Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, October 30, 2022

Think and do

 The point you think is the point you can do. If you thought of the basic idea of creating with light. Then your spirit will do it to make light effects. This is also where you do things physically to create things, that's with the light shining down. So think and you know what to do.

Here is some magic:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

paul t; he gets his money in today in the matter what. U get paid at least 80 by him.

programming; Take two magnets, place them side by side over a crystal, think of the magnetic field going into the crystal and state your spell. It uses magnetic force. But you need to be psychic to do this I believe.

energy grid spell; Think the spell into the energy of the tendril with an electroball.

magnetism magic; Magnetism magick is relatively easy if you can understand the 'force'. Take a magnet. Place a coin or a dollar on it. Imagine money coming to you and it should. So resistance to magnetization is called reluctance. State a anti-reluctance spell to magnetize quicker.

tara's wish; I manage to solve simba's problems tomorrow by feel.


curse of largeness; this is where you say "exfat" thinking of the target. then the target of the curse is cursed with a big as a house stature or very fat indeed. the counter to this is a stated, "unexfat" or "nonfat" and it causes you to become slim again.

curse of slenderness; upon stating "slenderx" and thinking of the target, they transform into a medium or lesser weighted person as though by a curse.

curse of thinness; this is where the target is cursed with a very thin stature and is considered "thin as a rail" and they lose all their extra body fat. this effects those that want to be thin as you say "exthin".

curse of love; the person you think about is cursed to love someone you intend them to love by a stated "lovem" while thinking of the targetr.

for dnd

Psychic magus class:


Psychic (ex); You are psychic and know things as or before the moment occurs that you focus to know.

tech (Ex); The psychic mage is able easily to work with technology. Add +4 to the technology skill.

release (Ex); The idea is this, release of any effect that you don't like. This causes the chariot of death to be thought and it brings the effect away from the area and people or things are uncursed.

car of effect (ex); The car becomes a time vehicle and can cast forth an effect, that you or others decide to create somewhere and by some way. This makes aether magic effectively done. The damage/healing possible with this is 1d12+charisma mod, per each 2 focus ranks. Duration or how long it lasts, is 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle. THere is an upgrade to this, at level 10 the damage/healing goes up to 2d8+charisma mod per every 2 focus ranks.

reshaping (Ex); the body becomes with the thought in the shape you want as you eat something or drink something and think of the shape. Then the body reshapes itself to that shape in idea of what you want using the energy of the food or drink. This can change your shape to similar humanoid shapes, that means hobgoblin, elf or similar idea. You can't gain in sight weight from of this use.

devotion (Ex); At level 20 you devote to the moment and you get better results. This is where you devote to the moment so you think and get better results. Think this is done and you get +4 to all the core stats and otherwise +50% more health. The better results are +5 to all rolls unless bad with a 1 rolled.


Aether magic; You call upon aether and gate it to where you want it to effect. This can create by programming what you desire. Think the idea to the energy, and you program its consciousness into making a manifest of what you want. This can create elemental effect, some effect or what have you. You could even make a cone of force or cold with this effect. Form your hand into a cone shape and make energy go forth as you breath through the "hole" made by forming your hand as though a cone. The energy is amplified as a cone of force or some element that goes forth and strikes the target.

The damage/healing possible with this is 1d10+charisma mod, per each 2 focus ranks. Duration or how long it lasts, is 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle. THere is an upgrade to this, at level 10 the damage/healing goes up to 1d12+charisma mod per every 2 focus ranks.

bubble effect; This is a creation of a bubble of force made from thinking to project the green heart energy and surrounding the target with a green energy that is separating the target from the area by feel. This is undoable by thinking its undone if you want it undone. This will drain the target and the more they try to impact or break it, the stronger you are reinforced by effect damage added as energy to the bubble and this is then applied by thinking energy is applied to you of added MP and extra health percent. This freezees the target in energy and makes any energy effect cast by the target not done for 1d6 rounds in melee/battle or an unlimited time outside of battle..

hell; State hell three times and intend the target to experience it then you cause your target to experience hell in its glory. This is experiencing hellfire for 1d6 rounds in melee/battle, unlimited outside of battle. Damages dealt are 1d12+charisma mod, per each and every 2 focus ranks.

hell send; State "goto hell" as you think of your target/s then they goto there. This can make the target disappear into hell as though pulled by many hands. In a similar manner, you can draw from hell the target by thinking of the target and stating "back from hell".

