Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, August 25, 2023


 This amazement to those that watch, its interesting so think and you know what to do as you watch this idea of a space launch and going into space. Virgin galactic is amazing. 

This is some magic

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

The overshield; this is done by thinking about shielding, that protects you as you think it does. The shielding is enacted by thinking "shield me from harm and recharge yourself if depleted.." as you touch the armor or clothes you wear. Then the subconscious creates it by feel.

The trick; Think about knowing it and you do, thats by the power of the subconscious mind.

The idea; The idea to do is control, where you think of the auratic feel of the target. Then, need the target to do something, that's as you think of the idea to do and their aura picks up the thought to cause it to be done.

think and create; this is where you think about things and need the idea as a result, then the subconscious creates it as a point in idea.

think and focus; this is where you think about the area and need something to happen, then the area responds energy wise to create what you need.


lafayette's computer; it works no matter what.

magnetic pulser; this shield uses the magnetics and pulses back metallic objects and bullets, that's as though ir repulsed it from you.

made by mistake; this is where you make something happen by mistake that helps you in the end.

knowledge; you know things and what to do by the power of the spirit and soul.

technology; you perceive by vision from the creator, what new technology is possible and understand how to make it work.


trouble repulser; the magnetic strike. this includes blows and other things, this is effect where your aura magnetically repulses the attracted trouble from you, that you would get that goes to someone else that you choose to target. that includes weight you would have gained, if it weren't for the magnetic trouble repulser.

baldur's gate; jonlaw does yet another baldur's gate 3 episode. no matter what.

florida blogger; they don't pass the florida blogger law, no matter what.

The computer; it no longer restarts on its own no matter what.


Andrew mcdowell; he as kittymoo comes back online and chats in my matter what.


judy; she doesn't mind what I do or did. no matter what.

the doctor; he sees me as soon as possible. no matter what.

for dnd

dimensional keeper class

Description: This class was inspired by the star trek: voyager episodes of the keeper or watcher of space on a planet they went to for exploration.

ex and sp

omnihealing (sp); This is where you create by enhanced ideal, thats with the energy consciousness a healing effect on yourself or on others that you psychically know what is wrong with spiritually.

long lived (Ex); They are long lived and wise, so they get bonuses to intelligence. Add +5 intelligence.

mystical (Ex); You have mystical knowledge because of your long life, and connection to the universe then allowing you to identify weaknesses enemies have. Add +5 to your identify weakness skill.

future sight (Ex); You have the power to glimpse into the future, so you know what will happen and aren't ambushed. This is like a channeled ability to make escapes and dodging better. Add +5 to your escape skill and dodge skill.

stun (sp); This spell is the ability to make a wave of mystical energy, that stuns whomever it touches for a turn or two. This stuns the target for 1d6 rounds in battle.

Insight (ex); This is the ability to gain insight on a situation, thats using knowledge of dark and light. They know what will occur, as it seems to happen when you intend it to occur. 

persuasive (Ex); Very strong skills in persuasion. Add +6 to your charisma and persuasion rolls.

barrier (sp); This is the ability to make a barrier out of energy, that doesn't allow any projectile attacks or people you don't like through. It lasts until you don't need it, and is empowered by thoughts to keep it up. It can be passed by those that aren't targeted by it. It sends back any attack to its sender if hostile.

Mental duel (Sp); This is the ability to initiate a mental duel, where both sides roll with intelligence and the person who rolls the lowest takes psi damage.

Protection from Domination: You can use your powers to protect yourself and others from being dominated, controlled, or manipulated by dark forces. This lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle, or until not needed outside of battle. Break your concentration by failing a concentration check every round then the protection drops.

Enlightened being (ex); This is where you become an energy being at level 20. You absorb food and drink by being near it. You use the enzymes to feed yourself. Your telepathic and can hear thoughts, thinking as well as sending thoughts are as a reply. You can dissappear and reappear any where, thats as you phased to the location you wanted to visit. This is with inner light and the intent to do things, that means you can deflect back at the target their attacks. So think your disassociated from it and you know what to do as you aren't effected by what it is. As your disappeared, your unaffected by attacks. If you appear, your only effected by magic weapons and effects. 

Think and you cause effects easily, so you use what is necessary to create what you wanted. Thats as though a need were made. Your able to create with the energy in the area. Then you make results appear in the area, that's on the target/s you want effected. You can't go through electromagnetic barriers. You can use the spirit to cause the creator or your god, thinking to create results by feel easily. Because your Deity gives you wisdom, you are enlightened. Also you are toughened, so add +5 to all core stats. Add +70% health as well.


magnetic pulser; this shield uses the magnetics and pulses back metallic objects and bullets, that's as though it repulsed it from you.

accurate attack; This attack uses energy awareness, that you direct by thoughts to make your hits accurate and improve damage. The energy consciousness creates, what you intend and you get is an accurate hit. This is where you add +6 to your to hit rolls. Add half level (round down)+d10+focus ranks as energy damage to your damages.

