and direct it by spirit guided wind towards the targets. They perceive the stench as a blow against them for 1d6 rounds.

Height growth; you become taller as you appear to lose weight. This is where you think about height and your body makes you so by focusing and the body elongates. However it doesn't last. You soon enough shrink back down. This is done by thinking about the height and the body response of height growth.

Think and do; this is where you think about the idea of creating an effect, then you cause your subconscious to create it if you need it.

This isn't always a sparing of someone's nasty only ensures that if they don't need it they don't cast it on you. Most don't actually need the idea. This works for any reason.

Paul t; he gets back to me with the 70 dollars no matter what and quickly.


Telegate; think and you know what you need as you shift by the power of the mind.

Fukfukboom; as soon as you put the words you see it boom.

SpaceX; the launch happens by feel and no time set backs happen. The launch is a success no matter what.

People; they don't mind what I do or think no matter what.

Denaturalization; trump no longer needs to denaturalization of citizens no matter what.

People; I am not minded no matter what I do or did.


Ukraine; the Ukraine front doesn't break down no matter what in life.

Ukraine; the Ukrainian soldiers win the war with Russia no matter what.

No war; no war happens after this no matter what time it is.

Judy; she doesn't mind what I do or did.

Robbie; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.

Will; You manage to have won that. All you had to do is use an afrodisaic. Ty since you made it an issue. This calms them down. No war needed, nothing bad done. Think and you know what to do. You see you could do that, yet nothing will come of it if bad. This is the rule of the law. I help you you help me. Now what do you want?

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Dejailing magic

This is where you think about the energy of the body and willing to shift to another planet or space. The car or airplane shift is like this, the moment the car or airplane moves is the moment that the body energy is shifting you by feel.

Some spells follow..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.

Energy; this is funny, writing on this if you think about the idea you create the idea .. think and need the result to get an effect.

Think; the moment I think I know by feel what occurs.

The landing; the landing weather is good for space x no matter what.

Trump infighting; the people seeking political positions in Trump's administration fight very bad and at each other's throats no matter what.

Dejailing shift; the jail time is nullified and you shift to where you think to be.


The wisp; it runs out of the area no matter what.

The wisp 2; it did exist for a few minutes yet disappeared after.

The thought; I observed a wisp of light in the was a lifeform that left on its own way.

Think; this is where it went..if you're curious.. it offers chaos and disability.

The idea; there it went, it just left again..

Draco; this means the dragon I created by fire is gone too..oh well.

Think; focusing energy in wards to create more effective energy effects will increase potential.

The procedure; I am fine before and the procedure is done matter what.

Endoscopy; things go alright and quickly with no problem for the operation.. no matter what.

Thought; think about it and it will be okay no matter what.


Thought; the thought you think about is done by feel if you needed it.

Whatever; whatever happened the USA doesn't separate from NATO no matter what.

Paul t; he doesn't mind me and manages to pay me what I am owed today no matter what.

Focus point; think about it and it will be good if you need it better. The creator rearranges things to create it better. This includes removal of people who are there or what have you..

The source; the source of all life..this is the God you follow.

Jamie; she stays in the matter what.

Focus; think about it, the idea is done if you need it done. That's about it.

Suage; I do not get sued for what I do or did no matter what.

Dark matter manifest; this is where you think about what you want and as you need it dark energy causes it to exist from its influence upon dark matter itself.

Space x; they manage to launch the space x rocket no matter what and without pushing back the time.

Kamala won; this effect causes what you want.. a win by the Democrats.. enjoy.

Space jam; the satellites you don't like there are jammed and not effective in what they are doing.

Tolerance; think about it and you tolerate more.

Then; the focus is done if possible no matter what.

Death gun; this energy gun focuses death and decay energy of the body at the target you desire to shoot.

Energy efficient; think and your thoughts keep things working by feel.

Upgrade; think on it and it is done.. things get better all the time.

Savvy; I am savvy with finances no matter what.


Miasma of illness; this is where you think about the illness that effects the targets.

Tolerance; this spell causes you to get over things.

Any bad rumors about me are dismissed no matter what and I am not trump.

Focusing; I know what happens when it does, so think about it and act accordingly.

Interesting; inspections I pass no matter what.

Inspection; I pass the room inspection no matter what with or without the right explanation. No matter what they don't check my closet.

Ashley; she gets a better matter what.

Joy; this is where you think about what you want and feel joy .. that makes you feel good.

Better mood; the managers are in a good mood, enough to pass my room inspection no matter what.

Think; the point is done if you think it is.. so think of what you want and see what happens.

wall of reality; This is where you think to exist a wall, this wall mirrors the area. Think and that means you can step through it, the wall disappears and it seems as if you weren't there.

Focus of furiousity; this causes rage and attacks to the targets of your mind. That works like spirit blows to the targets as you need this effect.

Interesting; people don't mind what I do or matter what.

Thought; the point is a focus on activity..when your needed your there.

Think; things clarify themselves no matter what occurs.


Thursday, December 5, 2024

Theo magic

This is theo magic, the point of expression that draws with your energy what you want to occur. This works most of the time, so think and you know what to do.

Some spells follow:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

possession; you are able to will the possessor away no matter what.

not minding; I don't mind what happens no matter what.

weightloss; this is an emulation to the body of a weightloss drug called Geodon.

Space x; They manage to get off the launchpad the rockets in a successful launch, no matter what and quickly. As though the right conditions in weather and rocket were there for it to launch.

space-x; they no longer set the time back for the launch date and time for this matter what.

space-x; the launch goes off the launchpad and succeeds no matter what as it was the right weather and conditions. no matter what.

moose; he doesn't mind what I do or did..

wishes; and any wish does happen for me no matter what.

archive download; the archive music torrent download completes and starts seeding no matter what.


kamala; she guides trump in his actions soul wise no matter what.

Time travel agelessness; You time travel to the point that your very genetics and dna alter. Time stops working for you basically. Your body no longer ages.

Failing upwards;  If you fail or succeed at something you go up in position.

thought; to create what I need use a lit candle as you think of the need and speak it to the flame.

christian; I am not a christian no matter what.

druid; I am a druid or spiritualist no matter what the case.

terra; she doesn't mind what I did or do no matter what.

focus; upon focusing, things correct themselves.


lesser; I am always lesser in weight than what is in picture.

