Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Renewals magic

 This is the magic of renewals, when you think of what you need you instruct your subconscious to create that idea by statement. This is a renewal of idea, think an you know what to do. This is a point from the past.

some magic: state the word to the left of the ; or = sign as you think of the idea or look at the idea to do.

andrew; he gets his delivery from he wakes up and gets his delivery. noone steals it off the front porch.

mail; gets it's orders out to me by feel quicker.

moment; the point is done if you think it is.. so yes if you think it's not possible then it's not unless you perceive it done.

the culture; The point you see is what defines the culture and you know what to do. So if you think about the point, you can define what is a part of the culture that exists. This uses the third eye, if you think about the point you need to see, you can create with the vision of the moment made by the third eye pinneal gland..


the point you notice, this is a concept that can make you famous. so think and you know what to do. think about it, do you want to be famous? Some enjoy it and some don't. this is a point in idea. the en.

end point; the discord of the moment is contained. think and you create with what you have.

the weight; the body weight goes down and reduces the fat excess of the body.

The exchange; the exchange of the point to point concept is done, let the new arrangement work out.

you got it; the point you get is what you do things for by feel, Now is the moment you get your rewards.

enticement; the point is given and things are done.

the shift; the point you do is the point you use your spirit to go to where the soul thinks it's safe. you shift as a sphere, then focusing allows you to be whatever shape you want to seem.

the weapon effect; this is where you focus energy by thinking to "hit" the area from the aura energy and then you cast off particles to cause black burn marks enhanced by feelings you "project" to the area and it shows up as a point of smudging.

the strengthener; the strength comes from the spirit and the point is done by the concept that exists that you focus energy to create what strengthening effect that you need to occur.

the weapon; this is the machine gun effect. the weapon shoots energy projectiles and creates simultaneous hits to the area. the accuracy is not actually there, so think to do what you can.

the focus; this is the deal, the machinegun effect can project a single bullet energy projectile. so if you hit, then you know what is possible.

transitory; the point you think is what the aura can do, so what you think is the idea and that programs by aura waves the consciousness of energy. Think it does it and you create what effect you may have done.


I am em; I am an ending by feel. no pain happens here.

Thought; the thing to do is to pass the build america back better plan into law by the president..signing it into law.

bi-partisan; they figure out how to pay for the roads and bridges infrastructure before next tuesday or sooner.

the 4th stimulus recon; they get this passed into law before or after july is over.


waiting tactic; the republicans waiting tactic no longer is tried and they do the bi-partisan bill into law. this happens without trouble and the dems get their recon done easily as though it's time now...

new point; the point you think about and what is there if you think it is.

focus; the idea is done, so think and you know what to do.


focused; the point is good so live with it, think about your options from this point on.

I am; I think this will suffice, think to use what you may.

deliveries; I will get what I ordered from earlier than usual. The time of delivery does not push back.


weightloss; I lose all my excessive weight and keep it as extra money. my excess weight reduces itself by feel in idea no matter the point.

teeth brushing; I am with no cavities and the dentist is appeased..


ups; the ups truck comes earlier than usual today and delivers my package.

focus; the focus point is achieved by feel with what you need.

fina; bon fina! the final idea is achieved.


focus point; the vote starts on the recon on tuesday the 10th and things work out.

illegality; it is not illegal to get my cane by feel.

the virus; the virus is no longer running rapid.

writing stuff

powers of zodiac;

 Aries: Area strike; The area strike is done by focusing on an area and effect it with a bomb or bombombment of energy

 Rabbit: Lucky strike; The lucky strike is the strike that works to get money like a wealthy strike or striking it rich and otherwise you can strike out what you want.

 Capricorn: Making a person decide to do other things.

 Leo: Leo's power is based on the Succubus's powers in helluva boss, S/he can switch form to whatever is most attractive, cuz ya know they're stereotyped to always be 'fleek' and looking good, along with big egos

 Gemini: Gemini has a similar power where they have a 'fake twin' where they can merge and separate from (itself) and can shift into different forms, usually to deceive others

Fehu:  Aries 23 Degree ----> Taurus 8 Degree

Uruz:   Taurus 23 Degree ----> Gemini 8 Degree 

Thurisaz:  Capricorn 8 Degree  -----> Capricorn 23 Degree      * Pure Cap (Fixed)

Ansuz:  Gemini 8 Degree  -----> Gemini 23 Degree                     * Pure Gemini (Fixed)

Raidho:  Saggitarius 8 Degree  ----->  Saggitarius 23 Degree   * Pure Saggitarius 

Kenaz:  Leo 23 Degree  ----->  Virgo 8 Degree

Gebo:  Libra 8 Degree  ----->  Libra 23 Degree                         * Pure Libra (Fixed)

Wunjo:  Cancer 23 Degree  ----->  Leo 8 Degree

Hagalaz: Libra 23 Degree  ----->  Scorpio 8 Degree

Nauthiz: Cancer 8 Degree  ----->  Cancer 23 Degree          * Pure Cancer (Fixed)

Isa: Virgo 23 Degree  ----->  Libra 8 Degree

Jera: Virgo 8 Degree  ----->  Virgo 23 Degree                       *Pure Virgo (Fixed)

Eihwaz: Scorpio 23 Degree  ----->  Saggitarius 8 Degree

Perthro: Scorpio 8 Degree  ----->  Scorpio 23 Degree               *Pure Scorpio (Fixed)

Algiz: Aquarius 8 Degree  ----->  Aquarius 23 Degree               *Pure Aqua (Fixed)

Sowilo: Leo 8 Degree  ----->  Leo 23 Degree                                 *Pure Leo (Fixed)

Tiwaz: Aries 8 Degree  ----->  Aries 23 Degree                           *Pure Aries (Fixed)

Berkano:  Pisces 23 Degree  -----> Aries 8 Degree

Ehwaz:  Saggitarius 23 Degree  -----> Capricorn 8 Degree

Mannaz: Aquarius 23 Degree  ----->  Pisces 8 Degree

Laguz:   Pisces 8 Degree  -----> Pisces 23 Degree                         * Pure Pisces (Fixed)

Inguz: Capricorn 23 Degree  -----> Aquarius 8 Degree

Dagaz: Gemini 23 Degree  -----> Cancer 8 Degree

Othala: Taurus 8 Degree  ----->  Taurus 23 Degree                     *Pure Taurus (Fixed)

recipes and potions

mouth bomber; the mouth is what spews the drink of what your stomach doesn't like. The ingredients are many including 1 gallon tea, and garlic powder and onion powder. this is a blessing in disguise.

the mouth pleaser; this is chocolate tea, where you add chocolate powder and otherwise cocoa powde to tea, then add sugar or sugar substitute. to taste.

pumpkin spice smoothies; the point you think is the point you know. this is the usage of smoothies ingredients, such as pumpkin spice, water, sugar or sugar substitute (stevia) and the point of combining is used in a blender and 1 cup of ice. drink and you enjoy, once you crush all the ice together. the enhancer is to add salt or pink salt to the mix and hold magnets to the side of the blender as it's being used. this is a point in idea.

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