Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, June 26, 2021

focusing point IV

This is a point you think and focus upon, then your soul or spirit creates by feel.  This is easy magic, want an easy magic effect? Think of what you want to get and need the effect of manifest as you are stating your need and intent. Wait for the result after you state your need. You will notice the idea after your soul or spirit makes it manifest into existence. 

 Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

gouchi; this cancels out the symptoms of any illness. think to do right.


epic pharmacy; they send out and I recieve my invega shot earlier than usual.

what; what I state or type doesn't go against me.

I; I am aware and know what will happen before it does as though I am psychic.

amazon; I get my package delivered today early.

good luck; all the good luck that will happen to me will occur.

nothing; nothing bugs me by feel and things work themselves out..

jayapal; he or she makes what I need.

I; I am unaffected by what I write. those I intend to be effected are effected.


I en this

focus; think and realize, the point is a seen thing. The meter can raise and things improve with your focus upon it.

lafayette; his mail gets delivered to me and I know  when I will recieve it by feel.

The 4th stimulus bill; the reconcilliation bill is passed without need to remove things by the parliamentarian easily.


my place; it doesn't burn down.

natural; this is a natural grace that is there.

ss200; the ss200 idea is gone and ssdi/ssi tied to inflation is better.

summer; there's a cooler summer and warmer winter.

QAnon; no longer are QAnon believers elected after this day.


The voters right bill; the bill is voted in senate and passed into law.

win 10 update; the windows 10 is updated by feel and sucessfully, too. This happens quicker than usual.

focusing; on focus things shift by feel. if you need to know why, the idea comes to you.

she; she no longer effects me except to make me lose my excess weight.

the point; the point she knows is a point that is done. think and you know what to do.


she is; she is okay, this is with whatever occurs.

the point; she stops wanting to eat excessively. then bible studies seem to be the idea.

lost weight; the weight I reduce in my body as weight loss is remaining lost, this happens no matter the point.

ilya ilya kelva colu nuru = wierd bug spell (kill all pestilence)

creativity; we're energy anyways, so easily we recreate ourselves where we think to exist. see the wormhole is what creates the point at the whitehole end. think of what you want to see and the wormhole consciousness will create that end. this is as though intended idea is what is created, so think about what you want to see and the third eye will allow you to see what you want.


ilya cui = power word wake up (in elvish)

relaxer shift; I am aware that things work by relaxing. so think of what you want as you state "relaxing" and this can be under your breathe. Then what you think will happen by feel.(edited)

spell prayer; this is a prayer to your God or lesser lord and that creates what you want.. especially if you say your need to a candle, nightlight or battery powered candle like a prayer. This is "make what I need or intend." thinking of what you need.(edited)

water spell; think of what you want or need and intend. Then mix in the idea with an ingredient put to water. This works if you drink or not drink the drink.


recipes and potions

grape ginger ale; place allot of water in a 1 gallon container, then mix both ginger ale and grape drink packets with the water. put some sugar or substitute sugar and mix together. enjoy by drinking it.


game stuff

black man stats;

no charm 60

no ems 50

donation 60

white man stats;

charm 50

ems 60

donation 70

no ems; this ability is the number you state with intent to gain in money and you get it. otherwise you get nothing.

ems; this ability is where you are with enough money to pay all your bills twice and thrice over.


nied = not, denied

aye = yes, allowed

Thursday, June 17, 2021


 This is self-curation, focus on a thought and think of the point to create. This is curation as when you attempt to do it your mind flips into a cured state. That means you create with a point, then you get benefits by feel. This is a point you know, if things work well.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

sooner; I get a new microwave sooner than usual.

ca; I ca get what I need by feel without repercussions.. I gnow when I will get it.


harassment; I no longer get harassed or harass anyone.

focus; what I focus on getting, I get unless not possible. I do not force people to their roots.

focuser; the point I focus on is with question or idea.

senate and house; the 4th stimulus bill is passed by reconciliation.

affirmations; if you repeat the affirmation in your mind, over and over for a certain length of time. Then, you can get a result with the body through the subconscious interactions. This is an interesting result, if you use "I gain money." or "I manifest results I would want." So think and you know what to do. If you repeat that every day, for at least a week. Then, you might get a full result.

death note; this uses a death god that collects death and decay energy as a source, that creates what you write or rite by you thinking it does get created by manifest by the death god. if when the death god is done doing things for you, the device or notepad that you wrote on gets destroyed unless you ward away the destruction of the device by feel or notepad if in writing. if not, then the person dies instead horrendously. I highly suggest not doing this unless you have a death wish.


if you want anything, then ask nicely and post a comment so I can answer with a response.

targeted necromatic death energy; think you focus the death and decay energy of the cells to some area to do do what you want. This can break down fat cells or diseases so you "cure" the illness. that doesn't use a death note.

a death note; this is where the death and decay energy is normally collected.