Creating effect; This is where you walk around and think of the effect, or what you want to happen and the dimensional energy does.

knowledge; you know things and what to do by the power of the spirit knowing and soul realization.

attractor effect; this is where you use magnetic pull directed by will and thought, things that come into a higher realm. That will draw towards yourself what you intend to attract to yourself.

technology; you perceive by vision from the creator, what new technology is possible and understand how to make it work.

trouble repulser; the magnetic strike. this includes blows and other things, this is effect where your aura magnetically repulses the attracted trouble from you, that you would get that goes to someone else that you choose to target. that includes weight you would have gained, if it weren't for the magnetic trouble repulser.

time manipulation; this is when you create with time and that's done by thinking of the idea, thinking to create it by needing it and the subconscious creating it. this can be any time and space.

Omnidimensional; This is when you think of the effect and the dimension you need to do it, this creates the result where you intend it. The dimensional consciousness creates the result, thats when its perceiving your thoughts and it creates what you need. This is any dimension that your aware of by thinking about the dimension itself. That is what you know and can deal with, if you need to deal with it.

for superhuman

Stalking (Ex); This is where and when you create with a point and that point is where you follow silently the target to know where and what the target does. Add +5 to your move silent skill.

Languages: Atleantian magic language.. this language can create what you want it to create. Its based off of symbols you understand on sight, that once translated are words that you know.

add to UFO

they have tractor beams and transport beams, they also have a hatch you can enter or leave from.

supernatural class

Ex and Sp

Speed (Ex); Due to the spiritual energy focus, you speed up by 10'. Add 10' to your speed on the character sheet.

Energy move (Sp); This is an ability that lets them move objects around up to 50 pounds as long as the object can be seen. Like a poltergeist. Think to know it works by a 1d100+will and getting a 51 or above for success. You can do this spell anytime you'd like.

Night movement (Ex); You are very good at moving around without notice. Add +5 to your move silently skill.

Animate objects (Sp); This is the ability to make weapons come alive and fight for them. It also is where you cause machines come alive and do things on their own to your willing. You can do this spell anytime you need it to occur.

Scare tactic (Sp); This is the ability to scare an enemy causing them to run away for a few turns. They are out of the fight for 1d6 rounds in battle.

Sleep (Sp); This is an ability done by spiritual rubbing to put enemies to sleep, that's for 1d8 rounds in battle or until you need them awake outside of battle.

Sleep damages (Sp); This ability is one that only damages sleeping targets, that gives them nightmares for 1d8 rounds in battle.

Senses (Ex); This is the ability to sense energy. The ability itself is internally done, yet you know what is there or what will happen by the sense of the energy itself.

Super body (Ex); This is at level 20, where you think to use the spirits and focus on your goals. Thinking to create with the idea you have in mind. This changes you into a super body, and your spirit receives more energy from the creator or your God. So you can place "Infinite" without quotes, thats as your stamina count on the character sheet. Also you toughen, as you gain +5 to all your core stats and +75% to your health.


The exchange; The exchange deal is the thing, where you give a little energy and in exchange you make a request to get a result with the spirits. You can cause ghosts or beings to do what you wanted with this idea.

The overshield; this is used in masterchief and is done by thinking about shielding, that protects you as you think it does. The shielding is enacted by thinking "shield me from harm and recharge yourself if depleted.." as you touch the armor or clothes you wear. Then the subconscious creates it by feel.

Supernatural energy trick; This is where you create with the spirit using your God or the creator. Fake moments can occur with this, where you perceive something from the future and think it happened now. The soul guides the spirit into doing things, that you want. Think and you know what to do. As your use of the spirit progresses, you gain in strength and dexterity, enough to make it worth the while. Add +5 to all strength and dexterity based rolls as this is in effects.

The trick; Think about knowing it and you do, thats by the power of the subconscious mind.

The idea; The idea to do is control, where you think of the auratic feel of the target. Then, need the target to do something, that's as you think of the idea to do and their aura picks up the thought to cause it to be done by the spirit.

Think and life create; This is where you think about things and need the idea as a result, then the subconscious creates it as a point in idea.

think and focus; this is where you think about the area and need something to happen, then the area responds energy wise using the heat of the area to create what you need.

candle rite; This will summon whatever you want, thinking to manifest where you need it to manifest. That is creating what you want by the flame of a candle. So light a candle and look at the flame, thats as you state what you want to happen. Blow it out after your done. Its easy to do. There is a 65% chance of it working by feel.

Energy eating; Think you know the desire or soul, that you sense or think of the disease and illnesses as a source, and then imagine yourself "eating" it as though eating a piece of food in another dimension. What you eat disappears by feel. This removes what you don't like, and can even remove spirits as when you eat something it disappears..

Shapeshifting spiritually; This is the ability to shapeshift into animals like a skinwalker.

The druid; her dice rolling and luck improves by feel.

The luck; it doesn't go bad.

improvement; if feeling crappy, then you can always listen to some healing frequency. Then, there's no headache and feeling alright.

thought; the thought is yours, I just wrote it down.

space-x; the space-x launch of 6-8 happens by feel and successfully launches off the the ground. this happens without any more delays and no matter what we get to see a launch.



indicted; recriminated

indictment; recriminate

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