DOE; Trump doesn't abolish the Department of education no matter what.

for dnd

Fade step; This is where you think of the area to be in at the moment. As you step forward, in an instant you shift and fade away from where you were by the power of the spirit. That's where you focus on the area or think of the area and move..and suddenly are by feel.

Spirit; This spell causes you to get an additional effect that costs no action and guidance. Add +7 to all rolls.

Subconscious; Make it up and the subconscious creates what it is that you need created.

luck generation; I generate good luck from this point on by doing activity that's healthy for you.

there; the place called cs-137, its a blue planet that exists with life of its own.

thought; the thought of the planet can be directed by will or an idea you think it does.


Double fire; This causes the fire you summon to be heated doubly so, the form on the target for x2 fire damages.

Nuke; This causes a nuclear energy blast in the area you think to effect with plutonium and iron. Knife or sponge spells cause it to be disarmed. The effected targets turn to dust. 


Skeleton ultimate; This is a spell that costs 10% energy and makes you not die, but get revived if you get killed.

Skeleton ultimate II; This costs 20% energy and is a spell that makes you not die, but get revived with full energy and health if you get killed.

Dark matter manifest; This is where you think about what you want and as you need it dark energy causes it to exist from its influence upon dark matter itself.

Ionic spell boost; If there is enough ions in the air, then you create with extra its x3 the damage and healing.

Ion Bomb; Erases all biomass in the area of 50' leaving the buildings in tact... 

Nanomachine Virus Button; This forms a button in your mind, where you press it and all the targets fall down together.

Infliction; This is where you think to cast forth nanomachines in the air. The targets you want effected are self-inflicted upon by themselves enough to knock themselves out.

Free Energy from the Like and Dislike buttons; It gives slightly more stamina to them. About 20 stp. And you can only do it like 8 times though.

Turkey nuts; Think the targets are turkeys and state  turkey nuts to cause them to be hit in their nuts or private area.

Tribunal; This causes a council to form in your mind, that judge you for things that you intended to do. Your mind does any judgement against you as an effect of darkmatter comes upon your area..

Tremendo; This effects the targets you had in mind. It causes energy to strike the targets and make them unconscious.

Too Much Red Tape; This is too much red tape to save the world. It is when you're the leader of all the guilds or associations in your mind... But you need permission from everyone to save the world....yedt due to this your targets of this spell stop doing anything for the rest of the combat.

Disassociated; This turns your targets into atoms that are unbound. Combat over in an instance. 

Reassociated; The atoms form into the figure you think to form them as though by feel in an instance.

Purr them Back to Health; If you ever get couchlocked a cat will purr you back to health to heal all of your bones  too. You recover all health.

Deassociated; The targets get disassociated and reassociated into a different form..(often a bug, fly or nondangerous animal).

Eat a Bug; Saves the weather from the cows as something eats the bugs and gains all energy back from it.

Kill a bug; This is where you kill bugs and gain back full energy. This requires concentration and catching the bug that you kill in some manner.

Dissimilated; This causes the targets to be unbound from the hive mind and think for themselves. They no longer need to fight..end of fight.

Great; Whatever wasn't so great is great again and interest is upon the idea to do. Add +5 to all charisma rolls.

Ungreat; This causes whatever you like to be disinteresting to do. Meaning the need to fight disappears. Combat over.

Knowing; You know what the answer is from air energy itself relaying the thought of it to your mind.

Dissemination; Think about it, the idea you disseminate makes it uninteresting by feel. Recieve a -5 to your charisma based rolls.

wall of reality; This is where you think exist a wall, that you can step through and it seems as if you weren't there. 

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Archivist magic

Focusing on creating content means making info interesting..yet that is what an archivist does. So, what you do as an archivist is creative writing. Thinking of the point of life, you write what you need to write and that is what is magic. The interesting thing is to read it.

Some spells follow..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.

Judy; she doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.

Xara; whatever xara and her family does is nullified by the subconscious no matter what.

Whatever; whatever occurs, the subconscious makes Kamala win 270 quicker than trump no matter what.

Thought; the thought of idea, makes things better and more easier to do..


Auratic color effect; the aura glow changes to a color for a certain effect. Green effects poison, red effects fire, blue effects freezing cold, yellow effects acid and silver effects lightning. The color effects the targets nearby with the element damage. The area of effect is 5' for levels 1-9. 10' for levels 10-19. 15' for levels 20-29. 20' for levels 30 on up.

Red Dot; this forms on the targets and explodes in fire dealing x2 damage.

The Dot; this forms on a target, as a color. You think about the color to form an elemental effect explosion of x2 damages. The Dot will be that color. Each color does a different effect.. Green effects poison, red effects fire, blue effects freezing cold, yellow effects acid and silver effects lightning. You could use this to break down doors.

Dazzling spray; imagine or think of the color spraying forth..from an orb that you form as you think it there. The color means what types of damage dealt. Green is poison, red is fire, blue is freezing cold, yellow is acid and silver is lightning. The area of effect is 30' for levels 1-9. 50' for levels 10-19. 70' for levels 20-29. 90' for levels 30 on up. This costs 20% energy.

Schizo; I no longer act like a schizophrenia afflicted person no matter what instead I act sane and non ill.

Will; he comes in today and gets rent.

Study; you study in state.

Antwaine; he manages to send me 10 dollars matter what as quickly as possible.

Trump; he loses on the 5th no matter what.

Voting; they think that the right person to vote for is Kamala matter what.

Lafayette; he liked what I did or matter what.

Moose; he liked what I do or did no matter what.

Ballots; the ballot count will prove Kamala Harris wins the election no matter what.

300000; I get the 300000 dollars easily and fairly no matter what.

Focusing; realize that I know you and focus to create what you need.

Ending: Kamala Harris gets to be the president no matter what.

Wall of smokeyness; light a candle and blow it out when you want. This produces a wall of smokey scent that neutralizes all other scents in the area.

The power; the goddess of love and beauty and the creator makes it so Kamala gets elected no matter what. She makes is where trump voters don't vote no matter what.

Delivery; the delivery from Walmart is delivered to the right address no matter what after this.

Think; the moment you think is the moment you are aware..


Trump; he forgets to seek revenge no matter what.

Trump; nothing bad happens to us no matter what.

Trump; he doesn't target Democrats no matter what.

Whatever; whatever occurs I am not a target.

Broadcast; nobody loses their broadcasting licenses no matter what.


No problem; there is no longer any problem..I can deal with it.