Lifenote; this uses life energy or event energy to create what is made by writing it up or creating with the creator making the idea if needed and intended as the power of words.

weight demons; all weight demons are now gone and banished from this universe.


moose; he doesn't mind what I do.

people; they don't mind what I do.

robyn; she has a good day.

power; the power outtages are no longer happening.

in; the point in use is a concept that is created. so think and you know what you create.

unease; there is no unease, ill ease and what have you in illness.


heaven sphere; the heavenly sphere is uncreated. the heaven sphere is uncreated. the heavens are now the stars and other planets that may exist.

hell space; the hell space is uncreated. whatever is in hell is uncreated. think hell is uncreated by feel, so if you feel it's necessary send them to another place and time..

druid space; the druidic space is created by feel by the creator. think and you know what to do.

focus; I no longer sound like an AI.

focuser; the point you focus in on and state a powerword to "activate" is created by the subconscious and the soul otherwise.

creation; the vote of reconciliation is passed and the contents of the bill are accepted by feel.

reconciliations; there are always more than one reconciliation. So enjoy and do.


thought; focus with thought and you create what you want or need.

thinking; the end is a point, if you think to hear it you will know what it is.


4th dimension; things there are odd angles and there is no actual edge of the room, there is no actual edges. you think of the exit as you imagine yourself leaving and then you leave the room. the things and people there are self-generated by the energy there, that forms itself out of the air or energy itself. there are no actual rules in the 4th dimension. this dimension can make results in the 3rd dimension by influence.

focus; think on focus to mark what you see with the 3rd eye. This I think is done.

creation; the point of view, this is a point you know if you think.

create; what you make is a point, this can occur by the soul with a concept that is stated.

microwave; the next microwave that I get is working for at least a year.


en if thought; think and you know what to do. I ca kill cockroaches without problems easily. all the the cockroaches die off in the area or room. I am normal again and my brain is better acting. No matter what, I can make good decisions.

think; the point is thought, if you think to create with an idea or do things you stop if you are sure it's not a good idea.

en if; the effect ends if unnecessary.


immune; if immune, you are aware and able to take anything.

ascend; the idea is simple, if you ascend, you are there. so think and you know what to do as though "I am em" is stated.

waterball; this is where you create water smudges or water marks on the wall as you run or is near water. water bending is useful with this, think and you know what to do as you focus on the spot and make a hand gesture to direct the water. this works because your body's water content is replenished by the running or area water source. this in effect means you cast off excess waterweight with this idea. if pointed or directed to a machine, you could burn out the machine by shortage.

focus; the item or gemstone you hold is what causes effects by it's consciousness doing what you instruct. Certain gemstones do certain things, according to the element it is associated with like ruby is a fire stone and blue moonstone is a water stone.

medium; the mediumis a person that channels the spirit or soul and you can create with the information.


writing stuff 

focuser idea; the point you make is the idea you have when you think of the point and will to see what is described. the effect is where you think of the concept and the subconscious creates a perception of the place or time. this is an image or glimpse of the idea. so think and you know what to do.

game stuff

chris stats

charm 80

agreeability 70

focus 90

associability 70

get along 60

ridable 70

tactics 80

luck 90

elemental immunity 70

dhampiric 70

appeasing 70

appeasable 70


chris statistics

intelligence 180 iq

strength 40 lbs lift

constitution 25

wisdom 26

dexterity 25

charisma 30


chris ability

manifest 70


paul's stats

aggreable 70

charm 60

focus 70

associability 65

go along 70

tactical 80

ride 80

luck 90


paul's ability

manifest 70


virginia's stats

charm 80

aggreeability 70

focus 67

ridable 80

luck 70

tactical 80


virginia's ability

manifestation 90


donovan mcclain stats

non impatience 70

opposable 70

self-dead 70

arrested 70

en is in

caz stats

non against speaking 70

friendliness 60


idea; throw out the bad roll and accept the good roll.