Hell vision; This vision is a point that is gifted to the person that does wrong and leaves them thinking in remorse. Thus it leaves them in mental illness that is temporary. Think of the idea and it appears in the vision. Thinking of the target and stating he'll vision causes then the vision to be imparted on the target. This distracts the target and until they decide to not attack or they act better. This is really what is stated to cause a person hell.

Energy form; Think energy forms in the air as you feel its electricity that forms an effect. This can cause electricity to be created wherever it is intended to form. It seems you can focus lightning that acts like electricity. It forms in air from fire and heat that flows through the water particles. 

The damage/healing possible with this is 2d8+charisma mod, per each 2 focus ranks. Duration or how long it lasts, is an instant zap. There is an upgrade to this, at level 15 the damage/healing goes up to 2d10+charisma mod per every 2 focus ranks.

needles; The energy needles can pierce the target and do damage per each needle. They form by you thinking they are there and willing by acting as though there. Think to hold one so it makes it appear. Think of the target and tossing it forward causes it to be thrown into a target. This damage is done by them, it is 2d8+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. You can form 1d10 of them in total amount per round or minute.

Mindblast; this is an ability that causes the excess energy of an idea the body and mind goes through to be directed by thoughts and need..think to focus your mental energy and think to allow your body energy excess released upon the target to effect by feel the target and make things seem almost impossible to them. So this pauses or makes them fazed for 1d8 rounds in melee or battle and 1d10 minutes outside of battle. The damage/healing possible with this is 2d10+charisma mod, per each 2 focus ranks. Duration or how long it lasts, is instantaneous. There is an upgrade to this, at level 20 the damage/healing goes up to 2d12+charisma mod per every 2 focus ranks.

Self-shift; this is shifting yourself into the soul world.  The world you know that's represented by the soul. This is purgatory, and by thinking you need to be somewhere in some dimension. You are shifted by the soul to be where you want to seem, any time you want to be in the area by feel.

curse; This is where you think and then your spirit curses the target and causes untimely death. That's unless your immune to death. This is where you can't be effected by thinking of the energy from the protection of the creator. This causes instant death.


im = him

er = her

t = him, her, it

en = end

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Focus energy

 The focus energy you have at the moment is the point you think and that is energy summoned by thoughts to create what you need. This is a point where you think about the idea and you create using what you work with. This is done by feel. So think and you will know.

Coming later: spells to try.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Constant effects

 This is where the constant effect occurs, thinking of the idea to do and then you are creating the effect by constant motion. This is a constant effect. 

These are some spells I did:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

focus; upon focus he decides not to do illegal drugs.

en; the ending is done think and you do what you can do in law.

Earthquake; If you wanted to make an earthquake somewhere, what would you do?  I thought like this.  I will spread the earth energy in the area I want every day.  I will give orders to the accumulated energy on the day I want.  there will be an earthquake of the size I want.

the idea of demolishing a building;  send your energy to that building every day.  cover all the walls.  Also imagine that the columns are rotting.  like a virus.  Feel that you cannot survive without your energy.  When you feel rotten enough, intend to draw your energy to yourself.  When your energy comes to you, the building will collapse.  / if you want, try on small things first.  it could be a table.

innocense; This is where you maintain your innocense as a shield.

the shell; the manager of the shell does better and no longer threatens by feel as though he got therapy.


Mindblast; this is an ability that causes the excess energy of the body and mind to be directed by thoughts and need that direct darkenergy to create a think to focus your mental energy and allow your body energy released by the third eye directing it. This is instantly cast upon the target to effect the target and make things seem almost impossible to them. So this pauses or makes them fazed for at most 32 seconds in melee or battle and up to 10 minutes outside of battle.