Will; he stays on no matter what and can deal with anything with no stress.

Democrats; the next election, all Democrats are elected, no matter what.

Food delivery; Cody delivers the food quickly no matter what.


No matter; No matter what, I am not bitter about things and work to make the good happen anyway.

Matter; things don't build up and explode no matter what.

Contingent; conticient is the best way to say it.. I will work as I can.

Focus; the focus is to relax..

Energy; energy effects are easy to do.. so think about it and it is done.


Strength; the strength you have adds to your ability. This Allows you to get things done easy.

Trump; Donald Trump finds it hard to get things done no matter what.

Trump; he no longer wants to go on a revenge streak no matter what.

Passing; no matter what I pass my inspection for my room.

Dentist; what they do at the dentist, I feel no pain matter what.

Bad choice; no bad picks are accepted into the trump cabinet and White House positions no matter what.

Curse; think and it is done.

Bad luck; I give all my bad luck to trump.

Focus; Create by focus what you want to do or make exist.

Food; it arrives by feel early and in enough quantities no matter what.

Things; things happen that I need to happen no matter what.

Thought; the things I do are for the best of the country no matter what.

Whatever; whatever I pray for I matter what.

Moose; he doesn't mind what I do or did.

Katrina; she doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.


Everyone; they don't mind what I do or matter what.

Challenge; get things done if possible.. that will be it.

Focus; by feel you get better so things work by feel.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Range magic

 Range magic is where you think of the target, thinking of the idea to do. Then, you need the idea to occur and it happens. This means you create with the creator making what you need. Thinking of the idea, this instructs the creator's subconscious mind to make it seem appearant or here. Think and you know what to do.

Some magic follows..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

This; This is a computer that you imagine sitting at in a well lit room with all the accessories, thinking to type what you want at a text editor. That then creates what you want. Imagine walking out of the room if your done to end the session.

Targeting; Imagine being in the sixth dimension, the dimension of death energy. This means as you sit at the computer see yourself as someone you want targeted. Then, as the death energy wave strikes by the items as weapons lifting up, think and they are striking you as the target feel it all at once. Killing said target.

thinness disease; this illness causes 1 to 5 lbs loss in weight per day till the body balances again. then it keeps off the weight. meaning you don't regain the bodyweight no matter what.

Andrew; He no longer gets too interested in youtube and starts chatting with me no matter what.

listening; I now remember what I listen to if on the radio.

amazon; they deliver my packages no matter what.

Ashley; She doesn't get upset with me no matter what.

amazon; they deliver my packages to me as quickly as possible, no matter what.

walz; tim walz wins the debate no matter what with no turn off.

vance; he loses no matter what turning off the audience.


walz to vance; walz's loss is transferred to vance and vance's win is transferred to walz.

vance; vance's loss does not transfer to walz no matter what.

proof; vance doesn't prove anything.

walz; he says the right things no matter what to win.

vance; he says the wrong things no matter what.


supreme court; think and the supreme court gets corrected with removal of the corrupt judges no matter what..

walz; he does what he says and does good with good example.

vance; he doesn't do good and gives bad examples no matter what.

protest; the job protest at the ports ends peacefully quickly.

think; the point is done, whoever wins doesn't matter at least they agree.


paul t; he is okay with me visiting and giving him things no matter what..he unchanges from being inhospitable and becomes allowing of my presence, as though he got enough sleep no matter the point.

sanchez; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what. he talks to me no matter the point.

mistakes; no matter what, I no longer make mistakes with socialism.

firewall; This is a basic reaction, where fire is focused upon the target and it is perceived like a wall that emanates heat.

Space-x; They launch easily as soon as possible and the Europa clipper mission is successful no matter what.

The end; This is the point you end things so noone minds what I did or do.

Judy; She doesn't mind what I do or matter what.

packages; the amazon packages reaches me no matter what as quickly as possible.

the music; the music I am downloading is downloaded successfully no matter what.


bullette; it gets killed no matter the point.

Focus; the focus of america is subverted and allows kamala harris to win her election no matter what.

enn; the ending that will surprise you! kamala wins the presidency. surprise!

Ending; the end is done so your released from this space. This is unnoticed by those that observe the area.

Relationship trap; The trap of relationships is where you both feel so good, that you gain weight due to the need to feel good and you eat to sustain the feeling. Don't pleasure eat and exercise enough to break this trap.

food delivery; this is the effect of ordering out and by call you get delivered the food you want.

bedbug; this is where it finds its own death.

sales; This remains in shape, where you think to get things and its prodfuce is good.


money; they manage to reload my dhs waytogo card quickly no matter what.

prophecy; Prophecy is averted, donald trump does not win the election. no matter what.

blue wave; the blue wave happens matter what.

Thought; the thought abounds, kamala harris wins the electors vote.

no matter; the thought that trump wins is averted no matter the point.


Interest; Think and do is the key to revert his spell is to think of him and say reverse.

antwaine; he responds to me and my attempts to communicate with him no matter what quickly.

trump; he does nothing bad to us no matter what.

for dnd

Spells have no ranges. There is no ranges to the spells unless otherwise specified, think of the targets as they manifest right where the enemies are.

Infinite Ammo Bandana; This bandana weighs nothing.. what it does is cause ammo to appear in the weapon that it needs to be upon thought to use it.

The black statuette; Very ordinary looking and weighs .5 lbs., but holds a secret. What is its secret? Since it's undestructible, when evoked it causes the sculptor to appear in that form. Survived a lifetime without discovery. 

Pulsating energizer; This is where you pulse by thinking energy to go through the body and you reenergize yourself 100% energy as you cast an effect that is one additional spell where you want it to be cast at x2 the damage/healing. If your not in the air already, then think and you will be by the power of energy. Think and it is costing 10% energy.

Meetup; You know them, if you say a name three different times you get to meet that person when you can.

Spell swap; This is a swap through time of spells that you want to use with someone else.

The time; This is where you find a person come up to you and ask for the time.

Time turner; This is where you turn over any item and if forward flipping, it creates time going forward a minute or however long you want by the statement and the flip with the subonscious creating the result..and with a flip back you turn time backward by a minute or however long you wanted.

Swap places; This spell allows you to swap with someone or something. They in return, swap with you. This effects through time so it created is a point in regard. This is where you can be where you want or when you want. The moment you don't want to be that person or thing, you swap back timewise.