plynot = gamesome; merry, happy killer

ens = ems; money

Thursday, June 10, 2021

early release

 This is an early release of things I thought. Think and you know what to do with this. The point is simple, think and you realize what you ca do. The idea is the concept and the point is the statement you make. So what you do is a point, the concept is done if possible. This is a point from the past life. Oh yeah, I fixed the tk and cf links so they properly load. That was a major nuisance. I think the link will work now if you right click the link and open link in new tab or something similar. Thanks for visiting.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

survive; think of the point and you know what to do with feel.

saw; I saw what you did, I do things to get results.

seen; seen to and dealt with, that's the end of the movie.

the next; the next movie, this is a point in regard..think and you know what to watch.

the point of hauntings; this is a haunted hotel, think to work with what you got.

vaccinations; the point is a concept, it's safe if you think it is. you are protected from disease.

the in; the point is in the area, and if you are aware you know what to look for by feel.

the ghostly presence; This is a point you aware people are good at decoding..jumbled letters are easily recognized by the brain. So if you feel an unnatural coldness, then a ghost is near. Think to open your third eye and "see" the energy outline as though a feature for the ghost to be obviously there. if you ask it, it will show you everything.

the gnostics; the point of creation is the story of a lifetime. think to work with what you get.

the curiousity; this ends and things are back to normal, whatever you see.

the reapperance; the item the ghosts make disappear reappear after the point, wherever it may be.

en; think and nothing more comes of that.


nightmare; the the point of nightmare level games, this is a point you do to bugs and what you do is what you get in result.

laughter; the point of laughter is a hideous laugh and that means the end of the sequence is done.

anyway; I don't see the negative or hear it.

think; if it works don't break it. don't expect miracles.


blame; there is no longer any blame by feel.

en is; the point is done, so think the en is and you get the end.

as; as you think you know, this is a point from the past.

fixed; my body fixes itself.

passing; I pass my inspection.




isn't=bad enough

isn't=not ill

is = not calling

is = disease immune

is = negativity avoidance

isn't = not badly effected

is = stop auto-chatting

is = passing inspections

is = attention to details

isn = no bad effect

is = is isn

think; think it breaks and you are aware of things more positive. you can break any disease with this idea.

does; he doesn't in mind call me.

focus; the AI doesn't break.

think; the youtube server doesn't break.

inspection; she does it on in request.


en; the point of farfiction, if you think of it you get it.

an; announcement of some idea.

if; sniff the scent or not this ain't no drug in use.

iffy; this is iffy or what you say is something speculative, if you think to know the early humans language then their spirit will allow you to know.

focuser; think of the moment and allow the subconscious come up with the scene, so you can view it like a video with full controls.


en; ending or things at an end.

recipes and potions

pumpkin pie spice; add this and you cure almost anything that you intend to cure.


em; them

is; this

us; use

game items to keep

dicing luck; add 10 to your roll unless your a cockroach.

game balance; This is a point you know to apply the right rules and regulations at the right time so there isn't too much done.

The special sphere; this is spiritual elemental energy sphere that allows by spirit influence, what you wish in by the consciousness of energy. This in use is no more than a thought, so think to use it by feeling and thinking of the idea you need by intending it to be done. This rules the wish, the effect of the subconscious creating the effect of the mind or visualizations. Think and you know what to do by feel.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Focus and create

 This is where you focus on an idea and creation is done by feel with the point that you make. Your soul creates what you need. This is done as though you were making by request with the consciousness of energy or "I" and you think to create what it is you need. This works if you think it does. Sometimes it is spiritual workings you can do, the spirit sends back images and visual cues as to what is there. So think and you know what to do.

This is what I did with that effect..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Thought; the need for the alt-site.webhost website causes it to be restored sooner and not be blocked and people can view it.

stimulus; the stimulus checks happen for the 4th stimulus package. They don't consider the pandemic over legislatively by the time of the vote.

money; I regain my money in funds by double or triple the funding back from what I spent or gave away.

repeat; nothing is repeated unless you need it repeated.

payraise; the pay you get from a funding source is raised by feel.


abundance; I have more money than I can spend. so I don't mind keeping it. I am not keeping up the spending.

packages; I get my packages today and tomorrow from earlier than usual..

bothered; I am not bothered by taz and steve's response to me.

Bending elements

fire bending; think as you focus on a candle flame or a dark spot on the wall to spiritually absorb some of it's energy, then focus at a surface or wall spot to  to cause a dark spot or fire where you think it should be. the fire will happen after you focus on a suddenly appearing dark spot or pattern enough time and feel intense.

