Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Wednesday, October 5, 2022

I am magic

 This is the magic of saying "I am" and intending a result. Think of the point of idea and you can create it by stating over and over "I AM". This creates with a point and makes what you intend by will.

This is what spells I made up, in case I need them..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Dimensional aura shifting; There are other dimensions amongst you, then when they say the brain (or energy brain) can handle up to 10 picked dimensions at once. This means you can do what you want with them. You see, that is your true strength, the ability to do things and skip to another dimension to avoid trouble. So if you have an object and you want to shift, then touch the object thinking the object energy shifts you to where you want. If an image or sound comes to your mind, like a screech. Then that's what is there. Think and you know what to do. The subconscious can shift you by the spirit knowing where and what is there. If it's safe and know people come from somewhere so if you have a way back, then your there by the will of the creator.

Otherwise they say if you can draw the energy into your aura, draw in the air a symbol or state what result you want and you can shift in your mind to wherever you want to be dimensionally by willing it or thinking about shifting there as you suffuse your aura with energy. Once shifted and your there, your there by feel or spiritually if not physically. However, if you can think about it, when a reaper catches you, you get sent to hell. The higher on the dimensional energy you have gotten, the more you can effect and the more energy you are gathering from the dimension your drawing it to by feel. So think of the idea to use it for, write it, state it as a point to the subconscious and you may get a result. If by feel the spirit is with you then you can allow yourself what you wanted by idea and its seen by feel if needed. 

The way I put this information is using the basis of a real live technique. See if you want to be safe don't actually attempt it, as there are some dangerous dimensions. Unless you think your God or the creator protects you from harm. So you could get results if the creator allowed it and if you allow it as you prepare for it you can get there. Know that if you don't actually shift, your God or the creator deemed it unsafe to go.

Say you want to shift to the 7th or the 8th dimension, then think to say that you do so when you think of the 7th dimensional shift you can think of the moment. If not you still gate 7th dimensional energy to your aura as you touch an object by the idea you have. See your then there by the 7th dimensional energy shifting you, all by feel. The 8th dimensional shift is similar by the point you do. That is done by focusing, thinking of the 8th dimension.

Where you think of the 8th dimension the point is done, that's where the 8th dimension does what you want. Such is the case as you draw in gated 8th dimensional energy to your aura. Then will yourself there if not otherwise needed. This is where you think to do things, so think and you can do what you want. If this is similar to the gateway experience, as you think to go and know, this is done by experiences with visions from the place. This is where you depart the land, so work with the moment and you can get anything done. Wherever you go may appear similar, as we are right now in an illusion that reforms itself as in energy programming you think or say and get what you want.

That is where you form a gate to travel to other places if you need to be there or not. If you thought of a car in movement, then you can cause it to travel dimensionally and you only have to thin to the car of where you want to go as the car consciousness shifts there the car. That's just one way to do it. Another way is to think your going to the point of the dimension as you walk through an open door. When your done, your can then use the same door method to shift back to your own dimension that is the same yet different. This causes a human linkage to the area that the energy consciousness creates, see that makes what you think and whoms there is swapped with you here at least in spirit. The idea is to think of the picture or area and think your there. 

Then the subconscious creates you there using a created soul copy from your body. If you happen to meet yourself then react nicely. Having a dimensional friend is unique. There are many more as to where that came from like walking. When you walk, run or ride. Think of where you want to go and your subconscious uses the energy of the aura to shift you there. Yet another one is to read something and allow your spirit to give you a sense of what's there. If safe think or state that your there. Yet most times it is a similar dimension that you get to by feel. That means the god or creator was making it so your used to it and you didn't freak out where you went. So if you feel safe there, great! and if you don't, you can always apparatus yourself somewhere else.

Then you are there where you think to be. The last one I know I will mention is rather different, look at a picture and think your where or near the area its located at by feel. Then you can find your way there intuitively by the power of the subconscious as though instantly. Also, if you shifted, you create with the various aspects of the area and appear there with a visage of idea you can see as to where your spirit or using the internal brain your aware and you know is there by feel.

So my fave idea is to adjust the idea thinking to be there and your able to accept what is happening there. Yet if you relax and think about something as you need to be there makes you there. Otherwise, if you eat something or drink something and think of the area to be in causes you to be there by the power of the substance with the spirit shifted or body shifted there. The idea you have, if you think about it is created by the creator using energy of the body and his own energy. So when you lay down and rest thinking of the place, your there as you wake up if you need to be there. Then getting back is sleep and your back. There are hundreds of ways to shift, so think you know it and the idea will come to you.