Swapper; This causes something to be switched. You create with the swith any effect you want. Including, switching on good genes and switching off bad genes.

Death swap; As a instant reaction no matter what time it is needed. You summon your death and decay energy to focus as you need it to cause you to swap with another. This swaps you in you need it done. Think and you know what to do. You can always swap's the same way you swapped with the target. This means right before you die, in instantaneous time you change places with the attacking party and change shape to your form as the attacker dies and moves on by feel. You survive to another day. Interesting, right? 

Instant transition; This is where you can summon energy to change you or others actions. Thinking to create with life and energy and making the energy create whatever result you want in life. Its created by the soul making it happen. Now the soul can sense what you need and do it. This is a point in idea. This can include: changing shape, summoning energy chains that keep the targets under your control, shifting somewhere else, thinking to create a result or summoning fire bolts to attack the targets and make a quick kill is what can be done. That is all done smoothly and instantaneously as you need it done on a thought. As though you needed to get somewhere quickly, then you change into a hawk or large cat form. After your done, you change back to your normal shape. With intense feeling, you can deal double the damages. That means you could think charge the weapon you hold and throw it, to effect double the damages it normally does and anything can be a weapon, including a rock. Simple, right? However, the soul or spirit will not allow to effect yourself what you or the soul doesn't like. So, good luck in usig this ability in life.

2nd chance; If the 1st time doesn't succeed..the 2nd time is the win.

Infinite charm; the use of int and cha mods together for charming the targets.. when you get a 10 or above on a 1d20+cha and int mod roll.

Fog of war; this is where you think about creating with the best idea for manifesting..a fog in the area surrounding your party.. that you can see through. The targets cannot. This lasts until you dismiss it. 

Deflect; this is where you think about the targets, thinking about another person that you mention and they assume it would be you.  So if you sense you are psychically assaulted they attack them instead.

Deflection; the aura is charged with the energy of the area and sends back to the targets the energy of attack to them.

Reflection; this effect is where you make your aura mirror like and it reflects what you need reflecting. That's reflecting on one side and not reflecting on the other side. 

Puddle of effect; this is where you think about creating a puddle of energy. Then, what you need happens to the targets as they the targets stand on or near it. This could be poison or acid or something else like fire or lightning. The energy you send to the puddle, that causes emulation of what you wanted to effect. The targets are hit by the effect per round.

Animating spores; The effect of living causes the point of life by the spores you summon to the target as its gated in anf effects the targets as you want. This means it reanimates the target, if it dies until otherwise unneeded or their is no life in the animator.

This idea is from Codex Lost @ JanduSoft by Freemana.

Arcane bolt; This is where you think about energy being formed as a bolt in the air and propelled to the target. This idea is from Codex Lost @ JanduSoft by Freemana.

Arcane pulse; This costs no energy as you pulse energy out to effect with magic the damage near you. This idea is from Codex Lost @ JanduSoft by Freemana.

Arcane blast; This causes a blast of energy, that deals double the damages. This costs 10% energy to cast. This idea is from Codex Lost @ JanduSoft by Freemana.

Ignite; This focuses energy out to the target.. and ignites the targets with fire. This idea is from Codex Lost @ JanduSoft by Freemana.

Dark blast; This focus is using dark energy to blast the explosive energy of darkmatter and light matter near the targets, and damage is darkness radiance. This idea is from Codex Lost @ JanduSoft by Freemana.

Poison slurry; This is where you think about poison being spread to the targets for 1d6 rounds poison damage. This idea is from Codex Lost @ JanduSoft by Freemana.

Snow flurries; This freezes the targets as you think about the snow flurries falling on the them. They slip on the ground ice as they move slower. This idea is from Codex Lost @ JanduSoft by Freemana.

from ESO

Healing circle; if you stand in it and someone else stands in it, whoever it heal.

Energy bubble; this is where you think of the energy forming a bubble that heal you by area life transferrance as it damages the targets for the same amount.

Swirl of fire; this damages the targets as it surrounds one of them.. with burning damage for 1d6 rounds.

from thought up idea

Chaos channel; Focus is due to chaos in the area and you focus the chaos by spirit channel as energy to add damage to your next 1d6 attacks. Add x2 the amount for levels 1-9. Add x3 the amount for levels 10-19. Add x4 the amount for levels 20-29. Add x5 the amount for levels 30-. This is from Ashes of creation Alpha 2 where its 2024 © Intrepid Studios Founded in 2015.

Card throwing; This is where you hold the top of the card, as though it were held with 2 fingers that was held flat. Then, toss it. That causes the thrown card to hit the target that you aim at. So it especially slices through the target, wherever it hits as though at great distances. This is physical damage.

Concept II; This is where you concentrate and get greater damages or effect, that's for the next spell or attack that you do. Per level, there is a certain amount of damage adjustment. 2x for levels 1-9. 3x for levels 10-19. 4x for levels 20-29. 5x for levels 30 on up.

Reverting cells; This is where you revert the cell to a previous or younger stage. This state is known as the reverted state. This removes aging and any illnesses.

Focus energy; This is where you focus energy from your body, thinking it goes to your hand either left or right. Then, by focusing, it goes to the targets as you "think and send" to release it. So it goes to the targets you had in mind, thinking to deal electrical damages or do what you want.


trump; no matter what, he loses the popular vote and loses the presidential race..

focus; the focus upon people will cause donald trump to lose the presidential race and win back his wealth. 

insync; The insync app is working and able to upload to the server no matter what.

Martial drunk; I know a few martial arts moves that make the user feel drunk. Right foot back, left foot back, right foot over, left foot over, balance with right foot. Those are the Drunken Steps. Then there is a move where you lift imaginary cauldrons of wine and pretend to drink.


encasement II; This is where you think energy will encase the targets in a stone like material.

exploding puddles; This is where you imagine or think of energy forming a puddle under the targets feet and exploding for energy damage.

damaging shield; This is where you think to cast a shield around the targets that damages them per round until they die. This lasts 1d10 rounds, otherwise. This costs 15% energy. In order to break free from the shield, you must deal x2 normal damage that you normally do to the shield.


Divert; This diverts any attack to be somewhere else.

Nimble; This is nimble fingers that create with energy to be more capable and dexterous. Add +5 to dexterity or agility rolls.

dragon age:

Rock song; Think of a happy thought and will the rocks you want effected to do things. This is anything that you intend it to do and you think of. So think and you know what to do. This means you can move rocks by the power of your mind.