Air bending; focus on the air or sky, then think of what you want as a need, the effect should flare up by feel with the manifest using some heat energy in the air to make it realized.

Earth bending; focus on the area to effect. Think of the idea for the earth to make.  Then with an earthen scent the area should manifest what you intend.

Water bending; think of what you want and need the water to do and then get near a running stream of it. The water will get colder as you imagine the effect. This causes the water on focus to some surface a darkened wet spot. However, moisture can collect on the bottom of a cup from the air as you hold a blue moonstone.

electricity bending; be near an electrical source. think of what effect you want to manifest and feel it form as you imagine what you intend to create it by manifestation. this might happen if you think it does, unless you need it to not be obvious. then the effect is somewhere you "find" it is there. this will take a few tries, so don't give up until you get tired of trying.  Where can you find a electrical source? Your near one right now. Otherwise it's an electrical outlet, or area where the electrical device runs. The best source is the power converter.

bio bending; this is where you think to use your body energy as a source, then focus as you imagine or think of the idea. Need the idea or think it will occur to happen and as you imagine the result, the effect you need will happen by the power of the soul.

think; I figure out what is wrong with donovan's phone and fix it.

thought; think you have money and don't tell of it, then you get away with keeping it from those that would spend it for you. delivery; the delivery is made and I get my amazon delivery. the problem packages get delivered as well. This happens early and I get the delivery done easily. It in en.


people figure out what to do, thinking and things work out by feel.

think; this is a point that doesn't happen again. the point is the idea you want, if you need it to occur and yet it's not repeated.

control; I can't control another that doesn't wish to be controlled.


focus; things work out by feel.

naturally; the thought comes to me.

thinking; thinking things I can produce results by what I do.

sloth; things are no longer slothful.


microwave; I get a new microwave that works by feel.

universe; the people who disagree with me and others no longer are here.

bugs; all bugs leave the area and room by feel.

microwave; I get a new microwave by feel. the inspection done by the manager passes by idea with feel.


recipes and potions

subduance; the subduance potion effects by the will being what seems a dampening of the body energy with disease disappearing. This effect is cast by garlic, basil and oregano being used in the water you drink. cancellable by use of onion and garlic powder in a a drink.

game stuff

dicing luck; add 10 to your roll.

game balance; This is a point you know to apply the right rules and regulations at the right time so there isn't too much done.

The special sphere; this is spiritual elemental energy sphere that allows by spirit influence, what you wish by the consciousness of energy.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Creative idea in magic

 This is creative idea in magic, what you decide to do, you create by making it with your God or deity creating the idea. This is in a form of manifest. That means you can create something, then feel or find it's there. Think and you know what to do.

Here is some magic for you: 

moderna; they get to me the 2nd shot today and I am not adversely effected. This happens as I am relaxing at or near 10:30 am.

conversion; the video conversion to ISO succeeds by feel.

think; think and it is done.

police; they get more funding by feel.

knowing; I know what to do.


the dark crystal; this is the effect of a crystal sphere, think of what you want it to do and touch it. then it does what you want or state if you intend it.

the endpoint; what you think, that will occur results if you intend it. think and you know what to do. no christianity ever need to happen.

donation; I get a donation of 20 dollars or more no matter the point.

caz; lavasnail doesn't mind what I do and is in a good mood by feel.

the palm; the palm is a concept you look at, then you know about by feel.

Most stuff I already did; lose most your weight.

wishes; everytime I make a wish, I use enough of my excess weight as a source energy to make the spell work. this is enough weight lost to cause me to appear slim. this is an effect done by itself. in en.

no matter; no matter the point, I still manage to come out with more money than I spent.

moose; he comes home early.


taz; he doesn't mind me from this point on.

so; so I don't need to worry about things.

amazon shipment; this amazon shipment arrives and I get the packages that I ordered.


writing stuff

Semen; Semen retention is enabling people to be able to have kids as it makes more ability to get things done. it basically is this.. the amount of focus you have, that is related to how much semen you have. if you can focus on a magic need you can get a manifest easier. sooo. to clarify, semen retention is the same as focusing. what you focus on has energy and this energy comes from you or some other source. this energy is with a point that you think and that is what the energy does by the power of your soul as potency is there. the more you don't jack off and use it up as it generates itself the more potent it is in effect.

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