Mindbleet; This is a point you think you send a thought and focus upon the target and the third eye does its thing. THen they the target responds by a thought back or a thought spoken. This is said and is a done idea by the point you need to know realized into fruition.

subconscious shift; There are other dimensions amongst you, then when they say the brain (or energy brain) can handle up to 10 picked dimensions at once. This means you can do what you want with them. You see, that is your true strength, the ability to do things and skip to another dimension to avoid trouble. So if you have an object and you want to shift, then touch the object thinking the object energy shifts you to where you want. If an image or sound comes to your mind, like a screech. Then that's what is there. Think and you know what to do. 

This is using the subconscious to direct the dark matter in idea and then you are there. Think of what you want done and speak of it out loud under your breath, and you are directing dark matter by the power of the subconscious mind. Then if you think of what you want like a small bite being a full meal, you can create that result as darkmatter is 78% of the universe and unseen by feel.

There are signs that it's working.. if you feel tired..and possibly like fainting. if you sleep allot and can't really focus. then you also are focused on the dimension you want to be in and you are there as you are here. so basically if your easily distracted, your third eye is making it so you are shifting there where you want to be. The dimension itself informs you of the idea that you want to know about.


Walking shift; Think of the area to appear in and then move around and you spiritually appear there by feel. The area you think about you can shift to at least in soul as you think of walking around.

Think shift; the area you think about and feel your there for some reason makes you there.

focus shift; Focus your mind and breath in and out and think on shifting. the point is done and your soul shifts you to the place you want to be. This is a true spirit way of doing things.

Straight shift; think about the place you want to shift to and create a shift as you think of the place and drink water then your body relaxes and you shift to be there..

Butt shift; Think of the area and feel your butt, distract your mind from being here as you sniff your fingers and your there until the scent disappears.

think shift II; Think of the area, think your there, do things and then your subconscious forms you there.

thought shift; thought of the area and the need to be there makes you do the right things, think to be and your famous so the spirit uses the third eye to shift you to where you want to be.

the shift; The shift to where you want to be is easy, think you be there then your there and will the idea to occur and your there at least in spirit and at most in body. The bathroom you might smell by this method. So be aware that you will have heightened senses, that is for 5 minutes. Then the scent disappears.


Relax n shift; Relax your body and think or feel where you want to be, then you are where you intend to exist as you create yourself there where you want to be and do what you want as you think your there. To return, think of where you were and reminisce or imagine yourself there doing things and you are back doing those things. This happens by the power of any God you want helping you.

God shift; Think of the area and state to your God as you think of the need what you want. Such as, "I wish to shift to somewhere I need to be." Then need to be somewhere, the God shifts you instantly.

Need shift; Think of the area to be in, feel the need to be there and your soul or spirit shifts you to where you intend to be.

Eating shift; Think of the area to be in, then eat or drink something. As you thought to see and be in there your body digests the substance, you are there if by the energy given by the food or drink. Once the energy runs out, you shift back.

Shift fart; think of where you want to be and you are where you want to be as you fart the fart gas in release.

continental shift; This is where you use the idea of continental buttox, touch some point in the buttox and collect the oil if there in as much so you think to smell the fingers and you are energized as your subconscious places you there on the continent where you want to be and what dimension you need to be.


anti-burnout; The burnout effect is cancelled out by feel.. no matter what.I don't get burnout.


fid; find

renig; go back

top; revenue

bottom; earnings

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Incredible results

 I found that if you think to create something, then you know what will be created by the power of the soul. Think to create with some idea of what you want and the soul makes a result. No matter what if needed its there. This is the idea of the point you make and the power of words that create what is desired.

Here are some spells:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

warnock; he does the right campaign to get reelected to the senate. no matter what.

wor = time whorl; worry not, think positively. this is a natural idea in mind.

en; this a point at the end with interesting results.


Personality change; If you want lasting change to your personality, you can do it the spell way or the bubble way. The spell way is think of what you want your personality changes to be that are permanent.. then state a word that causes it by triggering the change like its rel raj or pronounced rell rajj. Alternatively you can pronounce it reel rage. The bubble way is think of a blue bubble that surrounds the body.. and whatever you suggest to yourself is how you will act. Imagine a pin popping the blue bubble to stop the effect.

I en mi; Me at the end of intel. This could turn off voices.

I em; I was, I was done

ricardo; he seems to have gotten hospital care. no matter what. also he is found by what is done.


hospital dimension; the dimension offers all sorts of cures and drugs. you enter it or leave it on your own volition and violation.

win; the point you project is the point that's understood.

loss; there is no loss so think and you know what to do.