Storm cap; This spell raises heat as a dome that caps the storm as you say "cap" and it stops.

Smoking cure; By will, you cure yourself of smoking for a year.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Success magic

Success magic is where you think about success and say that you win..then a moment with time will come to make that success happen.

Some spells follow..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.

Donald Trump; Everytime his name is mentioned causes him to lose the race of president no matter what. This is not a bad result.

Kamala Harris; Everytime her name is stated, this causes her to win the race.

Playable; this game is playable and it's playability is great.

Kill; play the game and kill an enemy to kill off a part of yourself that you don't like.

Playability; this is to make use of whatever you want to cause the game to be good.

Elven; the elven race is loved for its crafting abilities..think and you know what to do.

Gods; the gods will create what you want even if you want something bad and no war happens.


Gotcha; this is luck with life, so think and you know what you can do.

Kamala gotcha; this is where Kamala gets crazy matter what. No one minds her winning.

Trump; he's not a winner so he's with a losing streak. No matter what he doesn't win the presidential election.

Thought; the thoughts are used as energy to create what I want.

Think; the thought is cleansed as a source and energy is left for use.


Enn; the ending is done if think about it and it will be fine..

Thought 2; this ends here..

Known; since trump is so bad now, he loses the presidential race and being tired he doesn't mind no matter what.

Negotiate; this is where it creates what you want.

Thought 3; this is where you think about creating a good point and getting things done.


Focusing; no matter what upon focusing on people, Kamala Harris wins and gains what she wants.

Whatever may occur, republicans don't get out and vote.

Whatever prevents Kamala from winning, no longer exists to keep her from winning. No matter what.

Energy; energy transmutes itself and creates what I want as I need it.

Officials; the officials elected to office do their jobs.

Things; things done have no death related to them.


Divert; this diverts the attack upon you to be somewhere else.

Trump; trump loses no matter what.

Doctor; the psyche doctor sees me as quickly as possible.. with a positive matter what today.

Orion; nasa heat shield on the capsule is improved .. enough so it doesn't burn up during reentry. No matter what.

Hyper loop; it's a success.

Anti-sleep; this effects the targets of the spell with causing no need to sleep until necessary.

Ricardo; I don't get in trouble with him no matter what..he forgets to tell on me.

Lafayette; he makes it home no matter what.. with no trouble.


Focusing; you find Kamala team meets their own goals.. no matter what occurs.

Whatever; whatever I do, Kamala wins so she is the winner of the presidency by feel.

Voting; my vote saved the day..for Kamala.

The food; Cody gets here with food no matter what quickly.

Paul m; he leaves for the day back to where he came from.


Early voting; I manage to vote early and cause Kamala to matter what.

Line; I quickly go through the voter line no matter what.

Piss; My piss on my pants dissipates quickly with no scent no matter what.

Moose; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.

Left to right moves; the turn of the head that's left and then right acts as a poder regain..


Ante; before or pre
Post; after

Friday, November 15, 2024

Intriguing magic

Intriguing magic is where you make up something to make it manifest.. this means that it is interesting by feel and things work out by idea you express to create such things like intrigue.

Some spells follow..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.

Trump; no matter what he loses the presidential race..and Kamala Harris wins the swing states no matter what.

Focus; the focus is on the race, you think about winning and you do.

Thought; the thought is what abounds, think about it and it will be clear what to do.

Toxic; the toxic relationship becomes untoxic no matter what.

The idea; the windows 10 updates successfully no matter what and quickly.


Whatever; whatever the cause, I do not get in trouble with what Lafayette does no matter what.

No matter; things don't spiral out of control no matter what.

Lafayette; no matter what he did or does, I won't get in trouble for it.

Here; he doesn't come back to here no matter what he does.

Thought; he realizes his mistake and he's not repeating matter what.


Paul t; he understands my need and treat me nicely no matter what.

No matter; no matter what I don't take Paul t wrong and personally feel slighted.

Protection from good and evil; think your protected and you can't be mind controlled.

Projection; this creates what you want to be projected to the area from energy cast in the area including other people and yourself..

Jonlaw; he survived the boss and wins the fight.


Paul t; he is willing to give me what I am owed no matter what without holding back.


This; the idea is done if you want it done, think and you know what to do.

Tank; think about the preparation for things, if you want to do something else you can.

Kamala; she wins the election no matter what.

Lafayette; he gets better acting than he is now no matter what.

Paul t; he doesn't mind giving me the money I am matter what.


Moose; he doesn't mind what I give him in matter what I give him the best.

Moose; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.

No matter; I make better decisions no matter what.

Extreme; no extreme stress is felt no matter what.

Don't; I don't mind what occurs no matter what.


Trump; Donald Trump doesn't win no matter what he did..

Trump; he loses support and the race for president no matter what..fails.

Kamala; she wins support and wins the election no matter what.

Freak out; the damage is done to trump no matter what.

Money; the money comes in to me and I receive it no matter what as quickly as possible.


Sunday, November 10, 2024

Relaxing magic

 This is where you create a moment, thinking about relaxing as you do things. When you do this you relax so much, that you tend not to think and answer as you need to answer. So that means you relax as you think, thinking of the moment and you create with the idea and the energy from the moment you think of is there to use.

Some spells follow:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

This; This is a computer that you imagine sitting at in a well lit room, thinking to type what you want at a text editor. That then creates what you want. Imagine walking out of the room if your done to end the session.

Targeting; Imagine being in the sixth dimension, the dimension of death energy. This means as you sit at the computer see yourself as someone you want targeted. Then, as the death energy wave strikes by the items as weapons lifting up, think and they are striking you as the target feel it all at once. Killing said target.

thinness disease; this illness causes 1 to 5 lbs loss in weight per day till the body balances again. then it keeps off the weight. meaning you don't regain the bodyweight no matter what.

Andrew; He no longer gets too interested in youtube and starts chatting with me no matter what.

listening; I now remember what I listen to if on the radio.

trump; he doesn't win the race for matter what.

amazon; they deliver my packages no matter what.