Yet there are some people that say they travelled physically there, so go figure and think about it for a moment. If it were possible, then you can get to where you want to see very easily. That what makes you shift makes you there with whom you want to bring unless you wanted to be there by yourself. This is all possible by feeling what you want, writing it down or saying what you want to occur. 

The end; think of the ending and its yours. That is all by now. Th end.

The en; The intrusion is over, think and you know what to do. Even if atomic sized, you can still escape. Think and you know how to do it.

The moment; The point is a view that you use to see what things are there.


Shift; The item that disappeared from my room reappears and I get it.

Think; the transformation listed is cancelled out by what is thought. the yellow tablet is returned to me. I no longer change into that of a cat or dog form.

Space-x; the space-x launch happens to succeed and things work out by feel, as I am highly elevated by a thought and there in mind space that's in outer space..placed by energy an known for the better things in life.

The effect; the goblin doesn't effect you no matter what. this lasts till the point is ended.

The answer; the point you think is the point you go. So think and go where you must go.


The technique; This is a point of self-protection by technique that works for the innocents. Think to write in spell form what you want to happen, then will it to shift to your higher self. Then your higher self can create the effect on those that you want targeted. Spell form is writing something like, "Those that will steal physically or will murder, they change into the form of an animal human." or "I can't steal from you or others."

Lisa; She no longer haunts her old room. Think of this, no matter in what room she's in the area by feel.

Lisa thomas; She doesn't bother me and I don't bother her as I am thee.


No I know it will; I am aware of things so I know what will happen before it occurs. this is psychic knowledge.

Money; I have a hella allot of money in life. This is where you gain allot of cash physically. Think and in idea you know what to do.

Money system; A point of thought. If you have 45 american dollars then in amount add 3 zeroes and that is what you have as you take 45.00 and drop the . and add 1 zero to match the atleantians time. So instead of 45 dollars you get, you have gotten 45000 credit.


Energy no longer causes unfavorable weather violations for the space-x launch. no matter what.

vision; I see it everyday, a vision that repeats itself. and ends on the moment things aren't needed. the moment its not needed I feel refreshed by feel.

fat; not all teachers are fat and not all people are overweight.


th en; the end point.

the point; I don't look like her, no matter what.

conflict; null conflict where it starts or happens to effect. this is a known effect of null space.


russia; they don't attempt to make a new space station. no matter what.

russia II; They no longer send up cosmonauts, unless they receive back their extra crew from the ISS.

Think;  If the inner world is similar to the outer world, then its a match of what exists. that means it can be used as a point to do things by feel. if not then no worries, it still might. in en ap

Improved acupuncture; Think of the better idea and energy comes through you to the needle and energy transfters from the needle to the area. This improves the acupuncture by allot. The more experience the better.

psychic wall; this prevents what you normally would observe by feel that becomes obvious if focus is spent on finding the idea.

improved psychic wall; this blocks out what you don't like and you don't tend to notice it until later by feel and that makes it obvious as to what it is.


stacy b; she has time to allow me what I want. no matter what.

nuag'um; instant cure done by feel.

nueg'em; self-creative points that you do.

aura of poison kill; This is where you think of wearing grey and using poison from things, that spread through your aura waves to effect bugs. Be sure to cleanse yourself after your done.

fat; I no longer appear fat no matter what.


Simba; he gets to me an affordable loan that I use on my credit card matter what.

simba II; he is agreeable with me when he visits and I get what I can.

DNA magic: Instead of drawing up a “cone” or power, I envisioned standing at the center of a double helix stretching to infinity above and below.

I separated my magick into two circles, DNA Magick which had Cytosine as one point, which was mostly information-gathering, introspective work. Then I’d continue a working by replacing the drawing of Cytosine with Uracil, and switch to RNA magick, where I took the information I’d gained, and manifested it into the real world, building up aethyric proteins, as it were. Fun stuff.

My own thoughts after playing with it were that DNA was truly primal, very atavistic magick. I’m not sure you can match them to the elements properly. Or at least I couldn’t. But this is chaos. Whatever works! I’d be interested to see whatever system you work our for it. DNA magick is really fun stuff.]

Focusing; if you focus upon an idea happening in the past, then need it to effect now..the creator will make the idea occur in the past that is noticed now in some manner..that is the theory now is the practice.  Good luck.

Aura effect; You can easily create attractiveness, fear, disinterest or any feeling by the power of your aura projection. You see the aura feel is from the right reactions with your aura energy, this is felt to make the target react the way you feel or want as you create your effect. 


Spirit; Think a point or idea and then its created by the things you do. The spirit makes what you want as you think of something like creating money.. when you think of this the spirit flares the area energy and its received somehow.

writing stuff 

I ie; I think of the moment and it happens.


seg = segment; part of something

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