Writing stuff

for dnd

Gun slinger class

Required must have gun


Honing; the moment in focus you point with a gun and that creates the point of hitting the target very quickly. Add +5 to your speed, to hit roll and damage.

Energy manifest; Think of the need and you make things happen. This is done by your subconscious mind. State what you intend and its done.

Any damages/healing done by this is 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. Duration or how long it lasts is instant.

This can be an illusion that is created, so think about the idea and you can make what you intend or need. Like focusing on an idea of candy to make it seem to be there until you otherwise don't need it there or its eaten.

There is a savings throw..where you roll a 1d20+int mod and get a 10 or above result. Then if you make it you dispell the effect.  If the monster doesn't have an int mod then it doesn't dispell it.

The point you make is what creates this effect and how it plays out is what you think it does. So think of something good and you create very good results.

Point magic; This is the result of creation with the elements. Think of the element/s to use then you create its effect by the third eye pineal gland making it appear or manifest as though a gun were shot or you curl your finger into your thumb and imagine the energy from the air creating an elemental ball that is flung forward to release the ball of energy and hit the target. This can be a fireball, an ice ball, or any element ball.

If you want to form a gateway to a space filled with energy or where you could go, then form the signed ok (the curl of the finger to your thumb) or draw a spiral drawn inwards, this is then when your thinking energy passes through the symbol and upon reaching the air this creates an oval gateway in the air large enough for you to use. 

That goes wherever your intending it to go, programmed by the soul making the area known by insight to you and you needing to be there. This could be a safer area or area that looks like it is safe. Your spirit knows if it is safe for you to be there, and the spirit tells your soul what is there.

Any damages/healing done by this is 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. Duration or how long it lasts is instant or 1d6+charisma mod in rounds per battle or outside of battle its until you think it gone.

Time magic; This is where you time things out or allow your spirit to find out the possibilities that will occur. This happens on the moment you think to know things and the soul provides you with insights as information from the spirit. You aren't surprised by what occurs, no matter what happens. You have no surprise bonus against you.


Identity (ex); This is where you think of the properties by the spirit knowing things. So you create results and the identification is known of the idea you want to know.

Raise (ex); This is where you get a raise in money or you receive extra money by the power of the spirit using the subconscious mind.

Cuffs (ex); these are energy cuffs that formed from energy creates themselves as cuffs around the targets wrists or legs. The effect lasts 1d10 rounds in combat and as long as you want outside of combat. The effect is paralyzation of the target and after the effect faded away it seems as though not existent.

Translation (ex); They that speak or write in use of doing another language get translated in your mind and you understand how to speak or write it. This is done by the subconscious using the dimensional energy to help understand it and be able to write it.

Attractive aura (ex); the Attractive aura is thinking about attracting someone or something to you as you do things. The charisma is added to by +5. This only effects those you want to effect. This makes the audience convinced of what you want.

Creative focus (ex); this is where at level 20 you create with experience and if you want, get a sheriff badge. Think of the idea and you make things happen by the right gesture you think is correct.

This works with food and drink you use as energy absorbed for the effect. That's until the energy dissipates away or gets pissed/shit out.

The energy within the body, that you can gate in creates the effect as you have it. Then as you don't have it because it goes back to where it came from makes the effect disappear by feel.

Any damages/healing done by this is 1d20+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. Duration or how long it lasts is instant unless there is some time it lasts. That is 1d10+charisma mod in rounds per battle or melee. Also, outside of battle its unlimited until you think to dismiss it by feel.

The point is done with the energy and you know it by does not effect what you don't want it to effect. This means the energy is selective. It has an alternate effect of modifying the character by improving it, that's done in adding +4 to all core stats and +60% health.


thi = this; think and know

th = tha; that thing

Monday, October 10, 2022

The text

 This is focusing and creating with energy,  think the point and imagine the idea to get the results you desire.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

The text; this is the text that got attention think and you know what it is.

Acid reflux; this doesn't occur anymore so think and you know what to do.

Ragweed; the Ragweed no more, it's honey after this.