Ashley; She doesn't get upset with me no matter what.

amazon; they deliver my packages to me as quickly as possible, no matter what.

walz; tim walz wins the debate no matter what with no turn off.

vance; he loses no matter what turning off the audiene.


walz to vance; walz's loss is transferred to vance and vance's win is transferred to walz.

vance; vance's loss does not transfer to walz no matter what.

proof; vance doesn't prove anything.

walz; he says the right things no matter what to win.

vance; he says the wrong things no matter what.


supreme court; think and the supreme court gets corrected with removal of the corrupt judges no matter what..

walz; he does what he says and does good with good example.

vance; he doesn't do good and gives bad examples no matter what.

protest; the job protest at the ports ends peacefully quickly.

think; the point is done, whoever wins doesn't matter at least they agree.


paul t; he is okay with me visiting and giving him things no matter what..he unchanges from being inhospitable and becomes allowing of my presence, as though he got enough sleep no matter the point.

trump; he doesn't get a surprise comeback in polls no matter what in a skewed political poll. it doesn't matter, go vote.

sanchez; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what. he talks to me no matter the point.

mistakes; no matter what, I no longer make mistakes with socialism.

firewall; This is a basic reaction, where fire is focused upon the target and it is perceived like a wall that emanates heat.

Space-x; They launch easily as soon as possible and the Europa clipper mission is successful no matter what.

The end; This is the point you end things so noone minds what I did or do.

Judy; She doesn't mind what I do or matter what.

packages; the amazon packages reaches me no matter what as quickly as possible.

the music; the music I am downloading is downloaded successfully no matter what.


bullette; it gets killed no matter the point.

enn; the ending that will surprise you! kamala wins the presidency. surprise!

for dnd

Spells have no ranges. There is no ranges to the spells unless otherwise specified, think of the targets as they manifest right where the enemies are.

Infinite Ammo Bandana; This bandana weighs nothing.. what it does is cause ammo to appear in the weapon that it needs to be upon thought to use it.

The black statuette; Very ordinary looking and weighs .5 lbs., but holds a secret. What is its secret? Since it's undestructible, when evoked it causes the sculptor to appear in that form. Survived a lifetime without discovery. 

Pulsating energizer; This is where you pulse by thinking energy to go through the body and you reenergize yourself 100% energy as you cast an effect that is one additional spell where you want it to be cast at x2 the damage/healing. If your not in the air already, then think and you will be by the power of energy. Think and it is costing 10% energy.

Meetup; You know them, if you say a name three different times you get to meet that person when you can.

Spell swap; This is a swap through time of spells that you want to use with someone else.

The time; This is where you find a person come up to you and ask for the time.

Time turner; This is where you turn over any item and if forward flipping, it creates time going forward a minute or however long you want by the statement and the flip with the subonscious creating the result..and with a flip back you turn time backward by a minute or however long you wanted.

Swap places; This spell allows you to swap with someone or something. They in return, swap with you. This effects through time so it created is a point in regard. This is where you can be where you want or when you want. The moment you don't want to be that person or thing, you swap back timewise.

Swapper; This causes something to be switched. You create with the swith any effect you want. Including, switching on good genes and switching off bad genes.

Death swap; As a instant reaction no matter what time it is needed. You summon your death and decay energy to focus as you need it to cause you to swap with another. This swaps you in you need it done. Think and you know what to do. You can always swap's the same way you swapped with the target. This means right before you die, in instantaneous time you change places with the attacking party and change shape to your form as the attacker dies and moves on by feel. You survive to another day. Interesting, right? 

Instant transition; This is where you can summon energy to change you or others actions. Thinking to create with life and energy and making the energy create whatever result you want in life. Its created by the soul making it happen. Now the soul can sense what you need and do it. This is a point in idea. This can include: changing shape, summoning energy chains that keep the targets under your control, shifting somewhere else, thinking to create a result or summoning fire bolts to attack the targets and make a quick kill is what can be done. That is all done smoothly and instantaneously as you need it done on a thought. As though you needed to get somewhere quickly, then you change into a hawk or large cat form. After your done, you change back to your normal shape. With intense feeling, you can deal double the damages. That means you could think charge the weapon you hold and throw it, to effect double the damages it normally does and anything can be a weapon, including a rock. Simple, right? However, the soul or spirit will not allow to effect yourself what you or the soul doesn't like. So, good luck in usig this ability in life.

2nd chance; If the 1st time doesn't succeed..the 2nd time is the win.

Infinite charm; the use of int and cha mods together for charming the targets.. when you get a 10 or above on a 1d20+cha and int mod roll.

Fog of war; this is where you think about creating with the best idea for manifesting..a fog in the area surrounding your party.. that you can see through. The targets cannot. This lasts until you dismiss it. 

Deflect; this is where you think about the targets, thinking about another person that you mention and they assume it would be you.  So if you sense you are psychically assaulted they attack them instead.

Deflection; the aura is charged with the energy of the area and sends back to the targets the energy of attack to them.

Reflection; this effect is where you make your aura mirror like and it reflects what you need reflecting. That's reflecting on one side and not reflecting on the other side. 

Puddle of effect; this is where you think about creating a puddle of energy. Then, what you need happens to the targets as they the targets stand on or near it. This could be poison or acid or something else like fire or lightning. The energy you send to the puddle, that causes emulation of what you wanted to effect. The targets are hit by the effect per round.

animate spores; The effect of living causes the point of life by the spores you summon to the target as its gated in anf effects the targets as you want. This means it reanimates the target, if it dies until otherwise unneeded or their is no life in the animator.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Cancel culture magic

Think of the moment and need it to cancel itself out. This causes you to not react as though it were really there.

Some spells follow 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.

Need; if you need me I won't be there unless otherwise noticed.

Trump; he doesn't win the presidential race no matter what.

Weight; they that want it will get it..this means extra weight too.

Cody; he brings back the donations from the store as quickly as possible no matter what if possible.

Believable action; I do things believably no matter what.


Wolfheart; he plays his bg3 with no death of his own character no matter what.

Thought; the thought is creative. Think and it is made by the creator.

The radiance; this effects the idea of what you do. If you need to experience something then you experience higher than normal radiation.

Effect; the idea is obviously done so think of what you need to get it done.

Dragon break; this breaks the mind of the targets no matter what occurs. They are out of the fight.

Needles; this is where you think about the need and create energy in the shape of needles that you toss at the targets..and you deal energy damage at the moment of contact.


Harris and waltz; they win the presidential election since they are Democrats no matter what.

Democrats; the Democrats all win with the political office race no matter what.

Divine armor; this is where you get protection from your god and aren't ever getting sick or damage.

En; this is where you think about living and die trying to fight an illness.

En; Trump's protection faded away and he gets charged. He loses support and whatever race he is attempting by feel.