Psychic dream; this is where you focus and say lucid dream, think of what you want and tell what you need. If you want to wake up from this, the way to do it is psyching yourself out.

Whatever; I am fine with what I do.

Danger sense; this is a point you know and if dangerous are wary over. Think and you know what to do as you avoid what you feel is dangerous.


Em; am; right to the point. Think and you know what to do.

Spiritual medium; think the creator is the medium to the spirit and tells you what you need to know.

Travis; he no longer causes drunken problems by feel. No Matter the point he doesn't cause trouble. And he doesn't intend to bother Travis or Ricardo again. No matter what.

Double negative; the Double negative in use creates a positive idea instead.

En is he
Ricardo; he gets better and heals his brain by feel. He is no longer hyper by feel.

Stacy b; she comes and gets her boba.. then enjoys it. No matter what.

No matter; no matter what biden gets reelected. Gas prices go lower no matter the point.

Ricardo; he turns out to be alright and things work out for him in the end. He reacts alright no matter the point or reason.


Birds; the birds decide to calm down or die by feel. Think and you know what to do.

He; he decides not to be overweight. No matter what.

Gas prices; they find reason to lower the gas prices no matter what.

Ricardo; he acts as though on the right medication and Alright no matter what.

Stacy b; she answers her door and accepts what she gets from me. No matter what.

Stress; the stress drops away and things work out by feel. No matter what.

Stacy b; she allows for me and always has time for things I do.

Stacy b surgery; she responds back after recovery from surgery. The surgery is successful today.

Saugus; she no matter what occurs can use her 3rd eye and inner rooms easily without pain.

Stacy b; she no longer feels pains and can come in tomorrow for work no matter what.

Better; I feel better already. No matter what .. think and you get places.

Thought; Creation is interesting as its remembered.

Dark recession; Whatever happens I am not effected badly by the dark recession no matter what.

Financial cliff; the Financial cliff doesn't happen to effect me by feel or idea no matter what.


Travis; he needs me to goto the store by feel. No matter what.

Simba computer; it works no matter what. It goes past the getting ready stage. No matter what it boots up and updates. It goes past the just the moment.

Subrina; she gets recovered her work on the computer no matter what.

Simba; things get worked out in the end and I get my loan.

Dems; the democrats get voted into office no matter the reason.

I am; think of the point and you know of the moment.

I know; the state stimulus checks include Oklahoma no matter what the point is by feel.


Finn; finn gets along with sanguin and starts responding to her positive like.

Stocks; they no longer go down by feel. No matter what.

I am; I create things that occur in a manifest and work with you instead of against you. I get enough money to outlast the month and make ends meet.

Adjustable debt; I will not have adjustable debt no matter what occurs and if I do,  I get rid of all adjustable debt. No matter what.

Mail; the mail comes earlier than usual by feel and brings mine and Paul t's money no matter what.

Focus; think of the idea and its granted except for things not wanted. No matter what.

Kozakura; she turns into a God.

Travis; he gets his wallet back by feel . Think to improve.

Judy; she trusts me to go out and get things from the store no matter what.

Thought; terra doesn't mind what I do or did. No matter what.

Relae; this is the relapse done by feel and avoidable by will.
I; yes, agreed
U; no, not
Uh; maybe
M; am
Am; damn
Le; less, lessened

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

I am magic

 This is the magic of saying "I am" and intending a result. Think of the point of idea and you can create it by stating over and over "I AM". This creates with a point and makes what you intend by will.

This is what spells I made up, in case I need them..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Dimensional aura shifting; There are other dimensions amongst you, then when they say the brain (or energy brain) can handle up to 10 picked dimensions at once. This means you can do what you want with them. You see, that is your true strength, the ability to do things and skip to another dimension to avoid trouble. So if you have an object and you want to shift, then touch the object thinking the object energy shifts you to where you want. If an image or sound comes to your mind, like a screech. Then that's what is there. Think and you know what to do. The subconscious can shift you by the spirit knowing where and what is there. If it's safe and know people come from somewhere so if you have a way back, then your there by the will of the creator.

Otherwise they say if you can draw the energy into your aura, draw in the air a symbol or state what result you want and you can shift in your mind to wherever you want to be dimensionally by willing it or thinking about shifting there as you suffuse your aura with energy. Once shifted and your there, your there by feel or spiritually if not physically. However, if you can think about it, when a reaper catches you, you get sent to hell. The higher on the dimensional energy you have gotten, the more you can effect and the more energy you are gathering from the dimension your drawing it to by feel. So think of the idea to use it for, write it, state it as a point to the subconscious and you may get a result. If by feel the spirit is with you then you can allow yourself what you wanted by idea and its seen by feel if needed. 

The way I put this information is using the basis of a real live technique. See if you want to be safe don't actually attempt it, as there are some dangerous dimensions. Unless you think your God or the creator protects you from harm. So you could get results if the creator allowed it and if you allow it as you prepare for it you can get there. Know that if you don't actually shift, your God or the creator deemed it unsafe to go.

Say you want to shift to the 7th or the 8th dimension, then think to say that you do so when you think of the 7th dimensional shift you can think of the moment. If not you still gate 7th dimensional energy to your aura as you touch an object by the idea you have. See your then there by the 7th dimensional energy shifting you, all by feel. The 8th dimensional shift is similar by the point you do. That is done by focusing, thinking of the 8th dimension.

Where you think of the 8th dimension the point is done, that's where the 8th dimension does what you want. Such is the case as you draw in gated 8th dimensional energy to your aura. Then will yourself there if not otherwise needed. This is where you think to do things, so think and you can do what you want. If this is similar to the gateway experience, as you think to go and know, this is done by experiences with visions from the place. This is where you depart the land, so work with the moment and you can get anything done. Wherever you go may appear similar, as we are right now in an illusion that reforms itself as in energy programming you think or say and get what you want.

That is where you form a gate to travel to other places if you need to be there or not. If you thought of a car in movement, then you can cause it to travel dimensionally and you only have to thin to the car of where you want to go as the car consciousness shifts there the car. That's just one way to do it. Another way is to think your going to the point of the dimension as you walk through an open door. When your done, your can then use the same door method to shift back to your own dimension that is the same yet different. This causes a human linkage to the area that the energy consciousness creates, see that makes what you think and whoms there is swapped with you here at least in spirit. The idea is to think of the picture or area and think your there. 

Then the subconscious creates you there using a created soul copy from your body. If you happen to meet yourself then react nicely. Having a dimensional friend is unique. There are many more as to where that came from like walking. When you walk, run or ride. Think of where you want to go and your subconscious uses the energy of the aura to shift you there. Yet another one is to read something and allow your spirit to give you a sense of what's there. If safe think or state that your there. Yet most times it is a similar dimension that you get to by feel. That means the god or creator was making it so your used to it and you didn't freak out where you went. So if you feel safe there, great! and if you don't, you can always apparatus yourself somewhere else.

Then you are there where you think to be. The last one I know I will mention is rather different, look at a picture and think your where or near the area its located at by feel. Then you can find your way there intuitively by the power of the subconscious as though instantly. Also, if you shifted, you create with the various aspects of the area and appear there with a visage of idea you can see as to where your spirit or using the internal brain your aware and you know is there by feel.

So my fave idea is to adjust the idea thinking to be there and your able to accept what is happening there. Yet if you relax and think about something as you need to be there makes you there. Otherwise, if you eat something or drink something and think of the area to be in causes you to be there by the power of the substance with the spirit shifted or body shifted there. The idea you have, if you think about it is created by the creator using energy of the body and his own energy. So when you lay down and rest thinking of the place, your there as you wake up if you need to be there. Then getting back is sleep and your back. There are hundreds of ways to shift, so think you know it and the idea will come to you.

Yet there are some people that say they travelled physically there, so go figure and think about it for a moment. If it were possible, then you can get to where you want to see very easily. That what makes you shift makes you there with whom you want to bring unless you wanted to be there by yourself. This is all possible by feeling what you want, writing it down or saying what you want to occur. 

The end; think of the ending and its yours. That is all by now. Th end.

The en; The intrusion is over, think and you know what to do. Even if atomic sized, you can still escape. Think and you know how to do it.

The moment; The point is a view that you use to see what things are there.


Shift; The item that disappeared from my room reappears and I get it.