Starship; it does a successful liftoff and mission no matter what.


Sanguis; she no longer can do anything magic wise after this unless she swears to be good matter what she is no longer evil.

She; she doesn't mind what I do, think or did no matter what.

Sanguis; she talks to me no matter what.

Moose; he can stand to talk to me no matter what. He can understand me no matter how I say it.

People; they don't mind what I do or did no matter what.


People; they don't mind what they do, or did no matter what.

People II; they don't mind what they do or did to each other.

Setup; everything setup against me is no longer setup against me no matter what.

Setup II; everything setup against Terra is no longer setup against her/him no matter what.

Lying; it's made up.. think about it and your subconscious causes it.


Downer; no downer occurs to me.

Inspection; I pass my inspection no matter what.

Matter; this doesn't matter no matter what the point.

Album download; I easily download the album I need to download matter what.

Lafayette; I won't be kicked out by him coming over.. no matter what the manager doesn't mind it that I paid to have him go home..

Whatever; whatever the reason that causes the torrent to not download,  no longer exists..this is to block it's download no longer.

I am Vic; I am victorious no matter what.

I los; trump loses no matter what.

I kno; I kill now the moment no matter what.


I ca spek; I can easily speak of the idea and get good results.

I am go; I go on with my point.

Gu; good 

No; this is known idea..

Bec; because you know.

Spek no; this is where you speak knowledge knowing what it does.


Id does nothing; think about it and it stopped.

Think; think it does and it does what you need.

Think in; the idea is done if you want to do it.

The end occurs.

If en else

Focus; in on the idea or the planet and your on another planet.

Focus II; the moment of your focus is the moment you do work.

Focus III; the moment you think no movement as you feel like focusing upon your targets.. you create a point they stop moving.


Allen; from this point on he acts rational and is able to get things done with no irrational or irritated disclosure or comments.

People; they don't mind each other no matter what.

Lafayette; he returns to his apartment no matter what. 

Vic = Victor, winner

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Thought point V

Focusing thought points are the best thing to happen. If you know what you want you get it by feel. This is the effect of the soul creating the effect of manifest as you think of what you want and need it.

Some spells 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.

Paul t.; he finds his money pack and pays me back.. quickly no matter what.

Death swap; summon your death and decay energy to focus as you need it to cause you to swap with another. This swaps you in you need it done. Think and you know what to do. You can always swap's the same way you swapped with the target. This means right before you die, you change places with the attacking party and change shape to your form as the attacker dies and moves on by feel. You survive to another day. Interesting, right?

Peaceful accord; this is where you think about peace and create it by sending out "programmed" by your thoughts energy to effect the peace.

Think; the effect is good if a improvement happens. 

Poison vines; This effect causes the energy of ground form vines of poison. This entraps the targets for 36 seconds..or 1d6 rounds as it poisons them.

Toxic spores; If you think about spores being gated into the area from toxic plants then it effects the targets. The spores form in the area, that are breathed in through the mouth and skin by the targets. This deals toxic damage.

Stunspore; this summons spores from a gate that came from a stunning plant..that stun the targets for 1d6 rounds.

Sleep spore; This causes spores to be gated in from a plant to make the targets sleep for 1d6 rounds.

Entangle; this spell causes the target to trip and become entangled by vines..for 1d6 rounds.

Vine prison; this spell causes the target to become trapped in a rapid vine growth much like a prison. That's for 1d6 rounds or a strength check is passed.

Changing spores; this causes the targets to be effected by spores you summon from the plants. The spores are changed by magic to effect however you want them to effect. That means it can be poison or creating conditions that you desire the targets to feel.

Bite; It is simply a dark move that deals consistant damage for 1d8 rounds each round.

Then you know they exist.

Think; the point is past, think and it is done.

Song cast; they make allowance and allow the new release albums to go live no matter what.


Slipping mind; my slipping mind is no longer slipping no matter what.

Transfer; the we transfer transfer continues successfully. No matter what..

Disgruntled; I am no longer disgruntled or angry no matter what.

Focus; I can focus in on things and relax as I observe the idea.

Judy; she doesn't mind what I do no matter what.


Allen Sanchez; he decides to talk to me no matter what.. his taxes get settled by feel. He calms down and chats with me no matter what.

Blame; I am not blamed no matter what occurs.

Donation; think to get donated to by feel.

Me; I get the money back that Donovan got from me no matter what.

Focus; think about it and it will work for you.


Known; He knows what to do as I wait and see.

Money; I attract money to me no matter what as abundance.

If I; I settle down and don't mind what other people do no matter what.

Mischief; this effect creates what I want no matter what as it distracts and the subconscious reminds them of what you need.

You; this is a blame you name, as of now I am free of all unwanted influence.


Distraction; they no longer come after you for doing things that take away from their work no matter what.

I get; I get what I ask for if necessary.

Xmas; I get gifts for Xmas and I love it.

People; they get along with me no matter what.

The consciousness; the consciousness of the item or fluid creates what you think.

The dentist; they do a good job no matter what and the fillings they place stay in no matter what. I get enough Anesthesia no matter what.


Paul t; he allows me beyond the front of his room and beyond his own bed no matter what.

Ashley; she is no longer being selfish and offers to help me out or pay me off.

It; the demon in the stomach is cancelled out.

Face; the demon in the face is cancelled out.

Brain; the brain demon is cancelled out and no more brain farts happens.


Age demon; the age demon is cancelled out.

The weight demon; the weight demon is cancelled out.

Multiple schlerosis; the multiple penalties is cancelled out.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Thought point IV

This thought comes to mind by feel, what if we can do what we need and not have to work with those who disagree with us? If you want to do this, think to get along with people who want to do things with you get what you want and do as you will.

Some spells follow..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.

Think; if you want to eat, state not double and you stop.

Seconds; if you're about to eat..state out loud "no seconds" and you stop.

War; war ceases no matter what happens.
Aftermath; things will be different for the idea of the day where radiation is constant and mutation is rampant.

JD Vance; JD does terrible no matter what.

JD Vance; JD does horrible in his debate no matter what.


Bloat; the body bloat disappears by fire or matter what.

Ancient; in ancient, fire is taking a picture. Firing is the act of dismissal from a job.

Modern; in modern, fire is an element that burns. Firing someone is dismissal from a job.

Focus; pointing things out on what is out there.

Framing; in ancient it is to frame a picture.. in modern it is to act on pointing something out on on someone or getting things done to occur a bad response and otherwise make someone do things with pointing things out.

SpaceX; they get off the launch pad and successfully launch as though with the correct circumstances no matter what.


Star drive; NASA and SpaceX develope and use a working star drive no matter what. This happens quickly enough to get used often.

Ukraine; Ukraine wins the war no matter what and Russia becomes peaceful again.

Weather; the weather clears up around cape Canaveral and space x.. launch and landing quickly no matter what.

Russia; they continue launching rockets and not the matter what.

Starliner; they no longer get produced no matter what.

SpaceX; they can say the weather is green and going no matter what today.

Orgonimics; this low energy idea is useful to recreate the moment I saw.. let's hope it gets used right.

Floated; the idea is interesting so speaking of it creates interesting responses.

Storage treasures; jebus is no longer banned no matter what.

Great; I am recovering and recovered by will no matter what.

Good; I recovered from my illness so now I can continue what I do.


Bloat; the bloat of the body disappears by feel and things work by feel in the end.

Great; peachy and peaceful so things work by feel.

Peachy; peaceful by feel.

Stress; the stress disappears by feel I am relaxing by idea and acceptable no matter what.

Key light; this burns the targets it hits. It is as small as device you can hold and fit on a keychain that cause by thumb hitting the button to effect that burn. Any alien hit by this weapon turns into green goo.

Electro gun; this tazer causes the body hit by it to pass out or die if hit by electricity jolts with 10 seconds being hit.

Purge; this I know won't happen since trump won't be elected.


Moose; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.

Time slip; this is where you do an action and no time has passed.

Think; the point is done by walz. So think about it and it will be done.

Tim walz; he wins the VP debate no matter what.

A spirit; left behind and haunting the area.


Stand off; this is not done as the port workers get back to work.

Diplomatic; Kamala does diplomacy good enough to fix the moment no matter what.

Enigma point; this produces results that you think about matter what.

Focus; the focus is on the area to see an illusion of things to be..

Away; I am away from the area and creating with what I learned. This is the idea best done.


Di = do or did 
Did = didn't or don't 
Do = die off
Don't = die off in it
Die = death flow of energy 
Wi = win, will
Lo = lose, loss, low, hello
Urn = earn
I = yes, aye
U = no, disagree
A = not, no, act
No = gnow, know 
Ui = em, condemn, ruin, ruination 
Pb = plumbus, dumb
Es = smart, Einsteinium, weigh
In = flow not, not
On = off not, do
Kn = kill not
Gn = go not
Gni = good night
Gno = good not
Nought = not, naught
G = good
Ba = bad, not good 
Ju = just, judge
Gju = good judgement 
Baju = bad judgement 
Kno = knowledge, knowing
Forg = forgiveness 
Pro = for
Con = against 
Walz = waltz, dance
It = machine 
Vance = adamantly advance, advancement 
Med = medium, burgois, in between 
Ke = key, important 
Po = poor
Ri = rich, alg
Mid = amidst

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Thought point III

This is where you think about the energy of life create with concept by future feel.

Some spells follow..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. 

So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. Think the ghost dismissed and the creator makes it so.

Thought; thought makes things so.

Kamala; she wins no matter what happens the presidential race and all other Democrats win the Senate and house no matter what.

Deprevation; deprevation no longer occurs no matter what.

Deprivation; this is not a chance to do unnecessary things.

Depression; think and depression is in use and  avoided at the idea of it no matter what.


Mini fights; these are minute wars that prevent major wars..

Thought; the point was found good so things work by feel.

If; sniff

Hemming; wait and see unless not necessary.

Think; think about it and it forms if needed as though by feel.

Replenishment; think about it you can do what you want as you replenish your own body.


Jose; he moves out quickly and successfully no matter what.

Approached; Jose can be approached by the manager and not get upset no matter what.

Composite being; I am not a part of any composite being any longer no matter what.

Kamala; she and the Democrats win their race on political office.. no matter what.

Fine!; I finished up my project so far.. think that things will work for me and they will.

Think; due to circumstances working for me.. this will be good.

Kamala; she wins the well as the other Democrats win the majority of House and Senate no matter what.

Working; all my machines work by feel so the idea is to create a new idea with what I have.

Thought; this was an experiment of magic with the machine and not breaking the machine in the process.


Good question; this makes it acceptable of what you heard from a source.

Does it make sense..; this makes things in question of what is there. Where you think of the idea.

Thought pollution; this creates a point of reducing noise levels.

Shift; this causes the energy of the body to teleport you on thinking about the area and your there.

Thinking; this is the first ending..of the visions. Where things will work.

Now that's the question; this causes the listener to accept this point you made as though you didn't know.

I don't really care; this causes the listener to not think about the idea.

Wolfheart; he finds it easy with encounters no matter what. Even on honor mode.

Budget; they prevent a government shutdown no matter what.

Thought; this is nothing, think about it and it will work.

Interesting; the energy of the moment is where you think about creating something and make it happen.

Ending; the end of the idea is the point you think to end the moment.

Paul t; he gets his check in the mail tomorrow and pays me off..$100 no matter what.

Senate; Democrats take over the Senate and matter what.

Bingo; I win at bingo no matter what quickly.

Focus; I get what I can.. no matter what..

Conversion effect;  this is where you think about something being a source.. then needing something like the items you need as you think or say convert. The source can be money energy that is converted to being the idea or items that were needed. Once used up, the item source either disappears, breaks or the energy was used up and doesn't work.

Kitty moo; he is no longer burnt out on spells and is freely giving ideal no matter what.


Curse of return; what you want that you place on a table if taken, it will return to the table. When you take it off the table, it remains off of it until you place it somewhere.

Suspense; this is a lifting of feelings as you feel nothing by feel.

Nuclear war; nuclear weapons aren't used no matter what..

Internet; it fixes itself no matter what.

No-ip; they figure out what is wrong with the website and fix it no matter what quickly.


Enn; the ending is done and things work by feel..

It; it is good.. gone and farewell.

Pressure; the forehead pressure is matter what.

Thinking; what you know is what your thinking about.

This; the point of idea. That's an expression and what you notice occurs.


Andrew McDowell; he doesn't mind helping me with giving me idea to use for the matter what.

Trump .. trump doesn't win by feel.

Wolfheart; wolfheart wins every encounter and the game no matter what.


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