Think; the transformation listed is cancelled out by what is thought. the yellow tablet is returned to me. I no longer change into that of a cat or dog form.

Space-x; the space-x launch happens to succeed and things work out by feel, as I am highly elevated by a thought and there in mind space that's in outer space..placed by energy an known for the better things in life.

The effect; the goblin doesn't effect you no matter what. this lasts till the point is ended.

The answer; the point you think is the point you go. So think and go where you must go.


The technique; This is a point of self-protection by technique that works for the innocents. Think to write in spell form what you want to happen, then will it to shift to your higher self. Then your higher self can create the effect on those that you want targeted. Spell form is writing something like, "Those that will steal physically or will murder, they change into the form of an animal human." or "I can't steal from you or others."

Lisa; She no longer haunts her old room. Think of this, no matter in what room she's in the area by feel.

Lisa thomas; She doesn't bother me and I don't bother her as I am thee.


No I know it will; I am aware of things so I know what will happen before it occurs. this is psychic knowledge.

Money; I have a hella allot of money in life. This is where you gain allot of cash physically. Think and in idea you know what to do.

Money system; A point of thought. If you have 45 american dollars then in amount add 3 zeroes and that is what you have as you take 45.00 and drop the . and add 1 zero to match the atleantians time. So instead of 45 dollars you get, you have gotten 45000 credit.


Energy no longer causes unfavorable weather violations for the space-x launch. no matter what.

vision; I see it everyday, a vision that repeats itself. and ends on the moment things aren't needed. the moment its not needed I feel refreshed by feel.

fat; not all teachers are fat and not all people are overweight.


th en; the end point.

the point; I don't look like her, no matter what.

conflict; null conflict where it starts or happens to effect. this is a known effect of null space.


russia; they don't attempt to make a new space station. no matter what.

russia II; They no longer send up cosmonauts, unless they receive back their extra crew from the ISS.

Think;  If the inner world is similar to the outer world, then its a match of what exists. that means it can be used as a point to do things by feel. if not then no worries, it still might. in en ap

Improved acupuncture; Think of the better idea and energy comes through you to the needle and energy transfters from the needle to the area. This improves the acupuncture by allot. The more experience the better.

psychic wall; this prevents what you normally would observe by feel that becomes obvious if focus is spent on finding the idea.

improved psychic wall; this blocks out what you don't like and you don't tend to notice it until later by feel and that makes it obvious as to what it is.


stacy b; she has time to allow me what I want. no matter what.

nuag'um; instant cure done by feel.

nueg'em; self-creative points that you do.

aura of poison kill; This is where you think of wearing grey and using poison from things, that spread through your aura waves to effect bugs. Be sure to cleanse yourself after your done.

fat; I no longer appear fat no matter what.


Simba; he gets to me an affordable loan that I use on my credit card matter what.

simba II; he is agreeable with me when he visits and I get what I can.

DNA magic: Instead of drawing up a “cone” or power, I envisioned standing at the center of a double helix stretching to infinity above and below.

I separated my magick into two circles, DNA Magick which had Cytosine as one point, which was mostly information-gathering, introspective work. Then I’d continue a working by replacing the drawing of Cytosine with Uracil, and switch to RNA magick, where I took the information I’d gained, and manifested it into the real world, building up aethyric proteins, as it were. Fun stuff.

My own thoughts after playing with it were that DNA was truly primal, very atavistic magick. I’m not sure you can match them to the elements properly. Or at least I couldn’t. But this is chaos. Whatever works! I’d be interested to see whatever system you work our for it. DNA magick is really fun stuff.]

Focusing; if you focus upon an idea happening in the past, then need it to effect now..the creator will make the idea occur in the past that is noticed now in some manner..that is the theory now is the practice.  Good luck.

Aura effect; You can easily create attractiveness, fear, disinterest or any feeling by the power of your aura projection. You see the aura feel is from the right reactions with your aura energy, this is felt to make the target react the way you feel or want as you create your effect. 


Spirit; Think a point or idea and then its created by the things you do. The spirit makes what you want as you think of something like creating money.. when you think of this the spirit flares the area energy and its received somehow.

writing stuff 

I ie; I think of the moment and it happens.


seg = segment; part of something

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